#every single room has people in it i cant even have a breakdown in privacy
definitelynotnia · 11 months
had a fight with my dad and now i feel like I'm about to throw up
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v-le · 6 years
Kmusic: My artists in 4 months
Foreword: PHEW this one took a while.... but I have really had so much on my mind lately that i knew i just HAD to churn this one out asap... I also would’ve tried to include videos rather than images but it’s a pain in the butt... I guess my vids will be top secret for now hehe. But really. a true blessing, these 4 months. Ah, I still really cant believe it..
If you were to ask me how I felt about my first semester at Yonsei and simply the past 4 months in Korea, from August 21st to December 23rd, I would probably just emphasize how grateful I am. But to narrow down this deep affection for all the happenings, I would have to do so in a music context. It is such a fascinating and seemingly mundane thing to go on about: Why does my music mean what it means to me to this day? How have those values shaped my experiences in Korea so far? What does it mean for me going forward? These are questions I want to ask myself, reflect upon, and continue to explore as I await to begin another journey in Korea once again.
If I rewind to when I first started listening to Korean music, it would be when I was… I don’t even know. I was exposed to it since I was about 7 or 8 years old, when my sister was sucked into the very beginnings of OG K-pop: Wonder Girls, Big Bang, 2NE1, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, you name ‘em all. I’ve talked about this a lot, but during those days I was never particularly interested in that side of music. It didn’t make much sense to me and it just sounded mreh. But after several years of this exposure, I fell into my own K-pop obsession-hole starting with LEDApple, a very unassuming, catchy-music-making band. I was in it for the music. At first.
Okay, now fast forward past my kpop era: you can read all about it in my very extensive post from about a year ago here. But yes, lets leave that chunk of my life behind and think about where I stand from a “music maturation” perspective. Right here. Right now.
I cannot pinpoint the exact moment or day or time in which I fell into the “deeper” side of Korean music. I am pretty certain that it simply occurred naturally, gradually. What I know for a fact is that I owe so much of myself to my music. At any given point in my life thus far, my music has defined a large portion of my identity: it really does mean a lot to me. I am constantly listening to music. To narrow this down into my current self’s context, my music mostly consists of Roy Kim, Sam Kim, DAY6, Kim Feel, Fromm, Jung Sewoon, Eddy Kim, Kwon Jin Ah, and many many many others.
These artists, the music that they make, is not K-pop. It never will be. I don’t care what those stupid Spotify playlists call some of the songs from these musicians, but they are not and never will be K-pop. (At most DAY6 could come closest to fitting). My discovery of each and every one of these artists varies from person to person of course, but most of my sentiments remain the same all throughout. I would give my everything for these people. But I want to make it very very very clear: it is not necessarily these PEOPLE, these faces, these appearances, these artists themselves that I am oh-so enthusiastic about. It is their voice & music. That is honestly all it really comes down to at the end of day. It is and has always been about the music.
I owe my deep appreciation for my music to several various factors ranging from emotionally & mentally detached parents & family, my somewhat introverted personality, and my incessantly over-analytical mindset. However, what exactly constitutes this deep appreciation is what I want to explore. A certain fact is that I hated high school. As I grew up through the ages of 13 to 17, I completely despised the American public education system that was high school. Without getting into the complex details about my community that was the heart of Silicon Valley and the various cultural pushes, I just have to say that high school felt like a sort of mental torture for me.
And during all those times, when I needed it the most, when I felt so completely lost, when I felt like no one would listen to me, nothing could console my distressed heart and mind, I always fell back to many of those artists listed above. Particularly to Roy and Sam. I owe them SO MUCH. They literally changed my life.
Home. 영원한 건 없지만. Your Song. These three songs, my life songs. Their lyrics literally saved my life. They mean everything to me. Without these songs from Roy & Sam, I would not be where I am today.
All my artists that I mentioned make their own music. They write, compose, produce, everything. They are the true masters of their voices (see, not K-pop). And so, when I listen to them, when I absorb their voices & melodies, I can sometimes really feel their sincerity, their yearning. I am so thankful for what they have produced for this world and for my ears to hear. However, within the past 4 months, I got to see, know, understand, and FEEL these artists on a whole new level.
In chronological order, here is a list of the artists I saw live &/or in person during my time in Korea thus far:
08/31 Roy Kim & Son Seungyeon @ Picnic Concert
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09/01 Monogram, Baek Yerin, Kwak Jineon, Paul Kim, Bol4, Crush, Urban Zakapa @ Someday Festival (Day 1)
09/02 Fromm, Jo Hyunah, Jung Sewoon, Roy Kim, Yong Junhyung & Yang Yoseob, K. Will @ Someday Festival (Day 2)
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09/08 DAY6 @ You Made My Day Fanmeeting
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09/20 Roy Kim @ SNU Fall Festival
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11/02 Roy Kim & Kim Haon @ Daellim Univ. Halloween Festival
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11/04 Nam Woohyun (& Jang Dongwoo, Kim Sunggyu, Lee Sungyeol) @ 식목일 (Day 3)
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11/10 Fromm @ Seoul Music Forum Mini Concert & Free Fansigning
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11/11 Eddy Kim @ Miles Apart Album Fansigning
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11/22 Sam Kim @ "Sun And Moon" 1st Album Release Showcase
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12/01 Sam Kim @ "Sun And Moon" 1st Album Fansigning
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12/09 Fromm @ "Midnight Candy" Mini Album Release Concert
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12/16 Roy Kim @ ROchestra Live Tour 2018 (Seoul Day 2)
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12/21 Sam Kim @ Lotte Tower World Park Christmas Busking
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12/22 DAY6 @ "The Present" Christmas Special Concert (Day 1)
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Free: 5 events
Paid Tix: 6 events
Album Purchase & Application: 4 events
🌹 Roy Kim: 5 times
🌚 Sam Kim: 3 times
🌓 Fromm: 3 times
🎸 DAY6: 2 times
As an avid fan of many of these artists for YEARS, like Infinite for 8 years, Roy for 5, Sam since his debut in Apr. 2016, DAY6 since their debut in Sept. 2015, Fromm for over 4 years, Eddy for over 5 years, etc etc. I NEVER thought I would actually get to see or hear these people live. Okay, granted I saw DAY6 live back in Oct. 2017 as well as Sam & the entire Antenna fam in Sept. 2017, both in LA. But doing 3 fansignings????? Meeting and talking with Fromm, Eddy Kim, AND Sam Kim???? Seeing Roy FIVE TIMES??????????? Three times for FREE, once at a festival, and then even being able to go his end-of-the-year solo concert???????? Y’all…. It was literally a dream come true. A stroke of luck tenfold. Twelvefold. I saw at least one treasured artist a total of fifteen times. Whether it was at a college busking event, the Someday music festival, a fansigning, a fanmeeting, or even a solo concert. I was somehow there.
