#something like “you lost emma and you lost shinichiro... how does it feel to be empty?”
angryborzois · 10 months
can't stop thinking about how cool the izana vs mikey battle is gonna be when its animated
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xiefuyu · 1 year
A fool
-- Sano Manjiro x sister reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — angst, hurt/no comfort, mcd, not proofread, manga spoilers
:a/n — it's been a while, i know, but here have some angst hehe. college is keeping me busy, i apologize for not updating the bonten series grr
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Mikey thinks the world is playing with him as he stood in front of yet another funeral of one of his loved ones.
First Shinichiro, then Baji, and now Emma and Izana?
What did he do in his past life to attend too many funerals in such a short lifespan? He thinks it’s such a cruel world for his burning desire to achieve happiness and success alongside his family. He’s tired, lost, confused, and yet, he still felt your hand squeezing his.
Right. You're still there. Another sister, three months younger than Emma. You were still there like a last petal holding onto a single centre of a flower that is him. Will he lose you, too?
And God, if there is still a God out there, he’s starting to see a pattern.
Or maybe a fact.
Everyone around him ended up dying in a certain future according to Takemichi. He ended up killing everyone because of the darkness in him, engulfing them in misery in another future. He’s afraid that he’ll drag you with him.
So slowly, he detaches his hand from you but you didn’t even let him get away an inch or two. He looks at you and sees your tired eyes looking back at him. He wants to think that he’s seeing his own eyes as he does so but he’s mistaken because there’s still some light in your eyes while looking at him.
Why? Why are you looking at him as if he’s the light and not the darkness that caused all of these anger, grief, and losses?
Why are you smiling tiredly at him with those eyes turning a little into crescent moons as you squeeze his hand once more?
“Mikey-nii.” you call out, sounding like a fresh and soft breeze of wind. “Yeah?” he hums.
There, he sees it. Sees the way your lips are wobbling, sees the way your eyes are holding back the tears, and feels the way you're trembling in his hand. He sees and feels it all and it’s suffocating him because why are you trying to keep a strong facade around him?
You also lost people as much as him. You lost Shinichiro, your eldest brother who became your father figure with how he’s not even hiding the fact that you’re his favourite. 
You lost Baji, a rowdy boy with his loudmouth who was like another brother to you, letting you style his hair as much as you want even though you’re pulling out some strands sometimes. 
You lost Emma, God, you lost your older sister who you looked up to, confided in, cried with, and shared almost everything with. 
You lost Izana, another older brother who you met when you were younger, someone you always looked forward to seeing on the weekends, someone you wanted to take home with you and just shower him with affection everyday like you do to your other siblings.
You lost them all and yet here you are, smiling at your Mikey-nii.
“Manjiro-nii.” you called out again and he hums in return once more. “Please…” you whispered, lost in the wind but it reached Mikey’s ear. “What?” he pries. The first roll of teardrops drops on both of your hands that are intertwined. 
“Please don’t leave me, too.” you sobbed out, gripping his hand tightly. “You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” you pleaded and Mikey wondered. He wondered if you somehow read his mind earlier when he decided to slowly let go of your hand. Wondered if you could hear how lost his heart was.
You further sobbed when he didn’t answer. Just empty eyes looking away. They were so empty yet full. 
Longing, anger, grief, sadness, and all other things that were overwhelming.
Were you not enough of a sibling to make him stay? Was…was something wrong with you that you’re currently failing to make him at least a bit happy?
Should you have died instead of Emma?
Granted, you came to their household a tad bit later than Emma and it took Manjiro a while to warm up to you but you like to think that he loved you all the same. 
You feel the same panic as earlier when you feel him pull away because he’s doing it again. He’s slowly detaching himself from you and this time, you were also late to grab him back. “Mikey-n–”
“Y/N.” he cuts you off. The both of you stare at each other before he pats your head, standing up.
“Take care of gramps.”
Ah…there is indeed something wrong with you, isn’t there? Just like how you came into their household, just like how you failed to grab his hand back, this time, you were late once more in keeping him besides you, watching his back disappearing from your sight.
It was the best way to do it, Mikey thinks.
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Everyone is in danger around him because he’s the cause of the harm. He was right to abandon you, to leave you alone because he knows Draken will take care of you. The founding members of Toman will take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
He stood in his office, Kokonoi with him. He frowns, the thing called heart in his chest aching all of a sudden. “Boss, is something wrong?” Kokonoi asked. 
“It’s raining.” he mumbles. You have been afraid of thunder ever since you were a kid. Are you curling into yourself right now because of fear? Is someone with you to tell you that everything will be okay? To tell you that you are safe?
“I have a bad feeling,” he says, turning around to get his KMG coat. There’s something wrong. There’s a hand scratching at the back of his brain as if calling for help. There’s something in his darkness that’s wavering, letting in some bit of light.
There’s the phantom feeling of your hand squeezing his as he walks down the hallway.
Then there’s your voice; pleading to him not to leave you alone because you’re scared, because he’s all you have. Without a second thought, he hops on his motorcycle and drives off, letting his instinct take over to take him somewhere. Somewhere where you are.
“There’s this future where you…you ended up killing everyone, Mikey-kun.” Takemichi informs him, sobbing.
Mikey frowns because it was such a random memory passing through his mind. Why would he even remember that? Didn’t he already distance himself for everyone’s safety? Didn’t he already push everyone, even you, his little sister, away just so you could become happy?
