#even though it isn't morning bahaha
bryhaven · 2 years
RivaMika Month Q&A
1. When did you start shipping?
I'm not sure which year but I started shipping them since the female titan arc. Exactly at this moment:
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2. When did you officially become part of the rivamika fandom?
I joined the fandom on May this year on Twitter and the following month on Tumblr 🥰
3. Favorite moment of the two?
I love every moment they are together bahaha. Okay that's my RivaMika goggles on but. If I really had to pick a favorite moment.. including the GIF above. Aaah it's hard but these:
"I'm with you. But fall back for now."
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Being communicative and cooperative with each other 🥰
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Everytime Levi calms Mikasa down
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Fighting alongside each other (of course) 🥰
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"Stay with me."
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4. A curiosity about LM that you like?
I'm curious as to why Isayama emphasized their heritage and connections, but also made sure to stress that Levi and Mikasa aren't closely related.
And in the anime, I'm also curious why the part saying that the Ackerman clan were byproducts of titan science was left out. Maybe to lessen the emphasis on their heritage so it wouldn't sound too familial and incestuous?
Even though they weren't delved into that much, I like it because we shippers have the backing to support our theories and content for the ship.
5. If you were to create a phrase defining the couple, what would it be?
"The grumpy shorty and the gloomy brat" 😂
"There is another me, it is the existence which is you." - from Pretty Cure OST
6. A word that defines the two?
7. What gesture of love do you think RivaMika represents?
The RivaMika gesture or language of love is Touch. Both aren't the most communicative or expressive. And when they do, they are often misunderstood. But touch is something that doesn't need words for one to understand. They will grab, hold, caress, and touch to get their points across if words fail them. Take this GIF below as an example. It's not a lovey-dovey moment, but just to explain the context. Mikasa doesn't listen here, so Levi grabbed and physically stopped her. And he also grabbed her by the shoulder when they were still discussing going to Rod Reiss' estate. After that, Levi explained himself to her while calming her down. I like to think of it as their way of getting through to each other.
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8. Who would show more gestures of love and affection in the relationship?
They will both equally try to show affection and love. But in their own and different ways. I can see Mikasa being more direct and expressive, and maybe even saying the words "I love you" at times. I can also see her being the touchy-feely type. While Levi is more of showing it through actions like making her tea in the morning, pulling the blanket over her when it slips off, and things like that. He isn't technically romantic but at times, he will try to be in an effort to be more like the man he thinks a woman would want. It will usually end up awkward for him but she will find it endearing. She will reassure him that she doesn't need to be too extravagant or so about it, but she will love whatever he offers her 💖
9. Where do you think they would go on their first date?
Somewhere around nature. Like a lakeside, garden, or flower field. Picnic-type dates. 🥰
10. How do you think their first kiss would be?
It will be slow and gentle at the beginning, then gradually escalate into a more rough and needy kiss 😏
11. Who would make the first move?
Mikasa, in the sense that, I can see her being the bolder one. She is the type to openly do anything for the people she cares for. Levi may be blunt and direct, but he is also self-deprecative and wouldn't want his demons to affect others. He'd rather keep things to himself, so he would need someone like Mikasa who is able to stand up to him regardless of whatever façade he puts on.
12. And last but not least: a personal theory about rivamika!
For the story, I believe that Isayama somehow wanted to pursue RM, especially after the events of season 3. He established their development there beautifully and always made sure to stress that they are from the same clan, and not the same family.
For the ship, I believe that Levi and Mikasa had always felt a connection with each other, in canon, whether they are aware of it or not. And it has manifested in different ways within the story. They see their likeness in each other. Because how else would they be able to understand each other if they don't see it themselves? Below are just two examples.
In the Junior High manga, Levi was the only who noticed that Mikasa was hurt. This alludes to Levi tending to keep things to himself.
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In the Uprising Arc, Mikasa states that the best bet for survival is to follow Levi's orders. She doesn't question him here or anything (and we all know she is quick to disobey him), but she understands.
