#ever so slightly crisper gifs here we come!
ssadumba55 · 3 years
Don't Belong Here (2019 Genie X Reader)
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Request: Howdy ho! Before we begin, I just want to say that your writing is truly beautiful and amazing and I loved every single one I've read! You are truly talented, and you should never give up!! Alrighty, so, I was wondering, could I request something? For a while now I've been crushing on Genie from Aladdin 2019 (I think it's 2019 [live action]). So maybe you could write up a little something for him? Maybe helping the reader through a panic attack? Maybe sprinkle some cuddles in there too? And just fluff! Fluff everywhere! Teeth rotting fluff!! Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to! No pressure!!
A/n: Sorry if this is a little OOC I wrote this at like 2:30am when I couldn't sleep but the good news is I think it cured my writer's block. Also to be clear this is set after the events of Aladdin but before Genie leaves on his exploration of the world, I kind of just didn't mention Dalia so up to you if she exists in this or not. Either way, hope you enjoy!
You sat alone in the peace and quiet of the sleeping city of Agrabah. Everyone had long since gone to sleep, eager to start another day of hustle and bustle. Everyone except you. Technically, you weren’t even supposed to be here. Your proper place was in the palace, with your best friend Aladdin and his new beau, Jasmine. But that was actually exactly where your problem lied.
Growing up on the streets, Aladdin had been all you’d ever had. Well, not counting Abu. You had been the same to him. Wherever one of you was, the other was sure to follow. Thieving, trickery, but also sharing with those less fortunate than yourselves. You were basically siblings, actually because neither of you really knew where you came from, you just pretended you were siblings.
The two of you had spent years together on the hardened street, nothing could split you up.
And then Jasmine showed up, Aladdin was knocked off his feet before he could even really see what hit him. You’d been happy for him, and if you were being truly honest, you still were. But now that everything had calmed down, there was no more evil to fight… You missed the days when it was just the two of you.
Aladdin had adjusted quickly to life in the palace, he fit right in with Jasmine to help him. The Sultan loved him, even Rajah loved him (and that was saying something because that cat was very fickle) but you couldn’t seem to get it right yourself.
Every time you tried to do something; you were always shut down.
“You’re not sitting straight enough.”
“(Y/n)! Don’t touch that!”
“Please, don’t disturb the royal cooks while they’re preparing dinner.”
You knew they had good intentions, especially Aladdin, but the words stung. You didn’t belong in the palace, you belonged here on the streets of Agrabah. You were currently sat in you and Aladdin’s old ‘home’, more like hideout.
If he wanted to find you, he could, but you’d been gone for hours, and he hadn’t shown once so you were doubtful he would. At least you could breathe now, out of the stuffy walls of the palace, the air was crisper. You didn’t feel trapped anymore…
“Why would you come here of all places? Seriously, it reeks, no offense. If I had my magic, I could make this place a little nicer. Maybe a rug… Not a flying one, you be quiet,” A voice startled you from your thoughts and you leapt to your feet, but it was only Genie. He wasn’t much of a genie now, since his powers had been stripped when Aladdin had granted his wish, but you all still called him that anyway.
Personally, you wondered if everyone was just too scared to ask if he had an actual name. Either way, you didn’t plan on solving any new mysteries tonight.
“Leave me alone, you have more important things to worry about. Seeing the world, or whatever,” you turned back to the view of Agrabah, not really looking but needing something to distract you from the tears that threatened to fall. What were you even so upset about?
He sat beside you, letting a beat pass before answering. “Aladdin said you might be out here, he wanted to come himself but he’s-“
“Busy with the princess, there’s a surprise,” you stood from your spot on the ledge and began pacing, “living in the palace is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us. I never see him anymore and when I do, he’s nothing like he was before. What happened with Jafar and Jasmine and you… It changed him. But it left me the same. Now it’s like, like I don’t fit in anywhere.”
You hadn’t noticed while you’d been talking that your pace had gotten faster until Genie stood, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you. You’re breathing was heavy, like you’d just run a marathon. The room felt like it was spinning, you stumbled slightly, and he helped you back to sitting.
“You’re stressing yourself out, breathe, kid,” he rubbed your back gently as you placed your face in your hands.
“I’m not a kid, I’m an adult,” you responded dryly, but you didn’t care. You were barely an adult anyway, only a few years older than Aladdin. The two of you sat in silence, him rubbing your back and you trying to hold yourself together.
