#evelyn's a lot... scrappier than Eda. she's only really been dealing with the curse for maybe 8 years at the most
sergeantsporks · 8 months
Assuming that Evelyn doesn't have a secret OC sister that you've never told us about, I'm laughing about at the idea of Luz being the "secret mystery guest" of the Convention episode.
I mean, who else works so perfectly for that role?!
Estranged family member? Check. Powerful magical user? Check. Would totally be down for a Witches Duel in front of a live audience? Check!
I know that Witch Switch isn't a 10/10 perfect-match-for-everything-in-canon AU, but please don't skip Convention. I know that it's not exactly the most beloved episode, but it is fairly important from a world-building prospective... XD Plus you can totally add more comedy to it by having Luz and all of her Coven Heads be there.
[You know that Luz is the type of tyrant who would absolutely insist that her highest-ranked officials do meet-and-greets with the public. Every single year. Imao.]
Right now, the episodes on my outline list says "Covention equivalent." I do want something with that sort of world building, and since Odalia and Darius are sharing canon Amity's character beats, I can't really afford to cut out Amity-heavy episodes. It's definitely not going to be a perfect match, especially since covens aren't as huge of a deal in this universe, but I do have. Some sort of plan for including something like covention. And like, once again, Evelyn's a 20 something year old operating in a world where most of the other major players have twice her age and experience, so some stuff is just. Harder to do with her. I don't know if she'd put up as impressive a display in a fight versus a coven head as Eda vs Lilith at this point in the story, especially if she doesn't have personal beef to fuel her the way Eda did.
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