#evan buckley the gif sets told me everything i needed to know i knew you had it in you
fireladybuckley · 3 years
It Isn’t in my Blood
Fandom: 9-1-1 Prompt:  Inspired by @kitkatpancakestack‘s “what if Buck finds the pamphlet“ post Pairing: Implied future Buddie - Evan Buckley (Buck) x Eddie Diaz Word Count: 2,330 Summary:    SPOILERS - A 5x01 missing scene - Buck finds the pamphlet on anxiety and panic attacks given to him by the cardiologist at the hospital and encourages Eddie to tell him what happened. Eddie breaks down and admits that maybe not everything is okay.
Beta’d by @firemedicdiaz​ Thank you babe <3
Read it on Ao3
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             “I’ll just be a minute, you staying here?”  Eddie asked, hopping out of the truck and looking over at Buck.
              “Sure, sounds good,” Buck said, yawning.  Eddie nodded and closed the door, hurrying up the sidewalk as Buck settled back in his seat.  It had been such a long, chaotic shift and Buck was exhausted; Eddie just had to drop off a form at Christopher’s school and then they were going for breakfast.  Buck figured he had time for a short nap and shut his eyes, but sleep wouldn’t come.
              After a while it became apparent that Eddie was going to be longer than he’d said, and Buck was getting restless.  He grew bored quite easily of late, so he began poking around Eddie’s truck - changing the radio station, fiddling with the air freshener.  Absently, Buck hit the button on the dashboard that opened the glove box in front of him and looked down into it, wondering if there were any travel brochures left in there from a previous road trip that he could look at.   Instead, he pulled out a very different kind of pamphlet that looked like it had been shoved in carelessly and as he read the front, his eyebrows contracted with a small frown.
              Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Recognize the Signs and Symptoms
              Underneath the pamphlet were a couple of folded sheets of paper.  Upon quick inspection, Buck saw that they were discharge papers from the hospital dated a few days earlier with Eddie’s name in the patient field.
              Buck’s heart squeezed painfully as he stared at the slightly crumpled papers and then back at the pamphlet, realizing what it must all mean.  Buck had been startled earlier in the shift when that doctor had called out to Eddie, but Eddie had been very resistant to talking about his trip to the hospital.  Buck had dropped it for the time being as they had been chaotically busy the entire shift, but he had always intended to grill Eddie about it later.  Now, he suddenly understood what must have happened.  He knew from experience how scary panic attacks could be, how they could feel like a heart attack, especially if a person had never had one before.  
              He remembered how uncomfortable Eddie had looked when Buck had tried to confront him.  Buck knew how much Eddie relied on everyone thinking he was this stoic, unmoving rock, because it allowed him to hide his feelings and keep everything bottled up.  Buck was well aware that he himself and Bobby were the only two people that Eddie ever opened up to, and it made Buck’s heart hurt as he considered how shaken up Eddie must have been by the whole incident to be so resistant to telling him about it.
              Buck sighed, wishing he had known, thinking about how he could try to help Eddie as he skimmed the pamphlet.  He wanted to help, hating the idea that Eddie could be going through this alone.  He distinctly remembered how Eddie had tried to drag Buck out of his horrible depression and anxiety after the fire truck had crushed his leg and he wanted to be there for Eddie in turn.  Buck knew that Eddie had Ana, but if Buck was right about their relationship, he suspected that Eddie would be uncomfortable talking to her about his emotions.  He’d always had the feeling that while Eddie clearly liked Ana and they got along well, their relationship wasn’t particularly deep and Buck knew that Eddie had to really trust someone before he would open up.
              Lost in his thoughts, Buck was still looking at the pamphlet in one hand, the discharge papers held loosely in the other, when Eddie returned.
              “Alright, that’s all done, let’s go t-- Buck, what the hell?”
              Buck jumped as the driver’s door opened and Eddie swung himself inside, only to freeze when he saw what Buck was holding and reading through.  Buck started to stammer as Eddie snatched the papers and pamphlet out of his hands and threw them back into the glove box, snapping it shut and staring straight ahead, his chest rising and falling quickly, his jaw set.