He sighed, shaking his head. “You know, kid, just because Aladdin has a lot of responsibility now doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. But I think you’re right, even though he wanted the best for you by bringing you to the palace, it’s not your pace. I can see it in your eyes every time somebody drags you along to something or you’re given a task to do.”
You wiped your eyes and sat up slightly, still feeling miserable. If even Genie had noticed it, that voice in your head must be right. You don’t belong here; you don’t belong anywhere.
“Why hasn’t he noticed?” You asked softly. Genie shrugged.
“Kid, when we love someone, we do things, and we don’t always realize those things can actually hurt the people we love. Even though we have good intentions,” he shook his head sadly, “you should know that better than anyone after helping Aladdin with his whole ‘I’m a prince’ she-bang.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “You helped with that too!”
He laughed, pointing to you gleefully. “I know, but at least I got you to stop looking like a wounded puppy.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while after that, listening to the peaceful quiet night of Agrabah. The hustling, bustling city was rarely ever like this. You would miss it in the morning when everyone woke up.
“Come with me, (Y/n), we can see the world together.” Genie finally broke the silence, it seemed like he’d been trying to ask you this for a while but had never been able to find the right words to say.
You hesitated. “I don’t know, I can’t just leave Aladdin alone- What if-“
“He’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He has the Sultan, Jasmine, Rajah and Abu. A whole army at his command, technically. You said it yourself, you don’t belong in a palace. You belong out in the open, exploring. It’d be nice if you had someone familiar,” he stopped to point to himself with a big grin, “to spend time with while doing it.”
You studied the rooftops of Agrabah, seeing everything now from a new light. He was right, of course. You’d just needed a shift in perspective. All of the panic and anxiety from the past little bit edged away slowly. Before you could stop yourself, you hugged him, and he hugged you back.
The two of you stayed like that until well after the sun came up. You needed the extra comfort and also, it’d been a while since you’d slept. Genie didn’t mind, it wasn’t like he had anywhere urgent he needed to be.
As the two of you walked back to the palace, side by side, you turned to him.
“Since it was your idea, you have to tell Aladdin,” You grinned and raced ahead to the palace. You could hear him begin to pick up his pace to follow you, calling to you about how that wasn’t fair.
Hopefully Aladdin wouldn’t be too upset about you leaving, after all, adventure was calling.
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Guilty Souls ||Demetri Volturi x Female reader||
Warnings: Descriptions of fear and guilt but nothing particularly noteworthy.
Words: 4257 
Taglist: @thelastemzy​ @a-avaunce​ @college-is-coming​ @alecvolturiswifeforever​ @broskibowser​ @volturidoll13​ @raindancer2004​ 
Summary: A request for @kpopgirlbtssvt​
Demetri just wanted to feed. His food fighting back was never a problem before, and this is the first time he's ever lost that fight.
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“We can meet back at the jet once dinner is done.”
“I shall see you there.” Demetri agreed. Felix was gone in an instant, eyes near black and his grin slightly feral. The tracker shook his head, unable to fight his amusement – he was glad he wasn’t a human on the streets tonight. Truthfully, he was tired. The mission was never going to be easy to start with, not with a psychopathic nomad attempting to become the UK’s next biggest serial killer. The murders had been brutal and attracted far too much attention, but she covered her tracks well and with no one left alive to steal the tenor from it had taken some old school tracking, some (falsified) detective work, and a little bit of luck for them to even begin to track down their killer. Now she was ash on the wind the lack of time to rest was really starting to show for the both of them.
Demetri could feel the burn much more prominently now that he had nothing else to focus on, like a ball of thorns rolling up and down his throat with every swallow. With a grimace, he turned his nose to the sky and closed his eyes. Felix was clearly in a good mood after the kill, eager to enjoy the hunt, but Demetri just wanted something within quick reach. Stretching his senses, he scoured the area, the sounds and smells of a city at night hitting him full force.  He could hear traffic rumbling along the road, late night television and music pouring from apartments, people making war and making love and the faint shutting of doors as places closed up for the night. The air smelled crisper and somewhat damp, indicating rain was on the way, and the foul scent of pollution clogged his nostrils momentarily until he forced his mind to work through it and smell what lingered beneath. Tulips in bloom in the city gardens, greasy food from the chip shop across the road and…oh.