So why?
Why was Draken’s fist connecting with his face at the moment and he’s letting him? 
“Why, Mikey?! WHY DID YOU LEFT HER?! You are all she had! Even though we told her we’re here, she only wanted you! Her brother!” Every word was ringing in his ear, every punch felt like a brick in his gut.
It was such a simple question, wasn’t it?
“Because it was for the best.” he thinks. It was supposed to be for the best. So why is he watching your body getting taken away in an ambulance? Why is he watching Takemichi apologising over and over again as he holds Draken back from beating him up more?
“She…” Draken starts, voice cracking. “She only wanted to stay beside her brother, Mikey, why couldn’t you give your sister that?” 
In a drowning state, he hears Sanzu informing him of what happened. Sanzu. Right, Haruchiyo, who’s holding his tears back because you were his little sister, too. You were also all sunshine and flowers for him. The path of carnage wasn’t supposed, wasn't meant, to be opened by your cold and dead body, he thinks. It was all wrong.
Wrong at how they targeted you. You, who’s Mikey’s sole light. You, who’s the last bit of your brother’s sanity.
Three gun wounds. That’s all Mikey heard amongst the clashing of Sanzu’s words.
Take care of Mikey-nii and yourself, okay? Tell him…tell him that it’s okay. That was you and your last words to Takemichi as you took your last breath with a small smile.
It’s okay.
What was? He wants to ask. What was okay? Nothing was okay. He wants to say.
“Everyone was killed…by you.” He didn’t think everyone included you. As a matter of fact, you weren’t included. Why?
What a fool. Him pushing you away was what triggered that future.
It was supposed to be for the best. You were safe from him. You had Toman to take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
You were supposed to be happy.
“You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” 
What a fool. You were also all he had left so why didn’t he stay?
A/N; we love angst don't we
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman Groupchat (everyone's here again, well most of em)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of periods, mentions of drugs, mentions of pregnancy
Desc: Mikey and Izana realize the actions necessary for Emma to get pregnant, and they don't like it (also Yuzuha and Senju r gay, sorry)
Emma: Mikey while you're at the store could you pls buy me pads
Mikey: ayt
Mikey: your pussy size is large right?
Smiley: ayo
Angry: there's a reason for dm guys😕
Baji: LMAO
Emma: :(
Emma: that's not how it works
Senju: me personally, I wouldn't take this level of disrespect
Senju: that's crazy
Draken: Mikey you dumb fuck
Rindou: is that how periods work?
Rindou: the bigger the pussy the heavier the flow?
Rindou: holy shit
Rindou: i'm gonna add that to my new song
Sanzu: why
Rindou: listen
Rindou: "the bigger the pussy the heavier the flow"
Rindou: "no pussy can beat my rap game tho"
Rindou: 🔥
Sanzu: what the fuck
Izana: that may be the worst thing i've ever heard
Ran: no, let him do what he wants
Ran: please rap those exact words on your next gig
Emma: guys can you not I'm already in a bad mood 😭
Hina: Emma-chan do you need me to come over?
Emma: yes pls. we should have a girls day :)
Draken: if you guys need me i'll be at the shop with Inupi and Shin
Emma: okay ❤❤
Mikey: you didn't answer the question bruh
Emma: just take large😐
Izana: why r u in a bad mood I just gave you ice cream
Emma: cause of my period
Emma: i didn't expect it to come
Yuzuha: do you not have a calender
Emma: no it's just i thought i'd be pregnant by now
Emma: me and Ken have been trying for a baby everyday for the last 2 months so i thought it would have worked :(
Izana: k
Baji: r you guys as Emma's older brothers just gonna let this happen
Baji: can't believe you said that Emma
Mikey: wdym
Izana: ?
Baji: Emma just told us that Draken has been blowing her back out everyday for the past 2 months
Kazutora: yooooo
Hina: guys😐
Baji: y'all r tripping
Mikey: ...
Mikey: Ken-chin☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Izana: what the fuck Draken
Senju: must be nice Emma😊
Senju: great relationship, great house, great penis
Senju: i'm really happy for you guys (when is it my turn to be happy, i'm so sick of this)
Yuzuha: lmao good for you Emma
Yuzuha: and Senju you're literally famous
Izana: i'm literally going to kill you
Draken: ...?
Emma: are you guys serious right now
Mikey: you guys have sex
Mikey: ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Draken: i-
Draken: she's my wife
Draken: for 4 years now
Izana: what makes you think that means you can touch her???
Mikey: i'ma tell Shinichiro btw😐
Kazutora: someone lost NNN lmao
Ran: only single people do NNN so they can feel rewarded for their virginity and feel like it matters and that it's worth something when it's not
Kazutora: yes
Kazutora: let me have something damn
Angry: i'm the champ of NNN just btw😡💙
Angry: wait that was before i saw Rans message :(
Smiley: sometimes you do this to yourself
Emma: Manjiro get the fucking pads
Mikey: k, but i don't wanna talk to you anymore
Yuzuha: "adult man baby cannot fathom that his sister has sexual relations with her husband"
Yuzuha: is that about right
Mikey: i'm not a man baby
Mikey: does this mean the same with Hina and Mitchy?????
Mikey: 🤢🤮😭😰
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Hina: you're just mad cause the only thing you ride is your bike
Hina: i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that
Hina: i apologize 😔
Baji: get it Hina, eat him up
Baji: dumb ass, pubeless ass, broke ass, b.o smelling ass, no bitches ass mf
Mikey: PUBELESS???
