#everan international
factorysdepot · 9 hours
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Enhancing Growth with Coco Coir Grow Bags from Factorys Depot
Nurture your plants with Coco Coir Grow Bags from Factorys Depot, the trusted name in gardening essentials. Our eco-friendly grow bags provide optimal aeration and moisture retention, fostering healthy root development for bountiful harvests. Elevate your gardening experience with quality and sustainability.
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/grow-bag/
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 51 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 51 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Yawning with fatigue, they retreated to their bunks to sleep.  Up in the rigging the paddle-ducks became aware of the Sea Hawks that they were sharing their roosts with and fled in a small thunder of wings.
The Wide Wings, crests up, looked about alertly and then soared off. Shortly they returned, bearing trailing bits of seaweed which they began to tuck into the mainmast’s upper lookout.  They kept it up, arranging things to suit themselves.
Watching from the deck a few hours later, Tanlin stopped a sailor about to go shoo them away.
“Let t’em ‘ave t’e Wide Wing’s nest.  ‘T can be ane in trut’. Willnae ‘urt us t’ ‘arbor anot’er pair o’ refugees.  Our lookoot can climb past t’em an’ use t’e bosun’s chair from t’e mast’ead, as we’ve been doing.”
A short while later, Tanlin herself climbed agilely up to platform and laid a pair of fish where the Wide Wings could reach them.  They hissed at her and spread their wings in a threat display but took the fish.  She came back later with more.
It was not long before the Sea Hawks were settled into their nest on the starboard side of the platform and taking bribes of fish without a thought.  As long as the crewmen stayed on their side of the platform, the Wide Wings would tolerate their presence.  If, that is, the crewmen remembered to bring a fish.
Tanlin spent much of her free time up in the rigging near to the birds.  She even enticed one of them to roost on her arm.  She didn’t flinch when its claws drew blood.  Instead she gave it a small fish.  The next time that she came up, her sleeves were padded and her shoulders as well.
It was while she was up high, working with the birds that she saw something down in the water near the ship.  It was a long gray shape, ghostly in the depths.  It was far longer than the Grandalor.  She carefully put the Sea Hawk back into its nest and called down to deck, “Dragon, Ho!  Off t’e starboard side!”  She slid down a rope to the railing and jumped lightly to the deck.
Chapter 18: Frath
Barad ran forward across the rolling deck to Tanlin.  “Did you cry ‘Dragon’?”
“Aye, Luve.  Tis over t’ere,” she pointed off to starboard,  “nae t’ree fat’oms under.  Bigger t’an t’e ship by far an’ gray, wit’ light an’ dark patches.”
A hundred feet ahead of the Grandalor the water churned and boiled as an enormous head covered with spines and frills lifted from the sea. Large intelligent eyes regarded the ship carefully.
The Wide Wing Sea Hawks launched from their nest and swooped down at it fearlessly.  They screamed a challenge which the Great Sea Dragon calmly ignored.  They even dove and raked at the Dragon with their talons and claws.  At last, defeated by the sheer size of the enemy, they flew back to the Grandalor and landed on Tanlin’s shoulders, facing the Dragon with raised crests and partly spread wings, hissing defiance.
A voice so mild that it seemed impossible to have issued from so fierce a visage said, “Welcome to the center of my storm, Barad, Captain of the Grandalor.  You are well recommended by the fact that two of Dari’s favorite creatures defend you so.”  
The Great Sea Dragon’s head tilted a bit to look more clearly at Tanlin.  “Welcome to you also — Tanlin.  I see that there is more to you than meets even the inner eye.  You have, along with all aboard this ship made a choice that you must live with.”
Tanlin was standing legs braced, hands on hips, a Sea Hawk on each shoulder, the wind streaming her hair back.  “I’ ye donnae mind m’ asking so mighty a bein’ as yersel’ a personal quest’n, just ‘oo are ye?   Oi know o’ Blind Mecat an’ Dark Iren, o’ course.  Are ye Frath, t’e Dragon o’ Storms?”
The huge Dragon seemed surprised by the question.  “Of course.  I go with the storm to steer it and make certain that it will meet all of its ecological goals.”
“Ecological goals?” Tanlin said in outrage.  “T’is monstrosity,” she gestured all about at the racing, tumbling, gray and black cloud walls, rimmed white at the tops by late sun and lit internally by flashes of lightning, “came barreling t’rough a fleet! ’Oo knows ‘ow many ships ‘t ‘as sunk, ‘ow many lives lost?”
