#event: mulgrave harcourt wedding
earlharcourt · 2 years
CLOSED STARTER || @margaretmulgrave​ LOCATION || St George’s EVENT || Mulgrave / Harcourt Wedding
The sky was gray. Well, not gray exactly but it just before the sun fully rose and the world seemed to be this pale color, not really gray and not really white. Calming almost. Today was the day. Everything Richard had worked towards, fought for him in some cases, finally arrived. In just a few hours, Richard would marry the most eligible woman in London and the next aim in his life was to start. To secure his family line but that always seemed like a fun bit. Still, as joyous as the day seemed, when Richard woke up his thoughts were filled with Mathilde. It was to be expected even, given all that was about to happen. Margaret was to be Richard’s wife now. Mathilde had to remain in the past but even just thinking that made Richard’s heart feel as if it was being torn in two. 
A few hours before the ceremony, the world was just beginning to wake up but Richard had been up for hours. Just before his servants woke, Richard made the hour and a half trip to Egham, a town in Surrey where the Rawston’s reside and where Richard had buried his first wife. It was important to him that she was close to her family, despite how her mother seemed to hate Richard after his daughter’s passing. The polite thing would have been to stop in, pass on his hello’s while in town but it was his wedding day, Richard did not want to sour the mood. Soon enough, the carriage pulled up at the church and Richard stepped out, yellow chrysanthemums in hand. Richard did not dawdle. Instead, he walked right up to Mathide’s resting place while his heart was ripping itself to shreds with every step. Kneeling down, Richard pulled at the very sparse weeds growing out of the ground. “Hello my love. I’ve missed you but I gather you’re aware of that.” Richard laughed despite feeling a lump forming in his throat. “I couldn’t not come today and you know why. Well, I hope you do.” How oddly silly and comforting at the same time it felt as Richard spoke to a slab of stone that he imagined was Mathilde. He had to believe she could hear him, even just for this moment. “I am to be married again Matti, I’m sure you would like her but I want you to know that I’ll never forget you. My heart will still beat for you but I have to do this. I have to make her happy.” And that meant giving Margaret as much as his heart as Richard possibly could. As he spoke, the tears fell and his voice broke a little. “I will always love you Matti. As long as I breathe, as long as my heart beats in my chest, that will never change.” There was nothing else to be said. Richard put his fingers to his lips and then to the part of the stone with Mathilde’s name. It was a goodbye but it wasn’t final, nothing with Mathilde could ever be, and then he left to start his life as a newly married man. 
When Richard arrived back at his London residence, his staff were running frantically around. Richard didn’t have much of a chance when he was ushered into his room to bathe and then to dress. His wedding suit was perfect. From the black wool trimmed tailcoat to the vest that Richard had a hand in designing, it all served a purpose. The waistcoat was gold with small amounts of subtle emerald green thread in the embroidery detailing. Everything matched, everything was unified. Everything was to his satisfaction so why could his nerves not go away?
At St.Georges, Richard stood at the end of the aisle, fidgeting with his hands as he waited for Margaret. The vicar had eyed  Richard cautiously, as if he were expecting him to burst into flames at any given moment to which Richard continued to smile at the man. It was rather sad to look out at his side and see only a small amount of faces but that’s what today was. It was a promise and the start of his new family, embracing Margaret into his life as well as her family so why did every second he stood alone at the altar feel like an hour had passed?  And then it happened. The vicar asked all to rise and Richard took a breath, waiting as his eyes fixated on the doorway. Margaret was to enter St. George’s as Margaret Mulgrave but together they would leave as Earl and Countess Harcourt, to be a true partner to one another. All Richard could think of is just how excited he was to see her walk down the aisle. 
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baronwillliam · 2 years
Archibald Howard St. John
INTRODUCTION: Several years past, on a ship during the war. A fight broke out, I was not responsible. IMPRESSION: Arrogant, oblivious, persistent, single-minded, needs to stop acting like my father. OBJECTIVE: Shun Ignore until expectations suitably lowered.
Aurelia Merchant 
INTRODUCTION: Encountered at Regatta 1800, was concerned she would lose her footing. Hovered respectably.  IMPRESSION: Social due to a naturally outgoing nature instead of artifice, she’s an easy conversationalist even for me. OBJECTIVE: Willing to talk to again, but energy may prove draining.