Baji: yet you can barely grow any hair on your body
Emma: he tried to grow a stubble once and got an infection☺
Kakucho: the same happened with Izana haha
Kakucho: ...i'm sorry
Izana: 100 pushups
Izana: now
Kakucho: Izana please
Kakucho: i just had a gallon of ice-cream
Kakucho: please
Izana: your begging will amount to nothing
Izana: do you want 150
Kakucho: 😞
Takemitchy: leave my boy alone 😕✊
Izana: maybe put on some deodorant first
Takemitchy: ...i don't smell tho
Izana: Hina tell him
Hina: tell him what😅
Hina: there's nothing to tell babe❤
Hina: I love you so much more than anything even
Takemitchy: ...i'll go take a shower😕
Yuzuha: free Hina
Yuzuha: you deserve a woman, they smell nice
Senju: i smell nice😚
Senju: and i'm so smoll
Senju: i'm so microscopic
Senju: maybe we could compare hand sizes Yuzuha🤗
Yuzuha: what r you doing
Baji: why are you acting like a pick me
Senju: cause i want her to pick me tf🤨
Senju: anyway
Senju: Yuzuha☺❤
Yuzuha: uh
Senju: one date?🤗
Yuzuha: uhm
Yuzuha: ykw fuck it, sure ig
Senju: ...
Yuzuha: ?
Sanzu: poor girl
Sanzu: she copes by feeding her delusions
Sanzu: a shame
Mikey: is that why she's so happy all the time?
Sanzu: yeah
Baji: aren't you delusional?🤨
Sanzu: i'm very normal
Ran: oh please
Rindou: and how exactly do you cope?🤨
Sanzu: i don't need to cope i'm a fucking superstar
Sanzu: also ketamine
Rindou: 😒
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hajimeiwaswife · 2 years
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Warnings: angst, mentions of cheeting, mentions of murder, oral sex (f!receiving), slight dacryphilia, breeding kink, creampie, feelings. MDNI
Wc: 6k
Summary: Mikey thinks love must be paid when you receive it, and ever since he pushed you away to create Bonten he wonders where does love end when there's no target to aim to anymore.
AO3 Link
Formulary for commissions
The smell of Sakura wrapping the ambience of the busy Tokyo streets was reminding him of happier times; those where he could ride on his bike with his friends, when they would fight against other gangs around the city, when you were next to him.
What has he become? He had always been a monster, a dark shadow waiting to be released from the prison he used to call 'heart'. The same one you used to hold with so much care and love, showing him that he deserved to be taken care of with gentle caresses.
However, he had so much blood in his hands now he can't help but flinch at the thought of holding yours once more. He had let you go, fly away from him as a free bird that runs away from winter, because if you can't have something, it is better to let it go. That was the last act of love he could give you directly, still he had so much love in his chest with no target to aim at that he couldn't help but wonder where it would end.
His gun hidden in between his clothes, its weight nothing compared to the sorrow he felt as he saw your hair flowing in the floral smelling wind. Your smile brought him a feeling of peace he hadn't felt in so long he had forgotten it existed, lost in the mountain of corpses he had left on his way to the top of the criminal life. You didn’t owe him anything and he didn’t owe you anything either, but was it wrong to wish to leave all of himself to you even if you didn’t want him?
Was it selfish to be in love with you, to love you still to that day, even if he was the one to push you away? Most likely, yes. He watched in the most unbearable pain the way his old friend took your hand with the tenderness he should have done it when he had the chance.
“Boss, we need to go.” Kokonoi said from behind him, his voice echoing in the laugh coming out of your mouth as you walked away with Mitsuya. Mikey breathed deeply to try and calm himself down, he had other matters to attend to before acknowledging the suffering his bleeding heart was imposing over him.
The short man just nodded, turning around without giving you a last glance to head to the car, afraid of giving up on everything he had achieved and running towards your welcoming arms, those who held him when you both were younger and naïve. Instead, he was now sat among the cruelest and most remorseless criminals in Japan and, the worst thing was that he was their leader. How had he ended up like this? What were the chances of such an outcome?
Shinichiro, Emma, Baji. So many people had died under his watch, unfairly flying away as the untamed angels they were, leaving a burning demon on Earth on their parting. You trusted him, wanted him to be something he couldn’t fulfill. You loved him as purely as a newborn flower in spring and he repaid you with pain, suffering, heartache and trauma.
“I heard from the Roppongi section that Galician cocaine is of good quality lately. Maybe we should order a broader shipment this time.” Ran mentioned turning from side to side on his leather chair.
Mikey looked up, realizing they were all in the meeting room in their hideout. He didn’t know when they arrived, completely lost as he observed his subordinates talking about new trafficking staff. He wanted to scoff, done with whatever they had going on and opened the wrapper of the candy that probably Mochi left on his part of the desk.
“Will it be worth it, though?” Sanzu intervened, using a quarter of a paper sheet to place what Mikey assumed was cocaine in a straight line, “I mean, I won’t complain, but I’m not willing to lose money.” he then lowered his head until it was nearly right on the table and sniffed, causing Kokonoi to flinch, who was just next to the drug addict.
“Eh… yeah, well,” Kokonoi just breathed deeply with eyes wide open and reached for the calculator and his tablet, “it’s cost-effective. But you will lose money, though.”
“Uh!? Why!?” the pink haired man asked loudly, some white powder laying under his nose.
