whitexdove · 4 months
@evcryopeneye sent, i hope hell is nice and warm when we get there. ( from yuffie, hi hello i hope this is okay hi )
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a pause from rufus. there's such an energy to her statement and it throws him off. he stares and just -- processes that statement.
"you're worried about how warm hell is going to be? right now?"
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soundingstars · 9 months
@evcryopeneye x
A missing friend is what brought the dark-haired man to these parts because of the information he managed to get his hands on. He needed to see if it was true or not though. It was the truth that Wei Ying was able to learn shortly after his return while he was being cautious since things wouldn’t go well if he was discovered. The Yiling Patriarch was supposed to be dead after his downfall on that fateful day, a day when everything had been ripped away from him. He lost people who were important to him, he lost his beloved sister who wanted nothing more, but to defend him from harm. A sister who was trying to protect him. That was another reason why he was here because of the bond he managed to create with Feng Wu who most likely had heard about his demise. Was she okay? Was she happy? These were questions that Wei Wuxian was unable to answer as he didn’t hesitate to go searching for her, he needed to know that she was alright. 
The relief was there when he managed to find her even though it had taken him some time, but it seemed that she was doing okay. He didn’t wait a second longer before arriving at the town where Feng Wu was living for the time being. The former Yiling Patriarch wouldn’t find it surprising if she didn’t recognize him while he would have a lot of explaining to do. He would make sure to answer all of her questions though after that lecture was over with if she decided to send one his way. 
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A lecture that wasn’t going to happen because of the words that escaped her lips, words which he did and did not expect to hear. Shaking his head, a reassuring smile moved to grace his lips “It’s fine, don’t apologize for that. I’m just an old friend, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay after everything that happened back then.”
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brokeniisms · 6 months
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Send "Pins" for your muse to pin mine against a wall in an attempt to stop them from leaving
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Cloud was sure he was there... calling to him. Sephiroth. His head was killing him and his voice was clear. Often he questions illusion from reality, but certain urges can't be resisted. Cloud couldn't see for himself but his eyes started to turn blank as he made his way to the reactor. No one probably saw but him, but what mattered was what he was being told at the moment. All he could say was, ❝ I need to do this alone... ❞
Of course, others protested, but no one knew the first step to stop him other than to just follow him, and make sure he was okay. But someone else sensed something wrong. It caused her to act out. Snap out of it! The voice wasn't clear until his body was pushed against metal. He felt his shoulders shake and the impact on his back. ❝ Huh? ❞ Cloud blinked rapidly as he started to see clearly again. He saw her face. Yuffie didn't look happy at all. In fact, she looked so sad. It took him off guard. ❝ Sorry... I didn't mean to worry you. ❞
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yinjiyang · 1 year
Relief of the Spirit
@evcryopeneye - Feng Wu - Gentleness Action Prompts recovery - muse a rubs muse b’s back repeatedly to help work tension out their body
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Rare as it was for Yin Jiyang to initiate any form of physical contact, she did seem quite a bit stressed in this moment. Tepid fingertips delicately made contact with the fabric of her back, lightly tracing her shoulder blades at first...then fully pressing his fingers along the curves in a slow, downward motion. Once reaching the base of her spine, the cool and slender digits maintained contact as they made their gradual ascent along her torso, thumbs gently pressing into each vertebra as they passed all the way to the neck, then oh-so-slowly downward again, each pass making a slight progression outward and eventually back in again...
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blackfenrir · 3 months
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The lone wolf rested beside the White Rose, nestled in the grass, enjoying the balmy summer evening. Two souls, seemingly the opposite of each other, one hot and the other cold, were both forced to grow up fast in a cruel, careless world. They struggled with adulthood and often took to the road, running from their troubles in favor of excitement and adventure. He fell in love with her, as he did back then. The Rose was his light, a single bright bloom in the wastelands, one he ran fervently through the cold dark to get closer to. The pain of those he lost was carved into his heart, a stark reminder to fight, to protect her until his last breath. The memories of their laughter, their whispered secrets under a starlit sky, all threatened to become nothingness if he failed to hold onto her. He wouldn't let that happen. Not again.
