#eva noblezada my beloved
lyssified · 1 year
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wake up babe new playlist dropped
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the-lesbian-orpheus · 2 years
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slozhnos · 4 months
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ebenelephant · 4 months
anyway so i watched hadestown on the west end the other day and i've still not recovered
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yourmusicmuse · 2 years
Nothing changes because got damn I don't stop!!
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stanleybarberisagod · 24 days
got to see the great gatsby the other day with mostly understudies (gatsby, daisy, nick and jordan were understudies) andddd it was great
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you-are-constance · 3 months
how was the great gatsby musical?
overall, one of my favorite theatre experiences. to the level that i have been looping the cast recording nonstop since it came out last week
i do have a lot of specific points that i could talk So Long about with this show, most of which i'll put under a read more, but first: casting
anyway. spoilers for the great gatsby musical (things that were changed from the book for the production)
the 'main four' being Jeremy Jordan, Noah J Ricketts, Eva Noblezada, and Samantha Pauly, were all absolutely incredible. show stopping in their own ways. i was genuinely so scared that when i saw it that any of these 4 wouldn't be on, but i got so lucky and all of them were!! i am 100% convinced that many of the songs were written just to showcase certain actors voices (jeremy jordan).
let me tell you. getting to see jeremy jordan and eva noblezada live was unlike anything i've ever seen before. i was like. genuinely honored to be there. their stage presence, their voices, their acting ability, oh man... and Samantha Pauly was just incredible, and her big number was so. show stopping. Noah J. Ricketts was amazing the whole time, but his emotion in finale as he was saying the lines that are basically quoted exactly from the book... yeah i cried.
but so many other actors were also so amazing! John Zdrojeski as Tom was so good at the role, because Tom really was genuinely awful, but not in like an evil villain way, because he's much more realistic than that. i also find that a lot of times Tom is kinda seen as stupid or whatever for not noticing a lot of things going around him but in the musical he really like. could tell what was going on. and he worked his way into finding out secrets (kinda more on this later bc of my favorite song)
another main this was just. the design. Linda Cho costumes MY BELOVED im so glad she won the tony because this show DESERVED IT. it was definitely a glorified image of what those 1920s outfits would actually be, but most musical theatre isn't meant to be an exact replica of history, it's meant to dramatize it, and Linda Cho understands the assignment when it comes to costumes. the lighting and scenic design were also just incredible, especially their use of the green light shining from across the bay...
the show started out with Gatsby onstage, reaching for the green light. a set piece is moved across the stage, passing in front of him, Nick standing where Gatsby was. within that moment i was like "if they don't end the show with Nick standing there, the set piece passing in front, and leaving Gatsby behind, reaching for the green light, then what is the POINT" and then they DID and it was just as great as i'd imagined.
there were definitely changes to the story to adapt it to the stage, which i actually enjoyed (i've read the book, but didn't love it mostly due to a bad experience with reading it in school so. yeah). it is kinda more romance-centric in the first act, which i have heard people complain about, but i kinda see reasoning for it. yes, the first act is very much centered around the various relationships (especially the romantic ones), and in the second act, while certain characters (mostly gatsby) try to keep it centered on the romance, there is a much bigger, darker story going on all around them. so i really liked that meta perspective of it.
they also gave a lot more character to mr wilson (idr his first name), effectively intertwining him with both Gatsby and Wolfsheim as he, from the very beginning, plans to move him and Myrtle away from the city (its been a hot sec since i read the book, so idr if that's there but i don't think it is).
the relationship between Nick and Jordan is also taken a lot further in the musical, to the point where they are engaged, but after Myrtle's death, it gets broken off. this is because, in this version, Jordan ends up lumped in with both Tom and Daisy, in with the old money. throughout most of the show she is much more aware of society and doesn't want any part of what her role 'should' be, but when things go south, she is just as quick as the others to abandon what's 'right' in favor of what's better for her. and ik some people might not like that change but i actually did.