“I do,” said Frath with some asperity.  “No ships were sunk.  Twelve humans lost their lives, of which three were unrelated to the storm.”
“Oi’m sorry,” Tanlin apologized.  “Oi’ve a temper wen ‘t comes t’ t’ose Oi care about.”
“I understand perfectly.  Nor are you alone in that sentiment.”  Frath looked over to port, where the water was cascading from another Great Sea Dragon’s head.  This one was pure white and clearly blind, though equally obviously, it had no difficulty finding its way about.
Barad looked on, just a little awestruck.  Nevertheless, he offered courtesy.  “Blind Mecat, wisest of Dragons, I am glad to see you.”
“A few Gatherings ago, Barad, I would not have believed you, if you had said that.  I know that you actually mean it, now.  Do you know why I am here?”
“I suspect that you have been keeping track of what has happened to Kurin.  I will not try to defend the fact that I was in on the start of the plot against her.  I met Lady Tanlin afterwards, and she changed me — and my mind.  I tried to stop what happened.  I failed.  I am sorry that Kurin was hurt and that the Grython sailor died.”
“I have never liked you, Barad.  You know that.  In spite of my dislike, I try to base my actions on reality, not my feelings,” said Mecat, looking just past him with her blind eyes in the disturbing way that he remembered from past meetings, when she had appeared as a human. “I have a question for you.  How do you feel about the Lady Tanlin?”
“I love her,” said Barad simply, surprised at the inquiry.  “I married her by Arrakan law and it was not for show.”
The huge white head tilted in curiosity, “Why did you choose Arrakan law?  Was it part of fooling the Naral fleet about her origins and your violation of the Marriage Laws?”
Barad put an arm around Tanlin and replied firmly, “I know that you could read it so and many would.  The actual reason is in the Third Great Law.  Arrakan law allows marriage between any two who have no parents that share a ship name.  Our parents are of different ships and fleets.  When the Naral fleet agreed to our marriage by Arrakan law, it became completely legal.  She is my wife until one of us dies.”
“Let me smell you, Barad,” demanded Blind Mecat.  Her enormous head thrust forward through a gap in the rigging to where Barad stood.  A seemingly endless breath was drawn in as she nuzzled him from head to foot, the tentacles about her mouth pulled back.  “There is truth here; the last thing that I expected from you.”
The massive head turned to Tanlin.  “Some say that I know all things but they are wrong.  This I do know.  You are a person torn.  The role that you live is not the life of your birth.  You must chose, your birth or your role.  With either choice there will be loss.”
Tanlin wept.  “Oi already know t’at, Mecat, an’ Oi ‘ave chosen. ‘Owever t’e world falls, wit’ t’is mon, m’ Ca’tain an’ m’ Luve, is w’ere Oi belong.”  She looked the dragon in the eye and drew a breath to steady herself.  “T’e Orcas sang for Kurti. She’s gone.”  The Sea Hawks on her shoulders sensed Tanlin’s distress and stroked their beaks along her jaw and set to preening the hair about her ears.
Even though blind, Mecat appeared to look on in interest before saying, “I had heard from the Orcas that Kurti changed lives / died / and was celebrated.  It was confusing.  Now I understand that report.
“So be it.  You have a Dragon’s Gift.”  The breath of the Great Dragon was let out as mist over Tanlin and the two Wide Wings on her shoulders.  Tanlin felt a sort of peace settle over her.  Kurti and all of her life melted peacefully away until she was entirely gone. All that remained was a glimpse of a dying woman who sang a lullaby to calm a frightened cousin awakening from a long coma.  Tanlin was a single, whole person, at peace with herself.
The Sea Hawks preened her hair serenely and nibbled gently at her ears with beaks that could easily have sheared her ears from her head. Tanlin reached up and ruffled their feathers with utter confidence. She turned to the huge, fang filled muzzle and said, “Oi know t’at ye did somet’in’ for m’ but Oi’m nae sure w’at.  T’ese guys know ‘t, t’.”  She stroked the feathers of two of the fiercest predators of the air.  “Oi’ve decided t’at tis nae important t’ try t’ remember m’ past.  Oi’m ‘ere in t’e present.  Wa’ t’at yer gift?”
Somewhat sadly, Mecat said, “It is.  You are a single person now.”