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Another thing I just want to add which involves the multiverse theories. I saw this somewhere and I like the theory so I'm sharing it here, and also adding some of my thoughts to it. Mikasa is the one who gets headaches. It was suggested by Eren in the story that it was an effect of the Ackermans fighting against their blood instinct of protecting their host. But then Levi isn't shown to be experiencing the same thing.
I believe that this is the way that Paths Eren is trying to communicate with Mikasa. But in the RivaMika context, I agree with the theory that this is connected to Mikasa being able to transfer timelines. The multiverse was created due to Mikasa's desire to save Eren from death. But in all the timelines, Levi is the one who saves Mikasa, the one who always observes her. And in the final battle, he is the one who brings Mikasa out of the cabin dream to get her back to reality - the manga or main timeline.
Mikasa is like the female lead of a story (a princess) who searches for love (or chases after a dream) in all the timelines when Levi (her prince) has always been there all along. Until she realizes in the AOE timeline that Levi is the one for her 😁😏💙
Not sure if I was able to articulate that, but basically RivaMika in every timeline ahaha 😍💖
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scummy-writes · 3 months
Hi Scummy!
For the OC Asks, I'll ask after Amelie and Constance!
12. Do they have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
Thank u krys! ( This is for this oc ask meme I reblogged a week ago)
12. Do they have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
Amelie: Yes and Yes. I don't, but BAHAHA I feel like she would due to her previous career and she's pretty knowledgable.
Constance: Slightly, she sticks to the same types of clothes a lot. A mixture of 'this is comfortable and I like it', and "ok, I look good in this. I will mimic these types of clothing/outfits in different ways since I look good." She would think she's pretty okay with it until she'd have to dress in any sort of ball outfit or similar. I think she'd suddenly be like "OH ok i don't. know anything."
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
Amelie: in my mind she is the type of person to try and get up early, stretch a little bit (like..5-10 minutes), wash her face and do some light makeup. This stresses isaac out- asbfshknfdgf ok not really but at first he's just like ???? but joins her on stretching and washing his face in the mornings. She helps him with his bedhead.
At night, I think she would wash her face again and moisturize... maybe she'd try to make homemade facemasks? i dont know much about them but i think some you can make at home. but she'd do that once in a while. Mainly it's getting comfy for bed and snuggling with isaac.
Constance: .... Washes her face in the mornings only, likes to wake up early enough to where she can have at least an hour to eat and read/journal before doing anything else for the day. Simple breakfast, maybe watering some plants she has, but her main focus is having time to wake up slowly and not think about others for a while. Night routine isn't anything special.
With Gilbert, it gets turned into that hour alone being with Gilbert. Even if it's just snuggling a bit or him coaxing her to stretch a little (coughs), and them both getting ready for the day. He likes it when she 'helps' him with the smaller accessories he wears, and she enjoys the pampering he does in the mornings in terms of brushing her hair or doing her makeup at times.
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
Ough! I dont have an answer for this really. I think Amelie would like to be invisible type of thing. Constance would.... maybe a time related one. Just so she can have more time to relax HAHAHA
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
Amelie: Oddly, Comte and Isaac. Sebas is her closest friend, but she'd be terrified to tell him some of what she went through, she wants him to think she'd been happy!!! She's probably talk to theo a little too. With Arthur, she'd worry he'd internalize a lot.
Constance: She's a bit complicated in which she will admit some things, but she feels as though she's sort of burdening others, and she likes to just work some things out on her own. However, due to the nature of gilbert, I feel like she'd lean into him more. Man who has killed many and has seen unspeakable things? Yeah, sure, he can confirm if she's really a terrible person like her head makes her think at times.
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vinnival · 3 years
Main 3 + Tricky and Jebus(separate) with an S/O taller than them that has like— extremely comfortable clothes. Would they wear their clothes, etc etc?
