#even the ones where hes just casually saying “woah” or “thats a great kick” and being so chill and confident
angryborzois · 7 months
can't stop thinking about how cool the izana vs mikey battle is gonna be when its animated
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The leather Chapter 21: Needy Nikki
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A little smut warning
February 11, 1986
I was thinking a lot about Nikki and what happened between us yesterday. I know he said he didn't want to be my boyfriend, so I was wondering to my self what we were. I mean imagine if we did have sex yesterday, what would that make us? Two people who are just having casual sex? That's not the type of person I am.
"Earth to Iman we are waiting for you to walk!" The director yelled.
I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was on the cat walk at rehearsals. I started strutting down the aisle and smiling like I wasn't just day dreaming... how embarrassing. I turned and walked back to the back of the stage and into the back room.
"Girl are you ok? Cause it dosen't seem like your here?" Rachel ask with worry.
"I am...I just have a lot of things on my mind." I say putting my hand on my hips and pacing around the room.
"Like what?" She stopped me from pacing by putting her hands on my shoulders.
I couldn't tell Rachel, as much as I wanted to talk her she would call me disgusting for even thinking about Nikki Sixx. And I didn't need her thinking about me like that.
"Dont worry about it Rach Im good." I laugh sarcastically.
"All right ladies great rehearsals see you tomorrow at the same time 9am!" The director yelled.
We left the venue and headed into the limo. The girls were all talking about the fashion show and excited about dress rehearsals coming up. I rolled my eyes and just looked out the window. I was annoyed because once again I was thinking about Nikki rather than thinking about fashion week. When we reached the hotel I quickly ditched the girls I wanted to call Lisa and talk to her about the situation that was going on. She's the only one who really knew about me and Nikki and our drama. I stood at my door looking in my purse for my key when I heard my own door open.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I yelled.
"Surprise!" He smirked. "I actually have a day off today. I didnt realize it." He moved to the side so I could come in.
"Yeah cause you were probably coked out of your mind." I walked in and put my purse down. I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Now again what the hell are you doing in my room? I repeat.
"I flirted with the hotel clerk and she let me in your room." He shrugged.
This guy is something else.
I raised my brows and bit the side of my cheek. "How did you know I was in London and what hotel I was staying in. Cause I know it's not by coincidence that your here? You planned this!" I point out.
He grins smugly and shakes his head. He walks over to my couch and sits down, kicking his feet up and on the table and changing the channel to MTV.
"I have a better question who's Derek Richards?" He looks at me with an unamused look on his face.
"W...who?" I asked trying to play it cool.
He chuckels. "Princess don't play me for a fool." His lips then go straight and his eyes turn a dark shade of green. He stands up and walks towards me hovering over me. "Who's Derek?" He asks again but this time with a very deep voice.
I dry gulp. "He's a friend Nikki, just a friend." I softly mumble.
Is it weird that I find him attractive even though he scares the hell out of me when he's possessive and intimidating?
"He better be." He grazed my bottom lip with his thumb. "I don't like sharing what belongs to me." He leans in and kisses my forehead then my nose and then my lips. It was a very needy kiss. I moan into his lips as he deepens the kiss. He puts his arms around my waist then backs me up into the wall pressing and grinding himself onto me. I moan at the feeling of his erection causing me to become wet.
"Mmmmm you feel that princess?" He groans as he presses and moves his erection on me. "This is yours baby."
"Hey Sixx you in there!" Tommy yells banging on my door.
We both breath out. Nikki grumbles then opens the door. "Yes T-bone what do you want?" He asks agitated.
"Well for starters you might want to take care of that dude." He laughs pointing humorously at Nikki's bulge in his pants. Nikki rolls his eyes and moves away from the door letting Tommy in.
"Iman what the fuck?" Tommy eyes went wide. He looked at Nikki than looked back at me. "Dude so this why you switched up our tour schedules this year?" Tommy chuckled looking at me. Nikki sat on the couch and kicked his feet up on my table again.
Now I understand what Vince was saying.
"So what country are you guys heading to next for the Theater of Pain tour?" I asked.