              “Eddie, I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to snoop, I just found that in the glove box and I couldn’t help looking at it…”
              “It’s fine.  It’s nothing.”  Eddie’s voice was clipped, and Buck could tell he felt vulnerable and was not pleased about it.  
              “I mean, it’s not nothing,” Buck replied cautiously in a coaxing tone.  He hadn’t been planning on talking to Eddie about this before breakfast, but then there was no time like the present.    “Is this why you were in the hospital the other day?”
              Eddie shot him an annoyed look, because it was obvious that Buck had seen the discharge papers so the question was redundant, but then he sighed and nodded.
              “Yeah.  I’m fine though.”
              “Eddie… you’ve been through so much.  There’s no shame in having a panic attack--” Buck began, but Eddie started the truck and cut through his words sharply.
              “I don’t panic.”
              Buck frowned as Eddie pulled away from the curb and began to drive without saying another word.  Deciding to give him some space for a few so he could collect his thoughts, Buck stayed silent as they moved through the streets.   To his surprise, Eddie pulled up in front of Buck’s apartment building and parked, still looking straight ahead.
              “I… thought we were going for breakfast?”  Buck asked slowly, not sure what to expect.  Eddie seemed to steel himself, then glanced towards the building and shut off the truck.
              “I know you’re not going to let this go, and I don’t want to do it in public.  Let’s go up to your loft.”  
              Eddie’s voice was gruff, but Buck was grimly pleased that he wasn’t resisting.  Buck knew that Eddie knew Buck would not let this slide, would not let it rest until he was sure that Eddie was okay.  Taking his lead, Buck agreed and hopped out of the truck, following Eddie up to his building and then leading the way into his apartment.
              “Let’s get this over with,” Eddie said in a resigned voice as he moved into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, Buck pulling himself up and sitting on the counter across from him.  “What do you want to know?”
              “What happened?” Buck asked simply.  “I know you went to the hospital, you were seen by a cardiologist, and now you have a pamphlet on panic attacks.  What actually happened?”
              Eddie gnawed the inside of his lip, still refusing to look at Buck as he mulled over what to say.  He was staring at the lower part of the counter in front of him, Buck’s shoe dangling in his line of sight, though he wasn’t seeing much.  All he could see in his mind was that damn suit store, the feeling of the tightness in his chest making him feel claustrophobic and deeply uncomfortable.
              “I don’t know.  We were trying on suits, and then I just… collapsed.  I thought I was having a heart attack,” Eddie summarized it as succinctly as he could, but he knew it wasn’t going to be enough for Buck.
              “Okay, but what triggered that?” Buck asked, his voice gently prodding.  “Did something upset you, or…?”
              Eddie shifted uncomfortably, and Buck’s lips curled in a small, sad smile.  
              “Eddie, it’s just me.  You can talk to me.  You know you can trust me.  Please tell me what happened.”
              For a brief moment, Eddie lifted his eyes and met Buck’s gaze.  Buck’s expression was earnest, concerned, and Eddie knew he was right.  If there was anyone in this world he could trust, it was Buck.  Still, he hated talking about his emotions, especially ones he felt like he couldn’t control.  And yet, he felt like if he didn’t share it with someone he may explode because he was starting to seriously wonder what was going on in his brain.
              “I… you know I’m not good at this,” Eddie muttered, and Buck nodded.
              “I know, but… you were there for me when everything with my parents was going on.  You told me it was okay to feel what I was feeling, and to share it.  I want that for you, too,”  Buck told him gently, and Eddie sighed.  He felt like a hypocrite; he had told Buck those things, and he had meant it.  But for some reason when it came to himself, he had different rules.
              “The last time Chris and I wore suits was at Shannon’s funeral,” Eddie said, averting his gaze once more as he began to speak.  “I guess that was already putting me on edge.  I couldn’t stop thinking about her death and everything that had happened right before she died.  I just wanted to get out of there.”
              Eddie paused but Buck didn’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt.  Buck had a feeling that if Eddie stopped talking he wouldn’t start again so he waited patiently, keeping his mouth shut.
              “I think Chris was feeling it, too, but I was too distracted to notice.  And then… then the sales guy called Ana Chris’s mom.”
