#even as 1D and The Wanted mega stan back in the day
allofuswantgwinam · 4 months
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was anyone else a JLS fan? 👀👀👀 i have never found anyone else who liked them 😭😭🤧 I need to listen to their comeback album bc i bet it’s amazing
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ourheroictommo · 7 years
FLICKER OF PASSION Niall Horan reveals a secret lover he had in 1D inspired his best songs — and it has inspired his emotional debut album Flicker
Niall Horan takes over Dan Wootton's Bizarre Column for the day
FOR his five years in ONE DIRECTION – and the nearly two years since they went on hiatus – NIALL HORAN has been linked to a string of beautiful women.
But while his bandmates HARRY STYLES, LIAM PAYNE, LOUIS TOMLINSON and ZAYN MALIK have had plenty of girlfriends since shooting to fame, Niall always insisted he was single . . . until now.
In his first Bizarre guest-edit since going solo, Niall revealed his incredible debut album Flicker, out today, was inspired by a secret relationship.
He said: “It is written about one person. Most of it is. There’s obviously songs that are not particularly about anything, just scenarios I’ve made up in my head or situations I’ve seen among my friends.
“But yeah, for the most part it’s about that one person.
“I live most of my life out of the public eye. I try to keep as much of it shut as possible, because if you let it out, people start asking you loads of questions and it becomes uncomfortable.
“That’s why I wrote the album I did — because I’m not the greatest talker in terms of emotion. But I found that I’m good at writing it down on paper and putting it on the record. It’s still quite a hard thing to do but I found it better to do it that way.”
The ten-track album is filled with emotional tunes about a complicated relationship — with a few mega-romantic ones too.
But Niall confirmed his muse is now an ex, adding: “I’m single now, yep. Yep. Extremely single.”
His mystery girl is NOT the Neighbours actress OLYMPIA VALANCE despite rumours they were close. Niall insisted they met through mutual friends and merely “hung out” at a barbecue.
And he was perplexed by the supposed love triangle between himself, ELLIE GOULDINGand ED SHEERAN in 2013, when Niall was believed to have got together with Ellie while she was dating Ed. That reportedly inspired Ed’s tune Don’t.
Niall, who also used 1D’s hiatus to launch sports management firm Modest! Golf, said with a laugh: “It kind of all happened without me knowing and that was it really.
“I can’t remember a specific time or a specific moment. It all kind of kicked off and there was a song written about it, apparently.”
Now Niall has his own heartache tunes to sing.
NIALL is overjoyed to be the only member of 1D to be up for an American Music Award – as Best New Artist. He said: “It’s unbelievable. It’s one of my favourite nights of the year. This year, with the nomination, it’s really cool, especially with some of the sick artists that are out.”
Kneel Horan
NIALL has been plagued by issues with his left knee and had major reconstructive surgery in January 2014.
Now he needs an op on his right one, as it’s been overcompensating for his left – but is struggling to find the time as his 2018 world tour nears.
He admitted: “It’s still f***ed. It’s nasty.
“In my family there’s a joint issue where the bones don’t sit in the socket properly.
“That’s the same with my ankles, my knees, my shoulders . . . every time I do press-ups I get pains in my shoulders, so it’s an on-going thing.
“The whole process was excruciating. I was lucky that I did my rehab when I did it.”
HAVING purposely stayed away from a dance sound, Niall said: “My music probably stands out like a sore thumb today. You’re competing in the charts with THE WEEKND, ED SHEERAN and DUA LIPA. It’s tough.”
Life after 1D
WHEN Zayn quit 1D, things were never going to be the same between him and the rest of the band.
But Niall has revealed their relationship is now almost non-existent, admitting he doesn’t even have a phone number for his old pal.
He explained: “I haven’t spoken to Zayn in a while.
“I spoke to him at Christmas then I spoke to him again a couple of months ago.
“Zayn’s Zayn , not a lot of people would be able to say that they get in touch with him. He’s the hardest man to get in touch with. He is always changing his number.” Things couldn’t be more different with his other bandmates, though.
Niall has already showered gifts on Bear, the seven-month-old son of Liam and CHERYL. He said: “I’ve met Bear. I got him a set of golf clubs, so I have to drop them off when I get the chance. I’m getting everyone into golf. I’m trying to grow the game.
“As a start I got him little trainers which have his name on the back. Little pairs of all the different trainers that Liam likes. Little Air Max, little Stan Smiths and stuff.”
Last month Niall saw Harry perform a solo gig in Los Angeles.
He said: “We hugged it out, had a drink afterwards and had a bit of a chat. We talk every day but we don’t get to see each other all the time because everyone’s doing their own bits and pieces.”
As for a reunion of the band in 2014, Niall said: “It’s only been like two years or whatever so I’m not worried about it. I’m not rushing it and I’m not worried that it won’t happen.”
That will be music to ears of their fans.
TOURING is different this time around. Niall said: “It’s a lot smaller entourage. I think there’s 16 of us. We had 160 crew on 1D and 30 or 40 trucks every day, everywhere we went. It was like a circus rolling into town.”
My pal's just unbeliebale
NIALL is the closest out of all the ONE DIRECTION lads to JUSTIN BIEBER.
And two months after the Canadian superstar axed the remaining dates of his Purpose tour, prompting concerns about his health, Niall says he is doing better than ever.
Niall said: “I love that fella. He’s mad, brilliant. He’s a different man completely.
“It’s unbelievable. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t do anything else, he’s in good shape, keeps himself to himself with a smaller group of mates and gives me a shout every time he wants to play golf.
“Fair play to him, I think he’s done a great job of turning it around.
“We kind of grew up together.”
bizmeter: Niall's nuggets
AWARDS — Niall is overjoyed to be the only member of 1D to be up for an American Music Award – as Best New Artist. He said: “It’s unbelievable. It’s one of my favourite nights of the year. This year, with the nomination, it’s really cool, especially with some of the sick artists that are out.”
HOME — With family Down Under, he revealed he is keen to move there one day. Niall explained: “I’m sure when I’m older I’d love to live in Australia. But that won’t be any time soon. I have a place in London and I’ve got a place in LA. I’m living out of the suitcase for the next year.”
DUET — His album is out, but Niall is still keen for a collaboration with SHAWN MENDES. He said: “The fans would love it. He’s in the middle of his album at the minute so if we can get something rustled up in the next while, we’ll see what happens. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
SINGER —Niall is just like everyone else when it comes to his favourite acts. As well as being a fan and a pal of SHANIA TWAIN, he said: “Oh I love ADELE, she is a dream. She’s just an unbelievable talent and what she’s done for British music around the world – she’s just incredible.”
NIALL found it hilarious when fans pointed out his album title Flicker looked awkwardly like a swear word. He said with a laugh: “It does look like f***er, doesn’t it. But no, it definitely says Flicker. I did think that was quite funny.”
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