sharkpupsblog · 2 years
❤️ holding out for a hero 🎠 PART 3. The Last man standing.
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A Sabine x Gn! Reader fanfic
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Wooop woop!!! Part 3!!! :D leaving you on a cliffhanger on this part bcs I am evil 😈😈😈 so very evil!!! Mwahahahah!!! Anyways enjoy this silly part Ty for reading and for ur patience y’all are so awesome ❤️❤️❤️🐎🐎🐎
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The rest of the matches were terrifying for you since both men who asked for your hand were winning and the knight on the drake was taking competition down easily. The mystery knight took down two other knights and he made it look so easy. You did not know who was under the helmet he did not show his face not even once. When water was offered to him, he didn’t take it which was surprising since it was a hot summer day he must be burning up under that armor. You were afraid that he didn’t show his face for a reason maybe he was an enemy of your home? While you were thinking about who the mystery knight was Sabine was not the only one acting weird…Katja kept looking towards Sabine and then to Jay and occasionally clearing her throat. Jay kept looking at Sabine as well and when a match was halfway done Jay randomly panicked. the general went wide eyed she cursed, everyone looked to her she was looking at Sabine you turned to look at your knight, but Chiyo stopped you. “Look down there!” Chiyo grabbed your face making you look down and everyone who had looked at Jay was now looking at the arena. You saw the mystery knight knocking down a guy off his Pegasus. That match was long the knight on the Pegasus was hard to knock off it took the knight of your home three tries and four was the lucky number. While you watched the knight get his Pegasus you heard Jay apologize to everyone saying that she saw a spider and got scared. Soon only the lord and the mystery knight were left you took a deep shaky breath your uncle heard you and he comforted you. “I’m sure both men are good people.” he handed you a cup of grape juice “try and calm down everything will be alright I am sure of it! No man would fight this hard if he had evil intention, would he?” your uncle’s words did comfort you a bit you nodded “yes I suppose he wouldn’t thank you uncle” you took a drink and your uncle smiled. “If he does turn out evil, I’ll beat him up for you!” you laughed and thanked your uncle then you both looked back down at the arena. Your father stood up he congratulated the knight and the lord for making it this far and he told them that this was the last match and whoever won would get your hand as promised. “May the best man win!” your father shouted, and he remained standing he guessed the match would be short and he had a better view standing up anyway. The lord got himself ready his horse neighed loudly she was ready to run she reared, and the knight’s drake roared copying the mare both mounts were ready and eager to run. the announcer raised his hand up high in the air “ready!” the lord gathered his reins and his mare snorted. “Set!” the mystery knight pet his drake and he lowered his head to the drake’s ear you guessed he was telling his mount something. “Go!” The lord was the first to ride down the arena his mare sprinted, and she neighed loudly. the knight pat his drake one last time and then the beast ran down the arena. you closed your eyes as the lord and knight were about to collide. The crowd went silent as they watched the match then you heard a loud thud…but no metal…you heard the people of the arena cheer loudly and when you opened your eyes the knight was still on his drake the beast roared loudly and it reared. The knight was surprised by the rear, but they stayed on and they rode their drake around the arena enjoying the cheers of the people. the lord got up and he dusted himself off he walked to his mare he pats her and then he looks to you he looks disappointed. The lord waved and bowed before he walked out of the arena, he was saying goodbye. Your father clapped and the people of the arena joined him then King Sands stood up joining your father he stood at the man’s side, but he did not clap. Your father spoke “you win the games and my heir’s hand!” he watched as the knight rode their drake to be in front of the balcony and he dismounted.
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“Take your helmet off so my heir may meet their future spouse!” everyone watched as the knight raised his hands to his helmet stopping for a second before finally lifting their helmet off their head. Everyone went quiet your father was surprised but Sands was not, and neither were the girls of his home. Your uncle laughed and he cheered “would you look at that!” you were at the edge of your chair wide eyed you dropped your cup from the shock you were too surprised to get up. You eventually did stand when your uncle pat you hard on the back getting you over your surprise. You hurried over to the railing of the balcony looking down at the knight unveiled and you opened your mouth to speak.
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years
i love how Avalon seems to not like Evergray (and vice versa) at first but if you analyze their dialogues a little deeper he's actually happy his brother came home THEY'RE SO BAD AT HIDING i love them sm
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
🎠 Holding out for a hero ‼️ PART 6. The knight revealed.
