#And both Chris and Hayle want to make sure he is okay
izayoichan · 4 years
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Vy sits on a boulder close to the house, just watching the stars, that one set of stars that he knows he comes from, wondering, thinking about the small knowledge he has. About love and life, about Hayden. How he wants to spend his life with Hayden. Be his Heartlight the same way Hayden is his. Share their hearts together and be one. But, he was a different kind of dragon from Hayden and maybe Hayden's type of dragon didn't do things this way. Like sleeping, it was odd for Hayden's kind of dragon to sleep together in the same bed, as he sits there thinking, it suddenly dawns on him how he can make Hayden feel better, getting up from where he has been sitting he runs off into the woods, as he saw a junkyard with books near the Britchester and goes there. Several hours later he stands by the doorway completely dirty and disheveled, carrying a small tower of old weathered books with a big smile on his face.
“Waiting for someone?”
Chris walks up from behind Vy, having just gotten back from work, and decided to take a little walk off his own. Looking at him wondering just what he has been up to. Vy yelps in surprise, dropping all the books in his hands, as well as some trinkets, Chris realizing he startled the poor boy.
“I was thinking of how I was going to open the door...”
Chris smiles at him, leaning down picking up the books and the trinkets, handing it to him and then opens the door so he can walk inside.
“There, problem solved, and sorry for the startle, are you okay?”
He had noticed how he was looking, clearly, he had not just been on a normal walk.
“Yes! I went junkyard diving! Look at all the books I found! And some trinkets I am going to fix and give to Hayden!”
He smiles brightly, going in with the books.
“I need to clean it all first. But the books have history!”
He picks the top book and shows it to Chris, it's a book on Freudian psychoanalysis.
“See! It has a name written. Mal Sullyvan, III Year Psychology "Jung was better! September 1990.”
He smiles again looking over at Chris who looks at the book, taking it and looking at it a little closer.
“Hmh.. I remember reading this once, I think...Yeah, I remember some of this. I suggest you clean yourself too, junkyard diving might require a bath. “
He Looks around the house as he enters, feeling all three off them in Hayden's room, guessing one sleeping, one crying, and one trying his best to care for both. Vy looking at him, then looking upstairs.
“I think someone will love to read those later.” “How is Hayden? And... is Rylan home?” “Sleeping, from how he feels, he was pretty upset with himself earlier though, afraid you would leave, and yes, Rylan is home, he is in Hayden’s room along with Hayle.” “Oh... I'll go get clean and go to him... when he wakes up I... I don't want to disturb them...“
He walks upstairs slowly and carefully so the books won't fall, feeling pretty bad about what happened Chris quickly catching up to Vy, taking some off the books off his hands helping him carry them up.
“You know, I think after you get clean you should just go to him, even if he is sleeping, you won't disturb them, don't worry.” “I made him upset though... “
He looks down, letting him help carry the books, makes way to his own bedroom and places the books on his desk.
“But I will take a bath and... go to him”
He nods, fidgets a little looking down-
“I'm sorry...”
Chris walks over to Vy and hugs him gently, disregarding the fact that he probably needs to shower afterward himself. Vy looking surprised at him as he gets hugged, but he doesn’t pull away, letting himself be hugged.
“He isn't upset with you, he is upset with himself, his illness and how he feels it ruins everything, that’s all. He loves you, and he wants like you want for him, nothing but the best.”
He smiles letting him go.
“And yes, take a bath and then go to him.”
“His illness doesn't... He didn't ruin anything! I'm not leaving him unless he wants me to... I love him so much... “
He simply stares at Chris
“I brought him books... to cheer him up... I should probably take a bath, or a shower” “I think he will love the books when he wakes up and feels like reading. I'll check on them while you take a shower, and we can give you and Hayden some alone time after that.
Vy nods rubbing his head and walks to the bathroom to take a shower, Chris just watching him, before he walks out of his room, walking over to Hayden’s room where he sees Hayle sitting with both boys and image that reminds him of them the two were just children. He knows Hayden will sleep for a long while still, but he is never sure when Vy is around as the healing he does changes what would be normal. Noticing his husband looking at him he sits on the side of the bed, putting a hand on Rylan’s shoulder just to tell him he is there. Vy takes a quick shower and comes out to get dressed. Once dressed into something comfy and warm he looks through the books, cleaning them up to bring a few for Hayden. Holding "Shadow of the wind" and "Utopia for Realists" he opens the door, peaking in carefully, being spotted by Chris, who nods at him. 
“Come on Rylan, we can sit somewhere else for now.”
without waiting for an answer he lifts Rylan up and walks past Vy, taking him to his room, sitting there with him, putting on a movie for them to have in the background. Hayle looking at Vy, waving him over. 
“You want to take my spot, as a Hayden bed?”
Vy nods and walks over to the bed, putting the books down and between them, they manage to get Hayden moved from Hayle to him. Hayden mumbling slightly as they move him, but he calms down the instant he feels Vy, calming down again, resting peacefully in Vy’s arms. 
“There, now he is home where he belongs. Just call me if you two need me, I’ll be just downstairs.”
Vy nods, gently playing with Hayden’s hair a small smile on his lips as he lets Hayden hold on to him. 
“My Heartlight.”
With his free arm, he decides to read one of the books he brought, noticing Hayden looking at him for a second or two before he seemed to fall asleep with a smile on his face. Vy kissing the top off his head. 
“My Heartlight, my love... rest, I won’t go anywhere.”
Hayle stops by Rylan's room, watching the two in the bed for a bit, before he walks back down to the kitchen, taking a sweet and something to drink, sighing, hoping things will work out for the best. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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lovelybones81 · 5 years
Unthinkable *updated 9/3*
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Summary: Seven years, three movies, two people, one story. But before they can get their happily ever after, Sebastian Stan and Camille Solis must learn to trust in each other and in themselves, before allowing the unthinkable to happen.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, Language, Angst, mental health, WOC lead character
Rating: NC-17
Note: I know it’s been a long time, my personal life got in the way. I’m trying to get back to writing because its the only thing that keeps my brain from running. Anyway- I hope I can make it up with this. It’s pretty long! xoxoxo Also if anyone is interested, I also have a wattpad!  Link below. 
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Chapter 26 Without You
July 2011
The Hollywood Roosevelt, World Premiere of Captain America: The First Avenger
 Sebastian’s eyes shot open at the sound of knocking. Groaning he rolled over in the bed and reached for his phone. He grimaced when he realized he had no missed calls or messages. The knock got louder, he grunted and pushed himself up with his arms. “I’m fucking coming!” he snapped, startled by the tone of his voice. He tossed his phone unto the mattress and stumbled to the front door, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand before he swung it open.
 His co-stars Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell stood on the other side of the door with huge smiles. Hayley spoke first. “Hi darling- were you napping?”
 He glared but took a step back to let them both into his hotel suite. He grumbled under his breath and shut the door behind them, running his fingers through his messy hair. “Does it look like I’ve been sleeping?” plopping down on the edge of the bed.
 “Well aren’t we in a lovely mood.” Hayley badgered, sitting down on the couch across from him.
 “We’ve been doing 3 days of nonstop press junket in a small room- after a while it takes a toll answering the same questions over and over.” He responded and watched Chris sit next to Hayley.
 “Bro-you act as we aren’t doing them with you.” Chris stated, speaking up for the first time and tossed one of the decorative pillows in Sebastian’s direction. 
 Sebastian was quick catching it and pushed it behind him to use for support. “I know.” He uttered and realized he might be overreacting just a bit.
 Chris was right of course, they were all in this together. They had been doing press/media junkets nonstop for the last 72 hours at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. They had seen and talked to so many press people he couldn’t keep it straight. He had done press for movies before, but never to this extreme. He knew this was a big deal-but hadn’t truly comprehended how big until this week. It was a bit nerve wracking, especially since the world premiere for the movie was set for later on that night. 
 They had been up since 5 in the morning, doing the last bit of interviews and he was exhausted. He was glad to have the rest of the afternoon off before having to get ready for later. “What are you two doing up here anyway? I thought you were going to lunch?” He asked with a yawn.  
 After their last interview, they had all gone their separate ways. Sebastian had decided to go back to his to room and try to rest before his mother arrived from New York. 
 “We are. We just figured we’d drag your sorry ass to join us.” Chris replied with half a smirk. 
 “As sweet as that invitation was-.” Sebastian said sarcastically and with a face. “I’m still waiting on my mother to get here.” Blindly reaching behind him to grip his phone. 
 “I thought you said the flight got delayed and she wasn’t going to be here until right before we headed to the red carpet?” Chris asked. 
 Sebastian felt a hint of annoyance at how well Chris paid attention. “Yeah, so?” 
 “Sooo…” Hayley cut in with a knowing look. “We know you haven’t eaten.”
 With a shake of his head he responded. “Not really hungry.” And looked back down at his phone, his heart sinking a bit at the blank screen. He tossed the phone next to him again and lifted his gaze back up to find both Chris and Hayley staring intently at him. “What?”
 “You tell us.” Hayley pushed with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve been mopey all morning.” She observed.
 Sebastian opened his mouth and then shut it. Unsure of how to answer. He knew he’d been moody, he just couldn’t pinpoint why. “Just tired.” He finally mumbled and watched from the corner of his eye as both of his friends shared a look. “If I go, will you two stop looking at me with pity?” he asked at the same time rubbing the back of his neck.
 “You’re the one with the sad puppy eyes.”
 He heard Chris snort next to Hayley and Sebastian glared. Chris’ face quickly became somber, but there was still a hint of a smile on his features. Subconsciously he peered back down toward his phone. But quickly focused his attention back on Hayley when she spoke up again.
 “Alright- whose phone call or message are you waiting on?” she probed. “Is it that girl-?” She turned to Chris. “What’s her name again?” Snapping her fingers as if doing so would help her remember.
 “Dianna.” Chris answered automatically.
 Sebastian clinched his jaw in displeasure, but didn’t say a word.
 Hayley continued, her eyes wide. “Is she the one you’re bringing tonight?”
 “You know what? I can’t wait until tonight- because that means I no longer have to deal with the both of you.” Sebastian stated cynically, but also made sure to avoid answering Hayley’s question.
 Chris rolled his eyes before gazing back to Hayley with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Notice how he’s avoiding the question.” He mused.
 “Oh c’mon darling, we know you’ve been seeing her.” Hayley stated and pushed herself up from the couch and made her way toward Sebastian. Plopping down next him, she looped her arm through his. “And since you’re avoiding it-I guess we will be seeing her later.”
 He scowled. “Not that it’s any of your business- but the only person I’m bringing tonight- is my mother.” And that was the truth.
 “Then what’s going with you and Dianna?” she pushed, playfully elbowing him.
 “Nothing. We’ve gone out on one date.” His blurted out without thinking. Quickly regretting the fact he shared any dating information with Hayley. In his defense it had been brought up in casual conversation and mentioned it without realizing it.
 “Is she going to be at the after party?” Chris asked.
 “No.” Sebastian answered. “She’s not even in LA right now.” Why couldn’t he keep his mouth shut again?
 “What? This is big deal and she isn’t here to support you?” Hayley gaped.
 “It’s not like she’s my girlfriend. We’ve literally gone out on one date. The other times we’ve been around other people.” He muttered annoyed.  “And- she did send a text to wish me good luck.” He defended. “Unlike some other people…” he mumbled under his breath, his heart aching all of a sudden.
 “Ahh.” Chris said knowingly. “Now it makes sense.”
 “What does?” Hayley asked, giving Sebastian a long look.
 “Nothing.” Sebastian said quickly, as he gave Chris a warning look.
 “No contact with her yet?” Chris asked.
 Sebastian gave a slight shake of his head and lifted himself up off the bed, reaching for Hayley’s arm instead, hoping they were done with this conversation. “C’mon Hayles-.”
 “Wait-no. What I am missing here?” she asked, looking between both men.
 Chris shrugged and stood up, not saying a word. The room was silent for a few minutes, as Sebastian searched for his shoes and fidgeted with his cell phone. Fine, so maybe he could pinpoint why he hadn’t been in the best mood all morning. But he didn’t want to say it out loud, because he was sure it sounded ridiculous.
 He cleared his throat. “Are we going to go…?”
 “No.” Hayley declared. “Not until I figure out what’s going on. Because obviously it’s ruining today.”
 Sebastian frowned down at her, his jaw set, but did not answer.
 “Who isn’t here, but should be?” Chris asked slowly.
 Hayley scrunched up her nose in concentration, evident she was racking her brain. After a few moments, her eyes widen and looked back up at Sebastian. “It’s about a 20 hour difference.” Looking down at her wrist watch. “She’s probably just now getting up.” She defended. “If it makes you feel any better I haven’t heard from her either. I sent her a text this morning, but I haven’t gotten a response since we spoke last night-our time of course.”
 Sebastian felt his heart sink at Hayley’s words. He hadn’t heard from Camille in 4 days. She had told him, she was going to be working long hours during the weekend and probably wouldn’t be able to talk much. “I haven’t heard from her since Thursday afternoon. It’s Monday.” Sebastian muffled, deciding to just give in and talk about it. It was taking more energy to not say anything. 
 She had been gone for over 4 months now and they had kept in contact throughout that time, whether it was text/email or even video chatting. Their schedules were so busy that it was hard at times, especially with the time difference- but they had managed. The vow to keep their hands to themselves was working wonders since they were literally thousands of miles apart. It wasn’t a topic they discussed when they did talk, it didn’t seem necessary. They both knew were things stood and both were okay with it…
 Or at least that’s what Sebastian hoped. They hadn’t discussed the boundaries of sharing with each other if they decided to see other people, but figured honesty was the best policy, until they talked about it. That’s why he had made the decision to mention it the last time they spoke about his date.
 His heartbeat picked up at the thought. What if that’s why she hadn’t responded? He ran back through their conversation from Thursday in his head. She hadn’t acted as if it bother her, especially when he told her it was a date that was set up by friends. If there was one thing he had come to learn about Camille-was her lack of a poker face.
 But what if he was wrong?
 “C’mon man, we’ve been there. Long days, turning into longer nights.” Chris tried to reason as he rubbed his hand over his beard.
 Sebastian knew Chris was right, but he couldn’t help but feel the anxiety that maybe she was upset with him. Especially if she had been in contact with Hayley the day before.
 He was trying to act as if it was not a big deal, since no one, besides her sister, wife and Charles knew about what had happened between them in Big Sur and even then, they hadn’t confirmed anything.
 He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair tensely. “Yeah...” Was all he uttered and turned to Hayley. “You know what? I’ am hungry now.” He stated with a small smile. Hoping his friends would get the hint and drop the subject.  
 Hayley smiled back and looped her arm through his, picking up that he was done talking about it. “Good, let’s go. I’m starving.”  
Sebastian tossed the cigarette bud into the trash can at the same time he stepped back into his suite after being out in the balcony. He was about to reach for his third cigarette when his phone vibrated on the bed. He peered over at it, deciding to ignore it and grabbed the lighter instead. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, especially when in a few hours he was going to be surrounded by a hundred of them. The phone stopped vibrating-but it was only for a second before it started back up again. It vibrated a few more times, then stopped.
 After a few seconds, the phone beeped. Whoever it was had left a voicemail. He knew it wasn’t his mother, she had sent a message right before he sat down to lunch with Chris and Hayley, letting him know she was about to board the plane. Letting out a dejected sigh, he bend down and grasped the phone and scowled. It wasn’t a voicemail- it was a text- from Charles. He rolled his eyes even before reading the message.
 Charles: Answer the damn phone.
 Sebastian rolled his eyes again, ready to toss the phone back on the bed when it vibrated in his hand, Charles name blinking back at him. He’s fingers were slow to pick up the call, it stopped. But before Sebastian even thought about putting it back down, another text came through.
