#even if i cant achieve the former i hope that at the very least i can do the latter
elgringomkposta · 11 months
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Here is the colored version of panel 3, hope you like it and that the wait was worth it. Now the next might be the most difficult one for sure, hope i can handle it. Don´t know if the next one will be the last or i will need two more. Please comment what tou think! As always i will leaving the narration after this little introduction.
21:07  1.Ba-bump…ba-bump…Yor could feel her heartbeat slowing down as Fuuka continued her assault, a blue stream of chakra still channeled between them. “I can’t feel my body…I don’t know if I can even be saved at this point…” The Assassin began to lose hope, and decided to let Fuuka suck her dry. “At least it’ll feel good in the end…Loid…Anya…I’m sorry…” An indescriptible cold invaded Yor and a pretty strange sensation too, she could feel her self navigating throught Fuuka´s body... 
2.Yor‘s eyes grew pale, and she closed them slightly as fuuka continued to enjoy her morsel. “Mmm…I knew you wouldn’t let me down…just relax and let me handle everything my dear…Fuuka enhanced the drain, sucking harder as more of Yor’s life was taken away from her. The sudden increase made Yor lose all strength in her legs, making her wobble before falling. 
3.Fuuka caught Yor, holding her ass as she used her chakra vision, seeing that every last bit of chakra has been drained from her legs , with her arms close to being the same,her  strong limbs became totally useless. Her distal pathways turned pale and an increased shinning invaded her chest, her soul started to cut her connections with her pathways... it became loose and easy to extract. “I’m so glad I met you…not only are you a great source of energy…you will also be a great vessel…” Indeed, Yor is rare prey that couldnt be possible to achieve in her former world, this will certanly increase her power to a level she would have never imagined.
4.Fuuka brought Yor down to the ground, sucking on her for what felt like hours until all of Yor’s chakra pathways were depleted. With one last suck, a beautiful light started to pour from Yor’s mouth. Her very soul. Fuuka admired her beauty... she noticed tears pouring from Yor´s eyes. " I wonder what could have been your last thoughts... ha... i guess i will find out very soon, strong emotions always make this even better... I also wonder who Anya is... i cant stop hearing that name now"
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Have I ever told you that you are the sweetest cupcake ever?❤️ It’s impossible to not smile at your posts! I sincerely thank you for all your sympathy towards me! My heart just melts! It’s so rare to find such a pure and kind soul like you. Please, don’t change. Ever.
You made me worried a bit with your last paragraph - maybe I am oversensitive, but I am really worried. It breaks my heart honestly, I feel like you belittle yourself. Babe, you are wonderful! I am not saying this just for you to feel better, but because you REALLY are. Think for a moment about things you’ve already achieved! Darling, you graduated! It’s really something. It is even more something when you study two different majors at the same time and study in language school at weekends. It’s real hardcore! I am proud of you. SO FREAKING MUCH! You did so well and you did so much! Please, be aware of it. You are incredibly talented and creative. YOU are hard working, not me. And you know what? Please, have a proper rest. Don’t overwork yourself anymore. You have to have some space just for you. You have to rest and regain your balance. Don’t think about writing as your duty. I know you feel responsible for all requests you have. But they really won’t run away or disappear. They all will be waiting to be written when you rest. Don’t pressure yourself, I beg you. You know I love your writing. We all here love it. But we love you even more. Taking a break it’s not bad. It’s necessary. When you rest you will be able to concentrate, you will have a fresh mind and new ideas. Just remember that you are a priority.
Speaking of your visit to Prague. OMG, THIS ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK!! I envy you soooooo much! I wish I could see it by myself someday! Thank you so much for the photo! And geez, you are the very first person admitting that museums are wonderful! No one amongst my friends likes them and it hurts so much, because I couldn’t go to the Uffizi museum and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. I would love to go to any museum with you then! Museum of sex toys sounds really interesting, mostly because it’s not about modern toys. Like, I would never thought that people could have such rich sex life! I heard that in Amsterdam and Paris there are similar museums. But! I bet you would love icelandic museum of punk. Ohh, I am pretty sure you would enjoy it! It’s really small, because well..Its former public toilet. Buuuut, if you like non-obvious museums this is definitely for you. Whale museum was also pretty good. Or I enjoyed it just because I love whales. I was also in a museum of teddy bears in Seoul and it was the cutest museum I have ever been in! Tell me more about that vegan restaurant! What good did you eat? I am not vege myself, but I avoid eating meat on a daily basis so it’s easy to make me excited with such things!
I am not sure if I am better. I mean, I changed my mind about being able to sleep all day. I am not able to sleep at all at the moment. I am tired and my eyelids are so heavy, but sleep never comes. I guess insomnia hits again, it's a never-ending circle. But I am concerned about your leg! I guess you had spoken with doctor since you got xray and usg. Did they say anything? Any ideas of what it could possibly be? It has to be something serious if you have problems with walking! How did you manage to go sightseeing in Prague? Babe, please, take care of yourself! And what does “health problem AGAIN” mean?! Have you had such a problem before?? It scares me like.. we just started adulthood? My friend sneezed and it made him lay in bed for 6 days not being able to move. Literally.
Yeah, I was in South Korea, but please, do not perceive me as your role model. Gods, it would be a terrible decision, really. But, I would love to share some stories with you if you want! I know it's a popular destination these days because of kpop. I used to listen to it, but I think a few years ago kpop was better? More interesting? Now I’m more into khh, but I think I can’t say that I’m into it anymore.
Talking about music! I discovered two new songs and I bet you know them already, but for me it was huge woah woah woah! First of it - Sabaton. Thay covered Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and they did it so good! Secondly - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. They basically made their own song based on one of my favourite piano songs. Oh my.. it’s sooo good!
And still talking about music! I just wanted to say that I also love our Wombo edits! That one with Ezio singing Stressed out was perfect! Mr Auditore looked very believably singing it. I liked the one with Edward and Haytham. I don’t know the song but it had such a christmas vibe! It made me think of Edward and Shay singing Last Christmas or some other shitty Christmas song together. Why them? No idea. I love Altair, but your latest headcanons could make me love them even more.
And! I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to take japanese lessons on Duolingo. I am aware that such app won’t help me with learning such a language, but at least I can tell you that katakana sucks. Gods, I hate it so much. Hiragana is so pleasurable to learn. And I know katakana is visually similar, but it is a no no from me. I have learnt some basic kanji signs. And I just admire you so much more.
I hope you will have wonderful and peaceful week, Babe! Once again, please take care of yourself. Remember to have proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours and drink water! I hope your leg will be better soon!
Hey Knifey! I finally have the right mind set to respond to this ask!
So first of all thank you. You always make me blush with your kind words and I have no idea how to react! I want to squeaze you in a hug and give you all the sweets in the world!
As for the rest. You see i have always worked to hard on studying, so hard it actually burned out everything inside so now all i want to do i nothing! But i cant, i really want to go back to spending my free time in more creative way!
Omg Knifey! Finally i met a museum lover! And gods i want to visit them all! And you know? That Icelandinc museum sounds like such a goal, i want to go there 🥺 and Seoul museum of teddy bears?! I want to go there!
Honestly I love all museums and generally history. I enjoy visiting ruins of castles and villages, going to museums of everything! Art, machines, objects! There are always so many things and so many different ways to find the inspiration! And I always take so many photos for 'future references'. Some time ago i was in a gardens which showed different time of gardens of the world and there was this amazing exhibition of demons from Slavic mithology. That was so awesome! As well as Japanese garden!
In began restaurant i have this fried soy bites in some sweet-spicy sauce. So tasty! Im trying to recreate this recipe but so far its 1:0 for the soy :/
As for my leg. Its swollen AF bht i just... Put on my shoe and pretended it didnt exist. I can walk in good shoes but still im worried. As for that little again... I generally have some weird health issues. I had 5 surgeries for different stuff (spine, tumor, nose) so like... Generally i am healthy... Or at least i was until thst damned foot decided to show off. Its been 4 weeks and im still looking for a solution, running different tests and all. Hopefully they will figure out whag is going on.
Yes TELL ME ALL THE STORIES ABOUT KOREA.! I love stories, tell me everything!
Tbh i never listen ed to k-pop. I guess its just nkt my type of music but I enjoy some Japanese and Chinese songs (one i like is Arrogant by Xiao Zhang). I know songs you sent me and gods they are amazing! I love sabaton, rock/metal im general but I listen to all kind of music. Like Italian soundtrack from Winx, music from burlesque, Dragonforce, shanties. If there are k-pop songs you like you can always send then to me! Ill gladly listen to them all!
Im glad you like those wombos i guess i should make more! 😂😂
And gods. Katakana. 4 years of learning Japanese and I still need katakana board to remember those signs! And tbh i feel like Japanese duolingo has some mistakes ;/ but for Japanese i used lingodeer app and it was nice!
Knifey Im very sorry you have troubles sleeping. Is there something you can do to make it easier for you? Maybe you can take some melatonin pills? Maybe you are stressed? Can you maybe contact doctor, maybe they can help? I dont want anything bad to happen to you! Please take care of yourself? Pretty please?
Love you so much Knifey, you are such a sunshine and I just want you to be happy and healthy!
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bahrlee · 4 years
Suck the blood from my Wound
Enter: Raph the Womf
🦇🦇🦇chapter 5: Impossible🦇🦇🦇
The next day, the three girls were reported as dead due to…. Throat related injuries. They didnt go into much detail as to not disgust or trigger their viewer's, they just mentioned the basics---they were found in the woods with their throats ripped out, bitemarks present---but still. It left him a little nauseous, and nervous. They were only in kindergarten, and here they were, viciously mangled buy someone in the woods during probably one of the happiest day of their lives. He tried to connect Dook too the crime, that would so obviously point to him, but there was just something so off about it in the first place. Were vampire fangs that strong enough to pull out a little girls trachea? Mitzi would definitely think so, in fact he remembered she said so.
   Even though it was still offputting, he didnt let that ruin his day. He needed to get his house back to its former glory since that weird night. He found it hard to go on with his day, however, since there was an unpleasantness in the air that couldnt be ignored. Everyone all day was looking over their shoulders, hugging themselves, holding their children close to them as they walked down the streets. He has never seen a mother walk so quickly from him, a man with long blonde hair wearing cargo shorts a a shirt with flamingos on it. They were scared of any man, he guessed, since men always seemed to be the killers. Even ones who look like theyd surfed since they were toddlers. Which reminded him that he needed to surf again soon. Ever since Fatz left, he never found the motivation to hop on a board for awhile. But for now, today's goal: paint over the scratches on the wall. He was so happy it was only the paint that chipped, no actually wall damage, because he didnt know how to fix something like that. He wasnt good at fixing things.
   The inside of the store was just as somber. Mothers pulling their kids from the toy isle when they usually let them explore it by themselves, the newspaper wrack was completely empty, things were just so different. It was only one murder, and everyone was losing it, like Ted Bundy was on the loose. And it was only one murder. Well, three, but it was all done at once. Who knows what would happen when or if another one happened? Who knows what would happen if they found out that a possible culprit was a vampire? That was too scary to think about, so he stopped and went to go get him some paint. He didnt even know what to do about the carpet yet. 
   Heck, what was he going to do about anything anymore since the possibilities seemed endless, now that there was a vampire loose through town.
    He stayed up late, but for the last couple days hes been staying up TOO late, trying to contemplate what he has learned. He just lived his life. Making a deal to become some sort of spy, getting himself involved in a rivalry between two different cryptids who treated it as though it were the civil war, except one of the sides wasnt even aware of what was happening and what the other was planned against them. 
   Just like he predicted, he didnt see him that much. For the first day, he once again had nothing to report to Mitzi. The next day, same thing. He hasn't seen him since their conversation at Roxys. She did return her part of the deal, providing the conversations you usually had with a friend. He even sat in the water with her, so she didnt have to be in such shallow places. That case if anyone walked by they wouldnt see the rest of her. They didnt get too deep, just stories, small talk, interesting things about being a sea monster and vice versa since even though she lived a double life she didnt exactly know too much, the normal stuff. She seemed a little upset he hasn't seen him, but it's not like he was seeking him out every single day. He wasnt a stalker. What a funny turn of events that would be though, if the HUMAN turned out to be the stalker instead of the vampire. That would be interesting. He hoped she didnt cut the deal off, and kept explaining to her why stalking is actually a bad thing, feeling shamefully desperate. But he couldnt help it, he had no friends.
   He crossed his fingers, however, that they would cross paths again, both to satisfy Mitzi, and to see him again. He was so torn, when he spotted him acrossed the room at a comedy club while out with Fatz, he didnt know if he should go up to him. 
   He preferred to sit in the back of everywhere, appearently. Maybe because it was so dark, and secluded, that he wouldnt be called out by the comic onstage at this particular place. Although it felt so out of place for him to be anywhere in town, or anywhere around town, really. Maybe theres this whole council of vampires, and hes on a mission right now given to him by them. Maybe he just liked to hang out at relatively dark places, or examine the nature of mortals. Or…. Maybe he was looking for his next victim, adult and in the next town this time, to mix it up a little.
   His shoes were glowing this time. Similar to the vintage boots he wore, but this time the stars and crescent moons lit up. That was enough to mesmerize him. 
   "Whatcha looking at there, Beach?" Fatz asked, noticing his glances.
   "Well obviously that boy over there." Esmeralda answered him instead of Beach. That was the thing with her, she answered all of Fatz' questions, even when directed to him, or somebody else. 
   "Hes a new guy. Met him at the movies once." Beach explained.
   "Guess we didnt have to order you food tonight then," Esmeralda quipped. "You got yourself a nice meal right over there."
   "Esme, I tried to flirt with him, okay? It's like flirting with Wednesday Addams child if she had a baby with the Willy Wonka from Tim Burtons awful adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." He angrily drank his coke. 
   "Maybe you're just a bad flirt, you know?" 
   "Oh be quiet, Esmeralda. Beach is fine. Hes charming!" Fatz retorted enthusiastically.
   "If you're so charming, go up to him. Say hi. Buy him a drink." Esmeralda advised.
   "He doesnt drink." Beach quickly reverbed.
   "Well now why doesnt he drink?"
   Because hes a vampire, future Mrs. Geronimo.
   "I dont know. I jus know hes not much for actually living in the moment you know, he just…." He turned and looked at him again, his head so obviously in the clouds. "....Kind of observes everything."
   "You always go for the types that just sit there and look pretty, dont you?" Fatz said. He always questioned his type. The very monotone, 'too cool for school' men who tended to be more introverted and less talkative, two opposites of Beach. He liked his conversations. He was one of the best people to converse with because he kept it going. But he always went for the guys who's social skills were a bit stale. At least that's what Fatz thought, the truth was hes been with men of all kinds, Fztz only saw the shy guys, who were much less sh the more you got to know them. Fatz just tended to hold onto first impressions a little longer than he should.
   "Shut up, quit acting like you know my type." He glowered.
   "Cant deny it, Beach." He shrugged.
   Some friend he was.
   Esmeralda checked the time on her phone. "Fatz, its 10."
   "Oh, what? Its 10 already?" He said.
   "Yeah! We gotta go Beach, we're sorry. We gotta get sleep so we catch our flight to Louisiana for my family reunion tomorrow." She said.
   A little mad that they were leaving, but understanding he had no control over it, he let them leave. He wasnt going to be too petty about it. Speak of Louisiana, however… he turned and saw Dook there, legs crossed, shows glowing---he still couldnt get over that, he wanted glowing shoes now---his eyes fixated on nothing.
   Now that he was alone, he could probably try to talk with him. Mustering up his courage, he stood up, forgetting how tall he was for a moment and feeling a bit clumsy, and walked over to him. He seemed to be really deep in his own mind, because when he said hello, he jumped.
   "Jesus christ!" He exclaimed. "What?!"
   He held up a hand and waved. "Hello."
   He exhaled loudly, giving him the stink eye, genuinely annoyed by his presence. "What the hell are you everywhere I go?" He spoke, putting emphasis on every word.
   "Just find it funny that we find each other everywhere."
   "No, you come up to me, say your shit, trying to get into my pants or whatever."
   These non-mortals sure had some big mouths on them. But he guessed if they cant even get along within their world, of course they dont put any care into their interactions with humans. Was this his life now? Getting yelled at by two overgrown leeches for the rest of his days?