Demetri’s head turned swiftly, eyes snapping open and feet already moving in the direction of something truly mouth-watering. It made his throat burn fiercely, venom pooling in his mouth. It took him little time to find the source of the smell two streets over, moving swiftly away from him down the pavement with her backpack slung over one shoulder, the bag strap held in both hands. She seemed to glance about as she walked, the smell of old pages clinging to her. It failed to smother her mouth-watering scent, and Demetri was more than sure he had found himself quite the delicacy for the evening. There was something incredibly addictive about her scent, something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on but wanted to drown in. He would have played with her if he wasn’t so damn thirsty, tainted that delicious smell with adrenaline and fear for the twang it would give her blood, but the raging fire in his throat needed soothing.
Given the goings on he shouldn’t have been surprised that she sensed him behind her. He was tailing her at a very normal, human pace so as not to arouse suspicion from the many windows she passed. The woman was smart enough to stay in public view, but it would be no match for Demetri’s speed once he saw an opening, and there was just the opening he needed coming up. The moment she neared the mouth of the alleyway he moved, his speed propelling him so fast no one would see him as any more than a blur – and that was if they really looked. His grip on her shoulder was tight and he hauled her with him with ease, spinning her straight into the brick and clamping a hand over her mouth before she could scream. It didn’t stop her from trying, the muffled noise vibrating against his hand as wide eyes rapidly grew wet, spilling tears against his palm. Demetri inhaled deeply, baring his teeth as the thirst grew to unbearable levels, but he couldn’t look away from those eyes.
Shimmering Y/E/C stared at him with so much terror, his reflection in her tears absolutely monstrous. She shook like a leaf in a violent wind, struggling frantically against him in an effort to get away. He pressed close with a snarl, desperate to ease the ache in his throat, but even when he moved his mouth closer to the throbbing pulse in her throat he couldn’t bring himself to bite down. His grip on her jaw tightened ever so slightly, his frustrated growl echoing off of the brick he had pushed her against. Her quiet whimper made him pull back.
“Stop struggling!” he hissed. She was trying to shake her head, still pushing futilely at his chest. He had to admire the fight in her and the way she fit so perfectly against him would have been sinfully delicious in any other circumstance, but not while she was looking at him like that. Those wide eyes were terrified, so incredibly frightened of him, and it made his stomach churn. He just wanted to feed dammit! Why was she making this so hard! Her heart was pounding in his ears, her blood roaring and racing beneath the surface of her skin, so why couldn’t he just indulge in it?
“Hel-“ his hand had slipped without him realising and he quickly covered her mouth back up as he tried to fight with himself. The frenzy was lapping at the back of his mind, clouding his senses and his thoughts, but the last vestiges of his sanity were clinging to her desperate attempts to preserve her life. He studied her facial features, trying to spot anything familiar. Maybe he was struggling because she looked like someone he knew? There was nothing there he recognised. Her hands must have been sore by now, his skin was literally crystallised for petes sake, yet still she didn’t let up the barrage of slaps and punches to his chest she had been delivering since he had attacked her. With a growl he brought his mouth to her throat once more, his teeth hovering right over the vein he needed to break.
One bite, just one little bite and she is all mine, I just have to bring my teeth together he thought.
Her muffled screaming picked up again, her body trembling so hard against his own his entire frame was starting to vibrate. With a groan, he flopped forward and hit his head a few times off of the brick behind her. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t feed from her. He so badly wanted to, but he couldn’t. She stilled suddenly, his low moaning seemingly startling her. For a moment, all he could hear was her shaky, rapid breathing and the pounding of her heart, his own pained filled moans and the quiet sobs he was muffling still with his hand. She never stopped trembling and Demetri couldn’t stand it. He wrapped both arms around her tight, hoping to restrict her movements.
“Stop it, stop it stop moving…please stop moving.” He begged. He was slowly losing his sanity it seemed but all he could do was watch like an out of body experience was taking place, his mind spinning and falling away from him before it surged forward and all he could acknowledge was her fear and his hatred of it. She whimpered in his ear, her neck stretched so her chin rested on his shoulder awkwardly, but even the prominent way the vein stood against the thin skin of her throat couldn’t tempt him. Her scent had soured, no longer sweet and inviting but filled with the bitter twang of fear. Usually he would enjoy it. He could still feel the predator in the back of his mind howling in delight, but he couldn’t let the monster loose.
