#every time hestia and tumble are in a new show
uppastthejelliclemoon · 10 months
Hestia ends up being the only one of the Deuteronomy-Jones kids to end up doing ballet as a full-time career. Mistoffelees never lived vicariously through his kids, but seeing Hestia and Tumblebrutus go into dance as something full-time warmed his heart so so much. She and Tumblebrutus become one of those ballet it-couples, where everyone knows they're together, and if one of them is seen auditioning for a role in a ballet that's part of a romantic pair, the other isn't far behind.
Their first big role is in "The Nutcracker", where Hestia is cast as Clara, and Tumblebrutus as the Nutcracker. It's a role they both know well, having danced it as children and young adults, but being on a professional stage makes it so much more real.
Mistoffelees can't help but cry sitting in the first row, watching his daughter dance and be applauded by thousands of people. Hestia makes eye contact with him throughout the show, happy tears in her own eyes, and at the end of the show, as she bows, she blows him a kiss.
When it comes time for everyone to go to the stage door, of course there are crowds waiting for the two leads. However, as soon as the doors open, Hestia's flying past all the cheering people straight into her papa's arms, clinging to him as he spins her around, just like he used to when he was Drosselmeyer and she was Clara.
Mistoffelees is absolutely bursting with pride, and Hestia's beaming, and she doesn't leave his side, even as her siblings pile onto her in a tight group hug, or as Tugger peppers kisses all over her face, cheek stained with tears he fervently denies shedding.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. LO also completely fell off the amazon lists so?? idk i was under the impression with all the exclusive merch and how hard they were pushing it for literal months surely it would have gotten farther. maybe most of the readers didnt want to buy one copy and then ANOTHER copy for another cover and just knew it wasnt worth it when they could just read it for free anyway? like its basically a collector item and i think they overshot not realizing the fans arent book collectors.
2. im no publisher but i think the webtoons team kinda fucked up on this book. they split it between hardback and paperback, so that automatically splits sales, but they also made a B&N exclusive cover, so that splits sales again, but then they kept adding pins and signed nameplates (???) that people ended up cancelling preorders and maybe forgot to reorder so no wonder it sort of tumbled?? plus its a niche product anyway that most would rather read on their phones for free. What a mess.
3. tbh lo persephone just ... isnt a character. shes the best at everything, everyone loves her, the narrative always excuses her, she has no flaws and every problem she causes it just hand-waved or blamed on someone else. every other character only exists to love her, excuse her, or be punished for not kissing her feet. she has no goals or ambitions or hobbies, much less a real place in the story, she just exists.
4. Maybe I'm too simplistic, but I do think it's possible to write HxP where Persephone can love Hades AND Demeter. I'm just sad LO is following that same trend of making their relationship cruel and abusive with Persephone wanting nothing to do with her and revolving her world solely around Hades. Though this time it comes with Hades also being just as cruel to Demeter off his weird Kingly entitlement Rachel seems to think is charming over off-putting.
5. lets be frank here. persephone didnt start suddenly looking more mature, rachel just made all the woman now all just look as young as persephone to give the fake allusion shes actually not a baby faced teenager. she still looks and acts like a child.  shes actually gotten worse in both regards since s2 started.
6. Ik this is stupid but I find ir funny how Hestia, Athena and Artemis in the trial arc are dressed si ugly they look like they're going to church instead of an "important event" like judging a goddess for conspiracy and mass murder
7. i know LO doesnt really try to be remotely accurate but the "queen" look for persephone is just insultingly removed from greek elements. an aureole effect would be a nice touch, but instead its just some generic pink pouty woman with red eyes that blend into her skin and shes just in a cheep looking stick tiara and a boring black dress that of course has to show off her breasts. its supposed to be this regal look to the dread queen but it just looks like a rushed halloween costume instead.
8. Lo popularity made me so... Disappointed? I thought we are living in a world where feminists achieved more than that. Come on story about a barely adult naive girl getting together with an old capitalist douche with a big power imbalance would never be progressive nor feminist no matter how you write it. Up to this day I can't understand how people can like this narrative and how can they not see all the obvious issues! Just because it's labeled as feminist it doesn't mean it is, open your eyes
9. I have the feeling as if LO in more concerned of the aesthetics than actual plot. I'm not sure how to word it better. I mean its something New. It can also be good like doing visual metaphores to Show something when dialogue isn't good enough.
But LO doesn't seem to be able to do anything else
I just wanted to put that out there since i've been thinking about this for a long time and i don't feel like anypne has brought it up yet.