   "No, I just came over here to say I like your shoes." He said. "You dont drink alcohol, but do you drink soda?" He recalled him drinking something at the movies.
   Dook pointed to the soda on the table. "Little too late for that, man."
   "Why are you so rude?" He asked him. "Why cant you just talk to me like a normal person without everything coming out of your mouth being a nasty comment? Why cant I just treat you nicely and be treated nicely back, huh?"
   Dook slightly smirked at him. "Ficety."
   Beach was a tad frustrated, but it only made him want to try harder. "No, you're ficety. I'm just trying to talk to you."
   "You a nice guy?"
   "No, I'm Beach."
   And he finally heard him legitimately laugh. He was surprised at how audacious it was, and how much it revealed about him---he was a pretty goofy person. He seemed to be one for jokes, and humor. "Oh my god, alright, you're pretty funny, you can stay I guess. Sit down."
   He obliged, feeling like he just achieved something impossible. 
   "So, Beach, if that's even you're real name, which I know it isnt, go ahead. Make this a speed date. Tell me a-a bit about yourself."
   "Um…. Well…. I like surfing, and writing---I was an english major, actually---"
   "Oh, interesting. Tell me something smart."
   His mind drew a blank.
   "Oh yes, wonderful. Did you uh, drop out or anything?"
   "No, finished all four years. First one in my family not to drop out to persue a career as a rockstar, actually." He babbled, just excited to be getting through to him in any way. 
   "Huh. Interesting. I never went to college." He stirred the straw in his soft drink, smiling modestly.
   "Did you drop out to become a rockstar?"
   He thought for a moment. "Eh, kinda just happened. My dad forced me to play in a band when I was a sophmore. Actually, uh, enjoyed it and decided to stick with it for awhile. After that, I sang with my sister for a bit, and then something happened, and now I'm here."
   "Huh." He knew what the thing was. He was immortalized. "Tell me about her."
   "She lives back home. Three kids. A bit older than me, that's why she already has three. School music teacher." He said.
   "Cool. I have a brother who's much older than me. Not as cool, kinda mean." He sighed.
   "Hm, not very close to anyone, are you? I always see you alone. Guess that's why you bother me a lot." 
   He shook his head. "Yeah, my one friend who was just here a moment ago left, and hes been drifting away a bit. Everyone else is a workmate or an acquaintance." 
   Dook pulled the sleeves to his shirt over his hands and placed them under head chin. He was so obsessed with the way he dressed he couldnt handle it. "No wonder you're up the new guys ass."
   Beach couldnt help be giggle. He was glad he was funny. 
   Dook reached over and grabbed one of those tiny pencils used to fill in Keno cards, and a napkin, and wrote something down. "Guess I'll amuse you for now." He slid it over to him. It was his number. 
   "Oh my god." He did it. It was out of pity, so obviously out of pity, but he got his number.
   And finally, the late night comedy club announced its next act, after a long while of radio silence. The emcee came on stage, everyone cheered, well except for Dook who just glared up at him---well not really glare, he just seemed to have a case of a resting tired face, which wasnt necessarily a bad thing, but it still looked funny---seemingly board of every comedy routines seen tonight.
   "Sorry for the delay everyone, we just had a minor difficulty with some of our guest comics tonight. But thankfully, one of them came prepared. Please everyone, give it up for Rolfe DeWolfe, and his no-so-friendly sidekick, little Earl Schmerle. 
   Once again everyone cheered accept Dook, who's eyes widened, a little stunned by his presence. The comedian, clad in a plaid vest and black undershirt, with a wacky voice and a yellow puppet on his hand, smiled and thanked the audience for being there.
   "I knew he was here." Dook murmured.
   He leaned down, and turned his shoes off. "Can we leave?"
   His eyes were locked on the comedian in a strange, prey-like state. "Hes not that funny."
   It was very obvious it was not because of that reason, but of course he couldnt point it out. 
   He stood up slowly, creeping quietly (or as quietly one could walk in heels) through the dim room, as Rolfe and the puppet began their routine. Yes, Dook was actually correct, the routine was…. Meh. It made you smile, not laugh. But of course that wasnt the point if the whole thing going on right now, was it? He copied his moves, standing up and moving quietly, this time actually quiet because of the fact he was wearing actual shoes.
   Beach Bear copied him, slinking out of his seat and following him to the door. They slipped out, into the warm night. The way he just…. Stared at him. He was going to take note of that. If only he remembered the name of whomever was onstage. 
   "So um…. What are we doing now?" He asked him.
   "Ummm…. I dont really know." He laughed nervously.
   "What do you know about that person in there?" He asked. "Seemed a little more than 'hes not funny.'"
   He sighed. "You dont wanna know." He said.
   Beach had a few guesses.
   Dook shrugged and looked around, still a little alert. "We can just…."
   "Take a walk?" He guessed. 
   "I mean…. Why not?"
   The more time to get to know him.
   He dodged any personal questions, and the ones he did answer, he didnt go too deep into it. Simple, vague answers. No names of people, no small anecdotes, no detail. They did just meet anyways, of course he was valid for keeping most things for himself. Beach already knew things he was keeping from him anyways. He seemed a bit more anxious than usual, however, seeing that puppeteer onstage seemed to shake him a bit. Genuinely worried about how disoriented he seemed, he asked him if he were okay.
   "Yeah, I'm fine. If-if I go into it, itll just…" he trailed off.
   "Oh, okay. Just…. Making sure. You need to sit down or something?" 
   He shook his head. "I said I'm fine." He repeated. 
   "Like I said, just making sure." He sighed. 
   He hoped that not every moment between them would have some kind of stale silence between them. It was starting to get annoying at this point. 
 "Wait." Dook stopped, so he stopped, a little confused.
   Dook crouched down and turned back on his shoes. "There. Better." He smiled, as if those shoes were the source of his pride and joy. 
   "Whered you even get those shoes?" He asked him.
   "Huh. Are they battery powered or something?"
   "Yeah. Batteries go in the heels." He said. 
   "You dress very cool."
   "Um…. Okay, uh, thanks I guess." He laughed modestly. "You dress like you play beer pong."
   He snorted, realizing it was entirely true. "But I'm serious. You're just… unapologetically bold in the way you dress. And I can tell you dress because you like it and not for attention, because you certainly dont seem like the type who likes all eyes on them." He explained. 
   "Well, yeah. Nobody can tell me what to wear, so…" he shrugged. "Many people think I'm a girl at first, but…. You know, whatever. I-I like it."
   "Same thing about the mullet?"
   He laughed again, covering his mouth shyly. "I mean…" 
   "It looks good on you though, not everyone can pull off a look like that."
   Dook shrugged, grabbing the long part of his hair. "Yeah. I guess."
   The streets were so serene when they were empty. Even though there was the abduction of three little girls who were found dead the next morning, and he might be standing next to the culprit, the night still felt so welcoming, and calm. Something about the street lights shining down on the sidewalk, the neon of the open signs in almost every window, the clearness of the night sky which he caught Dook glimpsing up at in awe once every few minutes. 
   "You like space?" He asked.
   "Yeah. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut." He said. "When um… playing with the band I always said I was gonna play with them until I could go to space." He said. "Didn't happen, though."
   "Do you still wanna go there?"
   "I mean, yeah, it would be cool." 
   The way the stars glistened in his eyes as he looked up at them in complete amazement. 
   "I feel the same way about the sea. I wanted to go underwater, like, in a submarine, for my whole life, just to explore. Don't you think it's weird how we know our moon better than our sea?"
   He thought for a moment, looking a little hazed, maybe from the way the waning moon was shining down on them, distracting him from the real world. He seemed to be the type with an imagination. 
   "I can't believe every single one of those is a star up there. Every single one." Dook said. He began wiggling his fingers a bit in excitement. 
   He's never seen him impressed before. Maybe he should try and use space theme pick up lines to flirt, maybe then he'll notice him. But the only one he could think of was the classic your ass is out of this world joke, which he didn't think was a very cool one to throw his way. He might get punched in the face. He also was way too tired of thinking of something. These late night outings were really starting to get to him. It wasn't even that late out, compared to how late he usually stayed out.
   "How close were you to achieving your submarine dream?" He asked him.
   "I surf. That's about as close. I love it." He responded.
   "Ah. The closest I got was space camp as a kid." He ran his fingers through the bangs and his mullet.
   Beach put his hands in his pockets and kicked a rock into the road.
   "Didya try going into biology or something to get into the ocean?" He asked.
   "Oh no, my science grades were…. Not too good. I majored in english." He answered.
   "How old are you?" 
   "23." He said. "What about you?"
   Dook froze for a moment, thinking. Probably doing math in his head, which he probably wasn't very good at, from the way he snuck his fingers out to count. He didn't know why he was assuming so much from the little things, but he was.
   "21." He finally said.
   So he must've been 21 when he was turned into a vampire. And from the looks, it was in the 80s. Now he was wondering a lot. How did one even get turned into a vampire? He tried remembering back to Stoker's Dracula, Sookie Stackhouse, vampire chronicles, heck, even twilight. A bite? Excessive drinking of the blood? Canoodling with your partner, accidentally killing her, because vampires are apparently that strong (he hoped that wasn't the way, if anything that happened in twilight was true he'd probably run over to Stephanie Meyers house and drink HER blood)? All these questions he couldn't ask, because he didn't tell him. It was probably a very hard thing to tell in the first place. Mitzi was always incognito, and had a human end a close friendship with her once they found out about her secret, so he wasn't too surprised Dook was the same way. Mitzi was merely a teen, but Dook has been around for awhile---how many times was his heart broken by both partners and friends fearing him once they found out? 
   "So you're a drummer, right?" Beach asked. He couldn't be in his own head for too long.
   "Yeah?" He said.
   "Howd you get into drumming?"
   "Band. You know…. School band."
   "Huh, cool. I played Tenor sax."
   "So you like Rush and have a strong disliking towards cornets." He assumed.
   "Stereotypes, really?"
   He shrugged. "What? You know it's true."
   "Well then…. Since you're a percussionist I believe that you yell yeehaw any chance you get, have weak lungs, and have an affinity for Oingo Boingo."
   He looked to his side with a knowing smile. "I mean I do like Oingo Boingo---"
   "What? You just proved my point!"
   They both started laughing, the feeling of their bond growing a bit stronger. 
   "What chair were you?" He asked.
   "Always like…. Second. Third. I'm not the best. And…. Lemme guess, you were first chair a-and got all the solos?"
   He shrugged. "We only had two in the top band, what can I say?" 
   He liked the constant laughter between them. It was a good sign, he believed. Laughter was an important step to any kind of relationship. If you couldn't see yourselves traveling the world as a comedic duo, what was the point? So his Hope's were set high, just as a love sick gay person should be. 
   When they walked back to the club (both of their cars were there, they couldn't just walk home), Dooks goodbye was surprisingly hasty. Maybe he didn't want to encounter that guy that was here earlier, in case he was still loitering about, because his eyes carried the same alertness they did at the moment he spotted him. But he had his number now, an all powerful thing that Mitzi would be very happy to hear. He went to his car, very proud of what he accomplished, happy he finally got through to him enough to get to know a little more. When he had his hand on the handle, however, he heard something… interesting. A struggle of a woman was what he could compare it most to. He heard a male voice, one that wasn't Dooks, saying something. Remembering Dooks quick exit off of centerstage, he was inclined to follow the sound. He followed it to the side of the building, where he could clearly hear a woman's muffled screams. He could also hear the words from the other, currently disembodied voice, urging on whomever had her pinned.
   "You want to starve, Dook? You can't just not feed for three months then go purge on woodland creatures for the next week!" The voice scolded. 
   Against the wall, he peaked over the corner, and saw the sight of Dook with a terrified blonde against the wall, fangs out, the pure look of struggle, and willpower in his face as he bit his lip, as to resist his urge to plunge them into her neck. The other dude was the comedy man, mister Ralph whats-his-name (man no wonder he was performing in a small comedy parlor in a small town in florida), was trying to egg him on to make the kill. Dook opened his mouth, obviously starving, but unwilling to bring harm upon the poor, unsuspecting patron, and turned away, dropping her to the ground. She shot up and scrambled away, probably scared for life. He turned back around the corner, hoping he wasn't spotted. 
   "Come on, Dook!" Comedian guy huffed at him. "Why can't you just be like every other vampire planet? Why do I have to force I yoh human blood?!"
   "I mean…. ED?" He responded, scared but able to respond in his usual way.
   "You were turned into a vampire to get rid of that." He groaned, tired, but seemingly used to his sass.
   "Well that didn't work, did it---" there was a thump against the wall.
   He turned to peak again. This time it was Dook against the wall. He had a hold of him with his shirt. He pulled out something in his pocket, and from closer examination, he made out the classic---a wooden stake, fit to kill any vampire with a stab to the heart. He lightly placed it against his chest, Dook visibly shaking, and struggling with all his might. 
   "You'll reap what you sow, Dook. If you don't follow orders, if you don't keep yourself alive for the better of your kind, you'll pay." He threatened.
   Dook brought up his leg and kicked his stomach, the comedian losing grip on him and falling back, the stake falling to the ground.
   "My kind is human, got it? I'm not doing anything for a vampire, or a werewolf, or-or for anyone, really!"
   "Was human, Dook. You're one of us now, and you have to accept it. You do the duties bestowed upon you, I wouldn't be on your tail all the time!" He got up.
   "Fuck you." He replied. The comedian screamed and threw his fists at him, only smacking against the brick as Dook flew out of the way. 
   "I can't believe I was assigned to you, my god!" He seethed. 
   "Then LEAVE!" He shouted.
   "I won't, because I'm not disobeying my orders! It's my job to keep people like you in check and I'm sticking by it until the end of time, like what i'm supposed to do. I'm going to keep following you until you feed on humans, turn humans, and be grateful you died in our hands."
   They both stared at each other silently, eyes fixed on the other with intimidating adrenaline. 
   "If you don't, you're dead. And I'll make sure of it. I'll make sure you don't up and head out of town this time."
   "You wish."
   He grabbed him by the shirt again, and began pulling him to the front. 
   Terrified, he turned back around, eyes wide.
   Mitzi was gonna have a ball, hearing this.
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The Damned Never Die: Revelation, Part 1
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[To those of you who continue to follow us, share our work and help spread the writings of myself and the fine people who work with me; I thank you!  More than you know.  “In Depths Below” has officially ended and I’m happy to start sharing the next book in our series of writings which is titled “The Damned Never Die”.  Please help by linking and sharing this with people who might be interested; we really appreciate it!  And if you’re here to read! Thank you as well, and without an further delay on my part; Please enjoy the first part of this tale! ]
Two Weeks since Lazarius’ return to the Nine. . . .
“ Kun-Lai, I will never forget Kun-Lai.  It was the beginning and the end of everything for me.  It caused me the life of a dear friend, and gave me the death of a hated enemy.  It brought closure, it brought grief, but most importantly it brought questions.
Everything that happened from then until now; and here I sit, stirring within my own mind, poised to take quill to parchment once again.  To fill another ledger with my thoughts and words to add it to my collection.  To give insight to the future generations of the accounts that took place here.  The dozen or so volumes that will be added for the events here will certainly give a sufficient record of what we faced.  I am just pleased to have returned.
Kun-Lai to Zandalar to the Marshes, through Arathi and Hillsbrad. . . to Alterac.  And finally home again. . . I have never wanted to be home more now than I was in that entire ordeal. . . Home. . .I never wanted any of this to happen. . .“
He peered down at the empty page, and slowly the quill began to quiver and shake as his finger motioned toward it.
I never wanted any of this.  Well I write that but is it really the truth? I suppose I should have been a bit more forthcoming in the weeks leading up to everything that had happened.  I was a fool, a careless fool to say the least.  And put stock in myself thinking I could do something without any help as usual.
Marseille warned me. “Don’t you think this is a matter for the council?” but rather than go right to them, I decided to do what I wanted.  Again.
I had every bit of knowledge I needed when I found out that the Magisters led by Dawnseeker were planning their coup.  I didn’t have any idea that he was going to spring into action with the End Game being first.  I was a fool.  He bested me in my own battle.
Here I had hoped to get the upper hand by striking first.  Marseille was going to eliminate them one after another.  We had everything in order and then Kun-Lai happened.
