#even more random but i like joking that murata needs to start reading yaoi again. you can tell when he does based on his art it’s funny
carma-tjol · 5 months
misc thoughts on the retcons
I can’t tell if the pacing is bad or if that’s just me getting disoriented by the past several months telling and retelling the same story.
While the fight between Flash and Sonic ended up more like the webcomic story wise, I didn’t enjoy it the same. The webcomic had a tension to it. It felt distinctly lonely and melancholy. But reading the manga redraws now, I feel kind of similar to how I did with the psychic sisters arc where it seemed like a “fixed” version of the webcomic?
Like, the story is still the same but the character dynamics are altered in a way that doesn’t make sense. They all get along a bit too well. Which would be fine if the story or enough dialogue was adjusted that it made sense, but that’s a step they skipped over.
For the retconned chapters, the emotion ONE and Murata were trying to communicate was different from the webcomic, but ultimately more successful for its place in the context of the manga. Between Flash and Sonic there was still pain and words left unspoken, just in a way that felt fitting. VS now it’s like they’re trying to communicate the webcomic tension but without any of the hard hitting moments where it felt like time slowed down that made the webcomic successful.
Anyways i know the arc isn’t done yet. There’s still time for it to pick up. I’m just feeing irritated and really don’t want to end up feeling more disappointed than I would otherwise because I have to compare whats now canon now vs what was retconned. (considering I liked the retconned version and felt it was successful to begin with 😭)
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