#every time i cough my very hurty ribs like to make me think that my chest is being crushed
askbittyerror · 4 years
Wedding RP part 12
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Magnus steps forward, shaking, then collapses, chin cracking against the ground, black sludge and purple marrow forming a puddle underneath him. Mercury glances to Paladin thrashing against the tentacles then rushes over, kneeling by his father and scooting a bit to avoid Magnus’ weak snapping. “Dad-” He holds his hands out to heal, yanking them back when more slime explodes from Magnus’ eyes at the magic’s touch.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." Braithe tightens his grip. "Give me an excuse~" the corrupted one hisses, a dripping, oily snarl. "I'll pull your bones apart one by one, shove them in your sockets before they can dust, and twist." Coryn kneels at Magnus side, frowning. "Magnus. You have a thin choice whether to fight this off or not. If you don't, you will be corrupted forever." -to Mercury, "get his mate. now."(edited)
JusticeMom09/28/2020 Dragon slides into the space cursing over and over as they scale down to move to the bitty "what happened!?" they cry stopping before they reach the protective wall of bitty(edited)
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 “Dad and Pal fought.” Mercury says before vanishing to grab Blue. Magnus growls and whines softly, eyelights gutted out and joints turning black. “Fuck you.” Paladin hisses, his magic flaring, wings glowing blindingly bright.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 A deep, cold chuckle. "Ribs first then~" He falls silent as Coryn glares briefly, then rests his hands on Magnus, trying to heal... and also summon enough aura to possibly help, if it can. Blue Is surprised by the sudden return.
JusticeMom09/28/2020 They see which one to deal with first and they rush over to Pal and Braithe "stop! he is not himself!" they snap at the grumpy corrupted bitty(edited)
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Very brief pause. "...and?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 “Fight bad, Dad’s corrupting.” Mercury says quickly, tugging on them, the entire family making incredibly worried noises. The healing seems to be helping, at least a little. The pool of marrow stops spreading and the slime sizzles, Magnus letting out a weak wail and trying to squirm away. Paladin is being an unhelpful growly boy and is biting at any tentacle within reach of his mouth.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Braithe starts to respond with the intention of shoving an entire tentacle down his throat, and seeing what he can rip out... but a glare from Coryn, and he grumbles, simply holding on. Blue manages to set everyone down, without dropping anyone, and shrink in an instant, grabbing their son's hand, even as they stumble. "Please, please, please get me there!" Tumbles out in a rush
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Paladin continues to be deeply upset. Mercury grabs them and they’re back by Magnus’ side. The family follows.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Blue skids and stumbles to their mate's side, attempting to half pull him I to their lap, and adding their own healing magic to Coryn's. "Beloved? Beloved, listen to me... whatever happens, whatever kind of nightmare bitty you become, I'm still going to love you, okay?" ...Braithe stares at the multiple corrupted nightmares now in the room. he's just watching, but if they try anything, he's very willing to snap this glowing flyboy in half.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Domino carefully approaches Braithe, Licorice at his back. “Hand him over.” He softly requests. “Please.” Magnus whines, barely conscious. He coughs, spurting black sludge. “B…Blue?”
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 For just one instant, it seems like he'll refuse- Then, begrudgingly, he lets go, and vanishes back into the shadows, with the low growl that if they lose control of him again, they won't get him back again. Blue strokes his head, "Mmhm, I'm here... it's okay. I'm safe. You're safe... it's okay."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 The bitties catch Paladin and Licorice coils tendrils around his neck, squeezing and gritting his teeth from Paladin’s frantic clawing and explosions of light until the Dream finally loses consciousness. The goopdads drag him off to the side, keeping him secure in their tendrils, ready to knock him right back out again should he wake up in the same mood. Magnus whimpers and moans, leaning into Blue’s touch. “What’s…. happ- happening?”