“T’ats an odd t’ing t’ say,” Tanlin said, tilting her head in curiosity.  “‘Ow could anyane be more t’an ane person?
“I don’t know how to answer that,” Mecat replied.
Seeking to bring the conversation back to the Grandalor’s plight, Tanlin said, “Ye know, everane on t’is ship’s ‘ere because t’ey chose t’ follow Ca’tain Barad.”
“I do know.  They would not all have followed him alone, and you know that, too.  It was you as well,” the Great Dragon said crisply. “It is unfortunate that Captain Barad chose to flee justice.  A human crime was done and fleet justice must be served.”
“Naral fleet Justice?” said Tanlin in scorn.  “T’ey ‘ave convicted us wit’oot allowing us t’e right o’ rebuttal!  T’at’s against t’e Law o’ ever’ fleet t’at Oi know o’!  T’e Secund Groit Law requires ‘t!  T’ey’re nae better t’an t’e Ca’tain o’ Ca’tains!  T’at’s wye we fled.  We knew t’at wa’ ‘ow t’ey’d deal wit’ us.  T’ey ‘ad a chance t’ rid t’ t’emsel’ o’ t’e Grandalor an’ t’ey took ‘t wit’oot a second’s t’ought.”
“That is why, Little Bite,” said Mecat firmly, “that you cannot be allowed to flee over the pole.  The Dragon Sea is closed to your flight.  The fleets to the sides of you know of your conviction.
“The Naral fleet is my fleet, too.  They have to have the chance to fix their injustice.  If you succeed in fleeing, it will perpetuate the wrong and make an evil precedent.  The Captain of Captains did rise to power on the strength of one such evil.  It could happen again — to folk that I care about.  You must deal with the Naral fleet’s law.”
Barad slumped, “Then it’s over.  When the storm blows itself out, we surrender.  They will drown me and her,” he gestured at Tanlin, “and all of the other officers before they get around to trying the crew.  Then, perhaps, they will find their error.  I doubt that much sleep will be lost over it.  They don’t like me or my ship much.  I don’t blame them.”
Tanlin gave Mecat a calculating look.  “Perhaps nae, Luve o’ Mine. T’ere’s some quest’ns yet t’ be asked.  Mecat, ye said t’at t’e Dragon Sea wa’ closed t’ our flight an’ t’e reason wa’ t’e Naral fleet’s violation o’ t’e Second Groit Law.  Fair enow.
“W’at o’ refuge, w’ile tis sorted oot?  T’e Dragon Sea belongs t’ nae fleet an’ wad be t’e perfect neutral woter for us, so long as we are actively seeking t’ get justice.  Will ye allow us t’at bit o’ safety?”
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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Convergent Revolution
A #microfiction inspired by Becca's prompt “Two people talking mishear evolution as revolution”...
When both the Isle of Ever and the Cog Republic revolted at the same time, it was widely assumed to be a conspiracy.
After all, deny it though they might, how likely was it that two different communist governments would ruthlessly seize control of two different countries at the same time?
It turned out, of course, that no-one was more surprised by this turn of events than the two groups of revolutionaries.
The Everan People’s Party quickly convened a caucus of its flux revolutionary cells, which confirmed they had no contact with the Cogs. Meanwhile, the Cog Wiki resounded with the clicking and clacking of updates as every editor checked in to confirm they had not been coordinating with Ever.
It seemed that the political climate and revolutionary philosophy in both nations had simply reached the boil at the same time. Of course to call it a coincidence would be to put it too strongly: this was a case of convergent evolution. Or, perhaps, it would be fairest to say “convergent revolution”.
Regardless, the EPP quickly put out a statement expressing their support for their “noble comrades across the globe”.
The CW updated the Wiki entry of the Isle of Ever, officially labelling it a “recently liberated nation, whose international reception has been mixed, but some have called ‘a beacon of hope that a better world is possible’.”
Over the coming years, each country would be of great support to the other. Aside from valuable trade (especially in the face of boycotts from other nations), the exchange of ideas was what kept each state afloat. The Everans coordinated action groups on behalf of the Cog Wiki, which was sometimes slow to act when certain policy pages got stuck in repeated revisions. Meanwhile, the Wiki kept a diligent record of Everan working practices and human rights record, ensuring that a firm hand was applied whenever the People’s Central Committee began to cross the line into totalitarianism.
It was only later that things began to … get weird.
