morganmccaskiecogc · 4 years
Evaluating a Photographic Project
1. The theme for this project was on Dutch Masters Art from the Golden Age. I liked this theme as it was interesting to research painters/artists from hundreds of years ago and look at and understand their work.
2. My favourite part of this project was emulating the work of the artists I selected. I enjoyed planning the process and looking for props and materials to create the look and then seeing it all come together in the final photographs was very satisfying.
3. I have experienced new planning techniques. Before this shoot, I had never planned out a shoot or photograph to such extent as this one. I planned every step and was very prepared to shoot, and I found this to be very effective and helped me achieve what I set out to do.
4. I would like to develop my lighting skills further. I am happy with my final photographs but I struggled a little bit with figuring out the light and using diffusers to illuminate the back of the head/headscarf.
5. The artist I researched for this project was Johannes Vermeer.
6. Johannes Vermeer’s work heavily influenced this photograph as I did not just take inspiration from the original painting “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, I also looked at his other work to get a feel for his style and art.
7. The technique I enjoyed the most was the emulating of the painting. I found that emulating and taking inspiration from another image was a lot of fun. At first I wanted the images to look identical but then I realised that was not the point in this shoot - the aim was to emulate their painting and recreate it in a different way.
8. I feel that the most successful part of this project was my ability to be creative and work with household items and materials to create the look that I was going for. I am very happy with the way they turned out.
9. The only problem I really encountered was trying to find a similar earring to the pearl earring in the painting. As a last resort I had to buy a pair the day before I went on campus to do the shoot.
10. I learned from this problem to be as organised as possible and to ensure I have everything I need well in advance and not to leave things to the last minute. Fortunately, this did not affect my final images as I was able to find earrings which matched before the shoot.
11. The habits of the mind I used during this shoot were persisting and thinking flexibly. I was persisting because I stuck to the task at hand and focused all of my attention on creating the perfect image and making sure it was exactly how I wanted it to be. I was able to think flexibly as I took on board the ideas of classmates and change my perspective when necessary.
12. If I was given the chance to do this project again, I don’t think I would do anything different. I am extremely happy with the results of this project - it came out much better than anticipated.
13. The only technical issue I came across is the images are slightly warmer toned than I was aiming for.
14. If I was ever asked to do a project like this again I think I would like to emulate Frida Kahlo because of the beautiful bright colours presented in her art.
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