#even people who dont really know/care about miw! who will still listen to me talk about them
miwtual · 2 years
the lyric “the only way to win is to reconnect, stay alive, stay alive” gives me chills every single time i hear it when i relisten to
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All categories. Every question.
Bloody hell!! 😂 Who on earth wants to know so much about me?? This could either be great or terrible! Thanks!Quick facts:1. Age: 182. Gender: Non binary i guess3. Sexual orientation: bi/pansexual but its complicated4. Zodiac sign: libra5. Best friend: @only-slightly-dangerous6. Height: 5'11" last time I checked7. Favourite colour: black.8. Hobbies: sleeping, self loathing and memes. In that order.9. Shoe size: 710. Eye colour: brownHave I... (this is gonna be a short section)1. Had sex? Nope2. Kissed someone in the rain? Nope3. Had a job? Yup! 3. I now have none smh4. Smoked weed? Nope5. Done drugs? Nope6. Drank alcohol? Yuup7. Broken a bone? Yuup, a couple8. Self harmed? Yh :/9. Caught sneaking out? Lmao nope10. Been in love? Doubt it, but I've loved very strongly.This or that1. Good morning or good night texts? Good night texts are cute as hell but they make me kinda sad so I'll say good morning texts.2. Sweet or salty? Sweet3. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate4. Fancy dates or casual dates? Casual dates all the way!!5. Airplane or drive? Drive6. Mountains or beach? ...mountains are cold but beaches have sand sooo? Both and also neither.7. Baths or showers? Baths! I miss baths!!8. Blonds or brunetts? Brunetts. I don't have *that* much of a type, but I never seem to go for blonds.9. TV or music? I love them both? ...ill say music.10. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean girls. No question about it.Last...1. Person you kissed: idfk i havent kissed anyone, family or otherwise, in ages2. Text you sent: "you on your wayy??"3. Person you texted: my friend rowan4. Show you watched: doctor who5. Time you cried: a week ago ish?6. Song you listened to: always something by cage the elephant7. Shoes you wore: some black converse8. Thing you ate: chocolate 😄9. Thing you bought: does a bus ticket count?10. Time you took a selfie: this morning,, but we're talking unflattering via snapchatDo you...1. Tan easy? I dont go outside enough to know 😂2. Regret anything? There are a lot of things I wish never happened, but they kinda made me who I am sooo...I'd say most things I regret are things I've said and things I haven't.3. Want to get back with your last ex? I think its easier as friends, in the best way possible.4. Have trust issues? Hoo boiiiii yeah.5. Like chinese food? It's a fave!6. Believe in love at first sight? Nah, attraction at first sight though.7. Sleep with your door open or closed? Its open just a tiny tiny bit so I don't make noise if I leave my room but I still feel safe8. Type fast? I'd say so yeah9. Have pets? Yup!! 2 bunnies that I love sooo much and a crackers cocker spaniel called borris!!10. Smile at strangers? Yeah! I mean, im awkward af but if i catch their eye then sure, you never know who might need itSex and romance? (This sections gonna be even shorter)1. Relationship status: single as usual2. Are you a virgin? Yeah 3. Ever cheated? Been cheated on? I could never cheat, I've seen what it does to people and it makes me so so mad. And nah, thankfully.4. How many people have you slept with? See 2.5. Given oral sex? Recieved it? Nah6. Hot make up sex or slow romantic sex? ...would need experience to decide 7. Worst sex you've had: see 28. Best sex you've had: see 29. Ever had sex with more than one person at a time? See 210. Rate yourself as a lover on a scale of 1-10? 1.Someone you...1. Miss: ummm... no one majorly. I guess theres someone i like id love to see2. Love: my best friend3. Trust: i trust like 2 people in this world- see one and two.4. Live with: my mum5. Have kissed: my ex i guess6. Have slept with: no one7. Hate: besides trump, theres a couple of people that have fucked me over that still make my blood boil.8. Idolize: Kaitlyn Alexander 😶9. Need: idk, friends in general. 10. Have known for years: girl at my sixth form called ella; ive known her since before i could talk.Miscalleneous1. What did the last text you sent say? "AAAAAAAAA" ~ I got sent a cat video.2. Have you ever done a prank call? Probably when I was like 8 but nothing very successful!3. If you're drunk and can't stand, who's taking care of you? I wish I knew 😂 4. How long does it take you to get ready in a morning? An hour and a half, at least. That's excluding time for picking clothes and doing makeup etc.5. Behind the camera or infront of it? Behind6. Last book you read? The Five People You Meet in Heaven, but it was last summer!7. How can someone win your heart? Be so authentically yourself that I can be me too. And be honest.8. Did you lose your virginity before 18? Nah9. Do you like your handwriting? When I'm not rushing, sure10. Do you play any musical instruments? I'm grade 8 at the kazoo11. Where do you want to live when you're older? I kinda want to move to canada or denmark! So long as I'm living with some I love its all good!12. What's something you like about yourself?.......bloody hell....erm......I guess I like that I always try. I don't really know how I do it, but I'll always find that extra bit of energy if needed.13. Whats something that drives you crazy about yourself? Just like who I am as a person 😂😂😂 nah, erm, I hate it when I can't communicate what I'm thinking irl (im okay if I'm typing). Things tend to come out wonky and in the wrong tone or meaning the wrong thing and I just beat myself up over it for the rest of the week.14. Closest friend on tumblr? @only-slightly-dangerous what a surprise!15. Do you think you'll be in a relationship 2 months from now? I should be so lucky 😂16. Do you like when people play with your hair? Yaaaas17. Top 5 songs right now? Bloody hell, erm, right at this second? In no particular order: -Rats- Motionless in White-just basically the entire new miw album (as esp the eternally yours video 👀)-The Night We Met, piano version, on repeat.-No Rest For the Wicked by Cage the Elephant-Corpse Roads by Keaton Henson18. Spell your name with your chin: ywtkur. Wow.19. Trip to the bottom of the ocean or outer space? *banging fists on table* outer space!!!!! Yaaaaas!!
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