#even tho he knows charlie is never gonna listen to another book on tape again after the experiment VAJDBEJEB
cutemeat · 9 months
having that feeling again where i just want to read to charlie </3
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loki-sun · 6 years
Some Scott & Peter being roommates headcanons
A while I ago I stumbled upon a post or something which implied that Scott and Peter shared a room together after Apocalypse and I've thought that needed to be explored a tad. This almost turned into a fic whoa
Their first meeting after the whole Cairo and apocalypse crisis is less than stellar
When the mansion’s finally ready for students to move back in, Scott’s given his own room. Again, which pleases him. The company of other mutants doesn’t bother him, Jean, Kurt, Jubes even the newcomer Ororo, they’re all nice and great, but he prefers having a place he can call his own.
A day after that when he and Jean go for a walk she tells him she now shares a room with Jubilee and that it’s kinda cool she now has someone, so she’s not completely isolated, but she’s still afraid she’ll unintentionally hurt her in her sleep or something.
Scott playfully boasts that he still managed to keep his own room.
That doesn’t last long
That same afternoon there’s a knock on his door.
It’s the silver haired guy; the exact same one who saved almost everyone from the explosion.
At first he doesn’t say anything, just watches him coolly, leaning against the doorframe.
 Scott’s a man of action “Yeah?” “Summers?” “That’s me.” In a millisecond the seriousness disappears from the guy’s face and all of a sudden he’s standing in the middle of Scott’s room, buzzing around and he reminds Scott of some kind of a bumblebee that took a dip in a jar of silver color.
The silver guy scans the room “Kinda boring but it’ll do.” He points at the tidy desk by the window “You’ll need to move that tho, I’m gonna have my bed there.” “I’m sorry, who are you?” Scott rebukes at the stranger wandering in his room like he owns the place “And what are you doing in my room?” “Peter Maximoff.” The guy suddenly appears in front of him, a strange glint in his eyes “and I think you mean, ‘our room’.” “What?!” “Oh, I’m guessing Charlie didn’t tell you? Oh, this is awkward.” “Told me what?” Peter smirks “We’re roomies from now on.” Something inside Scott promptly dies.
 Scott goes to talk to Charles about it, who tells him that Peter, while no longer being a student, will be staying at the mansion and join their X-Men team. There’s a shortage of free rooms but Charles is sure that Scott doesn’t have a problem with giving half of his to Peter.
Scott, in fact, has a problem, but Charles doesn’t need to know that.
When he returns to their room, he notices Peter has already set up his stuff and oh hello, there’s even a bed there and a few video game arcades where his desk and sofa used to be.
At first Scott’s semi okay with it, because Peter seems like a good dude.
 “So, Summers, I’ve noticed that you don’t talk much, huh? That’s OK; I talk enough for two people.” Scott mentally groans. This will not end well.
He’s right.
He soon finds out that Peter, fucking Peter, doesn’t sleep much or at all. He can go days without even a little nap and while Peter’s totally okay, Scott’s bags under his eyes have bags because the speedy asshole is just not quiet throughout the night. He’s either loudly munching on food, listening to music at top volume, playing videogames, tapping his foot impatiently against the floor, shuffling around….he’s. not. Still. At. All.  Jean and others notice Scott’s exhausted appearance of course. “So, what’s like to bunk with Peter?” “I’m more likely to catch a unicorn than a good night’s sleep.” “That bad?” “I lost my peace, most of my room and my ability to sleep at night. What do you think?”
Jean suggests him to talk to Peter about this issue.
He takes her advice. Peter doesn’t really get it.
“Remember sleeping? Sleeping was nice.” Scott says to him when he comes back to their room ”Perhaps you should try it. When’s the last time you slept?” “When was the last time I slept? Well, let’s see…it’s a Thursday…so…” “Today’s Monday.” “Today’s a what?!” Oh boy.
Unfortunately, despite Scott’s best tries, It doesn’t go well at all. In fact, it all goes downhill from that point on.
A few days later Peter, high on energy, takes a good look at Scott, who’s barely standing on his own feet. “Jesus, what happened to you?” “You did.”
 Another thing Scott soon learns about Peter. He was right. He. Never. Shuts. Up. Seriously. He’s always muttering about something, singing along to a song, talking to himself, chuckling while reading a comic book…Scott feels a volcano of anger inside him ready to erupt. “Do you ever shut up?” “Do you ever say anything besides asking me to shup up?” Peter shoots back “Oh, sorry, I forgot that you’re shy.” “I’m not shy, I just don’t like talking to you.”
 It all goes to hell from then on.
Scott’s annoyed with Peter and Peter’s annoyed because Scott’s annoyed with him.
“I went from having an entire basement to myself to having to share a room with a fucking baby!” “I was here first!”
They both ask Charles to give each of them their own room.
Charles refuses.
One day Scott’s sugar drops and all of a sudden the currently abandoned box of twinkies on Peter’s bed look curiously inviting.
