littlemissrant · 2 years
Movie Rant: Encanto
Hello!!!! How’s everyone doing? Have you seen Encanto? If you haven’t, then what the heck are doing with your life?
When I first saw the trailer I was so excited to see the movie, I tried to find all of the sneak peaks I could find (I even watched the pirated scenes that were on YouTube, I couldn’t help myself). I listened to the soundtrack before even watching the movie (just the We Don’t Talk About Bruno song) and fell in love with it. But when I saw the movie in theaters, at the end I didn’t feel satisfied. I felt kind of let down. With all the hype and the excitement about the movie I was so excited to see it. But then at the end fo the movie, I kinda felt robbed. *Nervous chuckle* Like was this really how they were going end the movie? From what I heard about what was going to happen in the movie, all the problems the family was having, I was expecting more. I didn’t know what I was expecting but I thought for sure it was more. Seeing what everyone was dealing with but it seems like we mainly focused on Julieta’s family problems. Not even Pepa’s family problems. I mean we saw what Pepa was kind of going through. But wasn’t Camilo was also suppose to be going through some kind of identity crisis? I don’t remember if Dolores or Antonio were also going through something. Maybe Dolores felt invisible and Antonio was feeling the pressure of the family responsibility to the village. I’m not sure.
Maybe it was because I saw the sneak peaks and read too information about the movie. Maybe I just self sabotaged the movie experience. I still think it was a greta movie. The soundtrack was amazing, absolutely love it. The movie just felt short to me, too short for all their family problems to end in an hour and thirty minutes.
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littlemissrant · 2 years
Hey everyone, long time no see. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Life has been busy and I caught up with stuff. And Happy Black History Month!!!
Since it is Black History Month, I thought I would talk about the movie, Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever.
I think I speak for all of us, or at least most of us. It was a pretty good movie. Some people would probably disagree, saying how some of things that happened in the movie weren’t necessary. Which I hate to say I have to agree. Like Queen Ramonda’s death. It felt kind of forced to have Shuri’s mother die too. I mean, like damn. Just going to leave the poor child by herself. I mean thank God you gave her a nephew. But damn, you didn’t need to kill her mom. But I do have to say, I loved that Killmonger was the person Shuri saw in the afterworld. I thought that was pretty good.
And I heard, I’m not sure if it’s true but, there was supposed to be a sex scene between Namor and Shuri. When I first heard about this, I felt robbed. I was like, why did you take it out?! But of course, that could be a rumor and even if it wasn’t. Looking back, it would probably not be such a good idea to have them have sex with each other. Only for him to kill her mother later. That would be so bad. *Nervously laughs* So yeah, probably for the best that they didn’t sleep with each other. But I really did ship them. They gave me A Whole New World vibe when Namur was showing Shuri his kingdom. I really wish he didn’t kill her mom, cause I really wanted for them to end up together. That would have been so cute to me. But alas, we don’t always get what want. I’ll just have to go into fan fiction and find something. *Sigh*
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And this man is FIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!
But my favorite scene out of the entire movie was when Queen Ramonda was taking away Okeye’s position and that speech she gave in the throne room was powerful. It made me tear up. I love that scene. I could watch that scene over and over again. And since it’s on Disney Plus now, I can. The writers, the director, the producers did a wonderful job on the entire movie.
I do kind of have a problem (not really a problem, everyone has their own opinions) with people who didn’t like the movie because it didn’t have enough action in it. The movie was about grieving. Shuri lost her big brother and was having a hard time getting through it. It honestly frustrated me when people said that because she was grieving!!!! As a writer, I think the creators of his movie did a wonderful job on the story and people who didn’t like it just because there wasn’t enough action are stupid!
Oh and did anyone else feel like it was Riri Williams fault that all of this happened? Hmm just me? I mean if she didn’t invite the machine in the first place no on this would have happened!!!! Like what we’re you thinking when you built that? Huh, Riri? You didn’t the Wakandans would find out and get ticked off. I wouldn’t have chance it. Especially if I might get attacked. You never know. That’s why it’s better to be than sorry. Cause now the queen is dead because of her. Just saying.
