#europan art
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Émile Munier (French, 1840 - 1895) Sugar and Spice, 1879
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hyakunana · 9 months
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Things had not changed so much. He could be patient. He would tell Osiris this story, too, when they were face to face once more.
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loccorocco · 10 months
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Submarine captain, onshore politician
Barotrauma oc Kapitan
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shyloverrr · 2 months
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Moon inhabitants
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astronaut mush. looks horrible
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croblinarts · 2 days
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my magnum opus
behold, FISH
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xdazzlex · 6 months
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Dresden Museum, DE
highlights part 1
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chriirahluvr · 1 year
Europa: A Shallow Speculation on Theoretical Life
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So I am in a mission design class this whole year, a very fun experience! We are honed in on Europa, which has led to me doing so much research specifically on Europa's surface and theorized subsurface ocean and its ability to house life. 
I can make a million information posts about the process of life detection but I just want to make a silly overview of what I think life on Europa would look like if it were to exist! Just some fun speculative biology stuff, maybe with some art to come at a later date if I'm feeling inspired. 
But, for today, I will just be setting some general rules!
All complex life would be aquatic or semi-aquatic at the very least, thanks to the four kilometers of ice separating the ocean from the EXTREMELY irradiated surface. I'm sure some rogue microorganisms could climb their way to the surface thanks to Europa's seismic activity, but the moon's surface is absolutely not suited to house life. 
Europa's ocean is deep. When I say deep, I mean DEEP. It is estimated to be anywhere from 60 to 150 kilometers deep (40-100 miles). For context, Earth's Mariana Trench is just over 11 kilometers deep. That is just shy of 7 miles. I would be tempted to say that skin pigmentation would also be nonexistent, but radiation may lead to pigment being beneficial! I have found no sources about radiation levels within the ocean though, so this is something I am on the fence about. The pressure present at the bottom of the ocean also means that squishy anatomy would be preferred, at least at the ocean's floor! 
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Thanks to the 15 kilometer ice crust and a low amount of sunlight, eyes would serve little to no evolutionary purpose, at least for getting around (I will elaborate more later :D ). The primary sense Europa's critters would likely rely on is echolocation, which they would perceive as a "visual" environments kind of analogous to imaging sonar, see above! However, it would likely be much fuzzier of an image. Visual sonar is done through multiple scans over time, which would not be an efficient way to see your environment for an organism just trying to get around. They would just see vague shapes, which get more defined the closer they are. No color perception is allowed either, but it would be the best way to gather spatial information in a pitch black aquatic environment.
If reproduction is not asexual, I believe extreme sexual dimorphism would exist and also that sexual selection would primarily rely on sound. Perhaps some natural predators would learn to replicate the fuzzy appearance and mating call of its preferred prey as a way to lure in easy targets, or perhaps some species would even evolve primitive eyes and bioluminescence as a secondary sexual selection method, and as a way to weed out predators. They would not “see” the light, but rather sense it as a vibration. So, in essence, some animals may “hear”, more like feel, colors. 
Now, about semi-aquatic Europan life!
I can imagine some ice-burrowing species emerging, as a sort of way to escape the chaos of an open ocean. They probably would not live too much higher than a few feet into the ice, however. They would likely have fatty bodies in order to effectively brave the cold, and thus would probably be scavengers or predators. I think the idea of some animals forming ant-like colonies within the ice surface is a fun one! Some predators adapted to traversing these burrows for easy prey would likely emerge from this as well. Unfortunately, a Europan ice ecosystem runs on the assumption that the ice which meets the ocean is the correct texture for animals to feasibly break through with the right evolutionary umph. The speculation is entertaining, though!
A lot of Europan life would probably be similar to fungi or algae on earth. This is because there is no feasible way to photosynthesize, but there are possible energy and mineral sources theorized to exist in the form of hydrothermal vents. Perhaps a colony would grow, with ‘roots' of some kind near a hydrothermal area, and “leaves” spread around to intake resources. Maybe carnivorous flora would exist in this way too! Algae type of organisms would likely just spread around hydrothermally active areas, and “photosynthesize” using the light produced by vents on the seafloor. Lots of small herbivores might feast on this algae, and become a food source for predators. A fun ecosystem!
Again, all of this speculation is just for fun :) It is not SUPER realistic, but as an enjoyer of speculative biology I like allowing my mind to wander while doing all my research for class. Perhaps I might start working on some phylogenetic trees in my free time. I may post some fun Europa science overviews and some of the graphics we are producing for our Huntsville presentation! 