Seeing Roy live was something I thought I would never ever ever in my lifetime get to do. As I explained in my 1st semester wrap-up post found here, Roy’s situation with school made my hopes seem very bleak from the get-go. But still, my luck persisted 5 times throughout. I almost, nearly, COMPLETELY failed to acquire a ticket for his ROchestra solo concert, Seoul Day 2 show. It was probably the most energy-draining, stressful, painful and TERRIBLE ticketing experience I have ever experienced. And trust me, I’ve done lots of ticketing before (unfortunately). But after 1 hour of staying glued to that PC bang computer screen, I managed. And I went. And maybe I’ll have to do a separate post for it, but Roy Kim’s concert on December 16th, 2018, was the best concert I have ever been to in my life. Easily. It was so breath-taking.
But yes, enough with Roy. Fromm is my ultimate indie goddess and she has a charm that is so indescribably perfect. She decided to release a mini album over a year since her last one, in the middle of November while I was there and I wanted to DIE. It was suchhhhh a solid release, and I even got to attend a free fansigning with her as well for her solo concert for the album release. I LOVE her cheeky personality so much. And she really is just sooooo kind. I couldn’t have much of a conversation with her due to the time constraint, but I at least got to snap a quick selfie heh (which i wont exposed bc privacy ya feel??). Her solo concert was gorgeous in every single way; I honestly would be willing to pay any price to go to it again in a heartbeat. Even though it was for her “Midnight Candy” album release, it was basically a Fromm discography concert because she sang EVERYTHING and I was THIS close to wanting to cry because I just felt so grateful & happy in those moments. I love her I really do. Ah, also, 2 out of the 3 times I saw her, I wrote to her & posted on Instagram and she liked both posts for me :”).
Sam…. My luck with Sam was out of this world honestly…. I still get goosebumps thinking about how blessed I was to see Sam 3 times, 2 times in very special instances. First off. He announced the release of his FIRST FULL album after a TWO YEAR & A HALF HIATUS. Y’all. This boy hadn’t released anything for 2.5 entire years since his debut and then suddenly WHAM he does it. Somehow right when I was in Korea. AH… I still….. I’m still screaming inside. I screamed aloud in my room for a good 5 minutes straight when I first saw the news, and yes, to this day I am still screaming. His three pre-release tracks were GORGEOUS & Sun And Moon, track 1, literally brought me to tears without even trying. I had been missing his voice and presence for so long…
And then, for the full album release, Antenna announced a post in which if you pre-order his album when it comes out & email the Antenna staff with the receipt showing proof, you will be put in a drawing to attend his live showcase on the night of its release. OHMYGOSH. I knew I had to do it. I struggled a little bit & even felt like I was doing everything so untimely, but I am SO blessed that I really was able to order & pay for it, shoot Antenna an email real quick, and then nervously await my results for like a week. That one Friday the results were to be emailed out, I remembering feeling extremely anxious all throughout the day. I desperately wanted to go…. And at 6:00PM…. I got the email!!!!! I was literally shaking, hands & knees trembling and everything. I actually got invited to the ‘Sun And Moon’ 1st Album Showcase!!! Y’all!!! It was so amazing. It was the night before I had to leave to Taiwan early in the morning so it was quite stressful, but still!!!!! I felt so honored to be there that night: the venue was extremely intimate and Sam was soooososoooo gooooddd and the tracks he sang were sooo beautiful and just… everything about it was like a dream. I was truly blessed.
A week later…. Antenna announced Sam’s first FANSIGNING & once again I was overwhelmed with this “OMG I WANT TO GO, but how, should I really, but what about….??”. It was a physical album-purchase-based application process which means I had to go to this specific bookstore in Gangnam, buy x-amount of albums, and based on that amount, my name will be put into a drawing that many times. Very basic fansigning grounds. I already pre-ordered his album for the showcase, so I honestly didn’t really need another one… but I decided to test my luck & just purchase 1 measly album & see if that ONE album will help me get chosen. And o boy. I GOT IN :”)). When I saw my name on that list in the official fancafe post, I couldn’t believe it….