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littlemissrant · 2 years
Check out my podcast, you might like it 😉
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littlemissrant · 2 years
Bridgerton Season Two
Guys!!! If You haven’t watcehd Bridgerton season two, then what the heck are you doing here reading my post?!
You should stop reading this, go watch season two. Come back and then read this because I need to rant about this season. Starting now! 
Dare I say season two is more exciting than season one. 
In the last season we found out who Lady Bridgerton is, Penelope Featherington. Now when I first saw this, I was disappointed that they revealed her in the first season. And that it was Penelope of all people. I was hoping it was Lady Danbry. But after watching eason two and seeing Penelope in action. I was on board. I’m curious though on what’s she’s going to do with the money. I guess we’ll find out in later down in the story. 
And I’m also curious about the Featherington men. They’re always broke and getting into debt. And Mrs. Fetaherington really self sabotage herself in the beginning of the season. If she didn’t try to control everything then Jack Fetaherington would have married Cressida and they would have money again. And, they wouldn’t have to make up that ridiculous scheme in robbing the investors then leaving London to America. 
I also have to say that I love Anthony’s love story more than Daphne’s. Mainly because it was more dramatic and complicated. Like those two are so stubborn and I am so happy that they shaved his side burns! 
I was also surprised that they gave Anthony a new love interest. I thought they were going to find a way for him to be with Siena. But I am happy he found Kate, someone to ground him and challenge him. And I am so happy that Edwina ended up with the Queen’s nephew. The look on Cressida and her mother’s face were so satisfying. 
Who I am not so happy with is Colin Bridgerton. He completely broke Penelope’s heart (even though she did betray Eliose when she wrote about her in the Lady Whistledown). But now that they are not friends anymore, the cards are off the table. Penelope can write about anyone without worrying about hurting her friend’s feelings. And Eliose can tell the Queen who Lady Whistledown is. 
But I was really excitied about Eliose liking someone. I was like, “Um, hello! We should be celbrating people! Wildly, joyously, ferociously celebrating!!! Like where is her family at??? They should celebrating too!!!”
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littlemissrant · 2 years
Book Theory/Review: Life and Death
Hey guys, 
Have you read the book Life and Death by Stephanie Meyers? The woman who wrote the Twlight series. Well, the book Life and Death is a reversebend book of the first Twilight book. Bella is now Beau, Edward is now Edythe (I think that’s how you spell the name), and Jacob is Julie. Honestly, I found it very interesting. I’ll probably re-read it some time later. 
But it got me thinking, since Bella is now Beau and Edward is now Edythe, there is no Renesmee. In the last book of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. During their honeymoon, Bella realizes she is pregnant and realizes it is possible for humans and vampires to have children. If the woman is human because they change and form. And the man is a vampire. It is not possible for a female vampire to pregnant becuase they can not get pregnant, they can not change. So, it only makes since that human Bella gets pregnant. But now since Bella is Beau, and Edward is Edythe. Renesmee won’t be a Robert or a Roy or a Rusty. She wouldn’t exist at all. 
At the end of the book Life and Death, Beau becomes a vampire. There was a funreal for him and we meet the werewolves because they found out that the Cullens (well not the Cullens, James, Joss) turned Beau into a vampire. So it’s only a matter of time until Julie turns into a werewolf and finds out the truth. That Beau isn’t dead and is a vampire. And she’ll probably hate him, maybe? But everything is different in this world. All I know that will probably stay the same is the war that Victoria (Victor) starts. But the Voltari wouldn’t have an excuse to fight them. I wish there was a Eclipse version of this story. 
I have so many questions, 
1. Would there still be a love triangle, once Julie realizes Beau is still the person he was? 
2. Who will Julie imprint? 
3. Will Julie turn into a werewolf? Or will one of her brothers turn into a werewold? (I’m pretty sure Sam, still Sam, turned into a werewolf.) 