"Well were going to Europe but it's really weird. Last year Nikki all of a sudden started changing up the countries and schedules. I dunno it came out of the blue like he was trying to have us be in certain countries on certain days. He even went as far as to change up the hotel we were staying at. He's a weird dude." Vince licked his spoon.
"Yeah he is. Like today he showed up at my Teen Vouge shoot. I was shocked because I didn't tell him I was there. And to make matters worse he payed off the security guard to let him in." I said scooping another spoon of ice cream.
Flashback ended
Nikki changed up his tour so he could be in the same country and hotel as me. But I was still wondering how he knew. How did he know my whole schedule? The magazine shoots I would be at? He knew the time and the places.
"How do you know my schedule Nikki?" I furrowed my brows. He looked at me then looked away.
"Who gives a fuck! Your going out with us tonight! It's an off day for Motley fucking Crue and were gonna fuck shit up!" Tommy yelled and picked me up spinning me around.
"Woah ok Tommy!" I shouted. He put me down and pushed me into my room. "Go get ready, dress sexy were going to a club. But not too sexy Nikki will rip a guys head off if he tries to touch you!" Tommy laughed humorously.
I stumbled into my room after Tommy pushed me in. I never agreed to go any where with them. Why am I always stuck with these guys? I have to be up tomorrow for 7 am so if I go out I'm not staying out late. I grabbed my suitcase and looked for a dress to wear out. I found my black strapless bodysuit to put on. It hugged my curves just right, then I grabbed my thigh high boots I thought it would look good with the outfit. I grabbed my make up and went to the washroom to fix my self up. While in there I heard another knock on the door and voices in my room. I walked out to see who came in and saw Vince and Mick.
"Vince!" I squealed and ran and hugged him.
"Hey darling." He hugged back.
"So now we know why you changed shit up." Mick murmured as he walked and sat down on my couch. Nikki glared at Mick and pulled a baggie out of his pocket.
"Hey Mick nice to see you." I waved at him.
"You too kid." He waved back holding a bottle of vodka.
I went back into my room and went into the washroom to finish my make up. I heard the door slam and poked my head out and saw Nikki walking towards me. He looked pissed off and I was not in the mood to deal with him if he was.
"Why don't you hug me like that?" He grinds his teeth together. Staring at me with his piercing green eyes.
I sigh and look at him. "Nikki please dont start ok. You want me to come out with you and I will. But if your moody and getting angry with me I'll stay in doors." I warn.
He sighs and kisses the top of my head. "Kiss me." He softly speaks in my ear.
I turn to face him and smile. I cup his cheeks with my hands, stand on my tip toes, and peck his lips then pull away. He becomes needy and wraps his arms around my body and pulls me close to him. He then backs me up against the sink and starts kissing and sucking my neck making my heart beat faster and faster. He moves one hand down and slowly starts rubbing his fingers in between the fabric of my private. I look up at him and breathlessly try to speak but my words are caught in my throat. He lifts me up on top of the sink and I wince as he pulls my hair back exposing my neck to him. He sucks my neck again leaving bruises and marks. By this point I start to feel needy too and move my hand down and start to rub the bulge in his leather pants. He groans and moves towards my lips and smashes his lips to mine slipping his tounge into my mouth. I wrap my other arm around his neck and continue to rub his erection with the other. He pulls my top down exposing my breasts to him. He slowly rubs my nipples and I let out a muffled moan on his lips
"Uh...uh.. Nikki." I breathlessly moan.
"What do you want me to do princess?" He whispers in between kisses.
The bedroom door slams open and we pull away from each other fixing our selves.
"What the fuck Vince?" Nikki barks at him.
Vince looks at the both of us and shakes his head. "Were waiting on you two so can you hurry the fuck up?" He snorts. He gives me a dirty look then walkes out of my bedroom slamming the door shut. I scratch my neck then look at Nikki.
He sighs. "I'll wait for you out there." He says leaning in kissing my forehead and walking out of the room.
Oh boy!
