#even then idek if this quality is that good or not and the red/flashing makes it hard to see her face
allupinyourminds · 10 months
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BEYONCÉ — performing All Up in Your Mind on opening night at the Renaissance World Tour in Stockholm, Sweden (May 10th, 2023)
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xoruffitup · 4 years
Adam Driver on SNL: 1/25 Dress Rehearsal Recap
I’m having dejavu of the best kind. I’m sitting here on the bus on my way back from NYC in hungover euphoria and overjoyed disbelief at everything I just experienced, texting new friends and old, recounting everything in my head and smiling so hard. The September 2018 weekend of Adam’s last SNL show lives in my memory in unmatched infamy, so my excitement was off the charts to do it all again. And because this show was absolutely fucking INCREDIBLE, this weekend delivered in every way all over again!! Seriously, my face aches from how I can’t stop smiling aksnksj HELP :’)
My friends and I were in the Dress Rehearsal, so below the cut are retellings of ALLLL the skits including those cut from the Live show - and no small amount of helpless emotional flailing.
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I had an idea of what to expect after attending Adam’s 2018 show, but I nevertheless felt sky-high levels of anxiety when Sarah and we arrived at the NBC shop at 6:30. I knew rationally that our chances of getting into Dress were good with numbers #12 - 14, but every now and then there’s the occasional oddity of only a handful of Standby people getting in. Though even without any uncertainty in the equation, my entire being goes on Hyped/Anxious Overdrive anyway whenever I’m about to be in the same space as Adam sO really there’s nothing for it. :’)
They lined us up by numbers, I did a lot of emotional wobbling like “I can’t believe we’re here again together guys waaaah” (have I mentioned I met these girls at Adam’s last show? Full circle moment of the highest and most beautiful caliber and it had me hella verklempt), and thennnn - drumroll and hushed silence please - the main security guy comes up to the giant line and asks the first 20 people to come with him.
As they constantly remind you throughout this thoroughly nerve-wracking process, there is no guarantee you’ll actually get into the show until you’re physically in the seat. It’s a long, harrowing trip from the NBC store where the line gathers, up stairs, elevators, and through hallways to reach the studio, and you can still be cut even as far as the very last checkpoint if all seats fill up with the people ahead of you. So as you get closer, the excitement spikes higher and higher but so does the worry! We went through security, and then I clung to our new Standby line friend Catherine’s arm as they lined us up two-by-two on the first staircase, with Sarah and @reylonly right behind. I was likely extremely annoying as I couldn’t help being rambly and weird in my nerves and compulsively hugging my girls’ arms. @reylonly did her very best to calm my hot mess down, bless her.
About 45 minutes later (Maybe? I had no idea what time was, lbr) we reached the final point of the elevator and last hallway, and were held just outside the studio. THEN - the woman there instructed the next 4 to follow her in (thank GOD because we were terrified of being split up), WE WENT INTO THE STUDIO WHEW YAYAY OMFG WE WERE THERE!!! - but then oh no it happened so fast that she pointed @reylonly down to a single seat in the center and then the other 3 of us to seats towards the left side of the stage. They were all single seats, but thank GOSH they were all end seats of rows right next to each other. So Sarah was right in front of me and I could grab her shoulder (which I would do a lot in increasingly desperate excitement over the next 2 hours), and Catherine and I could reach across the aisle to cling to each other’s hands! @reylonly was on her own but in an incredible seat, and during commercial breaks we would lean forward to wave and blow kisses to each other and mime flailing or crying as one incredible sketch after another played out in front of us. I made sure to be friendly and talk to the people sitting next to me so they wouldn’t be too annoyed with me and Sarah always grabbing at each other, but LOL they probably thought I was at least a little insane. I mean, maybe for the moment alone when I saw a girl I’d made friends with in line but then lost track of in a seat not too far from me, and we started waving and dabbing at each other. Once we were seated there in the studio, all the anxiety gave way to surging excitement and I was practically bouncing in my seat, so overjoyed to be there and see my dear fandom friends there with me!
Michael Che warmed up the audience with some standup, the House band jammed, and Sarah and I momentarily got Extremely Excited when we saw them setting up the hell backdrop set for the cold open and thought at the time it was supposed to be Tattooine for a Star Wars skit, lolol. But then the actual show started, and with our Adam-eagle eyes Catherine reached out to whisper “there he is! In the blonde wig!” And, heart in my throat no matter how many times I see this man in person, I frantically squinted at all the people waiting just off to the side of the set until I saw that unmistakably Tol Broad back, and then he stepped onto the set and into the lighted camera’s view and I was cheering and clapping so hard for his first appearance that I couldn’t hear who he was supposed to be playing. xD I was just tapping Sarah’s shoulder in front of me, bouncing in my seat a little, and trying not to start levitating with the sheer force of my excitement and joy to be there.
OKAY from here I’ll break this up by skit! Anything that was different or missing from the Live show I put in bold font if you want to skip to that! Starting with...