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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Wooo!!!! Part 6!!!! One more part till this fic is over! I hope u guys are enjoying this silly fic! :D I’m getting a bit . Burnt out . So I am glad it’s almost over bcs I really need some time to recover from how silly my brain is working!!! 😢😢😢 anyways Ty all for reading it means so much to me! ❤️❤️❤️ pls enjoy this silly part!!! :D so sorry it was posted so late . 😭 it’s very late rn and I’m . Tired so if u see some mistakes . Pls forgive me 😭
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You stood at the railing of the balcony looking down at your knight. You felt tears of joy stream down your cheeks you were so happy it was her. You said her name and she smiled at you making you cry more. Khaan let out a rumble and he looked up at you then down at himself as the magic on him faded. You looked to your father and Sands seeing Sabine’s clone fade away from the corner of your eye. You had so many questions in mind but right now only one mattered. You asked your father how to get out of the balcony and into the arena, but the king told you he needed to speak to Sabine before you did. You were about to beg him to tell you, but you didn’t have to thanks to your uncle. The man quickly told you how and once he told you, you were gone. You rushed out of the balcony hearing your father tell your uncle he shouldn’t have said anything as you went down the stairs that led into the arena. Sabine worried when she saw you run off did she confuse your tears for happy ones? Were you upset it was her? Shit did she read your relationship wrong? She didn’t get a chance to move so she could go look for you. The woman huffed and stumbled back a bit when you came out of nowhere and you hugged her. You looked at her and you sobbed “it’s you! I can’t believe it it’s you!” at this moment it felt like the only people in the arena were you and your knight. Sabine laughed and she nodded “I hope this is a good surprise?”. You nodded answering her question and the woman dropped her helmet so she could cup your cheek and her other hand rested on your hip. She used her thumb to wipe away your tears, but they just kept coming you raised a hand to hold the one that wiped your tears away “why?” you asked her confused to why she did all this. You were extremely happy she did but why would she? Did she like you as much as you liked her? Or was she just doing her job? “You asked for help and here I am” she kissed your forehead obviously she liked you too this was more than just her job. You kissed her gloved palm, and you thanked her for all she did for you, but your moment was broken by your uncle. Both you and Sabine looked up at the man as he laughed and he said, “sorry to ruin this sweet moment but…don’t you have a wedding to plan?!” You wiped your tears away looking back at Sabine “shall we?” the woman nodded kissing your temple “of course but I feel like shit right now and I’d like to clean up first” you laughed softly and Khaan walked to you nudging you with his snout. You pet the drake thanking him for all the hard work he did in the games, and you walked with him and his rider out of the arena. At the castle Sabine had a few short minutes to explain her plan to you before your father took her with him to his court. The knight wanted to refuse she wanted to stay with you but she could not refuse her king’s orders. While she was gone all you did was worry you sat by your window looking out at the village of the kingdom. You waited for what felt like hours to you but really it was only half of one. When you heard a knock at your door you got up quickly and you walked to the door opening it. Instead of Sabine you saw your uncle the man smiled “congratulations!” he said to you before he pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a huff as some air was squeezed out of your lungs from the force of the hug. You let out another when your uncle pat you hard on the back. When the man let you go you thanked him and took a deep breath in. Evergray’s smile widened “walk with me?” you nodded “of course uncle.” You walked out of your room closing the door behind you walking side by side with your uncle down the hall of your castle. Evergray looked to you, and he began to get a bit serious “that girl fought hard in the arena for your hand.” You were looking at the carpet of the hall and you nodded “she did.” Your uncle put his hands behind his back “now…I’m no expert but-“ he paused waiting until you looked to him.