“Because you’re our best purchaser.” he said matter of factly, causing the rest of the room to laugh except for Mikey, who just seemed to be bored out of his mind.
He couldn’t stop thinking about that pink summer dress you were modeling so beautifully, fitting your figure like a glove, so it was probably customized by Mitsuya himself. A pang of jealousy plowed through Mikey’s chest; Mitsuya was able to touch you, to spoil you rotten, to treat you as you deserved. And he wanted to scream that it was supposed to be him, that it would always be him who stayed in your heart for eternity. But he wasn’t, not anymore, even when he once promised to be there forevermore. What a mistake it was, because the reality was that he left.
He remembered that day clearly, you had been curled on his side while watching Chifuyu and Hakkai argue about romance advice for Takemichi.
“I don’t think either of you should speak on this, guys.” you had said, chuckling at the looks of offense both boys were giving you.
“Y/n-chan!” they whined at the same time.
“I have to agree with her.” Mikey commented, smiling softly as he looked at you. You were already gazing straight at him and, out of embarrassment, you hid your face on the crook of his neck.
Flustering you was one of his favorite activities, feeling pride on the way you would smile slightly and even laugh at some of his advances. He loved your laugh, he loved your smile, he loved your happiness, he loved you. He was sure and nothing could make him deny it to himself.
“Yeah? Well, Romeo, maybe if you took Y/n on…”
“He doesn’t need any piece of advice, Chifuyu.” you interrupted the cat lover with a chuckle, snuggling closer to your boyfriend, “He already does enough.”
Mikey felt his heart leap at the honest claim you just gave to your friends. He disguised his surprise and his desire to cry in a smug smile and hugged you closer to him if it was possible, deciding to kiss your forehead in search of something that could calm his erratic euphoria.
Everyone returned to the dynamic they had set until that moment, leaving you and Mikey floating in a bubble of feelings as unpredictable and powerful as a hurricane. He didn’t know where it came from or when his brain had formulated the sentence, but he felt the need to tell you something so mellow. He needed to pay for the way you had just made him feel.
“I will stay here, with you, forevermore. I promise.” he had whispered in your ear, nuzzling his nose on your temple.
You just looked at him curiously, with warm cheeks and your soul nearly leaving your body. “Mikey? W—What was that?”
“Nothing, just wanted to tell you.” he smiled that smile he always put to hide his deeper feelings, eyes and mouth closed, trying to reassure that he was fine. But he wasn’t, he had lost control of his emotions ever since you stepped a foot on his life and he didn’t regret a single moment.
However, as he looked at the new weapon shipment unloading on the port, he regretted the day he decided to give up on his friends and you. True it was that you were all happy, but his selfish side was crying in solitude and his soul was trying to reach yours.
He wondered what you were doing, probably cuddled on Mitsuya's side watching some shitty sit-com; or on a bar with all of your friends, Draken patting your head softly because you’ve won another game of Trivial.
However, an intrusive thought came to his mind as he checked on the new guns. What if he was fucking you? Mitsuya balls deep inside you, you moaning his name and wrapping your arms around his back while he thrusts into that pretty cunt of yours, your walls clenching around him as you come on his cock.
Mikey’s blood boiled, he couldn’t stand the thought of one of his best friends being the receiver of your love and pleasure. Grabbing his new gun tighter, he left the port without informing the rest of the gang.
Following the lights of the cars he kept walking the streets of Tokyo, the dark night couldn’t offer him any star due to pollution, and he cursed the human being for the nth time in a day. He was unable to breath, pressure constricting his chest to the point he thought he was being run by a track.
He wished for you to be happy, he had let you go for that to happen, sending you the angels he fought against in his place in Hell to take care of you. And yet, there he was, standing outside a cafe window, struck because there you were, too; what were the odds?
Years and years without seeing any of you and suddenly, he encounters you twice in a day. Hina accompanied you this time, both of you had smiles on your faces and seemed to be immersed in a very interesting conversation. He can’t help but smile, the sight of a happy you putting him at ease after so many depressing thoughts running wild in his mind.
He didn’t know if it were the lights of the establishment or your angelic aura, but you were shining bright. His eyes focused on you and only you, the only light he had ever encountered in his life.
So many memories of Emma teasing him, calling him a ‘lovesick puppy’, pointing at somewhere and lying about you being there just to see his reaction. He wondered what his beloved sister would be saying of him now if she saw him. A gangster, the leader of the yakuza himself, drooling because of his first love.
His first and only, nonetheless. Before you, he thought romantic love was pointless, something he didn’t need and swore to never fall for anybody. Then, you appeared and his only choice was to fall on his knees and pray and worship your mere existence.
It was then he noticed a presence near him, observing the cafe window as well and looking in the same direction Mikey was.
“Boss, you might be interested in this.” he remembered Mochi saying, placing a folder in front of Mikey.
“Umm? What 's this?” Curiously, Mikey left the candy he was sucking on the table, gaining a disgusted look from Mochi, and took the papers. He saw the face of a middle aged man and personal information about him, “A snitch or something?”
“No, uh,” Mochi sighed and sat next to his boss, “he’s just a civilian.”
“He’s stalking and hounding Y/n.” the bigger man replied, standing up and getting as far from Mikey as possible when he saw the frown on his face.
“You know what to do.” was the only thing he had said before starting to suck on his candy again.