“P-please, please let me go, l-let me go please, please.” She chanted in his ear like a siren calling him to his doom, and like she had brainwashed him with four simple words he did exactly as asked. She looked shell-shocked he had relinquished her from his grip, and he could only imagine the bruises that were going to blemish on her skin from where he had touched her – another pang of self-loathing hit him. How could he have hurt her so badly? She was beautiful, even in the darkness of the alleyway with her face covered in tears, tracking mascara down her cheeks, he could see the beauty in every feature. How could he hurt a face so angelic?
“Go.” He ground out. There was absolutely no sense in him letting her go, but he was thirsty by now he didn’t want to risk anything happening to her. As muddled as his mind would that was the only clear thing that stood out to him. Demetri wasn’t sure he understood any of what was transpiring, but after another sharp order to move she was gone, leaving her backpack behind and fleeing the alleyway as he crunched a fist into the wall.
“You alright mate?” it was a man’s voice from the opposite end of the alleyway. He didn’t have her kind of sweetness, but it would do. The tracker pulled his fist out of the brick, the rubble falling to his feet and dust coating his jacket sleeve.
“No.” he said, because truthfully he wasn’t. He never let his prey escape, not once, not even on accident. Feeding was instinctual and natural, something every vampire learned to do from their very first day, so how on Earth after 2000 years of this life had failed at it so badly tonight? Footsteps alerted him to the oncoming man, and the thumping of his heart was enough to send Demetri reeling. His lips curled back over his teeth, thirst flaring once more and the frenzy rapidly flooding his mind.
“Here mate, why don’t we-“ Demetri’s teeth in his windpipe cut him off. They tore viciously through the flesh and muscle, a burst of hot, sweet blood gushing down his throat and soothing the inferno that was raging there. It wouldn’t be enough on its own but for the few moments Demetri let his mind go elsewhere, let his instincts finally take over. This was natural. This was normal. So why the hell hadn’t he been able to do it earlier? Only when his veins were dry did Demetri drop him to the ground with a relieved sigh. With the burn minimised it was easier to think, and the more he thought the more he realised what a mistake he’d made. That woman could easily run to the police and give an accurate description of his face, his clothing. He grimaced. He’d been absolutely foolish, letting her go like that.
Her backpack remained near his feet and he rifled through the contents briefly, looking for anything that might give him any indication as to what was so special about her, where he might start looking for her. There was a work badge stating her name and the logo of a bookstore he had passed while tailing her, and a quick rummage through her wallet gave him a full driver’s license and some debit cards with her signature on the back.
Y/N L/N.
He had been so caught up in the frenzy lapping at his mind he couldn’t honestly say which tenor in his repertoire was her’s, so he was going to have to track the old fashioned way. Inhaling, he winced at the irritating scratchiness in his throat when he caught her scent. He’d need to hunt again on the way but nobody would miss the drunk old man stumbling home from the corner pub would they? He didn’t think so anyway, and nobody would find him anytime soon given the lucky proximity of a wheelie bin. She must have ran part of the way, crossing more ground than he thought she could, but he did inevitably catch up. She was still snivelling, shaking with her arms wrapped around her as she stumbled along. Demetri felt his gut twist again at the noise. She was still so afraid…
“Miss L/N.” he called.
He should have guessed she’d scream.
“Someone-“ he zipped forward and quickly covered her mouth again, his expression pained. The guilt that ate him alive was less frustrating and more exasperating now. He would give anything to stop feeling this way. Heaven forbid he was turning into a self-righteous Cullen – Felix would never forgive him.
“Please do not scream, please, I just – your backpack, I needed to return your things.” He groaned. She stopped screaming abruptly, and Demetri held her backpack up between them. Her eyes snapped up to his, and with his mind clearer now it suddenly felt so obvious to him what had stopped him feeding on her before. Something in his abdomen snapped, his breath escaping him in a sharp exhale. Left dumbstruck, his hand dropped from her mouth and he was left gawping at her like a fish out of water. Her scent enveloped him not to taunt his thirst, but to comfort him like a warm hug, his mind halting dead in its tracks to clear all messy thoughts from his head like the clouds breaking to finally reveal the sun.
She was his mate.
And she had just kneed him in the balls.
He crumpled like a puppet with the strings cut, grunting in pain while venom stung his eyes – even vampires were not immune to this particular trick. His groin aching horribly, he struggled to force himself to stand as she sprinted flat out away from him, her backpack in hand and ready to swing. Demetri tried to push to his knees and collapsed twice more before he finally found his footing again, swearing under his breath.