On the day of the fansigning which was happening inside a mall, starting at a certain time I was able to walk in and choose a random number from 1-100 and since I arrived early, I got to choose pretty early as well. When I saw my number I literally gasped aloud: #7. I know it’s a corny & cliché favorite number but only bc infinite ok. Being #7 meant that I literally say FRONT & CENTER of the stage…not even stage. There wasn’t a stage... it was just an open area. My turn came around very quickly because I was early and let’s just say I was a fking mess, repeating thank you over and over & literally, incessantly telling him how thankful I am for his music and how grateful that after all that time he took to came back, he came right when I was in Korea and how I was at Antenna in LA & his showcase too and thank you thank you, yadda yadda. Yeah…..I suck at these things I really do. Then, at the end of it all, he took a picture with the crowd of fans and ended up sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME LMAOOOOOOO. Okay here is a picture of maybe my biggest life accomplishment??? jk but no rly LOL.
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look ma, i made it :”)
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But really, the fact that I actually got to talk to Sam & just try to relay all my thanks that I have been owing to him for many years… wow… I’m still in shock and I am just so eternally thankful. I used to think to myself “damn, I wish I could talk to Sam one day” and damn…. I really did do it…
Eddy Kim was also another meeting that I could have only dreamed of before coming to Korea… His last release was 4 goddamn years ago oh my gosh… This fansign application was not a random drawing like Sam’s but just a “buy his album at this bookstore & u get in” sort of thing. To be honest I could blatantly tell that Eddy’s popularity is definitely not as comparable to the other artists that I cherish & I was quite shocked by this revelation. I knew for sure in America, who the hell would ever know him. But even in Korea, he seemed… just really not that well-known, especially from a music perspective. It was interesting and even a little disheartening to see. He was very kind & cutely impressed with my Korean skills and we literally just talked in a bunch of Konglish & once again I just kept repeating how thankful I was for his music in my life. How I waited for so long and his release literally matched up with my time there as well. Even though I never got to hear Eddy sing live, I am more than happy with the fact that I simply got to chat with him & relay my heart as best as possible.
After doing 3 full fansignings I have fully realized that as grateful for the opportunities I am, they are so difficult and stressful… To be given such a short amount of time to spill out my heart is essentially impossible for me LOL. I’d rather much LOVE to just to sit down with these artists not to fangirl or cry, but to have a real, genuine conversation about their music and why it holds so much sentiment for me. I would love to ask questions about their music and I would love to share with them how much it means me & why I am so thankful at the end of the day. That’s what I really wish I could do. Because even as I hurriedly expressed my countless thanks and probably sounded like a hot mess, I feel like I still just came off as a surface-level fan saying their thanks. But noo! In reality, I just wanted to relay how much their music means to me (I literally just typed this wow repetition is gr8). Which I feel like I really couldn’t do properly… I couldn’t get my heart across all the way ☹ but it’s okay because as I’ve been repeating, I am infinitely thankful nonetheless.
My first DAY6 event, their 3rd year anniversary 1st fanmeeting, was a bit of a flop for me simply because they talked wayyyyy to much & played stupid games & everything… and it was cute, but not what I was there for. I kinda wished I heard more of them singing, but it’s okay. In no way am I undermining this monumental day because I know it meant a lot to the boys & fans collectively. Jae could not participate due to health reasons & it definitely put a huge damper on the entire atmosphere, but the members tried their best and the entire audience even consistently sang aloud all of Jae’s parts during the songs when his voice was not there. They also sang a never-before-released track with Jae and they all just cried a bunch and me, sitting there, watching those light-wrist-band-thingies glow & beam & shine in-sync with the music, all sorts of colors, in a massive wave of lights & fanchants & music sewn together… wow it was honestly stunning & one of the most awesome spectacles I’ve ever experienced. Korean fans are really something else….
Speaking of which, attending 15 events during my 4 months there taught me many things about Korean concerts & fans that I find so extremely fascinating.
For most concerts, whether they are super hype-y & K-pop-y or a ballad one with minimal need for movement, when there are seats, fans with stay seated for the most part. In America, I feel like all fans tend to automatically stand (for basically all K-pop acts) regardless of the seating. But in Korea, at my experiences with DAY6 in particular (I also have heard that BTS in Seoul was the same), fans stayed sitting basically all throughout. The most like bodily movements they require would be the waving of their lightsticks. It was honestly pretty refreshing to see a generally calm & collected audience, at least where there was seating.
The fanchants are out of this world !!!!! Especially for the 2 times I saw DAY6, the fans were so on point with their fanchants: they were loud and clear and crisp AND THEY MATCHED WITH THE LIGHTS ON THEIR WRISTBANDS AND EVERYTHING wow was that so cool to see… The fans are super in unison & it honestly adds such a new level of energy to the experience.
SINGING !! Of course, since all these fans are Korean, they can actually sing all of these songs at concerts, unparalleled to international fans lol. One really cool moment at DAY6 that I will probably remember forever simply because this song is gorgeous & means a lot to me… but at day 1 of DAY6’s ‘The Present’ xmas concert series, Wonpil said “We’ve been on world tour for a while now and I’ve been wanting to try this out… if I play this song, can you sing for me?” and of course we all unconditionally said yes. And he started to play 그렇더라고요 on the keyboard & the ENTIRE AUDIENCE caught on immediately & we all sang the entire intro & first verse together in unison, as loud as we could, as the members joined in one by one w/ their own instruments, just watching us as we SANG FOR THEM. It was so cute & we even did it again with 장난 아닌데. This sort of stuff…. Wow…. Can only really happen at a domestic concert, which was honestly so so so beautiful. I LOVED IT!!!
No crazy, constant screaming during every part of the performance. Fans in Korea honestly only scream when necessary… ya feel? Sometimes at concerts, I feel like fans are just screaming at the top of the lungs the entire time, during every second of a song. But Korean fans chant when there is a chant, and cheer & scream when it really fits the situation. I really liked this more toned-down atmosphere from the Korean audiences.