              Buck tilted his head to the side, looking over at Eddie, slightly confused.  Eddie and Ana had been together for nearly six months, it was only natural that at some point she would be mistaken for Chris’s mom.  But Eddie seemed shaken and Buck wasn’t sure he was going to continue.
              “What happened then?” Buck asked quietly, trying to gently prompt Eddie to speak again without spooking him.  Eddie had gotten a somewhat haunted look in his eyes and Buck could tell he was getting upset.  He was tempted to tell Eddie to stop, not wanting him to be distraught, but he sensed Eddie really needed to get it out there, so Buck would do everything he could to coax it out.
              “I- I genuinely don’t know,” Eddie said, shaking his head.  “Hearing that, it just… it intensified my thoughts about Shannon, and thinking of Ana as Chris’s mom is just - just so far beyond where we are in our relationship, and I- I…”
              Eddie was starting to get visibly upset and Buck slipped off the counter, moving over to stand beside him in case he needed support.
              “It made me realize that m-maybe I don’t want-- maybe things aren’t going so great, or something.  I don’t know.”
              “And then?” Buck prompted gently, feeling his heart break as Eddie glanced at him, clearly upset.
              “And then… I don’t know.  I don’t panic,” Eddie said stubbornly, though as he thought back to what had happened, he let out a long, unhappy sigh.  “But… I guess I panicked.  I don’t know.  I felt overwhelmed, and my chest got tight and I couldn’t breathe… I got really dizzy and fell over, I thought I was having a heart attack.”
              “Panic attacks can be really scary,” Buck told him, trying to reassure him.  “They can definitely feel like heart attacks.”
              “I don’t panic,” Eddie repeated, scowling at the floor.  “I never panic.  Not in the military, not when Shannon died, not when you nearly died several times…”
              “Eddie, you’ve been through a lot,” Buck reasoned, trying to brush off the last part of the sentence, as though it wasn’t a big deal to him that his near-death experiences were one of the things Eddie considered most upsetting.  “Do you think the shooting could be part of this?  Or is it just your relationship?”
              Eddie shifted uncomfortably again, not responding, and as Buck watched him, he saw tears start to pool in Eddie’s eyes, despite Eddie continually refusing to make eye contact.  
              “Are you okay?” Buck asked quietly, reaching out and touching him, gripping Eddie’s forearm lightly in a gesture of support.   This one little touch seemed to have caused him to come undone, however, and Buck saw his expression contort, his lips pressed together tightly as he tried and failed to stop himself crying.
              “No,” Eddie finally blurted out, seemingly completely against his will.  “No, I’m not okay.”
              Buck’s heart broke and he immediately reached out to embrace Eddie, giving him a chance to pull away if he wanted.  When he didn’t, Buck wrapped his arms around him and held him as Eddie choked into his shoulder, trying desperately to stop himself from outright sobbing.  It was rare that Buck had seen Eddie cry - he hadn’t seen it since Shannon’s death - and Buck wished he could take Eddie’s pain away, wished he could make the world right for him again.  
              After a few moments Eddie squirmed in his arms and Buck got the message that he was uncomfortable so he pulled away, but he didn’t go far.  Eddie seemed determined to not meet his gaze, furiously wiping at his eyes, and Buck gently rubbed his back, sensing that he really wanted comfort but was trying to stop himself from allowing it.  They stood like that for a while, until Eddie’s attempts at stopping his tears dissolved and he took a shaky breath, letting them slip down his cheeks as he pulled himself together.
              “It’s okay to not be okay sometimes.  You’re going to get through this,” Buck told him, his hand stilling in the middle of Eddie’s back.  “And I’m gonna help you get through it, if that’s what you want.”
              Eddie swallowed, sniffing, as he listened to Buck speak.  He’d always gone through things alone.  He’d always thought that was the best way to do it.  But in that moment, standing there, knowing he had Buck’s full love and support behind him, Eddie started to wonder if maybe having Buck at his side would be a much better option than going it alone.   Eddie nodded slowly, glancing at Buck for a moment before looking away, nodding again.
              “Yeah,” Eddie took a shaky breath and looked over at Buck, feeling the tiniest flicker of hope in his heart.  “That’s what I want.”