10. pt.1 I immediately want to apologize for the mistakes, I don't know English well, because I'm from Russia. I really love reading your blog and I agree with many opinions. I would like to share my opinion about Mint and Hades. Hades just kept her by his side because no one wanted to be with him and reveled in his own insignificance. As soon as Persephone appeared on the horizon, he refused Mint as easily as the nymph who worked with him ... 
pt2. (the episode in which Mint came to Hades to sort out the office about the cap). I understand that they had an unhealthy relationship, but damn, it could have been played out differently. Many fans of LO repeat about the truthfulness of myths, but only in the case in which Mint will be humiliated and crushed.
pt3. And what about the wonderful baby Megara? Didn't Hades realize that she was in love with him? What prevented him from trying to start a relationship with her? Not everyone is attracted to their future partner right away, they could gradually develop their relationship and learn a lot from them.
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skyruemonroe · 7 years
It's a Chicken Nugget Hazel Levesque. Tfw u tried to write a pjo fic even tho the series has been dead for u since 2014
After years of being lost in the fields of Asphodel, Hazel Levesque was brought back to life to be a part of a prophecy. The Prophecy of the Seven destined seven half-bloods to rise to the call and defend the world as they know it against an ancient Earth goddess, Gaia. Out of the seven demigods, only six were defending the world “as they knew it”. Hazel had been dead since 1942. Hazel’s half-brother Nico Di Angelo jail broke her out of Asphodel and threw her into a new century. The 21st century might as well have been an entirely different world versus the time she’s from. Buckets of information were poured into her head with every passing day. Nothing reminded her of the 1930s and there were no familiarities besides her newly made friendships with the rest of the seven. One of the seven gained a little more than her friendship. Frank Zhang took affection with his cheeky smile and stole her heart with gentle gestures. Frank had become the praetor of New Rome after the war with Gaia had ended. They haven’t been able to spend too much time sharing stories and giggling flirtatiously  His post kept him busy, but Hazel was kept busy with her lessons about the modern day.
Camp-Half Blood had such a slower pace compared to the rest of the world.  Instead of obnoxious, horn blowing and car engines growling there were trees rustling, birds chirping and the sweet, relaxed chatters of campers. Although, chatting was more so cheering and groaning when war games were in session. As far as she was aware war games weren’t planned for the rest of the week. More time to relax and enjoy her friends’ company.
Friends. An ethereal smile flooded into her face as she headed towards the Hestia cabin. Tight, copper curls bounced against her shoulders as she started to skip. Her eyes were a gold sun and they shined brighter with every friendly wave from campers lingering in the ring of cabins. The canary letters printed on her purple SPQR shirt, along with the brown in her knee-height boots created a casual accent against cinnamon skin and high-waist blue jeans.
The Hestia’s cabin door swung open before she could raise her hand to knock. “Miss Underground has arrived,” a pointy eared, scrawny boy announced. He grabbed Hazel’s hand and yanked her into a room of laughable cheers. “It’s thanksgiving Charlie Brown and we’ve got taste testing to do.”
“Leo, it’s not thanksgiving and who’s Charlie Brown?” Hazel’s eyes widened as his bony arm pulled her to the rest of the group. It was odd seeing everyone letting their guard laze and unscathed. Leo was wearing a clean, stainless, white t-shirt and brown cargo shorts rather than an almost grey with filth button down shirt and jeans.
“Darling Hazel…Grasshopper you’ve still got much to learn. I, the qualified Percy Jackson will show you Peanuts after food. “Percy closed his eyes put his right hand on his chest and held his right arm out to Hazel as if he was making an oath. A small smirk flickered on his face as he awaited a face palm from his beloved girlfriend. Hazel’s right eye scrunched as her left eyebrow rose. Are peanuts not food? Are they slang now?
“Seaweed brain. Why are you like this?” Grey eyes rolled as a blonde haired girl spoke. A soft chuckle tumbled from her lips as she tugged on of her curls.
“Anyway~” Leo interrupted the couple before flirtatious bantering could hit off. “Courtesy of the Hestia cabin. Today you’re going to try chicken nuggets and other 21st century foods. ” His brown chucks tapped against the ground softly as he walked backward into a chair. His curls matched the brown choppiness of a girl who was leaning towards a blonde boy with thick, black glasses. “Maybe you’ll eat the vegan stuff Piper likes. ” He jutted his thumb to the girl behind him.