Intro Monologue
So when he dropped the bomb of “I’m a husband and a FATHER” I clapped Sarah’s shoulder SO HARD, then he made he joke “I’ve made it very clear to my son that he’s second in everything” and I could not bELIEVE the wonder of what I was hearing omfg. I heard the words “my son” come out of his mouth with my own ears WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED, SURE AS HELL NOT ME????
Then he went into the audience to demonstrate how “approachable” he is and was so awk/weird/hilarious I was just losing it, then took his time meandering around the stage and making weird faces into the camera and I was just LOSING IT. And AKSKSJA after that he wandered over to another camera that was lower and kind of hummed as he lifted his shirt and put it over the camera so we got a full on belly button view for 2 unbelievable glorious seconds!! He looked up at the monitors as he was doing it and went “oh you can’t see anything” so that’s probably why he sadly didn’t flash his belly in the Live show.
“Cheer” with Adam as one of the team coaches
I’m going by the skit order in Dress, and this one was first after the monologue. Best part for me was the accent reminiscent of Clyde Logan. :3 But tbh, of the 6 skits they did for the Live show, I kind of wish this one had been swapped for the one performed last in Dress that was sO Wild and would have made fandom absolutely lose its shit aksnksal more to come on that.
Honestly, I cannot even properly describe my reaction when the Undercover Boss intro logo appeared on all the monitors oHMYLoRDDD. I nearly leapt out of my seat, like my heart nearly jumped clear out of my chest oh my fuck and I was legit holding onto Sarah so much I almost slid out of my seat - I just couldn’t believe it and I cheered SO LOUD. The entire audience erupted with this “HOLY SHIT” vibe outburst and I was SO happy to be there in that moment - knowing that our entire fandom was only hours away from this!! I honestly didn’t expect it at all - after they didn’t do one of these the second time Adam was on, I thought there was no chance. But IT HAPPENED AND IT WAS SO QUALITY HILARIOUS WE ARE SO BLESSED - THANK YOU TO RANDY’S LIL BEANIE AND VEST AND HIPSTER PANTS.
Pretty sure I like half curled up on myself laughing so hard my feet left the floor at OK BOOMER. And at the part with “will Rey take his hand?” I swear MY SOUL NEAR LEFT MY BODY I MEAN IS THIS THE REAL LIFE IS THIS JUST FANTASYYYY
..... Can someone come promise me we really didn’t just collectively hallucinate that??
SAG Awards Fashion Red Carpet
I’m not too disappointed this one was cut. Of all the amazing skits performed, I would have ranked this one lower. Adam and Kenan Thompson were fashion critics talking about celebs’ looks on the SAG red carpet. A minute in Adam says, “We should be paying more attention to the kids!” Kenan: *nervous laugh* “uh, should we??” Adam starts talking about/admiring the outfits for like Finn Wolfhard etc, with hilarious but bordering creepy descriptions like “masculine but not quite fully grown,” until Kenan is like “umm maybe we shouldn’t be talking about kids this much?”
They interview a girl who’s supposed to be Jojo Siwa and Adam’s like “you should know I think you’re beautiful. Kids need to hear more often that they’re beautiful.” Kenan panics, going “alRIGHT we’re gonna cut back to the studio now!” The skit ended with Adam: “I got a ticket to the Nickelodeon afterparty and I’m gonna swipe one of those kids in my pocket!”
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“Slow” Digital Short
HONESTLY, this competes with Undercover Boss for my favorite skit of the night. I can’t even tell you - I had literal tears running down my face I was laughing SO fucking hard during this entire thing. From the first moment we heard Adam’s deep-ass voice I absolutely and entirely lost my shit oh my GOD. We’d been so pumped for Adam in some kind of rap sketch when we saw the photos of him and Kenan filming the day before, but it was SO FUCKING GOOD. I will never ever in all my days not bust out laughing at “Bring that ass here” and “In a 65 hour lane going 2” aksnskns I’m on the bus struggling to fight back laughter just thinking about it SEND HELP!!!
It’s just brilliant. The turtle next to his expensive loafers. His cheesy sunglasses. That shot of his glorious bare arms. His deep voice “Baby” when they’re at the door and “But I brought ice cream” oh my god I love it so much BLESS YOU SNL BLESS YOU. I never in all my days thought I’d get Adam rapping but it’s every single thing I never knew I needed.
Del Taco Commercial / “Aw Man I’m All Outta Cash!”
ADAM’S SLEAZY LOOKING LONG WIG LMAO. This one was a wild and funny time once you got into it and just let it go. Once Kyle, Beck, and Adam were all yelling the line and Adam went “You don’t want to kill yourself, you just want a taco, Jesus” everyone was ROLLING. I think the only difference (is this even worth color coding lol) was that after Kyle took his pants off Adam kept slapping his thigh during Dress bahaha.
“Hot Dad” Adam dealing with a clogged toilet at a teenaged girls’ sleepover
Adam and Kate McKinnon comedy together YES PLEASE. This one was all the same as far as I can remember, but I will say that a woop/cheer rose from the people sitting near the set for this one at the line about Adam being a “hot Dad.” Yep sounds about right.