It was the last straw.
“You bastard!” “I’m not going to pick a fight with you.” “Well, too bad because I’m picking one with you. Square up, dipshit, let’s get rowdy!”
They use duct tape to evenly split the room in half. Peter even took the door. “How the fuck am I supposed to go out now?!” “I left you the window, use that! Be happy I didn’t take that as well.” “How generous of you.” “You know it.” “Seriously, you’re the human equivalent of those lumps that form in rancid milk.” “Wow, what the fuck Summers!? Rude?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be.”
The tension between them’s obvious and it comes to a point when Charles sits them down and asks them to at least pretend to stand each other for others’ sake. 
They try but fail miserably. “You are a disgusting individual.” “I will not stand here and be lectured by a 12 year old.” “I’m 18.” “You’re literally a baby!”
“Hey you got an award in the mail.” “Really? Where’s it from?” “The National Council on Assholing. It says here you won Best Asshole of the year.” “...Why are you such an asshole? Do you like getting hit or something? Wait! Don’t answer that, I don’t wanna know.”
At one point even Raven asks Charles if putting the two of them together in the same room was a good idea. “They balance each other out. Trust me, Raven, they need this.
Turns out he’s right. 
It takes a while but much, to everyone’s surprise, they mysteriously, somehow manage to work it out without killing each other in the process.
A few days later Scott’s studying for one of his exams and his pen dies. He realizes he left the rest of his pen stash in Jean’s room and isn’t feeling up to go get them. Peter nonchalantly gives him one of his own. True to his poor luck Scott breaks it. “Hey, um...I broke your pen. Sorry” “That’s okay – I stole it.” Peter doesn’t even look up from his comic book. Scott blinks. “...Why are you Like That?” “Look, I have superpowers. That’s not going to change. What else am I supposed to do with them, sit in our room and watch tv? Don’t judge me.” “...I’m not.” Peter finally looks up from his comic and takes in Scott’s disheveled appearance.  “I take it studying isn’t going well?” A groan’s his only reply. “Dude chillax, you're more nervous over this stupid exam than when we were in Cairo. The fuck?” Scott sighs “If I have to choose between saving the world and passing my chemistry exam…the end of the world is bad and all, but McCoy is scary.” For the first time since moving in Peter laughs. Sincerely.
Scott fucks up then and accidentally hurts Peter’s feelings “You know, you kinda remind me of my brother.” “Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?” “Both.” Peter doesn’t take offense but just stares as Scott’s face crumbles. “Your brother?” “Alex.” Scott replies “You know, the one you left to die.” Scott doesn’t mean it literally, he knows Peter’s not responsible for Alex’s death, but his words cut the speedster like a knife. For the first time since he’s moved in, he’s quiet throughout the entire night. Scott doesn’t question it at first. He has an exam to study for.
Peter’s nowhere to be found in the morning. When he doesn’t show up for training, that’s when others take notice and become worried. Charles doesn’t seem to be though, but he’s sporting this sad smile and it’s not a good sign.
His disappearance bothers Scott more than it should because the room is suddenly too quiet, there’s no one to bother him. He keeps on waiting for a certain silver blur to come by but he. just. doesn’t.
During one of their many daily strolls around the mansion, Jean brings the topic of Peter up and asks him if perhaps he said something or done something that might suggest his whereabouts.
Initially, Scott shakes with head.
Until he finally realizes.
He feels like a dick.
Jean assures him he’ll probably return soon, but reprimands him anyway.
When it’s evening and Peter still doesn’t return Scott considers going to Charles, but just as he’s about to do it, there’s a knock on the door.
It’s Peter.
Scott is relieved and immediately starts apologizing. Peter tells him that it’s okay. 
Peter actually sits down and apologizes for not arriving in time to save Alex. 
It turns out Peter’s feeling extremely guilty over what happened to Scott’s brother.
Scott tells him that he doesn’t blame him and that there was nothing he could’ve done.
It takes a while for both of them to calm down after this emotional talk. Peter honestly appreciates Scott’s words.
“You’re not so bad Summers. You know, for a baby.” “You’re not so bad yourself Maximoff. For a grandpa.” “Oh, the hair, I get it.”
“So I take it you’ve missed me.” “Everyone’s been wondering where you were. They knew that if I’d killed you, I’d keep the body for display.” Peter snorts “As if you could catch me.”
“Sorry for fucking off by the way. I tend to do that sometimes.” “It’s okay. It was my fault anyway. Just...don’t do it again, okay.” “Can’t promise, but mmkay.”
Seeing Peter and Scott actually getting along for the first time since they became the X-Men is shocking. Jean’s a telepath so she kinda already knows why they’re suddenly on good terms. Kurt and Ororo are clueless. “Since when are you two buddies?” “We’re kindred spirits” “By which he means that we utterly disgust each other.” “Yeah.” “But you’re always bickering and fighting with him.” “Yes, and I would also die for him. Try to keep up, blueberry.”