Catherine Lockhart 
INTRODUCTION: Through a mutual friend after my return from the war. No thanks will ever be enough. IMPRESSION: Darling. Radiant. Kind, understanding, intelligent, somehow taken with me. OBJECTIVE: To cherish until I break apart and turn to dust, only to join with her again.
Dulcinea Hallivand 🦉 →
INTRODUCTION: Attended the Epiphany she and her husband hosted in January 1800. IMPRESSION: Colorful and eccentric. Daring and refreshingly honest. I’m unexpectedly fond of her originality. OBJECTIVE: Ascertain if there are more parties in the future. (Note: Request a different room.)
Diana Bartlett 
INTRODUCTION: Paired together at Queen Charlotte’s ball, had a pleasant chat with off humor jokes. IMPRESSION: Curious, perhaps to a dangerous degree. Witty and with an agreeable sense of humor that is appreciated. OBJECTIVE: Must meet to discuss traveling. Perhaps make sure she is acquainted with Brooksbury.
Frances Fitzroy 
INTRODUCTION: Encountered in the barn at Hallivand’s. IMPRESSION: She stole my coat. OBJECTIVE: None. No need for further contact.
Hugh Howard 
INTRODUCTION: Held a conversation during Regatta 1800. Was possibly intoxicated. IMPRESSION: Made small talk, likely for the sake of politeness. OBJECTIVE: None currently.
Jeremiah Ackerley 
INTRODUCTION: Paired together for Hallivand’s secret garden hunt. IMPRESSION: Impressed with his willingness to be ruthless for the sake of victory. A fierce competition, good to have on your side in a fight. OBJECTIVE: None.
Lucy Herzog 
INTRODUCTION: Acquainted during Regatta 1800. Now realizing how much socializing was enforced. IMPRESSION: Very fond of candy and possessing a sensitivity towards those entangled with war. A playful spirit. OBJECTIVE: Must send a basket to thank her for her advice. Done. Would like to discuss certain war effects with.
Margaret Mulgrave 
INTRODUCTION: Spotted in the park in June, thoroughly trouncing everyone at chess. IMPRESSION: Intelligent and highly cultured, clearly trained to adhere strictly to her station in life. OBJECTIVE: Perhaps a rematch one day, or a dog playdate.
Ophelia Vane  
INTRODUCTION: Assigned a table together after being tricked into attending Gunther’s… date event - in May. IMPRESSION: A curious young woman with decidedly strong opinions, it’s intriguing to hear her take on things. She also hates mint. OBJECTIVE: Inquire as to how the Regatta treated her, if possible.
Richard Harcourt 
INTRODUCTION: University.  IMPRESSION: Loathsome. The most reprehensible miscreant.  OBJECTIVE: Avoid assaulting in public, Catherine would be displeased if I was arrested before our wedding. 
Sarah St. John 
INTRODUCTION: Queen Victoria’s Ball in May. Unofficially. IMPRESSION: Surprisingly charming. Quite unique, although I can’t put my finger on it. I wish her well. OBJECTIVE: Acquire more of that cream. 
Sophia Weston 
INTRODUCTION: Knocked over by her dog Otto in the park in April IMPRESSION: A very good dog parent, quite helpful, enabling me to acquire Orion. OBJECTIVE: Must arrange a doggy playdate at some point.
Tolivander Albarron 
INTRODUCTION: Sat near him during the picnic auction in June IMPRESSION: Surprisingly friendly? Surprisingly makes me feel friendly? Also provides mezcal, a fantastic beverage for when you need to be intoxicated. OBJECTIVE: Next time, I’ll supply the booze. I owe the man many favors.
Victoria Howard St. John 
INTRODUCTION: Years ago, was friends with my sister. IMPRESSION: More sensitive than she’d like to admit, and easily misunderstood. Still feel protective of her even if she is a grown woman.  OBJECTIVE: Inquire again if I need to have a strongly worded chat with Effingham for her. I feel inclined to offer him strong words.
Adelson Jacobs
Anthony ‘Tony’ Fraser
Atticus ‘Kit’ Thorne 
Caroline Hale 
Conrad Mowbray 
Emmeline Thorne 
Henry ‘Harry’ Cadogan 
Henrietta Fortescue 
June Croft 
Nicholas Brooksbank 
Sebastian Herzog 
Sidney Wyatt
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margaretmulgrave · 2 years
Tuesday, August 19th, 1800
Mulgrave House
Margaret loved Tuesdays for their lack of fanfare. She could truly do as she pleased with little expectation from anyone.