How was I supposed to expect them?  Zoei and I hadn’t seen one another since she went on assignment behind enemy lines.  And here I am writing about her now. 
I never really get a chance any more to just sit and theorize.  I am always filling this ridiculous book with all sorts of nonsense.  Why cant I just have a bit of time to write poetry or draw little sketches.
“You’re doing it again. . .”  he said softly to himself as he began to scribble out the last line in his journal.
Zoei is gone.  Not one week after being back from all of the kodo shit and she is gone.  She had told me, this wasn’t the life she had expected.  That everything we’d gone through was enough to leave her wondering if she actually wanted it anymore.  I think the massacre at the Masquerade was partially responsible.  Perhaps part of me always knew that she was not cut out for this life; any yet in my naivety I pushed her, and forced her into it. I pushed her in deeper into the darkness, and inevitably slipped right out of my hands.
It is a pity.  Despite all that has happened over the years, the last remaining of my apprentices is still Sennaris.  I suppose she will always be my crowning achievement of success.  At least there is that.  A poor girl, lost and alone; trained to become a powerful empath and Compellor of The Nine.  I couldn’t be more proud.
So, yes.  I had to wipe Zoei’s mind.  Took the knowledge of the void, the memories we shared, everything we’d been through.  She’ll never even recognize me if she saw me today.  Just another face in the crowd as she walks past.  And here I am, me. . .forced to endure and remember.  I am always left remembering....
“Always fucking remembering. . .” he hissed as his hand raised the chalice to his right which was filled with a crimson liquid.
His Cindervine Red, his favorite.  His one true comfort in troubling times.  The wrapped fingers that were coiled around the stem of the chalice were a mixture of void energy and a woven nylon material the parasite managed to synthesize. 
His hands were completely obliterated when he and Jursol had to destroy the metallic shackles Dawnseekers hunters encased them in.  His flesh and bone were missing on most of his fingers, and the parts of him that did survive the ordeal was blackened and charred and would be forever damaged.
If it hadn’t been for the entity within his genetics; there would have been no happy ending for his upper appendages.  Amputation would have been the only plausible answer.  The only saving grace was that it had stopped the infection immediately, and worked to preserve whatever tissue it could. 
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Because the host was damaged, it would allow him the use of a wire like framework of nerve endings that it had created in replacement for his missing fingers.  The spiderweb of nerves were purple and string like; almost like a wire frame from a sculpture.  After creating the illusion of fingers and parts of his missing hand, the bindings of void energy and nylon would be wrapped around the frame like a mummified corpse; thus appearing to be whole.
It was the only way he could retain the use of digits and feeling.  But sadly; he would have to live like this for the rest of his existence.  A deformed and hideous version of his former self.
“Back to the point. . .”  his voice softly murmured as he tried to refocus himself on the open ledger.  The strange sound heard as he was pausing, that odd sound which was bugging him lately.  Where was it coming from?
My time away from the order gave me a period in which to think about what exactly was going on.  What we were really striving for.  How we were structured.  And ultimately what the future was going to hold for all of us. 
It is a careful thought.  Curious even, now nearly ten years passing since everything had been completely changed and restructured.  The loss of not only Raelyinda, but Mo’rynth.  Then Zalinath returning and destroying us.  The rebirth and and rebuild; everything since those early days.  Days when it was just myself, my sister and Poeta. 
Now, we’re a city.  A populace of like mined individuals striving to survive and flourish in a future that seems almost inevitable.  N’Zoth is rising from the sea, and with it will usher in the return of the Black Empire.  The turning point for Azeroth will be if the planet lives.  Because even then, the true masters of the void will surely be invited to set their eyes on this little ball of earth and water.
While on Zandalar, getting to know Jursol, and trying to figure out where this leaves us as a collective; something dawned on me.  We have survived.  Not because of our blind faith in depths below, or because of our masters will.  It was because we as a collective are strong.  We are our own strength and we give ourselves the power to change our future.  And change we have.  We’ve broken away from the ties that bind us, choosing to keep what we want, and banish the chains that hold us back.
And that is my revelation.  That is my discovery.  We are the Nine and we control our future.  The entire council and collective order we have formed here, our home, our prosperity.  We’ve achieved a great and many things, and will continue to push forward.
It was galvanized in my mind the very moment I returned.  When I had seen what the people here are capable of even without my wisdom and guidance.  The loss of one; stirs the wrath of many.  Like shaking a hornets nest.  And it would be no different for any other who may have been lost to our cause.  They achieved something that was neigh impossible; by combining their prowess and working toward the future that they controlled.  And in the end, they have only fueled my vitality toward achieving more to its maximum.
There came a soft, yet stern knocking on the massive stained door of the Inquisitors chamber.  He knew exactly who it belonged to before he even spoke.
“Ser...” came the grizzled voice of the withered old Gilnean.
Lazarius peered up from his inscribing quill and glanced toward the veteran with his venomous black pools.
“Kross. . .”  he responded, resting his elbow against the surface of the large writing desk.
“My apologies for disturbing your diligent work...”  replied the specter.
“Never a reason to apologize, old friend.  I always welcome your presence you know that. . .what is it?”  there was not a hint of doubt coming from his voice at this point.  Kross was always welcome.
“You requested a progress update earlier this morning.  Doctor Whistletorque had asked to speak to you about the forge.  Also a missive arrived earlier this week from the Baron; Krazzlowe,  something Koltun and Pyravari have already begun tending to.  Madam Jursol has also asked about where the limitations are for her raptors to roam, and if it will be disturbing to the students to allow them to wander freely.  There was also a. . .”
Lazarius raised his hand toward the white eyed steward.  He smiled and nodded slowly as if he already knew all that he was trying to tell him.
“Kross. . . you are suddenly acting as though this place would fall apart without me.” 
“Yet you are aware of the redundancy of that statement, considering it is the literal result if you were lost.”  the old bearded man would say as he moved in closer to the table.
Lazarius chuckled softly and continued to nod as his body leaned back and pressed against the spine of the chair.
“Well aware. . . “ 
Kross stood beside the fairly clean table top, noticing nothing was out of place; there were no scattered piles of books and ledgers.  The drafting table was completely empty.  It roused his suspicions but he remained silent.  Usually his charge was avidly scheming.  Always toiling a project or plot; a result of the parasite again no doubt causing his brain to toil and turn with every waking moment.
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“Kross. . .have you given thought to what our life would be like if we were not bound to this place?”  the disturbing question from the Inquisitor bellowed as his eyes closed and he listened to the silence of the room.
“You are wondering if I’ve given thought to my eternal slumber, or...?” he paused.   The steward reached his gloved fingers outward and curled them around the length of the bottle neck containing Lazarius’ wine.
“No no, I mean... this life.  I don’t know perhaps it is foolish. . .” he responded calmly sighing.
“I have known you for nearly three centuries Ser, hardly anything you suggest is either faulty or foolish.”  Kross responded without hesitation as he bent at the elbow and began to refresh the chalice with the burgundy liquor.
“Hardly?”  he mused softly as he heard the choice of word.
Kross only smiled lightly, enough to track back again as his master continued on.
“The old ones give; and they take away.  But we are not meant to be the true servants are we?” he asked listening to that familiar gulping of the wine as it poured from the bottle.
“You are beginning to wonder your place in the world?”
“No I understand our place, I am questioning our position in it.  I know our place will always be here.  Doing as we always have.  Defending our freedom from persecution for practicing what we do.  Protecting our sacred ways our sacred brothers and sisters. . .  I will never forsake that which has shaped me, but I. . .”  Lazarius stuttered again in his words as his head shook and he peered up with the contrasting black eyes to meet the white of his friend.
“You are beginning to see then. . .”  Kross said peering back as he finished refilling the glass.
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“See?”  the elf asked curiously, his brow lofting in natural response.
“There is more to what we have here than simply chaos, and wanton lusts for madness.  True we are creatures of the nefarious.  Primed to always be thrust against the natural order of what is righteous and what is good.  But that does not define us.  We do as we must to ensure ours do not die off, whatever it takes. . ..” 
Lazarius continued to listen to the sagely council of his old friend.  Choosing to remain silent after he paused and placed the bottle down, allowing the Steward to continue.
“When the servant is no longer needed, the Master will cast him aside.  The years of dedicated service and dutiful care taking will never be forgotten, but rarely do those who serve the source of a greater power reach the pinnacle of their Masters success.  It is not often the servant stand atop the mountain beside the glory. . .”
The black eyes of the Inquisitor tore suddenly away.  He was not certain but he wondered if that was how he was seen.  A ruling tyrant, a man who had placed himself above the values of the greater collective.
“And yet here you stand, continuing to serve.”  he murmured softly into the room.
“And here I stand, continuing to serve, because you are not that, Ser.”  Kross placed his hand upon the robed shoulder of his own Master. “You are nothing like that.”
“...no something. . .far, far worse.. ”  he snorted into a chortle as he shook his head.  The wrapped fingers of his left hand raising upward and placing upon the gloved edges of the old mans.
“Ser, the day you become a wretched tyrant who places the ones he cares for in danger; choosing to protect yourself over they, is the day you find my resignation letter impaled in the phylactery holding my remains.”  Kross stated softly.
Lazarius peered back up at the older man and smiled.  He was a father figure, and always had been.  But more importantly he was an honest friend, a governing influence and a moral compass to the sometimes verbose and outlandish mind of his own making.
“Still. . . To some I already am. . .you know that yes?”  Lazarius said softly.
“Those who have wandered away have lost their nerve.  Either by their own lack of dedication or fears that have left them unsure.  Some have given up, and others have simply lost their desire.  But you have never once put their lives in any danger without putting your own in first.”  The old Gilnean said in a gruff voice that allowed for some compassion to linger.
Lazarius only nodded.  There were few who came and wandered off, and some who had just all together abandoned them.  Some who had sought to manipulate and take; but never give.
“In fact some may say you are the reason for their success.  You’ve given away more than you have taken.  Especially when it comes to their well being, and safety.” 
Kross add softly as his own hand pulled away once Lazarius had released him.  He continued.
“A home like The Bastille after losing the estate and all we had built there.  Not many would have been so fortunate in the case of having the foresight to move, but also successfully avoid the unnecessary deaths of hundreds.  Save for those sixty seven.”
Lazarius indeed knew that the old man was trying to lessen the weight of his mind, but something still burned in the very back.
“While I was away from you all, it had given me time to think.  Time to consider.  With everything that has happened between now and the beginning of this war; we have been stuck in a position I would say is. . .fair at best.” 
Kross listened as he began to tidy the small scraps of paper and items around the massive desk.
“I thought of possibly reaching out to a few connections we still had. . .aid us in getting back on our feet until we could financially support ourselves again.”  he continued as his head shook back and forth.
“With so much lost from Quel’thalas, until you finally decide to reinstate Miss Kash’ebahl as the benefactor and head of the families affairs it makes things difficult there.”  Kross added as he made his way toward the small waste basket.
“And doing so now would not be advantageous.  I can’t exactly march back in and begin asking for hand outs.  Though the thought has crossed my mind.”  Lazarius concluded as he flattened his palm on the surface of the table.
“There has been no change in the escalating war either.  Currently it seems the Horde is balanced on its inevitable collapse as we face another catastrophic dictators iron Horde. . . though the Banshee seems determined to retain her throne of hide and bone.”
Kross would slowly pace back toward his Master.  His white eyes studying the stress that built as he thought.  Lazarius continued on.
“The bakery is enough to launder money, we are floating well above our means at the moment; all things considered.  But if we cannot continue to filter the money from the Io-Cerebellum into Stormwind and Quel’thalas respectively, we could hit a financial brick wall.”
The black eyed Inquisitor curled his wrapped ethereal fingers around the stem of the chalice and sipped from it.
“Of course.” replied the steward.
“There are supplies to keep moving, food and stores to replenish.  People here expect a certain amount of sustainability.  A certain respective comfort.  It would be unfit for me to simply strip that away because we’re strapped in our pockets.”  the truth of the matter is he would begin selling off his own personal items before letting those around him suffer.
Kross was simply an observer at this point; a means of bouncing ideas from his lord to a bent ear.  A way to perhaps move the ball forward, the wheels turning, suggestive thought just by working it out through his mind and into the air.
“I should have withdrawn that funding the moment this war began to fester.  The moment they burned that tree, I . . .”
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“You can not blame yourself for not having the hindsight to predict the retaliation.  Nobody could have predicted the Alliance storming the beaches of Tirisfal.  But you had enough sense to get our greatest asset safely away.”
Kross stood before him and firmly placed a hand on the table, he didn’t stop there.
“You spared hundreds by having the knowledge to act rather than wait.  You could have continued your dealings and practicing what you wished.  Continued to manipulate the courts and magistrate.  But you did not.  You abandoned your own selfish requirements and put the people who depend on your first.  That is what a true leader does, Ser.”
Lazarius peered toward the Steward and suddenly blurted out.
“W-what did you say. . .”
Kross looked stunned.  Lazarius never took his words into account as if they were meant to sting or wound.
“Ser, I did not mean to offend. . .I was j-”
“No no, Kross about the courts. . . The Horde. . . We don’t need to generate money...”  he said trailing off and getting a distant look in his eyes.
Kross looked confused as Lazarius began ripping through his entire desk trying to find the correct ledger.  Somewhere in there he would be hunting.  And the old Gilnean would watch with a great interest as he attacked the drawers like a madman. 
“Here we have been looking for a way to produce capital to continue moving forward.  We are constantly moving forward, and yet all we need to do is look back at the past. . .where in reality we have been sitting on top of a goldmine this entire time.”
He suddenly ripped a large enchanted ledger from the lower drawer.  His hand placed flat against the surface and it opened in a bright flash of purple light.  Moments later, page after page, he would flip to somewhere in the middle and point directly at the amount.  It was unfathomable to say the least.
Lazarius grinned and tapped the page again before peering up at Kross.
To be Continued in. . . “The Damned Never Die: Revelation, Part 2″
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mitsuhidethesnek · 6 years
Kennyo Character Thoughts (also Shingen lol)
@nyktoon-in-otomeland asks: "well then... >u> What do you think... about Kennyo? kjasdfkjjkfdasf no pressure to say nice things or to write a lot just because it's me!" Also requested by @water-child-yaya
Shdjdhs thanks! Oh ho ho, I write a lot because i dont know how to write less OTL.
First Impression - least interest at first. Very single-minded. Big softie who just wants a modest life. Not my type.
Impression Now - I like that kennyo's goth poetry is a meme now lmao. I am very into characters talking abt the harsh realities of life. He's a great antagonist with a strong motive. His underhanded tactics are sad and believable because Nobunaga is so ruthless. I like that he's an extra chaotic variable in war, making the Oda work extra hard. And I really loved Kenshin’s confrontation with Kennyo. They both achieved monkhood, and Kenshin calls out Kennyo's sword staff, a physical symbol of his internal strife. Love me some infernal strife.
Favorite moment - i remember audibly laughing the first time he calls out Sasuke for constantly inviting sworn enemies together for pointless event stories. Up til now, everyone's been somehow going along with it. I love that this game is self aware. Kennyo rarely interacts with anyone outside Shingen and briefly Mitsuhide. So my favorite moments are events where he gets to react to the other warlords. When he's scared, he starts praying, and it cracks me up. He tries so hard not to react, but i know he wanna smack a fool sometimes.
Idea for a Story - i'm probably walking dangerously close to requesting a shingen/kennyo ship fic just to see if i'm into it.
Unpopular opinion - i like him more than yukimura. Arcana's Muriel is the same trope as Kennyo, I realize... not my type.