 Charles: I’ll just keep calling until you answer.
 And that’s exactly what he did. The phone rang again. Sebastian knew better than to fight this. He groaned and put the phone to his ear. “What’s so urgent?” he grumbled.
 Charles chuckled dryly. “Well aren’t you in a good mood this afternoon.” Sebastian made a face even though his best friend couldn’t see it. “What stick is up your ass?” he added.
 “What do you want Charles?” Sebastian demanded, avoiding the question.
 His best friend let out a dramatic sigh. “I just needed to know what time I should get to the hotel later.”  
 Sebastian clenched his jaw, and let out a breath through his nose. “Was that really your emergency?”  If he knew Charles was going to be acting weird, he would not have invited him to the premiere.  
 “Oh no.” Charles stated casually. Then there was a long pause.
 “Charles!” Sebastian exclaimed impatiently after about 30 seconds of neither one speaking.
 “Hmm?” Charles answered obviously distracted.
 “I’m gonna hang up now.”
 “Dude, calm down.” Charles ordered steadily. “I need you to go open the door.” He added. Sebastian removed the phone from his ear and gave it a ‘what the hell?’ look. “Just go open the damn door.” Charles repeated.  
 “Charles- I swear if this is one of your stupid pranks, I’m seriously not in the mood-“
 “Yeah, I know you aren’t in the mood. Everyone around you today has said the same thing.” Charles said sarcastically. Sebastian opened his mouth to ask how he knew this, but Charles beat him to it. “Trust me- this will make up for it.”
 He hesitantly took a step in the direction of the door. What the hell was Charles up to? “What did you do?” he pushed and placed his hand on the door knob.
 “Nothing!” Charles responded in an offended tone. “Did you open the door yet?”
 “Open.the.fucking.door.” He ordered, enunciating each word.
 Sebastian turned the knob. “Are you already here? Is this why you’re acting more annoying than usual?” As he pulled the door open absent-mindedly. “Because my mom is going to be here and I really don’t feel like-.” Stopping mid-sentence, his brain unable to form words all of a sudden.
 Charles chuckled lightly. “I’m assuming you finally opened the door.” Sebastian opened and then shut his mouth, words not coming out. His best friend snickered on the other line. “I told you this was would make up for it. Oh and you’re welcome. I’ll see you later.” Then there was a click, indicating he had just hung up.
 “Hola, Ojos Azules- are you just gonna stand there and stare? Or are you going to let me in?” Camille’s soft voice asked cheekily, a huge grin on her beautiful features. She stood a few feet away from him, in a pair of dark jeans and buttoned down yellow blouse, beautiful melanin skin glowing against the material. Her normal curls straighten and down to her shoulders.  
 Fuck, was she really standing in-front of him? Regardless, he took a small step back, unsure of what else to do or say. 
 “Cierra la boca si no las moscas se meten.” She teased in Spanish, as she stepped into the suite and turned her back to him to shut the door.
 He had no idea what she had just said, but his brain cells rapidly returned. He swiftly moved behind her. She let out a small gasp in surprise when she came face to chest. He narrowed his eyes down. “Is this why you hadn’t responded to my messages?” he accused, things slowly clicking in his head.
 Camille looked up at him through her lashes, an innocent smile on her face. “Did you really think I would miss this?” Hesitantly placing the palms of her hands on his chest, as if unsure if she could touch him.
 “Well…I hadn’t heard from you in days-.”
 “Were you worried?” she interrupted in a teasing tone and moved her hands up and down his chest gently.
 A sense of relief hitting the pit of his stomach at how easily they were able to go back to their teasing ways- even after 4 months. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her face. “Actually- I kind of thought you were mad at me.” He admitted and placed his hands on top of hers. His heart swelling with the familiar emotions every time he was around her.
 Camille wrinkled her forehead in confusion. “Mad at you?”
 Sebastian was barely paying attention to her words, instead he gently cupped her face, her skin soft against his fingers. “It doesn’t matter now.” He muttered.
 But she wasn’t dropping it. “Why would I be mad at you?” Giving him a suspicious look. “What did you do Sebastian Stan-?”
 “Camille-.” He interrupted.
 “What?” she snapped and lifted her chin at the same time scrunching her nose.
 “Shut up.” She scowled in response. “And let me kiss you.” He finished softly and dropped his hands from her face, as their noses touched. A shaky breath escaped her lips, but she tried to mask it with a glare. Sebastian caught it and smirked. “I don’t have to-.” 
 She rolled her eyes, before she chewed on her bottom lip. He closed his eyelids and nuzzled his nose to hers. She let out another choppy breath. “I-I uh just...” trailing off. 
 Fuck-he’d missed her. 
 “Yeah? Me too.” He mocked, though he had no idea what she was talking about.
 “You think you’re so funny Stan-.” 
 But didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence as Sebastian mouth touched Camille’s, brushing lightly over her bottom lip. A tiny sigh escaped her, before he completely covered her mouth with his. His hands glided up and behind her neck, angling it a bit to get better access. He needed to taste her again. He smiled against her lips when he felt her hands wrap loosely around his waist to tug him close. Sebastian took it as a sign and trailed his hands down to her hips. Recklessly but slowly he led her backwards so she was pressed up against the wall closest to the door. He broke the kiss temporarily to make sure he hadn’t hurt her as they moved. She responded quickly and didn’t wait for him to kiss her, but devoured his lips with her own, sucking on his tongue and moving her mouth against his.
 They continued to attack each other in a frenzy, as if their lives depended on it for the next few minutes. He eventually clutched harder on her covered torso as her fingers clasped the front of his shirt and jerked him harder to her warm body, initiating a light bang sound on the wall.
 Quickly he pulled away from her mouth and looked down at her with concern. “Are you okay?” Moving one hand behind her head in protectiveness while the other hand stroked the skin on her arm. The familiar glossy look he come to love back in her eyes.
 “Mmm, mmm yeah.” She responded and nipped eagerly on his lower lip.
 He snickered. “Are you sure?” But pressed his chest to her breasts. His fingers aching to touch more. Her usual smell of vanilla and shea butter invading his nostrils. He dipped down and licked the side of her neck, not waiting for a response. “So does this mean we’re picking up where we left off?” he murmured amusingly into her skin. Instinctively, she grasped unto his bicep and let out a tiny sigh. Sebastian nibbled along the collarbone and she shivered. “I’ll take that as a yes…” he whispered and glided one hand downward to the dip of her spine, then to one covered ass cheek.
 Camille whined in shock at his sudden move, but it swiftly turned into a low moan when he rubbed then squeezed smoothly.
 “God, I’ve missed…this…” he grunted against her lips. “…ass.” Then kissed her hard to keep her from saying another word.
 After a few seconds, she pulled away and scowled. “And here I thought you were going to say you missed me.” 
 He gave her a light peck, then chuckled lowly. “I mean it is part of you.” He reasoned, unable to stop his hands from clutching again as he attached his mouth back to her clavicle and sucked right where she liked it. She stirred and tossed her head back. He smiled against her skin. He hit his mark. He sucked again and she whimpered.  
 “You’re-you’re distracting m-me…” she stuttered but angled her neck more to give him better access.
 “I know.” Sebastian admitted and nibbled a few moments longer before he pressed his lips back on hers. And for the next ten minutes not a single world was said between them as they familiarized themselves back with their lips and hands. They kissed, nipped, licked and groped in a frenzy, unable to get enough of each other. It felt as if their bodies and mind knew they had 4 months to catch up on. 
 Somehow they made it toward the loveseat, still tangled in each other’s arms. Sebastian stumbled backwards onto the cushions and Camille took the opportunity to straddle him. He let out a small grunt and she raised an eyebrow. He smiled wickedly up at her then tugged her face towards his. As their lips locked once more, his hands desperately moved to the first button of her blouse.
 “Well aren’t we in a hurry?” Camille teased beside his mouth, but rubbed her firm ass against his thighs.
 He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and confessed. “I just can’t believe you’re really here.” His heart thumping rapidly within his chest.
 “So…is this better than a text?” she asked boldly, those beautiful brown eyes dancing with mischief.  
 His eyes grew wide, when her words registered in his brain. “They told you about that?” His cheeks warm. She nodded. “Wait-they knew about this?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
 Giggling, she nodded again and gently brushed one of his brows with her fingertips. “Everyone kind of did.” 
 She pursed her lips to keep from laughing. “I talked to her this morning.” 
 “Huh.” Not sure of what else to say, but absently continued to play with the blouse button.
 She got him good. He had not been expecting her. He knew she been working long hours and when he’d mentioned the premiere a month ago, her respond was: she wished she could be there, but work was not going to allow the time. He had been bummed- but if anyone understood, it was him. 
 He playfully glared but glided his large hands down her torso. A small yelp left her lips when his fingers began to tickle. 
 She laughed loudly and squirmed in his lap. “Sebastian! Stop!” Her laughter echoing throughout the room. “You know I hate being tickled.” She reminded, almost out of breath. “Sebbb.” She begged. 
 Finally, he stopped his torture and kissed her. She stirred and he sucked in a large breath when she spread her legs wider and her covered mound came in contact with his now growing erection. 
 They teased each other for a few longer moments; his hands back on her ass, unable to keep from touching and squeezing, while she used her hips to grind into him. 
 Damn- he had something important to say but could not concentrate. He realized they needed to discuss...
 But it was hard to think straight when her hips kept moving the way they were. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Camille...”
 “Hmm?” she answered distractedly as she sucked on his lower lip, before she trailed her lips down his neck. She moaned into his ear as she grinded herself into him again.
 “About what I said to Hayles and Chris…” he started, trying his best to keep the focus, clutching tightly on her hip. Camille lifted her head abruptly and gave him a confused look. He could feel his cheeks burning as he thought back to earlier in the day and how he might have been a bit of an ass to his friends.  
 Camille quirked her eyebrow for a moment, taking in his words. Slowly she realized what he meant. “There’s nothing to say or apologize for.” And stopped grinding into him. Sebastian’s heart began to race at her words. She must have sense his sudden agitation because she nuzzled her nose to his with a small smile. “Is that why you thought I was mad at you?”
 He shifted in his spot, his hands still on her body, her behind snuggled perfectly into his lap. He licked his dry lips. “Not… necessarily.” He said weakly, not meeting her gaze and feeling like a damn teenage boy all of a sudden at how he lost all common sense when she was around.
 “Hmm.” Camille started and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Could this have anything to do with your date?” At her words, he jerked his attention back on her. She wrinkled her nose in amusement. She moved and spread her thighs but leaned back a bit to look at him through her long lashes. “Seb- baby relax.” Rubbing the top of his shoulders soothingly. “We never talked about it. It’s not like we established any rules about us not seeing other people.” Ducking her head down to give him a sweet peck on the lips. He raised both eyebrows in astonishment. “What?” She asked nervously now. 
 “You’re kind of amazing you know that?” He murmured, his hands moving up and down on her spine. 
 “I mean I wouldn’t have let you kiss me if I thought you were seeing someone-.” And stopped to give a suspicious look. “You aren’t, right? It’s not like she’s your girlfriend-?”
 “Why? Would you be jealous?” He couldn’t help but ask with a smirk. 
 She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “No. But you would be getting an elbow to your junk.” She stated in a matter of fact tone. 
 “Such violence.” Sebastian teased in between chuckles. Feeling a little less anxious about things, now that she was there with him. He realized she was such as unsure of things as he was. But one thing was for sure- and it was that he would never be the type of man who could cheat. He slipped his arms around her waist and tugged her softly to him. “Come here.” He started with a grin. “No- she isn’t my girlfriend. We’ve been out once.” He confirmed and nestled his face into her hair. He could understand her uneasiness. If he was seeing someone seriously, their current position would not be appropriate. Sebastian continued. “We’ve talked a few times. She texted a bit earlier-.”
 “To wish good luck right?” she mumbled with a squint of her eyes.
 Sebastian felt his heart flutter and lifted his head back up. “So you are jealous.” He accused, eyes dancing with glee.
 Camille’s jaw dropped, eyes wide. “I didn’t say uh- t-that.” She stammered but ran her fingers through his hair.
 “Uh huh.” She stirred in his lap and moved one hand to the back of his neck. “I mean it’s okay if you are-.”
 “You talk too much.” She interrupted and swiftly covered his mouth with hers, her body unconsciously arched up and moaned. He squeezed her hip tight as his tongue teased hers.
 The conversation forgotten as they continued their attack on each other. Lips, hands everywhere again. This went on for a few more moments. His hands itched to touch more of her skin. He blindly found the buttons on her blouse and began to delicately undue each one. His skin feeling as if it was on fire. The need for her unexplainable. He was down to the second to last button when he heard a sudden knock on his door.
 He jerked his hand and mouth back at the same time. He groaned in frustration. This would happen. He peered back and she bit down on her lower lip, ready to push off of him. Sebastian was quick and gripped her elbow, getting a good peek of her yellow bra. “Maybe they’ll think I’m not here?” He whispered, afraid that whoever was on the other side would hear him. 
 Camille giggled and tapped his chin indicating for him to look her. “We aren’t that lucky.” 
 And almost as if on cue, they heard another knock. He shut his eyes for a split second, but not before the third knock. He sighed in aggravation and opened them back up to find Camille giving him an almost pity look. “Do I have to?” He whined like a child. 
 “Yes baby.” She calmly answered at the same she got up from his lap.
 Groaning loudly, he followed her lead. Begrudgingly he made his way toward the door but not before he looked over his shoulder to Camille buttoning the blouse back up. Letting out one last displeased grunt, he unlocked the door and found his manager, Emily. 
 “Hey!” She greeted happily. 
 He forced a smile. Any other time he would have been happy to see her, but not at that precise moment. 
 She didn’t wait for him to say a word, instead she strutted into the room and continued to talk. “So I was thinking-.” But gasped when she spotted Camille sitting on the couch. “You made it!” Quickly walking toward and engulfing her in a hug. 
 Sebastian shut the door and looked between both women. “You knew?” 
 Emily pulled away from Camille and winked. “Who do you think booked her flight?” 
 Camille snickered and reminded. “I told you everyone knew.” 
An hour and a half later, Camille stepped back to let Sebastian into her hotel room. She had left his room to start getting ready for the premiere. She smiled genuinely and leaned in to peck him on the lips. “Hey.” She greeted closing the door behind them, as she played with the slash of the white robe wrapped around her body.
 “Hi.” Sebastian answered but peered down to his phone when it beeped. Blindly, he strutted toward the back of the couch, his attention on the phone screen. “Sorry.” He mumbled and peeked a look at her. “Mom just got into LAX.”  
 Camille beamed. “I can’t wait to see her! Did she make it okay?” 
 “Yea. She’s getting her luggage. It’s probably going to take her another hour to get to the hotel with this traffic.” Sebastian stated, leaning against the couch. 
 “I can wait for her, if you have to leave before she gets here.” Camille offered, nervously tugging on the collar of the robe. 
 Sebastian smiled gratefully and placed his phone on the edge of the couch. “Thank you. I hate the idea of her roaming around by herself. Especially since my stepdad couldn’t make it.” 
 “Are you still dragging him to the London premiere?” Camille teased and turned toward the bathroom. She had been in the process of doing her eyeliner when he knocked. 
 “First of all- I’m not dragging him.” Sebastian protested and followed, leaning his whole body against the door frame, arms across his chest. 
 Camille snickered and winked before she leaned into the counter to get her other eye. She had come to learn how important Anthony- Georgeta’s husband was to Sebastian. It was cute actually. “Is he excited about it?” She asked instead. 
 “Yeah.” He said with a grin. “It’ll be cool. This will be his first movie premiere and I’m glad he gets to enjoy at least one of them since he can’t be here tonight.” 
