#even if he knows technically he can ask Hayle and Chris for anything and they would say yes
izayoichan · 4 years
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Vy sits on a boulder close to the house, just watching the stars, that one set of stars that he knows he comes from, wondering, thinking about the small knowledge he has. About love and life, about Hayden. How he wants to spend his life with Hayden. Be his Heartlight the same way Hayden is his. Share their hearts together and be one. But, he was a different kind of dragon from Hayden and maybe Hayden's type of dragon didn't do things this way. Like sleeping, it was odd for Hayden's kind of dragon to sleep together in the same bed, as he sits there thinking, it suddenly dawns on him how he can make Hayden feel better, getting up from where he has been sitting he runs off into the woods, as he saw a junkyard with books near the Britchester and goes there. Several hours later he stands by the doorway completely dirty and disheveled, carrying a small tower of old weathered books with a big smile on his face.
“Waiting for someone?”
Chris walks up from behind Vy, having just gotten back from work, and decided to take a little walk off his own. Looking at him wondering just what he has been up to. Vy yelps in surprise, dropping all the books in his hands, as well as some trinkets, Chris realizing he startled the poor boy.
“I was thinking of how I was going to open the door...”
Chris smiles at him, leaning down picking up the books and the trinkets, handing it to him and then opens the door so he can walk inside.
“There, problem solved, and sorry for the startle, are you okay?”
He had noticed how he was looking, clearly, he had not just been on a normal walk.
“Yes! I went junkyard diving! Look at all the books I found! And some trinkets I am going to fix and give to Hayden!”
He smiles brightly, going in with the books.
“I need to clean it all first. But the books have history!”
He picks the top book and shows it to Chris, it's a book on Freudian psychoanalysis.
“See! It has a name written. Mal Sullyvan, III Year Psychology "Jung was better! September 1990.”
He smiles again looking over at Chris who looks at the book, taking it and looking at it a little closer.
“Hmh.. I remember reading this once, I think...Yeah, I remember some of this. I suggest you clean yourself too, junkyard diving might require a bath. “
He Looks around the house as he enters, feeling all three off them in Hayden's room, guessing one sleeping, one crying, and one trying his best to care for both. Vy looking at him, then looking upstairs.
“I think someone will love to read those later.” “How is Hayden? And... is Rylan home?” “Sleeping, from how he feels, he was pretty upset with himself earlier though, afraid you would leave, and yes, Rylan is home, he is in Hayden’s room along with Hayle.” “Oh... I'll go get clean and go to him... when he wakes up I... I don't want to disturb them...“
He walks upstairs slowly and carefully so the books won't fall, feeling pretty bad about what happened Chris quickly catching up to Vy, taking some off the books off his hands helping him carry them up.
“You know, I think after you get clean you should just go to him, even if he is sleeping, you won't disturb them, don't worry.” “I made him upset though... “
He looks down, letting him help carry the books, makes way to his own bedroom and places the books on his desk.
“But I will take a bath and... go to him”
He nods, fidgets a little looking down-
“I'm sorry...”
Chris walks over to Vy and hugs him gently, disregarding the fact that he probably needs to shower afterward himself. Vy looking surprised at him as he gets hugged, but he doesn’t pull away, letting himself be hugged.
“He isn't upset with you, he is upset with himself, his illness and how he feels it ruins everything, that’s all. He loves you, and he wants like you want for him, nothing but the best.”
He smiles letting him go.
“And yes, take a bath and then go to him.”
“His illness doesn't... He didn't ruin anything! I'm not leaving him unless he wants me to... I love him so much... “
He simply stares at Chris
“I brought him books... to cheer him up... I should probably take a bath, or a shower” “I think he will love the books when he wakes up and feels like reading. I'll check on them while you take a shower, and we can give you and Hayden some alone time after that.
Vy nods rubbing his head and walks to the bathroom to take a shower, Chris just watching him, before he walks out of his room, walking over to Hayden’s room where he sees Hayle sitting with both boys and image that reminds him of them the two were just children. He knows Hayden will sleep for a long while still, but he is never sure when Vy is around as the healing he does changes what would be normal. Noticing his husband looking at him he sits on the side of the bed, putting a hand on Rylan’s shoulder just to tell him he is there. Vy takes a quick shower and comes out to get dressed. Once dressed into something comfy and warm he looks through the books, cleaning them up to bring a few for Hayden. Holding "Shadow of the wind" and "Utopia for Realists" he opens the door, peaking in carefully, being spotted by Chris, who nods at him. 
“Come on Rylan, we can sit somewhere else for now.”
without waiting for an answer he lifts Rylan up and walks past Vy, taking him to his room, sitting there with him, putting on a movie for them to have in the background. Hayle looking at Vy, waving him over. 
“You want to take my spot, as a Hayden bed?”
Vy nods and walks over to the bed, putting the books down and between them, they manage to get Hayden moved from Hayle to him. Hayden mumbling slightly as they move him, but he calms down the instant he feels Vy, calming down again, resting peacefully in Vy’s arms. 
“There, now he is home where he belongs. Just call me if you two need me, I’ll be just downstairs.”
Vy nods, gently playing with Hayden’s hair a small smile on his lips as he lets Hayden hold on to him. 
“My Heartlight.”
With his free arm, he decides to read one of the books he brought, noticing Hayden looking at him for a second or two before he seemed to fall asleep with a smile on his face. Vy kissing the top off his head. 
“My Heartlight, my love... rest, I won’t go anywhere.”
Hayle stops by Rylan's room, watching the two in the bed for a bit, before he walks back down to the kitchen, taking a sweet and something to drink, sighing, hoping things will work out for the best. 
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