#every autistic emo transmasc does
m0th-kid · 2 years
i have never seen a character more accurate to how i am irl than kylie from fantastic mr fox
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Very slight nsfw
My boy is a bisexual king and we love him for that.
Has a massive praise kink, call him a good boy or how good hes doing and he’ll melt
Autistic (totally not projecting)
Listens to metal and is the embodiment of ‘can you feel my heart’ by bmth (again, really not projecting)
He has severe anxiety and since Leo’s coma it’s only worsened, Spike is the only one who actually knows but his brothers are onto it as well, because of the panic attacks
Has learned sign language, trash talks with Donnie.
They use he/they pronouns, has tried she pronouns but wasn’t comfortable
Transmasc, i saw the headcannon and I will forever stand by this too.
He feels at fault for Splinter’s death
They are polyamorous, no further explanation he just is.
Casey was his first kiss.
The brain worm left him with severe headaches and balance issues
Loves gossipping, has in fact bonded with Karai and Shini because of it
And Mona is there to hear it
After Alopex joined the mutanimals, she, Casey, Raph and Mona became total besties.
Raph loves doing selfcare as a way of destressing, no one knows this except April
Wears eyeliner sometimes and helps Karai with hers too
This boy is so gay, like Fruity™️
Usagi comfirmed it
Karai knows and is number 1 leosagi fan
Uses mainy he/they pronouns, has sometimes used she pronouns too
Can be soo sassy when he wants to be
Really likes Imagine Dragons
Plays minecraft
They got stoned on pot brownies that Casey brought to the lair once
Kinda gets stoned more often now
But he’s responsible and only does it when hes at the farmhouse because of lesser threats, he, Raph and Casey do it together
Loves coffee more than tea
Absolutely pansexual, like no debate
ADHD and dyslexic
Uses they/she pronouns but honestly doesn’t mind any
Defenitely sumn going on between them and Leatherhead, defenitely.
Has a giant pansexual flag in their room at her bedframe
Knows tons of languages like spanish, french and a little bit of german
Really dislikes the taste of coffee
She is terrifying when angry
Biromantic ace no doubt no further explanation.
100% autistic
Uses he/him pronouns mostly but honestly does not care cus gender is a social construct.
Has gotten stoned with Leo sometimes
When it’s fall he’ll pester April to get a PSL every. Single. Day.
He/she/they pronouns, very comfortable in his masculinity though.
Listens to P!ATD and jams out with Raph
He loves cuddles, like physical affection is his love language.
Hardcore stoner
Thinks Leo’s voice is super fucking hot
Does weightlifting next to hockey and is in fact strong enough to lift each of the turtles
Really wants to learn martial arts but he has no patience for the basics
She has severe anxiety after her dad got captured
Bonds with Raph best next to Donnie
Had an emo phase when she was 14
Wears contacts
She wanted to give her tessen to Karai, but Karai refused and told her to keep them.
She’s a lightweight, one glass of wine is enough
Has often checked on Raph after Splinter’s death, big sister mode™️ was very much activated
As a group+ other friends
They have game night every friday
When Casey and April stay the night, they all make breakfast together while jamming to their favorite music
When April asks for clothing advise, the boys will take it very seriously
They have a discord server , the main six have their own seperate channel called “the lair” but all their friends are in the server and can ask to be added to the call at any time.
They have given lair parties
During those parties they play games like ‘spin the bottle’ or ‘truth or dare’
Raph paints all the girl’s nails because of his steady hands.
Mona, April, Karai, Shini and Renet have girls nights on saturday, it makes Karai feel like a proper teen.
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Hey can u do headcanons of the main four cause you said you'd be ok with that and you're really good at headcanons I think
100%!! here you go ^^ i added butters in because i love butters 😭
-Has acne scars
-Greasy hair
-Bleached hair (done poorly with Kyle's help)
-Gets faded with Ken and Leo
-Really quiet when high
-Pierced ear (uses a regular stud when not goth)
-Plays guitar but only does covers of midwest emo bands (so angsty)
-Takes a shot every morning before school to get him prepared for bullshit
-Vans kid
-So so stressed
-In a band with Stan, Ken, and Leo
-They write midwest emo songs
-Doesn't wear his hat anymore
-Keeps it tied back instead
-Academia style
-Can skateboard but prefers roller skating or bike riding
-Gifted kid burnout type beat
-Had one B+ and literally had a panic attack
-On the debate team
-Converse kid
-Favorite book is LOTR
-Autistic bc I said so
-Transmasc also bc I said so
-Gets high with the guys because of stress from school
-He gets really talkative when he's high
-He hates facial hair so every time it gets more than just stubbly, he shaves
-Which is like once a week
-Prefers Eric
-Is on meds
-So he's a lot better than he was when he was a kid
-Like so much better
-He's also an academic
-He and Kyle get along better
-Kyle counts his pills
-They have a study group
-Also on the debate team
-He's still very outspoken, but he's toned it down a lot
-He's always got interesting questions
-I don't really have much to say about him
-Nike's kid
-Ditched his hat
-Sweater vests
-All he wears
-And khakis
-Loves the khak
-Always high
-He prefers Ken now that they're older
-The only one allowed to call Leo 'Butters'
-They're dating
-He gets faded with Stan
-He's like insanely smart, he just doesn't turn in assignments
-Skateboards to school with Stan
-Constantly hangs out at the ice cream shop to see Leo
-Gets high with Leo to get his mind off his parents
-Works 3 part time jobs
-He uses the money to buy stuff for Leo and Karen
-They mean the most to him
-Also grunge but like hippie grunge yknow?