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charming-charlie · 3 years
Washed Away pt. 4
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Title // Washed Away pt. 4
Pairing // Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings // Baby swears but you know what, this is a cute chapter.
Summary // Who knew hanging out with Buck and Christopher for a day would lead to a life or death situation?
Word Count // 1.6k
Prompt // Hi! Can i request a fic where you were with Buck & Christopher when the tsunami hit? They could be dating or crushing on each other. If nothing comes to mind, then it’s completely fine to ignore this request! Have a nice day!’
Author’s Note // This is Part 4 of the Washed Away series. || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Tagged List //  @aprildecker-blog​​ @coffeewithoutcaffeine​​ @daddysfavoritesexkitten​​ @chenfordlove​​ @comeasyoudar​​ @carnationworld​​ // If you want to be added or removed from the tagged list, please drop a note.
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The pier. A carnival. Maybe even a first date. A tsunami. You don’t even remember what happened after that. Your adrenaline was pumping hard and fast as you raced to console Buck, who was screaming Christopher’s name over and over again. You were afraid he would rip his vocal cords if he kept that up.
The water had receded enough for you and Buck to climb off the firetruck. What was left was a flooded road that was up to your waist, but it was much more manageable compared to before.
Together, the two of you flagged down whoever you could and asked people if they had seen Christopher. Buck described the little boy, and you held onto the last shred of hope that you could, but no one saw him. Or maybe no one wanted to see him.
Given the circumstances and what happened, you were fearing the worse.
Your arm looped around Buck’s and he didn’t pull away. If anything, he needed it. He seemed so exhausted, so defeated. It was such a contrast from the happy-go-lucky guy hours earlier. This seemed like an entirely different Buck, and you shouldn’t be thinking it, but you were grateful to see more sides to him. It showed you what kind of person he really was, and if anything, Buck was truly a hero. You believed that now more than ever. He just needed to be reminded occasionally.
The two of you walked down the flooded street, looking for any sign of anything. People seemed to be finding their way, gathering their bearings, and just trying to survive. There didn’t appear to be any luck, until…
“Hey, there’s a kid under here!”
Someone shouted from across the watery road. Buck spun around so fast; you were slightly afraid he would get whiplash. He grabbed your hand, pulling you to the wreckage.
The two of you, along with a few other people, removed a heavy metal liquor sign, the ones that hang on the sides of buildings with the arrow pointing to the entrance, off a person who was trapped in the middle of the debris.
Buck was holding his breath. For a moment, there was a gleam of hope, a flash of relief.
And then it was gone.
It wasn’t Christopher at all. The kid was a girl, a teen maybe, and she was sobbing for help. A woman grabbed her arm and supported her, and the two sauntered off wherever.
Buck stopped them quickly. “Hey hey excuse me, I’m looking for an eight-year-old boy.”
“Yeah, yeah I think I saw him. He was headed over to that cupcakery place up the way. They are handing out water,” a surfer-looking dude in a wetsuit chimed in, and once again, the spark of hope exploded in Buck’s eyes.
Your shred of hope was dwindling to a thread, mere fibers, after the ordeal you and Buck had. You were trying to keep hope like Buck was, but it was hard. Every single piece of help was leading to a dead end and you did not like the idea of sticking around if the worse news actually became a reality.
Does that make you a bad person? If you didn’t hear it, it wouldn’t be true, right? Perhaps you could hold onto that mantra for a little bit. Maybe some of Buck’s hope will wash over to you. You sure could use some right now.
“Thank you,” Buck said, and he grabbed your hand. The two of you sprinted in the direction where someone thought they saw Christopher, but your sprints quickly slowed to a walk since treading in water wasn’t exactly a cakewalk.
You were silent. You must’ve been for some time because eventually Buck spoke up.
“I’m sorry,” Buck told you. It was in a whisper and you strained your neck trying to hear him over the gushing liquid around you.
“For what?” you asked. There was nothing he could possibly be sorry for. None of this was his fault. Literally, this is just some freak accident that no one could have predicted.
“This wasn’t how I wanted our first date to go,” Buck was avoiding your eyes, like he was still looking for Christopher in the flood. In all fairness, you weren’t looking at him either.
