#every time miguel gets mad at miles over nothing miles just walks away
arachnicas · 1 year
I want to read a fanfic where Miles just straight-up leaves Miguel's lab after Miguel throws that heavy trashcan at his head. A grown-ass adult threw a heavy object at him, a fifteen-year-old kid, and Miles is expected to just stick around and put up with the abuse? No. I want Miles to put his mask back on, turn invisible, and leave because an adult acting like this is wild. Maybe he gives Peter something to consider by telling him that an adult acting out like this shouldn't be running an organization.
"You're telling me that his bark is worse than his bite after he just threw a trashcan at my head like an overgrown toddler?"
"C'mon, kid, Miguel is just--"
"Just what? A bigger baby than May Day? Can't handle his big feelings, so he just throws things at people? Naw, I don't feel safe around him. See ya', Peter."
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Pairing: Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes x Black!OC
Summary: EZ has a problem sharing and his girl, Monique is quite over it.
Warning(s): Some angst with a fluff ending
Word count: 2,552
AN: Ahhhh my first EZ fic. Based on a request I received from the lovely @ly--canthrope with an assist coming from Ginuwine’s Stingy. Thank YOU so much for your patience and encouraging words. I hope you enjoy this xo
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You can say I'm tripping but I'm stingy And I can't hide it Wanna keep you all to me I'm selfish, why try to fight it?
An abandoned episode of Girlfriends played on the tv in the background as a woman sat straddling EZ’s lap as the two made out. His hands were rubbing up and down her sides under her shirt and her hands were gripping his face. One of her favorite things to do was kiss her boyfriend. She loved that they could just get lost in each other and it was the perfect opener for the mindblowing sex that was coming.
The familiar ringtone and buzz from her phone’s vibration echoed against the coffee table as she received a text message. She pulled away from the kiss and turned her head, trying to see if she could read the message from her position. She felt EZ stiffen, his hands moving down her hips to grip her thigh.
“I swear to God, Monique.” EZ began, feeling himself become annoyed. He can’t even enjoy her company at home without being interrupted. He’s tried so hard to be understanding, but that selfish part of him was fed up. The opening of Galindo’s company really put into perspective how often he misses time with her.
As Miguel’s assistant she had a very big hand in putting the opening celebration together. She’d been Miguel’s assistant for a couple years now. Her mother was a close confidante to Dita before she passed away. Dita wanted to keep an eye on her so she asked Miguel to give her a job. She was fantastic at keeping things organized and she already knew about the other side of business. 
Working for Miguel was great because though some would hate being an assistant, he actually gave her a lot of responsibility. She was often put in charge of events while making sure everything in his life runs smoothly, at least on the legal side of things.She was so proud of her work tonight but she hardly had time to celebrate until she saw her man walking through the door.
She’d been with EZ, Ezekiel as she liked to call him because she loved his full name, for a little over a year. It was the best relationship she’d ever been in. He was kind, honest, caring, and oh so very fine.
She ended her current conversation before strutting over to Ezekiel, her arms immediately going around his neck. “Hi baby. I’m so happy you’re here.” She kissed his lips.
EZ loved seeing his girl in her element. She was very much out of his league in his mind and he felt lucky every day he woke up to her. “Hey beautiful.” He greeted her, hands resting on her lower back and pulling her close to him. “I see all your hard work has paid off.”
“It really has. Things couldn’t be going better. Especially now that you’re here.” She grinned at him.
“Oh yeah? You’re happy to see me?” He teased, smiling back so she kissed him again.
The two of them engaged in some conversation and heavy flirting before they were interrupted by her boss.
“Monique, I need you for a second…” Miguel announced, no time for pleasantries. He was always about his business. She could respect it but it was also annoying because he could have greeted Ezekiel
“Oh hi Miguel. We weren’t having a conversation or anything.” She sarcastically replied, giving her boss a look.
“Reyes..” Miguel acknowledged her boyfriend with a barely noticeable head nod before bringing his attention back to her. “You’ve put in the most face time with the Castillos and the lovely matriarch has requested your presence. We don’t want to keep them waiting, verdant?”
EZ rolled his eyes at Miguel but didn’t say anything. He was used to Miguel’s shit and honestly he didn’t like him either so the less they communicated the better.
The Castillos were a very important family that have entered into an arrangement with Galindo enterprises both on the legitimate and illegitimate side of business. It was already fragile so she wanted to keep everything on the up and up.
She retreated from EZ’s arms without a second thought. “Is everything alright? When we went over the final documents she didn’t bring anything up.” She began walking alongside Miguel but stopped in her tracks.
“I’ll be right back.” She walked back over to EZ and planted a distracted kiss on his cheek. 
He mustered up a slight smile and then she was gone. 
She didn’t come back until the end of the night.
She sighed, pushing her way out of his lap and snatching up her phone once she stood up. “He’s my boss, Ezekiel. You have got to let this thing with Miguel go. Enough is enough.”
“He just does this to piss me off.” And it worked. He wanted to have her all to himself, but he couldn’t do that with Galindo constantly texting her and having her work long hours. At this point it felt she was the one singlehandedly keeping his businesses afloat.
“So stop letting it piss you off.” She replied, like it was the easiest thing and to her it was. 
He shot up from his seat and exasperatedly asked, “Why do you always defend him?”