We finaly reached the club and it was not my scene. This was a bar for people who enjoyed rock music, drugs, and drinking to the point where you pass put. There was a bar and a booth for the boys, and there was a small dance floor. The boys ordered drinks and there were tons of woman flocking towards them. I stuck with cranberry juice, and had Nikki's arm tightly wrapped around my waist. Tommy and Nikki started drinking to the point where they were belligerent. They pulled out there baggies and lined up there coke on the table and started snorting it. They even started snorting coke off of womans breasts and thats when I got up and left the booth. I looked around to find Vince and Mick. I saw Mick sitting at a booth drinking his life away yelling at some guys across from him then looked over at Vince who was tongue deep in a womans mouth. I walked over to Vince and tapped his shoulder.
"Don't you have a wife and two kids?" I pointed out.
Vince looks at me and I could tell he was furious. Maybe that wasn't a good idea what I just did. But I wasn't meaning it to be malicious I was just trying to point out that he has a family at home.
Vince let's the girl go and pushes her. "Fuck off get lost!" He yells at the girl. He turns back to me and gives me a dirty look. "Dont even think about judging me on what I do with myself when your the side whore for Nikki!" He spat.
My lips parted and I was shocked at what he said. "I'm not Nikki's side whore Vince." I shot back.
He laughs humorously. "Really cause from what I saw in your bathroom you looked like you were." He moved closer to my face. "And it's funny because before he came to London he fucked his junkie girlfriend Nicole and they talked about moving in together."
"I can smell the alcohol on your breath Vince so I'm going to let it slide because your drunk. Tomorrow we can talk." I stated.
He flipped me off then walked away and grabbed another girl and took her into the booth. I asked the bar tender for another cranberry juice and made my way to the dance floor. Patt Benatars love is a battlefield started playing and I started dancing. I wasn't paying any mind to the people around me I just wanted to feel free and dance my worries away. I came out to have fun so at least let me try and do that. I was swaying my hips side to side when I felt someone's hand push my back and my front ended up pressing against the wall with the person pressed hard against me. I smelt sweat, musky cologne, cigarette, and whiskey on the person. They started nipping and sucking my ear. I was ready to fight back until I turned my head a little to see that it was Nikki.
He forcefully pulled my ass back to him and started rubbing his crotch aggressively against my bum. He bit and sucked my ear while whispering all the dirty things he wanted to do to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so my head would be resting on his shoulder. My heart was racing with anticipation for what he was going to do next. He locked his eyes with me as he slowly moved his hand down between my legs and squeezed my privates through the fabric of my bodysuit. He then pressed himself against me to the point where my breasts were squished against the wall.
I moaned and closed my eyes. I winced when he gripped my hair tighter. "Look at me." He said with a stern voice. I opened my eyes and wouldn't dare to close them again. I stared into his darkened green orbs as he smirked down at me. "This pussy is mine tonight." He drunkenly whispers in my ear. "I'll fucking ruin you." He growls. He squeezes my privates again making me let out a loud moan that makes people stare at us. He let's my hair go and moves his hand away. He gives me a long needy kiss at the back of my head and slowly backs away from me. I turn around panting and sweating looking at him. He smirks and grabs a bottle of jack from the bartender then sits back in the booth with Tommy.
I'm actually terrified of the thought of Nikki having me. I can't have him ruin me down there.
I'm a Virgin.
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notgoingtohappen · 7 years
Revenge, Interrupted (Part 7)
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6]
Caroline woke up to sore limbs and a back that ached far too much for someone in her twenties. Stefan was sitting up, staring into space and looking really out of it.
“Good morning.” she said weakly.
“Hey, sleep well?” he asked, looking a little relieved to have someone to talk to.
She scoffed. “Are you kidding?”
She was tired and sore and exhausted, and judging from how Stefan looked, he wasn’t faring much better. After all , they’d slept in a cramped up elevator.
He sighed and nodded. “I’ve barely slept in two days.”
He buried his head in his hands and Caroline felt terrible seeing him that miserable, so she scooted over to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe today will be better. Thats the advantage of being a new graduate: you can sleep in the whole day.”
He looked up at her, eyes softening with what she thought might be a smile, and she felt the irrational impulse of kissing him again. 
Because last night had probably been the best kiss she’d ever had.