That particular late morning as she rose and dressed for the rest of the day, hair loose save for a few pins to keep the unruliest curls back. There was no use calling Beth in, the few servants at the apartment in London were still scurrying to get wardrobes and items packaged for return to Blenheim or Nuneham respectively.
She didn’t notice the new stack of correspondence on her vanity that the ladies maid brought in at an earlier hour, the only thing on Margaret’s mind was a nice strong cup of tea. She smiled faintly in a feeling of contentment as she practically glided from her room to the hall, and began to descend the stairs. There was a faint murmur of voices through the closed drawing room doors and Margaret wondered what Aunt Helena was up to.
“…your Grace.”
Margaret halted, taken by surprise in overhearing the formal title. Not directed at her though, muffled back in the drawing-room. Who was calling? Why had no one woken her? She descended the last few steps, turning into Beth as the girl exited the concealed room with an empty tea tray.
Margaret grabbed the sleeve of her dress, pulling her a few feet away, motioning for her to keep quiet and miming the question of just who was being served in the sitting room?
Beth's eyes were wide as she glanced between the lady and the ornate wood door. “The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, miss. They arrived a few hours ago while you were still sleeping. I went to wake you with the mail but his Grace insisted to let you be.”
Bless Papa. Margaret exhaled, building anxiety already starting to ebb. Her parents had to arrive at some time, of course. It was her father’s way to try and make it a surprise. Her mother saying nothing.
“Thank you, Beth.” Margaret offered, before bracing herself and pulling the sitting-room door open to expose her parents and Aunt Helena perched on adequate seating with freshly served tea and cakes.
“Papa,” Margaret smiled, making a conscious effort not to rush into the room, “It is polite to write you know.”
Maxwell laughed heartily and set his teacup down as he stood from the lounge. “Not surprised to see me then?” He pat his pockets, looking for a cigarette that was no longer there and quickly gave up, waving Margaret forward instead. “Look at you! London has done you well, yes?”
“Eventful.” Margaret answered, “But I am ready to return home.” She stood with her father for another moment before finding space next to Aunt Helena across from the other pair. Margaret began to fill her own cup, “You should have woken me.”
“No, no,” The Duke scoffed, “There is still plenty of time. Everything in order then for the wedding? No last-minute errands to attend to?”
“I’ve…taken care of everything. You will behave won’t you, Papa?”
“What?” He chuckled again, glancing over at his wife with an amused gaze, “Have I lost my temper already.”
Margaret pursed her lips, “You know what I mean. Lord Harcourt is nervous enough.”
“Like I give a damn about Harcourt.”
“Maxwell.” A cool, gentle scold from her mother. Margaret blinked at her, at both of them, really. It was so easy to ignore the fact that they hadn’t all been in the same room together for over a year. That Margaret had missed bits and pieces of them, of home. She had been so angry with them, and the longer she didn’t see them it manifested into a longing and now…nothing.
They hadn’t looked at her in over a year. Letters and directives sufficed to get her to London, and now all was well because she’d completed the Season successfully. They were getting just what they wanted. Margaret swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat with more tea, letting the quietness stretch until it snapped.
“What is this business of you not having a bridesmaid, Margaret?” Amelia’s voice was like ice still, and Margaret could only cling to her teacup for a buffer. “It is very unorthodox. Not to mention all the pressure…surely there is some lady –“
“I have managed quite well.” Margaret interrupted, before adding in a mutter, “Lady Mother, with Aunt Helena’s assistance. There is no lady available or in appropriate condition to attend to me. I had hoped…my cousin –“
Amelia scoffed suddenly, “Frances. That girl. You are too sentimental, Margaret. Given the circumstances, you are better off standing alone. I will assist with any dressing the day of, in that case.”
She was shocked by the offer of involvement, and then upset, looking at Aunt Helena with a deep frown. But the elderly woman shook her head in silent dismissal. Let it go, Meggie. All she could do was turn her gaze back to the dregs of her tea, “Of course, mother.”
“What happened with Miss. Fitzroy?” Her father piped up - roused back into the conversation.
“I told you, Maxwell. I showed you the paper, Saoirse’s letter. That girl…”
Margaret couldn’t help but slump in her seat. Dejected, bothered, upset. This Tuesday was not like the others.
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