“Because you’re being ridiculous. You knew who I worked for when we started dating.” She was annoyed they were even having this argument. Her attention was focused on her phone as she replied to Miguel with the information he needed.
EZ grew even more irritated that even in an argument he couldn’t have her whole attention. “What could he possibly need from you at 2 in the morning? Hm?” He snatched the phone from her hand.
“Are you out of your mind? Give me my phone back!” She gasped, shocked at his audacity. She and Ezekiel had been together for awhile now and he’s never acted this way. He’s never lost his temper with her. “Things happen. Emergencies. I never say anything when you have an emergency with the MC.”
“Bishop doesn’t text all hours of the night. Bishop doesn’t hate you and try to disrespect our relationship at every turn. And quite frankly, Bishop isn’t a woman so it’s not the same at all.” Ez snapped, his voice getting louder.
“And just what the fuck are you implying, EZ?” There was a clear warning in her tone of voice as she matched his volume. Now they both were yelling at each other. She never called him EZ either. Always preferring to call him Ezekiel.
He knew he should have backed down and cooled off but he was beyond tired of this shit. The angry words slipped outta his mouth before he could stop them. “I’m just wondering what all the late nights are really about. If I’m dating Miguel’s side piece just tell me!”
That was a mistake. Yelling was a mistake. Saying those words was a mistake. He knew it the moment he saw tears form in her eyes. 
“Excuse me?” She whispered, voice slightly cracking. How dare he call her a cheater! He officially has lost his mind.
Ezekiel felt his heart drop into his stomach when he heard the hurt in her voice. It went too far. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, mariposa.” He started to walk closer to her, but she stepped back from him.
“This has nothing to do with me. Or us. This is you and Miguel continuing to have a dick measuring contest. Th-this all goes back to Emily.” The name rolled off her tongue with mild resentment. The two never had a bad run in with each other, but all the stories about Emily and EZ’s past relationship and how she was the love of his life always made Monique get defensive.
“That’s not true.” EZ refuted, but she interrupted him before he could further explain.
“Yes it is!  And if somehow it’s not then we got some serious problems baby.” She just shook her head at him before demanding, “Get out.” 
You're the only one, you're the only love That's strong enough to claim me So please forgive me I'm just stingy But how can you blame me?
It’s been two weeks since the fight with Ezekiel and Monique was really missing him. She was mad that he would be such a dumbass, but she still just wanted to be laying back on the couch with him watching tv.
Miguel watched as she pushed her salad around her plate, clearly not hungry. “Todo bien hermanita?” He asked, watching as she finally brought her eyes up to meet his. This was the quietest lunch the two ever had. Usually she was talking a mile a minute.
She smiled a little at the nickname. He only called her that when he was concerned or when he really wanted something. Truth is, the two had a sibling kind of relationship. She just wished EZ had seen and understood it. “I’m fine. Not really hungry.”
“Hmm.” He hummed, taking a sip of his drink. “Nestor and I had a meeting with the Mayans yesterday. Saw your novio and he looked like shit.” Miguel casually mentions and she tries to act nonchalant even as her heart races at the mention of a certain biker. “Imagine my surprise when he asked to pull me aside for a chat.”
“What!” She gasped loudly, jaw dropping.
“I’m sure you could guess what we spoke about.”
“Miguel…” She was ready to apologize to him for whatever accusations were thrown his way.
“I know I’m very demanding. It’s part of who I am. I demand a lot from myself and from those around me, especially those closest to me. That includes you, hermanita. But I don’t want to be the reason for your unhappiness. Even if it is with Reyes..” There was only mild disgust in his tone and she took that as an improvement.
“It’s not your fault he doesn’t trust me, hermano.” She sighed.
“He is crazy about you, you know that right?”
Monique went to answer, but Miguel stood up from his seat. He grabbed his suit jacket from the back of the chair and walked over to her, pushing down gently on her shoulders to keep her from getting up. He leans down and whispers “If in the end, you don’t want him and he won’t take the hint you let me know. He can visit my pew.” 
She jerked her head back to give him a stern look, hating when he brought up that damn pew. He just kissed her head and walked away. She sat there dumbfounded for a second. “Wait, what-” She turned her head to call out to Miguel but her voice caught in her throat as she spotted Ezekiel right behind her. He walked over and took the seat Miguel was just in.
It was silent before she decided to break it. “You and Miguel working together? Hell must have frozen over.”
He cracks a grin at that. “Ha. Guess you could say we’ve called a truce. At least when it comes to a certain beautiful woman.”
“Calling a truce with my ‘side piece’? I’m sure Emily appreciates it.” She sarcastically replied, making him sigh in reply. 
“I never should have said that. I was pissed off and being a sarcastic asshole. This never had anything to do with Emily. Yes we have history, but I don’t think about that anymore. I haven’t for a long time.” Monique looked down, wanting to believe him but having a hard time doing it. “I think about you. I think about you when we’re apart, I think about when I’ll see you again, I think about our future when you’re in my arms. You’re never not on my mind.”
His words make her want to smile, but she wasn’t done. “Then what’s been going on with us lately? Anytime I answer a call or text from Miguel you’re huffing and puffing. You sit there literally pouting like a 3 year old every time I have to do something for work. What’s the problem?”