 Camille stopped for a split moment with the eyeliner pencil and sincerely smiled through the mirror. “I’m glad.” Then focused back on her makeup.  
 “I still can’t believe mom knew about you coming and kept it to herself.” 
 “That’s because I told her this morning.” Camille confessed finishing up with the eyeliner. Giving herself a once over she turned her attention toward him. Her pulse accelerating when she realized those deep blue eyes were already boring into her.
 “You’re pretty good at that.” He mused and rubbed a hand behind his neck. 
 Camille wrinkled her nose. “I better be- seeing that it’s my livelihood.” Her hands fretfully rubbing on the material of the robe. 
 To say Camille hadn’t been nervous about his reaction to her surprise visit was the understatement of the year. Throughout the whole flight, anxiety had taken over her thoughts. What if he didn’t care? What if she showed up and he had a date? (Even though Charles had insisted otherwise) They hadn’t talked about boundaries when they decided to sleep together 4 months prior.
 She had so many questions…
 Originally she had not been able to get the days off, but after a few schedule changes it had worked out. She mentioned it to Charles via text and he been the one with the idea of surprising Sebastian. Charles had been the one to contact Emily and then everything else fell into place. At first she’d been hesitant, afraid he was taking someone besides his mom to the premiere. She didn’t want to intrude, if he did happen to have a date. Charles must have picked up on it and reassured that wasn’t the case.
 Obviously being able to kiss and hold Sebastian wasn’t the only reason she wanted to go to the event, but it was a perk. And she wasn’t going to do that if he was seriously seeing someone. 
 He unfolded his arms and made the motion toward her, but stopped when his phone rang. He sighed before giving an apologetic look. “It’s probably mom.” 
 Camille gave a small nod of her head and he took that as an indication that it was okay. Once he had disappeared out of the bathroom, Camille went back to her makeup. After a few extra minutes, she felt satisfied with the way she looked and reached for the setting spray to finish the look. She glanced once more at herself through the mirror and blew a raspberry though her nose, butterflies filling her belly in excitement and jitters for the night. She flipped the light off and made her way out of the bathroom, determined to try and just enjoy the next 36 hours with him.
 She felt her heart flutter when her eyes landed on him. He stood at the end of the couch, in jeans and plain white shirt, full attention placed on his phone. How did he make something so simple look so good?
 “What did Georgeta say?” Taking a step in his direction.
 Lifting his head, they locked eyes for a split moment. “She just got into baggage claim. I let her know, I probably wouldn’t see her until she got to the theater.” Glancing back down at his phone with a small frown. “Sorry.” He mumbled distractedly. “Emily keeps sending me different times for these next interviews coming up.” Licking his bottom lip tensely and running his fingers through his hair.
 Camille felt her heart squeeze, watching him. It didn’t take a genius to see how nervous he was about the next few hours. Hell, she would be too. During their phone calls/text he had expressed how worried he was at messing anything up during the promotion of the movie. She had tried to do her best to just listen and let him vent, just like he had one plenty of times for her. So it was no surprise to see him a bit agitated. All of this seemed overwhelming and she wasn’t the one in the spotlight.
 Biting her own lip, and letting an uneven breath, she placed her fingers on the slash of the robe, deciding it was now or never. She had meant to do this later on in the evening, but it looked like he could use a diversion…
 “Hmm?” he responded without looking up from the phone.
 “I need your help with something.”
 “With what dragoste?” His forehead wrinkled in concentration.
 “I need help deciding what to wear tonight.” The boost of confidence she had a few seconds ago rapidly deflating like a balloon as he kept his focus on the phone, deciding to nix her little plan. Then quickly changed her mind again when she observed him stir uncomfortably in the spot. Camille could feel his anxiety and realized this wasn’t about her- but about him. Taking another small step. “I’m trying to decide which color would be better.” She murmured nonchalantly as her fingers tugged on the slash again.
 “What are the options?” he asked absentmindedly, his fingers swiftly texting.
 If she wasn’t so sure he was ignoring her on purpose, she would have thrown a pillow at his head- but knew it wasn’t the case.
 “It’s between a red and this blue I have on.” She mused, untying the robe and pushing it down onto her shoulders, heart beating. “What do you think?” 
 It felt like forever, but finally he looked up and over at her and blinked a few times as if trying to get his brain to register. His eyes did a double take when he realized what she was wearing. He swallowed hard and tossed his phone on the couch, those blue arises now a shade darker. 
 Camille hid the smirk as he took a step in her direction and let the rest of the robe fall to the floor and pool around her feet. “What do you think?” She repeated. The reaction he had giving her the confidence to continue. She might have done some lingerie shopping before she left New Zealand. She still wasn’t sure where the idea had come from, but decided it would be fun to tease him a bit- especially after 4 months.
 She wore a two piece blue color lacy lingerie set with garter belt and stockings to match.
 “Okay- you have my attention.” Sebastian stated gruffly, his eyes lingering up and down her body.
 Blinking harmlessly, she tilted her head to one side. “I just need help deciding which color to wear.” But thanked the stars above for the girlfriend who had suggested the blue. She had needed support in her little venture and brought along one of the girls she worked with.
 “I need a better look.” Sticking his tongue out onto one side of his mouth, his gaze almost hungry as it landed back on her cleavage.
 Camille bit down on her lower lip and took a small step backwards, her face somber. “No silly, you need to see it from afar to give me your opinion.” She mocked, putting one hand out, pretending to keep him at arm’s length.
 He quirked an eyebrow. “Is that so?” Moving closer at the same time his fingers grasped her wrist softly.
 “Uh huh.” She responded with a nod and another step back, trying to look as innocent as possible, even with the lingerie. She took a few more steps back and lurched forward for a split second, when her almost bare behind came in contact with the thick cold glass console table, closets to the bathroom wall.
 “Be careful dragoste.” He whispered, letting go of her wrist, a smirk on that handsome face. The sexual tension crackling throughout the room. “Don’t want you falling-especially in that outfit.” His pupils dilated, a hand coming up to cup one side of her cheek. “Did you plan this too?” He asked in an amused tone. 
 Camille gave a slight shake of head. “No.” Trying her best to stifle her giggles, but it was no use, her mouth had a mind of its own. 
 “So you didn’t plan on wearing this for me to see?” He pushed, nostril flaring, his eyes devouring her form. 
 “Not until tonight -but it seemed like you needed a distraction right now.” Pursing her lips and inched closer. A slight shiver down her spine when his large hand slid from her cheek to the base of her neck. Her stomach tightening in anticipation. 
 He cleared his throat and lowered his head to get a better look. “Jesus-you’re even wearing the garter belt.” 
 “It’s the set Sebastian. It came with the bra and thong...” she explained, batting her eyelashes. Baiting him. She watched his jaw clinch and felt the familiar throb between her thighs. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she blindly maneuvered one hand behind the table for support.
 His eyes narrowed and landed on her barely covered breasts. “Blue looks good on you.” He grunted. Camille raised a suspicious eyebrow, and purposely exhaled, her cleavage in full view for his eyes.
 Before she had a chance to continue speaking, Sebastian leaned in and touched his lips with hers. She hummed and shut her eyes when his warm mouth moved against hers. She reached out and clutched his shirt, the other hand going to the side of his face to pull him close. God, she’d missed him. She felt his thumb press into the side of her face to steady and ravage her mouth. Camille felt the heat rush through her as his lips left hers and trailed kisses along her jaw at the same time his large hand moved from her face, down to her bare arms, then torso, before it glided down to the dip of her back. Camille whimpered when he grazed a fingertip along the thong material that barely covered her behind.
 Damn, he was good. She was the one who was supposed to be seducing him. 
 She opened her mouth to speak but only a squeak slipped out when his hand lingered lower and lower and clutched an ass cheek. She quickly recovered and gave him a haughty look when he squeezed again. “What? You didn’t believe me?” 
 “I had to make sure.” The palm of his hand rubbing on her warm skin. “You did say you would only wear these when I was around.” He reminded smugly. 
 “Sebastian!!” Camille gasped in disbelief when he tugged the thin material between her ass cheeks upward. Yet, felt the wetness between her thighs. Her heart raced and let out a choppy breath when his hand proceeded to cup between her thighs “Baby...” she licked her lips. “I was supposed to be distracting you.”  The tone of her voice serious.
 “Oh- you are Camille.” He said gruffly, gingerly letting his fingers tease. He sucked roughly on her lower lip at the same time his fingernails delved into her flesh. She jerked in surprise and looked up at him wide eyed. His features soften. “Was that too much?” he asked, wrinkling his forehead.
 She smiled warmly up, thankful that he was the type of man who still felt the need to ask for consent during moments like these. It made her feel safe. “No.” She responded with a shake of her head. “It just took me by surprise.” Stroking one side of his face with her knuckles, to assure him.
 “I can stop-.”
 Camille pushed herself up on her tip-toes and gently nibbled on his bottom lip, to stop him from finishing the sentence. He exhaled loudly. “I like it a bit rough…” she confessed against his mouth, with a slight smile.
 “Oh really?” he probed and nipped back, his large hand clenching again.
 “Uh huh.” Kissing him hard.
 “In that case-.” He growled and pulled away from her. Suddenly she was spinning, the hand on the back of her neck again, as Sebastian bent her over, Camille’s chest flat against the glass table. She had not been expecting this, but she was not opposed to it either. Licking her lips, Camille purposely wiggled behind him. 
 “Hmmm, I need a closer look to give you a better opinion...” 
 Camille peered over one shoulder, a satisfied feeling coming over when she watched Sebastian’s eyes move up and down her form. Standing behind and licking those soft his lips she had come to like so much. 
 “Fuck-this is beautiful.” He murmured-mesmerized. And to show exactly what he was talking about, he used the palm of his hand to caress one ass cheek. Camille tensed, not sure what to expect next. She felt him lean in, his breath on her neck. “Anytime this doesn’t feel right- just say the word, okay?” The tone in his voice soft and sincere. 
 Camille nodded in response. 
 “Good.” Brushing his soft lips with hers. Her body and mouth reacted to his touch and kissed him back. She was so consumed with his mouth, she hadn’t realized he had flatten her arms out on the table, before he pulled away. 
 “Seb?” She questioned in a small voice. The ache for him growing with each second.  
 “I got you doll.” 
 “Don’t call me doll-.” She snapped, but stopped when she felt a finger stroke up her covered mound.  
 He snickered. “You were saying?”
 She should have known he said it on purpose. By this time, her cheek was pressed against the cool glass and all she could do was stir in the spot. If she wasn’t aroused, she would have rolled her eyes. Instead she panted hard and watched her breath fog up the glass her cheek rested on. Swallowing, Camille’s eyes slid shut when a long finger pushed the thong to the side and stroked along her most sensitive flesh and rubbed her clit in small circles before finally dipping the fingertip into the warmth of her. She moaned and tilted her hips up. Sebastian took that as a sign to continue and pressed his finger in up to first knuckle.
 “Oh god…”
 “Mmm, a tight fit.” Sebastian tormented. “Damn baby…you’re already so wet for me.”
 He was right. There was no denying. She was surprised how quickly it had happened. “Sebastian…” she moaned.
 “Do you want the second finger?” he asked huskily. Camille nodded eagerly. “Use your words Camille.”
 “Yes… I want the second finger.”
 He didn’t say another word, instead carefully slid his middle and forefinger together.
 “Hmm, Seb.” She panted and moved her hips against his hand. A tiny gasp left her mouth when he gently forced the palm of his other hand on the dip of her back to keep her from moving. “Mmmm, yes…” she purred in pleasure when he eased the fingers out and then back in for a few long moments. Over and over, he tortured her, every so often swirling his finger over her clit.
 “Is that good?”
 “Yes.” Camille croaked out.
 “Spread your legs a little more for me baby.” Sebastian coaxed.
 She did what he asked and spread them, but whined in disappointment when he eased the finger out of her. 
 “I can look at you this way for hours.” He confessed. “Is this what you wanted? Huh? To have me bend you over so I could play?” 
 Camille felt the tightness in her stomach at his words. She could only imagine what she looked like, bent over the table in a bra and thong, ass out, Sebastian’s fingers playing in her. 
 She jerked when he leaned in and trailed his hand along the apex of her thighs, then ran his palm over her mound. She sucked in her breath, a raspy sound that turned into a sigh when his finger slid along the center of her, sinking into wet heat once more. Unable to control it, she began to rock her hips into his fingers. 
 He chuckled lowly. “So impatient.” But stroked in and out, over and over, faster and deeper. Giving exactly what she needed, legs feeling like jelly. Instinctively she squeezed her thighs around his hand. 
 “Please...” She mewled, needing a release. She was slick, her body quivered. 
 “Keep your legs apart.” He ordered softly. But she couldn’t, instead they drifted closer together. “Camille...” he warned. She wasn’t listening, not when he was torturing her in pure bliss. 
 She was about to argue, when his large hand came down hard on one ass cheek. “Oh my god!” She exclaimed in astonishment. 
 “I told you to keep them apart.” But gently massaged where he’d spanked. 
 “This is just an excuse for you to slap my ass.” Camille retorted. At that comment, she felt the palm of his hand slap again. She swallowed the moan and tried to hide the smug smile off her face. 
 Okay, fine. She liked it. And she knew talking back was the way to get what she wanted. 
 “Does that feel good?” He growled. She only nodded. “What did I say about using your words dragoste?” He reminded sternly and smacked the other bare cheek-harder that time. 
 The whack! Sound echoing in her ears. She shifted slightly- that one stung, but it felt good. Before she was able to put another thought together, his hand came back down on her flesh. 
 “Oh fuck!” Camille croaked out. Then sucked in a large breath when he soothed the sting of the slap.
 “I’ve missed being able to touch you this way.” He admitted. He pressed his chest to her back and peppered kisses along her neck and behind her ear. Camille shivered and sighed. “God- you’re so beautiful.” He breathed. “Everything about you...” 
 Camille panted, but felt her heart burst at his words. “Baby, please....please...” She stammered. 
 “Do you wanna cum?” He asked, nipping on her earlobe. 
 “Y-yes. Please Sebastian.” She pleaded. 
 He stood straight up and slid both fingers back into her and moaned. “Damn, you’re so fucking hot.” 
 After that-no other words were needed, Sebastian continued his attack. He pressed deeper with his fingers. He caught her clit between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed up and down, squeezing his fingers together to increase the pressure and sensation on her. 
 Camille cried out, her pleasure growing, repeating his name over and over again. Her body jerked for a second, but then she started riding his fingers. Over and over he whispered words of praise as he drove her crazy with his magical touch. At the same time, his other hand squeezed and spanked her bare skin. She shakenly wet her lips with her tongue and felt her body temperature rise, feeling the orgasm begin to build with every methodical stroke Sebastian made. In and out he slid those long digits, the pleasure seeping through her pores. This went on for a while, until Camille felt her muscles tighten around him. 
 “Let it go baby. I’m right here. I got you.” Sebastian pushed gently. “I want to feel you cum all over my fingers.” The pace of his stroke, easing when he realized she was close. 
 And damn-she was. She let out a short gasp and twitched slightly, finally allowing her body to give in to the orgasm. It was a good thing they were alone, with all the noises she was making. She screamed and begged, her whole body in goosebumps as he brought her over the edge. Wave, after wave, her hot body convulsed in pure ecstasy.  
 With her face still pressed on the glass table, Camille tried to catch her breath. All she could hear at the moment was the beat of her heart in her chest. 
 “Dios mio.” 
 He sniggered. “Really?” But then asked in concern. “Are you okay?”  As he eased the fingers out of her. 
 A slight shiver ran thought when he gingerly cupped her mound. “Y-Yeah. Totally.” She stumbled. 
 “You sure?” He asked playfully. 
 “Yes, of course.” She mumbled and lazily lifted her head up from the table. 
 “Okay... good. Because we aren’t done yet.” 