Finally someone taller than him
he likes that you're tall :>
Whenever he sees you dressed casually his mind just wanders to how cute you are
Especially loves it when you hug him and he gets to lay against the very soft and comfortable fabric of your clothes
Wonders how you got such nice clothes in this hellhole
...kinda wants some for himself
Otherwise, is very much almost always cuddling you when you have the sof clothe on........
(May steal a scarf)
Okay my hc for why sanford is shirtless is because uh
his nipples are sensitive LMAOAOAA
He doesn't like shirts n stuff because of that </3
But YOUR shirts......
They're magical
So of course he steals them sometimes
Jts kinda shocking to see San in shirts but also very endearing
He just looks so happy and :}
He also fucking adores that you're taller
He loves being little spoon !!!!!
Please just gently hold him while he's wrapped up in your sweater or smth he will turn into a puddle of serotonin
Since technically Deimos is the shortest of the team..... you TOWER over him
Even more so than Hank, the TALLEST- before you came along
He calls you skyscraper BAHAHA
yes, skyscraper.... with comfy clothes
Oh this man is ALL OVER THEM
Your entire wardrobe now also belongs to Deimos because he just wears it that frequently
Sometimes you'll catch him rummaging through your clothes
One time...
"Dei? Whatcha doing?"
His head peeks out from the closet door, the biggest shit eating grin on his face
He was hidden behind it, you couldn't see what he was wearing until he stepped out-
You nearly collapsed as he asked, "Why haven't I seen this sweater before?!"
He had an oversized (for him) turtleneck sweater on, and he just looked SO CUTE IN IT
He had sweater paws!!!! The sleeves stretched last his hands and he gets to just. Have sweater paws
He's just so content in your clothes
If he could purr he would 100%
Give this man a communist flag because: your clothes?
Oh this mf takes over your wardrobe even more so than Deimos
How? He just does
You two are definitely gonna be matching clothes when you two fight
Oh yeah, did I mention he wears your clothes while fighting?
For some reason he knows how to wash out blood VERY WELL from clothing... huh
You aren't complaining because the bloodstains arent visible whenever he finishes cleaning them
Now... being tall?
He loves it
Though he sometimes complains of his neck hurting bc he's not used to looking up
He doesn't mind the pain though..... you're cute so <3
Loves it when you just pick him up and hold him
Males him feel all wiggly
More than usual
Falls asleep in ur arms!!!!! Purrs!!!!!!!
He's had very few people be taller than him
But they do exist
And for that reason he isn't shocked to know you're taller
He mostly prefers being big spoon obviously. He seems like the kinda guy that loves hugging and holding things bigger than him
He doesn't wanna admit it but your clothes are better than his lol
Sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night to see he's put on your clothes before he fell asleep (he goes to sleep after you and wakes up before you)
You assume he takes it off and returns it to your closet before you wake up
...that's why your clothes smell like him!!
Awe :,)
You snuggle closer to him and fall asleep again, smiling
When you wake up in the morning you inquire about it
"You must've been imagining it. You were sleepy, after all."
You could tell he was blushing because he was hiding/covering his face
In conclusion: short king mama ayy
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solar3lunar · 4 years
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Ayama POV
My alarm starts going off. I groan at it then shut it off. It's was a Sunday. I was wondering why I turned it on. I lied in my bed for a bit then it hit me. I wanted to torture myself today. By going on a walk on the beach.
I felt four paws on my thigh. "Morning, Nebula." I said. "Meow" "I'll get up." I told her. I stretched a bit. I took my bonnet off and got out the bed.
Once my feet hit the carpet. I walk towards my closest and pick out something simple and plain. I then went in the bathroom and set my clothes down on the counter and closed the door.
I got undress and put my shower cap on. And got in the shower. Once I was done in the bathroom. I walk out wearing a black tank top, a black crop top hoodie that I could only wear if I have a tank top under it. And black leggings.
I walked back into my room and went straight back to sleep. I woke up about 10 minutes later. Leo woke me up this time. "Okay, Okay." I sighed.