I know all of my questions pretty much involves Julie, but I’m worried for her. I’m worried about the triagnle!!!!!!! Is no one else worried??? What’s going to happen to them??? I really wish we get like an explantion, I don’t need a book. I just need some kind of interview and she tells us what would happen. I need to know what would happen. 
I either saw an interview or read a blog post or something that told us Stephanie Meyers will write two more books in the Twilight world. I think it said something about it being more about the werewolves. If the one of the two books would be about Leah imprinting someone. And since she’s in Jacob’s pack, we will see Jacob and the others. 
Well, that’s all I got to say for today. Until next time everyone. Later 
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littlemissrant · 2 years
Book Review: Instructions for Dancing
Hey guys, it’s been a while. But I’m back!!!
Have you read Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon? She’s the author who wrote Everything, Everything and The Sun is Also a Star (if you didn’t know). She wrote another wonderful book. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you read it first before reading this. I’m going to spoil a lot in this post. 
So the main character of the story, Evie Thomas’s parents got a divorce six months ago. After her parents announced the divorce, Evie went to her father’s office to talk to him about it. Only to find him in the arms of another woman. She ran out of there after that. So six months after that, Evie is giving away all of her romance books away to a library. After giving her books away, she recieved a magical gift of seeing couple’s futures when they kiss. She first say this with her sister and she told one of her bestfriends this information. 
All of the futures she saw didn’t end happily. Just as she thought. After her parents divorce, she stopped believing in love. But then she decided to take dance classes and that when she meets her love interest. His grandparents ran the place. I’m not going too deep into the plot but I will get into a few things I wish went different in the story. 
I love this story, it was wonderful. Taught a valuable lesson on, don’t give on love. Forgiveness, etc. 
But what kills me is how Evie kind of forgave him so quickly and her sister didn’t know about the affair and was giving Evie a hard time about the divorce. Saying, “People fall out of love.” 
No honey, you’re father fell out of love and cheated on your father. And I know in the story it was six months until she forgave him but, I need more time. I still need more chapter of her giving the cold shoulder to him. 
AND, Evie, her sister and her aunts (her father’s sisters) went to the mistress’s bacherlotte whatever it was. Like how dare you! I wouldn’t have gone. But her mother, sister and I think even her father were asking her to come. Absoutely not and trust me you would not want me to come because I’m going to drag her at her own party. Calling her names, telling she doesn’t even respect the sanity of marriage since she was dating who was already married. I hope my dad does cheat on you, so you know how it feels. And great job for breaking a family. My father may have been unhappy but my parents could have gone to couple counsiling and seeked helped. But instead my mother let him go, so you should be grateful to my mother for not being selfish! 
I would have said all of that to her in front of everybody and revealed to the sister the truth behind the divorce. She was really getting on my nerves. 
Well, that’s all I wanted to say. I really needed to get that off my chest. I feel so much better now. I still love the story, the romace was still cute. I still say everyone should read it. I was just really frustrated with that part of the story. But now I am better. Until I read it again and I might come back to complain. Later!!!
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littlemissrant · 3 years
Hey everyone, it’s been awhile. For tonight’s post it’s going to be a little question for my Inuyasha fans/ Kagome and Inuyasha shippers.
Do anyone of you feel like Kagome came in second place?
Inuyasha had to choose either Kikiyo 🤮 or Kagome 🥰. And he didn’t really choose because Kikiyo died. I wouldn’t feel like this if Inuyasha had chosen Kagome when Kikiyo was still alive. That way it actually seems like he made a decision between the two.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Leave your thoughts/comments.
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littlemissrant · 3 years
Hey guys, been awhile hasn’t it?
Well I just finished reading the Harry Potter book series, by the way extraordinary!!
Although I felt like Harry didn’t speak as much as Ron and Hermione did. Hermione was a bit of a cry baby in the book and Ron was…… I don’t want to say completely different from the movie but, he kinda was.