Hazel rolled her eyes at the brown haired girl’s spot on jazz hands behind Leo’s head. “How many other foods?” The smell of oils and modern day convenience stores wafted all through the cabin. “Why couldn’t we do this at the dining hall?” Hazel figured it make more sense to take advantage of the dining hall’s magical properties than to have Hestia campers do all the cooking.
“Lots of foods will be tested. Foods I will eat.” Piper finger gunned at Hazel. Reminding everyone that she wasn’t going to be consuming chicken nuggets or any other meat products. “We wanted to do it here because homemade is the best way to have food. ” Piper pulled herself up onto a wooden table in the center of the cabin. Then playfully leaned forward to flick Leo and Jason’s heads. “I’m a vegetarian. Not vegan…yet. ”
Jason turned around with puffed out cheeks, narrowed blue eyes and pursed lips. “Pipes owh. I didn’t say anything.”
Percy giggled as Leo slyly un-tied  Piper’s grey converse. “Piper you might want to hop down from the table. If we’re going to be eating I don’t want your butt where my food will be.”
Piper gave an understanding nod and hopped down from the table. Her shoe lace on her left foot got caught under her right shoe, throwing her forward onto her face. Hazel looked away as Piper shot back up. Should she have said something so Piper wouldn’t have fallen?
Maybe she shouldn’t have said something. That was quite hilarious though. In order to hide the corners of her smile Hazel pretended to cough.  
Annabeth sat in the corner eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed firmly together  like she was about to explode. “They’re all frozen foods. It doesn’t make sense to have it here in the Hestia cabin.”
Before more common sense could spill off her tongue a Hestia camper came out with bowls filled to the brim with chicken nuggets. “The blue bowl has tyson chicken nuggets, the green bowl has vegetable based nuggets and the purple bowl has breaded chunks of chicken. Or homemade chicken nuggets. ”
“Thanks!” Five of the kids chorused in unison.
“Why didn’t you just say homemade chicken nuggets? Why make it more complicated?” Percy scooted his chair towards the table. The screeching sounds of the chair legs against the floor were so irritating. Annabeth kicked Percy’s chair forward flying him all the way up to the table.  Instead of multiple fragmented screeches there was one big scooch.
Piper immediately started snatching nuggets from the vegetable bowl and stuffing them in her face. Jason followed her actions but much more slowly. At least Piper wasn’t intense and mean. Hazel hasn’t ever seen her trash or make a scene over people eating meat. Frank was making his way into becoming vegetarian as well. Percy and Leo would tease him about how soon his heavy armor would turn into eco-friendly grass woven shirts.
Giggling, Hazel walked over to the table and picked up a homemade chicken nugget first. They looked delicious, she thinks. Hazel hasn’t seen any other homemade chicken nuggets to compare them to.
The moment Hazel popped a chicken nugget into her mouth. A boy solidified through a shadow cast on the wall by a bookshelf. “I knew you all would do this. You got nuggets. You didn’t get McNuggets. You’re dead to me. ” Once the boy was completely visible his pale skin stuck out like center piece against all the warm colors in the Hestia cabin. The bags under his eyes were an unsettling grey. Did those bags ever go away? What would he look like without fatigue weighing on his skin. Does Will ever make him sleep? Hazel bit her lip into a smile as she thought about her brother and his hot mess of self care.
“Nico!” She dropped the next chicken nugget she was about to eat onto the table and ran over to give him a loving hug
“Hay! Be careful you’re going to hurt the happy meals. ” His grip tightened around the gold m-shaped handles. He lightly kissed her cheek then smiled back.
“Hay Hay back a way way!” Percy grinned. All eyes turned to a young man balancing a stack of chicken nuggets on his nose.  A few Hestia campers were watching the group from afar.  Their heads tilted and eyebrows raised.  Were these dorks really the brave heroes to save the world? In the full picture they looked like the weird group of misfits who’d sit a table away from the ‘squares’ at school.  "Someone is missing. “ He looked around at everyone in the room.
The room was filled of people. "There’s no one missing. Frank already told you he couldn’t make it. ” Hazel took a Happy Meal from Nico’s hands. Her eyes widened as she noticed the teeth and tongue painted onto the box. “Why does it have a face?” The corner of her upper lip raised while the skin on her nose scrunched up.
“To make it more kid friendly. ” Leo offered an explanation and then turned to Percy. “Calypso couldn’t make it because she isn’t feeling well. ” Leo stuffed as face in the midst of talking in order to cover up the immediate look of love sickness.
