#even if it took me almost 7 hours πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
jaarijani Β· 5 months
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@lintubintu and studies you shall recieve!! @puuta-heinaa tagging you as well :D
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everything apart from the green and pink is traced from many... many pictures of bojan I had saved in my bojan tag. I like how I started noticing little things about his face like how his left eyebrow (our right) is less filled in than the other one. I'm actually a little bit face blind, I can't picture anyones face in my mind at all, so doing studies of tracing like this helps me out so so much in getting a feel for how someone actually looks :)
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moonpedri Β· 1 year
does he know.
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summary: you love gavi and you're happy in your relationship with him. but for some reason you're the moth and pedri, his best friend, is the flame that pulls you in.
pairing: pedri x reader
genre: angst, smut and a sprinkle of fluff
warnings: cheating (we do not support!), phone s*x, masturbating, mentions of genitals lmao, cursing
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this idea came to me months ago when i heard the song 'moth to a flame' by the weeknd while working lmao. and when you work in retail, you have a lot of time to think :D. i do not condone cheating in any way, i think it's vile and disgusting, but πŸ«£πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« i couldn't help myself with this one. enjoy!!<3
"Hey, everything alright, sugar?"
You hiccup, "N-no. Can you come over?"
"Be there in 10." He hangs up immediately, giving you no time to even thank him. You take a look at your phone again. Your vision is blurry with tears in your eyes.
The call lasted a record time of 7 seconds. That's how long it took for you to convince him to come over. The occasion was usually a different one, but you needed his comfort more than anything right now.
You look at the contact picture, Pedri was smiling at the camera. No, he was smiling at you. The thought alone puts a smile on your face as well, but the events only hours ago catch up to you and you almost break out into tears again.
You and Pablo fought, and you normally never do. Dating Pablo Gavi was no easy task, but you loved the challenge. You loved how easy it was with him sometimes and how difficult it could get too. That's what made a relationship a relationship.
He treats you right and you feel incredibly loved by him. Maybe that's why it irked you the wrong way when one of his female friends got a little too close to him today, when your mutual friend group went mini-golfing. It only got worse when he reciprocated her actions.
"It's actually super easy, just hold the handle this way.", he explained to her, all the while you stood behind them, seeing red. She was shamelessly oggling at his biceps in front of you. In a fit of jealousy, you decided to just ignore him the entire rest of the day. Looking back at it, you may have spoiled the mood for everyone but you didn't care. You could have made a scene as well and ruined the fun straight upc but you decided to do it silently instead. Which again, was absolutely stupid, because just telling Pablo would have done the job.
He's a sweetheart, you know he never meant it that way. He never looses his temper with you either, he just calmly listens to you and talks to you; both of you finding a compromise to the problem - that's just how things between you two worked.
And that makes everything so much worse, because today he did lose his temper with you. He screamed at you, and you screamed back. Mean things where exchanged inside the car. You really don't want to know what a sight you two made.
It ended with him pulling over, after you yelled at him to stop the car. You slammed the door shut and stormed off, expecting him to follow you. He never did. Instead he raced off, leaving you in the dust.
In retrospect, you did it to yourself. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt though.
The way home took you a little more than 30 minutes and once you were inside, the tears began flooding down your face.
You hated feeling like this and you hated the fact that it was your own fault even more. You tried calling Gavi multiple times, but he didn't answer. And after an hour, you decided to stop, it was hopeless anyways. You would have to spend this awful night alone tonight, you thought.
And if God wasn't on your side that evening, the Devil definitely was. It was as if he was right by your sight, whispering sinful words into your ear. And foolishly, you listened to him.
You decided to call Pedri.
It sounds wrong, and maybe it is, but it certainly never felt that way with him. RisquΓ©, you would describe the relationship you two have. At least that's what you always told Pedri; you liked the way the word sounded. A little french, no?
He's your boyfriend's best friend. They're teammates and Pablo told you multiple times that he even considers him a brother.
A brother you secretly slept with.