“First, I don’t pout.” She started to disagree but he loudly continued, earning a playful glare from her. “SECONDLY, I know you’re an independent woman out here making it on your own and shit. I know it’s just been you and your job for a long time. But now you got me, mariposa. I’m here by your side and I like spending time with you. I like the quiet moments at home and our nights out. I want more of them. You work so much and you forget about everything else. Me included.”
“What do you mean I forget you? I don’t forget you.”
“Galindo Enterprises.”
“What are...Oh-” Her face completely dropped as she remembered the night. She got pulled away by Miguel and never went back to Ezekiel. She didn’t mean to, but she ended up checking on other things with the party and even though it hurts to admit she did forget about him. “Oh baby…” She held one of his hands that was on the table between both of hers.
“I’ve never been the one to cling and I don’t like to be needy but you’ve changed me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love being in your presence. Maybe I am kind of a baby, but I think wanting your attention is a good sign for a relationship. I’m not asking you to quit your job, but some boundaries would be nice. ”
She felt so bad. He was absolutely right. She had been alone for a long time. She wasn’t used to sharing her life with someone else. An adjustment was obviously needed. “I never meant to make you feel like I wanted anyone or anything more than you. Or that I cared about those things more. I promise that I will work on communicating more with you and not just doing what I want with no consideration for you.” 
He nodded his head, but she had to add one more thing. “You do need to know that sometimes just like you can’t help getting called away the same goes for me. But I’ll talk with Miguel and we’ll work out something that works for us all. I can’t believe I didn’t realize. I’m so-”
Ezekiel cut her off before she could begin criticizing herself. “So amazing, captivating, elevating,” after every word, EZ placed a kiss on the palm of her hand. “Anyway you put it I’m happy to be your man.”
“I’m still salty at you insinuating I was sleeping with Miguel.” She declared, causing him to nod with a sad look on his face.
“How can I make it up to you, mariposa?”
“Hmm…” She pretended to think when she already knew what she wanted. She leaned forward and beckoned him closer with a wiggle of her finger. She whispered in his ear, “I wanna ride you with only your kutte on until you lose your mind.” She lightly bit his ear lobe.
She busted out laughing at how fast he scrambled out of his seat and took her hand, pulling her behind him as he hustled out of the restaurant.
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footballleague0 · 7 years
Giancarlo Stanton’s breakthrough season through the eyes of those witnessing it
Giancarlo Stanton has hit 56 home runs off 48 pitchers in 13 major league parks this season. Those homers have traveled a combined distance of 4.42 miles at an average exit velocity of 108.9 mph, second highest in the majors behind New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge.
No one has kept a running statistical tab of Stanton’s batting practice output. But if a ball off Stanton’s bat dents a bleacher seat somewhere between 4:30 and 6 p.m., chances are Fredi Gonzalez delivered it. The Miami Marlins’ third-base coach is Stanton’s regular batting practice pitcher, and he keeps a mental catalogue of the screamers Stanton hits up the middle.
Each time one of those line drives approaches his face, Gonzalez gives a silent thank you to the inventor of the “L” screen.
“If I go a little bit away, I know that ball is coming my way,” Gonzalez said. “There have been 30 or 40 times when I’ve never seen the ball hit. The first time I see it is when it hits the ground off the screen. I’ve felt it come close. And then — whoomp! — it’s right there.
“He hasn’t knocked the screen over yet. He’s not that cartoonish. But if I was a pitcher, I would be scared.”
Major league hitters have done plenty of yard work in 2017, hitting an astounding 5,707 homers so far this season. We look at who hit ’em, when they hit ’em and how many they hit.
Stanton has already joined Ryan Howard of the 2006 Philadelphia Phillies (58), Jose Bautista of the 2010 Toronto Blue Jays (54) and Chris Davis of the 2013 Baltimore Orioles (53) as the fourth hitter in the past 12 years to crack the 50-homer mark. His output has slowed since he tied Rudy York’s MLB record with 18 homers in August — but if he can crank out another 2,000 feet worth of long balls in the coming week, things will get very interesting on the final weekend of the regular season.
Stanton needs five home runs to tie the total of 61 by Roger Maris that stood as the MLB record until Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and the PED era came along. He has emerged as an MVP candidate while playing for a Marlins team that’s 72-80, 28th in baseball in attendance, and in the news primarily because the franchise is in the process of being sold from Jeffrey Loria to a group headlined by Derek Jeter. Stanton has also reignited divisions between baseball watchers who regard Bonds’ single-season total of 73 homers as the MLB gold standard, and purists who view Maris’ 61 as the legitimate, untarnished record.
What has it been like to watch a masher of Stanton’s magnitude up close and personal, from the dugout and the clubhouse? How has Stanton grown since his MLB debut as a 20-year-old man-child in 2010? ESPN.com talked to the Marlins teammates, coaches, front-office staff and broadcasters who know him best for their thoughts on Stanton’s memorable season and budding legacy.
The batting practice showOpponents regularly come out to watch Giancarlo Stanton in batting practice. Photo by Tony Quinn/Icon Sportswire
Brian Schneider, Marlins catching coach:
“I like it when he’s taking batting practice and the other team comes out specifically to watch him. It’s September and you have a lot of the call-ups, and guys come out early. The last time we played the Phillies, there were seven or eight guys out there early watching him in amazement. Their reaction was like our reaction watching him every day. It’s crazy how far he hits it.”