(Halsey’s first song, Weekend Update)
Medieval Renaissance Fair
You can’t have Adam host SNL without giving him some ridiculous character skit ala Oil Baron Parnassus. I absolutely loved how intense and deep he was for this kind of nonsense xD We can thank this skit for giving us footage of Adam yelling “Whore!” and spitting, lmao. Also.... I’ll just say in that outfit and wig he looked even Extra Big in comparison to everyone around him.
Courtroom Trial / Sinbad on Cameo
I’m also okay with this one being cut, but I was biased to enjoy the hell out of it live because the set was right in front of where I was sitting and I had such a perfect view of him. <3
Adam was supposed to be the defendant in a case where a female coworker claims he harassed her by sending “threatening” videos. Adam goes up on the stand and the prosecutor asks “are you familiar with these videos?” Cut over to Kenan Thompson, who’s pretending to be Sinbad on the app Cameo, making videos for the woman that are like “Hey you better give Mark a chance! Otherwise he might come after you!” Adam responds with disbelief: “I have no idea who this Sinbad person is and frankly, your honor, this is pissing me off.” Kenan acts a few more videos which keep getting funnier because he keeps eating things or being in crowded public places while filming them. But in the final video he references Adam’s character’s name so it’s clear he was the one requesting the videos. Adam gets all sad on the stand: “It doesn’t matter. No one likes me anyway!” It ends with Kenan as Sinbad crashing into the courtroom in person.
This was more Kenan’s skit as he really was hilarious, but someone had to explain to me afterwards who Sinbad is and how the Cameo app works so I didn’t quite ~get it while watching. BUT more importantly - Adam looked great despite the weird brown wig he had on. During the second of Kenan’s videos when the cameras were on Kenan instead, Adam’s face definitely started quivering with suppressed laughter until he visibly locked it down like NO FOCUS ADAM. Most of my attention stayed fixed on the buttons of his shirt because hOOo boy were they straining! Without me even saying anything, Catherine reached across the aisle for me immediately afterwards and whispered, “That shirt did /not/ fit well.” OH YES I NOTICED >:33
PBS Science Show
Another one which was performed right directly in front of us!! I already knew this was going to be a good one because Adam went right over to the skeleton mannequin when he came on set and started playing with it, like making the arm and wrist wiggle around. The biggest dork cutie you’ll ever see.
He was standing right under me, which meant once he started handling the balloon I got mighty distracted watching his MASSIVE hands around that tiny-looking balloon. >:)) Then I cracked up so hard when he got exasperated and threw something back against the window. WE GOT TO SEE HIM SMASH SOMETHING IN PERSON YESSSS
Ketchup bottles
Oh my GOD EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING ABOUT THIS ONE FROM START TO FINISH. The best part though might have been the prep beforehand. Someone carried the giant Ketchup and hot sauce bottles onto the set before the actors came on and we were like wtf? (For a minute I was triggered remembering Kanye coming on in his Perrier bottle during the 2018 show) But THEN Adam and Cecily Strong came on in big red shirts and people started lifting the giant plastic bottles over them and LOL we realized where this was going. They definitely struggled for a minute getting Adam’s bottle up over his head because of his height xD People in the audience were already laughing just watching this costume set up, and once Adam got the bottle on a WOOT cheer rose which I later learned was none other than @reylonly aka my hero. It was followed by someone yelling “THATS HOT”, which akndosjan made Adam laugh and raise his arms with a hilarious little shimmy in the bottle. He really seemed to be enjoying himself during the whole show, but during this ridiculous and incredibly hilarious skit especially so.
Game Night / Movie Quote Competition
OKAY this is the skit it’s a real tragedy didn’t make it on air! There were lines in this I couldn’t beLiEvE my ears were hearing, and if we ever get a recording I’m pretty sure the fandom would basically implode. 
Three couples are sitting around a living room having a game night. Adam is sitting with Kate McKinnon with his arm around her. After they finish playing Settlers of Catan, Heidi Gardner suggests they play a movie quote game where one of them says a line from a movie and the rest have to guess the movie. She is clearly very into it, and the others reluctantly agree. It quickly becomes clear that Adam is just as good at the game as she is, and they immediately start becoming competitive. They reach the point where they quote three lines from Captain Phillips in a row, trying to trick each other. As the game gets more heated, they exchange aggressive flirty banter such as:
Heidi: You really know your movie quotes, huh? Adam: Yeah I do. Heidi: And with some BDE over there. Adam: Yeah, I got that too.
AND !!!!!!!!!!
Heidi: You’re quite the movie flick daddy. Adam: I’m the world’s biggest flick daddy.
The game keeps escalating until Kate tries to calm Adam down and he brushes her off. Everyone else tries to tell Heidi to relax, and she responds “What?! I’m supposed to lie back and let (Kate’s character’s name)’s hot husband rail me??”
I WAS FLOATING ON THE CEILING BY THIS POINT, I literally couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing alsdfjsldafjlsdkfj!
It gets to the point where they’re both standing, shouting completely vague snippets of lines at each other while the other continues to guess correctly. Until finally Adam exclaims, “I got a good one!” He grabs her and fULL ON kisses her. 
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(Pictures from The Adam Driver Files twitter.)