In your defense, you met him and slept with him before you and Pablo were even talking to each other. It was useless though, because you continued.
You didn't mean for it to happen, but like bananas turn to the sun and moths to a flame, you turned to Pedri.
If you're the moth, then Pedri is the flame that pulls you in and burns you. But he never lets it come so far, because he always pulls back before you can burst into flames.
This thing between you and Pedri started about a year ago, months before you even knew Pablo.
You met coincidentally one day at a match of his. Your little brother was a huge FC Barcelona fan and you gifted him front-row tickets for his 12th birthday.
They won that day and some of the players decided to sign autographs and take pictures with their loyal Culers.
Pedri was one of them.
Your brother squealed when the 19 year old football player was near you. He signed his jersey with a chuckle. "You're my idol, Pedri! Thank you so much.", your brother said politely, the excitement in his voice very evident.
"Thank you, big man. Your support helped a lot today.", Pedri said gratefully.
He looked at you then and you had admit that in person he looked even better. His big brown eyes worked like hypnosis on you and the sun did nothing to hide his beautiful tan either.
It seemed like he wanted to sign your shirt as well. You wanted to decline, you didn't need his sign but your brother beat you to it.
"My sister thinks you're handsome."
To this very day you don't know if you should thank him for introducing Pedri into your life or be angry at him for humiliating you like that in front of him.
Pedri's eyes widened. He turned to your brother mischievously, "Oh, is that so? Is she a fan as well or...does she just like my face?"
"Yes, but not as big as me of course. She and her friend talked about you on the phone sometimes. It's sooo annoying." Your brother complains nonchalantly, like Pedri was his best-bud and they just catch up with each other.
You grab your around your little brother's head and pull it close to your side, hushing him, "Anyways, good game.", you tell Pedri with a wide smile. You make a move to just leave, when Pedri holds up his pen.
"Let me sign your shirt."
You press your lips together but give in eventually, hoping that he'll just quickly move on to his other fans. He bids you goodbye with a wink and a ruffle to your brothers head.
It's only later at home that you realized that he left his phone number on your shirt. You still have it stowed away in the safety of your closet. And it will probably stay there forever.
You texted Pedri the next day. After all you couldn't come off as too easy, right?
Talking with him came easy. Conversations flowed like water and the topics just never stopped. It felt good to be with him, you felt like yourself. He listened to your every word and he made you feel special.
The two of you dated around for 5 months. You would lie if you said that these months weren't one of the most beautiful times of your life so far, but also the most hurtful ones.
Pedri travelled a lot with you, spoiled you rotten to no end and the sex(!!!). You genuinely liked his presence.
You wore your heart on your sleeve, you practically gave it to him. You two acted like a couple, like you were utterly and completely in love.
Maybe you were. Maybe it was just your imagination, because a guy showed so much interest in you for the first time.
But you two were never officially together.
Pedri never asked you to be his girlfriend. He always brought you everywhere, yet he never introduced you as his special someone.
You still wonder if Pedri never felt anything for you. Why he hesitated so much. It broke your heart, when you told him one day that you had enough. Of course he immediately understood what you meant. And the little hope you had of him finally making the last step, diffused when he said nothing more. He didn't fight for you, he let you go.
It hurt you, but for some reason it didn't break you like you initially thought it would. In fact, you and Pedri still stayed in contact. You befriended some of his friends in the time you two dated, it would've been awkward. And like you mentioned, being with Pedri was easy.
If you two could be lovers, then you definitely can be friends as well.
Things between you ended in September. In November you met Gavi.
It came a bit to a surprise to you, the wound didn't completely heal yet and Gavi was a year younger than you; you didn't go for younger guys. But Pablo was gentle, he put a band-aid over it and in January the two of you started dating.
That's also when things between you and Pedri started to become...different. In the time between the break-up and the start of your new relationship, he treated you like a good friend would. Pedri made you feel at ease and less hurt over the whole ordeal. He never hinted at anything more. The moment your relationship became public though, he started acting odd.