Over time, the EPP determined that “stronger together” was an ethos that should be taken quite literally. They began connecting their working groups with adamantine circlets, a hybrid technomancy that left an imprint on a single central node. Thus, each rotation of the committee added knowledge to the collective. Each set of leaders had advice and, importantly, emotion echoing to them from previous generations.
Meanwhile, the Cog Wiki had continued to develop, making it a priority that every citizen had access and editing rights to the Wiki. Their whole education system became based around the idea that access to the Wiki was freedom, equality and agency rolled into one. In a way, it almost rolled back around to democracy, with decisions made by national consensus. It wasn’t just policy, but culture, theory and even thought that came together this way. Thus, did a kind of national consciousness emerge.
Neither of these things were weird on their own, but many thought it odd that both states had found ways to give the country itself a voice. That they were quite literally: emergent nations.
And … they were quite fond of each other.
The EPP published a series of texts espousing the benefits of the flexibility of thought and organisation that the Cog Wiki made possible.
The Cog Wiki published a series of articles detailing the successes of the EPP’s education and magical engagement policies in great statistical detail.
The EPP formed a working group dedicated to archiving the contents of the Cog Wiki in physical copies, with *every* revision. It makes for *intimate* reading.
The Cog Wiki has been updated with every known geological survey and ordnance map of the Isle of Ever that could be found. You can see its every inch there.
The two revolutionary nations are twinned now, so even across the globe they are still (in a way at least) together.
There’s even talk of opening a portal between them, so that at long last the two states can occupy the same space. So their soils can mingle.
They are both hopeful of this event.
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factorysdepot · 1 day
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Discover Our New Eco-Friendly Gardening Solution - Organic Coco Coir Brick by Factorys Depot! 🌱
Transform your gardening experience with the Organic Coco Coir Brick by Factorys Depot! Say goodbye to heavy soil bags and hello to lightweight, eco-friendly coco coir. Give your plants the best with this sustainable solution from Factorys Depot.
Read more on:  https://factorysdepot.com/organic-coco-coir-brick-factorys-depot/        
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factorysdepot · 3 days
Discover the Benefits of Coco Coir Grow Bags for Thriving Plants
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In the realm of gardening and horticulture, the Coco Coir Grow Bag stands out as a revolutionary tool for cultivating flourishing plants. As green enthusiasts and professional growers alike seek sustainable and effective methods for nurturing their botanical wonders, Factorys Depot introduces the Coco Coir Grow Bag, a game-changer in the world of plant cultivation.
What is a Coco Coir Grow Bag?                                                            
Coco coir, derived from the husks of coconuts, has gained immense popularity in recent years as a renewable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional growing mediums. Coco coir grow bags harness the power of this natural material, offering a versatile and nutrient-rich environment for plants to thrive.
Advantages of Coco Coir Grow Bags
Sustainability: Coco coir is a byproduct of the coconut industry, making it a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious growers. By utilizing this renewable resource, growers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Excellent Drainage: One of the key benefits of coco coir grow bags is their exceptional drainage properties. Unlike traditional soil-based mediums, coco coir allows excess water to drain freely, preventing waterlogging and root rot.
Optimal Aeration: Coco coir has a naturally airy texture, providing ample oxygen to plant roots. This enhanced aeration promotes robust root development and overall plant health.
pH Stability: Maintaining the correct pH level is essential for plant growth and nutrient uptake. Coco coir has a neutral pH, ensuring a stable growing environment that supports healthy plant growth.
Reduced Pest and Disease Risk: Unlike soil-based mediums, coco coir is naturally resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and fungicides.
Longevity: Coco coir grow bags have a long lifespan, allowing growers to reuse them for multiple growing cycles. This durability makes them a cost-effective investment for both hobbyists and commercial growers.
How to Use Coco Coir Grow Bags
Using coco coir grow bags is simple and straightforward. Begin by hydrating the coco coir according to the manufacturer's instructions, then fill the grow bags with the moistened coir. Plant your desired seeds or seedlings directly into the grow bags and water as needed. Monitor the moisture levels and adjust watering accordingly to ensure optimal growing conditions.
As the demand for sustainable gardening solutions continues to rise, Coco Coir Grow Bags emerge as a frontrunner in the quest for eco-friendly and effective growing mediums. With their myriad benefits, including sustainability, excellent drainage, optimal aeration, pH stability, pest resistance, and longevity, Coco Coir Grow Bags are poised to revolutionize the way we cultivate thriving plants. Experience the difference for yourself and elevate your gardening game with Factorys Depot  Coco Coir Grow Bags.
