dbsj00-01 · 4 years
Addiction [M]
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Donghae poured himself another glassful of soju before just drinking the whole thing in one go. There wasn't a lot of people in the club today, probably because it was a Wednesday, so the silence around the room calmed him down. The bartender was on the other side cleaning glasses but was glancing over to him every now and then. 
Donghae tried to pour himself another glass full of drink but the bottle was already empty. He grunted in annoyance and motioned for the bartender to give him another one. The bartender hesitated for a moment, but before he can move from his spot, he was saved by Donghae's pick-up. Hyukjae sighed to himself as he entered the club. He could already smell the stench of cigarettes and booze from the outside and he could only imagine the smell inside. He carefully walked inside the place and looked for Donghae. It didn't take him long to find the growling man on the other end of the pub motioning for another round of drinks. Hyukjae made eye contact with the bartender and shook his head side to side, a signal that Donghae's already done drinking.  Hyukjae walked to where Donghae was at and frowned even more. He saw four bottles of soju already empty and about a dozen different soju glasses spread around the latter. He sighed and carefully walked up next to Donghae. He placed a hand on the latter's back to let him know if his presence right before he took the glass away from Donghae. Donghae looked at the person who had joined him fully intending to give that person a dirty look but upon seeing Hyukjae's face he broke into a drunken happy cheer. "Hyukkie!" Donghae opened his arms and brought one arm around Hyukjae's waist as he tried to motion for the bartender to come with his drinks. Hyukjae struggled to get free from Donghae's grip, but once he finally did, he simply sighed and tried to bring Donghae with him. "Donghae, let's go." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arm but the latter just pulled it back from him. Hyukjae was used to this kind of thing from Donghae. Sighing to himself one more time. Hyukjae mentally cursed to himself again for giving in . He took the seat beside Donghae and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "What is it this time, Hae?" "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just another heartbreak, you know, the usual." Another heartbreak for Donghae and another heartbreak for Hyukjae. "Yah! Where's my drink?!" Hyukjae sadly looked down at the table. He took a deep breathe and, even though he already knew the answer, asked "What happened?" "What happened?" Donghae repeated with a dry laugh. "You want to know what happened? She...She's been cheating on me, Hyuk. You were right." Donghae put his head on the table then looked sideways at Hyukjae. " You're always right. It's been going on for months. She said I didn't even try to make our 'relationship' work. Whatever the hell that means." Donghae ended bitterly. Hyukjae's heart broke every time he sees Donghae in this state. Hyukjae had never told anyone but he's been in love with Donghae for as long as he can remember. He can't remember when or where; not even the why since Donghae's been a pain in the butt to him most of the the time. All he knows is that his heart has been broken twice as much as Donghae's has.  "She said that I don't care for her. That I was just using her for show." Donghae leaned closer on Hyukjae and asked pitifully, "Am I that bad? Is that why they always leave me? What's wrong with me Hyukkie? Tell me." "Nothing's wrong with you, Donghae." Hyukjae pushed Donghae a few inches away from him to create some reasonable distance between them. He took his right arm and wrapped it around his neck. "Come on, let's go." Hyukjae grunted a little at Donghae's weight. He shifted the other so that they can both walk properly without Donghae's drunken state making them both fall on the ground. Guiding a drunk Donghae into one direction was no easy task. Hyukjae's car was parked at the closest corner from the club that shouldn't take no more than two minutes to walk. However, Donghae swaying side to side was really making things difficult for Hyukjae. The latter would try to keep him close so that he won't go too far out on the street and get hit by the cars passing through-probably driven by other drunk drivers as well.  "Hyukkie~ let's go have some fun," Donghae slurred against Hyukjae's neck. "No, we're -ugh- going home." Hyukjae responded with a grunt as he held Donghae tighter and closer to him. Once Hyukjae finally reached his car, he searched through his pocket for his keys while managing to keep Donghae in place. Once he finally got the doors unlocked he shoved Donghae inside, fastened his seat belt, and made sure that the other was settled before shutting the door after him and going on the driver's seat. The drive to Donghae's house was the next task Hyukjae had to tackle. He kept slapping Donghae's hand away from his face as he tried to keep his eyes on the road so that they don't get into any kind of accident while also dealing with his screaming/singing along with the radio's top 100 hit singles. Normally, he would love to hear the latter sing, but a drunk Donghae is, well, not a normal Donghae. "Baby baby baby~ Let us never break up," Donghae's voice got louder after every sentence that it made Hyukjae cringe a little bit. "Oh my lady lady lady I reeally lo~ove you~!!" Donghae, by now, has completely lost control of his voice that Hyukjae couldn't take it anymore. "Donghae," Hyukjae called but was obviously ignored by the latter's singing. "Donghae--Donghae!" "What?"  Hyukjae heaved a heavy sigh,and so, when he had to stop his car at the next red light, he grabbed Donghae by the shoulders, looked him straight in the eye, and yelled, "Snap out of it!" He pushed him against the door then frustratingly stepped on the gas as the light turned green. Donghae blinked for a few seconds; a little lost on what just happened. Silence reigned over them until they reached Donghae's house. Hyukjae stopped the car directly in front of Donghae's house, but neither one of them moved. Donghae tried to open his mouth to break the ice but no words came out. Finally, after what seemed to be hours but was actually just 5 minutes, Donghae got out of the car without a word. Hyukjae closed his eyes to prevent the tears from flowing but they did anyways. As soon as Donghae opened the gate to his house, Hyukjae drove away.