Immediately afterwards she goes, “I know! That was the kiss from (Movie X - I can’t remember the exact title).” Adam: “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Heidi: “From how you moved your tongue!”
I’m still reeling from this one. Adam calling himself a daddy, talk of “getting railed” by him, and intense kissing?! Oh my lORDDDD. I’m still trying to keep it playing on a loop in my ears. I’m not sure if we as a fandom could collectively survive a full video of this, but GOD I hope we get the chance to test ourselves. RELEASE THE UNAIRED VIDEO, YOU NBC COWARDS!!!
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...Aaaaaaand that was a wrap! After 10 skits and nearly 2.5 hours, it literally felt like I had run a marathon at a full sprint. I was just trying to process everything I’d just witnessed, while trying to focus on committing every single thing to memory. I just couldn’t believe the range of amazing and hilarious things I’d just seen Adam doing: Play a talking ketchup bottle, call himself a daddy, awkwardly talk about feminine products clogging his toilet, yell “WHORE” then spit and swing a medieval mace around, rap hilariously, and yell about umami?? It was all almost TOO MUCH. 
For full-circle and emotional fulfillment reasons, I wore my Save Ben Solo shirt to the show just like I did at the 2018 show. I had debated beforehand whether it would be too bittersweet to wear it after TROS, but now I’m so glad I did. All these hilarious and zany skits were just what we all needed to continue the cycle of fandom excitement and positivity despite the last month. I’m so incredibly grateful to SNL for such great material for Adam to work with and us to laugh at, and for giving us the perfect reminder that there’s still so much to whole-heartedly appreciate and love. Most of all, Adam himself. <3
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archive-03012022 · 7 years
great comet 8/24/17 (matinee with dave malloy + blaine krauss u/s anatole)
ok so this is more for me to remember than for anyone else but here’s a song-by-song breakdown of great comet from when i saw it lol (lots about technical stuff)
i was in the top row of banquettes which is honestly the best place to sit in the entire theatre. we could see every part of the theatre (balcony and mezz included) without having to spin our heads around like owls and there was a+++ audience interaction (i’ll get to that later)
ok so everyone literally burst out of the entrances randomly without any warning and just started talking to everyone it was great
a man with a sparkly mustache made sure we were all ok with strobe lights and if not to just deal with it and cover our eyes
i got a pierogi box thrown at my face. fun times.
theres an announcer guy that starts speaking in russian and english before just switching over to english
announcer: cameras? ensemble: NEIT!
my grandmother got super into this format and started shouting along #quality family bonding
dave malloy is a god end of story
but seriously the prologue is such a jam 
before the song actually starts theres a super sad scene of natasha saying goodbye to andrey and she hands him his coat and letters and he gives her the locket (she has a hearbreaking “no!” as he starts leaving)
the lights go from basically pitch black to full blast at the line “anD THIS IS ALL IN YOUR PROGRAM”
denee benton is so beautiful
the ensemble was roaming around everywhere and came over to where we were a LOT
bolkonsky made his entrance right next to us after his costume change right before the minor characters line by screaming and jumping through a curtain with his guitar 
the whole ensemble gathers on the platform by the doors for the beginning of pierre
dave malloy is a god end of story
while they’re all gathered watching pierre for the first bit of pierre, sonya is rubbing natasha’s back, reassuring and soothing her
i love the ensemble,,,,,, so much,,,,,,,,
helene conducts all the women dancing during “he is charming he has no sex”
the “good russian men” part singled out azudi and he looked so offended at pierre lol
all of the “ahhhh”s were magical
theres not much that hasn’t already been said about this song tbh?
oh and right after it’s over all the ensemble members drop out of their poses and deadpan, walking to the exits with bored expressions like “alright shows over, bye guys, our job is done”
marya? hates sonya so much?
but when they’re introducing each other natasha is super prim and proper and sonya does this awkward, lopsided bow with her little hand puff half hanging off brittain is such a dork im love her
natasha’s humming is so childish/naive i love it
“you’ll read to me while i K N I T”
marya casually roasting the audience? iconic
marya’s whole speech to natasha is honestly just great
mary walks between marya and natasha when she’s mentioned
private and intimate life of the house
“people enjoy me though” got a really good laugh
gelsey bell? the godsent angel? yes, Her
B R I N G M E M Y S L I P P E R S (he finally started screaming it again)
“natasha is young and worthless and dumb” natasha literally looks so offended its great
mary picks a “suitor” from the audience and he was so confused
paul pinto’s servant character. that’s all.
marya plays the cowbell during the “where are my glasses” breakdown and generally looks disappointed in him the whole time 
natasha and bolkonskys
there was a 12 year old boy who had no clue what was happening and kept getting in the way of them putting the stools down it was great
all of bolkonsky’s interjections are met with a really quick spot on him and idk it was just super funny to me (he also did this really weird/hilarious lip trill at the end of “i do not wish to see herrrrrRRRRR”
denee and gelseys harmonies 
mary and natasha’s fake laughter
“says the mean old man in his underthings”
bolkonsky exits past marya who, once again, just sort of glared at him
no one else
the blue light change??