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/grow-bag/
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factorysdepot · 9 days
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Buy Coconut Fibre Coir Weed Matt at Factorys Depot
Looking to enhance your garden with eco-friendly weed control? Buy Coconut Fibre Coir Weed Matt from Factorys Depot for a sustainable and effective solution. Our high-quality coir mats suppress weeds while allowing your plants to thrive. Shop now and experience the natural benefits of coconut fibre!
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/coir-weed-mat/
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factorysdepot · 10 days
Are Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags the Ultimate Solution? Explore Factory's Depot Selection!
Are Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags the Ultimate Solution? Explore Factory's Depot Selection!
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factorysdepot · 13 days
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From Plant to Product - Inside the Coco Coir Grow Bag Factory's Depot
Step inside the "Coco Coir Grow Bag" Factory's depot, where raw coconut husks are meticulously processed into premium grow bags. This facility highlights the eco-friendly transformation, showcasing innovative techniques that ensure top-quality horticultural products. Discover how the factory's dedication to sustainability supports gardeners and farmers worldwide.
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/
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factorysdepot · 15 days
Embrace the Benefits of Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags!
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In the realm of gardening, enthusiasts are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize plant growth while minimizing environmental impact. Enter Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags - a game-changer in the world of horticulture. As the trend towards sustainable gardening practices continues to gain momentum, Factory's Depot proudly offers a solution that aligns with both eco-consciousness and exceptional plant care.
Unveiling the Marvel of Coco Coir
Coco coir, derived from coconut husks, has emerged as a versatile and sustainable alternative to traditional growing mediums. Its fibrous texture and excellent water retention properties make it an ideal choice for nurturing healthy plants. At Factory's Depot, we harness the power of coco coir in our Open Top Grow Bags to provide gardeners with a superior growing experience.
Why Choose Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags?
1.      Optimal Drainage: Our Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags ensure proper drainage, preventing waterlogging and root rot, thereby fostering robust root development.
2.      Air Circulation: The open-top design promotes ample airflow, preventing soil compaction and encouraging vigorous growth.
3.      Eco-Friendly: Made from renewable coconut husks, coco coir is a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious gardeners. By opting for Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags from Factory's Depot, you're contributing to a greener planet.
4.      pH Neutral: Coco coir has a neutral pH, providing a stable environment for plant roots and facilitating nutrient uptake.
5.      Versatility: Whether you're cultivating vegetables, herbs, or ornamentals, our Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags are suitable for a wide range of plants, making them a versatile addition to any garden.
6.      Easy to Use: Lightweight and portable, these grow bags are easy to transport and set up, making gardening accessible to all.
7.      Reusable: Our Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags are durable and reusable, ensuring long-term value for your gardening endeavors.
Elevate Your Gardening Experience with Factory's Depot
At Factory's Depot, we're committed to providing gardeners with high-quality, sustainable solutions that yield exceptional results. Our Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags embody this commitment, offering unparalleled performance and environmental benefits.
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice enthusiast, embrace the benefits of Coco Coir Open Top Grow Bags from Factory's Depot and watch your garden flourish like never before. Join us in cultivating a greener, more vibrant world, one plant at a time.
Read more on: https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/                                                                                 
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factorysdepot · 19 days
Transform Your Indoor Garden with Everan International's Coco Coir Products
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Discover the secret to vibrant indoor plants with Everan International's Coco Coir products. From superior moisture retention to sustainable sourcing, Coco Coir is the perfect solution for your indoor gardening needs.                                             
Are you looking to create a lush indoor oasis? Look no further than Everan International's Coco Coir products. Our Coco Coir, derived from coconut husks, offers unparalleled benefits for indoor gardening enthusiasts. With superior moisture retention and optimal aeration, Coco Coir creates the perfect environment for your indoor plants to thrive.
Why choose Coco Coir for your indoor garden? Unlike traditional soil, Coco Coir retains moisture evenly, preventing overwatering and root rot. Plus, its excellent aeration properties promote healthy root development, ensuring robust and vigorous plants. Whether you're growing herbs, vegetables, or ornamentals, Everan International's Coco Coir products provide the ideal growing medium for your indoor garden.
But that's not all—our Coco Coir products are also environmentally friendly. Sourced from renewable coconut husks, Coco Coir minimizes waste and supports sustainable gardening practices. By choosing Everan International, you're not just growing beautiful plants—you're also making a positive impact on the planet.
