#ethereal eden bacc
etherealedensims · 6 months
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However, Isolabella was the only one worried about their current situation. Everyone else still had the excitement at the prospect of starting an entirely new world together, and were getting started exploring their new home already.
Lachlan quickly found the punching bag in front of their house, and thought it would be fun to give it a go.
Gaia, knowing that they were going to need food sooner rather than later, as well as money - as Shayna was sure to tell them all, as their treasurer - got started some of the seeds she had brought over from the garden at her hermit's shack in the woods.
Shayna and Kazuya, meanwhile, got into a heated discussion about their own personal experiences with occults that had brought them to this exact place and time.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Last but certainly not least of the sims accepted to found the new Ethereal Eden, is Shayna Bentley the human. She is not quite as passionate about the cause as any of the others, but she's ready and willing to do her part.
Shayna is a sim who, until quite recently, was a supernatural skeptic. She grew up being taught that magic, aliens, and all of that were fairy tales, and she believed every word her parents told her. Why wouldn't she? They had no reason to lie to her. That is, until she dated a girl who turned out to be a werewolf - she learned that the hard way, and the scar on her side can attest to it. Strangely, that didn't turn her away from occults - quite the opposite. It made her more interested in the secret supernatural beings that her parents had no idea existed. Sure, she ended up breaking up with that girl in the end, but it had nothing to do with her werewolf heritage and had everything to do with her lack of ambition.
While Shayna was not the most altruistic sim, she still thought it would be the best thing she could ever do to join Ethereal Eden, and wanted to help them as much as she could. She also didn't have the most practical skills, but she had a desire to be fabulously wealthy, and was incredibly ambitious as well as materialistic, so Bella thought she would make a perfect treasurer for the town. She was also self-assured enough to know that she could see through whatever task she was given.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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And the only people in the world is exactly what this group of 8 sims were.
For years they had been planning this, with the guidance of Isolabella Peregrine. An escape; a new beginning; everything and nothing all at once.
Occult sims weren't as respected in the world as they should have been, and most normal humans either didn't know they existed and didn't believe, or if they did know, they had their own prejudices and stereotypes against them. And in Isolabella's opinion, the only way to wipe out prejudice and stereotyping... was just to start afresh.
So she got a group of like-minded occults together, as well as two like-minded humans, and made her plan. If they combined all their magic, then their resident spellcaster - Colden Blackwell - could use what they gave him to create a mirror world, with everything the same.. except the people.
It was empty, and once they stepped through, they would be the first people in their Ethereal Eden.
In the process of creating the mirror world, Colden created a small place for the group of 8 to stay, and created a way for them to get there. But of course, they didn't want to be the only people in the world forever - after all, it would take a very long time for only 8 people to populate an entire planet, even if some were immortal. So they planned and schemed for a way to bring like-minded occults and humans over to their mirror world, but only if they actively sought their asylum.
A special spell was created by Bella and Colden and scattered across the world - it embedded itself in random objects, from books to toilets, from trees to birds. When it sensed someone without prejudice against occults, it would make itself known to them and only them; then if they desired, they could solve the puzzle revealed to them. If successfully solved, the puzzle would activate a dormant spell that opened a tear in the fabric in reality that would act as a gate to bring them to the Ethereal Eden.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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"Is this... it?"
"What did you expect? A mansion? Give me a break, Bella, this is the best I could do on short notice."
"Short notice? We'd been planning this for years, Colden."
"Yeah well planning and doing are two different things, don'tcha think?"
"Ugh.. fine. Okay."
The two voices popped into existence on the side of a cliff near the ocean, and immediately started bickering as though they had always been there. In fact, they always had - but not in this place.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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"Hey," Colden greeted Shayna as she sat down on the bed across from the one he was sitting on, book in hand.
"Hello," she greeted, glancing up at him briefly, before looking back at the book in her hand. "It was nice of you to stock us with some things to keep us entertained, not just useful stuff. Thank you."
Colden, who had been resting off by himself to not allow his magical charge to overcome him after expending all of that just to bring them here (after already using so much just to create this entire alternate world with nobody in it), glanced at Shayna, wondering why she'd come over to talk to him if she was going to read while she did it. "Yeah. No problem. Reading's not really my thing, but I thought others might appreciate it."
"I do. I really do." Shayna commented, before continuing to read, and officially switching her concentration fully to the book in her hand. It was one of her favorites - and she hadn't expected to ever see it again, after jumping ship to an entirely new world. She supposed she shouldn't, since it was a complete copy of their world, just... without the people. But she was still surprised despite herself.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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One of the first sims to have found the Ethereal Eden application was Caerellia Ayre, an alien woman who didn't apply at first because she thought "occult" just meant non-human sims that came from Maxis.