Fredi Gonzalez, Miami third-base coach:
“Ichiro has been in his group for the last month and a half. It’s Stanton, Ichiro, Miguel Rojas and J.T. Realmuto — or A.J. Ellis when J.T. doesn’t play.
“When Ichiro is in his group, they play a game where it’s 3-2, bases loaded. A home run counts as four runs. Ichiro has some juice, and one day he had an immaculate round. He had four home runs on four pitches. Stanton hit only three out, and Ichiro beat him.
“Usually he stays in the middle of the diamond and he’ll hit balls to straightaway center. But that’s the only time you’ll see him get competitive and go a little extra. That’s the only time I’ve seen him try to play Home Run Derby.”
The home runs you just can’t forgetGiancarlo Stanton’s homers have traveled a combined distance of 4.42 miles at an average exit velocity of 108.9 mph. Scott Cunningham/Getty Images
Catcher A.J. Ellis:
“We played a series against the Rangers this year, and Jason Grilli was pitching. He pitches with a lot of intensity and emotion, and he struck out Giancarlo and gave a very dramatic fist pump and yell after he put him away.
“You could see from the way Giancarlo reacted coming off the field that he didn’t really appreciate that. So in a rare outburst of emotion, the next day ‘G’ hit a home run off Grilli. He usually acts the same way on every single one. There’s no bat flipping, no extracurriculars after he hits them. But on this one in particular, he gave a yell and threw his arms up in the air. You could tell that one felt pretty good.”
Center fielder Christian Yelich:
“My favorite homer of his came against the Cubs and Jason Hammel [on June 16, 2014] at Marlins Park. It was a line drive down the right-field line on a curveball in the lefty batter’s box. He’s probably the only guy in baseball that can do that. That skill set is not something you see every day — just being able to hit the ball that hard and being that strong.
“Everybody can hit balls far. The line drives, to me, are the more impressive ones. For most guys, that ball might be a single or a double. He hit it for a homer.”
First baseman Justin Bour:
“I’ve seen a million of his homers by now and I’ve watched him in BP, but I’ve never seen anything like that one [off Hammel]. I’m pretty sure the first baseman jumped for it and the ball went out. You have the right fielder out there thinking he’s going to make a play off the wall or field a one-hopper. You’re thinking double off the bat or maybe even a single because he hit it that hard, and it went over the fence. There are so many to pick from. But you don’t see people hitting low liners out to right field like that. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen on a baseball field.”
Fredi Gonzalez:
“I bet you of the 55 he’s hit, I’ve seen maybe 15 of them actually land. Because as soon as he hits them, you know they’re gone. By the sound and the angle, you know they’re gone. Then I just watch the third baseman and shortstop look at each other like, ‘Did you see that?’
“He hit one in Atlanta to straightway center and [Braves third baseman] Rio Ruiz looked at me and went, ‘Wow!’ [Phillies third baseman] Maikel Franco had an expression that was like, ‘Holy cow. I’m glad he didn’t hit it on the ground.'”
Dave Van Horne, veteran broadcaster and Glenn Geffner’s radio partner in Miami:
“When Stanton first started to hit these tape-measure jobs, we had never seen anything like it. One day in Denver, Geff and I walked out to the concourse, out to that food area, to find the spot where one of his home run balls landed. I had never seen anything, even at Coors, hit that far. And the amazing thing to me about Stanton is, he doesn’t hit any wall-scrapers. There’s nothing coming down on the back of the wall. Ninety percent of them seem to be absolute no-doubters.”
Pitcher Dan Straily:
“You don’t want to be anywhere but in the dugout for his at-bats. Every time he comes to the plate, it’s captivating and you don’t want to miss something awesome. You don’t want to miss a ball leaving the stadium. With so many of the balls he hits, you’re like, ‘I’ve never seen a ball hit that far.’ It’s a fun at-bat to watch, every time it comes back around.”
The evolution of GiancarloGiancarlo Stanton worked with the Marlins’ hitting coach to close up his stance this season. Patrick McDermott-USA TODAY Sports
Tony Perez, Baseball Hall of Famer and a Marlins special assistant:
“I saw him when he was in Double-A ball and he won a home run contest. He hit the ball all over the place. I was there with Andre Dawson and I told him, ‘Pack it up, let’s go home.’ I said, ‘Wow, he’s something special.’
“Now he’s grown up and he’s changed. He’s more disciplined, and when he hits a streak, he’s dangerous. I used to see Gary Sheffield hit unbelievable line drives and Willie Stargell hit those long home runs, but this guy is amazing the way he hits.
“In the beginning, he wanted to do everything himself. He was his own man. He believed in himself a lot and he didn’t listen. Then this year he changed his stance. He closed up a little bit because he was wide-open and swinging at everything. He found himself working with the hitting coach [Mike Pagliarulo] and his assistant [Frank Menechino], and they’ve helped him a lot.”
Manager Don Mattingly:
“One thing I’ve noticed this year is, he’s more focused and irritated with himself over his at-bats when they’re not good. You can feel the helmet [slamming] behind you. I don’t really look around and see what guys are doing. But you hear it and you know when he’s mad about his at-bats. That’s been a little bit more open. I’ve seen him throw a bat down on the field, too, and I didn’t see a lot of that last year.