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...easy," Blue whispers, "there was a fight, you got hurt- but you're safe. you just need to heal. focus on me, please... beloved." healing magic all but encapsulates them both, and Coryn yields to it, letting them take things from here. He gets to his feet, staring at the place his brother had been, breathing hard from the magic use- - then starts out after him.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Magnus whimpers. Huitzi appears, picks both of them up, and frantically blasts through the two such a powerful burst of positivity that Magnus screams, vomits sludge and loses consciousness, every last bit of corruption exorcised from him all at once. September 29, 2020
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:57 AM The massive positivity hits them, and a sense like relief, as still they struggle not to let go of their mate- followed by unconsciousness, because so so much aura, if largely happy unconsciousness. Coryn can be heard calling for his brother with increasing franticness, not far in the distance.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:09 PM The Nightmare bitties are on the ground, wailing, those with goop sizzling. "Brah!" Fresh flies over, battering Huitzi's face with his wings. "Aura off! You're hurtin' everybody!" Huitzi gasps, the positivity immediately vanishing, placing his unconscious passengers on the ground and taking several steps back. "I'm- I'm sorry!" He stutters.(edited)
with-bells-uponYesterday at 1:11 PM ...Blue doesn't stir. they'll be out for a while. Coryn flies back in, does a double take at Huitzi, looks at the damaged nightmares, and flies closer to the tall paladin. "easy." he soothes, "look at me, okay big guy? don't run away,  its going to be okay... dont leave, your friends still need your help."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:18 PM "I- I can't-" Huitzi shakes, hiding within his wings. "I'll just hurt them more!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 1:19 PM "...hold out your hand for me. your aura can't hurt me." [1:23 PM] some short distance away, a skelegoat bitty 'drops' by the corrupted nightmares, teleporting in, and for a moment just stares at the injured bitties. ...a sigh, and the phantom winged one kneels by the closest, and begins offering heals... stars, the smell...
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:25 PM A shaking hand pokes through the feathers. Mercury whimpers, leaning vaguely toward the source of healing.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 1:28 PM Uriah rests his hands on the younger goop, mumbling quietly about how he'd better not get stabby like his uncle does... "well, not to me, but-" Healing magic flowing through him, curious, tingling gold and silver magics. Coryn lands lightly on the hand. "-listen to me, okay?" Fluff dad is in, well, dad mode. "I know what it's like to hurt someone with my aura. My brother is corrupted... it happened more than once, especially when we were younger. Are you listening?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:30 PM Mercury's whines fade to purrs. A tentacle gently curls around Uriah's hand. Huitzi nods, wings gently parting. He's crying.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 1:37 PM Coryn approaches, slowly. "Braithe and I were taken to a fell world, shortly after we came to be. We were all the other had, and in a world where we were 'valuable commodity.' Especially me. My brother broke more than one of my bones, I left him with more than one burn. " "-we did everything for each other, even when we fought. and sometimes it wasn't possible to protect without hurting at the same time. But every time, we would heal the damage we did. Because our magics might be opposing, quick to hurt, but healing magic doesn't care about that." "They need healing. And I can't do it. I spent too much time in that world, and ut took it's toll. my magic will never be strong again." "...If theres going to be healing, you need to do it. Uriah gives Mercury soft pats as he heals. "Dad's right, you are cuddly." He whispers.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:39 PM "I- I-" Huitzi looks to the bitties, uncertain. "I don't know if I can-" Mercury purrs, nuzzling into the pats. Happy, mostly non-hurty boy.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 1:47 PM "...why? is your healing ability connected to your aura? have you never healed your friends before?" he was pretty sure this was unlikely, so- "-accidents happen. we hurt people we care about. no matter how hard we try not to... everyone does. the important thing is to make sure we do our best to make it right." Uriah looks up at the pair, then pats Mercury one more time before drawing away. "Okay, i need to go find my uncle now... dumbass got himself burned somehow. think you can help heal the others, or convince the tall feathery glowstock there to do it?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 1:50 PM Mercury whines at new healy friend leaving. "You're- you're right." Huitzi exhales, trying to calm his shaking. "I will do my best to repair them."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 2:02 PM Coryn sighs in relief, patting Huitzi gently. "Now I've gotta go find my brother... again. I don't know where he's hiding, but I felt when he picked up burns from your smaller doppelganger there. And, probably get between him and my son. Again."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 2:35 PM "Please call me if you require any help." Huitzi says, gently petting the bitty back and placing him on the ground. "...and thank you."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 2:53 PM Coryn climbs down, pauses, and smiles up at him softly, before lifting his wings, and flying off again. Tired fluffdad...