“Hey, hey!” She was frantically waving towards a passing cab. He groaned, stumbling forward a few steps until the pain receded enough for him to run after her. Demetri reminded himself to be gentle with her as he tugged her to his side.
“Please, if I let you go now far worse people than me will come for you and I cannot have you hurt by them. Tell him I have booked us an uber, his help is unnecessary.” He urged. She tried to pull her wrist back, her eyes welling with tears again. This was too public a place for this and the way her backpack swung in an arc towards his face was far too suspicious. She would hardly attack a friend or a lover after all.
“Just let me go, no one has to know, I won’t tell I swear.” She pleaded.
“I cannot, they will know, they always know! Please tesoro, do not make this harder, I am trying to keep you safe now and no more innocent lives need be implicated in this.” Demetri insisted, his eyes flickering to the cab driver as he started to pull up. Y/N tried to twist away again with a whimper so he did the only thing he could think to do. He had to cut through the fear, make her feel the same pull he did, even if her human heart felt it to a lesser degree. She squeaked in surprise when his arm curled around her waist to haul her in close, but even if her mind screamed no she melted into his embrace when his lips moulded to hers, her instincts overriding all common sense because he was her mate and with him, she was safe. His embrace was soothing and sweet, his body created solely for the purpose of protecting hers, and the way his mouth slanted across her own was something she couldn’t refuse.
The way they fit together was undeniable, the chemistry behind the simple movement of his lips, so chaste and so respectful with just the right hint of tongue when he was sure he had her following his lead was sublime in ways it had no right to be. It shouldn’t have felt so right to kiss a stranger, especially not a kiss that had been forced upon her, but she couldn’t honestly that, if asked if she’d like another just like it, she would refuse him.
“Miss? Did you need a ride miss?” the driver was leaning across the passenger seat now, the window rolled down. Demetri pulled back to stare at her, tenderly caressing her cheek.
“Say no.” he coaxed.
She swallowed thickly. “No.”
“Are you sure?” the driver asked, his suspicion aroused. Demetri kept his eyes locked on hers, his mouth pressed together in the hopes she would say the right thing. He didn’t want to manipulate her again. Y/N had yet to blink, still mesmerised by his vibrantly red eyes and the soul-shocking feeling of his lips he guessed. He had felt it to, his whole body coming alive for what felt like the first time in all the millennia he’d been alive. The sweet ecstasy in his veins had replaced any thoughts of the thirst he was still minorly enduring and he wanted nothing more than to satiate his every need in her. Demetri wasn’t foolish enough to think she would so much as let him look at her for some time yet.
“Y-yes, sorry, we’ve got an uber coming.” She stammered, blinking herself out of the daze. Grumbling under his breath, the driver pulled away again, and Demetri only let her go when he was far enough out of sight it wouldn’t be a bother anymore if she decided to assault him again.
“Good, you did well. You have to-“ she cut him off with a sharp slap to the face, one that left minimal impact on him but made her cry out and cradle her hand close.
“Don’t you ever, kiss me without my permission again! Just who are you!” she demanded. Demetri frowned slightly. How was he supposed to tell her? If she knew anything about him, even his name, she would become a target the minute Aro read his thoughts. Hell, she was already a target. She’d seen him, been attacked by him. The shame that bloomed in his gut was almost too much to bear and he tensed under her angry glare. He hadn’t done this right at all and Demetri knew he would have a lot to make up for in the centuries to come if she accepted him. Right now…right now he had no choice but to make the situation worse.
“I need you to believe that I truly am sorry,” he said earnestly, “That this was not the way I wished to meet you, that I truly wish you no harm, but understand that I have no choice. I am bound by laws you have to yet understand and the consequences for breaking them are severe. You must come with me now - please do not fuss! I will make your comfort my utmost priority but I cannot leave you here for either of our sakes.” He reached for her hand but she snatched it back, face pale as she took a step away from him. Demetri felt his heart shatter. The physical rejection stung even if she had no clue what she had done.
“I’m not going anywhere with you you nutjob!” she snapped.
“We have no choice. Please do not make me force you.” Demetri pleaded. He didn’t want to lay a hand on his mate but the choices before them were simple. Either Y/N came with him now and travelled in comfort to Volterra with them, or someone else would be sent to fetch her before she could cause any damage to the Volturi, and they would be far less gentle.
