everf-redesign · 3 months
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Mirror Chrysalis
In the world through the Mirror, Queen Chrysalis embodies the Element of Love <3
This world's Changelings haven't spent generations constantly starved, and their manes are extra fluffy to reflect it. They don't have tail barbs, instead their tails are more similar to their Pony counterparts. Their wings are also more gentle, akin to a butterfly's rather than a beetle, and their fangs are much smaller.
This Queen Chrysalis is every bit the loving ruler that Princess Cadence is in canon. In fact, due to King Sombra's rule over Equestria, it is Queen Chrysalis who was chosen to help guide the Crystal Empire when it returned from its thousand year banishment after the scholars to the north tried some...forbidden magic to get rid of the howling snow and windigos that had settled there, after Equestria's love shone too bright for the creatures.
Chrsyalis and her Changelings brought the Empire love and after a bit of time, the Crystal Ponies returned that love so fiercely, that the Crystal Heart magically bound itself to Chrsyalis, joining the other crystals in her flank.
Chrysalis radiates love, changelings around her are full to near-bursting, and even ponies gain a bit of magic back by being in her presence.
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Yellow Friendship Flutter!
We've finally gotten to another breezie, and yeah this one looks a lot less like "Tsunami from WoF but make her a bug" lmaooooo
I dont have any other names for this one, so if you've got any suggestions feel free to let me know :D There's a LOT of friendship flutters that will need named so dont be shy, there's a good chance I might use a name later if I dont use it for this one. EDIT: This Breezie has been named Warbler by sm0lcatfish <3
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Pink Friendship Flutter!
Sorry it's been so long guys, life's been insane and I haven't had time to draw in a hot minute outside of artfight (team stardust: @/jaymedraws overthere) but!
We've got another breezie :D This one is the creatively named Pink Friendship Flutter, and they're probably a menace /affectionate
If you've any name ideas for em let me know, otherwise I'll see y'all whenever I next do ^w^
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Burnt Umber Kirin!
I've been calling this one Rowan Crackle, and I'd like to think she works as like, a kirin librarian or something. Either librarian or cafe owner.
She's very gentle and shy, tending to keep to herself.
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Chaos Princess Pinkie Pie!
From one of the wackiest arcs of the comics (/pos), we have Princess of Chaos Pinkie Pie!
Accidentally inhaling a LOT of discord's magic drastically overwhelmed Pinkie's body, and it turned her into a draconequus / pony hybrid. She has the horn and wings of an alicorn, the back half of a zebra, and the tail and fangs of a crocodile. Her mane's colors intensified, and her eyes seem to always make her look fanatic.
Her cutie mark is starting to drift away, though the balloon strings are attached to her fur. They bob around a lot when she moves.
Although Pinkie is cured rather quickly, the effects of having discord's magic in her body do have some rather...lasting effects, that we'll see eventually when I get to the normal Pinkie Pie design :3
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Mirror Universe Celestia!
Ok before you ask...NO. this is NOT my Daybreaker design. This is Princess Celestia if she turned evil. Except instead of taking a maleficent inspiration, she leans into the theming of the sun.
Her mane and tail aren't actually fire, this Celestia hasn't had enough exposure to using magical artifacts for her mane to flow, it's completely still.
She wears fiery leggings that are red in order to more easily disguise bloodstains (you can't tell me mirror universe celestia and luna haven't killed anyone ever)
This Celestia became an Alicorn through similar means, but instead of offering their aid to the unicorn council, they overthrew it, slaughtering the mages once they realized they could control the celestial bodies by themselves.
Mirror Celestia and Luna (as well as Cadence) have jagged feathers and rough wings. They don't often preen, usually only doing the task when they can't fly anymore. She wears a crown to show that she already views herself as queen, even though King Sombra still reigns. She has a ring on her horn that acts as a minor focus, the gem dangling over her forehead keeping her from burning herself alive whenever she shoots streams of the sun's flame from it.