 And at those words, his hot mouth sucked softly along the top of her shoulders, before they trailed down her spine-every so often his teeth nipping along the skin. 
 Camille dropped her head back down on the cold table and breathed heavy as his lips continued their tortuously attack on her. She shut her eyelids when his tongue licked along the dip of her back, leaving a wet trail along the way. This went on for the next few minutes, almost as if Sebastian knew she needed to catch her breath. She licked her dry lips a few times before she finally lifted her head and peered back at him.
 “So, is this a yes on this one?” Camille teased after she gathered her thoughts.
 Sebastian abruptly stopped at the question and narrowed his eyes up at her. “I’m not done yet.” He countered, his lips hovering right along the curve of her ass. Without taking his eyes off her, he gradually leaned in and nibble her warm flesh, while his free hand massaged the other.
 An almost purr like sound left her mouth at his action. Fuck, this whole thing with him at the moment was sexy as hell. She didn’t want it to end.
 “Yeah baby?” He answered, but it was fairly obvious he was preoccupied, both hands glided up to her hips. “Mmm, let’s take these off.” His fingertips gingerly tugging down on the lacy thong.
 Camille swallowed and wiggled her hips slightly to help him. She felt the tip of his fingers along the back of her thighs, then down her legs. She watched as he lowered himself to his knees, shoulders tensed, one knee on the floor, the other bent as he studied her, his hot breath blowing across her clit. She heaved, damn he was going to make her orgasm again wasn’t he?
 And as if reading her mind, he tenderly exposed her vulva with his thumbs. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. 
 “Oh baby...” he hissed. “Look at this...can I taste it?” 
 “Yes.” She squeaked out. Realizing she was wet again. Dear god, she wasn't sure if she could do this again, but she wanted to-for him. 
 She felt him press against her wet slit with his fingers. Gliding up and down over her clit and dipping inside her. His finger was teasing. She tried to push herself up on her elbows, but didn’t last long. Instead she jerked and gasped when his hot tongue replaced his finger. Sebastian stroked in and out of her with his tongue, over and over, faster and deeper. 
 Camille could only whimper. No words capable to describe how wonderful this felt. She shut her eyes tightly as he continued his attack. He laved her clit with his tongue, teasing her with the touch he seem to know was not quite enough to send her over. 
 Tiny gasp and humming noises left her when he gripped her hips blindly and rocked them gently on his tongue and mouth. This went on for a few moments, until Sebastian decided to glide his large hands unto each bare cheek. She arched her back when he delved his fingers roughly unto her flesh, his mouth not letting up. 
 Camille felt dizzy, but she wanted more. Her body needed more. “Oooh.” She sighed.
 He spread her wider for his viewing, and Camille’s body jolted when she felt the palm of his hand come back down on her now bare flesh, his tongue still pressed inside her. He sucked along one of her swollen lips at the same time and spanked again. 
 She let out a choppy breath, felling her nipples harden against the lacy material. 
 Sebastian took that as a good sign, because he added a finger to his tongue and stretched her farther to get more of the taste he craved. She stirred and gasped, not only due to his mouth, but also to the way his large hand kept kneading and smacking her flesh. She was sure, it would sting later, but fuck it was worth it. He pulled his finger out and tongued her as deeply as he could go, her whole body vibrated. Camille called out his name, her voice desperate. Trying to pull his mouth away, not sure how much more she could take. 
 “So fucking good.” She heard him growl. 
 By then she had given up trying to push him away, he moved his mouth back to her now quivering clit and slid his fingers back inside her. He violently lapped over her nub with his tongue until her body went stiff with preclimax tension and then he gently took her between his teeth and sucked. 
 She screamed, she begged. For him to stop. For him to keep going. “Sebastian...” she almost sobbed. 
 “I know baby... you’re doing so good.” He soothed. “Can you stand up?” 
 Camille squealed, then pouted. She hadn’t cum yet.
 What was he doing? She needed for him to finish! She was literally dripping. 
 She heard a light chuckle and somehow found herself turned around. Oh.
 Oh, that’s why he had asked if she could stand up. Without thinking twice her hands fell to his head for support, curling her fingers into his hair. 
 He peered up at her through those lashes. “Good girl.” A smug look painted on his features. 
 And without another word, darted his tongue across her once more. Camille tightened her grip on his hair
 Sebastian took another slow lick, sliding from one end of her hot core to the other, and she shuddered. His hands moved around to her backside, holding her tight, he drew her forward, his tongue bumping against her. She could feel it. And before she had a chance to think, hot wetness gushed from her. Her body shivered for an orgasm. 
 Her shallow pants echoed through the room as the shivers receded, he gentled her with his mouth. She sucked in a large breath, but her body and mind still in a blissful fog. “I-uh…whoa, whoa.” She stuttered and licked her lips over and over.
 How had she gone 4 months without his touch? Jesus.
 She peeked down and watched as he withdrew from in between her legs and placed open mouth kiss up her pelvic and stopped when he reached her bellybutton. His fingers playing with the blue straps still attached to her thighs.
 He snickered. “You okay baby?” And pressed another kiss on her belly.
 She nodded. “Uh huh…sure.”
 Distractingly she sank her manicured nails into his soft hair and massaged softly. “That was-wow.” She breathed. 
 Sebastian pushed himself up from the ground to face her. He pulled her close to him, rubbing her arms soothingly with the palm of his hands and smiled. “When do I get to see the red one?” 
 Camille snorted back her laughter at the ridiculous question. “What I’m going to do with you-?”
 Sebastian interrupted and kissed her lips. Her eyes fluttered when she tasted herself on his tongue. He lightly bit down on her lip. “Probably orgasm on your own?” He teased, his lips moving from her lips to her collarbone. 
 “Oh god-you’re awful.” She said through fits of giggles. But quickly changed her tune and sigh her response as his lips continued to do the most marvelous things to her neck. “Ooh my god...” feeling hot again. 
 “Mmm yeah?” 
 She closed her eyes and let her mind relax as he teased. “Ooohhh....” Then she heard it. The loud knock. Her eyes flew open. “Oh my god…Chris!” 
 At those words, Sebastian jerked his mouth from her neck. “Excuse me?!” His eyes wide in disbelief. He looked like he’d been slapped in the face. 
 Camille wrinkled her forehead in confusion for a split moment when he heard the tone of his voice. 
 Then it dawned on her...
 She brought both hands up to her mouth, her eyes dancing with laughter. “Baby-no.” Shaking her head. “The door.” And almost as if on cue, there was another light tap. “I forgot he said he was going to stop by and say hi.” 
 Sebastian’s shoulders dropped in relief. “Oh...okay.” His cheeks flushed. 
 She couldn’t help but giggle, when she realized why he had reacted the way he had. 
 He recovered quickly and glared playfully. “Shush it.” 
 Camille batted her eyelashes innocently and shrugged. 
 He smiled wickedly as his eyes roamed her almost naked form. “Why don’t I get the door?” 
 “Oh- I can do it.” She said nonchalantly, already predicting his response. He scowled. “Or…you can. That works too.” She stated sweetly. Then jumped in surprise when the palm of his hand swatted her ass. Her jaw dropped, but Sebastian was already walking away from her. 
 She watched as he bent down and swiftly grabbed the bathroom robe from the floor and tossed it gently to her. Camille caught it but raised an eyebrow. Sebastian raised both back at her before he turned his back to her. 
 “Oh shit!” She hissed nervously when she spotted it on the floor. “Seb-?” Already sliding the robe back on. But he was already bending down to pick up her lacy thong. She sighed in relief, then rolled her eyes when he shoved it in his front jean pocket. “Seriously?” She called out. 
 “What?” He said seriously. “I might need it later to compare it with the red one.” 
 Camille pretended to be annoyed but burst out laughing again at his reasoning. By then he stood by the door and winked. 
 She couldn’t remember the last time someone made her feel sexy and make her laugh in a short period of time. She sighed in contentment when she realized how happy he made her. It was simple as that.
 Camille looked up from her phone when she heard her name. Beaming widely when she recognized the face. “Hey!” She exclaimed. 
 “Hi gorgeous.” Hayley greeted in her familiar British accent. With a silly wiggle of her shoulders, Hayley slid into the booth next to Camille. Leaning in to give her a smooch on the cheek. “Muaw!” she added dramatically.
 Camille chuckled lightly at the greeting. It was past 1in the morning and they had moved on to the after party. The premiere had been a success. Everything seemed to have gone without a hitch. Everyone who had been involved in the project-appeared relaxed and chill now that it was out-including herself.
 “Glad it’s finally out?” Camille guessed and brought the cocktail with the straw up to her mouth. 
 Hayley let out an exasperated sound. “Yes!” Scowling for a split moment. “Do you know how hard it is for me to keep a secret?!”
 Camille stifled her laugh. “Oh I know.” She agreed. 
 “I was kidding.” Hayley scoffed with a playful glare. 
 Her face quickly turned somber. “Oh-me too sweetie.” Unable to keep the mischievous look away from her eyes as she said the words. 
 “Uh huh. You get a pass because I haven’t seen you in months.” The playful glare replaced by a wicked smile. “Speaking of secrets...” 
 At those words, Camille averted her eyes back down to her drink. Dreading where this conversation was headed. 
 Hayley continued. “How surprise was Sebby when you showed up at his door?”
 Her face relaxing a bit as the words sunk in. She had not been expecting that question, but she take it. Trying to remain composed, she answered with a genuine smile. “His reaction was definitely worth the 10 plus hours flight.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat when she felt Hayley’s eyes narrow down at her. “What?” she asked innocently after a few seconds.
 “What was the look for?”
 “What look?” Camille repeated casually. Hayley’s gaze still on her. She stirred slightly in her spot and winced, feeling the sting from Sebastian’s hands from earlier on her ass. At first she hadn’t realized how bad it was, until she glanced at herself in the bathroom mirror, while Sebastian opened the door for Chris. Even with her dark skin, Camille could still make out the redness from his spanking. She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling at the image of Sebastian bending her over a table before the premiere…
 “I knew there was more-.”
 Camille jerked her attention back to her friend with a wrinkle of her forehead. “More about what?”
 Hayley snickered. “You bloody know what!” Pointing an accusing finger. “I knew all the rubbish about being only being friends wasn’t going to last.”
 Camille let out a dejected sigh. “You’re right.” Peering down at Hayley. “Chris and I have been seeing each other.” Keeping a straight face. “We’ve been going at it like bunnies. Cant’ get enough of Evans.” Sipping on her drink as she said the last words. She glanced back up, and burst into giggles when she saw the look Hayley was giving. “You don’t believe me? What? You don’t see him with me?”
 Glaring, Hayley flipped her long ponytail to the other side of her shoulder. “Keep talking darlin’- you’re just giving yourself away.” She added with a wink. “But he’s not the one who had been grumpy all morning because you hadn’t returned a text.”
 She gave a sheepish smile. “Was he really that bad?” Realizing she just gave herself up.
 “Insufferable.” Hayley said with a nose wrinkle, indicating she was teasing. “It has been a long couple of days for all of us.” She defended.
 “Yeah…I kind of figured it would be.” She was sure this day held a lot of emotion for everyone. “Do you get a few days off after this?”
 “Not until next week.” She answered with a shrug. “What about you? How long are going to grace us with your presence?”
 Camille rolled her eyes at the witty remark. “Unfortunately I have to leave early Wednesday. I have to be back on set Thursday.” 
 “Oh no.” Hayley pouted. “Sebby is not going to like that.” Camille wrinkled her nose in annoyance. “You two try and be so coy about all of this…but yet here you are.”
 “What’s that supposed to mean?”
 Hayley shook her head and chuckled. “You flew thousands of miles to see him. What do you think it means?”
 Camille opened and shut her mouth, lost for words. She gnawed on her lip. “That’s not true…” she started slowly, hoping to turn the conversation over to a different subject. Hayley quirked an eyebrow expectantly. “I flew out for the premiere, he just happened to be part of it.” Hayley nodded slowly as she listened to her reasoning, obviously not convinced. Camille squinted one eye. “Not believable?” she asked softly.  
 “No, sweetheart.”
 Dropping her shoulders, Camille leaned back into the booth and sulked slightly. Hayley’s words resonating with her. She knew what it looked like- flying out to surprise him. But she also recognized it wasn’t anyone’s business but hers and Sebastian’s. She would have done this for any one of her friends. Right?
 “Why the long face?” Hayley asked curiously. “It’s not a bad thing.”
 “We didn’t planned on this happening.” She blurted out. Her fears and questions about whatever this was with Sebastian bubbling over the surface now.  
 “Well of course not. It’s never planned.” Hayley answered knowingly. “But with you two? It was bound to happen eventually.” Then elbowed her good-naturedly. “Regardless of your efforts to avoid it from happening. Because we both know that’s what you were trying to do.”
 There was a long pause. Camille’s ears picking up on the music playing loudly around them. Unsure of what to say, especially because Hayley was right.  
 “But the question now is-what happens next? What do you plan on doing about it?”
 “Oh we’ve done a lot.” Camille divulged without thinking. She peeked anxiously over at Hayley. Her friend looked shocked for a split second then tossed her head back to cackle. Camille couldn’t help but giggle and brought one hand up to her face in embarrassment. “That was the cocktail talking!”
 Hayley’s laughter subdued. “Oh I’m sure it’s the cock…tail talking.”
 “Oh geez.” Camille groaned. “I walked right into that one didn’t I?”
 “Oh yeah.”
 It was silent again. Camille’s eyes wondered around the room, as she tried to collect her thoughts. “Were just…having fun.” She said out loud as he eyes spotted Sebastian and Chris at the bar, ordering drinks and laughing. Sebastian looked so handsome in an all-black suit, hair slicked back. His tie loose now that the premiere was over. Since she had waited on his mom, she did not get a chance to see him fully decked out before he left for the red carpet. But maybe it had been a good thing, because he looked so good, she would have tried to convince him to stay in bed with her.
 “Good, I’m glad.”
 Camille turned back to Hayley with a shy smile. “So I’m not really sure what happens next. We’ve talked some about it and I think were both on the same page about not labeling whatever this is at the moment.” Pause. “Especially with our past relationship history.” She added cynically.
 “Can I give you a piece of advice?”
 “Do what feels right to you, not what everyone else is telling you. If that means not rushing -then that’s great...but if along the way you change your mind that’s fine too. Because in this business people will always be buzzing in your ear. “ 
 “Thanks.” Camille said gratefully. Her eyes wondering back to the bar. Sebastian and Chris nowhere to be found now. Where they go? 
 “Can I ask you something? “ She muttered distractedly, meeting Hayley gaze. Her friend nodded. “How pretty is this girl?” Curiosity getting the best of her. 
 “Don’t know. Never met her.” She said with a shrug. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Wait-is he-?”
 Camille shook her head quickly with a short laugh, “No. That’s not it at all. Just...curious I guess. Not that he owes me any explanations.” She added awkwardly. 
 “Is that what you two decided on? To not share if you’re seeing other people?” 
 “Not necessarily.” Camille answered wearily. “We haven’t actually discussed those boundaries-or if we should have any...” Bringing the drink back up to her lips. “We…kind of got distracted with other things.” She finished vaguely. She heard Hayley snort next to her. “I know, I know.” Then pouted when she realized she was out of her drink.
 “I didn’t say anything!” Hayley exclaimed with a slight smirk.
 “But I know what you’re thinking.” Camille accused and set down her empty glass. “I know we need to.” She mumbled to herself.
 “Do you want more? I mean- do you care if he’s sees other people?”
 Camille thought for a second before she spoke. “I mean…it’s not like I’ll be thrilled about it, but I also know I can’t give myself to a committed relationship right now. I’m thousands of miles away-how’s that going to work? It’s not fair to either one of us. I care about him Hayles. But I’m still trying to deal with all these trust issues that my ex left. And I don’t want to put a label on this and then I turned completely crazy and throw my trust issues at him. So why not keep it fun…for now?” She realized she was blabbering.