I think that’s all I can really narrow down from my various experiences at Korean concerts compared to the ones in America… It really is quite different though, and I feel so honored to have witnessed this comparison countless times. I am really just honored to be there at those moments in general.
Which brings back around to this… upgraded level of connection towards my artists. After seeing so many of them in person and more than once for that matter, when listening to their music now… something definitely sounds different. When I listened to these artists before I saw them right in front of my eyes, their real, authentic voices blasting into my ears, I still felt moved, I still felt goosebumps, choked up, a bulging affection sometimes. And not that I have lost those feelings, no, definitely not. Now… now, when I listen to these artists through my earbuds or through my laptop… I can literally hear them in my ear. Does that even make sense? Well, duh… of course I can hear them. But like… it’s like… I can hear them on a much more intimate level than ever before. Now, I can really imagine & sense these voices in my head. I can pick up the sound of their breaths, picture their expressions, and really just HEAR their voices as if they were physically singing into my ear right there in that moment, in person. It’s such a peculiar and special and unique feeling that is honestly so hard to describe with just words…
But to be honest like… to this day I still cannot wrap my head around everything. I can barely count and keep track of all the artists I saw and when I saw them and what they sang. I feel like SO MUCH happened that my mind can barely grasp it all, as much as it wants to do so so badly… I still can barely comprehend it… years ago I would cry to Sam Kim, ponder how amazing he would be live… and then literally somehow, he sang two songs like 7 feet in front of me, and even sat right next to me. I thought Fromm was a goddess from another world: but I somehow got to talk to her & even take a selfie?? What?? I thought the world would never let me see Roy who always has his school life to manage as well…. But I got to see him live 5 times?? And even go to his solo concert?? WHAT??????? HOW????????? YOU GUYS, I could honestly go on and on and on because it still all feels like a dream…
In particular with Roy Kim… I say this to myself all the time, the irony is just… wow. Who would’ve known that after years of watching countless fancams, effortlessly memorizing his scarce yet existent fanchants, also memorizing set-lists without even trying, becoming all-too-familiar with things like the way he talks, addresses the crowd, sings specific songs, even all the way down to the way he does adlibs for certain songs… I unknowingly picked up & knew these performance aspects SO WELL through pure admiration, enthusiasm and just LOVE for every song he sings. And who would’ve known, that years later, I would have my very own fancams to cry over. After years of literally watching almost EVERY fancam of him on youtube, at all the various events he performed at, some years more frequently than others, today I can proudly say that I have my very own fancams of him, too. Ohmygosh, it’s still so hard for me to believe…
It really just….. *breathes deeply & tries to recollect self for the 24980164th time*…. It just goes to show… No, okay I don’t really know what it goes to show… But one thing is a fact: loving, cherishing, being thankful for, dedicating so much of my emotional & mental strength towards these seemingly-no-one artists has paid off tenfold. No, billionfold. I don’t even know. I just…. I just never thought I could do and see and hear and experience the things that I did. Never. These people…. These people have given me so much, and although I tucked them deep into the folds of my heart for years, I never thought I could truly open up these treasured feelings one day & TRULY support them with my very own eyes & ears & heart. IN person. I am just so so so blessed. So thankful. Really. Always.
Now, it’s time to bring myself to reality & to think about what this means for me going forward. I don’t want to believe in my passion for my music as a phase: Infinite & all things K-pop wasn’t simply a phase for me. It literally was a maturation, a self-realization, a loss of support for the things I never really knew or understood until time started to pass. I don’t think I grew out of K-pop. I think I simply grew with K-pop & got to understand more about it. And with that understanding came a change of heart. Which is literally the title of my post from years ago: “why I fell out of love with K-pop”. It’s not just “Oh, I am older now. So, I don’t want to like this seemingly childish stuff”. No, it was never about K-pop’s image or whatever. I can’t emphasize more, but it always comes down to the music for me.
Infinite has been and is a piece of my life that I will never forget. A piece of my life that has literally brought me to where I am today. I sit here, with my experiences and knowledge and feelings, in part, due to Infinite. I can guarantee anyone that much. And so, no, they really weren’t just a phase. Things change, people grow older, time flows. That’s just how it works. Does my heart ache over old K-pop like every day? Hell yeah it does LOL. But there’s nothing I can do about it. I can only thank old & 2nd-gen K-pop for the amazing memories that it has given me.
And so, with my music and my artists today, is this all a phase? Will I stop being as enthusiastic years later, like I did with Infinite? You see, with Infinite, I was always apprehensive. At the age of 12, I KNEW that time would eventually take its toll & my blatant love would not necessarily transcend the years that will drag on in the future. But that never made my appreciation for them dim: it only grew stronger as the days went by. I think I am always apprehensive. I think I always fear losing the feelings that I feel with great passion & love at this moment in time. Just as Roy says, 영원한 건 없지만. Nothing lasts forever (but...). I literally think about this all the time. It is such an important concept to me, and it is how I motivate myself to be thankful for everything and everyone and to just take things one step at a time. And so, to really answer my question: is this all just a phase?
I really, honestly, hope… No, I just think not. I really do not think so. At the age of say, 24, five years from now, will I still be loving Roy & Sam & DAY6 & Fromm & everyone else? I really honestly hope so. For as long as they can make music, I can keep loving them, right? Just as Infinite has done since I was 11, 8 years ago, up until today, I firmly believe that my artists can continue this long-lasting impression on my life. They instill a sort of magic & sentiment in my life that almost nothing else in this world can do for me. And for that, I will stay grateful for & only hope for the best.