And now the man from the photos was there, next to him and observing his beloved with a macabre smile. The disgust and anger he felt awoke the inner shadows that consume him on daily basis, the wings of Death proclaiming the murder of said man the next day on the news. Y/n and Hina were in shock when they heard about it, as they had been hanging out in a place near where they found the body.
Meanwhile, Mikey was laying in bed with another soul attached to his dirty hands. He didn’t regret it, he would kill for you, once and once again if it was necessary. With his forearm pressed against his eyes, he smiled, a madman happy to protect you even if you didn’t ask for it, even if you didn’t want him to.
But things were like that, he would continue to pour his love in the only ways he knew, aware of where he placed it at every single second of the day.
A few weeks later, Mikey was heading to a meeting with his mind on the clouds again, wondering to himself if Takemichi had already returned to the present timeline. Would you tell him about his tragic destiny? Or would you keep it a secret from the man and let him leave a happy life at last?
Takemichi. He had done so, so much for him and his friends that he deserved to be left alone once and for all. Hina was alive, Mikey had made sure of it by all means, and everyone was safe and living quite a good life. Except for Mikey. And he prayed to whoever was listening that Takemichi would leave it like that, forget about him and marry the woman he had tried to save for so long.
However, there was a small corner of his heart that was asking for another chance to do things right and hold you and drag you to his shadows along with him. If there was a possibility, though, would the rest allow him to corrupt you? To keep you to himself for eternity? He laughed humorlessly, knowing damn well that Mitsuya would fight to death with him for your sake.
You really held that power, the one of making them fools for you without trying, just presenting your kind and lovable self and with no intentions of them falling for you to their knees, with their lips kissing the floor you walked in.
Suddenly, he felt something collapse against his chest. His bored and tired eyes focused on the figure in front of him, and when he was about to seal their destiny, he realized it was you. You, in a new green dress, clear face, and hair dancing in the wind. You, whose eyes widened when you recognised him and watered at the gaunt appearance the man had.
It was the first time in years you saw him, his long, blonde hair now cut and dyed white, reminded you of Izana. His once built physiognomy was so lean you could barely believe it was Manjiro in front of you.
The smell of Sakura wrapping the ambience of the busy Tokyo streets had presented him before you after so much time of wanting to see him. Your trembling form was shaking of both surprise and anguish; you were happy to have been given the chance of seeing his face once again, but the last memories you shared with him were plaguing your mind and were reminding you of his cruel words and actions.
“M-Manjiro.” you muttered under your breath, still processing the moment you were living. Your eyes were glassy as you observed the look of surprise the man in front of you wore, very similar to the expression he used to have anytime Takemichi would fight to the very end. In a sense, he didn’t seem to have changed at all; on the other hand, you wondered if there was at least a speck of the man you used to know.
Mikey didn’t know what to say, he had dreamed so much about this moment, but he couldn’t find the courage to talk to you and tell you everything he had been keeping to himself for the last ten years. He dedicated himself to just observing you, soaking himself of your essence as long as he was allowed.
“Manjiro, what— How are you? It’s been a long time, isn’t it?” you continue talking, wanting to hear his voice replying to any of your trivial questions, “I— You look different, that new hair suits you. And I see you still wear trackies, ah, some things never change, do they?”
“Y/n.” he interrupted you, your name rolling off his tongue so gentle and smoothly your knees threatened to fall. It was the only thing he could mumble, brain going so slowly he couldn’t process anything you were saying, though he would lie if he said he wasn’t shocked that you would speak so naturally to the leader of Bonten.
“Yeah, it’s, uh, it’s me. Sorry, maybe you didn’t recognize me at all and here I am, telling you my whole life story.”
“I do recognize you,” he whispered, his eyes showing other emotion than boredom for the first time in years, looking at you with care with a lazy smile plastered on his face, “of course I do. How’re things going?”
“Great, great, actually.” you nod and swallow thickly, shifting your weight from foot to foot and intertwining your hands in front of you. “Work is fine, the guys are doing good, too. Mitsuya has recently won an international design award! Can you believe it? He deserves it so much, he worked so hard for months.”
Mikey observed and listened to you ramble, it was like going back ten years in time and he was on cloud nine from thinking you still wanted to talk to him. Though the jealousy he felt when you started talking about Mitsuya was what returned him to the present. He was a gang leader, a dangerous criminal and he wasn’t supposed to interact with you, that was the whole purpose of pushing you away in the first place. With all the pain he could bear, he interrupted you once more, his bored facade returning to where it was meant to be.
“Nice to hear, I have to go, though. Bye, Y/n.” he said, walking past you and heading to his original destination.
“W—wait, Mikey! Please, I just want to know if you’re fine!” you exclaimed, running to catch him desperately. You tried to grab his arm, but he pulled it away without looking at you, his heart heavy on his chest.
“I’m fine. See you.” he mumbled and fastened his pace to lose you in the crowd of people that didn’t realize Bonten’s leader was walking among them.
You were left there, petrified, observing how the person that still haunted your nightmares walked away from you once more. It hurt, but you knew there was nothing you could do to fix the path he chose for himself. If it were for you, you would have stayed by his side as he once promised, carefully guiding him into a better life with all of his friends. However, the past was the past and there was no way to change it; you would have to live with the regret of giving up on him too soon.
As you returned home to a smiling Mitsuya, Mikey led the meeting to decide whether they annihilate an enemy gang or not. He knew, everyone knew what the outcome of the poll would be, but it was out of formality.
