#even if it’s just Elmax and Lumax and then platonic LuEl
existingonthisplane · 2 years
The party playing truth or dare and Dustin, in his utterly unhinged era, decides to give someone a fake dating dare.
Realizes that Will, to his knowledge, is the only one who hasn’t dated.
Him and Lucas are already in relationships and El is Will’s sister so absolutely not.
Decides it’s up to their good pal Michael.
“My dearest buddy, Mike-“
And Mike tenses immediately cause Dustin’s got that tone he uses when he’s a little too excited about an idea. So Mike is just sitting there staring nervously.
And Dustin is like “I dare you to date Will for a week! Our boy deserves a good time.”
Will’s eyes widening comically large at the statement and Mike looks like he just got dunked in cold water.
“If he’s okay with it of course” Dustin adds on quickly at the end. Noticing Mike and Will’s reaction.
“I’m not sure about that one, man” Lucas pipes in adjusting his position next to Max so she can lean on him more comfortably.
“Fake dating? Isn’t that just normal dating?” El says, confusion thick in her voice turning towards Max who’s hand she’s holding.
“It’s stupid that’s what it is. But I guess it works for a dare? Not sure if I’d pick Wheeler of all people.” Max throws in lifting her head off of Lucas’s shoulder and shaking it.
“Doesn’t matter what you think Max, it’s about Will. So,” Dustin turns back facing Will again,”what’ll it be?”
And the whole group just turns towards him waiting for an answer, save for Mike who looks like he’s trying to remember how to function.
Will just starts stammering not really sure what to make of this at all. Of course Dustin would dare the ONE person who Will would actually like to date if that was possible.
Dustin hearing the lack of replies would go on to explain a little further how Mike is honestly the perfect candidate which Will honestly can’t argue with the logic of it because going from Dustin’s perspective Mike is Will’s best friend, hanging out regularly is already something they do and they like a lot of the same things.
It wouldn’t be that different from how they are now, Dustin honestly just wants Mike to hold Will’s hand and take him on like date nights or something? “Give him the experience” as he put it so lovingly.
“I mean, I guess I’m okay with it. It’s just a dare and this is honestly the closest I’ll get to actually dating someone since I’m not all that interested.” Will says, a little cautiously. If his friends read into it a bit they don’t say anything.
Mike is very very quiet still and it’s a little concerning so Will looks over at him. Trying to check in with his eyes. Mike looks far away though, lost in thought. At least his face doesn’t look like he’s in agony, he’s just blushing? A lot actually.
“Well I need you to know. I’m not going to dare him if you don’t want to.” Will looks back over to Dustin who’s got his eyebrow arched.
Dustin glances back over at Mike and Will realizes that they’re both thinking the same thing of giving Mike an out. If Will says no, then Mike is spared. All they need Mike to do is actually look and give that signal that he’s uncomfortable.
Mike glances up at Will. Probably because he could feel the eyes on him.
“So are you sure Will?” Dustin repeats, more for Mike’s sake than Will’s at this point.
Mike’s gaze is steady and something determined flits between his eyes. Will’s pretty sure his face is on fire.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, yes I’m sure.”
“Sick! Okay Wheeler, I dare you to date Will for a week! I want you to pull out all the stops too! Full blown dates, pay for his meals!!! Tell him he’s the cutest guy you’ve seen or something! No holding any punches, got it?” Dustin rattles off like he’d been planning it the whole time.
“What happens if he doesn’t pull all the stops out?” El asks from behind him.
“Oh right! If you don’t complete the dare in a satisfactory way you’ve got to read the whole party that one poem you absolutely refuse to let any of us see.”
A collective gasp rings across the room. Not even Will had seen that supposed poem! They’re not even sure if it exists. These are high stakes here.
Mike makes a face that’s got too many emotions to decipher though but Will thinks it makes him look constipated.
“You wouldn’t-“ Mike starts
“Oh but I would. And I did. So what’ll it be Wheeler?”
“Fine! Not like I was going to chicken out anyways. I’ll be the best god damn boyfriend any of you people have ever seen.” Mike says. Cheeks puffing out in annoyance.
“I’m not sure about that one considering your track record” El mumbles but everyone still hears.
Max starts cackling and Lucas has a fist covering his mouth looking away to keep from laughing himself.
Dustin has doubled over at the comment and Will is trying and failing severely to keep it together.
“El!!” Mike shouts, face a whole new shade of red and El just shrugs in reply.
Mike turns towards Will, betrayal written over his features and Will thinks it’s cute, mouthing a quick “sorry” though his laughter.
Mike rolls his eyes, plopping down next to him and leaning near his ear.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing considering I’m yours for a week now.”
That sobers Will up almost instantly. Mouth clinking shut before he turns his face towards his best friend in disbelief. Their noses brush at the movement and Will makes the weakest effort in existence to move back to give some space.
He goes to reply when Dustin pipes in with a quick
“You guys getting started already? Damn, I guess he was serious.”
The room is back to laughing eventually dissolving into regular conversation. Mike smiles quickly at Will before looking back at his friends joining in leaving Will reeling.
Will’s face is red for the rest of the night.
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