Myrtles character is also taken a lot further in this, which i find really fascinating. she is given her own big number right before her death as she tried to go after Tom, saying that he'll leave Daisy and marry her instead, but then she realizes she'll become just like Daisy in that situation, and the only choice is 'love or money.' she eventually decides that she wants to go back to her husband, and the moment she turns back, she is killed. this was Such a big number and, looking back, might be one of my favorites story-wise.
while i absolutely adored most everything, genuinely, the music was by far my favorite part (besides maybe jeremy jordan and eva noblezada...) a personal thing for me was that Every. Single. Song. has SUCH a good bassline. man i need the sheet music for this show. (side note: i got to talk to the show's bass player for a few minutes after the show! i was super nervous about it but im glad i did. he was super nice)
there's def a mix of more modern showtune styles, along with bringing in a lot of jazzy elements, which was GREAT. i love jazz. like i mentioned before, certain songs were definitely written for actor's voices (Past is Catching Up to Me) which is absolutely not a bad thing because they were AMAZING
two of my favorite songs were 'Only Tea' and 'Made to Last.'
only tea is when Gatsby is stressing about Daisy coming over for tea. this was hilarious. I kid you not jeremy jordan jumped a fence at the end. it was iconic. (you can Feel the nerves in just the cast recording alone).
made to last takes place in the scene in the Plaza. it's mostly Tom, revealing the secrets he learned about how Gatsby got his fortune, then Gatsby trying to get Daisy to tell Tom she doesn't love him. there are So Many Good lines in this song (everyone kinda drags Tom a lot its great) but this is where the characterization of Tom was really just. top notch. because he really is freaking Awful. but he's also smart and not going to let go of what he owns (not good that he considers Daisy a possession though...), and he knows exactly what is going to happen to Gatsby--he's not Made to Last.
(also the song Shady is iconic. spinny tailcoats)
another just. singular line that i need to draw attention to, sung by mr wilson (he has multiple songs directed to the Eyes of God), and this line is right when he decides to go after Gatsby. "God sees everything but he's slow on his commands/You've got the eyes of God, Doc/Who's gonna be his hands?"
(this line is reprised in the middle of Gatsby's song right before the gun goes off. fun fact)
i'm sure there are So Many Other Things i could talk about (i s2g i could write 13 essays about this show) but in general like. while it wasn't groundbreaking to the theatre, it was still Such a good show and absolutely deserves better yknow. attention then it's getting. like jeremy jordan is here for a Reason this is a Good show. and mostly this is my begging people to listen to the cast recoding because its SO GOOD.
anyway. if anyone has questions about specific things i am So Happy to talk but here's a lot of my more general thoughts... (god i haven't even Talked about Eric Anderson as Wolfsheim...)
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droughtofapathy · 5 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
The Great Gatsby
April 27, 2024 | Broadway | Broadway Theatre | Evening | Musical | Original | 2H 30M
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All the sparkly costumes and grandiose set pieces can't disguise this show's intellectually and musically filthy core. With a creative team that seems to have missed the entire point of Fitzgerald's book, Bad Gatsby is a Vegas spectacle best suited to theme parks and audiences bereft of critical thought. I have no loyalty to the source material. As a lesbian, I didn't much care for the book and its protagonist who seems disinterested in women, and spent pages waxing poetry about the male physique. But even I know it's a classic brimming with intellectual nuance, while this production is anything but. The relationship between Gatsby and Nick is now only ever a passing acquaintance, rather than the very foundation. The show's aggressive heterosexuality sees Nick and Jordan (a forcibly-feminized, pick-me girlboss type) romping about as Gatsby and Daisy, somehow even duller than the book (and how was that ever possible?) sing power ballads at and about each other that say nothing, and move the plot even less.
This adaptation of the beloved classic novel gleefully excises any and all purpose. Nick's idolization and homoerotic love for Gatsby drives the book's narrative. Here, he's doing basically nothing. My kingdom for a dramaturg who seems to actually like and understand the book, rather than someone who just wants to capitalize on it being newly public-domain. Why, oh why, do people keep adapting classics they clearly do not like? I don't like Gatsby, so I'd never bother to write a musical adaptation of it.
And speaking of music, it's ill-suited to both the period and the story. Everything is all contemporary pop ballad, and as someone who doesn't care about or know much of Jeremy Jordan, it's not working. Perhaps it's my blatant lesbianism and pretentious disregard for the allure of youth, but he's never seemed overly remarkable. He's a white male tenor. There are fifteen-thousand who look and sound just like him. But from the constant shrieking up in the mezzanine, you'd have thought the Beatles had come back for a one-night-only reunion. Thankfully, in my front side-orchestra section, I was surrounded by older patrons who politely clapped and refrained from any such screaming. Also, Jeremy Jordan's accent is all over the place, and I can't imagine why.