 “So keep him at arm’s length?”
 She gave her friend an uncertain look. “It sounds horrible doesn’t it?”
 Hayley shook her head, her eyes soft. “No, it doesn’t. I get it.” Then added carefully. “Just as long as you are both on the same page. Because when you aren’t-that’s when things tend to go wrong.”
 Camille sighed loudly and slumped against the booth. “So what you’re saying is-I should probably talk to him?” Hayley nodded. Camille groaned. “But what we’ve been doing is so much more fun.” She protested.
 At those words Hayley tossed her head back and laughed. “It can’t possibly be that good?”
 She quirked an eyebrow and smiled smugly. The smile quickly evaporated from her face and instead jumped in her seat when she heard someone whisper loudly in her ear.
 “BOO!” Camille turned her head and found Chris bent down to her level, an evil grin on his face.
 “Fuck! Evans you scared me!” she cried.
 “That was the point sweetheart.”
 Camille glowered, ready to let him have it when her eyes spotted Sebastian standing next to him with a grim look. “He’s a bit drunk.” He shared.
 “That’s not true.” Chris argued. Then glanced over to Hayley. “C’mon.” he started and extended his hand out. “Apparently we have to go take some photographs for the paparazzo.”
 Hayley rolled her eyes and slide out of the booth. “Fine. Let’s go Evans”
 As they began to walk away, Sebastian took the opportunity to slide into the booth next to Camille. He smiled and opened his mouth to speak, but they both quickly turned their heads when they heard Chris yell after them.
 “Hey-you two-behave!”  
Camille and Sebastian did behave for the rest of the night. Even on the ride back to the hotel they managed to keep their hands to themselves- mostly because of their driver. They even accomplished not touching on the elevator ride. But now as they walked down the long hall toward Camille’s suite-side by side- Sebastian couldn’t help but run his fingertips deftly along one side of her curves. His senses on high alert.
 She looked up from her purse and gave him a warning look. “Cuanto tomastes?” She asked cheekily and in Spanish. Her focus back on her purse.
 “As much as you did dragoste.”  He retorted with a self-satisfied look. She jerked her attention back at him and raised an eyebrow in surprise. In returned he raised both at her and stuck his tongue out to the corner of his mouth. “Didn’t expect that did ya?”
 “No. Definitely not.” She answered with a giggle and came to halt as she continued her search in her purse. “Here it is!” she added excitedly, showing him the key card. “And I wasn’t the one sharing bottles of champagne with both Chris’s.” She accused, referring to Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth.  
 “They offered. What was I supposed to say?” She gave him a skeptical look. He wiggled his eyebrows and tapped the side of her torso with his thumb. “But I’m not drunk.” 
 “Oh really? Do you always sing and dance karaoke? Because if I remember correctly I had to drag you onto the dance floor back in Manchester.” 
 He sighed relentlessly. “Fine, I was...but I’m not anymore.” He admitted and moved behind her now, both hands on her hips, his nose taking in the sweet smell of her shampoo-coconut. He swallowed and spoke again. “For the record- I do enjoy karaoke even when I’m sober.”  
 Which was the truth. After the long day of press junket/interviews/photographs/red carpet etc. a beer had sounded amazing. One beer turned into a few beers and by the time they made their way to the after party, he had a good buzz going, so when he had been offered champagne, it had only made sense to drink some. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been feeling the last few days until he sat down with the rest of his coworkers/co-stars and they all seemed to be thinking the same- which was: that they were glad it was finally out!
 “That’s good to know Stan.” Camille said in a jokey tone, and looked at him over her shoulder. “When I come back-I’m dragging your ass to karaoke night.” Batting her eyelashes at him.
 He snorted, but kept his eyes on her, just enamored by her. He had left the hotel before her, so she could wait on Georgeta. Which is why he had almost tripped on his own feet when he spotted her inside the theater- laughing at whatever his mother was saying. She looked stunning in a white formfitting knee length dress, showing off her best assets, hair straight, and make-up done perfectly. As he had walked toward them, he couldn’t help but want to nuzzle his nose into her hair to take in her sweet scent.
 He hadn’t of course, but damn had it been tempting.
 But now they were alone...
 Without another thought, he dipped his nose into the hollow of her neck from behind. “Tu miroase uimitor…”  He couldn’t help and murmur in Romanian. His arms instinctively wrapping around the slim of her waist.
 “Sebastian.” She gasped in surprise. “What if someone sees?” she asked nervously.
 “Baby-it’s almost 3 in the morning and so far we’re the only ones standing in this deserted hallway.” He reasoned and sucked on the soft skin right above her neck, warm against his lips. She licked her lips slowly and twisted her neck to one side for better access. Sebastian smirked and pressed her soft body to his. “This is why I stopped drinking an hour ago.” He said gruffly.
 She hummed. “Why?”
 “Because I told myself I needed to be sober for this.” He continued and licked along her collar.
 “For what?”
 He reached her earlobe and nipped before he growled out. “For when I fuck you Camille.” He heard her breath hitch at his words. He trailed his large hands down her curves, aching to touch her naked skin. He was sure she could hear how loud his heart was thumping at the moment.
 “We-we should probably move from here then…” she finally managed to squeak out.
 He chuckled lightly. “Yeah? You think so?” Deftly letting his nose tease back and forth behind her ear. 
 “Mmm, mmm- uh yes.” She stammered at the same time he wrapped his arms around her waist. 
 She stuck her tongue out to lick her lips. “Yeah-y-yes.” She repeated. “Do we really need someone catching us with our pants down?” She managed to tease even when Sebastian pressed the back of her to the front of his chest.  
 “It hasn’t stopped us before.” He shot back with a wicked laugh, referring to the sex they had in the pool and in her car 4 months ago.
 “Those were momentarily lapse of judgement.” She muttered, trying to stand her ground.  
 “Of course.” He mocked. Feeling his cock stir when she shifted her tight little ass on him. “You’re the one with the key babe.” Sebastian reminded, as one hand purposely rested between where her thigh and hip met. Feeling her tense up at his touch. 
 But just as quickly as it came, she recovered and swiftly turned around so she could face him. Sebastian narrowed his eyes in suspicion when a sneaky smile tugged on her lips. “You’re right- I am.” And began to take a few steps backwards. 
 “Where are you going?” He cautiously asked. 
 “To my room.” Camille said simply and swirled again, so her back was to him. 
 “Is this an invitation for me to join?” 
 “Well-Stan-.” Emphasizing his last name as she looked over her shoulder. He only glared. She smiled sweetly and reached for his hand instead and began to lead the way down the empty hall. “Seeing that you did just confess about wanting to fuck me-.” Stopping for a second to gage his reaction. A look of satisfaction settling in her eyes when she notice his jaw clinch. “I think it’s only fair that you do join me.” She finished calmly and tugged on his hand, indicating for him to follow her.
 Sebastian didn’t say another word as he trailed behind, instead kept his eyes on her ass. Unable to stop himself from wondering what she was wearing underneath that white dress. Was she still wearing the little blue lingerie set from earlier?
 Damn-that had been a sexy little surprise, especially because she had done it deliberately for him. He smirked when he got the image of Camille bent over the table in her little lacy number.
 She’d only been there 12 hours and already had him acting like a teenage boy. He was putty in her hands- and didn’t even care. All that mattered was that she was there with him. He blinked out of his thoughts as Camille came to halt. They stood in front of her door and she peered up at him through her lashes.
 “What is it?” Sebastian asked in a concern voice. The look in her face letting him know she had something on her mind.
 She leaned back, and took ahold of the door handle for support. “Nothing.” Her eyes soft.
 He leaned in and pushed his forehead to hers. “Baby-you’re not known for your lying skills.” He reminded.
 Letting out a light laugh, Camille shook her head in agreement. “You’re right.” Shifting a bit in her spot. After a few more quiet moments, she smiled up and stroked his chin with her forefinger. “I just wanted to say: I’m proud of you.” He blinked in surprise at her words. His cheeks warm all of a sudden. “I know you hate compliments.” She mocked with a nose scrunch. “But I just wanted you know that you kicked ass up on the big screen.” She finished with a sincere smile.
 Sebastian cleared his throat, unsure of how to respond. She was right, he never truly knew how to take compliments. He pressed a light kiss on the tip of her nose and met her gaze, with a shy smile. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”
 The chemistry between them stronger than he remembered. He felt her arm come around his waist and tug him close. “You’re welcome Ojos Azules.”  She whispered.
 “Thanks for getting on a plane to be here.” He stated making a funny face in the process. 
 “Oh- I didn’t do it for you.” She shot back with a wicked smile. 
 “Oh? So you meant for everyone to see you in that garter belt?” Bringing his bottom lip between his teeth, his stomach filling up with butterflies at the anticipation. 
 She batted her eyelashes innocently. “Uh huh.” Tilting her head to one side and gave a slight nod. “Actually-I’m supposed to be meeting Dominic later.” She teased as she stroked his back softly.
 “Oh really?” Licking his lips one more time before he dipped his head down and took her lips with his. She didn’t stop him, in fact her lips reacted to his touch and kissed back. He broke away for a split moment. “Does he get to the see the red one?” Playing along.
 “Mmm, hmmm.” She shot back, not letting up, a small grin on her soft face when she tugged him back down and used her warm tongue to tease his bottom lip. Sebastian looped an arm around her waist and chuckled lightly as he pressed her up against the door frame, his tongue touching hers. For the next few minutes their lips explored each other. Small sighs and breaths in between, the realization that they were still in the hall, escaping them both.
 Sebastian trailed his hands upward, tangling them in her hair and tugged her closer, breathing heavy when she broke the lip lock. He watched as her chest heaved. “Can I least get a peek of the red one?” he asked in a serious tone.
 “Who say’s I’m wearing it?”
 “Hmm.” Kissing her hard again. “You should let me find out.” He ordered.  
 She whimpered when he pressed his hard chest to hers. “Seb-?” She started, breaking from his mouth again.
 “Yes dragoste?”  But sucked along her collarbone-making her gasp.
 “I just-we need to uh…” but sighed in bliss as he continued his attack. He heard her clear her throat. “Should we talk about-about what we should share with each other while-um…while…I’m gone?” she finally spat out, her breathing scruffy.
 He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself at her reaction to his mouth. He moved it up toward her earlobe- as his hands groped and clutched along her soft curves. “Okay.” Sebastian responded gruffly, her words not at all registering with him. Instead he kissed her mouth again. A shaky breath escaped and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back; messy and needy.
 “Or-or we can talk about it later.” She conclude against his mouth.
 “Okay.” Sebastian repeated, swiftly taking the key card out of her hand and swiped it. He pushed the door open with his foot, then moved one arm back around her waist to hold her steady so she wouldn’t fall. With his free hand he slammed the door shut, tossed the key on the small table and sucked hard on her lower lip. Camille moaned and blindly took a step backwards, as she dropped her purse on the floor behind him.
 Once both hands were free, she cupped his face, and gazed up at him. Her eyes filled with fervor. “Fuck me, Sebastian.” Her breath ragged.
 He swallowed hard at her words. His heart ready to jump out of his chest at her plea. The room filling up with an energy only they could produce whenever they were together. He glided the palm of his hands up her back, then back down, his fingers eagerly searching for the zipper of the dress. He needed her. He didn’t know how else to describe it.  
 For the next couple of minutes they didn’t say one single word. Instead their lips continued to attack each other as her fingers fumbled with his tie, and suit coat. Once she got them off, she worked on his dress shirt, blindly but confidently undoing each one, as he nipped and sucked along the back of her ear. Finally-after what felt like forever, he unzipped the back of the dress, his palms coming in contact with warm skin, and tugged down. She wiggled in the spot just enough for the dress to fall around her feet.
 Sebastian felt his pulse quicken when his eyes landed on her form. He took a step back and groaned in admiration. Unlike the blue one -which looked more like a halter top- the red one was thin enough he could make out her dark nipples through the lace. He only licked his lips as his eyes traveled her body, down to the tattoo on her torso which went all the way down to her hip bone. Just like with the blue one- she wore a garter belt to match and nude stockings.
“Jesus-you’ve been wearing this all night?” he asked gruffly. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this- but damn he wasn’t going to complain. After a few more seconds, he closed the distance between them and pressed her back to the door. “God, this is so fucking hot. I know I keep saying that- but fuck.” He blurted out. “All I wanted all night was to get you naked.” He confessed with a smile and shook his shirt off.
 “Then get to it Ojos Azules.” She pushed boldly.
 He didn’t need to be told twice. He nipped her lower lip with his teeth and slanted his mouth over hers, making her squirm. He pushed his tongue inside. Sebastian tasted the sweet wine from earlier with the sweetness that was Camille. “Did you just have these lying around?” He managed to tease, while his hands rested on the dip of her bare back, fingers itching to touch her bare ass again. 
 “No.” She squeaked when he began to play with the thong material on her hip. “I wanted to try something new...” 
 “Hmmm.” Sebastian responded at the same time he pressed his erection against her, the zipper on his pants rubbing his cock with each movement, making him even more eager to dive into her. 
 “Oh god Sebastian...” she moaned. “Please-just-please baby.” She pleaded with a small whimper. He chuckled and tugged down the thong at the same time his mouth founds hers again. Camille responded, clawing at the front of his slacks until she had them unfastened and unzipped. She wasted no time at all, she grabbed the waist and pulled down. Then reached and encircled his erection with both hands. “Mmmmm.” But it turned into a gasp then a low moan when his hands were quick to land on her ass.
 His dick hardened when he realized the bralette, garter belt and the straps were truly the only thing she had on. He grabbed the side of her hip roughly, his pulse and heart thumping madly when his knuckles grazed her luscious thighs. “God-I’ve missed you.” He declared abruptly and slid one hand to her center. His fingers met a hint of wet heat around the edge of her slick folds. Recognition slamming him. 
 “I can’t wait Sebastian.” Camille stated in a hushed tone. “Don’t be gentle baby.”
 He bit her neck. “You want me to fuck you hard up against this door?”
 “Yes.” She panted.
 Damn, if she didn’t drive him crazy. Unable to wait another second, he shoved her gently against the door, and lifted her leg to his waist and thrust inside. She panted and held him tight as he pushed deep, becoming a part of her, as she was becoming a part of him. Her full breasts meeting his chest with each thrust, stiff nipples in spite of the lacy bra between them.
 “Fuck, you feel good.” He grunted, and breathed heavy together.
 “Yes, oh yes.” She whimpered as he continued to thrust into her tight center. There was nothing sweet or soft in the way he was plunging into her at the moment. This was raw, needy and desperate. He had thought of stopping for a second to ask if this was okay, but didn’t need to when she clawed and nipped at his bare shoulder.
 He was close, so damn close, but he couldn’t. Not until…
 Sebastian shifted his body, then reached between them and found her swollen clit, while his thumb played with the straps of the garter belt. He wanted her naked-but he was also enjoying taking her this way, watching the swell of her breasts rise up and down over the bra as he teased her. Her mouth was on his throat now, sucking, biting through each plunge, but arched against his hand when he found the spot that truly made her squirm. He slowed his thrust and concentrated on her gasps as sweat beaded his temple and jaw clinched to maintain some kind of control.
 “Yes, yes, Seb.” She urged.
 “That’s right baby.” He murmured, burying himself deeper into her core, while he caressed the tender cleft. “I want to feel you cum around me Camille. I want to feel you come undone all over my cock.”