His eyes flickered down to her lips and maybe he was thinking the same thing, leaning closer, ever so slowly. The red glow fell on him perfectly, bringing into sharp focus his strong jawline and cheekbones. She moved closer almost unconsciously, mesmerised.
Then he suddenly seemed to catch himself and slumped back against the wall, a muscle ticking in his jaw.
“We still on for that date?” he said finally.
They were both aware of the fact they needed sleep, but Caroline found herself nodding at the prospect of spending more time with him. “Yeah, in the evening.”
“Great, I can send in my applications before then.”
“Where are you applying?”
“A publishing house, an NGO that helps rehabilitate addicts, and social services.”
She eyed him, the corners of her mouth turning up. “Hero.”
He turned to look at her, eyebrows raised, and they settled into their familiar, easy rapport once more.
“Heroes don’t play elaborate and long-drawn practical jokes on their friends, Caroline." 
"Hey, I like to think of this revenge strategy as genius.”
“So, no boyfriend who would mind?” he asked evenly, the sentence almost too carefully casual. Or maybe she was imagining things.
“Nah, I broke up with my last serious boyfriend in college and it was hard so I mostly only had flings after.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it was right . Tyler and I had grown apart. We weren’t the same people we had been back in Mystic Falls.”
Stefan’s mouth formed a little ‘O’ shape in surprise. “I have family there!”
“I used to spend some summers with my uncle and his family in the boarding house. Until sophomore year.”
“No way! Wait, the boarding house on the edge of town?”
He nodded.
“Woah. How come I never saw you?”
“I used to stay in, mostly. I love that house and the gardens. Sarah literally had to drag me away when she wanted to do something else.”
“Sarah Salvatore! She was a few grades below me. How did I never make that connection?”
“Do you think the college trio know?”
She giggled at the title Stefan had assigned their friends. “Probably. They just forgot to tell us, what with all the planning to set us up and all.”
“Elena never mentioned that Damon used to spend summers in your town?”
The truth was, Caroline didn’t know. She might have, but Caroline didn’t remember. Elena had never been one for a serious relationship, and if Caroline remembered every detail of all her flings she’d have no space left in her head for information she actually needed. She’d been pretty surprised on finding out how serious Elena was about Damon.
“Didn’t Damon tell you anything?”
“Uh, I don’t think so. But Damon’s had so many girlfriends before I just figured she was another casual relationship and didn’t pay attention to everything he said about her.”
Caroline was a little shocked. “Literally same.”
They looked knowingly at each other before he continued. “I knew some people. Matt Donovan, he worked at the Grill.”
She pursed her lips. “Of course you did.”
“He and I dated. Turns out he wasn’t all that over Elena and thought I brought way too much drama to the relationship.”
He shook his head quickly. “Idiot.”
She was strangely touched. “It all worked out, we’re friends and I got closer to and later started dating his best friend who was a much better boyfriend.”
She thought maybe the jaw muscle was back, but before she knew it he looked his usual amount of serious again. She’d probably just imagined it. Were hallucinations common if one had been trapped in a small space for hours and everything was lit in red?
“That’s good.” He said.
It was almost too crazy to believe, how many times their paths had crossed without them ever meeting. Seriously, the same town? His brother dating her best friend and attending the same university? 
They sat in silence. The red glow made the air feel different, like a magical world where it was only the two of them. And she had to admit Stefan was turning out to be someone high on the list of people she’d want to be with in this red elevator world.
“Another reason I didn’t really mix with you guys: I was too busy getting stoned with Vicki Donovan my last summer in town.” He added suddenly.
She burst out laughing. 
“Hey, I am vulnerable. Don’t be mean.” He joked, grinning back at her.
“God, no way!” She groaned.
“How is V doing?”
Caroline stopped laughing. “She had to go to rehab for a bit in senior year.”
“Is she okay?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.
“She’s sober now. I can’t believe it, I never took you for a stoner, Stefan!”
“I was a kid!”
Suddenly, there was a thump that sent her hand flying into his as she moved close into his side on impulse. 
The elevator doors slid open and they winced at the light coming in.
Two girls stood outside the elevator door, staring at them in confusion.
“Did… did you not check the buttons when you woke up?” She exclaimed in disbelief.