Ready to elevate your indoor gardening experience? Explore Everan International's Coco Coir products today and unlock the full potential of your indoor garden. With our premium Coco Coir, your indoor plants will flourish like never before.
Read more on;https://factorysdepot.com/why-you-should-choose-coco-coir-products-for-indoor-gardening/
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factorysdepot · 21 days
Buy Online - Open Top Easy Grow Bags at Factory Depot
Get ready to elevate your gardening game with the Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag from Factorys Depot! Designed for convenience and optimal plant growth, this innovative grow bag allows for hassle-free cultivation of your favorite herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Say goodbye to traditional pots and hello to a new era of gardening excellence.
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/shop/
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factorysdepot · 22 days
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Discover Seamless Gardening- Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag Now!
Transform your gardening experience with the Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag by Factory's Depot. Engineered for convenience, this innovative grow bag offers hassle-free planting and optimal plant growth. Shop now and elevate your gardening game with Factory's Depot's top-quality solution!
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/
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factorysdepot · 24 days
🌱👜🛒 Introducing the Future of Gardening - Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag by Factory's Depot! 🛍️🌿
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Are you ready to take your gardening game to the next level? Say goodbye to traditional pots and hello to innovation with the Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag by Factory's Depot! 🎉
🌟 Revolutionary Design: Designed with convenience and functionality in mind, these grow bags are a game-changer. Featuring an open top design, they provide easy access for planting, watering, and harvesting, making gardening a breeze for beginners and experts alike.
💧 Optimal Drainage: Worried about overwatering your plants? Fear not! Our grow bags come equipped with optimal drainage, ensuring that your plants receive just the right amount of water without the risk of waterlogging.
🌱 Healthy Root Growth: Unlike traditional pots that can cause root-bound issues, our grow bags promote healthy root growth by allowing roots to breathe and expand freely. This results in stronger, healthier plants with higher yields.
🛒 Convenient Online Purchase: Ready to get your hands on these gardening marvels? Simply head to our online store and make your purchase with ease. With just a few clicks, you'll be on your way to transforming your gardening experience.
🏡 Perfect for Any Space: Whether you have a spacious backyard or a cozy balcony, our grow bags are perfect for any space. Their versatile design allows you to grow a wide variety of plants, from herbs and flowers to vegetables and fruits, right at home.
🌎 Environmentally Friendly: At Factory's Depot, we're committed to sustainability. That's why our grow bags are made from eco-friendly materials, minimizing waste and reducing your carbon footprint.
👩‍🌾 Join the Gardening Revolution: Ready to join the gardening revolution? Experience the convenience, functionality, and innovation of the Buy Online Open Top Easy Grow Bag by Factory's Depot today! Your plants will thank you. 🌿👜🌟
Contact us:                                                                                                         
📞 (628) 203 2999
📩[email protected]                                          
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/
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factorysdepot · 29 days
Discover Sustainable Gardening- Coconut Coir Solutions by Factorys Depot
Are you searching for a sustainable and effective solution to elevate your gardening endeavors? Look no further than coconut coir, a versatile byproduct derived from the husks of coconuts. With Factorys Depot as your trusted partner, unlock the full potential of coconut coir and transform your garden into a thriving oasis of greenery and beauty.
Unveiling the Wonders of Coconut Coir
Coconut coir, pronounced COY-er, stands as a testament to nature’s ingenuity. This fibrous material, extracted from the inner shell of coconuts, offers a multitude of benefits for gardening enthusiasts and professionals alike. From soil amendment to seed starting, coconut coir has become a cornerstone of modern horticulture practices.
Harnessing the Power of Coconut Coir in Your Garden
Soil Amendment:
Enhance soil structure and vitality with the unparalleled benefits of coconut coir. Improve air porosity, water retention, and nutrient availability to foster optimal conditions for plant growth. Say goodbye to compacted soil and hello to a flourishing garden ecosystem.
Seed Starting Medium:
Give your seeds the perfect start with coconut coir-based seed starting mixes. With Factorys Depot’s premium coconut coir blends, ensure superior germination rates and robust seedling development. Nurture your plants from the very beginning for a bountiful harvest.
Potting Mix:
Achieve the ideal balance of moisture and aeration in your potted plants with Factorys Depot’s coconut coir potting mixes. Say farewell to peat moss and embrace a sustainable alternative that promotes healthy root growth and vibrant foliage. Experience the difference of coconut coir-infused potting soils.