The shallow production that sits in the (possibly cursed, at this point) Broadway Theatre, has been robbed of its social commentary, its purpose, its depth. The characters are caricatures, the subtext is spelled out on a chalkboard (A song entitled "The Green Light"???) and is in some fascinating way, a meta commentary in and of itself. A massive budget allows for not one, but two working cars to drive around on stage. The glitz and glam blinded the creatives to anything...creative.
And don't even get me started on the baffling decision to cast a Mexican-Asian woman as Daisy, the quintessential image of white privilege. What are we saying by having Eva Noblezada in that role? It's such a thankless role that it's not like her talents are being utilized. And her character is so weak and dull, even more so than the book itself. And she's out here doing a hit-and-run, and yet we're just gonna...gloss right over that, I guess? And Nick's disgusted by Jordan saying they shouldn't tell the police what they know, but then immediately goes to plead with Gatsby to get out of town? Having done no work in the show to justify this loyalty, it's just inconsistency.
Also, and now I'm just jumping around to things I didn't like, the scene where Gatsby gets shot is staged so that Wilson is pointing and shooting that gun right at the front right orchestra section. And staring down the barrel of a gun is not what I want to be doing on a Saturday evening at 10:30 p.m. He shoots that thing twice while pointed at the audience, and no thanks.
Anyway, the Florence Welch Gatsby is at the ART now, so let's hope that one actually understands the damn book.
Verdict: Someone Put This Dumpster Fire Out
A Note on Ratings
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
Please tell me about your Hazbin Hotel ocs 👀
Um, gladly?? Thank you so much for asking about them!!
So, I have three OCs, and I’ll start with Samuel, who mainly goes by Sam. They’re a fallen angel, a former exorcist-in-training who fell after they began to learn more about Lucifer’s ideas for humanity and agreeing with his and Lilith’s ideology, finally getting kicked out after they threatened Sera to either stop the exterminations or they would make sure all of Heaven knew. They actually met Lucifer and entered into a relationship with him after falling, since he and Lilith were on a bit of a break, but Lucifer eventually left without any warning and then they didn’t see him again until Lilith disappeared and Lucifer contacted them out of the blue to ask if they would be willing to keep an eye on Charlie and protect her. Originally they were furious about the very notion of the request (even if they wound up doing it anyway, because they never really stopped loving Lucifer), but they eventually came to see Charlie as a daughter themself and would do anything to protect her (as well as Vaggie, because as a fellow fallen angel they basically see her as a little sister). They’re very committed to helping Charlie with the hotel but don’t trust Alastor one damn bit, so they do their best not to leave him alone with Charlie, and even though they don’t really drink they become sort-of friends with Husker, and Angel once he gives up flirting with them. They’re a Lucifer ship, since ultimately the two of them decide to work on reconciling when Lucifer shows up to help Charlie and they’ve never really stopped loving each other, and they’re voiced by Okieriete Onaodowan.
Next is Jane Doe, my Husk ship, voiced by Eva Noblezada! She’s kind of based off of the Jane Doe character from the musical Ride the Cyclone, in that she died from being decapitated, showed up in Hell with her head sewn back onto her body, and can’t remember her real name or anything about her life from when she was alive, including why she’s in Hell in the first place (though it’s later revealed that it was because she killed her abusive boyfriend and was found standing over his body by one of his friends, who then killed her). She’s the hotel’s second resident after Angel, because despite not being able to remember why she’s even in Hell she still wants to get into Heaven, even though that’s obviously going to be a challenge due to her situation. She’s very shy and nervous and a bit awkward, and due to her head not really being attached she often suffers from memory lapses, forgetting where her room in the hotel is or trailing off in the middle of a sentence because she’s forgets what she’s going to say, but the others are all very supportive and there to help her through it. One thing that she does know is that she really likes cocktails, though she doesn’t know if it’s leftover from her life or not, and since Husk makes amazing ones she spends a lot of time at the hotel bar sipping on one and talking to him. Obviously they’re very opposites attract in a lot of ways, but they’re super cute when they do get together. (Oh, and she’s also a doe demon, like with deer legs and a little tail and fawn freckles on her face and everything, because I couldn’t resist.)