"You weren't there, hyung," Hyukjae complained. "He was acting like a complete idiot!" "And, this time it's different because..." Kangin waited for Hyukjae to explain but, of course, all he got was a frustrated grunt and a secret eye roll "Hyuk." Leeteuk started carefully,"Donghae was just going through another breakup. He's done this before." "That's not my point." Hyukjae plopped himself on the nearest chair and faced Leeteuk. "He was talking about getting married to her! Having kids! Picking a house! And, then what? All of a sudden, poof! He's back to this annoying idiot that makes me want to punch him so bad!" Kangin and Leeteuk blinked at what Hyukjae had just said. They looked at each other in confusion then back at Hyukjae. "Wait a second, I'm confused." Leeteuk said. "Are you mad at Donghae or at the girl?" Kangin continued. "At Donghae, of course!" Hyukjae declared. "Why?" They simultaneously asked. "What do you mean 'why?'" "It's just," Leeteuk paused thinking of the right words to say as to not set off another rage-ranting from the other. "It's not Donghae's fault that she broke up with him, so why are you mad at him?" "Because, he's an idiot." Hyukjae answered but after seeing the blank look from the other two, he decided to explain himself. "Look, it's his fault for thinking that far ahead. I mean, how long has he known this girl, 2 months?" "Actually, I think they met in high school," Kangin informed. "He just introduced her to us 2 months ago." Hyukjae glared at him which made him raise his arms in defense. "I could be wrong. Continue." "2 months after introducing her to us and he's already talking about getting married! What kind of stupid-moron would think that far in that short period of time.Then, when things go down, what does he do? He drinks! That freaking moron drinks! As if he wasn't stupid enough, he decides to kill more of his freaking brain cells, and act even stupider." Hyukjae's adrenaline died down towards the end of his rant and ended up realeasing a heavy sigh to himself before leaning aggresively against his chair. 
Kangin and Leeteuk just watched him and, although they still don't understand why he was mad at Donghae, they understood why he was frustrated. Hyukjae was worried about him. Hyukjae's always been worried about Donghae no matter what the reason was. Plus, they were both aware of the amount of heartbreak Hyukjae had received because of the latter and was bound to reach his breaking point. Every time Donghae was in a relationship or has broken up with one, they knew Hyukjae's heart was breaking all over again. Leeteuk was beyond worried when it came to Donghae and Hyukjae. He looked at the drained state of Hyukja and realized how tired the other must be. He patted Kangin's back and told him that he would get Hyukjae some water to help cool himself down. Kangin nodded his head and once he was sure Leeteuk's out of earshot, he voiced out what he has been thinking all along. "You're still jealous." "Because I'm still in love with that idiot." Hyukjae stated with a groan. "Hyukjae-" Kangin started but was cut-off by Hyukjae complaining, "Why, hyung. Why does he have to always come to me? Why can't he call you? Or Leeteuk hyung? Anyone but me." Hyukjae complained while massaging his temples; already feeling that incoming headache. "Hyukjae-" "I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything different than what you guys would do. Doesn't he know what he's doing to me? Every freaking time he calls me, doesn't he know that he's killing me!" Hyukjae grabbed one of the couch pillows and tried to suffocate himself but, instead, he screamed all his frustrations in it until he can't anymore." "Hyukjae," Kangin slowly took the pillow away from his face and said,"how would he know if you won't tell him anything?" Hyukjae frowned and sat up straight. "Why do I have to tell him anything? You guys figured it out." "And you didn't realize it until we told you." Kangin retaliated. "Look, sometimes people on the outside can see more clearly than those on the inside, and that's normal. People tend to look a little too close than normal hoping to find something that's not there, and as a result, they miss the things that's actually there.Things that are right in front of their eyes. He's never going to know until you tell him." Hyukjae processed Kangin's words in his head and knew that he was right. Letting out another heavy sigh he leaned against his chair and massaged his aching forehead. "I hate it when you get all smart on me." "You're lucky that it doesn't happen too often." Leeteuk laughed as he handed Hyukjae his glass of water. Kangin just pouted and protested that his moments come more often than they think.