“He’s comfortable at the plate. This is the most I’ve seen him stay with something. I’ve seen him make a lot of changes in the past, with his hands, his feet, a toe tap and other little things. This little closed-off [stance] thing is something he’s really stayed with.
“He’s definitely not chasing as much. You still see some chase in there, but you see a lot more focus within an area of the plate. He’s making guys pay. He’ll miss some balls that he fouls back and you say, ‘He just missed that.’ But there was a section of the season when he wasn’t missing anything. It was like, ‘Holy cow, this is ridiculous.’ It’s something I’ve never seen.”
Straily on Stanton’s 14 first-inning home runs:
“He went through a stretch earlier this year where it seemed like he would ground out to shortstop the first at-bat every single at-bat. The guy was so frustrated, knowing he could get this [pitcher] and essentially he just missed. It sounds weird saying, ‘A ground ball to shortstop and he just missed.’ But with that guy, he clearly just missed. It was definitely the right angle and the right part of the field to use, and he’s used to hitting homers.
“Then suddenly he made an adjustment in his first at-bat of the game, and when he [got hot] a lot of his homers came in the first inning. It was cool to see how he saw an area of his game that he wasn’t elite at, and he was so focused every at-bat. He put a little more emphasis on that very first one, and those ground balls to shortstop started becoming homers.”
Fredi Gonzalez:
“I kind of joke with the guys. I told [Nationals third baseman] Anthony Rendon, ‘After he strikes out the first time, he usually lays a bunt down the second at-bat.’ Early in the year, [Mets third baseman] Wilmer Flores was playing back and Stanton hit a ground ball and it was a backhand. Flores couldn’t get the glove down fast enough and the ball hit him on the instep. I couldn’t stop laughing.
“You know what he also has? He has carry on his ball. There have been a few times when he hits one and we have runners on first and second, and I’m watching to see if the ball is off the wall or the warning track, and you see the outfielders and it keeps carrying and carrying. The next thing you know, it’s 10 rows deep. We have a saying in baseball, ‘It stays hit.’ Some guys hit the ball and it kind of dies in the gap. His ball stays hit.”
Facing StantonSome pitchers try to throw harder to beat Giancarlo Stanton, but that hasn’t proved to be an effective strategy. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson
“Greg Maddux had a quote once. He said when he found himself in a tough situation, he didn’t try to throw harder. He tried to locate better. You see so many people try to muscle up on Giancarlo and end up leaving the ball over the heart of the plate. If you watch a guy who’s throwing 90 or 91, all of a sudden he’s throwing 94 against Giancarlo thinking that’s going to work.
“You’re better off trying to just locate it. If you take something off and you miss, it’s gonna get hammered just as hard. But you see people try with more effort, and you’re not going to be able to match his effort and his strength with his bat. Muscling up is not really the way to go.”
A.J. Ellis:
“I remember being on the other side. With Giancarlo, the way his at-bats are and his approach is, there are windows where you can pitch. So you go into the series as a catcher and a pitcher and say, ‘If we execute the ball to these places, to these windows, we’re gonna be successful and get this guy out.’ There’s a difference, though. Those window frames for him are home runs. For me and everyone else, they’re broken bat singles.
“If you’re not drilling those small windows — if you miss — you’re paying dearly for it. You see pitchers challenge him and try to hit certain spots. But there’s a lot of pressure on the mound, knowing mentally that if I miss, I’m going to have something hit extremely hard and extremely far off me.”
The lasting impressionGiancarlo Stanton seems to be motivated since the All-Star Game. Joe Skipper/Getty Images
Mike Berger, Marlins vice president and assistant general manager:
“I can’t get away from the charge that took place right after the All-Star Game. It seems like every home run he hit was impactful because it gave us an early lead in the first inning or it was a tack-on, 2-3-run homer. Just the frequency of the home runs. I’ve never seen anything like it.
“Aaron Judge won the Home Run Derby and Stanton was like, ‘Hey, Grasshopper, I’ll show you what I’m capable of as we come out of the break.’ Who knows if it motivated him? It may very well have. But it was a big deal, with everything that’s gone on with the uncertainty of the franchise and whatnot. I think he rose to the occasion and let his actions answer the question.
“We went from a Judge to a Supreme Court Justice. That’s kind of the way it was. [Aaron Judge] was an appellate judge and Stanton showed everybody that he’s a Supreme Court Justice.”
Dave Van Horne:
“The first time I saw Andre Dawson, I thought, ‘This is the best looking physique I’ve ever seen on a baseball player.’ Until this guy. Dawson was chiseled. He was slender and had zero body fat, but he had a massive upper body. Goodness knows what he would have done if he hadn’t hurt his knees playing football before he signed. He was an incredible athlete. But it was nothing like this guy.”
“The way he embraced the whole All-Star week was impressive. He was the gracious celebrity All-Star host, and that’s what came through to me. There’s a lot of charm there. There’s a magnetic charisma, and it’s a Hollywood smile.
“I think the commercial he did for T-Mobile is fantastic, with the guy on the sidelines hammering him with nicknames. I even commented to my wife. I said, ‘You know what? He’s really natural at the give-and-take.’ Otherwise, he’s a pretty guarded dude who just does his work, but he was really natural there. A star was born with that 30-second give-and-take in that commercial.”