Roy is currently back in school right now, finishing up his last semester before he finally gets to graduate! I am excited and proud and a bit sad all at the same time. But honestly, it really just comes down to the humanness of these people. When I first saw Infinite back in 2013 as a lil 14 year-old, I guess you could say I was starstruck. I was like “that’s them??!?? Those dudes ive spent countless hours watching through the computer screen?????? THEY ARE RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME?”. I had similar thoughts at the LA K-pop Festival in Apr. 2014 when I saw many many many of the big, og k-pop groups at that time. It was hard to believe that these people are real. I would say that my experience with the “With Antenna” in LA concert back in Sept. 2017 made me come to this important realization. That was the first concert where I actually spent the entire time sitting down and just listening. Listening to these wonderful musicians playing their instruments & singing gorgeous songs & just absorbing all that godly magic in the air at that place in time.
I really got to feel how human artists are at the end of the day. K-pop is always built up to be this larger-than-life dynamic, but real artists… No, they’re so much more different. They are simply people, like you and me, with a passion for their music & they wish to share that passion with the rest of the world. That’s it. The sincerity & genuineness that goes into my artists’ music can literally be felt from all the way across the world, just through a few audio snippets, fancams, and grainy Instagram videos. And that is seriously so beautiful. They are so amazing at what they do, they truly are.
Roy’s last two songs from 2018 were purely love song ballads, and I am not complaining or anything. As solid and classic as these tracks were, I still miss that acoustic, healing tone from him. Before he left for school again, he mentioned several times that he wants to come back with music that will console listeners. I was honestly so genuinely happy to hear this. He knows, he honestly, really does. He has even said it before, but he knows that his music can literally lift people back up from the dead. He wants to do that for them. For you and me, who struggle in life when the going gets rough, he wants to be of some sort of help, no matter how minuscule. He knows, he really does. And that is just so beautiful. I am so proud of him & I can’t wait to see what he will have in store for us in the coming months (after his grad, that is).
To all my artists that made these 4 months feel like a literal dream: Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Sincerely. Thank you. Always.
늘 고마워요.
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Because Reddit is having issues this is my submission to Malicious Compliance. Mostly so I can copy paste it later
Hello reddit, today I will tell you a tale of romance, betrayal, and smipublic streeking.
I don't go here much as I usually watch RSLASH and /Start and tend to prefer to lurk rather than post (unless its to promote my youtube) but I thought you may like to hear this, so here I go.
I don't usually put my real name online but some people may know me as LadyAzimuth (hi guys!)
I am 23 and my mother and I have always had a rocky relationship; by which I mean that she was mentally abusive to me and physically to my older sister back in the day. Now not to be rude but my mother has always had some mental problems which is why I ignored a good amount of the BS she did.
When I was young and spending the weekend at my father's i spilled some fries witch ketchup however and immediately began sobbing and apologizing for making a mess and going into full panic attack mode. My father calmed me down and asked me some questions which made me come to the realization that I was being pretty heavily abused by my mother.
Couple that with the many MANY years of physical abuse (I was bi in the late 90s and early 2000s and it wasnt legal to marry where I am until 05 so I got my ass kicked alot) and that made the perfect cocktail of dependence and silence.
My mother would constantly tell me I was being dramatic when I was heavily suicidal, dumb when it turns out i am dyslexic, and a cry baby when I would have anxiety attacks. Of course that all stopped when she got diagnosed for almost everything I have.
This may seem like useless information but I need you to understand why I act the way I am in this situation.
Now I have always been obedient. When her mother died i was in my teens and ended up having to raise my 2 younger siblings while my mom and stepfather were in a different city (will be referred to as L henceforth for privacy )
I ended up doing worse in school (I was already having issues because COULDN'T READ) and having to give up doing karate which was the closest thing to therapy I had. I had gotten a few awards for rising through the ranks quicker than others and my teacher thought I could have been a teacher in a few years time if I had continued the way that I was.
Now note, I never asked for a thank you. I believe that you should do your best to help other when they need it and it is ridiculous to demand thanks for it, but I do expect the base level of respect.
My mother only respects herself and her reputation.
I was working at a famous Canadian coffee shop (the one from the memes, you all know what one) for 2 years and I and everyone else was abused for years at it. I stayed longer than 70% of the people working there. This place was the worst. AC didn't work in the summer and it got to about 45 -50 degrees in there, of course we weren't allowed water breaks.
This place also did not want anyone to ever log their injuries. My friend logged a slip that resulted in her being in a hip brace and they cut her hours from full time to 1 4 hour shift a week for it. It was because of this and my being used to being abused that I didn't log a injury I got while trying to open a stuck fridge door.
I have bad knees so I ended up having them lock up while I tried to yank this door open underneath the deli counter causing my kneecap to pop off and my leg to collapse causing a v shape going outwards with the knee. I can't explain it well, but suffice to say, knees do NOT work that way. This is an injury that causes me pain almost every day of my life now, and because I was bullied into not recording it and it was almost 2 years ago now with everyone who was there having quit, there's nothing legally I can do.
I ended up leaving that place when an older lady who had been written up 7 times and not fired dispute almost attacking customers numerous times, screamed at a customer I was helping causing me to have a panic attack. I went to the back and was having a breakdown when she stormed in, threw the clipboard that holds the schedule at my head and punched a bookshelf beside me. I knew nothing would be done, so I left.
It was freeing for all of 5 minutes. Like a weight off my shoulders. Like when you're in a car crash and when you open your eyes, it was just a fender bender.
And then my mother demanded rent.
I had already paid my rent for the month (it was only about the 5th of April) and she was demanding next months rent "just to be sure"
Of course the next month comes around and she demands more rent, even though I paid in advance and went into debt to do it.
