#eventually Mai and Ty Lee also show up and Bata has to update his intro to include his other two daughters
spacedace · 2 years
Working on (yet another) ATLA wip in which during the invasion Azula helps Zuko escape and goes with him (because her beloved dumbass of a brother clearly has not been paying attention to all her subtle warnings on how not to get dead and clearly needs a more direct approach at keeping him alive and mostly in one piece). And in the process of getting the fuck out of dodge, Bato who's been separated from everyone else ends up accidentally crashing their escape party along with Toph and the four of them end up on the run together.
Toph gets along with the two runaway royals who are as suspicious and untrusting if Bato as he is them...at least until the fire siblings unintentionally trauma dump about their fucked up childhood and Bato decides "I'm dad now" and adopts them against their will.
Eventually Azula and Zuko just give up on fighting it and are like "okay cool, you're gonna be Firelord after we kill Ozai and then we can just chill for like, five god damn seconds"
And anyway eventually they all meet up with the Gaang and Hakoda and co and it's just like...
This is my daughter Katara: Master Water Bender, Teacher of the Avatar, brave and true of heart.
And my son Sokka: genius inventor, master strategist, unmatched in his fierceness and loyalty.
This is my new daughter Azula. She'll sell your soul to satan for a fire flake and then use that fire flake to take over hell.
And this is my new son Zuko. He's faral and will probably bite you. Don't leave him alone too long or he'll probably end up trying to fight god again.
And this is Toph... I don't know if I've adopted her or if I'm being held hostage but either way I've started saving up for the next time I have to bail her out of jail.
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