And lastly, we have my beloved he/they prince Nick Morningstar, an Angel Dust ship, voiced by Ben Platt! (And named after Nick Scratch, one of many nicknames for the devil, obviously.) He’s Charlie’s twin sibling, and definitely the more sensible and realistic one out of the two of them, always worrying about her trusting nature and doing their best to keep her out of the trouble it might get her into (he and Vaggie are the Charlie Morningstar Protection Squad), but they also support her unconditionally and will go along with any and all of her schemes and even volunteers to be in charge of the hotel’s finances once it’s up and running again after the battle with Heaven. He’s also had kind of a celebrity crush on Angel for a while now, but slowly comes to know him better as an actual person while he’s staying at the hotel and promptly makes their crush even worse. (He is definitely planning to either kill Valentino or trick him into giving up Angel’s contract so they can rip it up.) He’s also kind of a loser compared to Charlie - they aren’t half as social or even likeable since he’s kind of a wet cat, their proper demon form isn’t even as powerful as hers - but we love him anyway (and so does Angel, eventually).
Again, thank you so so much for asking about them!! It means a lot, and I’m definitely looking forward to posting more about them, and seeing more about your girl Frannie too!! <3
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Eva Noblezada my beloved. Truly my favorite voice for Eurydice. She kills me every time.
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730hcck · 1 year
eva noblezada my beloved. ONE CHANCE PLEASE THATS ALL I NEED.
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no one sings like her i want her so badly please sing me to sleep
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hadestowntextposts · 4 years
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Looking high and looking low
For the food and firewood I know
We need to find and I am
Keeping one eye on the sky and
TrYYying to trust
That the song he’s working on is gonna
From the wind, the wind, the wind.
I am back !! My ass, has finally gathered enough mental stability and energy to post this,,which I drew more than a week ago and other ppl had already seen, oops?
Anyways Eurydice’s lines in Chant and just Chant in general makes me go brr!! So I doodled this initially during my process of listening to chant replay over and over
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Then I decided “dam that look kinda neat” and so I polished it and also monochromatic stuff is heavily underrated and it gives my heart the happy hormone :]
I have a week free now so hopefully I’ll?? Be drawing more soon????? Perhaps
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minjeongwinters · 3 years
quick cheat sheet for bisaya words / phrases for your character 😊
do you want to write with a bisaya fc but don't know how to honor their heritage? i have more detailed guides for that ( and you can use google as well, ofc ). but here's some bare minimum words / phrases that your character can use, courtesy of me.
note that the bisaya language does not have e, o, and f as sounds, which explains the variations in spellings for some of the words. if you encounter e or o in the spelling, please assume that's pronounced as a hard i ( for e ) or hard u ( for o ) or p ( for f ).
please like / reblog if reading or if you think this would be helpful for other people. and in case you think, "when would i even use a bisaya fc anyway?" please know that these fcs are of bisaya descent: evan mock, manny jacinto, saweetie, eva noblezada, maris racal, charlotte nicdao, and probs more celebs that you may not have known to be bisaya.
ate ( feminine honorific for anyone older than you, although it more literally means older sister )
kuya ( masculine honorific for anyone older than you, although it more literally means older brother )
note: yes, sadly, these are gendered. however, you can use both interchangeably or find some other way to use honorifics if your character is talking to someone who is non-binary ( just ask the other writer what they'd be comfortable with! ). as a bisaya person, i feel incredibly disrespectful if i don't use honorifics, so please do keep this in mind. as a language, bisaya is very respectful. it makes me more comfortable to use honorifics than not using them, because there's also a connotation of family. so by letting someone address you with the right honorifics, you're essentially letting them see you as family as well.
keep in mind the dynamics of your characters, though. if i'm talking to my relative who is only one year older than me, chances are that i'll use an honorific for them. however, if it's my classmate who is one year older than me, i most likely won't. we're on the same level. ( a classmate who is 2+ years older, though? yes. i'd use an honorific. ) if the age gap is tiny ( 1-2 year/s ), just think: does your character see the slightly older person as "on a higher level" than them? if so, honorific time.