all of the light bulbs slowly start coming down and fading on to look like stars its gorgeous
at the “we were angels once, don’t you remember?” she said it right to this teenage girl at a table who literally grinned and turned away to be like “holy shit that just happened” it was really sweet
natasha is so innocent throughout the whole song its honestly so beautiful
andrey is shown in a blue spotlight with snow falling around him and he unwinds the red ribbon from her letters (and wraps it around his wrist like a bracelet for safe keeping) and starts reading them 
when he leaves and runs into the darkness natasha steps into his spot under the snow and starts singing the “you and i”s after him
the opera
marya is such a godmother is so cute
sonya’s narration is gorgrous and i’ll never get over it
ensemble members twirl mirrors around natasha at the beginning
this song makes me think about how important it is for natasha to have people like her which makes the ending even more sad :(
helene’s entrance is honestly so her idek how else to explain it
pierre’s fist pump when he says “though i’m enjoying myself at home :D”
marya is super obvious about mentioning pierre to helene since she’s with dolokov
the curtain “rising” is shown by the lightbulbs going back into the ceiling
the opera is such a good satire
when the dancers are “dying” they’re making this really funny, drawn out sighing noises and its amazing
denee’s face was hilarious after the dance seen she was just like :o
anatoles entrance is so extra
with every little *bum* *bum* he moved his head in a different direction and the lights flashed
helene and anatole have this creepy little moment where they’re standing under a light bulb and anatole taps his cheek for her to kiss but turns his head so she kisses him on the lips and right as their lips touch the lightbulb goes out
the opera singers continue miming in the doorways of the balcony and it was really cool to see
the ensemble was in costumes on the stairs acting out the opera as well
not only was anatole constantly looking at natasha, so was helene,,,,,,,,,
natasha hallucinates andrey’s dead body being torn apart, holding out the ribbon that held her letters together towards her
natasha and anatole
anatole checks himself out in the mirror before entering the box (blaine was really funny in purposefully pulling down a single curl over his forhead for ~fashion~)
i feel like he sings deeper than anatole but its wayyyy smoother like damn
when he’s asking natasha to the costume tournament her little “oh (:? oh,,,, i (:” when shes feigning modesty gives me life
blaines voice holy s h i t
when he grabs her from behind its really sensual and denee moaned really loudly and i
have i mentioned i love blaine’s voice
when anatole steals her flower natasha looks so scandalized
at one point he smells it and seems so in love
helene is watching the whole thing go down (basically the whole time the two of them are “alone” together she’s watching them)
after chasing each other around the stage a bunch them sitting down next to each other was treated as a Big Moment
the duel
in between songs anatole walks to pierre’s study fist bumping and grabbing at his head like “YES! YES YES!”
at “oh dear andrey’s betrothed?” anatole did like this little so-so hand gesture that was hilarious
the strobe lighting was way more intense than i expected
i watched grace mclean grind on a riding crop and then put it between her teeth it was great
lowkey threesome up in the mezz/balcony
and the girls were essentially using the railings as stripper poles
during “just as a duck is made to swim in water, god has made me as i am” anatole moonwalks, does the chicken dance, and gets grinded on by two girls
there was just A Lot during the duel
but i was too focused on celia mae’s glow in the dark thong to notice most of it
“here’s to health of married women.... and their lovers ;D”
oh i just remembered there was girl passed out drunk over someone’s box and all the people sitting in it were howling with laughter
helene’s voice is cracking when she says “he will kill you stupid husband” and might i say,,,,,,,,,, character depth
paul pinto’s announcer voice for duel
helene screams when the gun is shot
when pierre holds out his arms to be shot but starts looking around in confusion omg
idk but i love “we live to love another day”
dust and ashes
dave’s version is honestly so gut-wrenching
i never noticed in the recording but the strings on this song are honestly so beautiful??
he acts the hell out of this song and its just so :(
during the “we are asleep until we fall in love” the ensemble lines up in the orch aisles and in front of the mezz all backlit and its just so haunting 
as their “ah”s get more and more intense the lights don’t change at all and it just seems very church choir-y
sunday morning
sonya and natasha seem like they’re sneaking around in the beginning and its really cute
“everyone sees a man” is delivered so well, like she’s trying to reassure her 
the whole time natasha is staring into the mirror pierre is standing right behind her looking at her through the mirror
marya still hates sonya
helene enters through the double doors with her face covered by her cloak and its sort of a mystery who it is until she starts singing
natasha seems embarrassed at first (since shes basically in her underwear) but then starts fixing her garters and stuff almost like she’s trying to impress her
amber gray holy shit
since natasha is still in just her corset and garters helene gives her her cloak 
“he was thinking about you, kept sighing about you” natasha literally lights up and puts her hand over her mouth and walks away like a middle schooler lol
when natasha gets her dress on first she runs around and twirls but then starts imitating helene but its still really childish
helene yanks andrey’s necklace off of natasha before giving her her own and keeping it for herself
in summary this song is Not Straight Whatsoever
the ball
all of the couples enter from the doors doing this weird little movement before going down the stairs 
two girls danced in front of us together (edit: it was gelsey and katrina i only just remembered) and it made my day 
all of the dancers (all through out the theatre, all the way into the balcony) are doing the same movements as anatole and natasha but since they’re in dark greens/black and anatole and natasha are in white it’s easy to not get distracting
blaine as anatole,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yeah
the “i love another” seems a bit forced on natasha’s side like she’s just saying it out of habit rather than for real
helene is still watching them
the kiss
when you look away you see that everyone has wine glasses and are putting their fingers around the rim to make the little noise
helene has a lightbulb over her and a spot. she’s the last one to stop.