Donghae drank another bottle of beer as he flipped through another channel. His body felt heavy and he has no idea what was going on around him. He could hear the TV playing but wasn't able to comprehend a single word they were saying. He finally gave up trying to watch TV and just laid on the floor drinking more alcohol.  Donghae's head started to feel heavy from all the alcohol he was consuming. Nothing registered in his mind. In the midst of his heavy drinking, he was able to hear the doorbell and repeated knocks on the door. He could somewhat make out the voice of someone screaming outside but couldn't register who it was. Donghae grudgingly stood up and swayed his way to the door.  Hyukjae waited impatientently for Donghae to open the door as he kept pounding against it while shouting Donghae's name. He's been trying to call the other's cell since yesterday but received no answer. After hours of complaining over at Leeteuk's and Kangin's place, they finally convinced him to just check on Donghae personally. Hyukjae continued to abuse the doorbell already feeling anxious as his brain conjured up different possible worst case scenarios in his head. Once Donghae finally did answer the door, Hyukjae immediately scrunched his nose away in disgust from the reeking smell of alcohol coming from Donghae's place. "Ugh, Hae." Hyukjae grunted, "What have you been doing?" "Drinking." Donghae answered then walked back inside. He left the door open as a sign for Hyukjae to enter. Hyukjae slowly entered Donghae's house and carefully looked around. The house was trashed, not from broken glass or thrown out chairs, but from bottles of alcohol and, from what Hyukjae guessed to be Donghae's only meal, boxes of pizza. He looked at the broken boy opening another bottle and frowned. "Don't you think you've had enough?" "Nope." Donghae drank half-way through the bottle before lazily giving Hyukjae the look. "What are you doing here?" "I was just checking up on you." Hyukjae kicked some of the bottles on the ground and sat next to Donghae. "Your boss asked me how you were feeling. He said you're taking a sick leave from work." "Yeah, and?" "Donghae, making yourself sick doesn't make you sick!" Hyukjae reasoned. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" "It helps me forget." "Obviously," Hyukjae scoffed. "You forgot to clean. You forgot to shave; to take a shower. Heck, I think you've also forgotten how to pick out a clean shirt. When was the last time you changed?" "Ugh. I don't know." Donghae groaned in annoyance. "Three days ago?" Hyukjae shook his head at him and nudged him out the sofa. "You're hopeless." "Then why are you here?" Donghae asked seriously. "I'm here because...," Hyukjae paused as he tried to think of a reason he can give Donghae.  "...because I'm your friend." "Psh. Sure." Donghae drank the remaining contents of his bottle before throwing it away with the others. He made a move to get another one but Hyukjae stopped him. "You need to stop." "No, I don't." "Yes, you do." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's bottle out of his hand and looked him straight in the eyes. "Hae, you don't need this." "Yes, I do." "None of these bottles will help you. They're just empty bottles!" "Just like I'm an empty shell." "Argh! Spare me of your cliché lines." Hyukjae frustratingly said. Donghae laughed at him which only angered the other more. He pushed Donghae hard against the couch and crossed his arms against his chest. "Yah! I'm being serious here!" Donghae didn't bother replying to Hyukjae and just kept on laughing. Hyukjae pursed his lips together in annoyance and roughly pushed Donghae against the couch. He stood up and walked away from the other into the kitchen. Donghae was still busy laughing but was curiously following him with his eyes. Once Donghae was able to get a hold of himself, he prompted himself to stand up and once everything stopped spinning, he staggered his way to the kitchen. He leaned against the wall and watched Hyukjae busily go through his cabinets. "What are you doing?" "Making hot water." Hyukjae answered without looking at Donghae. "Why?" "Because I need you sober if we're going to talk about this." "Tsk. Good luck," Donghae muttered under his breath and just kept on watching Hyukjae. As Donghae was watching Hyukjae move around his kitchen, he was able to notice things he wasn't able to see before. It may still be the alcohol fogging up his mind but he was seeing Hyukjae differently. For example, he was able to notice how Hyukjae's really not that tall trying to reach for the coffee pouch at the lower level of the top shelf or like how Hyukjae has really nice facial features or even how his waist was really slim that just made him want to wrap his arms around him.  Before Donghae even knew what he was doing he was already making his way towards Hyukjae. The latter was too busy moving around the kitchen to notice the hungry predator about to pounce on him. Once he finally did,however, it was too late to run away. He was caught inside the trap. "Donghae, where's that coffee I bought you a week ago. Didn't I tell you not to--ohmygosh!" Hyukjae exclaimed as soon as he turned around and saw that Donghae was barely an inch away. "What are you doing?!" He made an attempt to move away but was trapped inside Donghae's arms. "You need to leave." "And you need a shower." Hyukjae retaliated. Donghae leaned closer to Hyukjae and whispered, "I'm serious." "So am I." Hyukjae didn't move nor looked away from Donghae. He could still smell the alcohol from his breath but was so entranced by his eyes that he wasn't able to find the strength to look away. Donghae got closer and closer and just when their lips were about to touch, the kettle started making its shrill noise. A signal that tells them the water's already hot and a wake up call to snap them from their trance. Hyukjae pushed Donghae away and quickly turned the stove off. Hyukjae stood by the sink trying to calm his heart and to cool himself off. He could literally feel himself burning up like fire. He gave Donghae a side-way glance and frowned when he saw that he still hasn't moved from his spot.
He probably regrets it already. "I'm...I'm gonna go." Hyukjae muttered under his breath. Right before he was out of earshot, he looked back at Donghae and said, "don't forget to drink your coffee. I told your boss that you'll be back tomorrow." Donghae mentally kicked himself as soon as he heard the front door close. He slid against the cabinet to the floor and lightly banged his head against it. After punishing himself, he buried his head against his arms propped on his knees. He took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. I'm an idiot.