After that, he took out a cigarette, something he usually didn’t do, but the stressful situation he lived a few hours before drained him to the point of needing some nicotine in his system, and placed himself on the window of his office. The smoke coming out of his lips teased him as it formed a broken heart in the air, mocking Mikey’s. He sighed, remembering the way your eyes were tearing up at the sight of him, your soft cheeks warming and lips turning upwards. It was as if you were genuinely happy to see him again, the man who broke your heart in the most cruel way a human can bear.
After another puff, he let the cigarette die on his fingers, observing the dirty streets where they had to establish their hideout in order to hide from the police. He had done so many nonhuman things, he had killed so many people, directly and indirectly, that he thought he was unworthy of your glad expression.
“Shinichiro wouldn’t want this shitty life for you, you know?” he heard the deep voice of Takeomi coming from behind him, taking out a cigarette of his own and positioning himself next to his boss to light it, “He would be so fucking dissapointed.”
“As if you weren’t living the same life as me.” Mikey huffed, rolling his eyes at the older man’s reprimand.
“I’m not his brother.”
“But you were his friend.” the shorter man replied sharply, observing the already extinguished cigarette on his fingers.
Takeomi hummed, puffing and then exhaling the smoke filling his lungs, “That man, so weak both in fights and for women.” he laughed, a memory of his childhood friend coming back to him.
“He really was.”
There was silence between them after that, Takeomi smoking camly and Mikey just enjoying the company for once, the presence of another preventing him from falling into the well full of you again.
“I know you encountered her before.” the scarred man spoke again, dragging Mikey’s attention at the mention of you. He didn’t question how he knew, after all, they had contacts and lookouts in every corner of the country.
“Hmm.” nodded Mikey.
“As weak for a woman as your brother was.”
“The difference is that I wasn't rejected twenty times in a row.” Mikey scoffed, amused at the disastrous love life of his older brother.
“No, but he wouldn’t have let go of the woman he loved. He was more noble than you’ll ever be.” Takeomi puffed his cigarette again with a solemn glance at the polluted sky of Tokyo.
Mikey couldn’t argue with his logic, he was right. And it wasn’t as if he could pull a bullet into Takeomi’s skull, he needed his advisor to keep his business afloat. So he just shrugged his shoulders and ignored the presence of the older man.
“You already let go of your previous life, Mikey. Keep your shit together and commit to Bonten.”
Like that, Takeomi finished his cigarette and left a very angry Mikey with his affairs in the window. How dared him to give orders to his boss? How could he leave your memory behind and live in the present? The only thing keeping him sane were the past times he lived with his friends and you. Now he was just a vessel for his broken heart and stained soul.
He couldn’t remember when, but the Haitanis had informed him of some issues in one of the clubs they had in their territory that needed to be checked as soon as possible. Mikey was thinking about sending Mochi and Kakucho, but he needed a break, something to keep him away from the venom his mind was pushing towards him, so he took his bike and drived to the destination.
He wasn’t dressed in a fancy suit, nor did he wear an ID to prove he wasn’t fifteen, but with just a glance from the guards, they knew who he was and let him go inside. The baffling music coming from the speakers hid the moans of the couples fucking just in the entrance of the club. Some others were just consuming drugs on the tables in the right corner. Mikey felt disgusted, but this club was his, this was his life, what he had created.
As he walked towards the door leading to the private room, he caught the sight of a familiar dress, one he had already seen that same day some hours before. There you were, a green dress pressing against your body while you were sitting on a stool on the bar counter with Hina and Senju, smiling in the most delightful way Mikey could have thought existed.
What came to him he didn’t know, but next thing he knew he was grabbing your wrist and dragging you away from your friends, who just gasped in shock and yelled at him to free you. Fuck the club and fuck Bonten, he wanted you and only you, even if you didn’t want him back. But the lack of resistance on your end was enough confirmation to continue running down the street to his motorbike.
“Where are we going, Manjiro?” you asked in such a sweet voice he could drop to his knees and kiss your high heels.
“My house. Fine with you?” He took an extra helmet he kept in the vehicle and saw you nodding, lips turning upwards as he put the helmet gently on your head and tied it tight with his slender fingers. “Okay, princess, hop on.”
Everything was too blurry to remember, but somehow you both were on his bed making out, the taste of your lips and strawberry lipstick had him dizzy and desperate to touch you without restraint. His heart felt erratic and happy of indulging in what it desired the most, the only thing he loved infinitely.
His tongue rolled with yours, teeth clashing and lips kissing so hard you both were sure you would have them bruised the next morning. His lips trailed down your jaw to your neck, kissing straight to your sweet spot, it was an advantage to already know your body better than he knew his.
Your little mewls and whines were driving him mad, his boner poking the inside of your thigh as you welcomed him in between your legs. The green dress rolled up to your hips and Mikey thought it would be better to get rid of it immediately, he wanted to see your naked body again after so long.
“M-Manjiro, this is wrong.” you mumbled while you raised your arms to help him take your dress off. “I’m dating, hmm, Takashi.”
Mikey was already licking your nipples, completely delighted with the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra under that pretty dress. He sucked on it as he circled it with his tongue, his left hand squeezing your right breast. “Shh,” he cooed, “it’s not wrong, sweetheart. We are just paying our debt.”
“But—,” you interrupted yourself to gasp when Mikey bit your nipple, hips thrusting up and meeting his dressed ones.
