bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
My sleep deprived self thought it meant "care" as in "cater to" for a solid minute
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
So, I put that image of 3D Maxwell through several layers of the Disney Snapchat filter, and this is what happened to him
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✨The Amazing Maxwell! But oh my god, what have I done?✨
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
Remember, guys: Don't Dead, Open Inside!
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
when i post yet more bullshit about my self-indulgent au that only appeals to me and like 3 of my followers
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
Look out! There's a new Queen of the Constant, and her name is Wilhelmina!
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
//Wilhelmina, the Elegant Guest of Honor.
//That's right, I finalized Wilhelmina's Guest of Honor skin, and I'm just loving how her dress turned out!
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
My Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together character, Wilhelmina Prescott, but I've modified her design a little bit. Now she actually looks like someone who works for the press! :')
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
*Screams into the void* ART BLOCK, OH YEAH-
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
Here, have this drawing of Smol Mina wearing Maxwell's coat 👀
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Maxwell's coat is enormous on her, holy--
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
The lovely Ms Wilhelmina Violet Prescott, the self proclaimed best journalist in her profession....shortly before being dragged into the Constant-
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
Here, have a sketch dump I did of Maxwell and Wilhelmina :')
Come to think of it, "Max and Mina" would make for a great sitcom. Their entire relationship is just mutual sass and getting tired of each other's shit, lmao//
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
"A Night Monster? Don't make me laugh!" *Snerk* "Next you'll be telling me that magic exists!"
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Wilhelmina doesn't believe in things like "magic" or "monsters" or things like that. After all, in all of her Journalist career, she found absolutely no proof that such things existed anyway, and she's inclined to be skeptical by default. She's still having a hard time accepting that she's in an entirely different reality altogether in the Constant.
"Alright, here's the buzz: I've seen a lot of self proclaimed magicians in my time, and I haven't encountered one trick in the book that I haven't been able to explain away. But this? This might be the single best case of smoke and mirrors I've ever seen."—Wilhelmina Violet Prescott
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
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*Maxwell and Mina tormenting Wilson off screen*
"You think you can make the shadows go faster, and bite him harder?"
"What a thoroughly wicked suggestion.....of course I can! Stand back, and prepare to be amazed!"
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bluethecosmicbadger · 3 years
Quiet. That's all that could be heard at the moment, save for the sound of a couple noisy crickets just outside the window. To be honest, Wilhelmina had thought the spider that had made it's home in the windowsill would have picked them off by now. Instead, she had to make due with nature's ensemble as her tired eyes scoured through every article clipping on her desk. 'Local Man Disappears', 'Cincinnati Barber Thought To Be Mystery Killer's Latest Victim', and other such titles popped out at the sleep deprived journalist as she skimmed through over and over again, trying to find any sort of details she might have missed before. Why on earth would she invest so much time and effort into this case? After all, police dropped it when they told her that they did all they could, but unfortunately they just couldn't find any leads. But they're wrong. She couldn't explain it, but they just had to be. Call it what you will–she's desperate, she's crazy, she needs to face the facts–she's heard it all before. She knew Nathaniel better than anyone! Even though the two of them had been divorced for a little over two years now, Nathaniel just wasn't the type to skip town without telling anyone, and she highly doubted anyone wanted to kill him. After all, her ex husband was always so personable. Although, even she had to admit that her former spouse did have his blockhead moments, but surely that wasn't enough motivation to kill him! No, there must be something else going on. Who'd want to kidnap Nathaniel and for what purpose?
The minutes slowly ticked by into hours, and soon her eyes started to sting. Wilhelmina allowed herself to let out a yawn, shutting her eyes for a moment. As soon as she did so, she heard what sounded like a voice break the silence behind her.
"Say, doll, you look like you could use some help."
"Oh, of course not. I—" and at once, she cut herself off as soon as she processed what just happened. "Hello?" She announced clearly, scanning her eyes around the room. "Why, hello my dear." Wilhelmina spun herself around, frantically trying to locate the source of the voice before her eyes locked firmly on the radio. "Don't be frightened. I mean you no harm." The voice told her. The young journalist cautiously approached the radio, leaning forward to examine it. Was she losing her mind, or was the radio...talking to her? Not like a prerecorded thing, but actually talking to her in real time? No, of course not. That would be impossible. "Well? Are you not going to introduce yourself, my dear?"