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 2:57 PM Huitzi approaches the bitties, healing them slowly and carefully, making sure to stop when they show any signs of discomfort, soothing them with pets, and getting back to healing until their smiling and purring.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 3:00 PM ...Fluffdad doesn't return... After several minutes though, his son does, looking over the group curiously. The skelegoat bitty adjusts his glasses, waiting to be noticed- or not, in which case he'll just continue eavesdropping.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 3:22 PM Huitzi sits, the bitties (and Blue) gathered in his arms. The Nightmares purr, fully healed and drowsy, gently nuzzling him. Huitzi gently pets Magnus and Blue, eyes sad and full of regret.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 3:25 PM ...good enough, then. Uriah moves to slip away, not liking to leave his biggie alone-(edited)
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 3:33 PM "Fwiend?" Mercury mumbles, looking up, tentacles wagging weakly.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 3:34 PM Uriah pauses, and looks back, a smile playing about his expression. "Caught, huh?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 3:47 PM "Fwiend!" Mercury wiggles, holding out his hands. "Wan' hug!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 3:52 PM "...sure?" Uriah heads closer, made curious by this behavior. The skelegoat bitty has unmistably fellish features, the sharp teeth, the added but of claw, the scattering of scars here and there across bone, including one that just grazed his socket. His eyelights are a light, easy going sort of gold however... a gold that extends in faint stains beneath his eyes, like tears that never quite faded. ribbons of faded black can be seen here and there as well, like more stains... left by corruption this time. ...his wings are a faint silver, almost more felt than seen, phantasmal things... Uriah reaches down to accept the hug, humming softly. "Feel better, do you?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:10 PM "Yuh huh!" Mercury nuzzles him, purring softly. "T'ank you for healies!" Huitzi looks down on them, smiling.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:12 PM A sound of amusement, rubbing the others back. "Well I mean, if your dad adopted my dad's son, I'm pretty sure that makes us family, right?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:14 PM Mercury makes a delighted noise, squeezing him. "New brudder! Yaaaaaay!!!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:16 PM ...more pats. Uriah's a bit confused, but oh well. "New brother." He agrees. "That means you have another brother, and a baby sister too. But let's take this one step at a time."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:25 PM Mercury squees. "So many family!" He purrs, nuzzling. "Best day ever."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:33 PM "...it's not on my list of worst, anyway." the skelegoat hums, "my name Uriah, what's yours?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:45 PM "Mercury!" He says, a bit of clarity coming back to his eyes. "You gots a pwetty name!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:48 PM "Thanks, you to-" a snarl comes from a room nearby, and Uriah smiles, relaxing. "Good. Dad found my uncle... he's gonna grumble and growl and curse the whole time he gets healed. Always does."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:50 PM "Is gonna be okay?" Mercury looks towards the sound.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:55 PM a chuckle, "yeah. he'll be fine. those two know each other's limits by now- and I'm pretty sure dad is on a short list of people he makes a point not to hurt. not anymore anyway." maybe a bit ominous... but he seems pretty confident. "-uncle just doesn't like admitting weakness. so he gets extra snarly when anyone suggests he needs help with stuff."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 4:58 PM "Sounds like Nightshade!" Mercury giggles.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 4:59 PM "...maybe. wanna know a secret?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 5:03 PM "Yah!" Mercury nods.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 5:05 PM A smile, kind of hard to read, but not unfriendly. "I'm pretty sure you lot are the first time either of them have even laid eyes on another dream or nightmare bitty. Bet they both did a few doubletakes, huh?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 5:06 PM "Your dad thought I was gonna stab him when I asked for a hug." Mercury giggles. "Was really happy when I was all cuddly instead."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 5:15 PM Uriah laughs, despite himself. "Well, like I said, the only other nightmare bitty he's ever met is my uncle... and while dad might be safe from him?" maybe less humor now, as he admits with a soft hum, "well. let's just say dad wasn't well suited for a fell world- but my uncle fit in just fine." "...and you should definitely cuddle him at every opportunity. definitely."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 5:16 PM "I will!" Mercury smiles. "I love cuddles! Cuddles are the best! I used to be real small and my momma could pick me up and hug me and it was awesome!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 5:21 PM Something soft briefly touches Uriah's gaze. "Huh. Sounds nice." "...my biggie is really cuddly with me. carries me around in his scarf, that kind of thing. we have fun together."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 5:27 PM "Your biggie sounds really nice!" Mercury smiles.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 5:29 PM "...opinion varies." he admits, somewhat ruefully. he's quiet for a few seconds after this, before sighing, and smiling ruefully. "yeah, I'm gonna go check on him. I don't like leaving him around his stepbrother for too long without anyone to run interference for him."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 5:35 PM "Okay!" Mercury squeezes him. "Be safe!"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:19 PM A sound of, maybe find amusement, as he squeezes back. "Sure. Probably." Before this can be questioned, he's managed to slip free and teleport away. Slippery fellow.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:21 PM "Bye Uriah!" Mercury waves after.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:23 PM ...Blue finally shifts, just a little.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:25 PM "Mom!" Mercury is by their side instantly, Huitzi gently putting the lot of them down and taking a few steps back.(edited)
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:38 PM Blue sits up, blinking slowly... they brighten to see Mercury, than freeze for one full instant, turning quickly back to their mate. Safe?
