#even rumple who I am admittedly not the biggest fan of
justmilah · 6 years
We could have a thing in s5 that was beyond ‘oh yes we made this kid once’ in an arch meant to honor Swanfire in some way even if they weren’t endgame.
Yet beyond this... Milah could be alluded to but not actually mentioned once? I mean, she was Henry’s grandmother, a strong driving force to Rumple, good OR bad. This doesn’t include the effect she had on Killian.
She has been hinted at, but if no one had seen previously to season 7 they’d have no clue. And I’m not just complaining as a fan of hers, but a fan of Killian’s.
Guys, Rumple didn’t just take his hand, he killed the love of Killian’s life.
And this tidbit only ADDS to the endgame that was Captain Crocodile. Because 1) it meant Killian was able to look past it all for the sake of his daughter. But also 2) Rumple saw past what Killian ‘stole’ (his words in previous episodes) from him.
I just...
Yes, I would have loved to have seen this resolution for Milah’s sake. But also? For theirs. It would have made that endgame all the more sweet. Because as s7 stood in what it actually told OUT LOUD without prior seasons? Captain Hook and the Crocodile reconciled. Meh, okay, sure. But it was just...so much more than that. And I’ll be sad it was never fully addressed in canon.
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