#even if base Kayn is just odyssey with worse colors
league-of-blorbos · 11 months
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deathscythc · 6 years
                                @lightshielded – Commander Jarvan.  ODYSSEY.
Commander Pleaton was most certainly a capable and also very careful man – perchance a little too careful for his own good. Yet, despite those qualities fitting for a man of such rank, he was quite awful in trusting his own men or those loyal to the Demaxian Empire. Kayn could partly understand his behavior, however – at least when it came to the much older man’s distrust towards him. He was more than half as old as him, scarcely older than twenty-one, already bearing the golden insignia of a commander on his blackened officer coat. Naturally, albeit such achievement certainly evoked admiration and jealousy alike, it was also quite reasonable to assume that even in the shadows of such talent one man with the experience of decades would be much wiser and reliable. Yet in Kayn’s case it was false and almost presumptuous.
He completely towered over Commander Pleaton’s almost bald head, ignoring with an iron, almost provokingly cocky facial expression his very obvious wrinkling of his nose whilst the elevator brought them to the highest level of one the Empire’s most gigantic warships. It was the pride of their fleet; newly constructed to have more power, more speed and better shield power than any prototypes before it. And this was supposed to be its field test – midst a raging war with an alien species in one of the outer realms. The war had caused countless of casualties on both sides for many years already, with neither the Empire being able to control their home planet or even come close to it nor them being able to completely eliminate their superior firepower. Nonetheless it was a standoff on every front, particularly with the Syndicate somehow managing to supply them with modern weapons and warships. Kayn had hunted down most of their smuggling routes by now, destroying their bases and ships like crushing mere insects beneath his feet, but he did know that the Syndicate would last for longer than this war with the aliens ever could. Nay, they were far worse. The thought alone made him almost unrecognizably clench his gloved fist.
Truthfully, it was a mere coincidence that Shieda Kayn had gained the honor to operate the Brave Tear with the assistance of another commander. Just a few days ago he had been a mere officer on a stationary baseship – well decorated for his duties yet merely a lapdog to his superiors. If it was not for a certain Ordinal’s influence who seemed to highly value his strategic point of view and successful operations, he would not stand here. Suffice to say, everyone expected him to put an end to this seemingly endless conflict posthaste. The entire operation, a well kept secret even among the higher ranked, was naught more than a merciless initiative – the methods did not matter as long as the result would be the end of this war. For this very reason very little did know about any details – nor was it even well known that the Brave Tear was already completely constructed and combat-ready – to prevent that any potential spies could leak such delicate information. Of course no one wanted them to be alarmed…
The doors of the elevator glided open as soon as they reached the highest level which was also, at the very same time, the entrance to the command center. Kayn could feel Commander Pleaton’s unwillingness to present him the noble sight of the finest architecture the Demaxian Empire had to offer – a sight even suited for the Emperor himself. The entire room was held in onyx black – both majestic and powerful, with golden ornaments decorating the entire room, even the floor. The furniture and the many screens to one side of the room were held in similar color patterns; a drastic change to the usual lifeless and dim grey hues of the common bridges. Of course this was hardly a surprise, considering that the Brave Tear, if proven itself worthy of its construction and invested time, would not only become the pride of their entire fleet but also the private ship of the Emperor himself. Nonetheless, such beautiful sight of absolute prestige did of course also affect him in some way or another.
The young commander took determined, confident steps forward, ignoring the older man to his side who was very apparently displeased by such bold behavior. However, they were not alone in the room – and Kayn immediately recognized the other man’s silhouette who already patiently awaited them. He was also tall and surprisingly young for a commander, just like Kayn. But unlike him who had grown up in the dark pits and holes of an equally gloomy and merciless planet, he knew that this very man had been surrounded by the most talented people of the entire Empire all his life. He had been taught well, ever since his birth, to stand where he was now. And no one did question his talent or his decisions, assuming that he would act just as wise as his father, the Emperor. It was the first time Kayn had the honor to see the Emperor’s son, Jarvan – but he had most certainly heard of this man’s deeds. Nay, actually he had studied them in his free time. He was capable despite his age – and if Kayn could allow himself to think as much, he strongly disagreed with some of the man’s usual courses of action.
Kayn stopped his steps in an appropriate distance, only to notice that commander Pleaton also stopped right by his side. It was difficult to tell whether he was solely disgusted because of him or also because of the other man standing in front of them. Something inside Kayn told him it had to be the first. “Now”, the old man cleared his throat, ready to annoy them with one of his usual long speeches no one asked for.                                  “With all due respect, Commander Pleaton, your given task ends here. I presume you have other duties which require your immediate attention. Ordinal Selkoz was very specific in his orders, as I recall. I will take over from here now”, Kayn sharply yet by no means rudely intercepted. The mere mention of Ordinal Selkoz was enough for the older man to fall silent. Truly, no one without a death wish would openly dare to object to an Ordinal’s orders. “Naturally”, he replied, albeit he very clearly took a sharp breath, similar to the cut of a knife. He gave a common noble bow, suiting for a commander, ere he left the room with hasted steps.
The young man waited till the elevator doors had closed once again, before he took a step forward to reach out with one of his hands. This was, by no means, a gesture fitting for someone like Jarvan who was part of the nobility of the core worlds. Yet right now, in this very moment, they were both equals. Only their loyalty towards the Demaxian Empire mattered.                                           “I am Commander Shieda Kayn. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
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