 Camille spread her legs wider, pressing against his finger while he pumped inside. “Oh god, right there…Please don’t stop.” she whimpered. “Please.”  “Shh, I’ve got you dragoste. Let it go.” He increased the quick strokes to her clit, while he let his own strokes pound deeply into her tight heat, in perfect timing with her building moans.  She sucked in a large gulp of air, and Sebastian felt her entire body tense. With one final deep animal like thrust he melted completely with Camille, both of their bodies finding satisfying release, while he captured her scream with his kiss. They kissed over and over, as if doing so would calm their bodies down. Finally Camille broke the lip lock and gazed up, wide eyed, still breathing heavy. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked at the moment. Hair messy and sticking up, cheeks flushed, lips swollen from his kisses. 
 He brought his lips to her sweaty temple and pressed a gentle kiss. She sighed in contentment and dropped her forehead to his shoulder. For the next few minutes they didn’t move or say a word as they recuperated from what just happened. 
 Sebastian stroked her bare back with his knuckles, trying to get his heart beat back to a normal rate.
 Camille only continued to breathe heavily in his arms. Sebastian only wished he could keep her this way longer. But he knew it couldn’t be the case. So he tried his best to enjoy this moment of intimacy. Because regardless of the raw and passionate sex they just shared- holding her was the best part. She jolted him out of his thoughts when she stirred.
 Quickly he recovered and gave her back one last soft stroke, before he cleared his throat loudly. “I’m still hungry.” He declared into the side of her face. 
 Camille snorted and pulled away from him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re the one that didn’t want to stop and get something to eat after the driver offered.” She scolded.  
 He grimaced. “Yeah -well I had other pressing matters.”
 She wrinkled her nose and mocked. “Uh huh. Of course.”  
 He playfully glared, but winced for a split second when he eased out of her. “I didn’t hear you complaining.” One arm still wrapped around to hold her in place. “I know you’re hungry too.”
 Biting down on her lower lip, she shrugged nonchalantly, not meeting his eyes. “Do you think they do room service this late?” she asked sheepishly.
 He chuckled lowly, finally letting go of her. “I don’t know. You’re the one with the big fancy room.” He deadpanned, as he buttoned his slacks back up and turned in the direction of the bathroom.
 “It was one of the last room they had.” Camille called out after him. “It’s not my fault your manager likes me better!”  
 “She could have just put you with me.” He reasoned. Sebastian quickly returned with a white robe. “But it does seem that way doesn’t it?” he mused and handed it to her. “I don’t blame her- I would like you better too.” Not taking his eyes off her, he dipped his head down and planted a light kiss on her cheek.
 Camille narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Don’t start getting all soft on me now.” Sliding her arms through the robe. But Sebastian could see the embarrass look in her eyes. “You think I can get pancakes?” she asked those beautiful brown eyes wide, filled with hope and changing the subject.
 “Where’s the menu?” He asked and looked around the room. She handed it to him and he wiggled his eyebrows. “Let’s find out.”
 Camille tossed her head back unable to control her laughter. “Oh my god!” she sputtered before she shoved the last piece of pancake into her mouth. “You’re so full of shit.” She accused Sebastian.
 Sebastian sat up against the headboard of the bed in his boxer shorts and glared. “Why would I lie about that? Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?” he yelped, reaching for one of the many pillows on the king size bed and brought it up to his broad chest.
 The Hollywood Roosevelt did take room service request, they both come to learn-and that included from the breakfast menu. So after filling up on food, they had moved to the loft style bed, with the white long curtains hanging all around it. Sebastian had been right-it was an elegant room. With a name like the “Marilyn Monroe Suite” why wouldn’t it be?
 “Apparently not that embarrassing if you’re sharing.” Camille accused. He rolled his eyes dramatically before he hanged his head back- feigning a look of hurt.
 They’d been in bed for the part hour and half- just talking and catching up. They caught up on each other’s everyday life. Camille had shared a few stories about New Zealand and he shared what his last few auditions had been like. It was nice, it was comfortable. She had no idea what time it was- but neither one seemed to mind and besides she was so jetlag, she wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. The conversation progressed and it landed on the subject of sex. Sebastian had spent the last 10 minutes sharing (in explicit details) the worst sex experience he ever had.
 “What about you?”
 “What about me?” Camille was quick to ask as she laid back on the bed, opposite from Sebastian, the heels of her feet resting on the headboard. She taken off the stocking, so when the robe fell back-it exposed just enough of her legs and thighs. She glanced up at Sebastian, and he quickly pretended he hadn’t just been staring. She couldn’t help but hide a smug smile.
 “Stop trying to distract me.” He mumbled and clenched his jaw.
 “Oh- I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing.” She said innocently. Then let out a small gasp when she felt one of his large hands slide up her leg, toward her thigh. “Sebastian…” she warned.
 “Camille.” He taunted back and gave her thigh a squeeze. “C’mon- I gave you my virginity and worst story.” He pleaded with a pout. Camille swallowed as his fingertips tickled her thigh. 
 She giggled. “I don’t know if I can top your virginity story. Who goes to McDonalds afterwards?”
 “We got hungry!”
 Her eyelids fluttered open and shut, feeling the familiar tingle between her thighs when he touched her. “Stop- you’re distracting me.” She mocked. Sebastian pretended he didn’t hear and continue to tease. She opened her eyes back to find those blue stunning eyes peering down at her with a pleased smile. Camille pressed her lips together and squirmed under his gaze. She knew he was trying to rattle her, but she wasn’t going to let him win.
 She cleared her throat and raised a defiant eyebrow at him. “Okay- this story covers both.”
 He grimaced and pulled his hand away, completely distracted now. “Whoa-that’s cheating!” he accused. “Of course first times are bad.”
 Camille reached back and pushed a pillow behind her head. “You want to hear the story or not?” she threaten with a hint of a smirk. He glowered, but didn’t respond. “I had just turned 15 and this guy I was seeing at the time was 17. Of course Tia Yolanda did not know that-no will she ever.” She added poignantly. “Anyway I had told her I was staying the night a Carolina’s and snuck out to meet him. He had just gotten a car so of course I thought he was super cool-“
 She lifted her head when she heard Sebastian making snoring noises. She glanced over at him and he hanged his head to one side, tongue out, pretending to be asleep.
 She scowled and poked his side with her foot. “You’re such an ass.”
 He chortled then shook his head. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’m done-continue.” But Camille only glared back. “Will you stop pouting?” he asked with a small smile. She kept her composure, not saying a word. He let out an exaggerated sigh and crawled toward her. “You’re so stubborn.” Hovering above her and gently tugged a strand of hair behind her ear.
 She avoided eye contact, but felt the butterflies in her belly, when his warm breath hit her face. She flinched for a split second as one arm came around her waist and he drew her upward toward his hard body at the same time his lips came down and touched hers in a gentle kiss. She felt her body relax against him and kissed back.
 They kissed tenderly for a few moments, then Sebastian pulled away, his blue eyes soft. “Sorry for being an ass.” He apologized. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion, trying to hide the smile. “What can I do to make it up to you?” he teasingly asked, his nose nuzzling behind her ear as his hand roamed up and down her thigh. “God- you always smell so fucking good.” He grunted.  
 Her eyes fluttered open and shut and slid her arms around his shoulder and neck. Forgetting what they had been talking about. She couldn’t help but snicker when he tickled the side of her face. “Mmmmm.” She purred when he nipped on her earlobe.
 “So did you end up losing your virginity in a car?” Sebastian asked in conversational tone, as he stroked the inside of thigh with his knuckles.
 “Hmm yeah. You don’t realize how small a backseat is until you have two people trying to maneuver horizontally.” She responded. “And I guess I had high expectations because he finished before we got started.” She added with a sardonic laugh. “So we tried again, because he promised it would better and it was-for him.”
 She heard Sebastian’s chuckle alongside her neck. “You let him try again?” he asked incredulously.
 “I was fifteen. I didn’t know any better.”  
 “What you do afterwards?”
 “Nothing really. After that experience I swore I was done with sex.” She indicated, feeling his warm fingers grip her hip. “He wasn’t a boyfriend-maybe it would have been different if he had been. He drove me back to my cousin’s and left.”
 “Did you ever see him again?” Lifting his head up.
 Camille smirked. “Actually yes- 4 years later. We bumped into each other at a college party. He apologized for what happened.”
 “And…?” Sebastian pushed as if he knew there was more to the story.
 “Let’s just say- he learned a lot from the last time I saw him.” She said sheepishly. “We kind of… ended up doing the friends with benefits things for a few months until he moved to Chicago.” Mindlessly stroking his bare shoulders with her knuckles, a bubble of anxiety suddenly hitting her as Hayley’s words ringed in her ear from their conversation earlier in the night.
 She must have zoned out because, she felt him clutch her skin. “What is it?” Sending open mouth kisses along her collarbone.
 “Speaking of the whole friends with benefit…” Trailing off and arching her back as he continued his sweet torture. She chewed on her lower lip tensely, trying to concentrate. But it was hard. “Seb-do you remember what I asked you before you pushed me up against the door?” Closing her eyes tightly, her body aching to feel more of him but she knew they had to talk.
 “Sebastian-we should talk.” She stated firmly. She wanted him to continue his teasing, but the sooner they talked about this- the better. He came to a halt when he hear the tone of her voice. Letting out a small sigh, he pulled back from her and peered down expectantly. “Don’t be mad at me-.”
 “I’m not mad at you.” He interrupted, completely pulling away and sitting back down. “I know we have to. I just figured I could try and distract you.” He added with a guilty smile.
 Camille couldn’t help but sigh in relief at his words, glad he was on the same page as her. She looked back up at him. “What?” she asked, feeling his eyes transfixed on her.
 He gave a slight shake of his head. “Nothing. I’m waiting on you to start.” He said almost mockingly.
 “Thanks for not making it awkward.” She stated sarcastically and sat up.
 “Camille-.” Reaching for her hand and squeezing it. “Baby, it’s going to be awkward. Who said these type of conversations were fun?” he paused. “Listen-I meant what I said back in Big Sur-there’s no pressure-.”
 “I know. I just mean like- in regards to seeing other people. I mean- we aren’t exclusive so that doesn’t matter, but I’m so far away and it’s not fair-.” She stopped abruptly and sneaked a peek. He was looking at her with amusement. “You’re just gonna let me blab on?”
 “Pretty much-yeah.” He responded with a nod and an airy chuckle. His face quickly turned somber. “I’m not seeing anyone exclusive if that’s what you’re getting at.”
 Camille quickly shook her head, reaching out to stroke his chin. “Stop. You’re allowed to see whoever you want.” She bit down on her lower lip, trying to collect her thoughts. “I guess that’s what I’m trying to say. We’re thousands of miles away from each other- I don’t have any expectations when I get back. Maybe a heads up?” she suggested, her face warm. She knew it wasn’t making any sense.
 “A heads up?” Sebastian repeated slowly.
 “Yeah. If you’re seeing somebody. That way I don’t make a fool of myself. You know? Like throw myself at you or something.” She sputtered on. She looked nervously over at him and he nodded in understanding, yet his face didn’t give anything away. “Seb-when we’re together it’s amazing. But I’m not-.”
 “Come here.” Tugging on her hand, he pulled her unto his lap. Instinctively, she looped one arm around his shoulder. “I’m not seeing anyone right now.” He repeated softly, rubbing his hand up and down her back soothingly.  
 “I know that. But that’s what I’m trying to say, it’s not fair-to wait around.” Not meeting his gaze. “For the sake of our friendship-“
 “We already ruin that don’t you think?” he teased with a nose scrunch.  
 “You know what I mean. If you’re looking for more-then maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. I mean it’s just not fair. I don’t want to hold you back.”
 “Hey- shh. I agreed to this remember? You’re aren’t holding me back. But you’re right- we should tell each other when and if new people enter our lives. Maybe not in full detail…but out of courtesy.”
 Camille nodded in agreement. How did he do it? How was he able to soothe her? Over the past year he had become the calmness over chaos that was her anxiety, her voice of reasoning when she felt there wasn’t one. 
 “What if we wreck this?” She couldn’t help but ask. All her fears and insecurities seeping out now and she couldn’t control it.  
 “Do you think we will?” 
 “I don’t know.” Camille answered honestly, running her fingers through his now messy hair.  
 God he was beautiful, with those gorgeous blue orbs that made her melt, and the soft smile he always had reserved just for her whenever she looked at him.  
 He placed a finger underneath her chin, forcing her to face him again. “We can end this- we can say goodbye tomorrow and we can just go back to how things were- if that’s what you want.” His voice low, his eyes wide- as if he wasn’t sure which way she would go.  
 Cupping his face with both hands, Camille drew him closer and bend down, brushing her lips tenderly against his. She heard him sigh, as his mouth kissed back. Sebastian pulled away from her lips and smiled. 
 “Is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’?” 
 Camille laughed lightly, the tension from a few moments ago dissolving when she looked down at him. His blue arises filled with hope, but also fear now. There was no backing out of this now. Whatever it turned out to be. Letting out a large exhale, she replied in a whisper. “No.” 
 She watched his smile grow and reach all the way to his eyes before he tugged her face to his again.   
“You have to push the button for it to move Ojos Azules.”  Sebastian heard Camille tease next to him. He looked down at her, just as she playfully elbowed him.
 “Has anyone ever mentioned how bossy you are?” He shot back with a wrinkle of his nose, but pushed the elevator button at the same time.
 “Just you.”
 He snorted at her quick witted response. A hint of sadness hitting the pit of the stomach when he realized why they were in the elevator in the first place. Their time was coming to an end. It was 430 in the morning and he was walking her to the underground parking lot where a car was waiting to drop her off to the airport. He couldn’t believe how quick the past 36 hours had gone. It felt like she had just gotten there, then again it had been nonstop since she arrived. After the premiere and alone time in her room they finally fell asleep for a couple of hours, then got up to meet Georgeta for brunch.
 After brunch they went their separate ways for a few hours-he had to finish up a few more interviews- he wished he hadn’t agreed on prior to Camille showing up, but he couldn’t back out. So while he was doing that-Camille and Georgeta apparently spent the afternoon together, shopping and enjoying the Los Angeles sun. By late afternoon, he had been done and met up with them for dinner before his mother had to head out to the airport. They said goodbye to her and then they were alone again- at least until it was time to say goodbye to her.
 He must have been deep in his own thoughts, because he jumped slightly when he felt Camille intertwine her fingers with his and gave it a light squeeze. With a slight shake of his head, he peered down and smiled softly, unsure of what to say. They locked eyes and Camille smiled back before she leaned her body into him, pressing her cheek along his arm for comfort. He squeezed her hand back, silently letting her know, they were on the same page.
 They didn’t speak for the next few minutes as they elevator went down. He was dreading saying goodbye, it definitely hadn’t gotten better with time. Especially saying it to Camille.
 The conversation they had the day before kept running through his head. He knew there were many scenarios of how this could end up. And her fears and insecurities only mirrored his own. Everything she said, he understood and agreed with-regardless of his feelings for her. It was a seesaw of emotions he was still trying to balance, wanting to be with her but at the same understanding she needed her space. And she needed-deserved someone who would be there for her and he couldn’t promise that, he was a workaholic and just like her career was important to her-he felt the same about his. There was a lot to consider, and knew they made the right decision. It didn’t mean it did not suck.
 “Penny for your thoughts?” he heard Camille whisper next to him.
 He blinked back to sound of her voice and gave her a half smile as he thought quickly on his feet. “Did you tell Natalie you were going to be here?”
 She squinted her eyes in doubt. “Yes... but they didn’t care.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise. She laughed casually. “Mostly, because Nat, Sam and Tia Yolanda are flying out next week to see me.”
 They both turned their attention to the ding noise the elevator made-indicating they were in the parking lot. Camille moved first and tugged on his hand to follow, but Sebastian was quicker and grasped her wrist instead. She jumped in surprise. With his other hand, he reached over her and pushed the ‘STOP’ button.