Knowing my dad already went out the house to help the other pro heroes with the exam that coming up tomorrow. I turn on the TV in my room, but all I found was news channel or ads talking about the exam.
I turned it off and went downstairs to get cereal not wanting to make pancakes or french toast. I pass a picture of my mother and father.
I stopped to look at it for awhile. I've seen some pictures of my mother. The rest are kept somewhere in my father's room.
She's Afro-Asian. She passed away when I was 3. I never met my grandpa or my grandmother from my mother side. They're villians after all.
I seen my mother's family members in Texas and some in California. We visit them sometimes whenever it's a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving. I've also seen my dad's family members other than his sister. He never told me why she not in my life. And tellsl me it best if I don't meet her.
Anyways, my mother's hair is natural black(or very very dark brown that looks black). Her hair was long and wavy in the first picture. Our hair same the same features. Our hair type can and it grows fast after a week or two. Her eyes were like mine, but her eyes colorare lavender and mines lilac.
Her skin is dark brown and it's very beautiful. I can't help but admire her. She also has some yellow sparkle across her face. They looked like stars. It's apart of one of her Quirks. Her eyes color and lavender.
She had four dark brown gazelle horns on her head and her gazelle ears were showing. Her body was well mature. I guess like mine though I never really care about my shape really. She has two of her horns wavy and the other two curly wrapping around the other white horns.
Her costume in the third was her in a long sleeve black crop top and black pants with gold medal plates around the rims of them. Her high combat boots were black. And finally she had a gold medal choker around her neck with the sun symbol in the middle of it.
(Considering her Quirks she doesn't really need a bold hero outfit.)
In the second picture her hair is long and was in a kinky fro she didn't show her horns. Despite her time being alive she was one of the top number ten heroes. I walked away from the picture to go eat.
"Leo! Nebula!" I watch the two come into the kitchen and go to their bowls. Turns out it was already filled. They just wanted me with them.
From what my Dad told me. He got them for my mom when it was her birthday. So the cats been in my life the moment they brought me home.
I keep thinking about the exam tomorrow. I wonder who I would see. Once I was done eating I decided to clean the house. I did every room but my dad's.
I decided to go down to the beach, because I don't want to stay in the house all day and game. I text my dad and inform him about my whereabouts.
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I put 20 dollar into my phone case and put my phone in my pocket. And went near the door to put my shoes on.
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Now that I'm here. I'm just going walk along the shore. Although it strange to be wearing this on a hot day. I honestly don't really care. I have my reasons.
I walk towards the beach and decided to walk along the shore. While doing that I saw Izuku jogging along the shore. Geeze he grown a lot. "Izuku!" I shouted. It doesn't seem like he can hear me so I tried calling out to him one more time. He didn't so I followed him.
I see him almost out of breath. "I finish what you asked." He said while breathing heavily. I look up to see he was talking to. I saw Uncle All Might, but I didn't say anything, because I didn't want to say about me being relate to my dad.
"Oh hey n-Ayama!" And that was a close call. "Wait?... Ayama!" Izuku shouts. "I been calling your name for the last minute." I spoke. I saw him blush a bit, but I ignore it. Not really sure why.
"Wait is it okay for her to see you like this?" He ask my uncle All Might. "Oh yeah. Before you I had told her about it, but she turned it down saying I should give to someone who doesn't have a quirk." He told him.
"Oh so that means you also know about 'The one for all' Right?" Izuku ask me. "That right, freckles." I giggled. "Freckles? BAHAHA!" Uncle All Might laugh blood coming out of his mouth.
Izuku was freaking out about it. I seen this before but I was just gross out. "Alright you can take a break. Oh by the way can you me a popsicle?" He asked me. "Sure."
"Come on Izuku! We have a lot of catching up to do." I shouted. He rush up to me as we went to the small market near the beach. Which lead you back to the roads and sidewalks.