Maybe you didn’t respond quick enough, or maybe the sudden silence wasn’t what Buck wanted to hear, because the ex-firefighter continued to speak, a little louder this time, and you heard him perfectly.
“Eddie needed someone to watch Christopher and I’m practically Uncle Buck, so I accepted, but I really did kind of wish it was just me and you. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christopher, and I love hanging out with him but I kind of wanted to hang out with you. Just you. Trust me, if it were just me and you, it’d be a memorable first date,” Buck said as his head hung low.
He wiped the sweat off his brow with his free hand, although the hand that was holding yours loosened its grip against your fingers, like he expected you to suddenly pull away from him.
You didn’t and you squeezed your hand to reassure him. “I don’t know,” you said with a little smile, “as far as first dates go, I feel like this is pretty memorable.”
That seemed to put a spring in his step, and he smiled too. He glanced over at you, nudging you with his impressively muscular arm. “I hope you’re not just saying that to make me feel better.”
You teetered slightly to the side to avoid a washed-up car, allowing your body to press next to his for a second. Honestly, it felt good. Maybe you just craved a human touch and the handholding wasn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe your feelings ran deeper for Evan Buckley than you thought. Whatever the case, you knew it wasn’t the moment you wanted, so you weren’t disappointed by the sudden confliction of feelings.
“No,” you said, shaking your head. Your hair was practically dry at this point, although rough and tangled from the seawater. “I was hoping you’d ask me out. I wasn’t expecting Christopher to join us, but I like the kid.”
It was true. With Christopher’s medical problems, you got to know him very well, since you were the nurse at his school. Eddie made sure to contact you once a week, at least, just to check on his son and make sure everything was okay. You got to know the Diaz family, and that included Uncle Buck. Your life changed for the absolute better the moment Christopher walked into it. It was that boy and the family he had that provided you with something spectacular. You were holding the hand of that spectacular thing right now as the two of you walked down a flooded street.
“You like me more though, right?” Buck had a bit of a snarky smile now. That made you feel a lot better. Perhaps this conversation is distracting him from everything going on. You both could use the distraction. Plus, both of you haven’t talked to each other properly all day. Christopher was always right there.
“It’s kind of hard to not like someone that saves your life,” you shrugged it off, toying with him a little. Was it sort of wrong to tease him when the two of you were looking for Christopher? Then again, maybe that was what you both needed right now. Again, distractions can be necessary.
“Oh, that’s right. So basically, that sort of means you’re in my debt now, right?” Buck asked as he looked over at you. There was that damn gleam in his eyes. He was teasing you back and hell, he was enjoying it too.
“Let’s not get carried away with the specifics,” you answered, only to hear Buck emit a small laugh. It was good to hear him laugh again. It was good to see him smile. The cupcakery was miles down the road, the two of you had a while, and the distracted conversation was most welcomed.
“I like the specifics,” the ex-firefighter retorted. You could feel his thumb grazing the back of your hand.
“Okay fine, I’m in your debt. How in the world could I possibly pay you for saving my precious life?” you threw out your best acting skills, which were not that great to begin with, and the laugh lines around Buck’s eyes became more prominent. Your knight in shining armor was actually enjoying this.
“See, that’s all I want, a little bit of gratitude.”
“Dear Mr. Buckley, I am so incredibly grateful that you saved my ass during a freak disaster,” you began to really get into this fake acting thing, but Buck saw right through you.
He splashed you and you laughed, clinging onto him just a little bit tighter.
It was needed. After the ordeal that you two had, this was definitely needed. You didn’t know what lied ahead at the cupcake bakery a few miles down the road, and you were mentally exhausted trying to play every scenario out in your head.
During your trek, there was no one else that needed saving. Buck didn’t run into the face of danger. Instead, he was by your side, holding your hand, as you both waded slowly through the water. Occasionally you stepped on things that you did not want to know what they were, but he was there and calmed you down through it.
The sun was setting. The two of you kept walking. Maybe, just maybe, you two can save Christopher.
And maybe each other.
