#euridice niima
dark-horse731 · 5 years
Time to be a bit Gryffindorish🦁 💪🏻
You’d all must already known about AMAZING @kylorenvevo SW/HP crossover called The Heartbreak Prince, because if you don’t, I’m asking you to leave anything you are doing and READ IT. Right now! After TROS I suffered through very nasty breakdown and was afraid that I will never be able to read Reylo canonverse fanfiction again. But then I saw some beautiful art of Rey with Gryffindor tie, and it sparkled smthg in me. I went for it because it’s bloody Harry Potter AU and it was the best decision of my post-TROS life! Harry Potter is still my #1 passion and I’m absolutely transfixed by the talent of @kylorenvevo, how she managed to mix those very different worlds SO ELEGANTLY! This fic is helping me so much to fight my anxiety, that recently I found myself daydreaming about Rey/Professor Solo future daily interactions and I started to write my thoughts down. I mentioned it to Thea and she was so kind 😭, asking me if I wanted to share some of my drabbles and I promised I will try. And maybe because of her kindness or because it’s my Birthday, I decided to be Gryffindor (just for today!) and share a bit of my fanfiction on The Heartbreak Prince. This is the first time I share my writing in English. And I hope someone will like it! And AGAIN, first of all, please, give all your love to Thea for her incredible works (ALL OF THEM) that inspire people! (I’m apologizing for typos and grammatical mistakes😔, English isn’t my first language, but I’m trying to improve it as much as I can. And, please, pay attantion to original tags and rating, I kept them.)
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The Heartbreak Prince drabbles.💔
Your smile. Part 1.
“Miss Niima, please, hold on for a moment.”
She couldn’t stop a little victorious smile spreading on her face. Finally.
Seff drugs his surprised look from Professor Solo to her face, silently asking if she needs a back up here. Rey only has less then a second to hide her obvious smirk behind a warm smile.
“I’ll see you in Great Hall.”
She squeezes his hand, and hear a sharp scratching sound from teacher’s desk.
“He’s not in a mood,” Seff wispers sympasizingly and lefts with others.
Rey steadies her breath, trying to calm herself before walking back to the desk at the front raw. Her excitement is radiating on miles ahead but she had to stay composed for the sake of her sanity. Those were the very long and painful weeks, where she felt like an utter idiot for allowing her heart to be vulnerable, lonely and hungry for attention of the man whom she was no match for. She found herself desperately clinging to Finn and Rose so they barely had time for their relationship. Rey hated herself for being like that, but being alone those days was out of question. The images of his hands smashing the wood just a moment before his lips crushed hers were waiting her everytime she found herself alone. Phantoms of his hoarse whispers still dancing on the skin of her neck. Making her weak, and to her complete horror even reducing her magic. Rey couldn’t study properly, couldn’t fly, couldn’t be... herself. It’s like he became a part of her, her half that was missing, making her body and soul a needing mess.
On one of those days Rey spilled to Seff Hellin how pathetic she thinks she is, without saying the reason, and it took him a whole evening to passionately convince her that she couldn’t be more wrong. Rey was so thankful for his support and started to spend most of her time in boy’s company. Still captivated by her misery, she didn’t notice how closer now they seemed to appear to others. It was only after one DADA class, where Professor Solo took 20 points from Ravenclaw, Rey started to see how Ben Solo seemed to lose his temper everytime Seff diverted her attention in class or, worse, made her laugh. Seff didn’t stop though, completely oblivious to the reasons why Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher suddenly disliked him that much, honestly trying to improve his studies. That’s when a plan arised in her head.
Rey once heard Tallissan talking about how easy she could make a boy jealous. It takes just a few smiles for other boy here, a touch of a hand there, and something primal wakes in him, she called it “a desire to possess”, to claim the right to be the only one. Rey never approved such unhealthy ways, but it was before Ben Solo stormed into her life and made her come with his only knee. And now she was hungry, starving, seeking his attention, like it’s the only food she’ll ever eat again. And now Rey couldn’t mess it up.
Professor Solo was wiping the board standing with his back to her like he always does. Rey doesn’t mind, taking this time to calm her furious heart rate and watching his hand making slow motions from one side of the board to another. How come his shoulders are as big as a mountain? She wonders how they look without clothes. How his muscles stretch from moving, when he’s slidding his hands down her body.
Rey blinks the mirage away, already squeezing her thighs hard. And he didn’t even start talking, still with his back to her as usual. But something however feels different today.
She pays attention to every detail of his state trying to catch what has changed. It’s when he starts to make a third round of wiping the perfectly clear board when she realizes that he’s stalling. Oh and it’s so easy to believe that she succeeded in her devilish plan, that he is nervous and afraid to confront her, that for once in this dangerous game they ended up playing with each other it’s her turn to set the rules.
Encouraged she breaks the silence first:
“Did you want to talk about something, sir?” with the sweetest tone she could manage.
His hand freezes with a twitch and he makes too much of a deal from placing the dirty cloth down, slowly folding it once, twice and making sure it won’t fall down after that. Then he starts to turn, still not looking up, and she notices he forgot to clean his hands, letting them fall to his sides, leaving chalky prints on exceptionally black pants. Prematurely satisfied with a thought that she indeed is the reason for his strange behavior, she lets her courage mute all her sanity and opens her mouth to say:
Looks like now you are the dirty one.
But her scandalous smugness dies immediately the second she meets his eyes.
Rey wasn’t prepared for that. She didn’t quite know what she expected from him, too captivated with her own desires. A scold, a yell, maybe? Another comment about how this is unacceptable? Anything! But this.
Your smile. Part 2. →
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Can’t believe I’m doing this! Oof
I’ll be posting more of my fiction next month, and once again I’m calling everyone go and read the masterpiece by @kylorenvevo! Thank you, Thea, so much for inspiration 💚.
Maybe I will finally begin to post my original writing after all.
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