“Just tonight, love.” his hands were at your hips now, fingers playing with your panties, “Allow yourself this.”
His fingers burn deliciously your skin, your panties gone and replaced with his mouth. You sighed in contentment and grabbed his hair with your right hand while your left played with your abandoned left breast.
He licked all the way up your cunt to your clit with a flat tongue, and then his lips closed on your bud and sucked, tongue circling around it and making you lose any sense of decency you could still uphold. His mouth working miracles on you, rubbing your cunt on his face trying to get more contact with it.
“M-Manjiro.” you whined and downed your left hand to his hair, too, feeling so good with just his tongue licking your clit.
“Fuck, baby, you taste so good.” Mikey muttered before introducing his tongue in your cunt, fucking you with it while his thumb took the roll his tongue had a second ago.
You were a moaning mess and before you could recall it, you were coming on his tongue and Mikey drank your juices without complaining, groaning happily. His thumb continued to rub your clit a little bit more to help you ride your orgasm, feeling you spasming under him.
He felt proud of himself, not believing he hadn’t forgotten the way your body worked in those last ten years. His dick was throbbing inside his pants, screaming to be freed and put into your pussy, his favorite to have it in. He gave your clit one last kiss before going up your body and kissing your lips again, your essence on his tongue still and forcing you to taste yourself.
Your hands took the outline of his pants, pushing down in want and panting on his mouth, begging silently for him to be quicker. He didn’t understand why, there was no rush, but at the same time he understood your desire as he felt the same. Having you underneath him again after so long, so beautiful lying naked on his bed.
“Is my baby needy?” he whispered while taking off his clothes, observing how your wet cunt was clenching around nothing, waiting to be filled with him.
“Please, Manjiro.” you begged, puppy eyes looking straight to his.
Mikey felt his chest tighten, he had never been able to say no to those eyes of yours and you knew it, you were playing dirty. Not losing more time, he aligned his dick to your entrance, red tip leaking pre-cum and with his thumb he spread it along his girth.
“All right, baby, you ready?” you nodded your head and Mikey clicked his tongue, lips turning upwards in a smug smirk. “Words, love.”
“Y-yeah, Manjiro, please.” he loved how you were unable to say anything else apart from his name and begging.
He then pushed inside you, your warm walls welcoming his cock once more as if it had never felt its place. You both moaned in absolute bliss, your arms hugging Mikey’s shoulders tighter and his hands grabbing your hips. He couldn’t wait for you to adapt, already moving his hips as he could with how tight you were.
“Fuck, love, you feel so good.” Mikey groaned over your moans.
The squelching and the skin against skin sound along with both your moans was all that could be heard in the room. The bed was creaking underneath you as Mikey thrusted into you, his tip rubbing against that spongy spot that made you see stars.
“Mikey, just like that, ah.” you mewled and Mikey felt like he was hanging off a cliff. Your voice was the sexiest thing he had ever heard.
He took both your ankles and pushed your legs towards your chest allowing him to thrust deeper into you, his tip now rubbing against your cervix, causing you to nearly scream of pleasure.
“I’m—I’m cuming, Mikey, I’m cuming, I’m, ngh.” you were mumbling, nonsense coming out of your mouth while Mikey kissed your cheeks, neck, jaw, collarbones, any flesh within his reach.
“Yeah, baby, cum on my cock, be a good girl.” you moaned at the praise and your walls tightened on his cock. “Fuck, fuck, love, like that. Gonna come inside you, gotta get you pregnant.”
“Yes, yes, I want your baby!” you exclaimed, hugging him closer to you.
Mikey felt as if he had died and was in heaven, having you with him, making love to you again and you screaming his name at the top of your lungs was his biggest dream. He felt the tears rolling down his cheeks, unable to contain them as he felt his climax closer.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,” Mikey whispered in your ear, the sight of his tears out of love and his voice whispering sweet nothings to your ear was what you needed to come hard on his cock.
The man couldn’t contain it anymore, his cum painting your walls white as he shouted your name, your characteristic smell filling his nostrils. He felt so happy, so euphoric he could die in that instant in your arms, what he had wanted since he broke your heart that day ten years ago.
He didn’t want to pay his debt, he wanted to keep the back and forth of having to pay, and pay, and pay for your love because you keep giving your all to him. He wanted to be the source of your feelings the same way you continued to be his.
And as he pulled away from you, watching how both your cums intertwined and came out of your abused cunt, he knew there was nowhere else he would prefer to be in than in your arms, where he belonged.
Hugging your tired figure, he placed your head on his chest and cuddled you, kissing your temple once and once again, smiling honestly for the first time in years, your love being all he needed to be complete.
But the next morning, when he awoke and didn’t see you next to him, he felt his chest constrict. Had you left? Did you regret what happened the night before? He waited some minutes, hoping for you to be in the bathroom so he could see your naked body return to bed with him.
However, five minutes went on, then ten, fifteen, twenty, and no one else seemed to be in his apartment except for him. His eyes watered, and it was when it hit him: there was no trace of your smell, no sign of any sexual activity happening in that bed, either.
Had he dreamed it? Fuck, fuck, fuck. He felt anxiety filling his chest, it wasn’t enough with you plaguing his mind during the day, but now he dreamed of you and your love at night. He screamed, broken, the vessel keeping his already lost soul losing every piece remaining.