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When you did Evergray continued “that girl put everything she had into those games to win your hand and her plan was great” he nudged you with his shoulder and you let out a hum. “Your knight is a good woman she cares for you I can see it in the way she looks at you” Evergray felt he was getting too serious, and you did too so he joked a bit. “Obviously my brother, your dear old dad is dumb and boring, so he doesn’t see it” the man walked you to the doors of the throne room. “He’s more of a grumpy old witch than a king” he laughed “don’t tell him I said that” you smiled and nodded “I won’t uncle, but may I ask where you’re going with this?” Evergray moved his hands to your shoulders holding them and he looked a bit sad his eyes were glossy “you’re in good hands kid” he pats your shoulder “your father wasn’t too sure about this marriage but me and my dear Bonnie convinced him.” You knew Bonnie she was originally from the house of Silverglade but after some clockwork mistake, she ran away to your home. The woman was part of your father’s court she was in charge of making odd but great inventions to keep the kingdom safe even drake saddles and armor she’s a great friend of your uncle’s…maybe more…anyways why did Bonnie and Evergray endorse Sabine? You asked your uncle why and he responded with something that made you tear up “because that woman loves you” Evergray hugged you when he saw your eyes get glossy. “she’s in the throne room right now waiting for you” the man let you go, and he looked to the doors of the room. “Me and Bonnie endorsed her because we saw it…we saw how hard that knight fought for you, and she had guts to defy your father her king in the throne room…all that because she loves you” he looked back at you seeing you fight back tears. “Go on then” he nudged you towards the doors not wanting to be sappy anymore so you wouldn’t cry “don’t keep your fiancée waiting kid.” You smiled and nodded “thank you uncle I owe you” the man shook his head opening the doors for you. When the doors opened you saw your father sitting on his throne in front of him stood your knight. Around your father’s throne his court stood watching the doors open. When you walked in the court smiled and congratulated you. You weren’t too focused on them though you watched as Sabine turned to face you, she smiled at you holding her hand out. You walked to the knight taking her hand and you smiled back at her ‘don’t cry’ you thought as you felt yourself get teary again. Avalon stood and he walked down the steps of his throne to you and Sabine. “Sabine has won the games and as promised reward for the game she gets your hand” he looked at the woman and then to you “your wedding will be in a month” Avalon smiled when he saw how your eyes brightened and you looked to Sabine with pure excitement and the woman looked to you with the same emotion. “Go on” your father said making his way back to his throne “you have a lot of planning to do don’t waste any time!” you laughed, and you gently tugged at Sabine’s arm “come on!” you were so happy, and your happiness was infectious. Sabine laughed and she let you lead her out of the throne room. Avalon and his court watched as the two of you left…the king’s brother was right…you were in good loving hands.
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TYSM FOR READING ❤️❤️❤️❤️ this part was a bit hard NGL bcs I had so many starts and endings in mind and I am . Burnt out . but I feel like this is good . Very fluffy . I love it. Also feels very ooc :( I’m sorry :( anyways I hope I did good I hope u liked it! ❤️❤️❤️🐴🐴🐴 tomorrow is the last part ❤️😭
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
🎠 Holding out for a hero ‼️ PART 5. The knight and the drake.
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic.
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Wooo!!! Part 5 here so silly!!!! Leaving u again with another unsatisfactory ending bcs I am 😏 evil . 😈 I promise next part will be sweet though!!! 2 more parts left to this silly fic!!! :D once again Ty all for ur patience!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ means so much to me! ALSO . I REALIZED I HAVE BEEN USING THE WRONG EMOJI FOR THE FIC NAME THIS WHOLE TIME . I WAS USING❤️ IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ‼️ 😭😭😭 ANYWAYS AHAHA ENJOY THIS SILLY PART.
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Friday morning Sabine was up early she spent most of her time in the stables with Katja and a very sleepy Chiyo. Sabine explained the plan to Chiyo who was falling asleep standing up. While the knight explained the plan, she put Khaan’s tack on him and Katja used her magic to disguise the drake. When Chiyo knew of her part in the plan and Khaan was ready Sabine walked with her drake to the arena to meet up with Sands. Chiyo and Katja walked to the castle where Jay waited for them with Sabine’s clone. Once at the arena Sands explained to his knight that because she was a late and strong entry she would be put in the last few matches. The people at sign-ups said that they were “saving the best for last” so Sabine would have to wait before she could compete. Before Sands left, he told the the woman that he did not give a name at sign up’s just in case Sabine lost. The king did not want to be embarrassed. He told his knight to do her best he wished her luck and then he left going to the balcony. Now Sabine was stuck in the holding area of the arena watching match after match. She watched as lords and knights walked past her defeated and when the lord who asked for your hand passed by her, she smiled at him. Sabine could not wait to knock his ass off his horse. Her smile wasn’t from her being friendly but from her thinking of how great it would be to beat him. She had to wait a little longer in the holding area with the lord and then an announcer asked for Sands competitor. the knight put her helmet on then she got on Khaan she took a moment to collect herself she was nervous. She grabbed Khaan’s reins, and she rode out of the holding area. As soon as she was out of the area another announcer introduced her into the arena. Khaan rode around the arena Sabine was letting him get some of his energy out and giving herself some time to adjust to the sunlight. The holding area was dark her eyes needed time to adjust to the light. Once her eyes were adjusted, she looked to the balcony seeing you. Your uncle was saying something she could not hear and then she saw her clone. It was freaky seeing herself and she felt bad when you spoke to her clone and it didn’t reply to you. At least Chiyo did she hoped the girl was a good distraction. The knight rode her drake in front of the balcony stopping him there she held onto Khaan’s reins with one hand and her other was free. Your father asked for her name she thought about it, and she decided to not give it to him. She wanted to compete under the cover of mystery she wanted to make this a surprise for you. She raised her hand pointing right at you then she looked at Khaan’s saddlebag she opened It looking for the ring she brought with her. Once she found it, she held it up to your father listening as Katja spoke to your father. The knight smiled when the advisor worked her magic, and she convinced your father to say yes to the mystery knight’s proposal. Once in the matches Sabine put all of her strength into them, she knocked lords and knights off of their horses, Pegasus, and drakes. None of her wins in these matches were satisfying though because none of those competitors were the one, she hated. Sabine occasionally glanced at you she could see how nervous you were. She wished her stupid clone could say something to you, but it just stood there and watched. Each time you spoke to it, and it just stood there she felt awful. When she was near her last match she had to put in a little more energy into it since the knight she was up against just wouldn’t quit. She had already struck him three times and he managed to stay on each time she thought she had him on the third time, but he regained his balance quickly. Sabine rode back to her starting spot panting she was getting tired of this the knight rode back to his starting spot he was slow, so he gave Sabine a little time to rest.
