#even johnstantine has a good cast system and his keeps dying/leaving him
jesncin · 1 month
Don’t know if you know this, or if it would interest you, but just in case—in the DC Bombshells comic series (a spin-off universe where it’s WW2 and almost all superheroes are women and/or queer), Supergirl and Stargirl are not, for obvious reasons, biological twins, but they are, as near as anyone can tell, the same age, and are basically raised as twins (in this universe, Supergirl was sent to Earth as a baby, and her capsule was found by her adoptive parents on the same day Stargirl was born). They are the most important people in each others’ lives, and even though they sometimes fight, they love each other very much, and almost everything they do is at least partially motivated by that.
oh neat! I'm a fan of whenever Kara has a sister-figure to bounce off of, because otherwise she gets very close to the Martian Manhunter problem of being a loner with no solid cast system! A sibling or close friend does a lot.
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