He blinked in confusion and she shot daggers at him, and half-dragged him out of that godforsaken place when they reached their floor.
Elena, sitting at the table and sipping coffee, looked up as they entered the apartment. Her gaze skipped the dark circles and dragging feet and stiff movements and went straight to the messed up hair and dishevelled clothes.
“What have you two been up to?” she smirked.
“Elevator broke down” Caroline said, in way of explanation.
“Worst” Stefan said vaguely.
“Had to sleep in it”
“Everything hurts”
“Need a bed now” Caroline all but whispered.
And then he didn’t look quite so sleepy anymore, his eyes widening a little.
“There’s coffee in the pot. Looking at you two is making me sleepy. Goodnight- or morning. Sleep well.” Elena walked off to Damon’s room.
“You can sleep in my bed, I’ll take the couch-“ Stefan started.
Caroline was too exhausted to deal with his ridiculous chivalry and cut him off. “We slept in a freaking elevator! We are both sleeping in a bed, okay? It’s no problem, we’re friends, right?”
She thought Stefan looked a little relieved about not having to spend another night on the couch. “And a couple” he added, the corners of his mouth turning up a little.
Caroline smiled tiredly at his feeble joke and walked to his room, feeling like a zombie and desperately needing to lie down on a soft bed. She had barely gotten any sleep the night before the last either.
He followed her into his room and she glanced around. The curtains were drawn and there was just enough light streaming in from the sides to make out the queen sized bed with its inviting comforter and pillows.
His desk was cluttered; a leather bound journal with a fountain pen sticking out from between the pages, a laptop lying open with loose papers around it, and a leather jacket hastily strewn on the side.
She was just about to comment on his terrible organisation, thinking about how different it was from her neat desk with the books piled evenly, coloured pens and stationery in their holders, post-its perfectly in place in the corner, laptop in the bag and jackets in the wardrobe, when the bookshelf on the side caught her eye.
It was lined with books, probably hundreds, stacked in all directions, horizontal, vertical, some upside down. Boxes and boxes of books lay on the floor below it. She recognised some of the titles. He had everything from Harry Potter to Keats to Shakespeare. She also felt the crazy impulse to organise them, because nothing gave her as much satisfaction. She was a perfectionist to the core.
Also, who needed a library subscription when their fake boyfriend had the biggest collection of books in the country?
She turned to say something but she saw him looking at the bed, eyebrows furrowed again and his serious look plastered across his face.
“Pick a side?” He asked.
She collapsed on the side of the bed nearest to her and barely had the energy to kick her shoes off before weakly pulling the comforter over her.
She felt the bed dip a little next to her with Stefan’s weight as he got in next to her.
“Good night, Caroline.” He said, so softly that she barely heard him.
And then her head hit the fluffy pillow and it was heaven. She drifted off to sleep at once, warm and comfortable. ~*~*~ Caroline kept her eyes shut, refusing to wake up. She was vaguely aware of warmth around her that was lulling her back to sleep. She unhooked her hand from under the pillow and strained her neck to look at the clock.
It was just noon. She could sleep a little more. This was the best sleep she’d gotten since moving to the city. ~*~*~ Caroline shifted in her sleep, but was stopped by an arm slung over her waist, holding her close. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and felt Stefan’s chest against her back and legs against hers, and felt a hint of those ridiculous butterflies in her stomach.
She looked down to see her hand on top of his, and felt that blush that she had been free of since freshman year of high school creep onto her cheeks. Good lord, what on earth was going on with her?
They had been cuddling.
And she didn’t want to move away. She turned over slowly and found herself looking at Stefan’s sleeping face once more.
Why did this keep happening?
He looked so peaceful, not serious for once, and she couldn’t help but reach up and gently trace her finger down his cheek, a hair’s breadth away from touching him. Stefan seemed to sense her and wrinkled his nose slightly, and she suppressed a smile she might have recognised as affectionate were she not this drowsy.
She could feel herself drifting back off to sleep, and pulled away a little to turn on her side. As she closed her eyes, Stefan’s arm tightened and pulled her in closer, and she vaguely registered that this felt good, way more than it should have, before falling asleep again.
[Ch 8]
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