Favorite Relationship - with Shingen. ;___; every time their former friendship is implied, i plummet into angst. But that familiarity is still there so they recognize each other's habits and respond to them still. I have an intense masochistic streak for former best friends/lovers trope. Which is awful because i hate that shit irl. It's messy and confusing. But in fiction it's intricate and impressive to capture, where you simultaneously show a bond but also that it was severed. So you show where the wall is strict now, where they're just out of reach, where they've already tried so many times and sometimes attempt something new but sometimes just give up. And in that moment of giving up you see the hopes that were buried long ago yet are still so vivid. but you also get to see how they might slip into old jabs or old arguments, that lingering desire for each other's wellbeing. No matter how bad their opinion has gotten, there's always that old memory of how you wanted the best for each other and you probably still do. With shingen and kennyo, shingen is both the one who still cares but also the one to draw the line. Angst. I dont want to but i have to. Was it hard for kennyo when his friend had to leave him? Or was he just understanding? Does he feel guilty that his pain runs so deep even his best friend and buddha werent enough to save him? Does he ever have moments where he wants to ask Shingen something but cant because he's not there? Is there a weird truce between them, but "i will cut through you if you get in my way, our past friendship be damned"? You almost want them to reconcile because their chemistry is so easy and they bring out a fun aspect of each other you dont normally see. Except you also understand and respect how fundamental their disagreement is. Saaaad.
Favorite Headcanon - @nyktoon-in-otomeland 's headcanons of course!! If Kennyo were friends with the kasugayama guys. If things hadn’t gone so wrong, he coulda had this nice life. T___T
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imafantasticbaby · 7 years
To be honest, most of the people that hate on Yang Hyun Suk and call him garbage and neglectful, etc, are only doing it because they don’t care to think carefully. They just see something happen that makes them upset and just go off on it without realising that they don’t know the full story. They don’t know all the details, because what you see in the media and on the internet or by second hand from another fan, isn’t all pieced together and has a lot of holes in it, because sometimes it’s hard for the media to get all the details, so instead they just let personal assumptions and theories set them off into hate And because YHS is easier to attack they throw their hate at him. People are way too attached to their faves that if they aren’t having a comeback every month or year or doing something every 5 seconds, they immediately assume that their fave is being neglected, when in reality they are probably just resting or preparing something. It takes Epik High and BigBang a year or more to release an album because they really take their time in making things perfect in their eyes. They are not making “profitable music” they are making something personal and like Ive said in a previous post, that takes time and effort and can’t happen in months time from the last comeback. Not to mention that there are also solo opportunities to deal with and some even have promotions and advertising, etc, that also takes up a lot of time. Oh and also REST AND SELF CARE. This is a career, not a hobby for them and people tend to keep forgetting that.
Sometimes things get delayed or priorities get switched because of money. Having a comeback or debut, etc, costs a lot so of course things will take time until the proper financial stability is there. BlackPink’s debut was basically funded by BigBang and winner along with other things. Doing survival programs, variety shows and other forms of promotions and advertising and even CFs are important to help gain the money for what YG needs. And you know YG wants to go full force and all out on their artists, so they gotta make a lot to spend a lot so your faves can continue to rock their Gucci and Chanel, you know?
When it comes to TOP, how do you know for sure that YHS hasn’t been doing anything for him? How do you know that YG is neglecting him and his situation? Is there definite and physical proof? YHS and YG could be dealing things with TOP in a more private way so that the media and the public/fans aren’t hovering over him and that’s why there isn’t much coverage on it. However, instead of thinking about that, you assume that YG is neglecting him and his situation cause you can’t find any info on it. That’s stupid.
With Lee Hi I do sympathise with the fact that she hadnt had a comeback in a while. But not once has she said the words that you all are assuming that she is feeling or going through. She sings and cry and all of a sudden that is because “she’s sad because YG is not letting her do anything and is ignoring her completely”. Have you guys realised that since her comeback she has been doing concerts and featuring projects with other artists and appearing on shows, etc? YG is not sleeping on her, they are letting her do things to help promote herself. She is not being neglected. Now before you go and say “oh but Envil, what about that time on Party People when she cried and explained what her Song breathe was about and the things she said?” Umm hello! Did you guys even really understand what she meant? She was talking about the past and how she was dealing with personal struggles and the feeling of thinking she needed more practice but because of her worries it took longer then expected and because of her anxiety she couldn’t sing freely like she wanted too. NOT because YG was forbidding her to and NOT because YG was neglecting her. It was because she was struggling with personal issues and feelings. I’m just happy that YG understood enough to give her that time needed to prepare herself for her comeback and because they did she came back with a beautiful album and now she is back to her badassness and even featuring in a badass Epik High Song again. But because she said “I wasn’t able to do it freely” people take it out of context and assume is something it’s not and just go off on it. It’s ridiculous.
When it comes to BlackPink everyone is hating on YHS because they still haven’t made a comeback and are singing the same three songs right now. They think he is just ignoring them and not letting them release new songs. But have you guys thought that maybe he’s just letting them get known right now? They are promoting, doing advertising, concerts, variety shows, etc. They are busy trying to establish their fandom so that when they do release a comeback they have stable ground to walk on. This process takes time and patience which yall clearly don’t have. Just reacently YG revealed the trailer for BLACKPINK TV do there is evidence for you that YG is still paying attention to them and helping them get known better with their on TV show. Doing all this will help when they come back. It was the same with Winner and Ikon and every other group in the company and now it’s their turn. Have patience.
I know I have said this in a post already but when it comes to the 2NE1 issue, it’s unfair to put all the blame on YHS for their disbandment. There was proof that he really wanted them to come back and that they were actually preparing for it. But things happened. CL wanted to do her American branching and promotions and Minzy wanted her Album which just wasn’t happening because priorities got mixed up and that led to her leaving. But that is not JUST his fault guys. He was trying. Things happened. It’s life. And sometimes things just don’t work out as planned. This still could have happened to 2NE1 even if everything was the same except they were at JYP instead. It was unfortunate yes and even I was angry for a while. But I understand that sometimes individual dreams get in the way of things and life just happens and not everyone is going to like the result.
You have YG artists that joke around about Yang Hyun Suk and how hard headed he is and such but that’s all they are, jokes. Because right after joking they always say how good of a boss and mentor he is and how he helps them, etc. There has not been one Artist or former Artist of YGE that has said ANY of the things that knetz or the fans say about him at all. Tbh I think this all “let’s hate on YHS” thing started as a joke taken way too far. It’s stupid. No one is even trying to analyse things and give the benefit of the doubt that things in the media is not always what it seems at first glance. It’s like reading the title of an article and basing an opinion without actually reading the article you know? It’s stupid.
The fans are also hating on him because he gives strong and sometimes very straightforward and harsh constructive criticism. He’s like Simon From American Idol. People get so upset when he gives not so positive feedback on their faves and immediately bash him for it and don’t even stop to think that maybe what he is saying is actually true and needs to be said so that the artists or group can fix it and improve themselves. He’s not saying it to just hurt their feelings or bash on them, he’s telling them good advice and giving them good criticism that can help them in their future. He’s not going to surface coat things and baby them. He did not take years creating BigBang and moulding them in the right direction which leads them to becoming the Nations Top Kpop Group by babying them and telling them nice things all the time. No, he told TOP that he needed to practice more on his dancing so that he could keep up, he had GD write songs everyday do it could help him make hits, he was hard on Seungri and Hyunseung because he wanted them to achieve great things in the future, he dropped one because they weren’t ready as the others had been and he kept Seungri cause he saw the best potential and he’s hard on him at times because YG knows that he’s good and talented and wants him to keep it up and not give up. When YHS gives his opinions and advice he is doing it to be honest and to point out things that need to improve, there is nothing ill treated about it. But because it’s your fave, you get upset and want to attack, which is understandable, but you gotta stop to think before you do.
And tbh, if I’m feeling this right, I feel like YG is allowing the fans to hate him, because at least he gets the hate and not the staff members and others. I feel like he’s content with receiving the hate on his SNS and such just as long as no one else is. Which is unfair. I wish he would come out more and try to show more of his true self that YG Family gets to see that we don’t. They all describe a person we rarely get to view and I hope he starts to show that. On the other hand I could be wrong and he actually doesn’t like the hate and wants it to stop but just doesn’t know how to go about it without the public just bashing on him some more. I cant imagine the struggle tbh.
You all can fight me on this. But I’ll just stand my ground on it. Momma didn’t raise no bitch and I’m not about to let haters who just go off based on feelings and personal frustration derail me. I will continue to look at the bigger picture and not just assume shit and go off because I’m upset that things keep getting delayed or dropped or whatever. Things happen and we all need to calm down before we attack.
Welp sorry for the long rant. I’ll go back in my hole now.
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wewomenbookclub · 7 years
Borrowing Trust
Mod Rose on trusting your past self when the present is overwhelming
I walked away from a career six months ago without looking back, energised and feeling courageous for leaving a situation that made me unhappy and optimistic for the future. I left behind things I liked, things I was good at for a “clean” break and I was sure I wouldn’t need those things again.  
I think perhaps I was wrong.
I had thought, perhaps foolishly, that if I could shed the toxic environment and the stress, everything would be okay, I could put all of that vaguely related stuff in a box and bury it. I thought I could cut off a whole side of who I’d been and that with time and space, I’d find opportunities to resuscitate the good and resilient qualities that these adverse circumstances had brought out in me. I’d be free and fixed; happy and healthy and fulfilled.
What actually happened was a slump. Having spent so long desperately struggling to stay afloat, life without something to fight, something to rail against felt odd and purposeless. The novelty of free time wore off and the worries of financial stability set in. My initial enthusiastic rush of optimistic job applications started to come back as commentless rejections and I began to feel that just as I hadn’t had it in me to keep fighting in my former career, I also wasn’t strong enough for this emotional roller-coaster of hope and disappointment on a rapidly dwindling bank balance.
After two months I got a job in a cafe. After three I got a second job in a bar, the realities of paying rent and buying groceries superceding my aspirations of an entry level arts job or some way of moving sideways from publishing to… well anything else that had a little soul. I told my friends, laughing through gritted teeth while sipping tap water at Christmas dinners that, “at least I don’t have to take my job home with me anymore”, and they applauded my “bravery” and said “how exciting it was to just be a free agent and think about what I wanted”.
Except I wasn’t. Because all I took home with me was a need for sleep. It turns out working back to back eight hour shifts is a lot harder at 26 than at 18 and “what I wanted” was sleep, a holiday and a magical unicorn of a job that would pay me more that £7.50 an hour without making me fill in a ten hour application and endure two months of waiting and worry. 
Last week I got offered a unicorn, but it came with conditions.
A young, energetic publishing company that approached me shortly after my resignation about a “conversation” had kept coming back, enthusiastic about my skillset and my reputation and unafraid to tell me that they thought I’d be great for their business. I’d been honest with them about my desire to explore outside publishing and had expected they would lose interest. But they didn’t. They kept coming back, and this time they had a job available.
I went in for an interview because I liked the people, had a good chat and remembered how good I really was at what I used to do, and a week later got the call that the job was mine. If I wanted it.
Which leads me to now, to trust. 
I don’t know if I want it. I don’t know what I want any more. I want to stop worrying about money. I want to feel purposeful. I want to climb out of the rut that I’ve somehow only dug deeper since making a break for it, I just have no idea how to do any of those things on my own. So what I have decided to do is to trust the people who are offering the opportunity.
I told them about my hesitations to rejoin the publishing industry and they offered me a six month contract which we can renegotiate at the end if it’s a good fit in both directions. I told them that I had lost the edges between work and life in my last role, and they’re going to find me a desk in the office so I don’t have to work from home. I told them I was overworked and undervalued, they’re going to pay me more for a smaller job. I told them I felt like a last resort, like a resource an not a person, that I lacked input, and so I’m going to get a say in the process, a seat at the table, months earlier than I ever did before.
Somehow, despite all my conditions and my relative lack of enthusiasm, they want me. The work I put in before I walked away from the industry was good enough that they will take a chance on me despite the fact that I’m not telling them I can work miracles and want to stay forever. I’ve been honest about not knowing what I want, and so now I’m going to trust their judgement that I’m what they want to guide me through the next six months.
It’s a very alien concept to me, handing over the reins. I’ve always held tightly to control over my choices, often going so far as to actively not choose what people want for me, but in this moment I’m trying to practice trust. I know that I’m stuck and I don’t trust myself right now, I don’t trust that if I stay where I am, stuck in a mire of looming debt and rejection and self-questioning things wont get worse. I’m trusting in past me, in what she achieved and what she offered. I’m trusting in the judgement of those who know her on paper and know current me in person, and perhaps see me more clearly than I am able to right now.
I’m trusting that this is an opportunity to change things, and not a step backwards, and that by taking it and taking action I’ll start out on a new path, even if at first it looks like the old one, and that I know what danger signs to look out for. 
I’m trusting in the version of myself others seem to seem to see even when I cant, in the unpredictability of life and hoping for the best, knowing only that staying still would be worse.
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in case i cant load this file at the library. (trying to print a document so i can quickly show  Alleged well meaning ignorant trump voters why, he isnt just evil, he’s anti republican/christian and they shouldnt vote for him). Good god this was only the last 2 months. what an asshole
Trump is anti republican values
 Letting a private media network run the country
August 21, 2020 – Department of Homeland Security officials were told by Trump to watch Lou Dobbs “every night.” The Fox Business host and ardent supporter of the president was the department’s “shadow chief of staff,” said former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor. “The president would call us and… he would say, ‘Why the hell didn’t you watch Lou Dobbs last night? You need to listen to Lou. What Lou says is what I want to do.’”
 Every word of this is blatant government corruption. Trying to rig an election, putting someone in charge who gave you money  to make sure it happens? WHy does he hate america democracy so much?
August 17, 2020 – Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was accused of deliberately slowing mail delivery to give the president a boost in the November election. Reps. Hakeem Jeffries and Ted Lieu of the House Judiciary Committee called for the FBI to open a criminal probe into DeJoy, who was appointed by Trump in May. The businessman earned millions of dollars from a company that does business with the Postal Service. He donated $1.2 million to Trump’s election campaign.
 More corruption! Using the Presidential seat to promote a donar’s brand? Is America just a money making scheme to him and his rich elite?
August 16, 2020 – Trump said that the Food and Drug Administration “should be approving” an extract from the oleander plant as a coronavirus cure, even though there is no evidence that it is beneficial. Oleandrin had been touted by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a major Trump donor who has invested in the company that makes the extract. Lindell is not a doctor.
 Hates america and democracy. If America is so great why cant he respect the democratic process
August 19, 2020 – Trump would “see what happens” in the November election before accepting its result, said White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “The president has always said he’ll see what happens, and make a determination in the aftermath.” Two days earlier, Trump had said, “The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”
 More lies
August 14, 2020 – The Senate Intelligence Committee asked federal prosecutors to investigate former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon for possibly lying during its inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Senators also said that Donald Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks offered conflicting testimony.
 Stole from his own voters!
August 20, 2020 – Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, was charged with cheating hundreds of thousands of donors who were told that their money would go toward building a wall along the Mexican border. A federal indictment said that Bannon, arrested with two other men, used almost $1 million for personal expenses; in all, the men raised more than $25 million. Bannon, who portrayed himself as a man of the people, was arrested on a $35 million yacht owned by fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui.
 Still no tax returns? If he was successful and legal he wouldnt be hiding!
August 20, 2020 – A federal judge ruled that Trump must give his tax returns to the Manhattan district attorney, who is investigating Trump’s financial records. Judge Victor Marrero rejected the president’s most recent attempt to block the release of his returns. “This is a continuation of the witch hunt, the greatest witch hunt in history,” Trump told reporters. “There’s never been anything like it.”
 More voter manipulation
August 6, 2020 – White House health officials said that the U.S. might have a coronavirus vaccine in early 2021. Trump, however, claimed that one could be available “sooner than the end of the year, could be much sooner.” Asked if a vaccine could arrive before the November 3 election, he said, “I think in some cases, yes possible before, but right around that time.” No reputable scientists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, believe a vaccine is possible before 2021.
  Vote intimidation is against 1st ammendment and your right to vote
August 20, 2020 – In order to prevent voter fraud, Trump said, he will order law enforcement to the polls on November 3. “We’re going to have sheriffs, and we’re going to have law enforcement. And we’re going to have hopefully U.S. attorneys, and we’re going to have everybody and attorney generals,” he said. Law enforcement is barred at polling places in several states because of concerns over voter intimidation.
 More election tampering
August 4, 2020 – Trump’s campaign sued Nevada, arguing that a bill allowing voters to mail in election ballots would lead to fraud. In a tweet, Trump called the legislation “an illegal late-night coup,” adding, “See you in Court!”