He didn’t want Bonten, nor did he want a criminal life anymore. He wanted you. You, you, you. He loved you and he wanted to be able to keep telling you for the rest of his life. But you didn’t owe him anything, not after what he did to you. There was no way you would have cheated on Mitsuya for him.
All that love he had for you was just spreading on the air with no target. Would he ever find yours? If he found it, would the debt finally be paid?
And when he arrived at the hideout two hours after and saw the pitiful glances his subordinates were giving him, he didn’t know if he was annoyed, angry or if he wanted to cry again. Feelings didn’t exist anymore, the lines between them were too blurred to be real.
“What.” he mumbled, sitting on his chair.
The rest of the executives shared panicked looks between them, opting for it to be Kokonoi who showed him the Instagram post that had been posted eight hours ago.
Mikey observed it, it was your account and in the picture he could see you and Mitsuya happily smiling at camera, standing on a beautifully decorated rooftop and your hand pulled toward the objective, showing a small but elegant ring placed on your left fourth finger.
His heart broke even more if it was possible, fate being as cruel as to make him dream of being with you once more when that same night you had said yes to be Mitsuya’s future wife. He had found his love, it was right next to you. And he had been looking for yours, searching in the most remote places, only to find it in Mitsuya. Your love was in Mitsuya. It should be him, he should be the one next to you in the picture. He should be the one whispering he loved you every second of the day. He should be the one planning his proposal. He should be the one you loved.
But he wasn’t and there was nothing that could hurt him more than that reality. He let you go and pushed you right to one of his best friend’s arms. Mikey had promised you to be there forever, to never leave your side, but he only kept that promise in dreams, apparently.
And as his gun was pressing bullets against the skulls of a rival gang some hours later, he prayed for you. He asked the angels to be at your side and keep you happy, because he wouldn’t be there, that much was true, but he would love you forevermore. Debt paid.
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Hajimeiwaswife 2022 © All rights reserved. Do not copy, repost or translate. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
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lila-skies · 3 years
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it's a yearly tradition now: shinichiro closing his shop early every 31st of october to celebrate halloween and give out candies to the children. together with the black dragons founding members, you exert the effort to dress up every year. tonight, you are rapunzel because emma and senju who are cinderella and belle respectively said so.
"that's the last kid," you announce after the boy walked away, looking back at the guys. "we are out of candies already."
"hah, thank goodness." wakasa helps to remove the head of the bear mascot, revealing a sweating benkei. "it's very hot. i'm not doing that again."
benkei wore a bear mascot for tonight because he lost a bet against the three. takeomi, the classic ghost face, while wakasa is howl pendragon; and since you are rapunzel, shinichiro, your boyfriend, is obviously flynn rider
"there were a lot of kids tonight," takeomi says, a lit cigarette between his lips.
"compared to last year, yeah," shinichiro responds, lighting his own cigarette. for the first time in five hours, it's his first one because you chewed him out. "i don't even know most of the kids that came."
"i mean, that's much better." remembering last year's happenings, you only shake your head with a chuckle. "at least your siblings will not fight for their lives to have the remaining candies."
"remember when manjiro had his ass handed to him by senju?" takeomi laughs at what wakasa said and says 'yeah, 'course that's my 'lil sister.'
last year, only the neighborhood kids came, that's why there were a lot of candies left. kids are kids. the four of them were competing with each other, something about who received more treats. manjiro happened to find the candies shinichiro hid just when he was already losing, but senju caught him and the rest is history.
"who do you think got more candies tonight?" you ask shinichiro, walking hand in hand with him. the two of you are on the way to pick the kids up in the baji household.
"emma, probably," he answers. "she's a natural charmer."
"oh, by the way. i got a chocolate from the last boy earlier!"
"you did?"
"yeah, it's this one. looks imported, though," you show him the now empty wrapper. "it tastes sweet, i like it."
that little boy was adorable. after you handed him the treats, he took five from his pumpkin and gave them to you while telling you "because rapunzel worked hard today!"
"do you have more?" shinichiro asks, glancing at you. "i want to taste it, too."
"no, it's only one." you lift your dress a little, trying to get a different candy in the pocket of your shorts. "but you can have this—"
before you could even finish, shinichiro's lips were already on yours. you stand frozen when you felt his tongue inside your mouth like he's actually trying to taste the chocolate you are eating. the next thing you know, the chocolate is already gone but not because it melted.
you feel heat rise to your cheeks, and shinichiro only cracks a smile at your reaction. a proud one at that. shinichiro sticks out his tongue, flaunting the chocolate he stole inside your mouth.
"you are right. it does taste sweet."
"shin!" you shriek, getting more embarrassed and flushed by the minute. "what if someone saw?!"
"i doubt someone did. it's already la—"
"shinichiro, you are a pervert! what are you doing to her?!"
suddenly, a voice the both of you are familiar with came from behind you, causing the two of you to flinch in your places. your boyfriend stares at you, mouth open, as if he's about to be taken away by a grim reaper.
the said grim reaper is no other than manjiro.
"get away from her, shin-nii!" emma shouts, her arms crossed while glaring at her brother.
"wait!" shinichiro raises both of his hands as manjiro continues to stride over his direction. "let me explain!"
manjiro didn't and chased shinichiro. while you and emma held each other's hands and followed behind them, cackling at how desperate shinichiro looked trying to make manjiro stop.
well maybe, it was actually a good thing that there was only one chocolate left.
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ah yes, the horimiya candy kiss. i feel like my writing got so rusty so i'm sorry about that ;____;
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