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:39 PM Safe. Magnus nuzzles against their side. Safe, but still asleep.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:42 PM Deep relief... Blue pulls Mercury close with one arm, Magnus with the other, and just, holds them. It takes several more seconds before they think to look over, and account for the others- -and. Paladin. Oh.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:44 PM The others are sitting up and leaning on each other, still a little groggy. Paladin is still unconscious, nestled between the goopdads, overloaded by positivity and from being choked out.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:48 PM "..." a shaky breath, before they look back at Mercury, and up to Huitzi, seeking answers. "What. Happened?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:52 PM "...I wasn't careful with my magic." Huitzi says softly, ashamed. "It affected more than just Magnus. The others were hurt." "I healed them the best I could." He bows his head, awaiting judgement. "I deeply, truly apologize for my actions. If you want me gone, simply say the word."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:54 PM Blue looks puzzled, having, largely missed this part. "i dont know what you're talking about, but... you wouldn't hurt any of us on purpose. And, we missed you too much, and wanted you back too much, to want you gone." "...I meant... what happened with Paladin?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:58 PM Huitzi looks beyond relieved. "Thank you for your kindness." He says before looking to Paladin. "...I do not know. He was unconscious when I arrived."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 10:59 PM "...he, stabbed Magnus..." [10:59 PM] "..." "Why?"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 10:59 PM Huitzi frowns. "What led up to this?"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:03 PM Blue goes quiet, thinking. "We, met Bells' sibling. Er, brother. An Ink with a soul, and a cute smol. And, a lot of hurt, i guess. It involved black 2.0 and- also hurting someone out of jealousy. It was honestly a lot all at once, but-" "-Pal got bristly, Magnus informed everyone he was our son now too, and refused to get away from him when Pal said and-" "And Paladin tackled him, and they vanished, i- I should have followed sooner, but i didn't think-!"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 11:20 PM Huitzi is quiet, looking at the brothers. “I assume you are aware that when a pair of apple twins spawn, it is a 50/50 chance of them being bitter enemies or loving brothers. Sometimes, even after their dynamic has been decided, it is possible for them to switch, albeit temporarily. When tempers get heated, or things get emotional.” He looks to Blue. “It can be impossible to detect when this sort of thing is going to happen, when a simple argument can escalate into a battle to the death. Please, do not blame yourself.” He holds out his hand, a gentle offering of comfort. “They will likely be fine and deeply regretful once they awake, but it is likely best to keep them apart for the time being. Just in case.”
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:24 PM ...okay. they'll just, never trust them to ever go off alone when they're angry again. but. they shouldve gone after them... Blue closes their eyes, nuzzling their large friend. "I didn't know." They whisper, voice shaking softly. "That's... terrifying. I- I'm glad they won't still hate each other later-" probably "but, it could happen again. I don't know what I would do, if-"
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 11:28 PM His thumb strokes their head. "Lucky we know several necromancers, yes?" An attempt at a joke. A bad one, but an attempt nevertheless.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:34 PM "..." it, successfully does manage to summon a smile, if a weak one. "yeah. guess so."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 11:35 PM Huitzi looks pleased. Magnus grunts, and starts to stir.
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:37 PM Blues attention immediately turns to him- then to Pal- then to Huitzi. "Um. Maybe you could... see that they have that 'some time apart' thing?" They plead.
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 11:40 PM Huitzi's hand withdraws and he carefully extracts Paladin from between the goopdads, holding him to his chest and taking several steps away. Magnus' eyes open slightly. "Hmmwhazzuh?"
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:44 PM Okay, relief... Blue wraps their arms around Magnus, nuzzling him gently. "Beloved~ Feel any better? You had me worried there."
AskbittyerrorYesterday at 11:50 PM The eyes close again and he purrs, nuzzling them back. "'m not dead, so I think I'm good."
with-bells-uponYesterday at 11:52 PM "Good..." they're just, gonna hold him. A lot. "I love you, Magnus. And I swear if you die, I will so send our kid after you." September 30, 2020
AskbittyerrorToday at 12:00 AM Magnus snorts. "Right back at you." A soft kiss. "Love you too, Blue."
with-bells-uponToday at 12:16 PM a kiss, deep, deep relief... and another... and, another... and then they just hold onto him, and pull Mercury close again too. "No more scary stuff for one visit, okay?"
AskbittyerrorToday at 12:19 PM "Agreed." Magnus nods, Mercury vibrating and nuzzling his parents. "...where's Pal?"
with-bells-uponToday at 12:22 PM Blue hesitates at this, drawing back enough to meet their mate's gaze. "...he's with Huitzi." they answer, unsure how he's going to react, whether he remembers, what will happen if he still needs to remember...
AskbittyerrorToday at 12:31 PM Magnus winces and rubs at the new scar on his chest. "Can't believe I actually pissed him off enough to try and kill me."
with-bells-uponToday at 12:41 PM "..." nuzzles again, sighing, "Huitzi... says it's something thst can happen sometimes, when tempers are heated. with 'apple twins.'" The enchanter rests their hand over his, where it rests over the scar. "Please tell me it's only as deep as bone?" They press, unmistakable worry here "...tell me you don't have a scar to match mine?" damaged bone, healed more easily then a damaged soul...
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