#everybody can put in their two cents! so if there’s a doodle you’d like to see in the store don’t hesitate to tell me!
frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
I just want you to know that I went through the archives yesterday to look for store recommendations, and I had an absolutely MAGNIFICENT time revisiting all your art (and I think seeing some pieces that I missed originally). Thank you for all the time and energy you put into making and sharing all this for us to enjoy!
I saw that little like-and-comment spree of yours, yeah! It was a delight watching all the hearts and fun reactions popping up in my notes. You really got all the way through the blog! And that’s impressive, ‘cause there’s a lot of blog to get through!! X-D
To be fair, I’m no martyr; the reason I draw and write all this stuff has always been to entertain myself. I do it because it’s fun; and if it weren’t fun, I’d stop. But having people like you along for the ride is an awesome bonus! Talking with everyone here has pushed me to try new things I never would have otherwise. So I’m very thankful. =^-^=
With all that said, I’m making a note of all your recommendations and adding them to the pile! Thanks again, and keep an eye out for the results! 8-D
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mitamicah · 4 years
About ambigious requests and negative feedback
I am not sure if many will see this but I feel like I’d like to give my two cents real quick
I got some backlash (or the closest I’ve gotten so far that would look like backlash) from this ask request I did - both from the original requester and from a second user (who’s ask I was not able to open on anything but mail for some reason) not being satisfied with me not drawing Jim in a specific dress 
The ask I got was this: 
Jim dress please 
Well here’s a few things I hope you guys (used genderneutral here) will consider before asking others in the future: 
1) Remember this is something we do for free - we are offering you a service you’d normally have to pay for and it may take us a lot of time and effort to make the art as great as possible. In this case I was drawing a doodle yet had I gone for a more ambitious artwork that’ll been minimum 2-3 hours of love put into it just be met with grumpy ‘this is not the right dress’ replies - please consider to let people know you appreciate their work next time with for instance phrasing the feedback like this instead “thank you so much for taking my request I am very happy. Unfortunately we may have misunderstood each other: when I said I wanted “Jim dress” I meant I would have liked to see Jim in the strawberry and/or watermelon dress. I am sorry for the confusion” 
2) Please be more precise when/if you request somebody - we are not mindreaders - some of us may not know your “brand” or what you are wanting to see so to simply write “Jim dress please” is very ambigious and can be read in a lot of different ways. I’d recommend writing some like “Would you be so kind to draw Jim in the strawberry or watermelon dress please? here are some links to which dresses I am referring to” (the last part is optional but a huge help) 
3) This last one ties back into the first one: I hope you guys remember you are talking to another person on the other end of the screen - we all have different lives and some may have less time than others to both research exactly what you mean by your request but also with drawing in general - we also have different personal and emotional limits so for some getting bad feedback for a drawing they made may destroy their whole day - granted the feedback I’ve received was not the worst it did leave me with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth and made me remember why I stopped doing request on my main media (deviantart) in the first place
In conclusion: Communication is key, not everybody has unlimited time and care to put into every artwork or research for an artwork when nesecary information is missing, and requests are gifts so negative feedback without appreciation honestly to me is rude and ungrateful 
For the ones of you who read this: thank you for your time and have a wonderful day <3 
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