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tails89 · 3 years
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#i honestly watched the first ep of season 1 and thought 'this is trash' but all the cute gifs kept me going
My Top Posts in 2021
The front door slams and Stiles startles.
“Oh no.” He stands, pushing Derek towards his window. “You need to go.”
“What? Why?” Derek ducks the shoe that’s tossed to him.
“Dad’s home early.” Stiles tosses the other shoe at him. “Quick, before he sees you.” He wrenches his bedroom window open as footsteps echo up the hall.
“He knows we’re dating.”
Stiles stumbles. “What? No, he doesn’t.”
Full post here
263 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 22:40:36 GMT
If you are doing the 101 prompt thing I think 56 suits Sterek. Plus I would like to see what you do with it thank you ♥️
56. "I jokingly told you that the only way I’d marry you was if you did this weird outlandish thing, and you actually did it, and I’m kind of charmed."
“Did you know there’s a penguin that collects rocks to present to their beloved?” Stiles asks, eyes glued on his phone screen. “The female uses them to line the nest.”
Derek stretches his legs, cramped from curling up on the couch beside Stiles. “Why are you looking up penguins?”
“I dunno.” Stiles shrugs. “I saw an article on Twitter.”
Full post here
420 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 05:45:06 GMT
Derek looks up from his book. “You and your dad are so alike.”
“Uh, first of all,” Stiles says. “How dare you. Second of all, no we’re not, take it back. And third of all-”
“You know I can hear him talking to himself in his office when his door’s closed,” Derek cuts in. “I think he forgets that some of his deputies are werewolves.”
“Oh my god.” Stiles leans forward in his seat. “Tell me more.”
“Anything I tell you; you’ll use against him.”
Stiles scoffs. “As is my god given right.”
“It’s more fun to make you suffer.”
784 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 17:41:15 GMT
Eddie: Yesterday I overheard my ten year old son saying "Are you sure this is a good idea?" and my twenty eight year old boyfriend replying "Trust me" and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Inspired by this tweet.
1105 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 21:53:12 GMT
“If we both stick to the story, he can’t prove anything,” Stiles hisses as the police cruiser pulls in behind their car. “You got it?”
Derek nods, his hands tightening on the steering wheel as he watches the officer walk towards them in the rearview mirror.
“This is all your fault,” he says, winding his window down. “I don’t know why you won’t just tell him. With everything that’s happened, why are you so set on keeping this a secret?”
“You know why.” Stiles twists in his seat to face Derek. “He would freak out if he knew.”
“I don’t think he would.���
“He totally would!” Stiles argues. “Remember when you told me? It’ll be like that… but with like, more guns… and handcuffs—and not in the kinky way.”
“Really Stiles?” Derek asks, before the officer steps up to the door.
“Evening boys.”
Derek catches an audible gulp from beside him, before Stiles answers, leaning across the centre console. “Dad, hey, fancy seeing you out here…”
Full post here
Send me a prompt
1195 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 15:20:46 GMT
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lilywoood · 5 years
Buddie Prompt 4
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To my dear fellow creepy gifs hunter @translucent-bisexual hoping you’ll like it ♥️, also tagging @diazbuckleysworld @felicitous-one @cherishingstydia @gxtop
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Words count : 1054
Song : Shade of Cool - Lana del Rey
He wasn’t what he expected when they hired him, when Bobby called telling him he had a job for him, Eddie first reflex was to refuse, he left this life behind after Shannon left him and Chris alone, he couldn’t afford risk his life for other, he was all Chris had left now.
But Bobby being the powerful convincing bastard he was managed to convince him to take one last job, just one and he’ll never contact him again, never think of him again, never force him to leave Chris again, money was tight, between Chris medical fees and the house lawn Eddie found himself forced to accept.
At first when Bobby told him he was going to protect Senator Andrew Buckley’s son, Eddie was ready to take back his word and found another job.
Everyone knew Senator Buckley, every normally constituted person hated him, his policy was downright horrible and the way he treated his staff showed exactly what kind of man he was, so of course being the bodyguard of his son wasn’t something Eddie looked forward.