the way natasha’s little part after the kiss goes it makes her look like she’s going to choose andrey because she’s singing to the orchestra but turns to anatole to sing the “i will love youuuu” part
the ensemble is lined up on the staircase, “ahhh”ing and holding their glasses up to toast them
anatole and natasha run through the doors together
the whole cast comes in through the double doors
my grandmother screamed “HEY HANDSOME” when blaine passed by wlfkjvbvjnrev
most of the cast had stuck their letters to audience members into their bras/shirts
andrey stands on the platform in front of the doors (the same place he enters pierre and andrey) and pierre speaks directly to him for his letter
at “it is NAPOLEON” the portrait of napoleon on the wall (which was right above my seat lol) lights up and pierre starts pointing the gun at him
anatole and andrey stand on walkways next to each other when natasha is writing her letter
pierre, natasha, and mary all stand in a circle around the study singing at each other and it looks really cool
ok so anatole’s love letter..............
dolokov was holding the letter
they actually made the woman passing the letter walk up on stage to pass it to natasha
blaines “just says yes”s were suuuuuuuuuuper stretched out but he was pressing his face in her chest, stomach, thighs and trailing his hand up her whole body and it was uhhhhhh way more sensual than how lucas steele plays anatole
sonya and natasha
sonya steals the letter from natasha while shes’s sleeping
their argument is honestly everything
“its seems to me i’ve loved him a hundred years............ :)” sonya is just like “what the fuck natalie”
“would you think so badly of me??” brings me back to how much natasha just wants to be loved and cared for 
sonya and natasha yelling at each other is so heartbreaking
her letter to mary is all very final
sonya alone
the whole theatre is dark and theres a single lightbulb and spot on sonya as she sings
natasha makes her way up the stairs to the mezzanine (PASSES ANDREY WHO’S SITTING THERE WATCHING HER)
and wanders all the way across the mezz and back down the stairs on the other side
the whole time, sonya never takes her eyes off of her
i think we need to appreciate that in the realm of musical theatre, there are no other songs about just loving your friend? and wanting to help them?
“i know you’ve forgotten  me” natasha is back in front of the stage left stairs, but a light bulb lights up over her and she stops, looking at sonya
“it’s all on me” kills me she’s so selfless shes sacrificing her friendship with her best friend just to save her and just kjvn;efvaer
pierre literally doesnt care about what anatole’s doing 
theres a spot on sonya and natasha when they are mentioned
helene brings dolokov the tea
anatole shaves in front of a mirror
there was still shaving cream left on his face and dolokov had to wipe it off his face while they were arguing lol
the two of them were arguing really aggressively it was intense
i think helene was playing the drum during this whole part
balaga/the abduction
paul pinto deserved a tony
my grandmother stole egg shakers from the row in front of us
balaga runs up into the mezz and starts wreaking havoc it’s great
the musicians were all running all over the place saying hi to audience members and generally being great
anatole’s “woooooooooooo” and cape spin was a sight to behold tbh
blaine did a little “mm” noise when everyone went quiet after the big "WOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHH”
his “gooooooooooooodbye” was so stretched out that the ensemble started swaying really slowly but then had to go the other way before starting again it was really funny
during the goodbye my gypsy lovers part marya slid on the end of the banquette seats i was in and i was freaking out so she blew me a fucking kiss and ran away
everyone dancing in a circle around the study
there was a little accordion-off 
alex gibson came over and was like “WATCH ME! WATCH ME OVER HERE!” and had a dance off with a guy all the way up in the balcony
there were people dancing allllllllll over these platforms through out the theatre there was never a dull moment
alex gibson also started humping a drum next to us and banging it while he moaned
he was so into it that he didn’t realize he was blocking lauren zakrin from chucking pages of war and peace everywhere (which i caught out of the air which is pretty neat)
one of katrina’s braids was coming loose so she started helicopter-ing them in our faces
i saw helene and marya make out and it was great
all of it was so completely organized chaos that was so incredible watch i love rachel chavkin with all my heart
when anatole sat down on the banquette next to the girl he made her kiss him on the cheek and did the “stretching” to put an arm around her thing it was hilarious
the girl leaned her head on him and they just chilled out (they actually looked like a real couple tbh) for an awkwardly long time before they all ran up the stairs
marya’s entrance is just as incredible as you would imagine
anatole did like a little smile like “uhh, hi” and then sprinted down the stairs away 
in my house
grace mclean deserved a nomination for best featured. seriously.