The chest piece hosts a similar magical artifact, though this one strengthens her and basically allows her to push her magic far past its normal boundaries. The consequences always hit her later, but she considers it worth it in order to appear strong.
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Mirrorverse Cadence!!!
You look here this arc is my absolute favorite thing to ever happen to MLP canon. You're telling me there's a shattered glass universe CANONICAL TO MY LITTLE PONY. You're telling me there's a universe where THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE IS THE ELEMENT OF HUMILITY. YOU'RE TELLING ME THERE'S A VERSION OF KING SOMBRA THAT CELESTIA IS IN LOVE WITH ?!?!?!!??
I am utterly feral over this universe.
So please say hello, to Mi Odia Cadenza. Instead of her name saying "love", this Cadence's says "hate"
Her talent? Breakups. She is the literal anti-M!Changeling. While the insect race feeds on and spreads love, Cadence saps it. However, she doesn't feed off of it, instead, she uses it as a magical boost, the more she drains the more potential her magic has.
This Cadence doesn't keep Shining Armor as a husband, but rather, he is her slave. He was enamored with her when they were young, and when she discovered her talents, he stayed with her, hoping that a positive influence would help keep her from trodding the same path as her aunt. But in the end, she just drained every inch of love from his body. Now, he stays with her out of sense of obligation, still thinking he can fix her. She's amused by this (it's one of the few things that gives her happiness, as twisted as it is) so she keeps him alive.
M!Cadence does resent M!Celestia and M!Luna for their more dominant role in Equestria's terror, as she believes most to have forgotten she exists. But she is plotting, planning to overthrow King Sombra and take ownership of all Equestria! We'll see which is the "lesser evil" then...
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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50 some days in and we've finally gotten a changeling! I made them fluffy, with some cool wings and lil tail stingers! They also get to keep their fangs :3
The crystals on their flanks act as magical foci, the more crystals / the bigger they are the longer and more detailed a changeling's disguise can hold.
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Ok first of all I'm so proud of how she turned out look at that hair guys im THRIVING!!
Anyways say hello to Aloe! 1/2 of the Spa Ponies, she and her sister run the Ponyville Spa and she couldn't be happier. She and her sister wear (stylish) sweat rags as well as wraps around their hooves to help absorb moisture. There's a lot of it in the air, but that's alright, these two might be Earth Ponies, but they've got a decent bit of water-based magic about them. Although they can't manipulate it, they can absorb almost eight times the amount of water as a normal pony! This does...basically nothing except mean that they can go a full days work at the Spa without getting all pruny.
Aloe's specific talent is relaxation, through massage and other treatments, she's able to encourage ponies to relax and let go of all that tension.
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Big Shot!
A pegasus photographer, Big Shot lives somewhere between Cloudsdale and Ponyville, he's got a set of specially enchanted cameras that can withstand high flying speeds and MOST weather conditions!
He once made the mistake of bringing his camera to that tornado thing that they do every so often and man that was a mistake. His camera supplypony was NOT happy at the amount of equipment he needed replaced in short notice.
I mean their wallet was happy but...
Big shot is kiiinda a goof, hes got surfer boy meets golden retriever energies, but he's a real sweet guy and likes helpin out where he can :3
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Ok so...I know that right now a lot of you are going "Who the heck is this guy?" Please let me introduce to you Al. He appears very briefly in the comics, and he does look radically different. For one thing, he's an earth pony there. His coat color is also colorpicked from a skintone originally.
But Al is a direct reference to a character named Al from the old 1989 series "Quantum Leap". Not the new reboot/spinoff/whatever version that I utterly despise. They literally replaced Al with a "sexy love interest" character and I have never been more angry at a decision made during a reboot in my life.
Al is the sarcastic (yes slightly womanzing but it was also the 80s this was 'normal') companion who's just trying to help Sam get home. He's a former Naval Fighter Pilot, and he somehow got involved with the Quantum Leap project. I forget how, it's been a long while since ive seen anything past season 1.