-He smokes cigarettes too
-He likes the smell and taste of nicotine
-Leo tells him that he tastes like cigarettes every time they kiss
-He and Kyle help Stan with his school work (and get high)
-They have a 'study group' every Saturday and get high in Stan's garage
-Ken is the type to get all deep and philosophical when he's high
-His hair is also like really long
-Greasy too
-He wears a mask instead of his hood
-His acne is so bad bc of it
-He's just a greasy rat man and I live for it
-Has lots of piercings (bridge, snake bites, tongue, septum and both sides of his nose, ears)
-Insane amount of stick and pokes (he did them with pen ink and a needle)
-Socks with sandals kid
-Also a Converse kid
-Like his parents scraped together enough money to buy him one (1) pair of Cons and now thats all he wears
-Likes Leo way better than Butters
-Has a better haircut
-Calls Ken 'Ken doll'
-Pierced his ear once when he and Ken were faded bc he wanted to piss off his dad
-Gets faded with Kenny and Stan
-Takes away the stress of his parents
-B student
-Really likes coquette style
-His favorite thing ever is to be called pretty by Ken
-Hangs out with Ken as much as possible to avoid his parents
-Parents make him shave
-Ken taught him how to rig Life360 so that his parents would think he's with Cartman or Craig
-He buys things for Ken all the time
-Ken never knows how to react so he usually just picks some wild flowers and makes a bouquet
-Loves the flowers
-Has a collection of Sanrio plushies from Ken that's what he buys when he's got money
-Loves cigarettes, the taste, the smell, all of it
-He loves when he can taste it on Ken's lips
-Vans kid
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emissary-of-dog · 2 years
humbly asks your for your geara hc.......
headcanons for my favorite little emo beast! [ DOES A SPIN ]
Sexuality Headcanon: You take one look at this man and tell me with the straightest face you can possibly muster: “Geara isn’t gay. He’s not into men.” This motherfucker wears eyeliner, has the full MCR fit, constantly talks about Zetta in ways other men in-game have not, he literally SENT Giratina to Zetta on Terajuma Island so he could pick him up like a prom date. THIS MAN??? 🌈🌈 WOULD KISS ANOTHER MAN. AND WOULD ENJOY IT. CHECKMATE BITCHES.
Gender Headcanon: He is the most cis-acting motherfucker ever and yet they are, simultaneously, one of the most trans-looking characters too. Truly a paradox!
AMAB. Transmasc as fuck. But DEFINITELY nonbinary. This guy screams “He/They.” Madame X gives her gayest battles (Valor Mt) to her trans-est soldiers.
( In other words they are SO much to go into, narratively-speaking, and I can’t get all of my words out here but just know I’ve been unabashedly autistic about their dynamic since December/January of this year. GODDD. )
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve NEVER played Insurgence in my life but I know for a FACT that Zenith and Geara would be best friends/brothers. But I’d also say that it’s probably a good thing they’re in separate games... I can only imagine the opposite, honestly. And what I imagine is pure hellfire. Don’t put these two in a room together they’ll probably bond over their sick-ass legendaries they’re weirdly religious about; explosives and hating children. And dick jokes.
Madelis + Eli are also characters I’d say have a funny dynamic with him... Eli in previous versions used to interact w/ Geara and Geara would treat him with more respect than Sharon so SDHGJFGH that’s definitely something I think about often!
A NOTP I have with said character: Honestly any ship that involves him and a woman. Not only because he’s straight as a swirly straw but because I personally think she could do way better. I think every single girl forced to look at him at least once in their lives deserves financial compensation. Sariah I’m giving you all the therapy money you need once you grow up and have to confront your previously poor taste  🙏
A random headcanon: HEADCANON SPEED-ROUND! 🎇 (woo!)
Geara wears so many cosmetics it’s insane. Earrings, eyeliner, foundation, hair gel, dude definitely uses a hair ironer, SOOO much cologne THIS GUY STINKS, aaand glitter. He puts glitter in his hair, yes. He claims it’s the manliest shit ever.
He enjoys EVERY single Ghost Pokemon. All of them. Not a single one he dislikes. Ask him if he hates one and he’ll punch you in the face and spit on you.
He smokes. Why? Because he thinks it makes him look cool.
He owns a bass guitar, and it sits right in his room! Does he know how to play it? No. He owns it because it makes him look cool... Or so he believes.
He is 5′0′‘. He’s so short you could pick him up.
And finally... He’s actually an AMAZING singer. I’d compare his vocal range to that of Devin Townsend’s. Operatic, can hold notes -- but can also SCREAM like he’s in a metal song. His voice is relatively deep too, so he surprisingly has a pretty silky singing voice! Will he ever sing? No. That’s embarrassing.
General Opinion over said character: i kinda think i’m in love with him but i also wish he’d die
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