We were talking about what the news were talking about. "I wish I could've been with you guys. Mostly to tell Katsuki to stop." I said with guilt.
"It's nothing to be guilty about." He said reassuring me. "To make it up to you can get what ever you want from the market just try not to go overboard." I said.
"Ayama you don't have to." He said waving his hands. "I insist." I tell him. "Your kindness never change a bit Ayama." He said. He right and that was a bad thing in middle school, but it not like it ever left me. I got myself a soda, Izuku got a chocolate mint ice cream bar, and I got uncle All Might a ice pop of himself.
"That would be 4 dollars, Ms." The cashier tells me. I paid her. She gave me my chain back. I thank her we both left walking back towards my uncle.
"So I'm guessing after today your finally getting your quirk."I said. He nodded while holding the bag in his hand.
"Oh I'd never asked you what are your quirk?" He asked me. "I have two of them, but their both complicated." I said. "Oh I see." He said. "Don't worry you'll get to see me in action at the exams." I cheer him up. Once we got the spot again.
"I want to be surprised that you're eating a popsicle of your self, but I'm not." I sighed. "It a hot day. I have every right." My uncle said. Leaving me and Izuku giggling and snickering. "Hey! What's so funny?!"
They went back to training and I decided to help uncle out with training. The fun part was Midoriya going on his back while doing push up. "I'm sorry Midoriya." I muttered. I spent almost the whole day with them. It was about 7:00pm
"Welp I better get going." I said. Me grabbing my soda bottle. "I'm guessing I'll see you at the exam?" I asked him. My uncle interrupt him "Oh yeah definitely!" I just sighed. "See you later Midoriya!" I shouted waving at them both.
I while walking towards my house I notice a teenager with ash blond hair that was spiky but looked soft. "I wonder if that could be... No. I doubt he would even remember me."
{Brain and Heart♡Melanie Martinez}
‘Help me when I'm at a loss for words. Bring up all of my memories for the please and the temporal.’ "There's that melody again."
'Well that was a fast walk.' Dad's Car was park in the driveway, so that meant he has came back. I open the door and then lock it behind me. I took my shoes off and left them at the door. "Lyric." My dad spoke. I jumped a bit. "Oh hey Dad." I said. "You seem lost in thought." He said.
"Oh yeah just a song came in my head. Although the melody was a bit strange." I spoke. "But who's know when I'll be using it." I shrugged my shoulders while walking towards the kitchen to go sit at the dinner table. It's was quite, but comfortable. I was just lost in my mind.
I got up from the dinner table and went towards the kitchen sink. That melody it sounded familiar, but I never heard it before.
I felt a hit on my hand. "Ouch, Dad!" I whined. "Next time, pay attention." He sighed. "What do you- Oh." I saw the dish I washing now broken in half.
"My bad." I mutter throwing it away in the trash. "Alright what was the lyric this time?" He ask. This isn't the first time this has happened. "Help me when I'm at a loss for words. Bring up all of my memories for the please and the temporal." I said.
"Don't give it too much though. If you go to sleep You'll have nothing to worry about." He said. He always does that. Brushes it off like it's nothing. "Alright, night Dad." I said.
"Good night and good luck tomorrow." He said. That right he won't be here when I wake up. I took a quick shower got into my PJs setting an alarm on my phone to wake up at 6:00am.
"I'm going to get a new bonnet. I can't stand this one. It's always falling off." I muttered.
The moment I closed my eyes. I saw someone with long wavy natural black hair and two gazelle brown horns and ears. I woke up and got out of bed and went straight downstairs to look at my mom's photos.
"I thought I told you to go to bed." My dad said. "Technically, you suggested it." I said. I'm still looking at my mother pictures.
"Bed. And I mean it." He said strictly. "Alright, alright." I said. Going straight to bed this time got it. I look at the clock it was 8:30pm.
"Just one question. Why do I have to go to bed this early?" [Ayama]
"Because you'll end up like me if you don't." [Aizawa]
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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