"You know,  I never imagined we would…" He glanced at her as she spoke. "I don't know what I'm trying to say but…I know everything's going to be okay."  He smiled at her, then shut his eyes. "Would be nice for a change."
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lightfaithed · 2 months
smash or pass ( feng wu )
"You're absolutely stunning my dear, and since we've only known each other for a little while, it would be very crude of me to say. But I must be honest. Smash."
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tredispade · 3 months
🕯️ ( yuffie & reno )
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. | @evcryopeneye
She's just a punk ass kid from some backwater country.
But that wasn't really true, was it? Ever since she was brought in, she never lost her tenacity. If anything, she adapted quickly and easily to her captivity. Almost as if she wasn't a prisoner at all. Even if that's what she was. She could become an incredible asset one day for Shinra.
He shouldn't even be so involved with her. It wasn't even his job to watch over her. Not unless she made an escape, which she never did. And yet, he found himself checking in on her. Even spending time with her. She was fun and quirky. Like a little sister he never had. Or maybe, she just reminded him of himself at her age.
He used to think he felt sorry for her and her situation. But that's not really the case, not anymore. She was smart and clever. More so than even he gave her credit for. He was endlessly fascinated by her.
He also didn't believe for one moment she would be some mindless puppet for Shinra to play with. She'd give them a fight.
And that ability to remain so independent, he respected most of all.
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Headcanons Meme | Open
@evcryopeneye asked: Childhood, Work life, Sleep (for Reno)
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Childhood - In his youth, Reno wasn't great at making friends. Living in the slums with struggle around every corner, even for children that can manage to stay ignorant of the depths of that struggle, it didn't provide a constantly easy environment. That's not to say he didn't find kids to play with, or things to do to have fun. But he never connected with many people. He was close to his parents, and then he wasn't. Likely one of many reasons the ties he makes in adulthood carry even more weight, as it's more than he'd ever had in his more formative years.
Work Life - He might be seen complaining about the boring aspects to his work, or this issue or that, but even if he catch him running his mouth in a lounge or just shooting the shit with his coworkers, the man is far more balance than what can be assumed from the surface. He has the mind and instinct of a Second who is trusted by Tseng to take over if ever he is absent, and the work and existence of a Turk is his very life. So balance is something he values. Taking time for appropriate rest of body in mind is the only thing ever short on the list, but otherwise he keeps up with his training, with the necessary entail to be researched, and with keeping aware of the rest of the Turks and the going ons of the company. Every mission has his full commitment, even if a slow one will be full of his belly aching.
Sleep - He either gets too much sleep, or too little, and no in between (only time he gets the perfect amount of sleep is after a real good fucking). It's not as if he doesn't work to try and better his sleep, his body and might are either overworked and worn out, or overhyped and restless. And you best be careful if you're unfortunate enough to end up sharing a bed, because you will either be pancaked or karate chopped.
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nursc · 1 year
@evcryopeneye asked: the Emperor is an egomaniac who needs to be told what people think of him. (from Feng Wu)
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❛⠀⠀⠀Most men are.⠀⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀⠀ ⠀Christine says with a slight shake of the head, humming thoughtfully.⠀In her life she had met her fair share of egomaniacs who didn't see an inch beyond their nose and dated a few for good measure to make sure they were as blind to the world as they seemed, and when she started to feel like she was disappearing, she ran away as far as possible, her scientific experiment technically a success. ⠀
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The Emperor was a case apart, she had to agree.⠀A new form of Tinkerbell.
❛⠀⠀⠀Anyone ever tried telling him the truth?⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀
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the west wing, seventeen people, sentence starter meme.
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whitexdove · 4 months
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he's more than a little sleep deprived -- which would be nothing new to anyone who knew him.
"i will not elaborate because i don't know what i just said."
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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I just want to be a LOWKEY student of martial arts. maybe you misunderstood what LOWKEY meant when you pushed me too far.