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Khaan growled he was getting impatient too. The drake shook his head when his rider told him to be calm and while Sabine and Khaan got ready to ride down the arena again Sabine heard Jay yell “shit!” the knight looked to the balcony seeing her clone start to fade. The woman panicked too, and she made Khaan run down the arena earlier than the knight. The man made his Pegasus run as well and Sabine knew she needed to provide a distraction to keep all eyes off of her clone so when she heard Chiyo yell “look over there!” she struck the knight as hard as she could the man fell off and the crowd cheered. The mystery knight finally managed to win the match. Sabine competed in one last match against a lord before she was pulled out of the arena and replaced with the lord of the Northern Druids. She was offered water, but she did not take it because you were watching her, she did not want to take her helmet off and spoil the surprise. While Sabine and Khaan rested in the holding area The lord won his match and then it was just him and her. The woman rode Khaan back into the arena stopping him at her starting line she watched the lord on the other side she was nervous this was her last match this one was the one that truly mattered. Excitement was bigger than her fear though she was finally getting the chance to knock the lord off his horse. The knight and the lord both looked at the balcony as the king congratulated them on making it this far. When the king was done with his speech and he said, “may the best man win!” Sabine let out a huff she shook her head she was so fucking nervous, and she felt awful it was really fucking hot. She was starting to think maybe being mysterious wasn’t all that great. She watched as the lord’s horse reared and neighed. Khaan copied the mare he reared and roared the drake was mocking the horse and Sabine allowed it. She held onto Khaan’s reins as she heard an announcer yell “ready!” she took a deep breath in. “set!” she let it go she lowered her head to Khaan’s ear “this is it Khaan” she pat the drakes shoulder his reins still in her hand “let’s knock the fucker off his horse” the woman smiled when Khaan snorted and he clawed at the dirt of the arena. “Go!” Sabine pat Khaan one last time and the drake ran down the arena after the lord. Sabine struck first and she struck fast the man did not even know what hit him. All he saw was a flash of red and black his gut hurt and then his back as he hit the floor his mare continued running leaving him behind. The crowd cheered loudly for Sabine she laughed at the sight of the lord on the floor she had been waiting for this all day and it was super fucking sweet. Khaan stopped and he reared surprising his rider, but the woman stayed on his back she pats his shoulder thanking him for all he did for her. The woman decided to feed her ego and she rode Khaan around the arena loving the cheers of the people while the lord sadly walked himself and his mare out of the arena. The knight rode one last lap around the arena before she stopped her mount in front of the balcony. She heard your father congratulate her for not only winning the games but your hand as well. Sabine got off Khaan and she looked up at your father hearing him ask for her to remove her helmet. Sands who stood next to Avalon made a ‘go on’ gesture. Sabine listened to Avalon she raised her hands up to her helmet she hesitated for a bit then she took it off she shook her head fixing her hair. The crowd and Avalon went silent but your uncle was talking and laughing. Sabine felt gross staying covered the whole games was hard she was sweaty and hot she panted a bit as she looked up at you. She watched as you sat at the edge of your chair mouth agape and you looked down at her with wide glossy eyes. The woman backed up as you dropped your cup and juice poured down from the balcony. She smiled up at you as you ran over to the balcony, and you burst into tears of joy “Sabine?”
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TYSM FOR READING!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️ I am so evil leaving y’all on cliffhangers but I promise I’ll make up for it next part will be sweet ❤️🐴
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