They’re best buddies.
Peter soon figures out that Scott as this not so secret crush on Jean. He doesn’t bring it up though, waits for Scott to slip up or admit it out loud.
He does.
“Can you keep a secret?” “Sure, but why would I?” “I’ll ignore that.”  “So, what is it?” “I...kind of like Jean.” “Dude, I thought you said it was a secret.” “Is it that obvious?” “You need to stop making googly-eyes at her all the time. It’s weird and frankly, kind of creepy.”
“Scott I need to tell you something as well.” “Go ahead.” “...Magneto is my father.” Peter blurts out “Just thought you should know.” Scott stares at first and then burst into a laugh, thinking it’s another joke. He stops when he sees Peter’s serious expression. “You’re not kidding.” “I’m definitely not kidding.” “...You know that explains so much about you.”
Peter is slightly scared Scott will turn on him again because Erik was kind of involved in Alex’s death.
Scott tells him again that Alex’s death was an unfortunate accident and he doesn’t blame either Magneto or Ororo for what happened. He also assures him that he doesn’t care who his father is.
Peter’s relieved.
“Also my nameisnotPeteritsactuallyPietro” “...What?”
“Let’s just say I’m not a ‘you must reach friendship level 5 to unlock my tragic backstory’ person. I’m more like  ‘you have to reach friendship level 5 to know my real name’ type of a person.”
He prefers to be called Peter though so he asks Scott to keep that to himself.
Scott promises to keep it a secret.
Peter promises to help him win Jean’s heart.
Turns out he’s the best wingman Scott could ever have.
When they’re hanging out together, Peter mentions to Kurt that Scott has a crush on Jean and doesn’t know what to do. Kurt, ever the romantic, suggests him to write her a letter. 
“Blueberry, no, JUST NO. Bad idea. He has the artistic ability of a short-sighted mongoose.” “Thanks Maximoff.”
Peter comes up with his own idea.
“What do you mean you hit on Jean for me, what the fuck Peter!?” “SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT SCOTT!”
Peter succeeds and Scott gets the girl.
“Ok, Pete, I’m going to have Jean over tomorrow night, so if you don’t mind-” Scott begins one day, weeks after their first date. “I don’t.” Peter winks “Ohhh I see where this is going.” “Don’t tell anyone, you know Xavier has rules and shit.” “I won’t IF you don’t tell him about my hidden stash of stolen sweets and the arcades.” “It’s a deal.”
“Just leave my bed alone. It’s a sacred place.”
Peter spends the night in Kurt’s room who finally starts to understand why Scott suffered from lack of sleep in their early days.
“Why exactly are you here?” “You’re too pure for this, blueberry.”
In the morning Peter decides he’s done enough waiting and barges in their room, waking up both Scott and Jean.
“Don’t you knock!?” “Considering it’s my room as well...generally, no.”
“I brought you two breakfast by the way.”  “I, um…thanks.”Jean seemed to genuinely appreciate his gesture. “It’s no trouble at all! Well, as long as you don’t make noises swallowing that the same way you did last night.” “PETER!” “dO YOU EVEN HAVE AN IDEA HOW THIN THE WALLS ARE HERE!?”
He runs off to Ororo before Scott could test his powers on him.  “Hey ‘Ro, what do you think I should do if somebody told me they were going to peel me like a potato.” “And by somebody, I meant Scott.” “Honestly Peter, I thought I knew a lot of threatening words, but that one’s new.” 
Peter continues teasing Scott for the rest of the day. Scott thinks he’s a menace. “Sometimes I want to tell you to go find someone to date already so you’ll stop pestering me, but then I remember what an inexpressibly annoying person you are and how no one deserves to deal with you.” “Thanks Scott, love you too, buddy.” “You know what, maybe you should find someone.” “I would rather be tied up, covered in honey, and left near a hill full of red ants. Naked.” 
Scott decides to return the favor and find Peter a date.
Turns out Peter does have a tiny crush on Ororo. “No, I don’t. The only crush I have is the crushing weight of my existence.” “But it’s a perfect match! You’re single and she has low standards!” “Is that supposed to be an insult, you unimaginative dishrag?!”
Peter’s known for staying up late, disrespecting the few sets of rules Charles has given to them. He hates the confined feeling of the mansion and seeks the comfort of the outside world all the time. Thus, he always comes back sometime past school curfew. Usually, no one but Scott notices, but even he has come to his breaking point.Plus he’s still mad at him for the stuff with Jean. So one day, when Peter’s way past his curfew again, Scott absolutely refuses to open the door to their room. “Summers, it’s me, a shambling mockery of a mutant being. I know you’re awake. Open the door.” “Sorry, I can’t help you, we’re closed for the day.” “That’s very funny, Scott. I get it, you’re mad I stayed out past school curfew, but you’re not really going to make me sleep in the hallway, right?” He does.
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