#etrian odyssey IV
anoldwishbone · 2 months
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Dalla :o i like her a lot
homely (uk definition) btw 🙃
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I don't ever want to hear anyone talk bad about the Outland Count ever
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This is just about the realest thing any town leader in any Etrian Odyssey game has ever said, except for maybe that time Ramus was like "I like pancakes" or whatever. That was pretty real of you Ramus but that's not important right now
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ragnar0c · 3 months
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SO... no one was gonna tell me this guard is like the first canon gay etrian odyssey character????? HAPPY PRIDE MONTH TO HIM AND HIS LOVER!!!!!
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Happy 12th Anniversary to EO4!
pre-production (concept, sketch), production (lines, bg final pass), and post-production (color/lighting correction) done by @anoldwishbone
production (colors, bg rough pass) done by @martilyongabo
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Fortress Garage Kit by Shushudo, from Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
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frobby · 1 month
** both in town npcs and in the labyrinth npcs count, the party in etrian odyssey untold and 2 untold do not count
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8bitsupervillain · 10 months
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I made this quite some time ago. I think it's high time I updated this. These are the games I considered some of the best of all time.
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lepospondyl · 18 days
ok important question for you guys. i was joking with some other etrianheads abt what it would be like if there were bird sentinels in eo since there are already winged ones and i want to know the consensus
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howtodigatrench · 1 year
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[ID: six digital paintings of the etrian odyssey 4 stratums.
first image, lush woodlands -- it is a limited palette of pale yellow, light green, green, dark green, and dark blue. it is a forested area, with a large tree in the center, palms and branching bushes on both sides.
second image, misty ravine -- it is a limited palette of pale orange, pink, grey, olive green, and blue-green. it is a forested area, with flowers in the foreground, and tree that sweeps across two small hills in the midground, and fog in the background.
third image, golden lair -- it is a limited palette of white, gold, cyan, medium-blue, and grey. it is a cavernous area with water covering the bottom, and small opening to the sky, and stalagmites/stalactites forming.
fourth image, echoing library -- it is a limited palette of pale yellow, pale green, tan, brown, and purple. it is a large library overrun with branches and wisteria vines.
fifth image, fallen capital -- it is a limited palette of pale orange, orange, dusty pink, brown, and dark brown. it is a large tree with winding roots taking over a castle-like structure. warm light streams from the left and illuminates both the tree and the castle.
sixth image, hall of darkness -- it is a limited palette of red, dark red, grey, black, and pale green. it is the interior of a symmetrical strong structure, blood staining the floors and walls. end ID]
Wings Slumbering in the Forest >>> The Ravenous Heir to Madness
I / II / III / IV / V / bonus
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iisundefined · 7 months
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危険な花びら 抱き枕
Petaloid pillow
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barbaracleboy · 7 months
Etrian Odyssey Series: Compilation of Archetypal Town Characters
I really love the NPCs that show up in each Etrian Odyssey game, in the town you keep coming back to between dungeon visits. Unironically, I'm always excited to see the new shopkeeper, innkeeper, barkeeper, etc. of any given EO game. Because of that, just for fun, I decided to gather official art for all characters of the archetypes: guildmasters (whom you speak to when growing and organizing your guilds), innkeepers (whom you speak to when resting at an inn or storing/taking back items), shopkeepers (whom you speak to when buying goods and armor/weapons), barkeepers (whom you speak to to get and report sidequests), and...mission givers? (officials whom you speak to to get or report important story missions).
Now, some of this art was a bit tough to find, mainly for Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 and the Mobile game, since neither was released outside of Japan and the latter is more or less lost. For EMD 2 I went to some Japanese articles on 4gamer talking about it (https://www.4gamer.net/games/375/G037512/20170720039/ and https://www.4gamer.net/games/375/G037512/20170622014/) and for the Mobile game I went to this Japanese Article that that talked about playing it a little (http://dihyhi.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-47.html), which to my knowledge is one of the only documentations of that game, so credit to those sources for the art. I also machine translated those sites for info on the Characters' names and whatnot, so take it with a grain of salt. I know machine translations are rarely very helpful but it's all I had right now, sorry.
It should also be noted that there will be light spoilers for some of the games here, mainly Etrian Odyssey 3. Nothing too egregious, at worst it's for something you find when you beat the second Stratum, but I still feel I should mention it.
One last thing, I will be listing most games as EO plus their respective number (so the first game will be EO1), the Mystery Dungeon games will be listed as EMD and EMD2, for the first and second respectively, the Mobile game will written EOM, and even though in America it's called Etrian Odyssey Nexus I will write that game as "EOX", simply because that's more distinctive as an acronym. I've seen others on here do that so it's probably not so weird but I still felt I should clarify.
But enough talk! It is time to meet the guildmasters, some of the most important NPCs in any Etrian Odyssey game! Mostly rather well-armored looking (except for in EO3, EMD2, and Mobile), these tend to be pretty cool characters, and while we don't always get to see them fight much it's welcome when the chance does arrive.
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My favorite of these is probably Marion, with Asuka and Egar as runner ups.
[The rest will be under the Keep reading, otherwise this post would just be way too long by default]
And now, for the group that, to be real, is a big part of why I wanted to make this post: the Innkeepers! Friendly, helpful folks that run the inns where your characters can rest, healing up and saving progress. As some likely remember, I already listed most of these characters in that meme I made some time back, featuring characters I like that have constantly closed eyes (https://barbaracleboy.tumblr.com/post/722662911985778688/forgive-me-if-ive-posted-this-here-already-but-i). I intentionally tried to list every Innkeeper from the Etrian Odyssey series (minus some whose eye aren't closed all the time, whom I will get into later), and I largely succeeded!...except it turns out that there's a unique innkeeper in the Etrian Odyssey Mobile game. Granted, I can't really get on myself for that, it's a Japan-only mobile game that barely anyone seems to have played or heard of and is also not available anymore. Still, that was a slight bummer for me. But look! They're all here now!