"Where are you?" She asked, a bit interrogative, to be honest. The man chuckled in response. "You're not going to find me anywhere in this world." He told her. "Oh, 'in this world'. Brilliant, what the heck does that..." She suddenly broke off into a giggle, dropping her head into her hand with a deep sigh. "I must be losing it! I'm talking to my radio and expecting it to answer me back!" She said, mostly to herself. "Oh, but I can answer you back. See? I'm doing it right now." By now, Wilhelmina had crouched herself on the floor along with her radio. She scooped the device up in her hands, inspecting it closely for anything out of the ordinary. Faulty wiring, accidental broadcast–anything that would provide some reasonable explanation! But she didn't even remember turning it on in the first place. "But that's–"
"–Impossible? Oh, come now, nothing is impossible!" Chuckled the man, and Wilhelmina couldn't help but roll her eyes at the comment. "Like I haven't heard that before...what did you say your name was?" She inquired. "Now now, you still haven't told me your name. That's very impolite, you know." Replied the man. The young journalist let out a sigh, but she agreed with no more snark. "Very well then." She cleared her throat. "Pleasure to meet you, random voice on my radio. My name is Wilhelmina Prescott." She introduced. "Now, may I know your name?"
"Why, I'm Maxwell. Charming to meet you." Wilhelmina could practically feel the man grinning at her through the radio, and it made her shiver unpleasantly. "Well, now that we've said our hello's to each other, how do you know I need help?" She asked, hoping to move the conversation swiftly on. "I've been watching you very closely for a while now, Ms Prescott." Replied Maxwell. "You've been spying on me?" Demanded Wilhelmina, searching around her home. "Where are you?" She asked. Maxwell simply laughed at her alarm. "I wouldn't call it 'spying' more like...observing from afar. Besides, I told you you'd never find me in this world."
"So...you're spying on me, is what you're saying. That's pretty creepy, you know. And what do you mean 'in this world'? Is this some kind of practical joke?"
"Why, Ms Prescott, how dare you accuse me of such nonsense? I happen to be a very dapper gentleman, thank you very much."
"That doesn't change how creepy it is, Mr Dapper-Gentleman!"
Again, Maxwell chuckled at her response. "You've certainly got quite a bit of spunk, Ms Prescott. How admirable." He remarked. "But allow me to humbly apologize for being, as you say, creepy. I only want to help you find your missing ex husband, after all." He told her. Wilhelmina snapped her focus back toward the radio. "How do you know about Nathaniel?" She inquired, leaning herself closer. She just had to know, and maybe she could prod this Maxwell for answers. "I told you before: I've been watching over you for a while now, and I want to help you. Trust me, my dear Wilhelmina."
"Trust you? I just met you, why should I trust you?" It was a perfectly sound question, at least in the journalist's mind. "Because I'm a friend of Nathaniel, and I can help you find him." Replied Maxwell. "I can give you the information you so desperately seek." He said, dropping his voice to a conspiring whisper. Wilhelmina gripped the small radio tightly in both of her hands. "What do you know? How can you help me?" She's been searching high and low, and she still hasn't found hide nor hair of Nathaniel Walker anywhere! She was almost beginning to think that perhaps her ex husband really was murdered or something horrible, but then suddenly this strange man contacts her through her radio and tells her that he has what she seeks...honestly, if she where to tell this to anyone, she wouldn't be surprised if they admitted her into a loony bin! A man mysteriously appeared on the radio and told her he could help her find her ex husband....what nonsense! Still, she was all out of option, and she had a funny feeling this Maxwell fellow knew that. After all, why wouldn't he since he's apparently been watching her? 
"Alright, I'll bite. What do you know about Nathaniel?"
"Oh, I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet."
"Ha!" Exclaimed Wilhelmina in disdain. "Why not?" She asked, cocking her eyebrow. Oh, she should have known there'd be some kind of snag! That's what she gets for trusting some voice! "Well, what am I going to get out of this little arrangement? I can't just give you something without getting anything in return." Replied Maxwell with an air of nonchalance. "This is hardly an arrangement, you're supposed to be telling me what you know about Nathaniel!" Snapped Wilhelmina, growing impatient and irritated. If he really had something of value to tell her why wouldn't he just cough it up already?
Maxwell clicked his tongue. "Well, if that's going to be your attitude about it then perhaps I'll just be on my way...." He informed smugly, and then he promptly went silent for a few moments. "No, no!" Squeaked Wilhelmina hastily. She couldn't just let this slip through her fingers! This was the first lead she's had on Nathaniel's disappearance since she's started tracking it! "Look, I'm sorry if I've been a little snappy, you have no idea what this means to me." She sighed, and once again she could almost swear she could feel Maxwell grinning at her through her radio. "Then, do we have a deal, Ms Prescott?"
"Yes, we do."
"Excellent...you've made a wise decision."
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