Van Horne:
“It’s 49 years for me, and in those 49 years, I’ve seen some pretty special players and a lot of Hall of Famers. I’ve never seen anything like this power display. I know that in his mind, 60 and 61 are the magic numbers, so it would really be something to see that. Plus, I was a child of that era, so those numbers are big for me, too.
“Let me put it this way: I totally understand why Stanton feels the way he does. And he’s not alone.
“I do five innings [of play-by-play] and Geff does four, but the one thing I like about my chances is, he’s hit more in the first inning (49) than any other inning in his career. I have the first two innings, so I might have a chance [to call it].
“I’ve seen Vladimir Guerrero. I saw Andre Dawson, obviously. Andres Galarraga, even Larry Walker. Guys that had really good long ball power, but nobody with the consistency of this player. And now he’s going to go through 2017 known as the major league home run leader. I’m sure it’s going to happen for him. To me, he’s a better overall player right now than he’s ever been.”
The post Giancarlo Stanton’s breakthrough season through the eyes of those witnessing it appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
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giantsfootball0 · 7 years
Giancarlo Stanton’s breakthrough season through the eyes of those witnessing it
Giancarlo Stanton has hit 56 home runs off 48 pitchers in 13 major league parks this season. Those homers have traveled a combined distance of 4.42 miles at an average exit velocity of 108.9 mph, second highest in the majors behind New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge.
No one has kept a running statistical tab of Stanton’s batting practice output. But if a ball off Stanton’s bat dents a bleacher seat somewhere between 4:30 and 6 p.m., chances are Fredi Gonzalez delivered it. The Miami Marlins’ third-base coach is Stanton’s regular batting practice pitcher, and he keeps a mental catalogue of the screamers Stanton hits up the middle.
Each time one of those line drives approaches his face, Gonzalez gives a silent thank you to the inventor of the “L” screen.
“If I go a little bit away, I know that ball is coming my way,” Gonzalez said. “There have been 30 or 40 times when I’ve never seen the ball hit. The first time I see it is when it hits the ground off the screen. I’ve felt it come close. And then — whoomp! — it’s right there.
“He hasn’t knocked the screen over yet. He’s not that cartoonish. But if I was a pitcher, I would be scared.”
Major league hitters have done plenty of yard work in 2017, hitting an astounding 5,707 homers so far this season. We look at who hit ’em, when they hit ’em and how many they hit.
Stanton has already joined Ryan Howard of the 2006 Philadelphia Phillies (58), Jose Bautista of the 2010 Toronto Blue Jays (54) and Chris Davis of the 2013 Baltimore Orioles (53) as the fourth hitter in the past 12 years to crack the 50-homer mark. His output has slowed since he tied Rudy York’s MLB record with 18 homers in August — but if he can crank out another 2,000 feet worth of long balls in the coming week, things will get very interesting on the final weekend of the regular season.
Stanton needs five home runs to tie the total of 61 by Roger Maris that stood as the MLB record until Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and the PED era came along. He has emerged as an MVP candidate while playing for a Marlins team that’s 72-80, 28th in baseball in attendance, and in the news primarily because the franchise is in the process of being sold from Jeffrey Loria to a group headlined by Derek Jeter. Stanton has also reignited divisions between baseball watchers who regard Bonds’ single-season total of 73 homers as the MLB gold standard, and purists who view Maris’ 61 as the legitimate, untarnished record.
What has it been like to watch a masher of Stanton’s magnitude up close and personal, from the dugout and the clubhouse? How has Stanton grown since his MLB debut as a 20-year-old man-child in 2010? ESPN.com talked to the Marlins teammates, coaches, front-office staff and broadcasters who know him best for their thoughts on Stanton’s memorable season and budding legacy.
The batting practice showOpponents regularly come out to watch Giancarlo Stanton in batting practice. Photo by Tony Quinn/Icon Sportswire
Brian Schneider, Marlins catching coach:
“I like it when he’s taking batting practice and the other team comes out specifically to watch him. It’s September and you have a lot of the call-ups, and guys come out early. The last time we played the Phillies, there were seven or eight guys out there early watching him in amazement. Their reaction was like our reaction watching him every day. It’s crazy how far he hits it.”
Fredi Gonzalez, Miami third-base coach:
“Ichiro has been in his group for the last month and a half. It’s Stanton, Ichiro, Miguel Rojas and J.T. Realmuto — or A.J. Ellis when J.T. doesn’t play.
“When Ichiro is in his group, they play a game where it’s 3-2, bases loaded. A home run counts as four runs. Ichiro has some juice, and one day he had an immaculate round. He had four home runs on four pitches. Stanton hit only three out, and Ichiro beat him.
“Usually he stays in the middle of the diamond and he’ll hit balls to straightaway center. But that’s the only time you’ll see him get competitive and go a little extra. That’s the only time I’ve seen him try to play Home Run Derby.”
The home runs you just can’t forgetGiancarlo Stanton’s homers have traveled a combined distance of 4.42 miles at an average exit velocity of 108.9 mph. Scott Cunningham/Getty Images
Catcher A.J. Ellis:
“We played a series against the Rangers this year, and Jason Grilli was pitching. He pitches with a lot of intensity and emotion, and he struck out Giancarlo and gave a very dramatic fist pump and yell after he put him away.