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My favorites of these is probably Hanna, with Jenetta and Dalla as runner ups.
And now, I can truly have them lined up together.
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Look! They're friends!
Next up are various shopkeepers! Fun fact! Napier is not only the Shopkeeper to have run the shop in two separate games (not counting remakes), but one of, if not the only one of these NPCs to have hosted a facility in two separate games.
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My favorite of these is probably Shilleka, with Edie and Wynne as runner ups.
This group consists of characters in similar, if not identical roles to the prior group: if I'm correct, in Etrian Odyssey One medicines and equipment were sold at different shops, and at medicine shops you could also revive characters and cure petrification (EO2 brought medicine at the main shop but kept the revival at the hospital). Hoffman, Stiles, and Muse(?) here ran their respective games medicine shops/hospitals, Angie supported Dr. Stiles, Don Chano supported his daughter, Elizabeth (from the prior group), and Lizley and the Merchant of Darkness(?) acted as merchants you coukd run into within the dungeon itself. Also, apparently Hoffman, Stiles, and Angie are (based on) characters from Trauma Center, which is neat.
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My favorite of these is probably Don Chano, with Lizley and the Merchant of Darkness as runner ups.
Another big favorite of mine, the Barkeeps! It's always fun chatting with these friendly types, hearing them cheer you on before many quests and compliment you for having completed one. They're so pleasant!...Though. yeah, Kvasir can be quite suspect with some of the things he says.
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My favorite here is probably Kirtida, with Niralda and...either Missy or Mukkoran as runner ups...I love them too much, ha.
I don't know what to call this group really but they give the story missions and are about all in some position of power. Some are more involved in the story than others, but overall you will be seeing them often...Also, for some reason I couldn't find anyone that fills this role for Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2? Maybe I just did a bad job at looking but I don't know, I just couldn't find anybody. It's odd.
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My favorite here has GOT to be the Outland Count (massively fond of his face, his moustache, and his dog), with Flowdia and Persephone as runner ups.
Last group here, being a variety of characters that act as alternatives or support for some of the other ones. This also has spoilers for Etrian Odyssey 3 (the thing being spoiled is discovered after you beat the second Stratum but still).
Visil is a character you'll occasionally see during tbe story of EO1, Quona is Hannah's daughter who will sometimes greet you at the inn instead of or in addition to her mother, Gradriel is someone you'll see a bit throughout EO2's story, Gutrune is the Princess of Armoroad whom you'll see and/or hear about throuought EO3's story, Seyfreid is the Abyssal King whom you'll speak with and get Subclasses from in the Deep City of EO3, Napier's Sister (who, unfortunately, seems to have no confirmed name) runs the shop of the Deep City in EO3, Angie (who I would presume isn't the same one from EO2 but is based on the same Trauma Team character? I think?) runs the inn of EO3's Deep City, and finally, Yobo is Traoré's brother in Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2, and I...think he assists Mukkoran in giving out quests?...Him being a recolor is pretty lame, tbh.
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My favorite here is probably Visil, with Napier's Sister and Seyfreid as runner ups.
HOO! THERE WE GO! Hope you guys liked this little trip down memory lane I guess, ha. I love many of these characters, and if and when EO6 happens I can't wait to see who it introduces that'll enter my heart just like many of these have!
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anoldwishbone · 2 months
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hehe, my guild
not playable, just supporting characters in @martilyongabo's EOIV campaign
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ragnar0c · 5 months
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When you consider the Etrian Odyssey IV recruitable characters, Kibagami is... underwhelming.
He really shouldn’t be. His main class’ mastery skill lets him generate TP infinitely by attacking, and his subclass gives him the ability to fully heal someone for the cost of, like, two regular attacks. He’s the leader of his people, and for them, he leads you into battle against the highest-relative-to-level HP boss in the game. (I’d say in the series, but 2U Chimaera exists and some people are playing Classic Mode.)
But he’s the one you talk about least, because the other two exist. Because even the way he joins you is underwhelming, when you consider Wufan and Logre and the similar circumstances that let them join the party.
You find both of them in the Land they were born in, at the bottom of its main Labyrinth. Both of them at pretty much their lowest point due to recent decisions. In Wufan’s case, it’s sending the party away and depriving the Medium of the chance to meet her own kind. In Logre’s case, it’s... basically the entire game, but especially everything that’s happened since the last boss.
Both of them are resigned to the idea of dying there, and your job is to convince them otherwise. And you can do that with the same option for both of them. (The wording might even be identical, but I can’t be bothered to go back and check.)
You wordlessly extend your hand. Whatever harm they caused before, it’s not unforgivable, it can be fixed, and you’re willing to help them get there. Even after everything, you still believe in them.
And that gets through to them. Not just enough that they’ll help you with the next boss, but enough that they’ll follow you through the entire rest of the game if you’ll let them. Because that one gesture meant that much to them.
No wonder Kibagami’s character is underwhelming. There really isn’t much that can match up to that.
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etrian-oddity · 2 years
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encounter with an (un)friendly mushroom
so what i'm getting is that these lil shroom guys inflict panic by.. giving you a bad trip??
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