Advantages Over Peat Moss
Factorys Depot’s coconut coir products offer numerous advantages over traditional peat moss:
Sustainability: Derived from renewable coconut husks, coconut coir is an environmentally friendly choice for conscientious gardeners.
Longevity: With prolonged decomposition rates, coconut coir provides lasting benefits to your garden soil.
pH Neutrality: Maintain optimal soil pH levels without the need for additional amendments, thanks to coconut coir’s neutral pH range.
Moisture Retention: Ensure consistent moisture levels in your soil with coconut coir’s superior water retention capabilities.
Sterility: Rest assured knowing that Factorys Depot’s coconut coir products are free from weed seeds and pathogens, ensuring a clean and healthy growing environment.
Elevate Your Gardening Experience with Factorys Depot
Explore Factorys Depot’s comprehensive range of coconut coir products, meticulously crafted to meet the diverse needs of modern gardeners. From bricks and blocks to chips and potting soils, we offer everything you need to unleash the full potential of coconut coir in your garden.
Embrace Sustainable Gardening Practices Today
Join us in our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. With Factorys Depot’s premium coconut coir products, you can cultivate a garden that not only flourishes but also nurtures the planet. Experience the transformative power of coconut coir and embark on a journey towards greener, healthier gardens with Factorys Depot by your side.
Ready to revolutionize your garden with coconut coir? Explore our extensive selection of coconut coir products and embark on a journey towards sustainable gardening success with Factorys Depot.
For more info, visit:https://factorysdepot.com/coconut-coir-solutions-by-factorys-depot/
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factorysdepot · 1 month
Effortless Plant Growth - Open Top Easy Grow Bags for Indoor & Outdoor Gardens
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Dreaming of a thriving garden but limited on space or intimidated by traditional planters? Look no further than Factory Depot's Open Top Easy Grow Bags! These innovative containers offer a convenient and effective way to cultivate lush greenery indoors or outdoors, making gardening accessible for everyone.
Benefits of Open Top Easy Grow Bags:         
Effortless Plant Care: Unlike traditional pots, Open Top Easy Grow Bags boast breathable fabric that promotes superior air circulation and drainage. This prevents root rot, a common problem with traditional planters, and encourages healthy root development for stronger plants.
Convenience and Portability: Made from lightweight, non-woven fabric, Open Top Easy Grow Bags are significantly lighter than ceramic or terracotta pots. This makes them easy to move around, perfect for creating flexible garden layouts or positioning plants for optimal sunlight exposure. They're ideal for balconies, patios, or even small indoor spaces.
Optimal Growing Conditions: The open-top design of these grow bags allows for easy planting, seeding, and maintenance. The breathable fabric also helps regulate soil temperature, preventing roots from overheating in hot climates.
Long-lasting and Eco-Friendly: Factory Depot's Open Top Easy Grow Bags are constructed from durable, UV-resistant fabric built to withstand the elements. They are also a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic pots, making them a responsible choice for environmentally conscious gardeners.
Choosing the Right Size Open Top Easy Grow Bag:               
Open Top Easy Grow Bags come in a variety of sizes to accommodate various plant types. Here's a general guide:
Herbs and Flowers: 3-5 gallon bags are perfect for herbs, flowers, and smaller vegetables like peppers.
Tomatoes and Peppers: For larger fruiting plants, choose 7-10 gallon bags.
Shrubs and Small Trees: Even larger varieties like dwarf fruit trees can thrive in 15-20 gallon Open Top Easy Grow Bags.
Getting Started with Open Top Easy Grow Bags:
Select your bag size: Choose the appropriate size based on your plants' mature size.
Fill with potting mix: Use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for container gardens.
Plant and water: Plant according to your specific plant's needs and water thoroughly.
Enjoy effortless growth! Monitor your plants regularly and adjust watering as needed.
With Factory Depot's Open Top Easy Grow Bags, you can experience the joy of gardening with minimal effort. So, unleash your green thumb and cultivate a thriving indoor or outdoor oasis with ease!
Read more on:https://factorysdepot.com/product/easy-grow-bag/
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factorysdepot · 1 month
Coconut Coir Solutions by Factorys Depot
Elevate your gardening with sustainable coconut coir solutions from Factorys Depot. Explore our range for healthier, greener plants. Shop now!
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