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wonderwafles · 2 years
I was playing The Communion the other night and I noticed that the Europan Pyramid has decorations that are very different from Rhulk's Pyramid. Whoever was the master of the Europan Pyramid likes abstract/monstrous statues of creatures and people as well as green things, I guess!
Then there are also commonalities between them. Both of them have those big tanks with specimens in them as well as smaller glass houses where other things are preserved. I would guess that those, unlike the decorations and art, are things that Disciples are required to have on their ships by the Witness, which is very interesting
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esporaespazioa · 3 months
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Junko & Yves Junko 80ko hamarkadaren erdialdean noiseko nazioarteko eszenan zeresana ematen hasi zen artista japoniarra da. Hijokaidan taldeko kide izan zen, eta bertan muturreko performancea eta inprobisazio askea uztartzen zituen. 2002az geroztik, bakarka, bere ahotsean oinarritzen du bere lana, sormen-bitarteko gisa, mailarik gorenera eramateko. Oraingoan, 1988tik martxan dagoen Yves Botz gitarrista esperimental frantziarrak lagunduko dio. Junko es una artista japonesa que comenzó a dar qué hablar en la escena internacional de noise a mediados de los 80. Fue parte de la banda Hijokaidan, con quien combinaba performance extrema e improvisación libre. En solitario desde 2002, explora su voz como medio creativo al más intenso nivel. En esta ocasión le acompañará el guitarrista experimental francés Yves Botz, activo desde 1988. https://gerpfastkolektif.bandcamp.com/album/j-u-n-k-o
Mutilated Judge Arratiako haranetik, Grindcore plomsom bikote honek hamarkada bat darama astintzen du DIY metal-eszenako oilategia. Ezin konta ahala erreferentzia eta splittekin, aukera izan dute beren zuzeneko basatia Europan zehar behin baino gehiagotan erakusteko, baita Amerikan ere.
Desde el valle de Arratia, este dúo de Grindcore bien plomsom lleva agitando el gallinero de la escena metalera DIY durante una década. Con innumerables referencias y splits a sus espaldas, han tenido la ocasión de descargar su salvaje directo varias veces por Europa, saltando incluso el charco para tocar en América. https://mutilatedjudge.bandcamp.com/
Emankore Emankore Itziar Markiegik (aka Jana Jan) eta Garazi Gorostiagak osatutako bikotea da. Biak 2018an hasi ziren Miguel A. Garciak Larraskitu klubean antolatutako Gau Maltzurra jaialdian, bere tresna elektronikoekin eta DIYrekin garatutako noise proposamenarekin. Denbora baten ondoren eta Pansonic bezalako eraginekin, euren setean oinarri erritmikoak ere integratzea erabaki dute. Orain arte Euskal Herriko hainbat gaztetxe eta jaialditan jo dute (MEM, Mogambo, Zarata fest...) eta k7 autoeditatu bat argitaratu dute,, Portugaleten aurkeztuko duten EMAN PLAKTON (Hazi esporak 2023) cd-az gain.
Emankore es el dúo formado por Itziar Markiegi (aka Jana Jan) y Garazi Gorostiaga. Ambas comienzan en 2018 en el festival Gau Maltzurra organizado por Miguel A. Garcia en el club Larraskitu, con una propuesta noise desarrollada con sus instrumentos electrónicos y DIY. Después de un tiempo y con influencias como Pansonic, deciden integrar también bases rítmicas en su set. Hasta la fecha han tocado en diversos gaztetxes y festivales en Euskal Herria (MEM, Mogambo, Zarata fest...) y han publicado una k7 autoeditada además de EMAN PLAKTON (Hazi esporak 2023), cd que presentarán en Portugalete. https://haziesporak.bandcamp.com/album/emon-plakton
Louis Laurain Louis Laurain (1984) Parisen bizi den tronpeta-jotzailea da. Bere lana musika esperimentalaren, jazzaren, elektroakustikaren eta arte bisual eta performatiboen arteko mugetan koka daiteke. Besteak beste, Stephen O 'Malley (Sunn O)), Khanate...), Eliane Radigue, Axel Dorner, Guy One eta Mosin Kawarekin kolaboratu du.