the maid servant tries to apologize to marya but she just points her back inside the doors
ok so grace kept it all super calm and contained until she exploded on natasha
she honestly plays this scene so well she’s ocnstantly jumping between concern, disappointment, and pure, unfiltered rage
natasha screaming is terrifying
when natasha “falls to the sofa” (she’s stand completely upright with her arms crossed) marya softens and becomes very calm again but when sonya tries to go to her she snaps again
natasha? still? thinks? anatoles? coming? :(
a call to pierre
the letter is followed by the light bulbs and lights under the mezz as it makes its way across the stage
paul pinto is the best
he stretches out the announcement
“........................................w h a t”
grace and dave have such good chemistry
the ensemble’s vocals make this scene so much more tense
“natasha and A N A T O L E  K U R A G I N”
marya’s whole demeanor changes when she hears that he’s married
find anatole
pierre literally walks down to the study, back up, puts on a coat and is already wheezing its actually pretty funny
“the club” is just the ensemble along the stairs and mezz dimly lit and gathered in small groups pantomiming its really realistic
“he cant BE MARRIED!” is said in complete disbelief and heartbreak
helene sits with anatole’s head on her lap
on his way to the study anatole passes sonya who glares at him
and if looks could kill
pierre and anatole
blaine plays off anatole as faking his confidence from the very start of the scene thinking pierre will just let him off
pierre literally pins him down and almost bashes his head in with a paperweight
helen is watching the whole thing from the stage right staircase (she was right in front of me) as if she’s eavesdropping from the hallway or something
she flinches when pierre stars grabbing at anatole and reaches her hand out to help when he’s about to hurt him
the letters look almost exactly like the ones natasha gave to andrey #parallels
anatole sits at someone’s table pouting and covering his ears like a child throwing a tantrum
“amuse yourself with women like my wife” helene actually seemed a little surprised at pierre actually knowing about their relationship
it hit me during the show that the only reason that anatole is upset is because pierre is calling him names which is just so childish considering everything happening
natasha walks between them arguing and pours arsenic into her glass, chugging it and then lets out this guttural scream
she runs up and meets marya and sonya who rush her through a curtained exit
blaine can hit the petersburg note 
natasha very ill
this song is honestly just so haunting
dolokov plays guitar in the double doors
the whole stage is dimly lit and its all very ominous
pierre and andrey
andrey enters through the same doors he left during the prologue and speaks to pierre on the opposite side of the stage before they meet in the middle platform
the “well, how are you?” seems a bit comical and sarcastic
i could write essays about how much “theres a war going on” does for the story at this point
andrey acts like he doesn’t really care about the whole ordeal and like he’s already trying to distance himself from it, almost laughing at himself
“i much regret her illness” is so cold and passive aggressive that it hurts
oh and if this scene didnt hurt enough, mary is watching the entire thing
after “dont every speak of this again” he shoves pierre. hard.
when he leaves, he passes mary who smiles and tries to hug him but he just puts his hand up and walks past her before taking his place in his father’s chair and folds in on himself
natasha and pierre
i’ve been classically conditioned to cry to these piano notes no joke
natasha comes down the stairs really slowly, relying heavily on the railing to help her
pierre tries to help but she brushes him off
she’s in a white, shapeless nightgown (she only wears white through the whole show), is barefoot, and has her hair in a braid and looks like a little girl
when she starts singing its very weak
oh and all of the ensemble members since find anatole have taken places all over the theatre and are just. sitting. watching the ending of the show. i noticed mostly courtney basset sitting cross-legged on the walkway in the orchestra
when natasha begins to cry, its not crying. it’s loud, almost primal sobbing
pierre is just so tender towards her and :’)
when pierre tell her that she can talk to him they both look confused
right before the proposal natasha is making her way up the stairs and turns back around when pierre starts talking
dave’s delivery of the proposal is So Good
he choked on the “and for your love”
the mini pierre reprise is heartwrenching
natasha made her way really slowly back up to the doors, but seems hopeful
the great comet of 1812 
ok so
the song is song in complete darkness, theres barely even a spotlight on pierre
veeeeeery slowly individual light bulbs start fading on but you cant see much
then the chandeliers start to slowly light up
but this is all super gradual and doesn’t really become notciable for a few minutes
hearing the ensemble coming in from all sides is gorgeous
then the comet prop above pierre’s study starts lowering (i think around the time its mentioned by name for the first time)
as most of the chandeliers are coming on, a tiny light on the bottom of the comet fades on and starts illuminating the larger comet
now the entire theatre is lit only by the lightbulbs, chandeliers, and the slwoly brightening comet. no table lamps, no stage lights, nothing.
as the final minute or so approaches all of the lights start to dim except for the comet until it’s the only thing remaining lit
and in 100% honesty every single one of the 1200 people in that theatre had their eyes fixed on it for the final moments of the show
then, as the song ends, the lights on the comet fade until only the tiny light on the bottom remains. pierre is collapsed in his chair looking up peacefully and the conductor raises his hands to praise it as it’s dimming until the theatre is in complete darkness
anyway this really wasnt for anyone else to read but if you made it this far? im sorry? this was a complete mess i��m still a wreck from this show
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82 Truths
Tagged by @withnosuchgrace who should be washing the dishes while ditching me but know I see what she up to smh... and @dragonsfire as well (I followed her a couple of days ago and omg such good quality content)!!! 