Hyukjae sighed to himself for the millionth time before going inside yet another club. He was just about to go home when he got another call that a certain Lee Donghae was beyond drunk and asked if he could pick him up. Of course, instead of saying no he asked for their address and quickly went to Donghae's aid. As usual, he found Donghae sitting at the corner of the pub, by himself, surrounded by soju bottles. "Donghae," Hyukjae called once he was close enough. Donghae looked up mid-shot and smiled seeing Hyukjae.
"Hyukkie! Wh-hat are you doing he-ere?" "I'm here to take you home." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arm and lightly pulled it. "Come on; let's go." "But I'm not doone yettt~" Donghae slurred.  "Yes, you are." Hyukjae put his arms around his waist and dragged him to his car. He was lucky that the club allowed him to park right in front of their entrance or else he would have faced a lot of trouble.  They did their usual routine heading to Donghae's house. Hyukjae drove and Donghae sang like a madman. Hyukjae had to park his car by Donghae's house since he knows that the other would probably get into some sort-of accident if he let him walk by himself.  Hyukjae opened the door for Donghae, and just like any other drunk would do, Donghae latched himself onto Hyukjae. The latter grunted a little by the sudden weight but was able to quickly adjust to it. Donghae wrapped his arms around Hyukjae and snuggled close to him. Hyukjae had a hard time leading Donghae in but was somehow able to do it. "Alright, Hae," Hyukjae groaned as he tried to balance Donghae with one arm and opened the door with the other. "Come on. Let's go inside." "You smell like strawberries~" Donghae giggled. "I like strawberries." "I know you do." Hyukjae made his way to Donghae's room with much difficulty. The usual average sized apartment seemed like a mansion as he walked through the never ending hallway. Once he finally did manage to get inside Donghae's room, he was more than relieved to drop off the heavy weight off of his shoulders. "Do it again~!" Donghae giggled once he was plopped down on his bed. Hyukjae shook his head at him and scowled. He stretched his arms and twisted his back side-to-side to loosen up his muscles. He looked back at the giggling drunk on the bed and shook his head disapprovingly.  "Hyukkie~," Donghae called childishly,"it's hot in here. I wanna go outside~." "No, Hae, you can't. You need to sleep." "But I'm not sleepy~." Donghae rolled around his bed like a child and Hyukjae just shook his head at him. "Hyukkie, I'm thirsty." Hyukjae heaved a heavy sigh before going out to the kitchen. "Stay here. I'm going to go get you some water." Hyukjae was able to hear a muffled "Thank You" from behind but he chose to ignore it. He was mentally cursing and yelling at Donghae for his childish behaviors and at himself for letting himself get dragged along with it all over again. Hyukjae walked back to Donghae's room with a glass of water in his hand and a wet towel on the other. He found the other sitting calmly on his bed with his top off. Hyukjae froze for a split second seeing a half-naked Donghae but shook his head side-to-side in order to snap himself back to earth. He was able to calmly hand the other his water but unfortunately for him, Donghae had other things in his mind. "Donghae!" Hyukjae exclaimed after being grabbed by the other. The glass fell from his hands and broke, but neither one of them cared about that. Hyukjae stared at Donghae in shock as he tried to free himself from his grip. "Donghae, what are you doing?!" "You have really pretty skin." Hyukjae paused for a second trying to process in his brain what Donghae was talking about. However, he didn't have much time to dwell on it when he saw Donghae lean closer to him. "And a really cute nose." "Donghae, what are you=" "And inviting lips." Hyukjae was starting to get nervous as Donghae became dangerously close to him. Donghae stopped an inch away from Hyukjae's lips. Hyukjae took a deep breath, an action he secretly regretted considering the amount of alcohol Donghae had consumed, and tried to look away but couldn't. Then, Donghae stopped. He got off Hyukjae, went to the other side of the bed, and lied on the floor. Hyukjae had to blink several times before he could even think about what just happened. As much as he loved the other, he could't help but feel that the other was toying with his feelings. And, even then, he still couldn't find it in him to hate or leave Donghae behind.  "Hae," Hyukjae called slowly as he went to checkup on the other. "Are you okay?" "You have to leave." "I can't leave you like this." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arms and tried to pull the other back on the bed but Donghae refused. "Come on, Hae, stop being childish." "Aren't you scared of me yet?" Hyukjae scoffed and laughed. "Why would I be scared of you?" At this, Donghae immediately sat up, an action he should've thought twice about to avoid the stinging pain of headache that surged through him, and gave Hyukjae a look of disbelief.  "I almost raped you!" "No, you didn't." "Yes, I did." Hyukjae rolled his eyes at him and tried to pull him back on the bed again. "But you didn't." "No...but I could have." "But you didn't."  Hyukjae tried to make Donghae lie down but the other refused him. Hyukjae shook his head and simply tried to reach for him again. Instead, the other retaliated by grabbing both of Hyukjae's arms and forced him to look into his eyes to show how serious he was. "Do you know what I think about all day? Do you know why I drink all the time?" "Because you-" Donghae didn't let Hyukjae finish because he knew that there was no way Hyukjae could possibly know the right answer.