This was the beginning of the end.
My stepfather told her she was being ridiculous and to drop it so I could find work. And she did, for a bit. Now I currently live in K. K is a largish city that's only an hour away from Toronto on the 401 and even with the minimum wage being 14 an hour in Ontario, you still can not afford a 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto here off 1 persons wages.
On top of that there aren't enough jobs to go around. Every single interview I've gone to has had no less than 5 other people to interview aside from me and that's on the low end.
So I've been jobless since April.
Fast forward a few months and my mother and stepfather break up. She and him had been together for 19 years and she has been cheating on him for 7 moths with her vocal instructor who is also a mutual friend of theirs.
They decide that they want to co-parent as to not disrupt the children's lives. Which would be acceptable if that was the case and not just a cover story so the kids don't worry.
The truth is, my mother sold her share of her company because she (like a whiny child) couldn't get along with her.
I mean admittedly she is a plastic prep who never grew out of it but I digress...
So she sold her part of the company and is taking payments of about 1000 a week for 2 years I think?
Rather than putting this towards the rent, shes been spending money like it's going out of style.
Since then she has bought a grand fucking piano which she's still making payments on, a whole ass horse and is paying for monthly board for her. She eats out nearly every single day and drives across cities numerous times a day in her giant gas guzzling ford truck.
To top it off, she attempted to ride said horse before properly rehabilitating it (it had been neglected and underfed so she was antsy and none of the saddles fit correctly) so it threw her.
Kali, I love you, you beautiful mare you, but you sent my mother to destination fucked, and I don't appreciate it.
She landed on her ankle, shattered it, nearly twisted it off completely and broke the leg bone clean in half. She nearly lost the leg due to infection and 15 months later we are still looking at about 10 more months of recovery if all go's well.
Now just because we live in Canada, doesn't mean this is a cheap endeavor. In fact my step father had to double his workload in the business he owned to make up for it, and the household is still having some issues (I'm not saying we are broke, because the lights are on and everyone is comfortable but we have to live by the dollar at this point.)
So money has been coming up a lot recently and has been another way to demean me and manipulate me and make me feel like trash.
The money is the reason why she want's to co-parent, because otherwise she most likely would not be able to support herself with how shes hemorrhaging money and cant work. (Physically she can, she just would prefer not to and to go out every day and night to party and bang her boyfriend. Did I mention she still hasn't legally divorced my father and still has his last name?
So a week to the day that they made the separation announcement, she gets my stepfather to tell me for her that I have to leave.
Because she wan'ts somewhere to sleep that isn't the couch.
And to "help me out" I could sleep on the couch until I find a place and maybe my family from L can help.
My family who most live off of welfare and minimum wage jobs in the shit end of town.
She didn't tell me when I was to leave, despite me asking her, I assume it was because I can be pretty scary when I am angry and screaming, I'll admit. I learned from my stepfather that I had to be out within the week.
I have to leave, with less than no money because my mother cheated on my stepfather.
Some people wounder what they are worth, money wise. I found out I am worth 500 CAD and some middle aged balding white man dick. How lovely.
So of course I have a total melt down. My friend took me in for a few days because I was on the edge of suicide and still am and couldn't be in the house anymore.
So I've contacted my family in L and am making arrangements to leave and its been a week to the day. Things are slow going as I find someone who can host me on their couch until I get on my feet so I'm on borrowed time.
I got frustrated as since then my mother hasn't said a word to me and has pretended I don't exist so I asked her what the hell she expected from me and how she could act like this.
I got this response. "Just take your shit and go"
I have a large room, most of the rooms in this house are large so its quite a bit to pack but I've got it more or less.
(Pic here The Packed Room )
In said room I have a lovely wooden bedroom set given to me from my grandmother before she died, as it was in the bedroom I always stayed in when I was at her house. There's a bedside table, bed with a nice head board and a large vanity with a huge mirror.
I never had anything as nice as that before grandmother so I made sure years ago with my stepfather that when I move, its going with me.
On top of that, i have a large old desk that used to be in the office before my stepfather upgraded, a TV which was gifted to me, 8 bookshelves that I saved from being tossed years ago, lovely purple blackout curtains with black flowers on them and a matching lamp and a leather futon couch which is actually quite classy and a PS4,3 and 2. (she occasionally games so I know she's been eyeing those)
I know my mom. I know she wants everything inside of here and will fight tooth and nail for it. But not only is everything in here mine and the accumulation of years, I have my stepfathers permission to take everything, because it is mine.
Take my shit and go? Ok. I will. My friend's grandfather is offering to store my stuff in his empty rooms because he is the kindest old veteran you'll ever meet. I'm taking EVERYTHING.
NOTHING will be left behind.
I hope she enjoys sleeping on the floor because I know for fact we don't have a spare bed.
And as I'm just taking my shit and going, Ill make sure to not tell her about how the very large window super heats the room in the summer at 3 in the afternoon and is almost as cold as the outside is in winter because it was never properly installed. I'll also neglect to tell her where the window leaks when it rains to put down towels so mold dosn't start growing. I'll neglect to tell her about how the wifi doesn't reach up here most of the time so she will have to wonder if her tech is broken.
Unrelated but she REALLY cares about what other people think and that's why I had the thick curtains.
The week is up in a few minutes so I took down MY curtains. Because I'm just taking my stuff and going right?
So I hope out neighbors don't see my chubby while butt undressing to sleep. I used to sleep naked.
I think I'll do that tonight.
Mom gave the sacred succ to a person she shouldn't have, kicked me out with no warning, so now her one legged ass will be sleeping on the floor of the fancy room she traded me for and will have to answer questions to the whole cul du sac of middle aged upper middle class stuck up moms that she runs the community facebook page for about why her daughter was giving the neighborhood a strip show.
