#even tries to befriend manon but he hisses and crawls into a vent
vancilocs · 4 years
Well you’ve seen my writing goofs so. How does mallory like the bounty hunters so far, how much bonding does kasia and heather do bonding without too much tmi until kasia slips in some tmi. Aand whats the dynamic like in the citadel squad bapy gang when they grow up?
Mallory was a proper clear-eyed enthusiastic rookie when joining the bounty hunters, but also kept in mind that even if she's been a woman of some authority in the military, here she's a beginner. She's just tried to follow the seniors and their orders, learn from those with more experience and just get to know how all of this works. She is hoping to rise in the ranks though. On a more personal level she's easy to like and wants to make friends, especially with other newbies and those the same age as her, give it a year and she's already being a bit of a mother hen to new clerks.
Heather has no trouble getting to know Kasia, she'd like to know what they're into and what they do on their free time and whatnot. More than willing to tell embarrassing childhood stories about Bailey. And later on she's happy to talk about the experience of being pregnant, sure it was different for them but she figures they'd like to talk about it with someone who has also had a child or two. She loves them a lot and enjoys chatting with them no problem.
Leon is the eldest so he's kind of a ringleader, at least tries to be. Likes to hang out with his cousin and do dumb things to his and her hair together, get excited about tattoos and piercings, they vibe together. Isaac is welcome too, idk maybe he's a little quieter, but definitely part of the group since they've been hanging out since they were toddlers. Leon would be interested in playing an instrument, maybe drums bc loud. Lilanie however doesn't really hang out with the others, she's sensitive and the others can be noisy, maybe things like making art with Minh would be more her cup of tea. Music isn't. Let her infodump about her interests and don't be chaotic and you're good.
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