“You could see from the way Giancarlo reacted coming off the field that he didn’t really appreciate that. So in a rare outburst of emotion, the next day ‘G’ hit a home run off Grilli. He usually acts the same way on every single one. There’s no bat flipping, no extracurriculars after he hits them. But on this one in particular, he gave a yell and threw his arms up in the air. You could tell that one felt pretty good.”
Center fielder Christian Yelich:
“My favorite homer of his came against the Cubs and Jason Hammel [on June 16, 2014] at Marlins Park. It was a line drive down the right-field line on a curveball in the lefty batter’s box. He’s probably the only guy in baseball that can do that. That skill set is not something you see every day — just being able to hit the ball that hard and being that strong.
“Everybody can hit balls far. The line drives, to me, are the more impressive ones. For most guys, that ball might be a single or a double. He hit it for a homer.”
First baseman Justin Bour:
“I’ve seen a million of his homers by now and I’ve watched him in BP, but I’ve never seen anything like that one [off Hammel]. I’m pretty sure the first baseman jumped for it and the ball went out. You have the right fielder out there thinking he’s going to make a play off the wall or field a one-hopper. You’re thinking double off the bat or maybe even a single because he hit it that hard, and it went over the fence. There are so many to pick from. But you don’t see people hitting low liners out to right field like that. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen on a baseball field.”
Fredi Gonzalez:
“I bet you of the 55 he’s hit, I’ve seen maybe 15 of them actually land. Because as soon as he hits them, you know they’re gone. By the sound and the angle, you know they’re gone. Then I just watch the third baseman and shortstop look at each other like, ‘Did you see that?’
“He hit one in Atlanta to straightway center and [Braves third baseman] Rio Ruiz looked at me and went, ‘Wow!’ [Phillies third baseman] Maikel Franco had an expression that was like, ‘Holy cow. I’m glad he didn’t hit it on the ground.‘”
Dave Van Horne, veteran broadcaster and Glenn Geffner’s radio partner in Miami:
“When Stanton first started to hit these tape-measure jobs, we had never seen anything like it. One day in Denver, Geff and I walked out to the concourse, out to that food area, to find the spot where one of his home run balls landed. I had never seen anything, even at Coors, hit that far. And the amazing thing to me about Stanton is, he doesn’t hit any wall-scrapers. There’s nothing coming down on the back of the wall. Ninety percent of them seem to be absolute no-doubters.”
Pitcher Dan Straily:
“You don’t want to be anywhere but in the dugout for his at-bats. Every time he comes to the plate, it’s captivating and you don’t want to miss something awesome. You don’t want to miss a ball leaving the stadium. With so many of the balls he hits, you’re like, ‘I’ve never seen a ball hit that far.’ It’s a fun at-bat to watch, every time it comes back around.”
The evolution of GiancarloGiancarlo Stanton worked with the Marlins’ hitting coach to close up his stance this season. Patrick McDermott-USA TODAY Sports
Tony Perez, Baseball Hall of Famer and a Marlins special assistant:
“I saw him when he was in Double-A ball and he won a home run contest. He hit the ball all over the place. I was there with Andre Dawson and I told him, ‘Pack it up, let’s go home.’ I said, ‘Wow, he’s something special.’
“Now he’s grown up and he’s changed. He’s more disciplined, and when he hits a streak, he’s dangerous. I used to see Gary Sheffield hit unbelievable line drives and Willie Stargell hit those long home runs, but this guy is amazing the way he hits.
“In the beginning, he wanted to do everything himself. He was his own man. He believed in himself a lot and he didn’t listen. Then this year he changed his stance. He closed up a little bit because he was wide-open and swinging at everything. He found himself working with the hitting coach [Mike Pagliarulo] and his assistant [Frank Menechino], and they’ve helped him a lot.”
Manager Don Mattingly:
“One thing I’ve noticed this year is, he’s more focused and irritated with himself over his at-bats when they’re not good. You can feel the helmet [slamming] behind you. I don’t really look around and see what guys are doing. But you hear it and you know when he’s mad about his at-bats. That’s been a little bit more open. I’ve seen him throw a bat down on the field, too, and I didn’t see a lot of that last year.
“He’s comfortable at the plate. This is the most I’ve seen him stay with something. I’ve seen him make a lot of changes in the past, with his hands, his feet, a toe tap and other little things. This little closed-off [stance] thing is something he’s really stayed with.
“He’s definitely not chasing as much. You still see some chase in there, but you see a lot more focus within an area of the plate. He’s making guys pay. He’ll miss some balls that he fouls back and you say, ‘He just missed that.’ But there was a section of the season when he wasn’t missing anything. It was like, ‘Holy cow, this is ridiculous.’ It’s something I’ve never seen.”
Straily on Stanton’s 14 first-inning home runs:
“He went through a stretch earlier this year where it seemed like he would ground out to shortstop the first at-bat every single at-bat. The guy was so frustrated, knowing he could get this [pitcher] and essentially he just missed. It sounds weird saying, ‘A ground ball to shortstop and he just missed.’ But with that guy, he clearly just missed. It was definitely the right angle and the right part of the field to use, and he’s used to hitting homers.