@evcryopeneye asked : 👥 maybe? feng wu and your choice?
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brokeniisms · 6 months
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@evcryopeneye asked: “ do you like raisins? how would you feel about a date? ” (From Yuffie)
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❝ Yuffie what are you-- ❞ Cloud paused. He felt irritated already, but then when he started to think over his statement... Cloud was quite puzzled. What did raisins have to do with a date? And why did she suddenly bring up the topic of dating? Why did she look so happy? Cloud suddenly felt frazzled. He hated that he didn't understand most things that people did in social situations. So he just played along.
❝ No. My answer is no. Let's move on.❞
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yinjiyang · 1 year
A Pair of Inter-elopers
[FAKE DATING] a starter where our muses pretend to date - @evcryopeneye​ - Feng Wu
       What a situation they had landed in.  The couple had been so thankful to be alive, but also still in fear of their life.  And the identity of their attacker being unknown, they remained in fear for their lives.  Therein rose an interesting prospect.  What if this pair of mismatched cultivators impersonated them?  Clearly Feng Weng and Yin Jiyang could hold their own against another attack and, perhaps even this time, manage to catch their mystery assailant in the act.        And so it was that clothes were swapped along with identities, Feng Wu and Yin Jiyang became Jing Mei and Jing Chao, a newlywed couple from the Lihua village, just traveling to a coastal city for their first holiday as a married couple while the real Jings disappeared to the gentleman's cousin's estate in secret, leaving the cultivators with quite the hefty sum to compensate them for their troubles.  Identification tucked safely away, the married-under-someone-else's-name-on-paper couple entered the bustling city on horseback in search of this elusive 'Happiness Crane' tea house.  Thankfully, there was a bit of cloud cover to provide Yin Jiyang a bit of respite from the harsh rays of daylight, though such an overcast also meant shelter was a tad more crowded than usual.  Nevertheless, the tea house was located, horses boarded, identities...confirmed, and luggage brought to their room.  One room.  To share.  After all, they were newlyweds, why should they have separate rooms?       With attendants taking their leave, the fake couple were left to their own devices within their suite.  Yin Jiyang stood at the balcony overlooking the beach below and the sea beyond.  "...what a lovely view..." he commented as he stretched his arms nonchalantly above his head.  "What do you think..........tián xīn~?" he added with a playful sing-song and a flutter of his lashes as he looked to his 'bride'.
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blackfenrir · 3 months
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Cloud couldn't sleep, not with Yuffie kicking and pushing him every three minutes. It was as if her mind shut off partially when she slept but left the rest of her body on autopilot so she could get into mischief. Now, it was 4 AM, and his eyes were nearly glued open. Carrying a pillow, he went into the living room and tucked under the kotatsu in the middle. Although the floor was hard, it was peaceful and quiet. Until he felt sharp little teeth around his toe as her pet kitten gnawed at his feet. Too tired to deal with the orange fluffball, he groaned and closed his eyes, hoping his ankles were still there by the afternoon.
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nursc-a2 · 2 years
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Clasping her friend’s hand tightly in hers, Christine shoots a quick, apologetic smile to people Lucy had been talking to before dragging her away, pretending to immediately involve her in a very important conversation.       ❛     Sorry, they had me in their clutches. ❜        they had agreed that if it dragged on for too long, they’d save each other, but neither of them counted on the fact they’d both be stuck with the most tedious people alive.        ❛     People who work in the fact they are a scientist into every sentence should not be allowed to leave their labs, my god.    ❜  
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@evcryopeneye​    •        starter call.
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lightfaithed · 2 months
“I trust you.” ( from yuffie )
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Blue eyes glinted with affection and mischief. "I think you're going to like this." He understood her apprehension, and his trust meant a lot to her, so when Obi-Wan had said 'I will use the Force to catapult you through the air', he meant exactly that. He had seen how Yuffie sailed through the air on her own, all he had to do was give her a little push to make her fly even further. "When you land on the tower, push the button and open the gate. And voilá, we're inside."
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