 Undermining America, insulting the American system, undermining democracy and making attacks on the American people. No one hates american democracy like Trump
August 21, 2020 – Trump said he had a “theory” that if November’s election results were not known by the end of 2020, “Crazy Nancy Pelosi would become president, you know that. No. No. I don’t know if it’s a theory or a fact, but I said, ’That’s not good. That’s not good.’” In his remarks to a conservative group in Arlington, Va., Trump also said, “The more success that we’ve achieved, the more unhinged the radical left has become. Anarchists and violent mobs have rioted in our Democrat-run cities, attacking police and tearing down statues. I’m the only thing standing between the American dream and total anarchy, madness, and chaos, and that’s what it is.”
 No one is above the law. Refusing to comply with investigators
August 24, 2020 – New York State’s attorney general asked a State Supreme Court judge to compel Eric Trump, the president’s son, to testify in an investigation. The inquiry was looking into whether Trump and his business overstated assets “to secure loans and obtain economic and tax benefits.” Eric Trump canceled an interview with the attorney general in July, and the Trump Organization said it would not comply with seven subpoenas that it was sent.
 Big govt stealing from taxpayers
August 27, 2020 – In visiting his own properties 271 times as president, Trump and Secret Service agents netted the Trump Organization more than $900,000. According to the Washington Post, Trump’s business also brought in at least $3.8 million in fees associated with 37 political events held at Trump’s properties.
More attacks on American WOrking class. He acts like the postal service is a boogie man. Its hundreds of thousands of hard working americans trying to do a job to keep this country running
August 13, 2020 – Trump said he opposed $25 billion in emergency aid for the U.S. Postal Service. He made the unfounded claim that the coronavirus relief funding would help the service process “fraudulent” mail ballots for the November election.
 Praising Terrorist
August 31, 2020 – Trump suggested that a 17-year-old charged with murdering two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, acted in self-defense. “That was an interesting situation,” Trump said at a news conference. “He was trying to get away from them, I guess it looks like, and he fell and then they very violently attacked him… I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would’ve been killed.” The shootings occurred during an anti-racist protest after Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by police. Trump planned to travel to Kenosha, but Blake’s family said they would talk to the president only if the family’s lawyers were present. Trump said he would not speak with them.
Promoting conspiracy theorists
August 12, 2020 – Trump congratulated Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican congressional candidate from Georgia who voiced her support of the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon. “Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up — a real WINNER!” Trump wrote on Twitter. The FBI identified QAnon as a potential domestic terror threat in 2019.
But his whole campaign is based on baseless conspiracies
August 11, 2020 – In a radio interview, Trump said, “China will own the United States if this election is lost by Donald Trump.” He added, “If I don’t win the election…you’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese, you want to know the truth.”
 Anti free speech
– August 28, 2020 – At a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Trump ridiculed social justice protesters around the country. “You know what I say?” he told a small crowd. “Protesters, your ass. I don’t talk about my ass. They’re not protesters. Those aren’t protesters. Those are anarchists, they’re agitators, they’re rioters, they’re looters.”
  More anti free speech
– August 7, 2020 – The Trump administration issued two rarely used executive orders to ban TikTok and WeChat. The popular social media networks are owned by companies in China — a frequent target of the president’s pre-election rhetoric. “The spread in the United States of mobile applications developed and owned by companies in the People’s Republic of China (China) continues to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,” Trump wrote. He did not, however, outline any specific threat from the companies.
 Only cares about his brand and money
August 8, 2020 – An aide to Trump asked the South Dakota governor’s office what it took to have a president added to Mount Rushmore. In 2018, Trump had told future Governor Kristi Noem, “Do you know it’s my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?”
 What is wrong with him. A dr is just doing her job and he attacks her cus dead americans make him look bad? Suck it up!
August 3, 2020 – Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said that the pandemic was “extraordinarily widespread.” Trump replied that she was “pathetic.”
 Speaking ill of the dead, Not giving a shit about Russia putting bounties on american troops heads, not caring that americans are dying
August 4, 2020 – Jonathan Swan of Axios asked Trump how the coronavirus was “under control” when 1,000 Americans were dying of it every day. “They are dying. That’s true. It is what it is,” Trump replied. In the same interview, Trump maintained that he did not know about Russia’s offer of bounties for American troops killed in Afghanistan. The bounties, though, were reportedly brought to his attention in intelligence reports. “I read a lot,” he said. “I comprehend extraordinarily well. Probably better than anybody you’ve interviewed in a long time.” When asked how history will remember the late civil rights leader John Lewis, Trump replied, “I really don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know John Lewis. He chose not to come to my inauguration.”
    Trump is anti christian
Intentionally spreading the virus
August 27, 2020 – The Trump administration broke norms and flouted the Hatch Act by using government property — the White House — for a political convention. Trump delivered his closing-night speech from the South Portico, flanked by Jumbotrons on the South Lawn that screened campaign billboards. Roughly 1,500 people attended the speech, sitting closely together, most refusing to wear masks. A senior White House official dismissed any concerns about the coronavirus, telling CNN, “Everybody is going to catch this thing eventually.”
 Lying about dead americans to look good in the polls
August 5, 2020 – The United States recorded 1,380 COVID-19 deaths in a day, but Trump said, “This thing’s going away. It will go away like things go away.”
 Do not take the lord’s name in vain. He’s trying to speak for God.
August 6, 2020 – Trump said that Biden, a Catholic who has long attended Mass, was “following the radical left agenda… no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God."
 Thou shalt not covet . He’s so full of hate when obama comes up
August 19, 2020 – As Obama criticized Trump in a speech at the Democratic National Convention, Trump assailed his predecessor in tweets. He wrote, “HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!” and “WHY DID HE REFUSE TO ENDORSE SLOW JOE UNTIL IT WAS ALL OVER, AND EVEN THEN WAS VERY LATE? WHY DID HE TRY TO GET HIM NOT TO RUN?” Earlier in the day, having heard some of Obama’s prepared remarks, Trump said, “When I listen to that and then I see the horror that he’s left us, the stupidity of the transactions that he’s made — look what we’re doing, we have our great border wall, we have security.”
 Lies, coveting , and being a petty man baby
August 9, 2020 – Trump cut short a news conference when a reporter asked him why he repeatedly took credit — more than 150 times — for a veterans’ health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama. “Why do you keep saying that you passed Veterans Choice?” asked CBS correspondent Paula Reid. “It was passed in 2014… it was a false statement, sir.” Trump answered, “OK. Thank you very much, everybody.” Then he abruptly walked away.
 Threatening American citizens, the poor the homeless, displaced. Threaten to take away money from the state so they could help those whos homes were destroyed
August 20, 2020 – As wildfires displaced more than 100,000 Californians, Trump again blamed the state for the blazes, threatening to withhold federal emergency funds. Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, he said, “I said, you gotta clean your floors, you gotta clean your forests — there are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up.” He added, “Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us.”
 Note: We now know he knew how deadly it was when we only had 11 cases. He held this rally on govt property knowing his own voters might catch it and die
 Willfilly killing Americans by taking away their medicine if their hospitals don’t obey him. Thats fascism. Thats murder
August 25, 2020 – The Trump administration announced that if hospitals did not report coronavirus data to the Department of Health and Human Services — until now a voluntary program — they would have their Medicare and Medicaid funding revoked. The loss of the money could force hospitals to close.
 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" 9th commandment
– August 23, 2020 – Without providing any proof, Trump alleged that the Food and Drug Administration was intentionally delaying coronavirus vaccine trials. “The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics,” he tweeted. “Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!”
 More easily identifiable lies. Does trump not know how to use google?
August 13, 2020 – Trump, who had spread the lie that Obama was born in Kenya, gave credence to the conspiracy theory that Kamala Harris could not be vice president because her parents were immigrants. “I heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump said of Harris, who was born in California and is thus eligible for the vice presidency and presidency. “I have no idea if that’s right. I would have thought, I would have assumed, that the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president.”
  Destroying God’s land
August 17, 2020 – The Trump administration announced that it would begin selling leases for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a vast area of undisturbed wilderness in Alaska. The Center for American Progress said that the drilling — sought by Republican lawmakers for decades — would lead to the release of more than 4.3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide.
 More enviroment destruction
August 13, 2020 – The Trump administration eliminated an Obama-era rule that required oil and gas companies to repair methane leaks. The EPA said the companies will no longer pay roughly $100 million a year for repairs — resulting in the release of 850,000 tons of planet-warming methane by the end of the decade.
  Thou shalt not commit adultery
– August 22, 2020 – Trump was ordered by a California judge to pay an adult-film actress $44,100. The money was for her legal fees related to a lawsuit that she had brought against the president. Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, had sued Trump to be released from a $130,000 nondisclosure agreement to keep her quiet about their alleged sexual relationship.
 Trump is an incompetent idiot
-August 31, 2020 – In defending police officers, Trump said they can make mistakes in using deadly force in the same way golfers sometimes miss putts. “They choke,” he said. “Just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot—.” Fox News host Laura Ingraham interrupted the president to keep him from continuing. “You’re not comparing it to golf,” she said, suggesting that “the media” would use that against him.
  – August 22, 2020 – “You can’t trust him,” Maryanne Trump Barry said about her brother, Donald, in a conversation secretly recorded by their niece, Mary Trump. A retired federal judge, Barry said, “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God. I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”
 Blatant lies
August 10, 2020 – Trump said he would not have called for Obama’s resignation if 160,000 Americans had died on his watch. Trump, though, had said in 2014 that Obama should resign for his response to the Ebola outbreak, during which two people died in the United States. “I think it’s been amazing what we’ve been able to do,” Trump said about his administration’s response to the pandemic. “We understand the disease. Nobody understood it because nobody’s ever seen anything like this. The closest thing is in 1917, they say, right? The great pandemic. Certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people. Probably ended the Second World War, all the soldiers were sick.” The pandemic that Trump spoke of actually began in 1918 and lasted until 1919. World War II ended 26 years later, in 1945.
0 notes
loud-snoring-os · 7 years
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I cant say enough good things about this book I haven't been able to put this book down since I got it. It makes me so happy to see someone trying to help break the mental illness stigma. Reading about AJ and her mother both struggling with mental illness makes me feel better to know I'm not alone with my suffering. AJ is such a strong person, where most people would have given up, she pushed on and achieved her dreams. This is a must read for not only the wrestling fan, but anyone who struggles with mental illness. Go to Amazon
Fantastic read I love AJ even more now. This book is one of the most entertaining WWE biographies I have read. It had me laughing out loud after three pages. That reaction was repeated many times. On the other hand, there were many sad moments hearing about how she grew up and struggled with mental illness in her family and being homeless for a time. It took about 160 pages before there was any talk about her wrestling, but that's not a bad thing as I could not put this book down. You get a good summary of her career from training to becoming the top WWE Diva. You also get a lot of insight into her personality and perspective on life, including personal journals. I didn't understand why she talked about drawing her own cartoons and writing her own fanfic, but the sketches in the book were from another artist (and did little to add to the book). If Bret Hart could include his own cartoons, why not AJ? While she talked about her internal conflict between being a good girl and still trying to be marketable as a Diva, and talked about sexual harassment and unwanted advances from men, I was disappointed that she didn't explain more about how she felt about kissing at least eight different men on national TV. We do get to hear about how she felt about two onscreen kisses with CM Punk and how the second one she probably shouldn't have liked, but she loved and ended up marrying the guy in real life. I'm still jealous of him. This is a fantastic book for any WWE fan and any person that wants to hear an inspirational story about becoming successful, not in spite of yourself but by being yourself. Go to Amazon
Engaging read, very genuine I was a fan of AJ Lee from her time in WWE, so I had high expectations for this book coming in, and it still managed to surpass them. It should be noted that a majority of this book covers her upbringing and family struggles, rather than an in-depth look at her career in professional wrestling. With that said, the former is far more intense than anyone would expect and was certainly the highlight of the book. She does make sure to cover the most important events of her wrestling career, and ends it on a heartwarming note which should give fans closure on her retirement. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Already hoping AJ Lee writes a second book!! Go to Amazon
as I've always loved AJ and enjoy reading autobiographies I'm a tad biased I guess, as I've always loved AJ and enjoy reading autobiographies, but this was genuinely one of the greatest books, in general, I've ever read, despite it's autobiographical genre. It was funny, it was sad, it was inspiring. She really made you think. I know what it's like to appreciate the small things, through hardships. This book was moving, and I love her even more for being so open and honest, and real. Go to Amazon
Five Stars This is a must read book for any wrestling fan. Aj is the real deal and and inspiration Go to Amazon
Inspired Such an honest and raw way insight to growing up around individuals with mental health issues. It is beyond inspiring to those that have struggles in their lives. It goes to show that your struggles and faults are what make you stronger and who you are. Go to Amazon
Truly inspirational epic for everyone!!! April's journey through childhood was chasing fictional heroes to gain strength & find direction. It gave her the power to face mental illness, homelessness, and the magnified problems of growing up, ultimately becoming the biggest female icon in her generation! Truly inspiring! Go to Amazon
Excellent read. A real customer,a real ajlee fan Giftee Loved It! It was good and just a reminder that even the WWE superstars ... Five Stars A profound personal journey Five Stars This is a love letter to every girl who has ever cried alone ... It was a really good book Five Stars
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lovelyluridlife · 7 years
Mushy Stuff, Blessings, and a Promotion!
David is the hardest working man I know. Perhaps I’ve known some to work as hard, but he has something that they do not — a combination of boundless energy & talent, combined with a servants heart, and an insatiable desire for unending improvement.
He works TIRELESS for our family. When he isn’t striving for excellence at work, he’s putting in every effort to clean, organize, and BETTER our home, and hearts. And on top of it, he’s the most hands-on father I’ve ever known. Mom’s running behind or feeding the baby for the umpteenth time? Dad swoops in and is cooking, wiping butts, playing hide-and-seek, or getting the kids ready and out the door so I need only focus on myself. Did I mention that my man does not follow any sports teams, nor does he play video games?
Call it corny, but I am honestly married to my hero. He has taken it upon himself to turn MY every dream into a reality. He has the most forgiveness-yielding heart, and an unending supply of love for me. Love that I lived my entire life believing that I not only would never have, but didn’t even DESERVE.
It is only over the last year or so that I’ve truly begun to realize the magnitude of how God has actually blessed me.
Abridged backstory: I spent my former years (from 7th grade until my early 20s), desperately seeking approval from my “cool” peers. Tale as old as time. I know, I know. But when you feel worthless from day one, and don’t come up in a loving environment, it’s easy to “NEED” that affection from anywhere/everywhere else.
The human desire to belong is so painfully real.
In my striving for acceptance, I put plenty of drugs up my nose, I drank, I stole, I got arrested, and I’d freely give my body to any male that showed me one speck of attention. And at the end of each day, I hoped I wouldn’t wake up.
I thoroughly hated myself, my home and my infinite loneliness. Surprisingly (lol), none of those sins made my “cool” friends value me, my parents still didn’t acknowledge my needs, and the boys most certainly didn’t stick around. I felt like God hated me. I did. Satan’s chokehold was squeezing the final wisps of oxygen from me.
Then, in another universe, there was Dave. Anyone who knows him knows he walks on a uniquely favored plane. We are all loved by our Savior, but David seems to be... visibly cherished. His spiritual giftings may at times be masked by his corny & giddy demeanor, his impulsive attitude, or his informal way of calling everyone, “dude,” “bro,” or “dog”. Beneath these traits, though, is one of the most wisdom-filled, naturally over-achieving, love-driven & Christ-like humans I have EVER encountered. Then again, the Lord calls us to be like little children, so maybe Dave’s onto something, yet...
The Lord brought me David at my lowest point; bulimic, fresh from the tragic loss of my daughter and maimed by the relationship from which she came. All signs pointed to HORRIBLE TIMIMG, and yet, here he was. And that’s when I realized just how much the Lord loves ME. For He not only made David a very blessed man — He then blessed ME two-fold, when He gave me this man — to serve and love me. Me! Of all people. I was, in every sense, the prodigal son, and my Father slipped rings on my fingers, fine robes on my back, and a feast at my table. I’ve never said it before (and I’ll likely never say it again), but I’m still SHOOK, y’all.
I deserved nothing, and he gave me everything.