“Then suddenly he made an adjustment in his first at-bat of the game, and when he [got hot] a lot of his homers came in the first inning. It was cool to see how he saw an area of his game that he wasn’t elite at, and he was so focused every at-bat. He put a little more emphasis on that very first one, and those ground balls to shortstop started becoming homers.”
Fredi Gonzalez:
“I kind of joke with the guys. I told [Nationals third baseman] Anthony Rendon, ‘After he strikes out the first time, he usually lays a bunt down the second at-bat.’ Early in the year, [Mets third baseman] Wilmer Flores was playing back and Stanton hit a ground ball and it was a backhand. Flores couldn’t get the glove down fast enough and the ball hit him on the instep. I couldn’t stop laughing.
“You know what he also has? He has carry on his ball. There have been a few times when he hits one and we have runners on first and second, and I’m watching to see if the ball is off the wall or the warning track, and you see the outfielders and it keeps carrying and carrying. The next thing you know, it’s 10 rows deep. We have a saying in baseball, ‘It stays hit.’ Some guys hit the ball and it kind of dies in the gap. His ball stays hit.”
Facing StantonSome pitchers try to throw harder to beat Giancarlo Stanton, but that hasn’t proved to be an effective strategy. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson
“Greg Maddux had a quote once. He said when he found himself in a tough situation, he didn’t try to throw harder. He tried to locate better. You see so many people try to muscle up on Giancarlo and end up leaving the ball over the heart of the plate. If you watch a guy who’s throwing 90 or 91, all of a sudden he’s throwing 94 against Giancarlo thinking that’s going to work.
“You’re better off trying to just locate it. If you take something off and you miss, it’s gonna get hammered just as hard. But you see people try with more effort, and you’re not going to be able to match his effort and his strength with his bat. Muscling up is not really the way to go.”
A.J. Ellis:
“I remember being on the other side. With Giancarlo, the way his at-bats are and his approach is, there are windows where you can pitch. So you go into the series as a catcher and a pitcher and say, ‘If we execute the ball to these places, to these windows, we’re gonna be successful and get this guy out.’ There’s a difference, though. Those window frames for him are home runs. For me and everyone else, they’re broken bat singles.
“If you’re not drilling those small windows — if you miss — you’re paying dearly for it. You see pitchers challenge him and try to hit certain spots. But there’s a lot of pressure on the mound, knowing mentally that if I miss, I’m going to have something hit extremely hard and extremely far off me.”
The lasting impressionGiancarlo Stanton seems to be motivated since the All-Star Game. Joe Skipper/Getty Images
Mike Berger, Marlins vice president and assistant general manager:
“I can’t get away from the charge that took place right after the All-Star Game. It seems like every home run he hit was impactful because it gave us an early lead in the first inning or it was a tack-on, 2-3-run homer. Just the frequency of the home runs. I’ve never seen anything like it.
“Aaron Judge won the Home Run Derby and Stanton was like, ‘Hey, Grasshopper, I’ll show you what I’m capable of as we come out of the break.’ Who knows if it motivated him? It may very well have. But it was a big deal, with everything that’s gone on with the uncertainty of the franchise and whatnot. I think he rose to the occasion and let his actions answer the question.
“We went from a Judge to a Supreme Court Justice. That’s kind of the way it was. [Aaron Judge] was an appellate judge and Stanton showed everybody that he’s a Supreme Court Justice.”
Dave Van Horne:
“The first time I saw Andre Dawson, I thought, ‘This is the best looking physique I’ve ever seen on a baseball player.’ Until this guy. Dawson was chiseled. He was slender and had zero body fat, but he had a massive upper body. Goodness knows what he would have done if he hadn’t hurt his knees playing football before he signed. He was an incredible athlete. But it was nothing like this guy.”
“The way he embraced the whole All-Star week was impressive. He was the gracious celebrity All-Star host, and that’s what came through to me. There’s a lot of charm there. There’s a magnetic charisma, and it’s a Hollywood smile.
“I think the commercial he did for T-Mobile is fantastic, with the guy on the sidelines hammering him with nicknames. I even commented to my wife. I said, ‘You know what? He’s really natural at the give-and-take.’ Otherwise, he’s a pretty guarded dude who just does his work, but he was really natural there. A star was born with that 30-second give-and-take in that commercial.”
Van Horne:
“It’s 49 years for me, and in those 49 years, I’ve seen some pretty special players and a lot of Hall of Famers. I’ve never seen anything like this power display. I know that in his mind, 60 and 61 are the magic numbers, so it would really be something to see that. Plus, I was a child of that era, so those numbers are big for me, too.
“Let me put it this way: I totally understand why Stanton feels the way he does. And he’s not alone.
“I do five innings [of play-by-play] and Geff does four, but the one thing I like about my chances is, he’s hit more in the first inning (49) than any other inning in his career. I have the first two innings, so I might have a chance [to call it].
“I’ve seen Vladimir Guerrero. I saw Andre Dawson, obviously. Andres Galarraga, even Larry Walker. Guys that had really good long ball power, but nobody with the consistency of this player. And now he’s going to go through 2017 known as the major league home run leader. I’m sure it’s going to happen for him. To me, he’s a better overall player right now than he’s ever been.”
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