#even here on tumblr how many ppl repost without even crediting the photog :/ it takes 2 minutes fr
heavenknowsffs · 8 months
hey, i'm sorry about your situation where you didn't get paid for that gig. if it helps, maybe you could generate a contract prior to agreeing to do any job. i'm not an expert at contract making, but having a contract would bind the person towards paying you for your services. your photos are really good and you should be compensated for them.
Hey hun thank you for the message i appreciate the sentiment 💕
It's a bit more complicated than that unfortunately, in this case i was working for my own publication so i'd ideally have to pay myself.
On the other hand if i make up a contract or even ask for payment i won't get the gigs at all so it's between working for free or not having anyrhing to show for it. 🥲
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