Percy shook his head. “No, not them. Someone that’s Nico’s TYPE. ”
Everyone in the room let out an annoyed sigh.  "LET IT GO. “ The entire cabin shouted.
"Percy you’ve got me, your girlfriend. You can’t hold on to Nico growing out of his crush  forever. ” Annabeth smacked the back of head, causing all the chicken nuggets to fall onto his lap. Nico huffed and picked up a glass full of a red drink from a platter just being brought in. Hazel looked over to the Hestia kids.  Why were the so distant? This wasn’t a selective food party. It’s an everybody food party. Hazel opened her mouth to call everyone over but was cut off by Percy’s revenge.
“Annabeth. There’s a spider right behind your head. ” He pointed and forced a look of surprise upon his face.
“Kelphead. Do you really think that’s gonna work on me? I found the Mark of Athena. I’m not scared of spiders anymo-”
Leo took his shoe off and started to get up, “I’ll kill it. ” He looked to where Percy was pointing. Annabeth flew into Percy’s arms that millisecond. All the chicken nuggets on his lap fell onto the floor. A hestia kid groaned in the background. They’re going to have clean up the mess when they all leave.
Hazel felt dirty for laughing so hard. The guilt faded away as Piper joined her. Hazel’s hair smushed against Piper’s shoulder as she leaned into her jean jacket.  Looking to Nico her eyebrows furrowed. “Are you drinking blood?” She understood the term edgy now. Wasn’t this taking 'edge’ a bit too far? Her pupils shrunk a bit as her mood was tainted with fear and disgust.
Everyone laughing at Percy and Annabeth now laughed at Hazel’s confusion. Nico’s head jerked back as his eyes bugged and he spit his drink out of his mouth. “No! It’s not blood. Good gods Hazel. It’s Kool-Aid. ”
The blonde boy behind Nico nodded. “Yeah Hazel it’s just a soft drink. It comes in a ton of different flavors and colors. It tastes pretty nasty unless you pour half a bag of sugar in. ”
“Jason you’d only put the amount it said to put in until I showed you how to make Kool-Aid. ” Leo raised his eyebrows and looked over to the Hestia campers. “Are you guys going to chill with us?” A toothy grin sprawled across his face as Leo waved them over to the table.
Jason looked to the side. It’s not his fault he never experimented outside of instruction. Some people are made to be set in stone. Hazel laughed at Jason’s face then turn to see the Hestia kid’s expressions. There was a bit of confusion and hesitant nodding. “It’ll be more fun with you!” Hazel twirled over to them and extended her hand to the eldest looking camper.
“Well I don’t see why we’re all sitting back here. ” The Hestia kid took Hazel’s hand and they both went back to the table. The other kids followed. “So, you’re Hazel Levesque?” They noted her copper curls, SPQR shirt and bond with the world’s saviors. “How’s the 21st Century treating you?”
Hazel let go of the Hestia camper’s hand then spun around to come face to face. She looked up a tad because she only came up to their chin. “I am Hazel Levesque. It’s. It’s interesting. Not like anything I’ve ever witnessed but I love it!” Hazel bashfully tugged on one of her curls and gazed down at the floor. “I still feel like I don’t know enough to really contribute. ”
The Hestia camper chuckled lightly. “You don’t have to learn to create. You create to learn. Bring in what you do know and then go from there. ” They patted Hazel lightly on the shoulder.
Hazel’s golden eyes rose to meet the Hestia camper’s blue eyes. They weren’t as chilling and intimidating as Jason’s but they were even more infinite and capturing. “Thank you. I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name?”
“You can call me Jace. ” The Hestia camper grinned. “You’ll have more fun in this generation if you stay away from 5sos and meme stans and… Politics. ” Jace popped the P in politics and slid in a chair across from Piper. They grabbed a veggie nugget and poked it into their mouth.
“What’s a five sauce stan? What’re memes?” Hazel paused before trying a veggie nugget. For Frank. She’s doing this for Frank.  He’s going vegetarian. That means she has to get more acquainted with vegetable based products.
“Memes are the best thing about the 21st century. Ever. ” Leo firmly stated while llaying upside down on his chair like a bat. His curly hair rested on the floor. “Five S.O.S Is actually an acronym for a ban named Five Seconds of Summer Piper likes them. ”
Piper scoffed. “You say it as if being a fan is derogatory. ” She kicked Leo’s chair over a bit. His head rubbed against the floor.
“Beauty Queen you’re so violent today. Look up what Stan means on urban dictionary Hazel. It’ll boost your Internet skills. ” Leo pulled himself and leaned over to pinch Piper’s cheek.