 “I rather give you a proper goodbye in here before we go out there and people start staring.”
 “By people- you mean the driver?” she joked. He playfully glared, as his hands toyed with a loose curl. “Are you stalling?” she guessed.
 “Yes.” He answered truthfully and tilted his head to one side. “Is it working?”
 Giving a playful nose scrunch, she pushed herself on her tiptoes and brushed her lips with his. He closed his eyes, savoring their last moments together. He felt her arms slide up and around his shoulders and neck, chest pressed tightly against his. He instinctively moved his arms down and around her waist. For the next few moments, they stood in the same position as he kissed her back, not wanting to let her go just yet. When he had her this way it made him want to reevaluate everything.
 They broke their embrace, and Sebastian stroked her cheek. “What about now?” he asked with a sheepish grin. She peered up at him through her lashes with a sad smile.
 “You’re not making it easy.”
 Before he could stop his brain or mouth, he blurted out. “Then stay.”
 Camille’s eyes grew wide in surprise at his outburst. “Sebastian…” she started softly.
 He shook his head dismissively, wishing he hadn’t said it. He cupped her face. “I’m sorry.” He murmured. “We talked about this. It slipped out.” His heart thumping widely in his chest.
 Smiling knowingly, she kissed him again. “I get it.” she added breaking from his mouth. “I’m going to miss you.” She whispered.
 He stifled a laugh. “I believe that’s the first time you’ve said that to me.” Running his fingers through her curls. Referring to the many times, he’s tried to get her to say it before he left Los Angeles.
 She gripped unto his shirt and pulled him close, her eyes dancing. “Don’t get used to it Ojos Azules.” Giving him one last peck before she pushed the button to open the elevator door. “C’mon, I need to get going.” Reaching for his hand.
 He followed in toe, but before they fully stepped out of the elevator, he brought her knuckles to his lips. “I’m going to miss you too dragoste.” He whispered, unsure of what else to say to not make this harder than it already was.
@mydragulesebastian  @its-daydreamer23 @janeyboo  @peaceinourtime82 
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Lobo: FLYNN!!!! Flynn: Nono, stop…
Of course he didn’t get any further before he had his arms full of Lobo, which in the speed the dog came, had them both end up on the floor, making everyone around them chuckle. River stepped in just after them, watching his son and Lobo, half wondering if he was even his dog anymore. 
Flynn: Okay okay, I missed you too. Lobo: Missed you much!
Of course it wasn’t only Flynn they had missed, so when they were happy with their greeting of their human, they turned to the other one, slapping both paws on the young dragon's shoulder, giving them a good lick as well. 
Fannar: Thanks for that one Lobo. 
They chuckled, scratching the dog behind the ear. They could already hear the words of their mom in the back of their head of how they were all stinky. Lobo on his end was happy, this meant everyone was here, which made him happy. Especially having Flynn home, alongside of course the dragon, and he wondered if Brooke would also stop by. 
Lobo: You're welcome.
They jump back down, waving their tail just looking between them all, happy to have them all there. After all the greeting was done, it was of course time for dinner, and discussions of the time to come. 
Hayle: So shopping this weekend? Chris: Yeah. Felix: Shopping? Hayle: We’ll do your shopping like always. 
It was one of the things Felix had never quite grasped. Every Christmas, everyone got presents from him and Lobo, but he was fairly sure this was something they had never been in on. Everyone liked what they got, but it wasn’t really from them. He may only be a cat, but in all the years he had lived with them, he had come to learn what presents were and what they meant.
Hayle: You want to do your own shopping? Felix: Yes!
Not that he had any idea how that would work, but he had seen it on that thingy on the wall, although mostly dogs, that did shopping for their owners, he was sure that they would manage to buy their own presents to their humans.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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River chuckled, taking the cup, before heading back to the den to plan the day and read the latest mail from the kids at college. Nodding at each other the twins go back to making their surprise, knowing that the smell will spread around the house, so they sneakily try to avoid it, by opening a couple of windows, letting in the cold air, getting eyed by Felix.
Arlene: You have fur.. Don’t give us that look. Eltanin: -chuckles- He just wants a treat. He smiles and holds out some bacon for Felix who snags it and walks off, seeing it as an offering for making his sleeping spot much colder than needed. Walking upstairs he found his place at the bottom of Hayle and Chris’s bed, who just looked at him, then at each other. They had of course smelled it, and decided to just wait and see. At least they were both sure this would be less of a mess than when they had attempted these kinds of surprises when they were smaller.
Eltanin: Okay, Pancake batter is good to go, Bread in the oven.. I do pancakes, you do the eggs and bacon? Arlene: Deal!
They were happy that the kitchen was big enough for both, as they stood next to each other making breakfast for everyone, talking between themselves about what else they were doing this weekend. They would help their uncle at the shelter of course, but they also hoped to head to RoM to check out the library. About half an hour later, they plate everything up, add newly brewed coffee, noticing Hayle and Chris coming down the stairs. 
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izayoichan · 2 years
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Vy: What? Emil: I ehm.. Flynn: Hmh? Emil: I believe I know why the young star doesn’t know what he is.
River put an arm around Lucas automatically as he could both feel and see the young man tense up slightly, he would definitely have to refill that stone later today. Felix looked at Emil, tilting his head slightly as they too had their attention on the dragon. 
Emil: The best way I can explain it.. You are not put together quite right. You have no connection to the Vala, which means you have no memory like we do, and you were unaware of what you are. Lucas: So… the accident perhaps? Emil: Could be.. It could have severed the connection. Vy: That would explain it.
Vy looked at Emil, he hadn’t sensed what he had, but it did very much explain it for them. If the connection had been severed, then Lucas would not know.. And now he would have a lot to learn. 
Vy: I am sure -he looks at Emil, getting a nod as the dragon seems to understand where he wants to go.- that between the two of us, we can try and help you learn everything, answer all the questions. Lucas: Hmh…I think I need a bit of time still.. 
He still wasn’t quite over the whole being a dragon. In one way, it explained a lot, but it was also foreign to him. Much like Emil had said, he wasn’t connected with that side of him, but it also made him appreciate not being adopted even more, this would have been something to explain to a foster parent. 
Lucas: But thank you for telling me. Emil. You're welcome.  Lobo: Walk!
He could still sense the stress in Lucas, and a walk to clear the head, he knew was just what the doctor ordered. It was also that time of the evening, almost night when everyone kinda spread out checking out their presents so it was the perfect time to take his two humans out for a walk. To make sure he got his point across, he got his leash, not that he needed it, but it got what he wanted more across than a bark.
Lucas: Ehm.. do familiar’s need to go for walks. Lobo: Dragon does. River: He likes it though, want to go for a walk? Lucas: -chuckles slightly and pets lobo.- Sure Lobo: Yay walk. Munchie: I stay.. 
The young cat rolled off his owner's lap, stretching out on the sofa which got him another chuckle from his owner, and a pet. 
Lucas: Yeah, you can stay here with Felix. Felix: Joy… Munchie: Yay!
Hours later, the only ones left in the living room were the three pets. Flynn and Fan had gone with Emil to set up the new pad, and watch some movies. Lucas was already asleep, having been carried to bed by River, who had then retreated to the Den to find places for his Christmas presents. Arlene and El were checking out El’s new book, sitting in Arlene’s room where the simmie collection was now complete. Hayden and Vy had retreated to their bedroom, while Chris and Hayle had decided to take an extra walk in the snow. 
Lobo: This was fun! Felix: So you always say. Lobo: It’s always fun! Felix: Shhh.. Lobo: Sorry.
He looked at the sleeping kitten, he would carry him up to Lucas later, but for now he wanted to let it sleep. He yawned, and put his head down on the comfy couch, Munchie lying next to him, while Felix was curled up on the other side, one paw resting over the kitten. 
Lobo: We should say it? Felix: Okay, fine. Lobo & Felix: Merry Christmas!
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izayoichan · 2 years
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River: Lucas?
He noticed him opening his eyes, he was never hard to wake when he slept like this, lobo wagging his tail at him when he sat back up properly.
Lucas: Dinner? River: Yes, Lobo says it's done. Lucas: Your nose is pretty amazing Lobo. -he then looks over at River.- Are you sure I should stay.. I kinda messed up everything so far.  River: You should stay, now come on.
Lucas smiled and nodded as Munchie sat on his shoulder, while Lobo guided them back down, the smell of food getting stronger as they got closer to the kitchen, the sniffing sound from a kitten making both River and Lucas chuckle. 
Hayle: Ah, there you are. Lobo: Food!
He watched as his master and Lucas find their way to the table, where everyone is sitting, the pets having their own spot with their own food put, Emil having his own place at the table with food specially prepared for him that Lobo just had to sniff at wrinkling his nose slightly, to him it did not smell edible. Of course the three of them were done with their food before the humans, which led to the customary Christmas round of seeing if there were scraps. 
Lobo: Lucas! Lucas: I am not sure you should be eating this old man. Lobo: But Christmas! Lucas: Well.. if you won’t tell, I won’t tell. 
He wagged his tail as he got a piece just as he wanted, sitting himself next to Lucas for a bit, also wanting to just check on him that he was still doing okay. He noticed the way Vy was looking at him from time to time, as if they were just about to ask a question, then they stopped themselves. Humans were weird that way. He kept sitting there for most of the dinner, placed between Eltanin and Lucas he was pretty sure scraps would be plentiful. Hayle: Now, as per tradition, the old folks here will clean, you can go enjoy candy, cookies and whatever you would like. 
Lobo wags his tail, walking over to Hayle, he knew there were more chances on snacks from Hayle and Chris than the rest, he had learned that even as a familiar there would be no cookies or candy. Felix and Munchie found a lap each to occupy, Munchie of course on Lucas’s lap while Felix took Vy’s. It stayed quiet for a while, just the random chewing of candy could be heard. No one really knew how to start on the slight elephant in the room.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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River looked down. They were all they had, yet he shook his head. That wasn't true, as much as it hurt, that wasn't true. There were Chris and Hayle, there were Vy, Hayden, and their little star. There was Summer and even Meadow. There just wasn't Rylan anymore, he had a family, and he wasn’t alone. He started tearing again as these thoughts rushed through his mind and he lifted his hand, looking at the ring on it. It still shimmered.
“I am not alone... “
“No, you're not. We won't let you do this alone, but you still need to return to your baby boy. He can have everyone in the world, but he needs his daddy right now.”
River nodded and with a deep breath, he pulled away, summer smiling at him. 
“I don't know how I am going to do this…”
Summer brushes his cheek.
“I know you'll figure it out. And if you are ever scared you can ask me, you can ask Hayle and Chris, you can ask your family for help. We're here for you, for both of you.”
River nods, taking another deep breath. 
“Can you... Can you portal me home? I don't know if I'll be able to use my magic.”
Summer nods and gets up, quickly messaging Chris.
“Come on. Time to go meet your son.”
Vy smiles at Fannar and Hayden leaning his head on Vy's shoulder, just watching him sipping quietly on his chocolate milk. He kinda wanted to leave soon so he could talk with Hayden alone. He knew Hayden wanted to talk, but he also wanted to make sure River was alright.
River made his way through the portal his mother opened for him. Sometimes he forgot she also was a spell caster, though she never developed her skills past what was practical. She gently placed her hand against his back and guided him to the front door of their house. River slowly opened the door, that heavy sense of loss and mourning fell over him again and he felt suffocated
“It’s okay, River. You can do this…”
His mother coaxed him and he did. Realizing how he felt, she guided him towards the kitchen where the family was. River froze at the door once he saw the family, and that suffocation he felt only got stronger, he covered his mouth holding back the cough he felt bubbling. Stalling the need to run, his eyes fell in the crib.
“Hey... I came to offer my condolences... “
She hesitated looking at her son and giving a sad smile to both Hayle and Chris.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Rylan smiles, trying to see if he can fit one more thing on his lap, but there is a stomach in the way of that, Hayle just chuckling, checking quickly to see if River is done with his part, and when he sees him being done, he nods. 
“So.. we’ll be needing some help over here River, we may have gone overboard with these books.”
“Oh wow you two have gotten a lot there!”
He wraps his arms around Rylan, kissing his cheek gently, before taking some off the books so they can pay for it all. They both know that Hayle’s addiction to taking pictures has not gotten any less over time when his husband was away. 
“I guess we’ll fill them all eventually.”
River chuckles, as they pay and they get ready for the next step. River heads towards the cafeteria with the picture books, while Hayle takes Rylan to the post office to pick up their package, before they head to a small store to get wrapping paper, and a present for Chris that Hayle hopes to send him with the pictures. When both things are done, they head towards the cafe as well. 
Vy takes Fannar to a store nearby where he knew there were some things Hayden wanted. It was mostly business related things, and electronics, things Vy wasn’t very knowledgeable about, but he was hoping to find something Hayden would like. A woman greeting her and Fannar, helping them find the things they want, a blue notebook, and as luck would have it, it has a offer that comes with a extra recorder that makes you able to use the tablet as a dicta phone which Vy is sure is a very good idea. As Fannar agrees with him, that becomes what they decide on. 
River smiles as he watched Rylan go with his dad and walked over to the Cafe where Hayden was waiting, quickly finding his table and walking over to sit nearby.
“Done Christmas shopping?” “Yeah, found a store with gems and other shiny things, and well, lets say a certain little star takes after their mother when it comes to shiny things.”
He chuckles, the bag with all they had been buying, and Chris's surprise bag sitting on a chair next to him. River putting their shopping next to it. 
“I'm guessing my twin is having a field day being out of the house?” “Oh yes he is. I am glad he is having a good day. It can't be easy to be so bed-bound.”
River sighs worried. Rylan's pregnancy hadn't been easy on them. Despite what Vy had asked him, he had been sharing his energy with Rylan but it felt like something was always wrong, as if it wasn't enough, for all he could feel was his child's energy and Rylan felt fainter by the day. Vy said everything was alright, yet he felt as if Vy was lying to him, or perhaps he was being paranoid?
“Hey... Hayden, is the lizard a good liar?” “Ehm, from what I noticed, not a very good one, why?” 
He looked at River. He knew he worried a lot about his brother, as did he, he noticed it too, but Vy always answered he was okay or as good as could be expected. 
“I worry about him too…” “Just... he doesn't feel right... Maybe it's just me being paranoid... “
He falls quiet once he sees Hayle and Rylan heading their way, Hayden nodding at him, he had noticed it as well, but Vy kept telling him for what it was, Rylan was as good as could be expected. 
“He doesn't.. but perhaps it's the magic of the little one, being so strong that we lose the feel of him? I can't see Vy lying about it.I'll try and ask again, try and dig a little deeper.”
The last words are mostly a whisper, then he turns and waves at his brother and dad, waving at them, noticing Rylan waving back. As the two enter, Rylan’s nose is filled with the smell of sweet cake and drinks.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Hayle chuckles, putting a hand on Rylan's shoulder.
“And then, if Rylan wants to, him and me can go get your presents, while you do yours?”
He knew this meant a lot to Rylan, to be almost normal, to be out and about, and get impressions outside the four walls.
“I think that is a plan. Let’s head to the shop.”
Once they get out of the portal and into the streets, he leads rylan to the small photography shop.
“That way we can be sneaky about our presents.” “Yeah, sneakiness is needed for Christmas presents, sadly, I doubt I'll go to the Christmas market this year, but there is always next year.”
He smiles, he would have loved to go, but good days were few between, so it was better to spend them putting pictures into their picture books which he enjoyed a lot.
“Should we do several smaller ones, a big one.. or perhaps a bit of both?”
He smiles, having to admit it is kinda nice having River just push him where they are going. 
“How about I have the smaller once made so it can be from me and Chris, and then you can choose some for larger ones?”