Thanks for the tag, too long but yeah Im too bored so that must do lol.
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
name: Angela
blood type: am I supposed to know that??? lol
nickname(s): Tange, Tangela, Tonks, Ann, Annie, Ange, Angel, Angelita, Angelain, Angelé, Angelik... this could go on and I wouldnt be alive to finish smh... 
r/s: engaged to my bed
zodiac sign: leo
pronouns: idek how this works and it’s weird to me but i guess it’d be she/her??? dont ask me Im still clueless
favorite tv shows: Im currently rewatching Digimon Adventure and after 18 years it’s still mah shit tbh. Besides that Im The Flash trash (even tho the last season was indeed trash) and I love Criminal Minds and basically any kind of crime solving shows... 
long or short hair: long, I cut it higher than my shoulders 7 years ago... NEVER AGAIN
height: 1,70m but every time i go to the doctor they keep taking cm away from me so... i might be 1,30m by now
do you have a crush on someone: Lee Minhyuk like a legit crush man... I dont sleep thinking about that fucker.
what do you like about yourself: hard question... nope... Ive been thinking about this for too long and nothing ycomes up... I guess I like it when I make people laugh even with my lame ass jokes, and the fact I can remember most of my dreams.
right or left handed: right
list of three favourite colors: pastel pink, light green and any shade of grey.
right now: eating: nothing I had dinner a couple of hours ago drinking: water how sad is dat i’m about to: watch digimon listening to: I Smile by Day6 kids: hell no (at least rn i dont think i want them now or in the future) get married: It’s not my dream but yeah why not? career: Im one semester away from finishing uni and I honestly have no idea about what Im doing with my life tbh
most recent: drink: water again... phone call: my friend, I wanted them gossip but she told me she wouldnt tell me till we meet up next tuesday :(((( song you listened to: Dumb Dumb by Red Velvet what a fucking jam
have you ever: dated someone twice: yes been cheated on: no kissed someone and regretted it: nah lost someone special: lots of times been depressed: Idrk I think not but maybe I have??? Once more, clueless been drunk and thrown up: ew no... I hate throwing up kissed a stranger: too picky had glasses or contacts: glasses had sex on the first date: not my shit broken someone’s heart: I dont think so????... at least not intentionally turned someone down: ???? cried when someone died: yeah fallen for a friend: the dude wasnt even my friend lol but I still fell for him lol
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yes!!!! esp on tumblr bc irl I havent tbh (unless my boss counts lol) fallen out of love: nah laughed until you cried: hell yes I have not as often as before but yeah met someone who changed you: idek how to answer this question Im just dumb found out who your true friends were: saddly yes, now I see I have really few but they are all worth it :))) found out someone was talking about you: my mom... all the time and some “friends” talking shit kissed someone on your fb list: yes
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes (but if we are talking about Lee Minhyuk, lips, eyes, cheeks and everything) hugs or kisses: both lol, but Im a hoe for backhugs so I think I’d go for hugs if I had to choose???:((( shorter or taller: I rather taller but if it’s shorter like Jinho I die bc if they smol they cute af romantic or spontaneous:  romance makes me throw up so you know the answer sensitive or loud: LOUD AF!!!!! hookup or relationship: relationship, I fall in love with the dude just by seeing him... like just imagine that... once more Im dumb troublemaker or hesitant: idk... I like none
first: best friend: on kindergarten, her name was Valentina but then she moved out of town, I havent heard from her since then :((((  surgery: none sport i joined: Judo bc I didnt have to run lmao  vacation: I think it was to Santa Marta with my aunt and cousins if Im not wrong????
do you believe in: yourself: pffff what’s that? miracles: yes!!! Im hoping for one actually love at first sight: well I tend to get obsessed at first sight does that count? heaven: yes
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: I think maybe an 80 or 90%??? There was this time when I added random people from YouNow and shit hahahahaha for the third time, I am dumb, and I have some internet friends Im really close to. do you have any pets: not anymore :((( My mom made me give my cat away :(((((((((((( do you want to change your name: nah what did you do for your last birthday: invited my friends over and we ate cake and danced to hsm bc we are cool like that what time did you wake up today: 10.30am what were you doing last night at midnight: writing a monsta x fic lol  something you can’t wait for: to meet @withnosuchgrace in person next month and hopefully @hyungnu too!!!!! last time you saw your mom: at dinner a couple of hours ago what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: boy just one?  have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes this dude from YouNow hahahahaha why am I like this what’s getting on your nerves: that I usually beg for friendship. Don’t be like me, that aint something you must beg for.
Okay this was long hahahahaha. Time to tag peopleeee!!! Imma tag @hyungnu, @akpopinhoe, @kpoplover4life  (hi, my side blog is @kookievmyoppa, so dont be scared bc im tagging u, we are the same person lol), @itsurtradegygurl, @fornarniaandforthefandom and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
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