“What’s the urban dictionary? ” Hazel looked away from Jace to Leo.
Leo’s mouth had just opened but Percy’s laughter spilled before he could say anything. “We’ll show you after Charlie Brown. You’ll need it. ”
Annabeth poked Percy’s cheek. “Jace if you don’t mind me asking, how were you born?” She cringed as the words fell from her mouth. That question was so annoying to ask and be asked. Her need for knowledge made it so she had to know. “Why’d she change how she felt about cabins?”
“With each home Hestia blesses a child is brought into the picture from their hearth. We’re not really born. A lot of us were adopted into a home and blessed by Hestia or we were literally created from the sentimental warmth of a fire place. ” Something along those lines. Jace rolled their eyes. “Also, I’m not sure. Ask her. ” This lot is something else. “Hey Hazel have you ever tried nachos? ” Another one of their siblings brought out chips draped in cheese fondue. “You’ll love 'em. ”
Hazel giggled and shook her head. She’d heard of nachos before. One time Percy, Annabeth and Hazel went to a video gaming arcade, Percy naturally went straight to the restaurant area. Annabeth followed after rolling her eyes and asking why’d he order food if he hated it the last time. Percy replied he was going to get something different. Over all the cheering and beeping Percy’s voice declared her wanted nachos with extra cheese. The woman working the counter nodded with a straight face and and loud groan. She must’ve been in a terrible mood because she gave Percy a plate of nachos.
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YEEES NEW OCS!! That means more aunties for Hettie and Jojo ;) Please tell us more about them, I'd love to hear 👂 🙏 😊 ❤
ofc they'd be the best aunties to our girls!!!
she's the sweet old lady that everyone loves.
She's Gus' age, the two of them were actually quite close, and people are about 75% sure she's Asparagus Jr.'s mother. No one's really sure, but she treats Asparagus like a son, and he loves her, so that's all that matters!
Pouncival and Tumblebrutus adore her, and she spoils them rotten. (yes i'm emotional about both Tumble and Hestia's grandmothers being glamour/theater cats and knowing one another)
She's a Jellicle in the way that Bustopher Jones is a Jellicle, showing up every once in a while and spending a little time with everyone.
Her owner is an old silver screen actress, and she's pampered every single day!
She was close with Grizabella, and was her mentor, so when Old Deuteronomy told her about Grizabella leaving, her heart broke. She had tried to help Grizabella balance her glamour life and home life, but felt as though she had failed terribly.
Jennyanydots' younger sister!
She adores her nieces, and they love her! She's their Aunty Sissy, and when they return to the Junkyard, Iris is overjoyed.
She's the main seamstress in the tribe, along with Jennyanydots, and helps to create the costumes for all of Munkustrap's plays. She loves seeing her creations come to life.
She's very sweet on Bustopher, and Jennyanydots wants to rip her fur out every time she tries to tell Bustopher to ask her sister out, because Bustopher's just like "oh, Iris? My most wonderful, closest friend? She's brilliant, would make the best partner!", and Jennyanydots goes to scream as Skimbleshanks pours a heavy shot for himself.
She also really does love Mistoffelees and Victoria, and they've been trying to get her and their uncle together since they first met her lmao I can absolutely see Hestia and the kids calling her "Aunty Isis" around Bustopher and he's just like :D
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Tumbletta for the OTP ask? Or, if that's already been sent, Miela/Coricopat?
Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop? Easy!! Just look at the Coffee Shop AU @queen-with-the-quill wrote a while back! Hestia is the barista and Tumblebrutus frequents the coffee shop with Mungojerrie! He goes there to visit Hestia to be a good friend 😌(liES)
Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker? Tumblebrutus is the straight-A student who has to tutor dancer Hestia when her grades fall behind because of competitions and rehearsals. 
Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? (going off of the above question because I cannot resist a nerd/jock pairing, and this is a dynamic I’d love to explore in a short with Tumbletta because I think it’d be adorable) Tumblebrutus just wants a good rivalry, dammit, but Hestia takes after her rockstar dad, and just loves seeing him blush whenever she gets to flirt with the pretty nerd.
Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? OH THIS CAN GO BOTH WAYS OKAY SO!!!! Henchcat Tumble AU, but it happens way earlier: Instead of Jellylorum and Asparagus finding Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, it’s Fang, Macavity’s second-in-command. Fang ends up raising the two as henchcats (not as his sons), and later on, Tumblebrutus and Hestia have their encounter, it’’s a very “Kiara and Kovu”-type moment, Tumblebrutus would absolutely switch sides for Hestia. OR Going off of another AU that @queen-with-the-quill and I came up with a while ago where Hestia and Jubilee were henchcats of Macavity’s, I can see a different take on that AU where Hestia ends up leaving Macavity’s side for her sister and Tumblebrutus. Either way, they both leave Macavity’s side for the Jellicles and there’s a happy ending!
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? Tumblebrutus would be ECSTATIC to meet his soulmate. He sees his parents together, how happy Jellylorum and Asparagus are together, he got to see the moment that Alonzo and Cassandra met each other, and that’s all he wants. He wants to have that happiness. He’d grow up dreaming about the day he’d get to meet them, about what he’d wear, what he’d say, where’d they go on their first date, he couldn’t wait. Hestia wouldn’t want to meet her soulmate. She’s seen that soulmates don’t always work. Her grandmother left her grandfather, and they were soulmates. Her mother was her fathers’ soulmate, and she died, leaving them with a broken soulbond, even though they managed to pick up the pieces. Her aunt was her biological father’s soulmate, and he broke her heart. Hestia’s seen soulmates fall apart and leave, so she’d be terrified.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?) Hestia’s the single mother of Charon, and Tumblebrutus is the single dad of Anthea. Their kids meet at daycare, and it’s actually through their brothers that they end up meeting. Ares and Pouncival invite their families to dinner so everyone can meet, and that’s where Hestia and Tumblebrutus meet and eventually hit it off quite well. Charon and Anthea are delighted to see one another, and rush off to play, while Hestia and Tumblebrutus keep a close eye on them while they chat. Ares and Pouncival watch their sister and brother closely, and not-so-subtly give each-other a victorious high-five.
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? Hestia is the Very Tired Doctor, and Tumblebrutus is the patient who broke something because he was doing a stupid trick that his brother dared him to do, and he makes her laugh by telling terrible jokes, and asks her out for coffee once she sets his arm, and she signs her name on his cast, and writes her number right below it.
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? Pffft you act as if I haven’t already written this storyline in my head for the unpublished Mafia AU👉👈. Tumblebrutus is Hestia’s bodyguard in the AU, and they’re both crushing on each other, and Tugger, Mistoffelees, and Serafina are 100% supportive, and Hestia’s siblings and Plato and Pouncival tease the two relentlessly about their crushes.
Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? 😌I’ve got two AUs for this 😌Pirate Hestia and Prince Tumblebrutus who is captured by evil pirate Macavity, then rescued by the very Pretty Pirate Lady and her crew, and is Not Mad about it at all OR (the one that’s currently in the works) Pirate Tumbllebrutus and Mermaid/Siren Princess Hestia who find themselves working together to free Tumblebrutus and his crewmates from their captain, Growltiger.
Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older? Well, this one is different... since they’ve been friends for so long, the fact that they’re in love romantically was surprising, and obvious to everyone around them except for Tumblebrutus and Hestia. They’re both absolutely oblivious to the fact that the other is in love with them once they’re older, and doesn’t want to ruin their friendship by confessing. Because they’re idiots.
Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop? Coricopat as a quiet, shy barista, and Miela as the bubby, 8 am customer who comes in every single morning and orders the exact same thing. Coricopat quickly has her order memorized, Tantomile and Rumpleteazer 100% tease him about it, it’s basically just mutual pining the entire time until finally Rumpleteazer writes Coricopat’s number on Miela’s coffee cup before he can do anything.
Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker? okay but here me out... I know it’s not the usual vibe for Cori but... skater Cori... I think it fits him very well... so that’s what I’m going with. And Miela’s the straight-A student that he secretly has a massive crush on and Miela wishes he would because she thinks he’s really cute and really cool but they’re both very dumb and do not realize it.
Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? Oh, they both love pushing each other’s buttons. Their rivalry would be the kind that the other one thinks it’s a real type of rivalry, but it really isn’t.
Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? Miela would switch to Coricopat’s side, whichever side that would be. She’ll side with those she loves no matter what, and that’s her biggest flaw, but if Coricopat’s on one side, and she’s on the other, once she realizes that she loves him, she’ll switch sides almost instantly.
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? Miela’s very eager to meet her soulmate and share all her interests with them, like her bees and her flowers. She’s got so many things to show them, and she can’t wait until their first meeting so she can learn all about them. Coricopat’s extremely nervous about meeting his soulmate. He’s worried they won’t like how quiet he is, or that they won’t like the things that he’s interested in, no matter what his mother tells him. 