Also she may freeze / sweat to death before she figures out the window is fucked.
Will update once I'm gone about her reaction. Thanks for reading and remember:
Some times you just gatta do what you're told lol.
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asqaaxahutll-blog · 5 years
How To See See Who Views Your Instagram Quickly
If you are dead immense in subsequent to your visitors and checking who saying your Instagram profile, how to look who points of view your Instagram feature is the best showing off to treaty similar to realize in that capacity, in the past the stories posted by gate who viewed my instagram video records are accessible to nearly everyone how to look who viewed your Instagram profile video. You can locate your dispel profile watcher. get it upon our free online gadgets. Most of these applications manage to pay for off an declare of innate piece of legislation and they commonly choose discretionary Instagram names and toss around the proportionate to you. tolerate it or not, some of them even solicitation that you pay a mortify amount of allowance in achievement you have to locate more than five names.
Who Viewed My Instagram Video
Encountering customer reviews on the show collection and App growth will paint a comparative picture. They raise discretionary names and scramble them stirring once you check straightaway who views my Instagram. Likewise, an advancement will jump can you see who views your instagram occurring at everyday interims. Would I have the unorthodox to see who seen my Instagram? The excuse that such applications cant pursue the profile visitors is fundamental. The Instagram API doesnt allow such recommendation to outcast applications for how to look who viewed your Instagram video. while a few applications complete ventilate who unfollowed (or sought after) you starting late, creating the make known of your profile visitor is mentioning unreasonably. The Instagram API doesnt offer such counsel to pariah applications. In addition, nobody can in reality say how these applications handle your data and anew there is question hitting in your mind that who saying my Instagram.Instagram tab Views. even if you cannot look who views your profile or individual posts, you can see who views your Instagram stories. Stories were other to Instagram in 2016, and have past become wildly popular, surpassing the usage of the original story-sharing app by can I see who viewed my Instagram? Snapchat. If someone views your story, which is forlorn shared for 24 hours, you can say by checking the list of viewers. Instagram credit Views Order. Now that you know who has viewed your story, you may be wondering what the order of that list means. Many users are excited very nearly the order of aficionado and bearing in mind lists, likes, and balance views, as it is usually distinct that the order is not chronological. The perfect bill for the order of these lists is not unconditionally clear, but we know that it every goes encourage to the Instagram algorithm. who you engage similar to the most can you see who views your instagram on Instagram will likely appear at the top of the list, which is why you often look your closest friends or buddies as the first spectators upon the list. Who Stalking My Instagram? consequently you cant see definitively who visits your Instagram profile, but is there a mannerism to figure out your stalkers? Sadly, plus no although there is more room for notes upon this question. The Instagram Algorithm shows you posts and orders your cronies and likes based on three factors: your interests, your relationships, and reference. total how useful these applications are, I question they are even secure. In the occasion that youve offered entry to such applications beforehand, create a reduction to repudiate the passageway quickly, paying little mind to whether you dont use them any more or have uninstalled them from your phone.
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Open attributed online instruments of Instagram page later than IG Apers upon your program and it will deny the allow youve unadulterated to any such suspicious applications. In the thing that youre still never going to budge on in the manner of your visitors, the now-pervasive Instagram stories feature is the best mannerism to pact similar to complete every things considered, in the past the stories posted by read archives are accessible to with reference to everyone (aside from on the off unplanned that they are impeded from breakdown it). You should basically edit a report and swipe up. click on the eyeball image and the once-over of people who have visited your savings account will be appeared. This joins customers who arent gone your Instagram account. You have the marginal to see who points of who views my Instagram profiles chronicles? In quick you can for that our site will realize accordingly. If you see someone loathsome, a tap upon the tiny irate image (close by the name) will deter the person from chemical analysis your far along Instagram Stories. Or after that again, you may change to a private photograph album if you hope to keep your private data private. Physically checking the Instagram Stories normally could be aggravating. In any case, that is the primary way, in any occasion until new notice.Instagram assumes that those you interact in imitation of the most interest you the most, and they want to save you enthusiastic and spending time upon their app. The users should correct their Instagram privacy settings. If youre really anxious just about who is viewing your Instagram, you can bend your privacy settings correspondingly that single-handedly those youve certified can you see who views your instagram can look your posts. If your Instagram is set to public, anyone can view your posts and stories unless youve blocked someone specifically. Going private on Instagram can negatively impact engagement, as your posts wont be visible to anyone who doesnt follow you already. behind your Instagram set to private you still wont know which of your followers is stalking you, but at least youll know that strangers cant see at your photos. Insights reveals how many people have viewed your posts and breaks the length of demographics later than age, gender, and location of followers.See who views your Instagramand check out how many impressions were made upon each post, as skillfully as how many people liked, commented, shared, or saved it. though you cant see which specific buddies viewed your profile or each post, you can look the numbers to greater than before gauge your attain on Instagram and use that instruction to adjoin engagement and gain Instagram followers.
There is a basic methodology set taking place which would permit you to see the names of your profile visitors to know who viewed my Instagram. By and by, not genuine complexity for anyone to bust your Instagram stalkers. in fact given it here bearing in mind couple of basic advances showing off to how to see who views your instagram look who viewed my Instagram profile.Strike the toggle to switch your account from public to private, or from private to public you nevertheless cannot look exactly who views your posts or profile, unfortunately. You can, however, see how many users have viewed your publicize through Instagram Insights They are to remain a puzzle and which is just fine. In feat be revolted by someone else to understand that youve visited their profile (say, your ex). Therefore, at all point intrigue gives indications of encroachment of you, you know not to trust in the pariah applications.