Suddenly he was everywhere. He stood and sat next to you whenever your little group of friends met. When you were at the beach, his eyes practically undressed you behind his shades. When you watched their training sessions, he lingered by your side too long.
No one noticed because you and Pedri always got along. You were friends. Only some knew that there may have been more, but no one knew for sure - especially not Gavi.
The real culprit however was you. Because all the while, you never said anything. You never rejected Pedri, you did nothing to push him away. It was just not in you to do that. Like it was coded in your DNA.
The cheating however started with a call one night. In a state of boredom you decided to browse through your gallery and organize it, when you stumbled across old pictures of you and Pedri.
In one you were cuddling, in the next one you were kissing. The pictures got gradually more indecent and you couldn't help but think back to when you took them. You laid on your back, naked cleavage only slightly visible. Sweat collected itself on your hairline. Next to you was Pedri, sucking on your neck, only the back of of his head visible.
You swiped right. Another intimate picture, but this time it was a mirror selfie. Not much was visible thanks to the curtains that dimmed the room, but you sat on top of him. Your nipples perked up. Pedri's hands grabbed onto your hips harshly, his head was tilted back.
You remember taking this picture very well. Pedri always said he didn't like taking them, he complained when you took this very one. In hindsight you believe he did. He posed so well on camera, you know he must have enjoyed it secretly.
You also remember how good he felt inside of you. He always managed to find the right spot to make you squeal and squirm around, stretching your cervix in all the right ways.
Heat began building up in your lower area and you couldn't help but lower your hands under your pants. The moment you cupped your vulva, goosebumps spread all over your body. It's been a long time since you touched yourself.
Being horny alters something in your brain. All at once, you can't think rationally. Essentially, you just think with your fucking dick. It just overcomes you - like a switch.
Rationally thinking you should have called your boyfriend. One look at the picture on your phone told you that that wasn't what you wanted.
A few taps later and the phone rings.
"__. It's one in the morning, is everything okay?", he answers the phone. The sleepiness in his voice was evident.
"Yeah, I just-.", a sigh escapes your mouth. Your ring finger touched around the entrance of your vagina and you can't even formulate a proper sentence. Nothing that you did right now was morally right, it was absolutely impromper. You didn't know how you were going to explain your late night call to Pedri either.
But he knew you so well. He recognized the tone in your voice immediately.
"__", his voice was hoarse. It did nothing to ease your pleasure, no, it only worsened it. "I think you got the wrong number."
"No, I don't.", you retorted.
He sounded troubled, "You should call Pablo. You shouldn't hav-"
"No, I wanted you.", you say as you add another finger to circle around your vagina. You're so wet already and so sensitive. A moment of silence passes and you press your thighs together. You didn't have the time to argue around.
Something needed to be done.
"I just found an old picture of us in my phone. You know, the ones in bed you didn't like. And I just remembered,", you closed your eyes, "I just, Pedro please do something."
You heard him shuffle on the other end.
"Fuck, what are you doing right now?"
And so he joins your little spiel.
You opened your legs and started rubbing your clitoris, "Touching myself."
Pedri's voice, now a lot more demanding, was still raspy from sleep and you began rubbing a bit faster. "My clit. Wish it was you", you croaked out. You started getting louder.
Pedri curses, "M'getting hard. Fuck."
You imagined what he must look like right now, lying in his bed, pants pulled down and stroking his dick desperately. You whimpered at the thought.
You loved his dick.
Honestly penises never really appealed to you objectively; they're ugly. They definitely felt better than they looked and if someone asked, you wouldn't say they were a man's nicest body part. You still liked them though.
Pedri, however, had one of the prettiest ones you have ever seen (not that you saw many). Everything from his girth to his tip to his color was so perfect. You loved sitting between his legs, crawling at his muscular thighs, while his dick was in your mouth.
A moan escaped your mouth, "Your cock always felt so good. So pretty."