terms for younger people
inday / day ( feminine affectionate term for younger people ) also can be spelled dai
dodong / dong ( masculine affectionate term for younger people )
langga / pangga / other diminutives like lang / gang ( affectionate term often used for younger people meaning "beloved"; not gendered )
note: again, yes, these are gendered. :( however, like with ate/kuya, you could use inday / dodong interchangeably or perhaps use langga and its other forms instead! like with the honorifics, you have to keep in mind their dynamic. a relative calling their younger relative inday / dodong would make sense, but you calling your slightly younger classmate that would be weird.
unlike ate / kuya, the three terms above can also be used romantically. calling someone ate or kuya romantically isn't something that happens, but calling someone inday / dodong / langga romantically is. when you use these three terms romantically, the person does not really need to be younger, though i feel like you'd at least be close to the same age if you use inday / dodong romantically.
also, on the flip side, you can use inday / dodong without any affection whatsoever. total strangers can use it on you if they see that you're younger. it can even be condescending, depending on how it's used. most of the time, though, it's pretty friendly even if the person using it is a stranger.
other family / relationship terms
iyaan / iya ( aunt - we do use tita too but these are the native bisaya terms )
uyuan / uyu ( uncle - we do use tito too but these are the native bisaya terms )
lolo / lola ( grandpa & grandma )
manghod / manghud ( youngest sibling or like youngest in a group )
ig-agaw ( cousin )
pag-umangkon ( niece or nephew, gender-neutral )
uyab ( the person you are dating, i.e. girlfriend / boyfriend / partner )
asawa ( wife )
bana ( husband )
anak ( son / daughter / child )
bai ( friend! feel free to make your bisaya character call their good friends this! )*
migo / miga ( loan words for friend )
higala ( native word for friend )
* example: "let's eat at mcdonald's later, bai," she said to her friend. (very simple.)
common bisaya-isms ( i.e. stuff we say a lot and your character probs should too )
samoka / samuka ( how annoying! ) or samok / samuk
ambot ( literally means "i don't know" )
kapuya ( how tiring. ) or kapoy / kapuy ( tiring )
karon / karun ( right now )
diay? ( really? )
what if your character is diaspora?
from what i can tell, even bisaya people who were raised abroad have some knowledge of these basic terms. however, if you'd rather have it that your character is completely disconnected from bisaya culture... i mean, it happens. but given that our language and culture is suppressed even in the philippines, where schools punish you for speaking bisaya, i'd really recommend making your character curious about their heritage, even if they didn't grow up with it. downright erasure would honestly be upsetting for me.
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mblematic · 2 years
eeeee thanks @billsfangearring & @femme--de--lettres & @direwolf-summer & @everythingbutcoldfire for the tags! This was fun :)))
Tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship: only with tumblr *WINKWINK*
Favorite color: red
Favorite food: I could eat toast every day for the rest of my life. (and probably will)
Song stuck in head:  “Take Me to Church” but important!! only this version sung by Eva Noblezada
Last thing I googled: lmao “plan synonym”. 90% of the things I google (not for work) are probably “[word] synonym”
First celebrity crush: preeeetty sure it was joseph gordon-levitt (specifically from Ten Things I Hate About You) 
Favorite time of the day: early mornings my beloved <3
Dream trip: basically unlimited time and train tickets around the UK to see family but also just be a dumb tourist which I’ve never really had time to do 
Tagging some new faces in my mutual list (but absolutely NO pressure, I’m just a horrible snoop and want to know all the weird details): @lizdarcyfan & @signifiquint & @lantern-waste & @thedietcokewhore & @drowsyanddazed  
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sherwoodknights · 2 years
I have absolutely 0 new content to share with my fellow revolutionaries to celebrate
So instead I offer you my rather long and rambling notes I made after watching the Les Mis tour in Manchester a couple of months ago
Quick warning; They're absolutely feral and incomprehensible
• Cafe Rouge for a meal beforehand. Very French, definitely felt like I could organise a revolution in there. Set the mood very well
• Lime Bar for drinks. Less mood-setting, but I did get a martini so it was worth it
• MERCH! Got a tote bag and a keyring along with the programme because of course I did
Act 1:
• Look Down did not shy away from attacking people damn. Many dudes got punched multiple times each, special RIP to the guy who got whipped 30 seconds into the song
• Okay yeah no I see where the Earl Carpenter hype comes from. His Bishop is pretty dilf-y
• Dean just kept wandering aimlessly in Soliloquy, idk if it's intentional I just noticed it.
