#even though the Mando Jedi pretty much stay on manddalore after the uprising
even-stars-burn-out · 4 years
A (Probably Complete?) List of Jedi that Survive Order 66 in WTPD
and either join the rebellion, or run into Caedus or Offee first
Jedi that survive the Temple:
Anakin Skywalker (gives up Sith title, escapes before Sidious realizes his change of heart)
Jocasta Nu (escapes with a set of Younglings, original rebellion member)
Maris Brood (escaped the Temple, hid on Felucia, killed by Darth Caedus)
Kazdan Paratus (escaped Temple, hid on Raxus Prime, killed by either Caedus or Offee)
Arligan Zey (escaped with help of an ARC that’s chip failed, joined Clan Skirata temporarily before being booted off Mandalore during the uprising and eventually killed by either Caedus or Offee)
Younglings that fully join the rebellion:
Shuya (leads Bail’s group)
Shia Letap (part of Mon Mothma’s group)
Jeswi Ele (part of Garm bel Iblis’s group)
Aris Irana (leader of Chuchi’s group)
Tsorr Kreg (part of Tills’ group)
Jedi that survive other planets
Obi-Wan Kenobi (escapes 212th on Utapau, original rebellion member)
Yoda (escapes GAR on Kashyyyk, original rebellion member)
Roan Shryne (escapes GAR on Murkahna, ends up dying on Kashyyyk to Offee)
Olee Starstone (escapes GAR on Murkahna, meets with Fulcrum Prime and joins the rebellion)
Kento Marek (escapes GAR on [somewhere populated], ends up dying on Kashyyk to Offee)
Ahsoka Tano (escapes 501st on Mandalore with help from the few clones that knew what was happening, original rebellion member)
Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus (escape GAR on Kaller, eventually meets Specter One and joins the rebellion)
Nejaa Halcyon (escapes GAR due to being on Praesitlyn, original rebellion member)
Rahm Kota (escapes GAR due to not working with them. Blinded by Caedus early in her career, eventually meets up with Fulcrum Prime or Negotiator)
Bardan Jusik (resigned, hid on Mandalore with Clan Skirata)
Jedi born after Order 66
Luke Skywalker (born on Empire Day, joins the rebellion with parents)
Leia Skywalker (born on Empire Day, joins the rebellion with parents)
Ezra Bridger (born on Empire Day, meets Specter One and joins the rebellion)
Galen Organa [Marek] (born just before Order 66, lived on Kashyyyk until taken with Starstone to Fulcrum Prime, adopted by Organas)
Venku Skirata (informally trained by Jusik)
Mara Jade (raised as a Sith, eventually dueled Fearless/Vader but was spared, ends up joining him and giving up Sith title)
Corran Horn (eventually joins the rebellion after Valin “Hal” Horn’s death and is trained by his grandfather)
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