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?) Coricopat is the single parent, and Miela is the woman who finds his lost child at the farmer’s market. They hit it off, and make a promise to meet up again the next week. Coricopat is hesitant about starting a fresh relationship, but there’s something about Miela that absolutely draws him in, and he can’t help but want to open up.
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? Doctor Coricopat, Miela is the patient who comes in due to injuries she gets on the farm. Coricopat becomes increasingly concerned and decides to go to her farm one afternoon and ends up seeing her in her natural element (flowy hair, Miela laughing as she’s holding a lamb, the whole nine yards) and boom, the boy falls, and he falls hard.
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? Coricopat is Miela’s bodyguard, and it’s 100% mutual pining. Miela absolutely complains to her best friend, Rooster, about her bodyguard because it’s absolutely not fair that he’s that kind and considerate, while Coricopat complains to his sister and best friends that it’s not “professional” for him to be crushing on the person he should be protecting. 
Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? Pirate Miela and Prince Coricopat go on an adventure to save his sister 😌
Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older? Miela had the biggest crush on Coricopat as a kid, and Coricopat was hopelessly oblivious. He didn’t realize it until they were older, and once he did, he was absolutely embarrassed, but they had a good laugh over it.
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In an AU where Tugger and Misto find Sek when she was a lot younger they can’t figure out why even though they bring her to the junkyard she keeps running away and they find her in the exact same spot every time, until they realize she’s protecting two much smaller, younger kittens, a russet colored tom-kit and a grey queen kit with red stripes. At first she refuses to let either tom near them until they start crying for food and Sek doesn’t have any since she’d been at the junkyard not hunting.
(i hope you don’t mind that i wrote something because this AU is perfection!)
Tugger and Mistoffelees were heading back to the Junkyard after an evening at Bustopher’s club when they heard whimpers coming from the alley beside them. The two toms looked at each other in confusion, slowly turning towards the sound.
“It someone there?” Mistoffelees called, stepping forward and reaching out with his magic. In the dark alley, something hissed, and the magical tom stepped back in surprise. “It’s alright, we’re not going to hurt you.”
Tugger moved in front of his mate, crouching down low to make himself appear less threatening. “It’s alright, you can come out.”
Slowly, out of the shadows, a young queen kitten appeared. Her fur was a chocolate color, and she had a terrified look in her eyes. She was tense, and her gaze flicked between Mistoffelees and Tugger suspiciously. She was dangerously thin, and there were small scars all over her sides.
“Hello there, little one.” Mistoffelees said softly, slowly stepping forward. The queen kitten flinched back, her fur sparking slightly, making Mistoffelees pause.
“It’s alright, kiddo. You’re okay.” Tugger reassured the skittish queen, a small smile on his face. “My name’s Tugger, and this is my mate, Mistoffelees. What’s your name?”
“Sekhmet.” the queen kitten whispered.
Mistoffelees tried moving forward again, his eyes brightening when Sekhmet stayed in place, simply watching Mistoffelees warily. “What are you doing here on your own, Sekhmet? Where’s your mom and dad?”
Sekhmet looked away, staring at her paws. “Mommy’s dead. Daddy’s angry.”
Both toms’ hearts broke for the queen kitten, and they looked at each other, understanding passing between them. Tugger turned back to Sekhmet. “Would you like to come home with us, Sekhmet? We can take you somewhere safe, where you can sleep and eat.” Sekhmet glanced behind her back towards the alley, worry on her face, but Mistoffelees gave her a warm smile.
“Your dad won’t be able to find you, Sekhmet. You’ll be safe.” he said reassuringly. “And if it makes you feel better, I’ve got magic too.” Mistoffelees twitched his whiskers, and his fur began to glitter, making the chocolate queen’s eyes widened. After a moment, Sekhmet gave them both a slight nod, and the toms straightened, allowing the young queen to cautiously step between them.
When they reached the Junkyard, Mistoffelees and Tugger introduced Sekhmet to the rest of the Jellicles gathered. The older queens, of course, were absolutely enamored with the young queen, but Sekhmet remained stuck to Tugger’s side like glue, shying away from any touches as he and Mistoffelees led her through the Junkyard to their den. Mistoffelees disappeared for a moment as Tugger settled Sekhmet into a soft pile of pillows and blankets.
“Is this alright?” Tugger asked gently, touching the young queen’s arm. She flinched for only a moment before slowly nodding as Mistoffelees reappeared, holding a mouse in his paws. He sat down a few feet away and held out the mouse, waiting for Sekhmet to slowly take it with a thankful look. 