"It's not because of the breakups, Hyuk." Donghae's hold on Hyukjae tightened as he said his next words, "it's because of you." After that Donghae let Hyukjae go and went to stand on the other side of the room.  "Because of me?" Hyukjae asked; confused. "What do you mean because of me? What the hell did I do?" "It's not you, it's--agh!" Donghae punched the wall in frustration which frightened Hyukjae. He immediately walked towards him to check his hand but Donghae stopped him before he could get any closer. "Don't! Stop right there!" "Hae, I-" "Don't you understand? I can't control myself anymore." Donghae didn't care about his fist anymore and walked towards Hyukjae with an unreadable expression.  Hyukjae wasn't sure how to deal with Donghae at the momen and was on alert. Every time Donghae took a step towards him, he took a step back. "Every single day all I can think about is you. Every time someone breaks up with me it's because of you. I drink because I know they're right. I know that I'm a lousy boyfriend because when I'm with them, I think of you." "Donghae-" Hyukjae called but stopped as he hit the wall. He looked around for an escape, but seeing the way Donghae was walking towards him made him stop dead cold. "I drink because if you asked me why? Then I would have to tell you the truth." Donghae caressed Hyukjae's cheeks and spoke in a much softer tone, but it only made Hyukjae nervous, "I can never lie to you, Hyuk, but I also can't tell you the truth. You're the one person I can't live without."  Donghae stared at Hyukjae for a while, but after getting a hold of himself, he let Hyukjae go and walked away. Hyukjae remained frozen on his spot. He didn't know how to react to what Donghae had just said, or what to take it for. Was it a confession? Or was it just him drunk talking again? He looked at Donghae sitting on the bed and thought that if there's ever a right time to confess, this was as good as any. He tried walking closer to Donghae, but got cold feet three steps in. He was ready to leave but was somehow able to convince himself to stay where he was at and say the words that's been running on his mind. He took a deep breath before starting. "Donghae, I-I-" Hyukjae stuttered which gave Donghae the wrong impression. "Just go, Hyuk. Pretend I never said anything." "No!" Hyukjae said in frustration. Donghae was surprised by his answer and looked at him ready to say anything to make him leave, but the other beat him to it. "Do you have any idea what you put me through everyday? When you ask me to set you up with someone or call me because you two broke up? Do you think that's easy for me? I didn't do any of that because I'm a good friend. I did it because I care about you! Because I love you! Every time someone calls me to pick you up, do you have any idea how much I want to just hang up and leave you there?! But, guess what? I don't! You know why? Because no matter how hard I try, all I could ever think about is how miserable you must be and how pathetic I am for still even caring about you." Donghae kept on staring at a very frustrated Hyukjae with only one sentence going through his mind. Out of all the things Hyukjae said, the only thing Donghae was able to catch was "Because I love you!" It echoed though his mind as he tried to process if this was a dream or reality. I love you. I love you. I love you. Silence reigned over them as they continued to just stare at one another. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Donghae broke it by saying the only thing that was on his mind. "I love you." "I knew you were going to say that!" Hyukjae flipped without fully processing what Donghae said. "That's exactly why I didn't want to--wait, what did you just say?" "I love you," Donghae repeated. Hyukjae remained still and silent for five seconds before shaking his head and making his move to leave. "Okay, fine, I get it. You're drunk. Let's talk about this some other time." He was about to open the door when Donghae kept it shut for him. He turned around to yell at him, but gasped in surprise instead seeing their close proximity, again. "Didn't you say you love me?" Donghae whispered by Hyukjae's lips. Hyukjae opened his mouth to answer but no words came out. He kept trying to back away against the door, hoping for some miracle that he would magically be able to go through it and escape. Donghae leaned closer at Hyukjae and asked his question again. This time, Hyukjae answered with a shaky "yes." Donghae smiled fully satisfied before, finally, closing the proximity between them. Hyukjae closed his eyes and slowly wrapped his arms, this time, his arms around Donghae's neck. The other wrapped his arms around Hyukjae's waist as their innocent kiss slowly turned passionate and sloppy. Once they pulled away from each other, only for the sole reason they bothr needed to breath, a string of saliva can be seen connecting from their lips. Hyukjae blushed and immediately wiped his lips. Donghae just laughed at the cute display but frowned when he saw the other about to leave.  "Where are you going?" "Home." Hyukjae answered. "You need to rest. Let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?" "No." Donghae replied and pushed the door shut once again. "No?" Hyukjae repeated in confusion. "No, you're not going home." "I'm not?" "Nope. You're staying here." "I am?" "Yes," Donghae said with an obvious hidden agenda. "You are." Donghae grabbed Hyukjae wrist and pulled him towards his bed and pushing him on it. Hyukjae was confused for a second but after seeing Donghae on top of him once again, he knew there's no way the other was stopping. He started to become nervous but this time, for a very different reason. He tried pushing Donghae away but the other simply held his hands together over his head.  "H-Hae, I-I don't think this is a g-good idea." "Why not?" Donghae whispered on his right ear. "B-Because-" "Don't you want to?" "W-Well, n-no-" Donghae didn't let Hyukjae finish his sentence and stopped him from saying anymore using his lips. "Great." Donghae kissed Hyukjae on the lips and didn't wait for the other to respond before he bit his lower lip. He slipped in his tongue inside Hyukjae's cavern. The other couldn't resist and immediately responded to Donghae's kiss. Hyukjae was already a moaning mess from the kiss, but Donghae wasn't satisfied. He lightly grind his knee against Hyukjae which earned him a gasp from the other. Donghae smirked against Hyukjae's lips as he dragged his lips down his neck. "Jerk." Hyukjae muttered under his breath. Donghae just laughed before sucking on Hyukjae's neck. He made sure to leave an evident mark to show that he has already claimed the other, or at least, was about to. Hyukjae just moaned from the feeling before he felt Donghae's hands slipping inside his shirt. He widened his eyes and made a move to stop it. "H-Hae! Wh-What are you-" "Hyukkie, don't you think it's unfair that you still have your shirt on?" Donghae asked with an obviously fake pout. Hyukjae glared at him and said, "I didn't ask you to remove yours." "Which is why I'm not asking you either." Donghae replied before grinding his knee against Hyukjae's crotch once again. Hyukjae  gasped in surprised, and by some sort-of magic, Donghae was able to magically slip his shirt off him. "Much better." Hyukjae opened his mouth to say something but was sealed by Donghae's lips over him. Everything he wanted to say slowly slipped away from his mind as he got distracted by the other. Donghae's hand, however, wasn't distracted at all and kept busy. He roamed Hyukjae's upper torso from his waist, to his abs, all the way up to his nipples. He tweaked the left one with his fingers. Hyukjae was surprised by the sudden action that he had to pull away from the other just to catch his breath. "H-Hae, W-What are you-ngh!" Hyukjae closed his eyes as Donghae did it again.  "Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?" Donghae asked as he lightly pinched one of Hyukjae's nipples. Hyukjae moaned and arched his back at the mixed feeling he felt from the other. Donghae smirked seeing the sexy sight before him. But none of that was enough for Donghae. Besides, he has his own little problem he needs to take care of. After he was satisfied enough, he stopped using his hand to play with Hyukjae's now sensitive nubs and replaced it with his tongue.  Hyukjae moaned a little louder at the slick organ swirling around his hardened nubs. All thoughts of pushing Donghae away vanished and was replaced by how much he wanted the other to take him. Donghae was having fun playing with Hyukjae but was curious about something else. He let his hand wander down on Hyukjae's hard-on, and the second  he stroked it, Hyukjae let out a gasp; the same time Donghae decided to lightly bite on Hyukjae's nipple. Hyukjae was overwhelmed by the overflowing pleasure. He started to feel shaky as his clothes began to bother him. Not to mention that Donghae was doing all the work. He began to feel a little selfish and decided to return the favor by surprising Donghae and flipping them over. Donghae was about to ask Hyukjae what he was doing when he saw the smug look on his face that answered all his question. "What happened to my innocent Hyukkie?" Donghae asked while trying to sit up, but was pushed down by the other. Hyukjae leaned closer to him and whispered, "You're about to find out." He gave Donghae's lips a short kiss before dragging it down his neck. At the same time, his hands were wondering around Donghae's torso. Completely tured on by how firm and hard he felt in his hands. His hands went from his chest, around his nipples, thenall the way down to his pelvis. Hyukjae teased Donghae by creating imaginary lines along the path that drove the other crazy.  "D-Damn! Hyuk, s-stop teasing me already," Donghae complained through labored breath. "As you wish." Hyukjae smirked and unzipped Donghae's pants as he pulled away from the other. Donghae looked at him in confusion and was about to ask what he was doing when the other answered him by slipping his hand inside Donghae's undergarment and stroking his hard member. Donghae gasped and bit his lower lip letting out a very muffled groan as he tried not to moan too loud. Hyukjae was not pleased. He wanted to hear Donghae moan for him and that's just what he's going to get.  He stroked Donghae's member a few more times before blowing hot air around it. Donghae shivered from the sudden blow before completely gasping for air once he felt Hyukjae's lips wrap around him. The other licked the base of Hyukjae's member before swirling it around up at the head. Hyukjae made sure to wet it before slowly putting it inside his mouth. Donghae could feel Hyukjae's hollowed cheeks as the other bobbed his head up and down; bringing Donghae to the edge.  Donghae tried his best not to buck his hips against Hyukjae but he couldn't help himself. He could feel himself on the edge as he continued to abuse Hyukjae's mouth and, as if Hyukjae hadn't done enough, Donghae heard Hyukjae moan while swallowing him deep. The vibrations that came from his voice sent chills down Donghae's spine. He opened his eyes and took a peek at what Hyukjae was doing and felt himself harden even more at the sight.  Hyukjae was stroking himself the same time he was giving Donghae his blowjob. Then, somehow, Donghae found the strength to push Hyukjae away and flip their positions, so that he was once again the one on top hovering over the other. His eyes was completely clouded by lust and desire. Hyukjae saw this and smirked. It's exactly what he wanted. "You've been a naughty boy, haven't you?" Donghae asked while sneaking his hands behind Hyukjae's ass. "So, are you going to punish me?" Hyukjae dared Donghae boldly. Donghae smirked and slipped a finger inside Hyukjae's hole as he said, "Oh, I plan to." Hyukjae closed his eyes from the sudden intrusion. His hands immediately grabbed Donghae's shoulders and dug his nails against his skin while he forced himself to not squirm too much from Donghae's surprised penetration.  "What's this? My Hyukkie's not used to this kind of thing yet?" Donghae slipped another finger inside Hyukjae which illicited another whispered gasped and a groan from the latter. Donghae was starting to enjoy those noises and felt the need to hear more of it. "O-Of c-course, not...ugh!" Hyukjae informed shakily. "You seemed like an expert a second ago." "Doesn't m-mean...ahh...y-you're n-not my first," Hyukjae moaned out loud after Donghae slipped in a third. Donghae, on the other hand, was completely surprised by the new information. He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at the person under him moaning his name. That was the final straw for him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of Hyukjae and secretly smiled upon hearing the disappointed groan that came from the other. He wrapped Hyukjae's arms around his neck as he positioned himself in front of the latter's entrance. "I'll make sure you'll remember this then," Donghae whispered before slowly entering Hyukjae. Donghae moaned at how and tight Hyukjae was around him. The other was no better. The pain was unbearable but having Donghae close to him more than made up for it. Hyukjae wrapped his arms around Donghae's neck while also wrapping his legs around his waist pulling Donghae further inside him. They were both having a hard time breathing from the contact. Hyukjae felt so full while Donghae tried his best to wait for Hyukjae to adjust to his size. Hyukjae was breathing hard from being filled. He felt Donghae tremble a little against him and peeked to see how hard Donghae was holding himself back from thrusting in him. Hyukjae smiled appreciatively and buckled a little to let Donghae know he could start moving. Quicky picking up on his signal, Donghae started at a slow pace. It took all of Donghae's self-control to maintain that slow pace keeping in mind Hyukjae's pleasure first in his head, but the latter felt so good around him that Donghae was finding it difficult to not go faster. His body was slowly starting to speed up by itself, and Hyukjae was able to sense his hesitation. "Hae...ugh--ahh--...f-faster," he whispered hotly against Donghae's ear. "M-Move..aahh...fa-faster."
"Are you sure?"
Hyukjae answered him by kissing him on the lips and tightening his legs around him. "I want to still feel you when we're done, Hae. Please- ugh! F-Fuck me! aah!"
Donghae didn't need to be told twice and immediately complied with his request. He held Hyukjae's waist and switched their position. He had his back against the headboard while Hyukjae was on his lap. He thrusted himself all the way inside Hyukjae, hard and fast while his hands held Hyukjae's hips in place. He kept thrusting into him repreatedly until he found that special spot that had the other screaming his name so loud that he wouldn't be surprised if his neighbors started knocking at his door.
"Donghae! F-Fuck! Yes! M-More...d-don't stop..aah!"
Donghae felt his cock twitch inside Hyukjae hearing the latter moan in pleasure like that. Cursing out all forms of self control, Donghae harshly flipped them once more started ramming into Hyukjae faster. He lifted Hyukjae's leg over his shoulder while thrusting in and out of him, loving every single sound the latter made because of him. The image of Hyukjae's closed eyes and arched back was such a perfect sight for Donghae that he wished he could take a picture to capture the moment.
He kept on thrusting inside the other until he felt that familiar pooling on his stomach once again.
"Fuck, Hyukjae, I'm about to cum," Donghae groaned as his thrusts became shallower and deeper. He started to stroke Hyukjae's member at the same pace as his thrusts causing Hyukjae's mind to completely blank out from the pleasure. The only thing that came out of him were a string of moans and Donghae's name. "I-I'm...ahh..H-Hae...c-cl-close! Ahh!" Hyukjae closed his eyes and completely gave himself to Donghae. He could feel himself cumming and Donghae's hot breath by his right ear only brought him to the edge. "Cum for me, Hyukkie." Hyukjae released himself on his stomach and on the sheets while shouting Donghae's name. The intense feeling of unloading himself caused him to clench tighter around Donghae. The other grunted from the sudden tightness around him and before Donghae knew it he was already releasing himself inside the other. Hyukjae moaned from the hot feeling of Donghae's seed inside him.  They were both pretty much out of breath after that. Hyukjae lost all his energy and limped against Donghae. The other just chuckled as he laid next to Hyukjae on the bed. Donghae slowly pulled himself out of Hyukjae, causing the other to whimper from the loss, and wrapped his arms around Hyukjae. They were both exhausted but neither one of them were able to sleep. Thick silence reigned over them until Donghae decided to break the ice. "Where do we go from here?" "I don't know." Hyukjae responded.  "I meant it, you know," Donghae said out of nowhere. "When I said that 'I love you' I really meant it." Hyukjae looked at Donghae and smiled. "And I meant it when I said I love you." Donghae smiled upon hearing Hyukjae's words and intertwined their hands together.  "I guess that means you're mine now." Hyukjae squeezed Donghae's hands and smiled even wider. "If you're sure you're not gonna regret this tomorrow." "Of course not." Donghae kissed Hyukjae on the lips and brought him closer. "And just so you know, there's no way I'm letting you go. No matter what happens or what you say, you'll be stuck with me forever." "You promise?" Hyukjae taunted right before chuckling when Donghae kissed him on the lips as a sign that he was sealing that promise. He laid beside Donghae with the latter's arms wrapped tightly around him. They both slowly felt the exhaustion of their recent activity take over them and both fell asleep in each others arms, hearts finally content and satisfied.
