#every day I stray further from the modern god (we worship profit)
cantankerouscorvid · 4 years
I’ve currently lost several hours of sleep over the fact that ADHD and autism were likely advantages over “normal” people in the caveman days. They allowed people to be extremely focused on tasks and to be very talented at their area of specialized expertise within a more community based society. Thus, these traits made neurodivergence “better” than what is defined as “normal” today by the neurotypical standard. It was only after the rise of crapitalism that these traits were seen as disadvantages or disabilities.
Because neurodivergence makes it harder to perform meaningless repetitive tasks like “normal” people in exchange for a germ-coated piece of paper with the portrait of a dead colonizer (aka founding father) on it.
How is the fact that neurodivergent people may not want to surrender to the hamster-wheel that is the modern office job in order to afford their biological needs considered a defficiency? How is it that neurodivergent people are told that sitting still and typing numbers in boxes or performing the same task ad nauseum for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is the most important thing they can do in life? How is it that society is structured around whittling our lives away with largely pointless tasks instead of bettering ourselves as people or AT LEAST having enough spare time to actually pursue happiness for ourselves and others?
Why have we devolved to the point that doing something you love is financially unfeasible in the modern world? Why can’t people make a living off of what they love doing and are often extremely talented at when other people are respected and revered for doing calculations around the socially constructed currency WE PULLED OUT OF THE AIR? How is that considered a meritocracy and not absolute lunacy? Has the human species improved at all, or were we just doomed to spiral down to this point from the beginning? What the hell am I supposed to do to fix it, or make it liveable?
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