Hayle holds up the door when they get to the store, so they can easily get innside. Mark watches Vy, and the piano, there was just something about Vy that had him smiling. 
“Sounds like he would like it then, and besides, if you find out he isn't, you can come back here with the little one, and he can try stuff out and see what he likes. Are you still playing your flute?” “Yes! I play it often, with Hayden! I think the piano will be a good gift for my little singing star, they can play and sing at the same time.” “I'll make sure to have it wrapped and delivered then, it's a bit clumsy to carry around, and I can only assume you have more shopping to do.”
He smiles, lifting a finger slightly as if remembering something. 
“Which reminds me, someone hoped you would stop by here before this time of the year.”
He walks behind the register, taking out a bag.
“He realized he wouldn't be home for Christmas, so he left this here asking me to give it to one of you if you stopped by, or deliver it. I almost thought I would have to deliver it, but here you are.”
Vy takes the back, giving a quick look inside, before making a soft chirp.
He holds the bag, pouting a little
“So he won’t be able to come home and have Christmas with us?”
He sighs, and then looks at the piano.
“And yes, please, I think my little star will like it.” “From what I know he did not think so, so better safe than sorry right?”
He smiles again and puts a hand on Vy's shoulder. 
“And if he is lucky he gets to visit, if not, then he thought enough about you all to be prepared.”
Nodding he put a small note on the piano.
“I'll get it wrapped and delivered for you, I know the address after all.”
Hayden and Fannar looks at each other, then their small pile of stuff and they nod,
“Okay, then I think we got it all.”
He chuckles as they had gotten more than what he had planned, as a certain little star had found some small stones that they wanted to give to their mommy, which of course he could not say no to. 
“Yes! meet mommy now?” “Yep.”
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Get some rest, I'll watch over you both and wake you if he needs you.”
 Rylan wants to protest, but also feels how tired he is, nodding lying down next to River, resting a hand over his chest as he too drifts off to sleep.
 Hayle notices Hayden walking past them, instantly worrying about leaving Vy on his own. 
“I'll go check on Vy... is that okay?” “Sure.. I'll check on the other side.“ “You're not going to vanish right now right?” “No, it takes a while for it to get in motion.. they will need to argue first.”
He sighs and pulls himself up kissing his husband. 
“Until then, let's make sure our family is back on its feet, yes?” “Yes.”
Hayle walks up to their bedroom, and knocks on the door. 
“Hey Vy.. want some company?”
Vy had laid down and once he was sure Hayden was out of hearing range he started sobbing quietly to himself, holding the egg close to his heart. He hates this, he hates what he represents, an imbalance in this world that will forever put them all at danger. A part of him wants to leave, find the hole the Hunters use and leave, take all that danger with him and away from his heartlight and his little star, but another side knows that if anything happened to him so would it to Hayden. Once he hears Hayle he lifts his head, wiping the tears from his face. Part of him wants to be alone, but right now he needed a hug.
Hayle opens the door and walks into the room, seeing Vy with his egg. He walks over to him, and sits down next to him, just putting an arm over his shoulders. 
“Is the little star okay? and is the big star.. well somewhat okay?”
He takes his other hand, and gently brushes away a stray tear, knowing much like him he wasn't okay, but for now, he would simply do what he could to make his family feel better. Chris knocks gently at the door, finding Rylan and River in bed with Hayden watching them.
“Sleeping and knocked out I guess?” “Yes.. is Rylan.. “ “Sharing his life-force with River? Yes.” 
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“There are very few animals left. Just some of the unadoptables. We still need to find a solution for these pets or one of these days we'll have to be like a pound. And some cats and dogs, but like Hayden said. These will be easy to move…” “They can come live with me and Chris is that's the only option, there is no such thing as unadoptable.”
He looks at them, clearly not happy with that option. 
“As much as I love the idea dad.. ehm.. your house would be full of them in the end. “ “Only until they are adoptable..”
As he says it, he realizes he isn't sure why they are none adoptable, not that he would mind but he could see his husband minding eventually. River turns to Rylan, deciding he needs to know who is coming. 
“Rylan, I need to tell you something.” “Tell me what?”
River takes a deep breath, instantly recognizing the signs of anxiety in Rylan's voice, he takes Rylan's hands in his and gives them a kiss.
“You can say no. I know I should have told you, but Vy kinda cornered me with it and I said yes before I even thought it through but now that they're coming... I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner but I was afraid it would stress you out the whole day, and I wanted you to enjoy yourself as much as you could, this is the shelter... “
He takes a deep breath, he couldn't keep stalling or talking around circles. Rylan just looks at River for a while, then to Hayden and lastly to his dad, realizing they all knew, and they all kept it from him, his otherwise light grey skin, seemingly whiter. The name had seemed familiar, and now he realized why Annette had mentioned his name once or twice, but it had never occurred to him that it was the same Mel. 
“I'll go get him ready.”
He turned around before anyone could say anything more, disappearing into the kennels. Hayle quickly put a hand on both Hayden and River's shoulders, shaking his head. 
“Let him be for a little.. okay? He doesn't want to be angry, he has that from me..”
He recognized hurt and anger in his son, and he knew, much like him, it was an emotion he struggled with, and he just needed time to breathe, and Logan was the best way for him to do that. 
“So.. give him some time, then one of you can go to see he is okay, deal?” “Okay…” 
Hayden sighs and lowers his head, feeling pretty bad about it, trying to just finish his work.
“Hey you.”
Rylan pat's Logan on the head, his mind racing so many miles per hour, his heart beating much too fast, so he just sits down in Logan's pen, the black Labrador nudging him, just as he has been trained too, moving himself onto Rylan's lap stealing his focus. 
“I trained you well didn't I?”
The response is a lick to the face, which makes him smile, wiping away a couple of tears that have annoyingly made their way to his eyes. 
River brushes his hair back and sighs, looking at Hayle rather aimlessly, he wanted to chase after Rylan right away but decided to follow Hayle's advice.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“He is in the kennel, River is with him, hopefully, he will do okay, and forgive us later..” “I knew he'd be angry... Or disappointed. I shouldn't have taken this decision without asking him... just... I was just so happy I had found a solution for them I forgot to think of anything else.”
He felt bad, he should have told him, and not kept it secret, the reaction and the look he gave him told him it hurt. Chris making sure Mal and Carl got inside okay, doing a bit of a mini guided tour as they enter
“As you can see, we have some stragglers and if you want something to drink or eat, just say and I can go get some for you.”
He noticed both River and Rylan were away, so he guessed he could buy them a little time. Rylan takes Logan's head between his hands, their eyes locking like so many times before.
“Thank you.” 
Mel looks at Carl.
“Do you want anything to drink? It was a long drive.” “A drink sounds good.”
He looks at Chris looking around.
“This is nice. Are you guys closing the shelter?”
Chris nods and gets a drink for both, Hayle nodding at him, keeping himself in the background, mostly to not spook Mel or Carl. As Chris returns he hands one drink to Mel, then holds out one to Carl. 
“To answer your question though, yes this place is shutting down, but only because they are starting a new and bigger shelter and clinic in Brindleton after today. We all moved there, so it made sense to keep it close, and a bigger place means more space for animals.” “Thank you.”
Carl takes the drink, listening to Chris talk, for a second wondering if it meant Rylan would quit modeling, but he shook away that idea. 
“You do good now, help them.”
Rylan nods, and takes River's hand, noticing he is nervous, and a little jumpy, but he knows he needs to do this. There is no safer place than here, and this was his turf, not Carl’s, and from what Vy had said, he couldn't even walk. He looks at River.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“I owe you both a lot. Even selling the old shelter, I really don't think I'd make enough to buy that space, and now I can use the money from the old shelter to buy new much needed better equipment. Make it a real veterinary clinic and shelter. I don't know how to repay you both.” “You don't owe us anything, we're one family and the shelter is something we all love.”
River takes a slice of the vegetable pizza and winks at Rylan, giving Chris a nod. How he had been so lucky along the way he could never really understand. 
“You're not sneaking on eating broccoli Rylan Everything with broccoli is good! Like pineapple! And tomorrow, the adoption event is going to be big! Oh! I found an owner for Logan!”
Chris takes a vegetable pizza as well, wondering how it will taste, while Hayle decides on the pepperoni one first. 
“Unless a huge random catastrophe happens, I have tomorrow off, so you have both of us there for the entire event, just put us where you need us.” “I told Madelene I could help her take pictures!” “You mean learn from Madelene how to take better pictures?” “That too!”
Rylan chuckles, Hayle and Madelene had the love for taking pictures in common and Hayle was never slow about asking her for help if he was wondering something. 
“And I am not Vy.. don't worry I'll eat one of your broccoli pizzas slices too.” “Good!”
He smiles at Vy even though he does disagree with the whole idea of it being anything like pineapple.
“I checked the signups and yeah, it's going to be one busy day.”
He smiles happy they have so much interest in the event. Of course some of it was because of Rylan, who had Marie handle his sites with much more mention of the shelter which had people check the page. 
“You will have one heck of a day Rylan, you sure that photo with you and a pet is a good plan?” “It was Madelene's idea, to lure in a couple extra who might find their pet?”
He looks at River about to ask something, when he hears Vy.
“Oh.. who? I mean Logan is a lovable bundle of fur who anyone would want, but I am guessing it's someone who needs a dog like him?” “Oh, his name is Mel. Have you ever heard of the Silver Rose? He was the lead singer. We've had him on suicide watch in the Hospital...Anyway, I went around googling what dogs were okay with chickens, and I saw Labradors were good with it, and since you guys were training Logan to be a therapy dog, I thought he was perfect for Mel and his boyfriend. He needs someone to stop him from hurting himself and help him take care of his boyfriend…” “Well, yes, labs are friendly to anything when trained right. Rylan trained him, so he is a very good boy.”
River he chuckles and looks drinks some soda
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Do you want me to go try to calm down your father?”
Rylan takes a couple of semi deep breaths, not to deep as he knows that would just hurt even more. 
“I'm not sure he'd listen..”
He sits up, his body sore and aching, the horrible taste in his mouth not helping much.
“Anger isn't my dads strong suit…”
He leans against River, pondering if maybe he should go down too, but he worries seeing him like this might not help. River looks at Rylan and sighs, reaches for the water bottle, holding it out so he can drink and wash the taste from his mouth.
“Stay here and rest, I'll go try to calm him down, okay?”
“Just... “
The words that come to mind are quite different than he ever thought he'd utter, but he knew how angry he could get. 
“Be careful okay?” “I will.”
He takes the water bottle, just rinsing his mouth and spitting it out into the bucket he still holds on to just in case, watching as River walks out the door, and quite literally into the dragon's den. A very angry dragon. Hayden and Vy come down just before River, Hayden watching his dads, Hayle half shifted into a dragon, being held back by Chris who seems more ethereal than human.
“Sorry, he promised not to get angry, but as you can see he is slightly upset with the news....”
Chris looks at them both, noticing River joining them as well.  
“I simply assumed you didn't want an angry dragon god making a mess off your job Vy?”
Vy looks at Hayle, standing behind Hayden, genuinely concerned but also somewhat scared.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Is he.. Okay?” “I think so, shook up, feeling awful, the things you'd expect after something like it happening.I am sure he will be down soon.”
Vy whimpers in pain when he finally snaps some of the stitches enough to look at the wound. He could see the gold light emanating from it, the song of the beating hearts it was so enthralling and he knew he was right. He sits on the floor once more lightheaded. He pulls his hand back afraid to make it worse
“m-mister Hayle?”
he mumbles. Maybe he should get help, the pain was getting worse now. Hayle turns his head as he hears what he guesses is Vy's voice, leaving Chris with Hayden, the voice had been so low he almost didn't hear it, but his hearing was, like his husband always said, pretty exceptional. 
He looks inside the door seeing Vy on the floor running over to him, noticing the chest. 
“What happened Vy?”
He can feel them now like he could before the two hearts and how strong they were. 
Hayden looks up, the odd feeling of Vy's heart’s, the two hearts he has heard so many times before reaching him all the way down there. He looks at Chris who nod's, walking over to his son, picking him up 
“Let's give them a little, if they don't come down, we'll go up, okay?” “Okay.”
Vy is holding his hand over his chest, the heartbeat is deafening, making pain vibrate through his whole body, he barely hears Hayle until he calls his name a third time. He looks at Hayle, pouting, lips quivering.
“I can share it! I remember! I know what he meant! I can share my heart and it can save. That's what he wanted but what he got wrong…”
He touched his chest again, it was hurting so much.
“I can give it to Hay Hay and it can heal Hay Hay. It can make it so the fire doesn't hurt Hay Hay anymore! It can save him! I have to give it to him because then they'll both be safe!”
Hayle kneels next to Vy, remembering an old old tale he heard when he was just a young dragon, but he had always thought it was just that, an old wives tale as the humans would call it..
“And you want to do that now?”
He has to admit he is worried, mostly because to him Vy does not seem well, and he didn't want to risk either of their lives, yet Vy has never been wrong about these things before. 
“If you are sure, and if that is what you want to do, we can go to him, he is awake now?” “I want to give it to Hayden!”
He looks down at the line, so very certain. It hurts so much, but if it means both Hayden and his heart would be safe like this, that Hayden would be well, he wouldn't mind the pain. For so long looking for a way to help Hayden, and the answer had been all along right inside his chest, beating loudly for the one he loved.
“He's my heartlight. I want to give it to him. C-can you help me up, mister Hayle? I want to talk to him!”
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izayoichan · 4 years
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Vy walks to the music room and picks up the guitar with a smile, heading downstairs to the living room to find Chris.
“Mister Chris?”
Chris waves at Vy from the sofa, making Hayle look at him as well. Both noticing the guitar.
“Hmh.. he wants to play again?”
He holds out a hand, motioning with his head for Vy to come over.
“I guess this needs some tuning up if that's the case?”
Vy glows green as he walks in and hands Chris the guitar, to him this is a very big step for Hayden, the first time he has said yes to doing anything he once used too, as well as he just seems to be happier today than in a long while. 
“Yes. He's going to try, it's just for a bit but he wants to try.”
Vy smiles
“He wants to try.”
Chris takes the guitar and starts to tune it, smiling, as it had been a while since Hayden had shown any interest in things like this. Or in general interest in anything but Vy and reading the occasional book. 
“I guess this was your idea?”
Ge looks at Vy as he slowly makes the guitar sound like it should and not a horrible sour instrument that has had better days. 
“I asked him... I miss hearing him play”
He smiles a little, though the glow remains, watches Chris tune the guitar, the sounds it makes making him chirp in tune, almost like he's trying to memorize how it's supposed to sound. 
“That's good, I'm glad he is showing an interest in it again.”
He smiles at the chirps.
“I think that is a very good sign Vy, that he shows an interest in things he used to like”
He looks at Hayle who nods. Chris finishing the tuning up of the guitar, checking all the strings, the handle and the body, just to make sure there isn’t something that needs fixing. 
“There you go, all good to be played on.. we might look into changing the strings though at some point.” “Okay!”
He takes the guitar.
“Thank you so much, mister Chris!”
Vy walks back upstairs holding the guitar as if it was very valuable and it was, as he thought about getting new strings as a gift for Hayden, he had to see how much they were worth and if he had enough. If he didn't, he could always go to San My to sell his trinkets and get the money, Chris just smiling as he watches Vy walk back up before he looks over at his husband with a bit of a smile.
“Music is a good sign, at least I think so”
He kisses Hayle, who just smiles at him and nods Hayden sitting in his bed, watching the movie while he waits. His mind goes back and forth, trying to think of things that would make shelter helping easier for him, not with much luck, but it keeps his mind occupied, yet he still manages to smirk at some of the funnier places in the movie. A knock on the door by Vy pulling him back to the here and now again, seeing him hold the guitar in his hands. 
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