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jindoelf · 4 years
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Happy 9th Anniversary babies 💖💖💍💍
How much your E oppa loves touching your fluffy hair 🥰 #eunhaemoment #marriedcouple
201216 leedonghae IG
It's our 9th Anniversary good job E oppa 💙
eunhyukee44 commented: right Honey waiting for 10th anniversary next year💙
우리 9주년이래 수고했어 E오빠 💙
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My heart &#4@_@&#-# called his Honey 💖💖💍💍
#eunhaemoment #marriedcouple #EunhaeIsReal #eunhaelove
201216 leedonghae IG
It's our 9th Anniversary good job E oppa 💙
eunhyukee44 commented: right Honey waiting for 10th anniversary next year💙
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kyuairyeo · 6 years
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For @eunhaelove. Get well, my ELF friend!
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eunhaero · 7 years
Tagged by @heart-baek-bleed thank youuw <3
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better. 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses  I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude an asshole with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well subjectively I have a good memory  I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week( i dont exactly get what learning means but???) I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school  My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs  I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now  I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Tagging: @noirkat, @dalnimhae, @mahyukjae, @carahara, @ishipthatfishycouple, @hyukgums, @xmyloveeunhaex, @eeppprruuu, @shyukerjunior, @ithastobeblue, @eunhaelove, @byeol-cheoreom, @leeteukies
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heechullios · 3 years
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@marlenjung @atiny-army-alex @luu8691 @boombasboo-blog @marigris @riehae-blog @isismutti @sweetsaster @whatiobsessabout @shyukerjunior @so-fi-a-17 @agcf0826 @hapci-unnie @hcgd2022 @hello-multifandom-blog @aaeaeama @dina8 @serenityxbecca @chocolatetacoinfluencer @simsimousse @suelfju @ulthyukjae @itzdex12 @keothanhhuu @cyberyakuzascrubs @not-inthatway @deadk-aneki @fullytenaciouscheesecake-1a-blog @hyuk-jaes @fishymonkeylove @iismewhoisyou @eunhaelove @achielles @tayleebrownie-blog @elfvagyokvagynem @suejou-blog @potatochul @ara92 @avenueoflove @peachyzitaos @jimbles-the-jam @parsdisex @boosherah @supportsungminalways @somethingofvalue @saintcateunhae @thechocol8 @1004x0808 @rinukio @iamunicornsofuckyou 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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jindoelf · 4 years
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My heart 💕💕
#eunhaemoment #secretsfromthebedroom #EunHaeLove #EuhaeIsReal #love #loveislove
200903 Vlive SUPER ’s ‘B.A.D’ COUNTDOWN LIVE
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ohhmygoshh · 11 years
Eunhae MV`S
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Always rivals?
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I dont think so.........
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  Just be happy with your love guys^^!! ♥......XDXDX
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jindoelf · 4 years
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My heart 💕💕
#eunhaemoment #secretsfromthebedroom #EunHaeLove #EuhaeIsReal #love #loveislove
200903 Vlive SUPER ’s ‘B.A.D’ COUNTDOWN LIVE
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jindoelf · 5 years
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Where is Lee Hyukjae?
"Hyukjae where?"
Whenever baby is calling, hubby replying 💕💕
2015 vs. 2019
#eunhaeisreal #eunhaelove
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jindoelf · 3 years
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#eunhaedate 💕💕
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
Eunhyuk : But I think watching a movie is a bit like dating
Really ?!!!! 😉😏🤭🤭🤭
#eunhaedate 💕💕
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
131014 Eunhyuk and Donghae at "Fasten Your Seatbelt" Movie Premiere
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jindoelf · 3 years
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LOVE ❤️❤️ ​​​
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
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jindoelf · 3 years
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LOVE ❤️❤️ ​​​
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
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jindoelf · 3 years
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LOVE ❤️❤️ ​​​
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
0 notes
jindoelf · 3 years
LOVE ❤️❤️ ​​​
220211 D&E Show ep 102 (NAVER NOW) season 4
#eunhaemoment #EunHaeLove #marriedcouple
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jindoelf · 3 years
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211020 Weekly Idol ep 533 With D&E 💕💕💍💍
#EunHaeLove #EunHaeIsReal #EunHaeForever
[주간아 짐벌캠] SUPERJUNIOR-D&E DONGHAE - California Love (슈퍼주니어-D&E 동해 - 캘리포니아 러브)
📽️ https://youtu.be/jnBEd0suQV0
#SuperJuniorDnE #동해 #CaliforniaLove @SJofficial https://t.co/tJvT89qzMp
0 notes
jindoelf · 3 years
211020 Weekly Idol ep 533 With D&E 💕💕💍💍
#EunHaeLove #EunHaeIsReal #EunHaeForever
[주간아 4K캠] SUPERJUNIOR-D&E DONGHAE - California Love (슈퍼주니어-D&E 동해 - 캘리포니아 러브)
📽️ https://youtu.be/An3QXnEuIFw
#SuperJuniorDnE #동해 #CaliforniaLove @SJofficial https://t.co/CjgxQlHMxx
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