As an alien from Sixam, Caerellia was used to hiding her identity from other sims, so she just thought it was something she had to live with once she became stranded on Maxis. "Stranded?" you might ask. It's a long story, but she came on a trip with her parents when she was a small child, and because she didn't recognize their disguises, she ended up losing them in a crowd. After that, she was taken to an orphanage, and grew up there, forever wondering what happened to her family. Once she was old enough, since she was passionate about science and returning to her home planet, Caerellia was planning to become a scientist... but the problem with scientists is that somehow, even when you grew up on Maxis, they can somehow see through alien disguises, and she was accepted purely on the basis of being an alien. Worried about the kind of "work" she would have to do, she ended up applying to join Ethereal Eden, despite her doubts about whether aliens are considered "occult" or not.
Being passionate about both Maxis and Sixam, Caerellia wants to learn everything she can about and from both worlds, she can easily be called a nerd brain; luckily for her, she is a literal genius, so learning is easy for her. She is also a bit of an overachiever, but her childish side sometimes distracts her from getting too stressed trying to achieve too much. Obviously, being such a dedicated learner and scientist, Bella and Colden knew she would be a very valuable asset to their new world.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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The third sim to find and apply to the Ethereal Eden "project" was Gaia Ivy, a sweet plantism hermit.
As a plantsim, there wasn't much that Gaia could do to hide her nature from regular human sims, so her mother had taken her deep into the woods of Granite Falls and raised her there, alone, living off the land. Her mother was a regular human woman who had planted a forbidden fruit, and gotten Gaia as a result. She loved her green daughter more than herself, and was willing to do anything for her. Unfortunately, the woman was elderly, and when Gaia was only fifteen years old, she had passed away, leaving the teenager alone to fend for herself. For years, she lived alone that way, content to stay that way... until she discovered one of the tourist cabins while out on a walk, on accident. That was when she learned of TV, of electricity, and that she was deeply lonely. So when she found the application for Ethereal Eden, she decided to apply just because, never thinking she would actually be selected.
According to Bella and Colden, Gaia was one of the most important sims among them - even more important than themselves, the masterminds behind the thing. This was because, as an outdoor enthusiast who loves the outdoors, as well as a plantsim, she was their perfect gardener. She was also passionate about keeping the environment green, and was completely fine spending the entire day by herself in the garden.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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The second application accepted was that of Lachlan Loreley, a merman that, contrary to his general preppy appearance, was the life of the party.
Lachlan was a merman that preferred the nightlife and parties to ocean life and schools of fish. Sure, he loved the ocean - he was always drawn back to it, in the end - but he lived for drinks, dance floors, party tricks, and just every aspect of a party. He was willing to make a fool of himself if it could get a crowd hyped up and entertained, and that's how he ended up.. losing most of his friends. During a party, when he was too far gone, he had thought it would be funny to tell everyone to go to the backyard, then strip down to nothing and jump into the pool, where everyone could see him in all his aquatic glory. The party died. Reactions were mixed, but overall, it was negative - everyone assured him it was fine, but it was obvious they were uncomfortable. And so when he found the application for Ethereal Eden, he thought it would be the perfect chance for him to start all over again.. if they would have him.
While not the most useful of fellows with his party animal nature and lifelong dream of... well, continuing to be a party animal, Lachlan is still a guy that no one can really dislike. Whether its his ability to throw a great party or his gregarious nature, his love of the ocean and ocean creatures, or his endearing clumsiness on land, no one can really say. But they can't help but like him. He doesn't contribute a lot to the cause, but even Bella and Colden know that they are going to need someone to raise morale, and Lachlan is exactly the guy to do that.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Once the plan was hatched, Bella and Colden had sent out "applications" to be the founders of their new world, and their first applicant was Dante Maveth. They were a genderfluid werewolf, and more than a little bit excited to start a new world where they might not be looked down on for losing control of a little rage.
Dante was born a werewolf, and never really felt like they fit in... in any way. Werewolves were too focused on themselves and excluded other occults, especially vampires, and Dante didn't really care about werewolf history. Not to mention the "requirement" to get a job and be a productive member of society and make money. It was all just stupid! So when they saw the application to help found a new world, they jumped on the idea - making the new laws together with a bunch of other like-minded individuals? No actual jobs? Sign them right up!
They would be the first to tell you that they are a master maker, and enjoy nothing more than making stuff and tinkering around with the handiness skill. In fact, their passion for handiness is what landed them the first open spot in Ethereal Eden, because Bella and Colden knew they would need someone like them. Unfortunately, they are also quite hot-headed, which makes sense being a werewolf, but they are also loyal to a fault and would follow those they care about into an active volcano.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Reflecting on the conversation he'd just had with Shayna and Bella, regarding their opinions of him, Lachlan wondered briefly if he had made a horrible decision by coming to this place.