Oh how wrong he was, Evan “Buck” Buckley wasn’t what he’d expected at all, he was persuaded when he arrived that he’ll have to deal with a stuck up, bratty, know it all, dumb daddy’s boy, someone who’ll tell him how to do his job and would look down on him.
Instead he found himself stuck with a careless, reckless and stubborn activist who was trying his hardest to discredit his father and make sure that no one would vote for him.
Their fist encounter was memorable, Eddie was supposed to wait for Buck in his room so that he could introduce himself, he’d waited for half an hour before the other man made his entrance by climbing the window, smiling proudly at a surprised Eddie who quickly regained his composure.
-You must be my new keeper, he smarted throwing his bag at his feet before letting himself in, let see if you gonna break your predecessor record, he grinned, he quit after two month, he laughed.
-I don’t quit, Eddie retorted raising his brow, I’ll follow you everywhere, I’m gonna be your new shadow, he replied with a toothy smile.
That’s had been three months ago, right now Eddie was starting to understand why every other bodyguard quitted, Buck was really imaginative, coming with a new escape plan every day, and every day Eddie had to run after him, it was like dealing with a four year old, even Chris seemed to be more mature.
This time though he wasn’t going to let Buck win, he knew the younger man planned to sneak out for another march later that day, he heard him on the phone talking with the other member of his group, he knew they planned to crash Senator Buckley’s speech.
As much as he was on board with Buck’s ideas he couldn’t let the younger man go there, he knew the kind of person who’ll be present at this rally, he knew that those people wouldn’t care if he was their precious Senator son or not, Buck was the enemy and if he were to set foot right there he was sure he wouldn’t be able to protect him properly.
He couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe that he managed to escape, that he’d been once again ahead of him.‬
‪He stood frozen in his place, going through all the events of the day, trying to find when or how he could have escaped without the security or his colleagues noticing him. ‬
‪Eddie cursed before storing out of the Buckley manor, he needed to think quickly, the speech wasn’t until 9pm meaning he had twenty minutes to get there and stop Buck, he knew that taking the car was totally out of question, it’ll take him longer... ‬
‪He hated motorcycles, he hated them since his accident but he couldn’t do it any other way.‬
‪It took him fifteen minutes to get there and find him, sadly the altercation between Buck’s group and Senator Buckley’s loyal followers had already started, finding his way through the mass Eddie quickly grabbed Buck’s hand and ran as fast as possible to safety, ignoring purposely how the younger man’s hand fit perfectly in his, how the contact of his skin burned his skin, how for the first time he felt alive...‬
‪-You mad at me, Buck asked getting tired of Eddie’s silent treatment.‬
‪-Yes, Eddie responded massaging his temples, what you did was stupid and childish, he added.‬
‪-I know, Buck mumbled, I’m sorry I didn’t think it’ll go this far, he croaked, holding himself.‬
‪-I get why you did it, Eddie reassured patting his knee, I...I’m not a fan of your father either, he avowed, but I’m not your enemy either, he sighed, your safety is all that matter to me, he pursued forcing Buck to meet his gaze, I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if something bad had happened to you, he smiled softly.‬
‪-Don’t say that, Buck whined closing his eyes, stop making me think that you care for me, he prayed.‬
‪-I do care for you, Eddie frowned confused.‬
‪-You care about me because I’m your mission, Buck sadly smiled, you don’t care for me like I care for you, he stated.‬
-I have a son, Eddie blurted, he’s eight and he’s everything to me, he chuckled, I cared deeply for his mother and she left us, taking a deep breath he turned his attention back to the blond, I swore that I’ll never let myself care for someone else as I cared for her, he explained stroking Buck’s cheek, and then, he grinned biting his lips‬
‪-And then, Buck demanded grabbing Eddie’s hand‬
‪-Then I met this reckless senator son who wouldn’t understand that I was trying to protect him, he laughed, I met this dumbass who turned my world upside down, he pursued with teary eyes.‬
‪-I wanted you to catch me, Buck quipped leaning towards him, I wanted you to feel what I feel for you.‬
‪-What do you feel, Eddie murmured leaning too, their lips barely touching, tell me what do you feel Evan, he pleaded. ‬
‪-I love you, he answered closing the distance and pouring himself into that kiss, their first kiss....‬
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