And so, Tugger and Mistoffelees found themselves taking care of the quiet young queen. It was a bit surprising how quickly they became attached to Sekhmet, but there was something about her that simply made them want to protect her. 
“Tugger, wake up.” Mistoffelees whispered to his mate one night, the maine coon groaning quietly. “Tugger, she’s gone again.”
Tugger’s eyes opened, and he sat up, stretching. “Again?” 
Mistoffelees nodded, shaking his head with a sigh as he stood. “I don’t understand why she keeps going to that alley.”
“Maybe she’s hoping her mother’s still alive and that she’ll come for her.” Tugger suggested quietly as the two toms left their den. Mistoffelees shrugged as they exited the Junkyard, following Sekhmet’s scent back towards the alley where they had first found her. “Sek? Kiddo? You down here?”
A sharp hiss was his answer, and Mistoffelees waving a paw, causing small lights to fill the alley. Sekhmet was crouching in front of two small figures, her ears pinned back and her teeth bared as she watched Tugger and Mistoffelees. 
“Easy, Sekhmet.” Mistoffelees said, pausing. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
Tugger narrowed his eyes, studying the two forms behind Sekhmet. “Kiddo, are those... kittens?” He moved forward, but Sekhmet growled again, her fur beginning to spark. “Sekhmet, you know us. You can trust us.”
The two kittens behind Sekhmet began to cry, small whimpers that completely broke Tugger and Mistoffelees’ hearts. Sekhmet immediately whirled around, purring comfortingly, trying to quiet them.
“It’s okay, please don’t cry!” she pleaded, her voice shaking.
Mistoffelees shared a look with Tugger, and the two walked forward slowly towards the chocolate queen. “Sek, we can help.” Sekhmet looked up at them, helplessness in her eyes. 
“I haven’t been able to hunt.” she said in a rush, panic filling her words. “I normally bring them food, but they haven’t been able to eat as much!” 
“Deep breaths, Sek.” Tugger said gently. “What are their names, kiddo?” 
“This is Ares,” Sekhmet said, nuzzling a small russet-colored tom kit gently, “and this is Hestia.” The tiny grey queen kit pressed against Sekhmet, red stripes showing on her fur. “They’re my brother and sister.”
Mistoffelees lowered himself onto his belly so that he was at eye level with the two kittens. “Hello, you two.” The cautious look the small kittens gave him made Mistoffelees smile slightly, and his smile grew as Hestia slowly crawled forward, touching her nose against the magical tom’s. Tugger grinned and saw down beside Sekhmet, wrapping his tail around the chocolate queen. 
“We’ll take them home with us.” he said softly, making Sekhmet look at him with wide eyes. 
“Really?” she whispered in shock. 
Tugger nodded, bending over to nuzzle her. “Of course. We need to get these little ones some food, and you need rest.” Sekhmet surprised herself and Tugger by leaning into the larger tom, snuggling against his fur for a brief moment. 
“Alright, I think it’s time for all the little ones to get to bed.” Mistoffelees said, standing up and chuckling as the tiny kittens ran around his paws, tumbling over each other. Sekhmet yawned, making Tugger laugh and bend down. 
“Onto my back, kiddo. Misto and I will get the kittens.” he said, and Sekhmet obliged without complaint, curling up on Tugger’s back tiredly. 
Mistoffelees picked up Ares, the tom kit squirming in his grasp as Tugger leaned down and picked up Hestia. “I’ll bring us all home.” The two toms kept a secure grasp on the kittens they held, and Mistoffelees touched his mate’s paw, a pleasant tingle running through Tugger for a moment before they found themselves back in their den.
Sekhmet was already fast asleep, and the two kittens were blinking slowly. Tugger and Mistoffelees brought the kittens to their bed, and Tugger slipped Sekhmet off his back slowly, placing her down, and Hestia and Ares were placed on top of her, the three siblings immediately curling up together. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees laid down on either side of the kittens, and Tugger wrapped his tail over the trio as Mistoffelees rested his arm across them, touching his mate. Tugger gave him a smile, and spotted Ares turning and purring contentedly against Mistoffelees. As the magical tom cuddled the small tom close, Tugger felt something press closer against him. He glanced down, and his smile grew when he spotted the tiny grey queen burrowing beneath his mane. He instantly wrapped his arms around both Hestia and Sekhmet, pulling them closer, and the two older toms fell asleep with their new family cuddling close to them. 
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