Now, to say that David and I have had our ups and downs over the last six year is a nice way of saying that I:
• looked my gift horse in the mouth
• then shot said-gift horse in the heart
• then beat my dead horse... a lot
Yeah. I’ve really, uhhh, done a number, to say the least. But this selfless man weathered the the hell out of my storm. His devotion to God didn’t waver, and my heart was radically softened and eventually transformed anew.
And now? NOW, I get to wake up every day and heave a massive sigh of relief that my gift is forever by my side. It seems I can’t tell him I love him enough! I feel a true, deep-rooted urge to encourage him all throughout the day. The amount I yearn for his presence while he’s away physically pains me. David, too, has proven that he loves me the way Christ loves the church.
—> How wild is relentless love?!
Wow, the whole point of this rambling love story was to somehow say that, today, Dave was promoted at work!
[I know, I know. I’m easily sidetracked.]
He’s been at Ramsey Solutions for a mere THREE MONTHS, and has reached a level of success that wasn’t supposed to be attainable until he’d been employed there for a year. His dedication, spirit of servitude, perseverance, ridiculous ability to learn + retain, and contagious spring of joy has resulted in such growth and favor. I am beyond thrilled to have a front row seat; to be watching this spectacular man reach incredible new heights at an unheard of speed.
Proud doesn’t do my feelings justice. As I said before: Dave, you are truly my hero. I’ll never be able to fully articulate how humbled I am to be your girl. I love you! Cheers, you did it!
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jrpneblog · 5 years
Time to Rise again.
Not quite the week we were hoping for but with games coming thick and fast in the Championship North End must keep looking forwards and not backwards. The game at Reading last week was a very poor affair and turned into a disaster as we conceded in the 98th minute of a game we never looked liked winning. Nevertheless we bounced back to a degree with a well earned draw against Leeds on Tuesday evening but after taking the lead we once again conceded late on to only secure one point. Reading and Leeds are done and dusted as all eyes turn to Deepdale on Saturday and the visit of our nearest rivals Blackburn Rovers. It is sure to be a high tempo derby and a game North End must win if they are to achieve a top six place after the weekend.
Last Saturday we put in our worst perfromance of the season against a Reading side under new management and under a good deal of pressure with the home fans not happy at the appointment of Mark Bowen. However the home side showed just enough of the new manager “bounce” factor to finally turnover North End with a heartbreaker of a winner as the clock ticked round to five o`clock. North End deserved noting from the game in all honesty and although Reading were no World beaters they always looked the more likely and so it proved to be right at the end. 
On Tuesday evening with three changes North End looked a much better outfit and we needed to be against a Leeds side full of energy and riding high in the Championship. Leeds certainly had the better of the first twenty minutes in each half buch if the Peacocks were the better team in the first half I though North End shaded the second and were perhaps a little unlucky to concede late on after doing all the hard work and scoring and excellently manufactured goal through Tom Barkhuizen. After the heat of the game had died down I dont think either manager would have been too upset at the final result  but North End must stop conceding late on or it will cost us very dearly come the end of the season.
On Saturday we have our second derby game of the season when we welcome Blackburn Rovers to Deepdale. Our local rival are in a bit of a flat spot not having won in five games and North End aim to stretch the unbeaten run at Deepdale to to eight league games this season. Rovers do not look like they are to sell out the Kop but it will still be a fantastic atmosphere as this is a game that certainly get the adrenalin flowing. North End go into the game as favourites on paper but I cant stress enough the need to not be complacent both on and off the field. North End have won four and drawn one of the last six derbies and we took all six points from Rovers last season so we should at least go into the game with good heart on the back of out excellent start to the season. I think it may well be ahigh scoring affair and I take North End to win 3-2 in a real battle of a game.
And finally this week:- I had the pleasure of attending the Preston North End Former Players Association 22nd Annual Sportmans Dinner on Thursday evening in the Invincibles Lounge. There were some great names from the past in the room with Peter Higham and Eric Jones represennting the the 1950s and both looking very well indeed. I also met Brian Greenhalgh who was understudy to Alex Dawson in the 60s and who played centre forward in the famous 9-0 game at Home to Cardiff City, scoring twice. A plethera of players from the 70`s with Mike Elwiss, John Smith, Ricky Thompson, and players from some more recent times including John Thomas, Ian Bryson, Gareme Atkinson, Lee Cartwright are others I cant honestly remember. Also in the house was David Moyes looking fit and well and ready to take on another managerial challenge when the right job comes along. A great evening was had by all as many tales, and goals, of days gone by were recycled and relived.
Chelsea to beat Burnley 3/ 4
Sheffiled Wednesday to beat Leeds 5/2
Newcastle to draw with Wolves 2/1
A fiver on these three returns £91.88 with Coral
After last weeks win the running total for the season is + £20.34 including this weeks stake
0 notes
Goodbye Subculture’s Top 10 Albums of 2016
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All things considered, 2016 was a turbulent and uncertain year for many all over the world, especially those in my home country of America, where I spent the year’s entirety. Seemingly mirroring this global turmoil is the music that was released this year, which ranged from expectedly fantastic new albums from long-time greats, to the rise of new powerhouses, to the unfortunate shortcomings of artists who either missed something along the way and came up short of expectations. Despite the uncertainty to be found abundantly in all aspects of this past year, We still managed to get another fascinating slew of releases. Perhaps emblematic of this year itself, various reasons, both out of and in my control, kept even this list from being posted until now. Without any further delay, here are Goodbye Subculture’s top 10 Japanese albums of 2016.
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10. Togawa Jun with Vampillia - Watashi ga Nakou Hototogisu
Togawa Jun is undoubtedly a monumental figure in Japanese alternative music and subculture. You’d be hard-pressed to find a fan of the Japanese underground who didn’t at least know the song “Suki Suki Daisuki". To celebrate 35 years of her illustrious music career, this collaboration with contemporary cult favorite Vamipillia to release new renditions of some of her classics is a recipe for a mind-blowing album. While this excitement is fulfilled in many songs on this release, especially ones like “Barbara Sexaroid" and “Like a Butcher”, which are more compatible with Vampillia’s own unique and heavy style, the re-dos of more pop-leaning favorites like the aforementioned “Suki Suki Daisuki" fall short from a combination of sound incompatibility and bad mixing. For a 35th anniversary album, Togawa Jun herself is fairly good form, but this compounded with everything else is enough to keep this great album from being something truly special. In the end, it is more of a reminder and motivation to revere Togawa’s classic repertoire from the prime of her career than it is a good release in it’s own right.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj2G7dqUE
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9. Tricot - Kabuku EP
After achieving widespread acclaim as indie darlings both in Japan and abroad, ceaselessly energetic tricot’s first release since their most recent and best album, AND, is what you would expect from them. Bringing the intensity, flavor, and trademarked math-rock-pop we’ve come to associate with the band, the only thing missing on the Kabuku EP is something new and exciting. While energy and enthusiasm are part and parcel with tricot, the aforementioned AND was above and beyond anything that first album, THE, could have predicted. In contrast, Kabuku EP gives us mostly more of the, brilliant, fun, yet very similar feelings that AND provided, which is by no means a bad thing.
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8. Oomori Seiko - TOKYO BLACK HOLE
TOKYO BLACK HOLE may be Oomori Seiko’s darkest work to date from a conceptual standpoint, but what is actually put forth on this album is probably the cult favorite musician’s most hopeful and accessible work. While undeniably an Oomori album, much of the intensity that fans have come to expect from her is in short supply here. That does not mean that the artists is completely stripped of her power, only that she is proceeding in the logical direction that her fame and musical progression have taken her. Both songs from the single released late last year, “Magic Mirror” and “Sacchan’s Sexy Curry”, are full of the bitingly honest and cant expression that have put Oomori on the map, while songs like “SHINPIN", co-produced with Sakurai Kenta of Maison Book Girl fame, show a rather newfound talent of Oomori’s to utilize the most interesting artists in Japanese music today. As a combination of everything in Oomori Seiko’s career so far, TOKYO BLACK HOLE is a logical next step, but not one that inspires excitement in those who prefer her more spastic and honest modus operandi.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj24Bc8zv
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7. Utada Hikaru - Fantôme
One of the very rare cases where pretty much everyone who pays any amount of attention to contemporary Japanese music at least knew about this album’s release, and for good reason. Not only is it the first album in 7 years from one of the biggest names in j-pop, it's also one of the most substantial releases of 2016. It goes without saying that Utada's voice is powerful, but it shows no sign of atrophy from the hiatus, resulting in probably the best vocal performance and delivery this year. The fantastic and finely tuned production belies surprisingly introspective subject matter about life and love in the modern day. Not to mention there's a song, “Tomodachi”, apparently about the complications of a gay crush, the allegations of which, whether true or not, is a subject that simply does not get discussed in Japanese music in general, let alone on one of the most talked about releases of the year.
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Thus far into their short career, self-proclaimed punk rock idol group BiSH has proven not only to be one of the best and most consistent idol groups around, they’ve accomplished the monumental task of stepping out of the shadow of their immensely popular predecessor, BiS. However, By joining major record label Avex Trax, BiSH not only set up expectations of continuing in their predecessor’s footsteps, but actually attempt to do so on a few slipshod homage songs. Despite this being their most recent album which features some of their most powerful and emotionally charged songs like “Hontou Honki” and “Orchestra”, there’s a reason why it is the lower ranking of the two BiSH albums from 2016, both of which absolutely deserve to be counted among the best of the year’s offerings. For an album as catchy, powerful, and enjoyable as KiLLER BiSH, a drop in consistency from their previous release and a bit of pandering lands it a lower spot on this list than the group as a whole deserves.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj2DYgZv1
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5. siraph - siraph
A truly impressive debut album from a group consisting of former School Food Punishment and Haisuinonasa members that combines energetically sporadic and smooth jazz with alt-rock and just ever-so-slightly glitchy, yet evocative keyboard. The true strength of this group lies in the fantastic balance between moments of aggression and tenderness, both amplified by vocalist Annabel’s dulcet tones. Perhaps the only significant criticism that can be said of this eponymous release is that it’s just too short. A recently released single, quiet squall, proves that this first album was no fluke and that siraph is definitely a band to pay attention to.
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4. Soko ni Naru - YAMINABE
Taking a few pages out of Ling Toshite Sigure’s book, but putting their own youthful spin on it, Soko ni Naru stand out by showcasing intensity and heart in equal measures. Starting from the aptly subtitled “Roku Gatsu no Sensou ~extreme explosion ver.~”, Soko ni Naru puts their energy and skill out in full force on this album. While previous EP, i’m not a pirolian, introduced us to Soko ni Naru’s unique sound, YAMINABE ups the anti by showing more of each members individual skills. This is especially true in the case of bassist Fujiawara Misaki, who, in addition to dealing out blistering bass lines throughout the album, has a rare lead vocal performance on “Mou Nido to Modorenai ano Koro ni”, which is the melancholic highlight of the EP. With emotional depth to match the their ceaseless youthful energy, Soko ni Naru continues to prove themselves as the most powerful and earnest post-hardcore band in Japan today.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj24pNP_Q
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3. Higuchi Ai - Hyakku Roku-Jūdo
Coming from the artist whose previous album was titled Zenin Yūshou, meaning Everyone Wins, this major debut album from Tokyo based singer-songwriter Higuchi Ai is decidedly more somber and lonely than anything seen from from the artist so far. This is evident right from the first track, the title of which translates roughly to “Someone Else’s Happiness is my Unhappiness”. Even not knowing the details of the singer’s personal life, one would be remiss to read this as a breakup album. Despite its overall depressing and brutal tone, Hyakku Roku-Jūdo also contains some of the artist’s warmest and most human moments. Featuring perhaps the widest range of songs from the already eclectic musician and composer, this is a brilliant introduction of the artist into the major label scene. Even when sharp and distressing, Higuchi Ai’s raw emotion and talent shine through, as she expands both the scale of her sound and the depth of her honesty.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj2FPPITE
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2. BiSH - Fake Metal Jacket
Despite starting off with new renditions of three previously released songs, usually a huge nail in the coffin of sophomore albums, BiSH’s first release this year, Full Metal Jacket, is also it’s strongest and most memorable, landing it a spot on this list way above its successor.  More than simply an album, this is the point at which BiSH really stepped out of the shadow of their extremely influential predecessor and became their own, and even more powerful, entity. They accomplished this by taking the sounds that worked best on their debut, namely punk and emo, and putting their own honest and open idol twist on them. “beautiful Sa” and “Departures”, as well as almost every other song, are full of the unbridled emotion and energy that can only be found in this kind of incredibly simple, yet forceful punk music, while “Primitive” and “BUDOKAN Kamoshikuwa TAMANEGI”  take what worked best for BiS and improves on it to an impressive degree. Add to this the realization and first true harnessing of the group’s secret weapon and greatest strength: member Aina the End with her endless enthusiasm and inimitably powerful voice, and you’ve got an emotional force to be reckoned with that not even the album succeeding it in the same year with more budget could best.
full review: https://tmblr.co/ZR5pgj20y295B
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1. Soutaisei Riron - Tensei Jingle
Given the pedigree of this band, and perhaps even more so in the case of their vocalist Yakushimaru Etsuko, it's absolutely no surprise that this most recent offering was one of the year’s best, despite how early in 2016 it was released. While not accomplishing anything groundbreaking, at this point, Soutaisei Riron have such a genius formula that even minor tweaks and small new ideas make their songs feel fresh. this album in particular has quite a bit more energy than 2013’s Town Age, exemplified on “Berlin Tenshi”. This general energy is owed mostly to the more intense, yet just as technically impressive guitar work, which is most readily observable on “Oyasumi Chikkyu”, as well as personal favorite “Cerebrus". Tensei Jingle has a little more of a dark streak running through it, which can be seen in no better place than out-of-left-field stormy almost-edm album closer “Flashback”, which simply begs to be expanded upon on a future album. Every Soutaisei Riron release is an exciting prospect, combining energy, skill and individuality, and Tensei Jingle is just more proof that this band can simply do no wrong.
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World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
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World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
Who will triumph in Russia? Which player will be top scorer? Who will be the breakthrough star? How far will England go?
Which two teams will reach the final – and who will win?
My time of selecting Spain to win every tournament is now officially over probably four years too late and Im reverting back to Germany, in a penalty shootout against France. Daniel Taylor
Brazil and Argentina, with Lionel Messi to illuminate the grandest stage, then retire from international football clutching its ultimate prize. Maybe. Dominic Fifield
Notoriously hard to call before a round of games has been played. Brazil beating Germany would be my preference. Barney Ronay
Brazil against Germany – the ultimate test of Brazils temperament and a tale of vengeance in result if not in scoreline. Amy Lawrence
Brazil to beat Germany. Brazil have got everything but, most importantly, balance and a hardier mentality under Tite. Germany remain intimidating and even greater than the sum of their parts. David Hytner
Brazil and Germany, and Brazil will ultimately be champions. Stuart James
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France and Germany would not be a massive surprise but a lot depends on which Paul Pogba shows up; the player who dictated a 100m move or the one which has struggled for consistency at Manchester United. Martha Kelner
Brazil and Spain, and Brazil will win. Tites side have been impressive in the build-up to the tournament, have solidity and have rested Neymar. Sid Lowe
The dream final would be France versus Brazil – a repeat of the final from 20 years ago, and hopefully with the same result. Marcel Desailly
Germany against Brazil, and Germany will win. Thomas Hitzlsperger
Im certain Brazil will be in the final. Who will join them is a hard choice to make but it would certainly be interesting, and make for a great match, if Argentina joined them. Marta
Neymar is well rested, in form and ready for revenge on Germany. Photograph: APA-PictureDesk GmbH/REX/Shutterstock
Who will be leading individual scorer?