• Yeah the foreman is completely hateable, I despise him, get your hands off her, that's enough sir
• I Dreamed A Dream 🥺🥺🥺🥺 need I say more?
• Also Fantine got thrown onto the floor at least 5 times in the space of about 10 minutes like girl are you good do you need me to punch some bitches for you
• Lovely Ladies was fun all things considered
• Except for the foreman showing up and being Fantine's first customer (he looks her up and down and calls her "the virtuous Fantine" again, which made me want to punch him even more and then throw up)
• The Arrest was fine, there was just one small moment where Nic's timing was completely out and it just annoyed me lmao
• There was a really cute moment at the end of Who Am I where not-Valjean gets set free and there was a woman (presumably his wife) who just ran to him and he did the whole "pick up and spin her around" hug and it was adorable
• Confrontation my beloved, the chain choreography was wonderful (and kinky, I'm not complaining)
• Castle On A Cloud was adorable, nothing more to say
• RIP to the dude who got bullied for the entire first verse and chorus of Master Of The House it was very funny
• My gender is the multiple dandies in Master of the House also, there were several and I loved them all
• "BYE COURGETTE" *proceeds to make out with his wife on the stairs while laughing like a madman* ugh thenardier my beloathed funnyman <333
• The little meet-cute between Cosette and Marius was adorable, he bumps Into her and she just Falls On The Floor and stares up at him, it's so sweet
• I love Eniolras' logic during Red and Black of "confiscate Grantaire's alcohol.... but give it back to him two seconds later so he can make a dick joke at Marius' expense"
• There was this moment of just. silence. after the Lamarque news came and everyone found a seat and took a second, it really hit me in the feels for some reason
• One Day More. Iconic. Wonderful. Funny little marching.
Act 2:
• The barricade reveal was fun, very dramatic I loved it
• On a related note, Earl made guarding Javert his Job And Business™️ and kept getting annoyed at anyone who went near him, especially Valjean, who looked like he got a death glare
• Eponine was glorious and wonderful and radiant and everything good in the world, her voice was incredible (kinda reminded me of Eva Noblezada) On My Own and Little Fall Of Rain were equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking
• Drink With Me was great with the added Enjoltaire bonus of E being the one to reach for R, and R resisting and moving away
• After Drink With Me, Grantaire went to his corner to stew in his drunk loneliness and existential crisis, but Gavroche just ran over to him and gave him the most adorable "I don't care if you're twice my height, I'll hug your damn knees if I have to" hug and Grantaire was stroking his hair and being a protective bro, then they settled together for all of Bring Him Home 🥺🥺🥺
• Gav flipping off Javert, yes my feral child, get him, destroy him
• And to immediately destroy that image, Gav's death was absolutely tragic, as expected. He finished the little bit of Little People stood on a railing on the barricade and then gets shot, where he falls in Enjolras' arms. Grantaire realises what's happened and races to Enj, who just silently  places the body in his arms. R just sort of carried him to the corner of the stage, kept trying to shake him awake and stuff, and fucking collapsed, he was silently grieving over Gav through half of the battle.
• Enj climbs a railing similar to Gav then falls backwards behind the barricade when he's shot, Grantaire sees it and climbs up enough to be visible so they can shoot him. It was devastating.
• Turning was so haunting man. It was also kinda wholesome in that some of the women were clearly upper class while some definitely weren't, but they all comforted each other and left together
• In order to distract me from this, I paid much more attention to the ensemble than I should have during the wedding because then I could pretend that yeah that's definitely just Grantaire with a ponytail dancing with Cosette, everyone's alive and well and doing just fine, nobody's dead (Applying the Hamilton logic of ponytail=new character is out of the question here boys, it's matter of my sanity being at stake, ponytail=same character they're all okay and the National Guard just has stormtrooper level aim)
• "This one's a queer, but what can you do?" Said one proceeds to do the most gloriously homosexual laugh, followed by The Gay Run™️ across stage, beautiful
• Earl's footman character looked like he needed a raise honestly, I don't think he's getting paid enough to deal with these idiots
• I had to resist the urge to cheer when Marius punched Thenardier. Eponine would be so proud of him <3
• The Bishop hugging Valjean when he goes to heaven, we love to see the dilf solidarity in this house
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