As he stirred the giant pot of (slightly magical) macaroni and cheese in the cauldron, he had to wonder if at least Caerellia or Gaia found him attractive. He was only into ladies (cis or trans didn't matter), and honestly, the only one he found attractive was Bella. If he had no romantic prospects now, would he at least in the future?
He knew that Colden had added puzzles around their old world for people to find their way here, and so there would be people joining them later on, but how later on? Would he be an old man before a woman who was actually interested in him showed up?
It was too early in the challenge to be worried about this, but he couldn't help but think about it after having two girls express their distaste for him in a row.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Isolabella thought that she should get started on her charisma skill so she stepped into the one bathroom... only to find Lachlan and Shayna already in there. Suspiciously, she raised her eyebrow and looked between them, "If something is going on in here, I recommend taking it someplace else. We only have one bathroom."
"Oh, ew," Shayna fake-gagged, and glanced between Bella and Lachlan, waving a hand at him. "He's not my type. I'm a lesbian. We're just chatting."
Lachlan made a bit of a face at Shayna at that unnecessary 'ew' comment, before looking at Bella and nodding at her. "Yeah, I promise. If was I gonna be getting it on with anyone right now it'd probably be you." He said, then gave her a teasing eyebrow wiggle.
"Nope." Bella stated, holding a hand up and shaking her head. "Sorry. Now, if you would excuse me, if neither of you need the sink, can I get to the mirror? I was going to practice my charisma."
With wounded pride, Lachlan slunk out of the bathroom, Shayna right behind him.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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As the day passed, everyone availed themselves of the items around their small base. After all, they all knew that they were going to need to start actually working towards actual goals eventually, and what better way than to get started now?
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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One of Dante's favorite things to do was to collect stuff, and in a world where no one had yet to complete a collection or clear the land of resources, it was a perfect opportunity for them. Plus, going for a nice walk around the area they had appeared in - which seemed to be an island of some sort, but not very far from what looked to be a sort of mainland? - and getting to know the area was a good idea.
They didn't really want to use the items they discovered to make money since they couldn't care less, but they knew better than to keep the items to themselves. The group was going to need simoleans eventually, because that was just the way the world worked... even the new one.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Not far from their shack at the top of a cliff was the perfect spot to fish, and Kazuya had spotted it almost immediately.
What would fishing in a world without people be like? Would he be able to catch more fish? Would the oceans be overcrowded? He was excited to find out exactly what it was going to be like being the only human that had ever fished these waters.
Well, and bring in some money and food to the table. That was nice too. But the fishing was more important in his mind.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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Upon settling into their new, somewhat temporary, home base, Bella was the only one that really seemed to care about checking out their "accomodations."
"Just three beds? That's fine for me, I can just do a dark meditation when I start to get low on vampiric power, but what are the others that need sleep going to do? Sleep in shifts?" she muttered to herself, immediately deciding that their first order of business had to be beds.
There was a small bathroom with shower, sink, toilet, and (broken) mirror, as well a bush outside that those who still needed to relieve their bladder could always use. For food, some of them had other sources of food (like herself), and for those with more traditional digestion there was the cauldron for other types of meals. Like macaroni and cheese. And, finally, there was a fireplace for any warmth they might need, since it was the beginning of spring.
So the only real problem was going to be energy.
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etherealedensims · 6 months
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One of the last two sims to be accepted to Ethereal Eden is Kazuya Ishikawa, a human sim who believed deeply that occult sims deserved to be treated the same as any "normal" human.
Kazuya grew up in Mt. Komorebi, raised by parents he could easily call enthusiasts of anything and everything supernatural. His mother was a paranormal investigator, and his father sold jewelry charged by the moon - if that wasn't a non-traditional upbringing, he wasn't sure what was. In his apartment building were several people who had revealed themselves to be various occults to his parents, and his family did all they could to make sure their neighbors' lives were comfortable. This left a mark on Kazuya, and he's always wanted to see a world where no one thinks a vampire or werewolf is going to kill them just because of what they are.
Bella and Colden debated for a long time whether to accept Kazuya into Ethereal Eden, or if they wanted to accept a vampire that had some of the qualifications they were looking for. But because Kazuya was an angling ace, they knew they wanted him to be a founding member of the town. As a slob who loves the outdoors, fishing was something that just made sense to Kazuya - he didn't care about the smell or the mess. He also is passionate about family, and deep down he hopes to find the person he can start a family with in this new world.
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