Neymar is a decent shout and should be particularly fired up bearing in mind the way his last World Cup finished. DT
Neymar, whose goals will propel Tites side to the final and presumably then earn him a long mooted move to Real Madrid. DF
Romelu Lukaku. Or someone else. Ideally a surprise from a minor nation who gets four in one game then goes home. BR
Gabriel Jesus, supplied by Neymar and Roberto Firmino, could fill his golden boots. AL
Luis Surez. Uruguays draw is a dream and they will make the quarter-finals, at least, giving Surez plenty of game-time to do damage. DH
Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian has a good scoring record at international level and is the spearhead of a team that should go far. SJ
Antoine Griezmann could light up this tournament, arriving in Russia on the back of inspiring Atletico Madrid to a Europa League title. His record for France isnt bad, though, with 20 goals in 53 games. MK
Neymar.The Brazilian arrives in Russia with fresh legs and a desire to take his nation all the way. Frances Kylian Mbapp is also a decent shout. SL
Romelu Lukaku. Hes on great form, has everybody playing for him and some great passers to provide him with the ammunition he needs. MD
Gabriel Jesus. I watched him quite a lot last season and really liked his movement, not to mention his scoring rate. Hell get plenty of service playing in the same team as the likes of Neymar and Philippe Coutinho and, given Ive predicted Brazil will get to the final, he should play plenty of games, also. TH
Neymar. He was hurt, played two games and scored in both I cant wait to see him in action. M
Frances Kylian Mbapp and Antoine Griezmann are contenders for the World Cup golden boot. Photograph: Gerard Julien/AFP/Getty Images
Who will be the surprise team of the tournament?
Switzerland. The Fifa world rankings are not the best way to judge a team, perhaps, but there must be some valid reasons why they are currently sixth (ahead of France and Spain). DT
Serbia. Mladen Krstajics team are unfancied, but boast strength and quality. The key will be ensuring players perform to the same levels they invariably achieve at their clubs. DF
This question contains an internal contradiction. Colombia for the semis, maybe. BR
Uruguay, a mix of renewed confidence and wily old know-how. AL
I see Croatia going deep into the tournament maybe even the semi-finals. Any team with Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and Mario Mandzukic deserves respect. DH
Denmark. Theyre 15 matches unbeaten and this could be the stage for Christian Eriksen to shine. Mind you, their opening game, against Peru, wont be easy. SJ
Peru return to the World Cup after a 36 year absence but they are full of hope, galvanised in part by their captain, centre forward and all time top scorer Paolo Guerrero managing to overturn a 14-month drugs ban just weeks before the world cup. MK
Would it count as a surprise for Egypt and Uruguay to do well? The two sides from group A certainly could do so. Uruguay have their usual qualities, have Rodrigo Bentancur in midfield and a quiet, competitive confidence. SL
Belgium. Technically they are so good, they have so many talented players. I truly think they can bring a new name to the nations that have won the World Cup. MD
England. There is little expectations around the squad but I think they will get to the quarter-finals. TH
Sweden. It is a country that I have a lot of affection for and I want them to do well in this World Cup. M
Denmark are unbeaten in 15 matches and Christian Eriksen makes them tick. Photograph: Lars Ronbog/FrontzoneSport via Getty Images
Who will be breakthrough player of the tournament?
Hirving Lozano of Mexico sounds good fun: talented, fiery and nicknamed Chucky because of his apparent resemblance to the Childs Play doll. Lozano scored 19 goals as a winger for PSV Eindhoven last season and is likened to Luis Suarez, though hopefully he will manage not to bite anyone. DT
Samuel Umtiti. That may sound odd given the French centre-half plays at Barcelona, but he was rushed into the team at Euro 2016, making a senior debut in the quarter-final, and is a far better player now. DF
Hes already at Barcelona and cost 90m but I think Ousmane Dembl could remind everyone exactly why. BR
Kylian Mbapp, who has achieved so much already but in his teens this will be his first major tournament. AL
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic. The 23-year-old Serbia and Lazio midfielder is tall, dynamic and has an eye for goal. Im looking forward to watching him, together with Moroccos creative midfielder, Hakim Ziyech, who plays for Ajax. DH
Polands Piotr Zielinski. The 24-year-old was a key member of the Napoli team that pushed Juventus all the way in Serie A last season. SJ
Karol Linetty. The Polish midfielders inventive play has seen him glitter for Sampdoria and catch the eye of one or two Premier League clubs. More could take interest if he has a good World Cup. MK
Marco Asensio and Kylian Mbapp. This could be the tournament when they underline just how brilliant theyre going to be. SL
Its difficult to say, but, if pushed, Kylian Mbapp. He has the potential to be a big World Cup star. But will it be at this World Cup? He is still very young. MD
Benjamin Pavard, a young defender I work with at Stuttgart and part of Frances squad. He can play right-back but, for me, is much better suited to being a centre-back. He is calm and composed, good in the air and aggressive when he needs to be. A real talent. TH
Hes still only 19 and there were ups and downs in his first season at Paris Saint-Germain but I feel Kylian Mbapp could make a really big impact for France. M
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
How far will England get?
There is a potential quarter-final against Brazil or Germany looming. Even with the new wave of optimism, surrounding Gareth Southgates team its difficult to see them getting past that stage. DT
The quarter-finals, playing some encouragingly enterprising football along the way. DF
Respectable/brave 2-0 quarter-final loss after narrow squeak to that stage based on discipline and a couple of flukey clean sheets. BR
The usual in all probability, maybe a quarter-final this time. AL
The quarter-finals, where we will lose on penalties to Germany. DH
They will get out of the group but its hard to see them progressing any further than the last 16. SJ
Quarter-finals. This is the minimum target the FA has set and is eminently achievable for a team which seems to have had the shackles removed. MK
Quarter-finals. Am I alone in thinking that England are actually quite good? I like the look of them offensively. SL
It is hard to say as England are short of experience. I feel they will need this tournament to grow as a group of players. MD
The quarter-finals. With a bit of good fortune and good play, they could even make the semi-finals. TH
They will definitely get out of their group and possibly go beyond that. M
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Who will be Englands best/most important player?
Harry Kane. People forget how poor he was in the European Championship, booed by the England fans, but if Kane is on form the team have a striker who can trouble any defence. DT
Harry Kane, making his mark at a major finals. The one player of real pedigree in English ranks. DF
Raheem Sterling. Will bring a dash of Manchester City to things and finally score a couple of goals – hopefully with his gun foot, before suggestively unfurling his sock for the cameras. BR
Harry Kane. Has to be. AL
Kyle Walker. He has a pivotal role on the right of Gareth Southgates back three, where he brings defensive cover and, crucially, pace on the transitions. Confidence is high after his superb debut season at Manchester City. DH
Harry Kane.Englands captain, principal goalscorer and, its fair to say, best player. SJ
Harry Kane is vital to Englands success as one of our few genuine world-class players. The captain has no shortage of motivation, claiming a World Cup victory would be trump winning the Champions League with Tottenham. MK
Marcus Rashford. On the basis he is given continuity, confidence and a certain level of freedom. SL
The guy who has really confirmed his talent on the big stage is Harry Kane and if he gets good service he could be one of the top scorers in Russia. MD
Harry Kane. He needs to score goals and Im sure he will. TH
Harry Kane. He had a great season with Tottenham Hotspur and his goals will make a difference for England. M
Harry Kane
Harry Kane
What are you most looking forward to, on or off the pitch?
The final. Its a World Cup final. For a journalist, theres no better moment when it comes to covering the sport. DT
Off the pitch, seeing The Motherland Calls in Volgograd. On it, that jaw dropping contest to match the drama of Belo Horizonte in 2014. DF
Discovering that, in fact, everyday Russians arent all Putin-mad dopes or gumshield-clad football hooligans. Also vodka. BR
Exploring Ekaterinburg and watching football in an unexpected place. Japan versus Senegal in a city known as the gateway to Siberia is what its all about. AL
The best thing about the previous World Cups Ive covered has been the carnival vibe. I hope its the same this time. DH
Seeing Colombia play. I had the pleasure of watching them in Brazil and they were a joy. I also havent forgotten how a few of their fans felt sorry for me when I ordered a table for one in a Brazilian steakhouse four years later and were still in touch. SJ
Im genuinely intrigued to see what sort of World Cup-host Russia will be and if they can succeed in reversing opinions of some visitors that the country is cold and unwelcoming. MK
The same thing you always look forward to at the World Cup loads of fans from loads of places making loads of noise and discovering players and teams..Some random player being brilliant. SL
Im excited to see which teams are going to surprise us AND which teams are going to show from the very outset that they are here to win it. MD
Although I think Germany will win the World Cup this looks like a really open tournament, with quite a few genuine major contenders as well as teams would could cause a major surprise. It should be fascinating. TH
Talking about soccer, watching beautiful and clean games, with sportsmanship, fair plays and no dirty plays. Thats what I hope to see, anyway. M
The Colombia fans were already out in force to cheer on their team at Kazan airport. Photograph: Luis Acosta/AFP/Getty Images
What are you most concerned about, on or off the pitch?
This might be the worst prediction of them all, but I dont think there will be the racism or riots that people fear. We heard similar before Euro 2012 in Ukraine and Poland, plus other scare stories before the World Cups in South Africa and Brazil, but it tends to be different in the big tournaments. DT
The inevitable shambles and confusion which will be VAR. DF
The only thing any football hack ever really worries about is the wi-fi. Will it be good? Will it come and go? Will it fade at kick-off? Im worrying about it right now. BR
Having been in Marseille for England versus Russia, digging out the old Italia 90 No All Violenza T-shirt and hoping for a peaceful tournament. AL
VAR leading to confusion inside the stadiums and, potentially, killing the emotion of big moments. DH
The battery life on my new mobile phone. Any incomplete answers in here are down to the fact my phone died while trying to file. SJ
That we will spend the next five weeks talking exhaustively about decisions made by Video Assistant Referees. MK
Connection issues and late goals. Long distances. Cyrillic script. On the pitch: teams turning defensive when it gets decisive. SL
That all the talk about security and organisation will overshadow the football. As a Fifa ambassador l have visited many stadiums, met many Russians, and l am confident in the capacity of Russia to run a great tournament. MD
Vladimir Putin and Gianni Infantino appearing on our television screens more often than the actual players. TH
Ugly incidents between supporters. Sport is not a tool for spreading hatred and disagreement but rather love, passion, and unity. M
The Fiver: sign up and get our daily football email.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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comicteaparty · 6 years
October 18th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 18th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Origin Story by Carolin Reich.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing The Origin Story by Carolin Reich~! (https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
one of my favorite scenes is actually really depressing XD but i really like the small part of a scene after cosima beats joreal and velver passes by her looking for her. https://tapas.io/episode/974705 something about the illustration on this page is so expertly crafted. like, you can just take one look and see cosima is in shock and kind of dead instead, and the fact its conveyed in such a brief and brillaint way amazes me.
Hi there!
hey SJ
Glad to be here
feel free to share any scenes that you were found of.
Here's a pretty silly one
yes! i really liked the relationship between chaze and his brother. theyre so different in personality. and you kind of have to wonder what happened in the past that caused his brother to leave home and essentially leave chaze in charge. cause chaze is not exactly whod i was as a king necessarily XD
Heehee X3
Pretty much
did you just like it for the silliness or was there something else?
the silliness
any part of the silliness that particularly entertained you or just the whole package?
I'd say the "head shake" bit
yeah thats definitely a great illustration right there~!
And giant draco daddy
yeah i liked how the dragon was treated more like a pest than as a dragon XD
Dragon jsut wants his pumpkins for Halloween
in the meantime, another scene i liked was in the elven court where velver did manipulative mumbo jumbo towards nocturne by playing to her fears on being the proxy for chaos. that was just some beautiful a-ok emotional stake driving right there. though i do wonder how much of it was on purpose or if velver was being a jerk. but i like the fact that i dont know for sure because it keeps velver as a bit enigmatic
https://tapas.io/episode/1152958 Ooh, so there's some type of modern tech in this world too?
ummm, well in that part of the world its just cause cosima brought her phone
lol right
another scene im fond of is when nocturne she tells Chaze "nope you gotta figure out how to get yourself out" after freeing him. Chaze has some really great expressions. But i also like the story itself turns my expectations on their head by having Chaze really actually mostly figure out how to escape himself.
Yeah that's a good scene
speaking of head turns, and not so much a scene, but i like that cosima orchestrated her own escape from the brothel and noped out. like im used to stories where the protagonist misbehaves only a fraction (like explore the brothel after being told no dont do that). but cosima just nopes out of there and heads for home, which is a fitting reaction for someone her age.
At least it's appropriate for Cosima's age.
Since I see lots of story make the young characters far more intelligent/capable for someone their age
yes, so i like that she decided to try and nope after all. granted it backfired as it should have, but still the attempt was made
I will be another... 15-20 minutes. FYI.
kay take your time. well be here but i hope you can make it.
I liked the rattling off of "chosen one" artifacts like mascots and silver crystals and then be all, if I don't get those, then nevermind.
Oh hey Math(edited)
oh yeah i forgot about that moment in the larger scheme. but that was a really great moment. and again, kind of a more realistic reaction in a sense. cause i think those sorts of things are what ppl expect if they get told theyre the chosen one.
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic, Velver seems to be up to his own sorts of goals. What do you think Velver’s goals even are? Are they personal, or is this the will of the supposed Church? What do these goals have to do with manipulating the elves to war with the merpeople? What outcome do you think people are hoping to achieve by starting it? Who is Kader, and what’s their intent with Cosima/Riga? Do you feel Velver is loyal to Kader, or is Velver playing the field to achieve his own ends? Lastly, how does Velver know Jorel, and why did Jorel call Velver a traitor?
i will try and tackle the last one first. i feel as if velver must not have always been part of the church by the fact hes a traitor. instead, he joined the church later when he saw the people he was with were "evil." though personally i feel like jorel's group wants to stop the prophecy a different way versus what the church is up to? but this is mostly based on the fact i cant necessarily picture jorel as part of this so-called church
i could be wrong and its totally opposite and the hunters dont realize velver is a double agent who hates the church
im gonna go out on the limb and say i think velver is playing both fields and trying to decide for himself what the best outcome is. and that while he's doing kader's bidding for now, he ultimately is after something else that makes following kader necessary.
I second the "prophecy a different way" part, seems like a possible reason.
i definitely also feel that kader is definitely for sure evil. cause something about the breaking of strings and velver's reactions makes me pretty sure they're a tyrant. XD which makes me pretty sure that they actually dont care about light beating the dark. they just want cosima's powers to do cool power things. maybe take over a kingdom
actually thatd make sense for why they want the elves and the merpeople to war
let the elves and the merpeople tire themselves out
then swoop in with cosima/riga saying "were here to take over"
insta win
I mean who doesn't want to rule over a kingdom
Okaaaay, hiiii. Busy week, didn't get all the way through "Destiny", but very impressed by the German origins here. Gonna scroll up and make random remarks now.
Re: The scene after the dead parents, yeah, that whole section somehow rang really true, the whole "my parents will be so annoyed I don't want to have to deal" morphing into the "what is even my life now". Also, kudos on illustrations in general.
yeah. i like that it continues as well to when cosima got caught by the hunters. and she just sits there like "what is life what do i do"
I'm not at the brother scene yet. ^.^ Did not expect the dragon thing. I wonder how people who do the swimming/water thing end up with dragons, that we associate with the air.
Yeah. I mean, not only are your parents dead, you come face to face with their killer. Yipes.
Yeah, Cosima's portrayed well as a teenager.
i did wonder that too. we havent seen the merpeople yet in the sense of their city, so maybe they actually live above water unlike all past precedent merpeople or something
i did think it was ironic
but i also thought it was ironic anyway cause how does chaze of all ppl have a dragon XD
Velver's an interesting cookie. Joining up later makes sense, particularly if that made him a "traitor" to some. I feel like he's his own agent, rather than working for anyone else... not necessarily that he's trying to engineer the best outcome either, just that he thinks he has some role to play, prophecy wise.
I wonder what the merpeople even look like
unless they already appeared and I jsut missed it
Seahorses are called dragons of the sea, right? Maybe that's how they hatch.
chaze is a mer person
as is his brother XD
Okay then X3
and i guess thats possible if the dragons are secretly just sea horses
I think Velver's been reading the ancient runes. I also have my own crazy theory...
Namely that which one of them is good/order or evil/chaos hasn't necessarily been decided yet. Velver's pegging Cosima for the former, but it could be the other girl, so he's goading her too.
oh thats a really good theory. that either one is capable. cause i mean tbf chaos doesnt have to be evil nor does order have to be good
It's like, "I'm going to start a war, and let's see which of them handles it better".