You wondered if Pedri imagined you naked as well. If his thoughts were as filthy as yours were. Surely, they must have been. "Fuck, baby, I thought about your pussy so much."
"Hmm, always so good for me. No one compares."
You could here the slick sound of him pumping his dick through the phone, it was lewd. So dirty and so wrong, but you never felt better.
Rubbing your clit was not enough anymore, you needed your fingers inside of you. The sound filled your entire bedroom and you held the phone closer between your legs. "Pedro.", you moan his name. You wanted him know how he made you feel, how your body reacted just at the thought of him.
"You sound so wet, princess, just for me?"
"Yes, only you." You started kneading your boob too, imagining it to be his hand instead. "Ahh.", you cry as you hit that special spot. Pedri always managed to find it. May it be with his dick, his fingers or, your favorite, his tongue - hot and wet. He made you feel things you didn't think a human could feel.
The call didn't go on for long. You taunted and teased each other for only a little longer. Words became more slurred until the only thing left was the lewd sounds of you two moaning and whimpering into each other's ears.
You were close. Your fingers were still rapidly pushing back and forth, until everything came to a halt. You couldn’t breathe.
Your back archs backwards and your fingers were clutching at the sheets, as heat overcame your body and your orgasm washed over you. You're vaguely aware of Pedri grunting into the phone as well - too lost in your own pleasure.
And then it slowly fades away.
Suddenly you're hyper-aware of everything, as your consciousness trickled back. Your chest heaves up and down heavily.
You stared at the ceiling, guilt starting to consume you all of a sudden. You felt horrible, to say the least.
Pedri must have felt the same way, you believed. Heavy breathing was the only thing you heard on his end, when you spoke up, "Don't get me wrong. This was...amazing.", you started, searching for words. "But Pablo can't know. This shouldn't have happened, I'm sorry, I don't know what overcame me."
It took Pedri a moment to answer your word-vomit. "It's fine,__. There are always two involved, right? Let's just forget about it." The guilt in his voice was evident too, Gavi was his best friend after all.
You thought that settled it. A one-time mistake.
One time turned to two times and two times turned to multiple more calls at night, sometimes while Pablo slept next to you.
You kept the pictures of you two, and your boyfriend's bed was not the only bed you have spent your night at anymore. And he wasn't the only one spending his nights in yours either.
Just like right now.
The ringing of the doorbell rips you out of your thoughts. Pedri actually manages to be at your door in 8 minutes.
He engulfes you in a hug the moment he sees your tear-struck face. "Talk to me, what happened?", he mumbles against your hair.
You sit on your bed when you tell him of your fight with Pablo. Your stupidity that ruined everything. Pedri sits and listens intently to your worries. Occasionally he caresses your hand or hair.
"I didn't think he would get so angry with me.", you sob.
Pedri smiles at you with warm eyes. In a moment of weakness you think about what would have happened if you stayed with Pedri. Would Pedri have acted the same way?
"W-Would you have done the same?"
The question lingers in the air for a moment. You can't blame yourself for asking. Not right now, when you feel so powerless. And you can't blame Pedri for his silence either. After all, the lines are blurred already, he has to be careful with his words.
"I don't know. Probably not.", he says.
Pedri knows you good enough by now. The look in your eyes tells him everything he needs to. You were like an open book to him.
You insinuated at more, at something possible in the future. One word and you'll be his. But he shuts you down. "He's good for you.", he says then. "I see the way he makes you feel, he truly loves you,__. You deserve that. Don't worry."
He tells to you stay with Gavi; he looks you dead in the eye, while saying it. It annoys you a bit that after all this time, he still behaves the same. But he is aware of that. Because when you need him, he's always just one call away. That's all he is and may ever be.
And Pedri knows, that you are loyal to him. Your heart lies with him; in his arms.
He looks at your vulnerable state, at your glossy eyes watching him. Oh yes, your heart truly lies with him.
Like a moth to a flame, he pulls you in. And like a flame, he's fickle but destructive. And once the moth gets too close to him, it burst into flames.
Β© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
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