He's honestly one of the best things about that show.
I was going to keep him as an earth pony for their original reference, but I could NOT think of a good way to get an Earth Pony smoking and it felt lowkey cruel to take those away from him so unicorn he became. I wanted to give him wings cuz of the whole Pilot thing, but then I had the same problem with "well then now he cant really smoke".
Unless I made him an alicorn ig but ehhhhhhh that didn't feel right. So he's a unicorn, he has a rare duel talent, in both defense and mechanics! That other thing he's got floating around in his magic is Ziggy! The little computer that helps Al figure out what Sam needs to change in order to leap to the next person ^w^
If you got nothing else out of this post just please go watch quantum leap (1989) im begging you its so good.
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Apple Flora!
A member of the Apple Family, Apple Flora is somewhere in her teens. Her talent is tending to the apple trees in that phase between being planted and growing their first fruit. From trimming, grafting, to everything in between, she helps her part of the family care for the trees until they start producing apples.
I ripped that braid style DIRECTLY from Nanbaka I've finally cracked the code to drawing braids I am in love.
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Princess Twilight Sparkle - Heiress of Magic!
We've finally hit a Mane 6!!
And lemmie tell you I am in love with the mane action we got goin on rn. I took a lot of influence from an old redesign I did of her, where I made her more "dusk", but this time I wanted to acknowledge that hey, she's been around a LOT of magic and a LOT of magical artifacts. Not only has her cutie mark expanded at a dramatically young age (the same as the rest of the Mane 6), but due to the constant exposure of the Element of Magic when she was wearing it as her literal princess crown for so long, her mane began to develop its "wave", like Celestia and Luna have, but that Cadence has yet to develop.
But given that Twilight's talent is literally magic itself, it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Even if she hadn't become an alicorn, it is likely her mane would have developed the flowing within the next few years.
Although she has never officially been "called" the heiress of magic, history books far to the future will definitely note that during the peak of her time as ruler, it often seemed as though the alicorn was "made of magic itself."
Even her horn has begun to curve, a phenomenon not seen in generations, marking back to an older age of unicorns, in the same way that Celestia and Lunas have that slight arc to them.
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Bulky Changeling!
Our first look at a Starving changeling in my style / universe, and they're very similar to their Healthy counterparts.
Their tail barbs are more prominent, and their colors are severely dulled. They also tend to lose crystals, and the process of losing and regrowing them are very painful. However, many of the younger generation are being born with more and more of these crystals, as they are surrounded by love while still in the egg.
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Correct me if im wrong, but I do believe this is the only mule in the entire series. Mules are horse x donkey....WHY DID HE LOOK SO PREDOMINANTLY DONKEY??
And for that matter, why are donkeys and kirin the only pony-types without cutie marks? Like, Kirin you can make an argument for with the whole dragon thing. But the donkeys?? They 1000% should have cutie marks. And so should Cletus.
We see him near the apple farm if im remembering correctly, so I've given him an agricultural type cutie mark, he probably keeps to himself a lot, but he loves both sides of his family. Whoever they are 😂
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everf-redesign · 4 months
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Auntie Applesauce!
Applesauce is 1000% the cool biker grandma. Just look at that pink curly hair! This woman definitely owns a motorcycle but she's not allowed to drive it anymore because she's like half blind. She wont get glasses though because she insists she doesnt need them and all her kids are begging her please but she wont listen.
She is constantly at war with Apple Rose to determine which of them is the cooler grandma. Apple Rose might have baked goods, but can Apple Rose do a wheelie on the back of a train? Yeah I didnt think so.
Applesauce is constantly trying to sneak into rodeos, and they keep having to explain to her that "No Applesauce, its not your hip we're worried about its the fact that you might accidentally kill the bull through power of sheer stubbornness"
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