I mean in the first book Ron gave Draco a black eye!!! He punched him in the face!!! And he has more wit and guts than the movie Ron. Now I will always love Rupert Grint as Ronald Weasley. I just wish they added more of book Ron’s personality into the movie. Especially when he was jealous of Krum and Hermione 😈. I was laughing and smiling like a crazy person. People were giving me weird stares. I don’t care. I was tremendously happy.
And don’t even get me started in Harry and Ginny. I was squealing, I just we had more moments with them 😢.
All in all I love the books. And since I watched the movies first I knew practically everything that was going to happen. And I was dreading those parts like Sirius Black, Ted Tonks senior, Mad Eye Mooney, Albus Dumbledore, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Cedric Diggory, Lavender Brown, Severus Snape, Collin Creevey and so many others 😭😭😭. I had pause reading after everyone’s death. The books makes you fall in love with these characters only for you to lose them. *Sigh*
Anyway did anyone else shipped or kinda shipped 🚢 Hermione and Krum? I honestly was but I knew she would end up with Ron. But there will always be a small part of me that ship those two together 💘.
And I can’t wait for the tv show that’s in the making. I hope it’s about the Marauders and how they came to be. I would love to see a young Lily, James, Snape, Sirius and Lupin and them becoming friends, going on adventures and forming relationships (especially Lily and James). I hope and pray to God that’s what the show is about. PLEASE GOD, I’M BEGGING!!!!!!!
Well until next time everyone.
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littlemissrant · 3 years
Hey everyone 👋, so I just finished reading the Twilight series. I never read them before I only watched the movies. I was like six when the first movie came out and I didn’t watch that until I was 9 or 10 I think. All the movies were out in dvd when I first watched them. And I fell in love with the movies. And I was team Jacob (obviously). I always thought Bella was a dumb, teenage girl who chose a freakin parasite 🦠!!! Over a person who’s heart ❤️ is still beating. Blood 🩸 still flowing through their veins and doesn’t need to drink 🥤 to survive!!! And isn’t pale and pasty and shine ✨ in the sunlight. I really thought Bella was stupid. Now after reading the books I can actually respect her 😂.
Watching the movies now, makes me question my taste in movies when I was a kid 😅. That’s all I’m going to say about it cause there people who are proud in creating the Twilight movies. So I’m not going to diss on their work but, I’m just going to say the books were a hell lot better than movies. And I know everyone says the books are better than the movies. BUT IT’S SO TRUE!!! Especially for this series. Yeah the books are thick, but the details that Stephanie Meyers put into the story was needed. Honestly I don’t think you could ever make the book series into movies. Like if they tried to do a second attempt (which they probably would never do and they shouldn’t) in making the movies. The movies wouldn’t be as exquisite as the books. Yes I said exquisite because the books are that good.
Every detail, every emotion was needed in those books. and I don’t think they could reduplicate what Stephanie wrote onto the screen. And if they could, the movies would have to be longer and I mean like Titanic long maybe even longer. Just to get it right. I mean they did a good try in making the movies, they did the best they can But the movies didn’t do the books justice. They didn’t, I’m sorry.
Well that’s all I have to say on the matter (for now 😉, I am very passionate about this 😅) until next time guys.
Later 👋😉
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Alice Queen Period
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littlemissrant · 3 years
Hey! 👋 I’m not really sure what to say. This will be my first post here (as you can see 😅). I’ve been trying to find a good place to start a blog. Something easy and beginner friendly. Wordpress was way too hard and blogger, I wasn’t really feeling it. I almost gave up. Then I found this. Honestly, I’m surprised anyone still uses tumblr. This is my first time using the app. I didn’t think too much on it, but there was a certain person on here, I follow that I really liked. I only got this app cause of her. I really like her work https://alessiajontrunfio.tumblr.com/post/646659156950089728/soooooo-this-is-another-of-my-headcanons-ive
The comics she makes are really good. Makes me wish they were canon in the Harry Potter world. You guys should totally check her out. She says she a hufflepuff. I say I’m a ravenclaw.
Well anyway, I hope to find people and share my likes and interest with others 😊. Looking forward in meeting you guys.
Later 👋😉
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