0 notes
vcsavgqaueoc-blog · 5 years
New App To Find Can I See Who Views My Instagram Account Must
If you are dead omnipresent in subsequent to your visitors and checking who saw your Instagram profile, how to look who points of view your Instagram feature is the best artifice to agreement in the same way as complete in that capacity, previously the stories posted by right to use can you see who views your instagram videos archives are accessible to more or less everyone how to see who viewed your Instagram profile video. You can find your put to rest profile watcher. get it upon our clear online gadgets. Most of these applications present off an expose of living thing action and they commonly pick discretionary Instagram names and rouse the proportionate to you. acknowledge it or not, some of them even solicitation that you pay a humiliate amount of money in charge you have to locate more than five names.
Who Viewed My Instagram Video
Encountering customer reviews on the play in store and App addition will paint a comparative picture. They raise discretionary names and scramble them occurring in imitation of you check straightaway who views my Instagram. Likewise, an advancement will jump can you see who views your instagram taking place at unidentified interims. Would I have the option to see who seen my Instagram? The defense that such applications cant pursue the profile visitors is fundamental. The Instagram API doesnt pay for such information to outcast applications for how to look who viewed your Instagram video. even if a few applications realize proclaim who unfollowed (or sought after) you starting late, creating the state of your profile visitor is mentioning unreasonably. The Instagram API doesnt provide such instruction to pariah applications. In addition, nobody can essentially say how these applications handle your data and another time there is ask hitting in your mind that who proverb my Instagram.Instagram balance Views. while you cannot look who views your profile or individual posts, you can look who views your Instagram stories. Stories were added to Instagram in 2016, and have previously become wildly popular, surpassing the usage of the indigenous story-sharing app by can I look who viewed my Instagram? Snapchat. If someone views your story, which is lonely shared for 24 hours, you can tell by checking the list of viewers. Instagram version Views Order. Now that you know who has viewed your story, you may be wondering what the order of that list means. Many users are avid about the order of enthusiast and subsequent to lists, likes, and version views, as it is usually positive that the order is not chronological. The precise balance for the order of these lists is not utterly clear, but we know that it all goes support to the Instagram algorithm. who you engage as soon as the most how to see who viewed your instagram video upon Instagram will likely appear at the summit of the list, which is why you often see your closest links or cronies as the first listeners upon the list. Who Stalking My Instagram? suitably you cant see definitively who visits your Instagram profile, but is there a showing off to figure out your stalkers? Sadly, next no although there is more room for remarks upon this question. The Instagram Algorithm shows you posts and orders your partners and likes based upon three factors: your interests, your relationships, and reference. perfect how useful these applications are, I ask they are even secure. In the occasion that youve offered admission to such applications beforehand, create a lessening to repudiate the path quickly, paying tiny mind to whether you dont use them any more or have uninstalled them from your phone.
Firstly,New One Definition
Open certified online instruments of Instagram page bearing in mind IG Apers upon your program and it will deny the allow youve truth to any such suspicious applications. In the issue that youre yet never going to budge upon taking into consideration your visitors, the now-pervasive Instagram stories feature is the best mannerism to harmony in the same way as complete every things considered, previously the stories posted by log on history are accessible to around everyone (aside from on the off unplanned that they are impeded from psychiatry it). You should basically get into a savings account and swipe up. click on the eyeball image and the once-over of people who have visited your version will be appeared. This joins customers who arent in the same way as your Instagram account. You have the out of the ordinary to look who points of who views my Instagram profiles chronicles? In rapid you can for that our site will reach accordingly. If you see someone loathsome, a tap upon the little outraged image (close by the name) will deter the person from breakdown your superior Instagram Stories. Or after that again, you may change to a private cassette if you wish to save your private data private. Physically checking the Instagram Stories normally could be aggravating. In any case, that is the primary way, in any occasion until extra notice.Instagram assumes that those you interact in the manner of the most fascination you the most, and they desire to keep you excited and spending grow old on their app. The users should fiddle with their Instagram privacy settings. If youre essentially worried about who is viewing your Instagram, you can amend your privacy settings consequently that single-handedly those youve approved can you see who views your instagram can see your posts. If your Instagram is set to public, anyone can view your posts and stories unless youve blocked someone specifically. Going private upon Instagram can negatively impact engagement, as your posts wont be visible to anyone who doesnt follow you already. taking into account your Instagram set to private you still wont know which of your buddies is stalking you, but at least youll know that strangers cant see at your photos. Insights reveals how many people have viewed your posts and breaks alongside demographics once age, gender, and location of followers.See who views your Instagramand check out how many impressions were made on each post, as without difficulty as how many people liked, commented, shared, or saved it. though you cant see which specific buddies viewed your profile or each post, you can see the numbers to improved gauge your attain on Instagram and use that instruction to supplement incorporation and gain Instagram followers.
There is a basic methodology set in the works which would permit you to look the names of your profile visitors to know who viewed my Instagram. By and by, not real profundity for anyone to bust your Instagram stalkers. in point of fact firm it here subsequent to couple of basic advances showing off to can you see who views your instagram see who viewed my Instagram profile.Strike the toggle to switch your account from public to private, or from private to public you nevertheless cannot see exactly who views your posts or profile, unfortunately. You can, however, look how many users have viewed your declare through Instagram Insights They are to remain a puzzle and which is just fine. In case be repulsed by someone else to comprehend that youve visited their profile (say, your ex). Therefore, at all tapering off intrigue gives indications of money up front of you, you know not to trust in the pariah applications.
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