Louis Laurain (1984) es un trompetista residente en París. Su trabajo se puede situar en los límites entre la música experimental, el jazz, la electroacústica, y las artes visuales y performativas. Ha colaborado, entre otres, con Stephen O' Malley (Sunn O))), Khanate…), Eliane Radigue, Axel Dorner, Guy One, o Mosin Kawa. https://www.louis-laurain.com/
Driellya SubRats taldeko bateria-jolearen bakarkako proiektua da Driellya, noisearen hainbat esparrutan murgiltzen dena, dronetik sludgera. Bi la argitaratu berri ditu, bata Útero Bitch-ekin, bestea Amphetamine Onanism-ekin. Driella es el proyecto en solitario de Hugo, batería de SubRats, el cual navega por diferentes ramas del noise, como el sludge y el drone. Acaba de publicar 2 referencias nuevas, una con Útero Bitch, y otra con Amphetamine Onanism. https://driellya.bandcamp.com/
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travelblog8 · 10 months
There is a lot of things to do in Singapore, being both a modern metropolitan city and a tropical island country. Singapore is very different compared to the rest of Southeast Asia, and it is by far the easiest country we have ever traveled to in Southeast Asia. It is a modern, well-organized, and spotless city where everyone speaks perfect English. In some ways, it is more comparable to cities in the USA and western Europan towns than to other Asian cities.
Singapore is probably best known as “the country that banned gum and spitting” as it is illegal to spit on the street, sell or own chewing gum, and gum can only be bought with a prescription from a doctor.
Singapore has a well-functioning public transport system, high-quality restaurants and cafes, beautiful architecture and art, great shopping, and stunning parks. There is never a dull moment in Singapore.
Singapore also has some of the best hotels and boutique hotels in the world with very high quality and standards. It is a popular city to visit, not just for tourism but for business and conferences, so you should consider booking your hotels in advance. The most popular hotels tend to be fully booked especially during peak seasons: January – February, June – July, and September – October.
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walkingatombomb · 11 months
Comics I Read Today
July 6
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Tribe #1 (1993)
Only a single issue came out from Image but it sold over a million copies! It’s a mess of a story involving a superhero team fighting a band of international techno pirates called Europan. I didn’t like it much. The art has some flare at times and other times it’s confusing. The cover is boring and hard to photograph.
My Rating: 3
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Warriors of Plasm #1 (1993)
Jim Shooter returned to comics with this inaugural comic from Defiant Comics. He created and wrote this first issue about a planet called the Org of Plasm which is a living world that needs to be fed constantly. The Supreme Acquisitor, Lorca, is tasked with finding new planets to conquer to feed to Org. He finds Earth. Lorca keeps it a secret so he can use the humans to help him overthrow the rulers of Plasm. But the genetic modifications to the humans only work on five of the 10,000 people upon which he experimented. These five band together fight Lorca. The series lasted 13 issues. This was a harsh series with highly unlikable characters. The art is pretty and inventive.
My Rating: 6
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slovarchzine · 7 years
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"Melancholia" exhibition by Rotterdam based Tomáš Libertíny features rarely-seen sculptural works alongside his iconic Honeycomb Vases.
:: slov.arch.zine :: facebook | twitter | pinterest | instagram
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polandgallery · 3 years
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Photo Album: “Selected Landscape Paintings” by Feliks Brzozowski (1836-1892)
 ■ Feliks Brzozowski (1836 in Warsaw – 1892 in Warsaw) was a Polish painter and illustrator. In the years of 1852–1859, Feliks studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw under the guidance of Chrystian Breslauer (1802-1882). He mainly painted landscape art, predominantly in the forest motif. During his travels around Poland, his landscape artwork centred around the localities of Ojców and the Tatra Mountains, as well as castles.
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andazzi · 6 years
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songscloset · 7 years
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OMG, you guys. YOU GUYS!!!!!! 
See this nifty octopodal guy? His name is Khrith and he’s one of my very own Original Characters (in an as-yet-unpublished BASEBALL IN SPACE novel).
He’s Europan (from the Jovian moon, Europa), natively a water-breather (but can and does breathe air), and he’s the catcher on the team. 
My daughter’s friend @42nights drew him for me and ... and I can’t tell you how fucking excited I am to see him. He’s PERFECT - she got every single little bit of him right and I gave her such a wonky description. He’s exactly the right shape and look and ... 
Just look at him, with his four upper tentacles with their grippy flipper ends and his weird creepy face (don’t ask him to smile, it’s ... really unpleasant), and his fascinating, muscular walking tentacles. 
His uniform is perfect - she got the mixture of traditional catcher’s uniform (the leg and ‘knee’ pads and the chest protector) and weird outfit to fit an 8 legged dude JUST RIGHT.
I’m so excited to go back to this story now and re-write it and publish it, omg. 
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