It also might explain why Jorel wanted Cosima dead, he (or others of his kind) have pegged her as the chaotic one.
could be
tbf maybe jorel wasnt even ordered to kill cosima
maybe hes just like velver and think he has his own role to play
Maybe so
and he chose the psycho role
Could be. I'm not sure I totally buy he's a psycho though... he's strangely ordered in his thinking. It's like, I gotta do this, and this, and tie up loose ends. He just, I dunno, has no soul?
(Maybe that's the same thing.)
i mostly label him psycho cause he heartlessly killed her parents XD
OH, hmmmm... what if Velver and Jorel were originally the rebirth of order and chaos, and they messed it up, so now it's up to the women? How old are they anyway?
Rebel: Fair.
QUESTION 3. Many of the events of the comic come about for one reason: Cosima and Nocturne are destined to fight according to a prophecy and past precedence of their past selves. Do you think The Origin Story about Riga and her sister is true, or do you think there’s some critical information missing from it? Do you believe the prophecy is destined to come to pass, or are Cosima and Nocturne going to find a way to avoid fighting each other? Why do you think Cosima was kidnapped as a child but not Nocturne? In present times, what do you think will happen when Cosima catches up with Nocturne? Do you think Cosima will learn to control her powers inherited from Riga better, or will they ultimately be her undoing? What about Nocturne? Will she overcome her own issues regarding the prophecy?
i dont think that old. but i mean i guess its possible. though they must of messed up real bad cause neither velver or jorel killed each other.
so im saying it now cause of that flashback cosima had at some point (which i dont remember where). i think this is one of those situations where what ppl believe is a lie. someone else hurt riga and someone kept turning the new incarnations against each other. and eventually it devolved into a myth and such, as myths tend to do
Well, the killing each other is just how things are now, once it's all escalated. ^.^
There's probably key missing information... maybe they're actually TRIPLETS.
dun dun dun without the 3rd sister there are no negotians. jsut blind filled rage
Yeah, there has been some interesting flashback/imagery stuff. Like when she reached for someone, and the image shattered and it was Velver (if memory serves).
I wonder if Cosima's friends have a role to play too. Maybe in a big twist, it was really one of them.
they definitely have a role to play. they are suspicious af, though idk if you got to that part yet
Ahh, if they appear in "Destiny" then no. I only got to the bit after Velver and Jorel talked. (I feel like they're related, incidentally.)
Speaking of though, the plot has been very clever in rolling out it's cast. Gradual enough to come to terms with each new character, but teasing others that end up with bigger roles later on. I'm reminded of an early scene when Velver was spying on Cosima - and Nocturne was spying on him. Layers.
yeah i really like the pacing on it too. i dont have to spend an immense time memorizing a billion names at once.
At least the names aren't too hard to memorize.
I'm still horrible with names. It's a gift.
I imagine it scans differently too when you're seeing it as it comes out versus binging, but I felt like the pacing was done well for the cast.
i feel ya Math (edited)
on the side topic of nocturne, i feel like left to their own devices she and cosima wouldn't fight it out to the death. instead theyd be all sister bondy bond, have some tea, etc. so i think for sure its not they themselves who bring the prophecy to pass, its the plans of others who try to grab at the power and turn them on each other. but i also think cosima and nocturne will be obstinate and keep hugging each other screaming no
I'm not so sure about that. Mainly because they might not always have control over their bodies. Like when Cosima went crazy on Jorel for self preservation. Could happen again with unintended consequences.
Nocturne probably also resents Cosima for growing up without so much responsibility, maybe also for having actual parents who aren't apparently trapped in crystals.
(...is reading a bit further in the background btw...)
idk if nocturne would resent cosima for it. cause i mean, at least nocturne's parents are still probably alive in their crystals and werent viciously murdered. though youre right that riga may have other ideas about their bonding and just take over. but then again riga seems to know what velver is up to so riga might not act either.
the bigger danger on seeing nocturne i think is seeing the queen of elves
cause shes the one who might not take kindly to cosima XD
Well, yeah, once Nocturne learns of the murdering that might change things. ^.^ There's a lot of variables in play I suppose.
That said, I will willingly ship Nocturne with Cosima's friends.
LOL i dont think i can get behind that ship. mostly cause i expect cosima's friends to die. :"D
That light haired girl is kind of precious though, with her theories.
I wonder what she'd make of seeing the town.... ... and now I'm picturing her at the brothel, I shouldn't do that.
Also, shipping all the girls in the brothel.
yes those are more acceptable ships. the brothel girls are probably safe. and head brothel girl has a whip.
also i found it, that scene with cosima's friends being super suspicious. it was actually in puppeter
Right, the fact that they knew Jorel. I thought that was weird.
It's fine though, I'll still ship them with each other! All the ships!
yeah. whatever organization jorel is from theyre clearly from
QUESTION 4. Among the larger threads rests a plethora of other possible curiosities to be solved. Who exactly were Cosima’s parents? Were they working for someone from the beginning, or did they somehow get wrapped up in everything? Who are Cosima’s friends considering they lament that their comfortable lives have changed since Cosima left? Who is Jorel, and why are his orders to kill Cosima? What is the deal with the elves trapped in crystals? As far as the plot goes, how might the Hunters affect what’s going on in general? What about Chaze? Will he be able to stop the war, or is his destiny meant to be something greater than that? In general, what are your theories for the future? What do you think or want to see happen?
Are they from that organization though? Because if so, they know where Cosima is. Why bother sending Jorel.
i think jorel is more firmly acting on his own
since the friends didnt know of any death order
He was saying he couldn't go back without being sure she was dead though, or someone would be upset.
I think.
so maybe the friends didnt get the message? and theyre going to show up going wtf guys
Holy Hannah! Kader's more psychotic than Jorel, she doesn't even kill directly. (Just got caught up.) Like geeeeeez.
Rebel: Maybe. There was the implication that they could return as well.
I suspects events will prevent that, but they thought it was an option.
maybe. idk. i need more data in this case. i still think jorel is working more on his own though. cause maybe the person who was gonna be upset is actually gonna be upset regardless. and be like wtf jorel why did you kill riga you dolt
but yeah kader is psychotic, or at the very least tyrannical
velver did not necessarily make a good switch
i really want to know whats up with the elves in the crystals. like was there a spell that backfired and the queen just doesnt care O_O
Maybe, yeah... also that mention of having the same problem in another 10 years makes me think once again that if the battle doesn't happen the spirits move on again. Or something.
Yeah, maybe the elves in the crystals had a disease? So it's like suspended animation? Because it was mentioned that there were fewer elves than merfolk.
Or maybe they just couldn't make enough food for the city, so this means fewer mouths to feed. Swords apparently grow in the crystals, but I guess vegetables don't.
maybe it is a disease. or maybe this is actually why riga was kidnapped. cause riga caused it and jorel's group was like "welp we found riga. did you see that giant crystal explosion?"
im not sure what mention youre talking about with the 10 years thing tho
i must of missed it
The most recent update. Third panel from the end.
Riga likes making crystals. Everyone needs a hobby.
hmmm from the phrasing i feel like the implication is more that nocturne will kill riga? and kader will have to wait a decade for riga to be reborn again so they have to restart the kidnapping process. but i could be wrong.
As to the future, I really don't think I can call it. Too many moving pieces. I also wonder a bit if maybe the Circle's hiding elements of the prophecy, accidentally or otherwise.
Ahh, I see... no, that's possible. Doesn't necessarily negate the Velver/Jorel reincarnation issue though, maybe the host doesn't need to die.
(Yes, I'm back to that theory.)
its a possible theory. though like i say theyd really have to mess it up for this to be a thing. i do think parts of the prophecy are hidden
though maybe its a bit of both
in that theyre purposefully hiding some of it
but then theres parts that they just missed
and are gonna go through their archives and go "oops"
It was censored by the clerics.
Incidentally, just want to shout-out here too for the translator. I noticed the comic's originally in German, and gets translated. Can't be simple coming up with the terms like for the "virtual loop" forest.
(Maybe the original German prophecy got translated so many times it's being misinterpreted. )
i am curious what the original german says now XD
I can't speak German. They have neat words for things though.
Okay, final theory. In a massive plot twist, Cosima's cat app saves the day. All the outside world needed was technologies to unify the different groups.
Oh! And shout-out to some of the fun cartoony poses. I feel like those would be fun to draw. (Or maybe not draw, but see once drawn?)
haha i did kind of hope it would go that way tbh. that by the end the worlds recombine and they figure out that technology is awesome and puts less pressure on the whole magic business.
so i mean if cosima's cat app requires this to happen, so be it
I wonder if there's anywhere for her phone to charge. Or if she can use magic for that.
i wonder if vampire guy we saw briefly who seemed to be from cosima's world has the cat app
that would be hilarious. has all these great goddess powers, uses them to recharge her phone
It's the simple things in life sometimes.
well if cosima visits the brothel again, she cant disappoint. theyll want to see that cat app again
Yis. That will be after the Origin Story... the Sequel Story.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Carolin Reich, as well, for making The Origin Story. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Carolin Reich’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story
Carolin Reich’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CarolinReich
Carolin Reich’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A212D0X
Carolin Reich’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ensyis
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about A Drift of Souls by Davpow. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 25th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://adriftofsouls.com/
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Neil Gaiman: I like being British. Even when Imashamed, Im fascinated
The books interview: The award-winning author on his new book of Norse mythology, Brexit and being an Englishman in New York
Neil Gaiman wanders into the Crosby Hotels colourful parlour in lower Manhattan looking like the Platonic ideal of himself. Hes all wild hair and gracious manners, dressed in a lived-in black wool coat, which he keeps on throughout. He loves this hotel, he says, not least because the concierge writes a comic about Houdini with the former concierge.
Gaiman started out in comics, reading them as a child and eventually writing them too, including his famous Sandman series. So does this happen to him often, his very presence tempting out underground comics enthusiasts all over the globe? I wish I could say yes. It would be a much more interesting and sort of Pynchon-esque world. But no, its just here.
Gaiman looks a little tired. He has just come from feeding breakfast to his toddler youngest son, the progeny of his second marriage to the singer-songwriter Amanda Palmer. (He has three children with his first wife, Mary McGrath.) His creative life is a whirlwind of projects. The television version of his 2001 novel American Gods is to air in the US in April. He has also been at work on an adaptation of his 1990 collaboration with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens, for Amazon and the BBC, on which he is serving as showrunner. Meanwhile, there is the matter of writing books, the latest of which is Gaimans retelling of Norse myths in the straightforwardly titled Norse Mythology, out this week.
It has clearly been a struggle to find the time. I would look up every now and again and go, OK, I have a week. Good, I will retell a story. These are drawn from the 13th-century source texts for many Norse myths, the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda, which he first read in his 30s, after absorbing the superhero stories inspired by them in Marvel comics as a child growing up in West Sussex. With such a haphazard schedule, it has taken around eight years to write the book, the idea for which was first floated by his American editor at Gaimans birthday lunch in 2008.
Listing all of Gaimans achievements could fill a book on its own. In addition to the comics, he is the author of novels for adults and children including Neverwhere, The Graveyard Book and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. He has written original screenplays and seen his work adapted by others, too, such as the 2009 stop-motion version of Coraline. He has been nominated for and won countless awards, including the Hugos, Nebulas and Eisners.
An illustration from Neil Gaimans The Graveyard Book
Gaimans love of Norse mythology surfaces frequently in his work, not least in American Gods, which captures a battle between Odin and Loki. But in embarking on the retellings in Norse Mythology, Gaiman found himself faced with new limitations, as much information about the gods is missing. On Greeks and Romans, for example, we have scads of stuff, but the Norse werent writing it down, he explains. They were telling the stories, so everything we have was written down after the event. The holes and the contradictions that result from the oral tradition presented creative choices, but he felt an acute responsibility to be faithful to the traditional versions.
I have to play fair with the Norse scholars and I have to play fair with kids who pick up the book and read it and think they know the stories. And so I may add colour, I may add motivation, Id go and put in my own dialogue. I may draw inferences, he says. All that stuff Im allowed to do, but I feel like Im not allowed to just go, OK, theres a patch of canvas missing here. Im going to draw something in
Even so, Gaimans personal sensibility is apparent in the text. His affection for Loki, for instance, shines through: Loki is very handsome. He is plausible, convincing, likable, and far and away the most wily, subtle and shrewd of all the inhabitants of Asgard. It is a pity, then, that there is so much darkness inside him: so much anger, so much envy, so much lust.
Gaiman attributes his love of Loki to his novelists eye. You always end up fascinated by who changed, and how they change, because the engine of fiction is who are you at the beginning of the story and who are you at the end. Thor, bless his heart, has no narrative arc: he is the same person all the way through. He is not the brightest hammer in the room, but hes good hearted, and you know he will die at the end, but he dies the same person hes been all the way through. In contrast, Loki is both the devil and the saviour of the gods. Almost every story where theyre in trouble, its because Loki got them into it. Also, an awful lot of the time, hes the only one smart enough to get them out of it.
He declares a real joy in passing these things on. Its like being given something that belongs to humanity and polishing it and cleaning it up and putting it back out there.
Gaimans enthusiasm for myths also extends to the Egyptians and the Greeks. He can reel off similarities between ancient stories, and says he doesnt just tell the stories, he feels them on some emotional level. The glory of some of these myths is that they feel right, he explains, although he also concedes that every now and then youll hit a myth and go, No, I cant really get behind that. Really, we get licked out of the ice by a cow? OK, if you say so. (Hes referring there to the myth of Audhumla, which he includes in Norse Mythology, despite his scepticism.)
As Gaiman wrestled with these stories, he says, he had no idea he was writing a topical book. But then, as political events unfolded in the second half of 2016, he could not help but draw parallels. For me, it was Ragnark, he says, referring to the apocalyptic end of the gods. It begins with a long winter, continues with earthquakes and flooding, and then the sky splits apart.
The view that Brexit and the election of President Trump have brought about chaos and even a sense of impending doom is widely held, but Gaimans version of it is particularly eloquent. I remember the 80s and the nuclear clock and the cold war and Russia and America and [thinking] I hope you guys dont press buttons and it would be very nice to not live in the shadow of everything ending, he says. But at least at that point, what you were scared of was just one action. Now one is scared of the accretion of a million actions and a million inactions.
He says there is a strange kind of magical thinking afoot and tells me about waking up the morning after Brexit in a hotel in Scotland and checking the result, then having that sort of moment at the end of Planet of the Apes where Charlton Heston sees the Statue of Liberty … I was going, Oh, no. Are you really
Gaiman has, in recent years, divided his time between the UK and the US, but he is not an American citizen and has fallen off the electoral roll in the UK, so he wasnt able to vote in either the Brexit referendum or the US election. Im frustrated not being able to vote over here, he says. Im like, well, I pay lots of taxes to the US and the UK, but I dont want to become an American citizen. I like being English. I like being British. Even when Im ashamed, Im fascinated.
Indeed, he clearly is. He does a very good imitation of the cab drivers he encountered in London leading up to the Brexit vote, who seemed to believe that, ultimately, the thing they were about to do was of no consequence: The EUs not going to let us go … . Regarding the Trump vote, he says: At the end of the day, what I think was being voted for was change. People were saying Were fed up and were not being listened to, and unfortunately that wasnt being offered by the other side. The appeal of Bernie Sanders was he was standing up there saying This thing is fucked, and the problem with Hillary was she was standing up there and saying Things are good, theyre getting better.
Genuine worry furrows Gaimans brow, but he has plans to respond to current events. His following is huge, including 2.5 million people on Twitter and the millions who read his books and his blog and watch his television shows. He intends to use that platform to highlight the plight of refugees. He hopes, too, to double down on his longstanding activism to promote freedom of speech. I wrote an essay on my blog in 2009 called Why Defend Freedom of Icky Speech?, he says, Which just becomes more and more timely. I have a 14-month-old son, and a four-month-old grandson. I have no idea what kind of world theyre going to grow up in. Im going to do my best with the time and the intellectual effort remaining to me to do whatever I can to give them a good world, he says.
Ragnark, as Gaiman writes in Norse Mythology, is of course the end of something. But there is also what will come after the end, he adds. In his version the sun comes out. Something glitters in the grass. The gods children find a set of golden chess pieces waiting for them. They arrange them on a board, and then one of them makes a move. And, Gaiman concludes, the game begins anew.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2kt7kUP
from Neil Gaiman: I like being British. Even when Imashamed, Im fascinated
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