“Force me? You’re off your meds, you – you have to be crazy to think I’d go anywhere with you!” she took another step back, and Demetri took one forward. His expression was nothing but sorrowful, the anguish obvious on his face. He really didn’t want to force her to do anything, but she really wasn’t making his life any easier. Granted, he had forced them both into this situation but surely the mate pull should have been enough for her to trust him at least a little? The fact she was to overwhelmed by her fear of him to feel it was heart-breaking. That she had already rejected him because she would rather fear him then know him…
“Please, please Y/N.” he whispered, extending a hand to her. She shook her head, ready to take off running again, and Demetri closed the gap between them with ease. His arm curled around her throat, his lips moving to her temple. She was so fragile and it took a lot of concentration he honestly didn’t have to cut off enough oxygen that she would pass out.
“Stop -ah!” she cried out, squirming in his grip. Demetri winced.
“I had no desire to hurt you. I am so sorry.” He whispered, voice wavering slightly. As she slumped in his grip he buried his nose in her hair, closing his eyes. He didn’t need to be a genius to know he had probably ruined everything with her before it had even began, but what could he do? He had no other viable option to him available, or he would have taken it in a heartbeat. He couldn’t stand the disapproving look on Felix’s face when he walked onto the jet with an unconscious woman in his arms.
“If you think I am listening to you play with your food all the way home-“
“She is not my food! She happens to be my mate, though I am sure when she wakes up she would much rather throw herself out of this jet than come anywhere near me.” He snapped. Felix remained oddly silent after his outburst, and with a heavy heart Demetri made sure she was settled in one of the plush leather chairs, her backpack within arms reach and a belt secure around her waist for the take off. Once he was sure she was safe in her seat he slammed the door shut and locked himself in the bathroom, desperate to clear his head of her dizzying scent and bring some clarity to the negative thoughts swarming him. Felix watched him go in mild astonishment. The tracker was usually the cool, calm, collected one of the group. He had never seen his old friend this upset before.
Demetri didn’t remerge from the bathroom by the time she woke up either, stirring slowly and scrunching her nose and eyes when the light hit her full force. Her eyes wandered right over him, not really registering the giant’s presence the first time around. Felix tilted his head when her head snapped back in his direction, her heart picking up in her chest and grip on the armrests tightening.
“I – wh-where are we? You, your eyes…” she breathed.
“I’m a vampire.” Felix told her bluntly. A snort escaped her before her hand slapped over her mouth. She had to take a minute to study him, see if he was lying.
“Your as crazy as your friend. Oh god…oh god where it the demented bastard?” she whispered, curling her knees up as tears welled in her eyes, “What’s h-he going to do to me?” Felix couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“Would you like the short or the long version?” he asked.
She gulped. “Sh-short?”
“He’s going to turn you into one of us as the law demands and love you like no other man ever could for the rest of eternity.” Felix shrugged. It was amusing to him, how her jaw dropped open. She couldn’t hear the way Demetri growled at him to shut up from the bathroom. Her hands immediately scrabbled for the belt at her waist and his eyebrows rose.
“You’re all crazy!” she snapped.
“Where do you plan on going? It’s a long way down, little human.” He chuckled.
“The bathroom! Away from the crazy!” she cried. Felix’s laughter echoed about the jet.
“There’s a crazy man in the bathroom to.” he promised. Demetri appeared in a flash, his expression furious.
“Could you at least attempt to be courteous? She is terrified enough.” He hissed. The giant leaned back in his seat, looking thoroughly amused at the way she immediately swung her backpack into his face. “And will you stop hitting me with that bag!” he cried exasperatedly.
“You kidnapped me you freak!” she yelled.
“I did what I had to to save your life!”
“You were the one who put my life in danger! You – you –“
“Now now children play nicely.” Felix drawled. They both shot him frustrated looks, and he couldn’t hide his grin when he realised just how similar they appeared. He had no doubt that this rocky start was going to haunt Demetri for a while yet, if only because his mate seemed quite unwilling to let it go, and yet... Felix watched them argue with keen eyes, the pair going back and forth as Demetri quite honestly told her his motivation for the attack and subsequent kidnapping. Occasionally he would chime in with something witty only to be told to shut up, but it was quite obvious to him what neither of them seemed to notice what he did. With every angry word they seemed to smash through a barrier, the pair gravitating towards each other like magnets.
He doubted they’d last a week apart.
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