#everybody talks about the most random shit instead 🙂
aleksanderscult · 4 months
Fandom: Darklina stans are delulu, Darkling apologists have no proof.
Also the fandom:
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I'm sorry, when did this happen? What is this?? I don't think it happened in the show and it definitely didn't happen in the books. When did the darkling ever tell Alina to hate Zoya? Or vise versa?
Zoya decided herself that for some reason she was the darkling's favorite just because "he kept her busy" and because she had daddy issues. She wasn't even close to him in the books. His close soldiers were heartrenders and his personal otkasatsya guards. She decided she was entitled to her boss's attention for some reason and started being horrible to Alina because she had his attention because of her powers. As if that's an understandable reason to crack Alina's ribs?? And in turn, Alina didn't like Zoya only because she bullied her. How is Aleksander at fault here? How is a general to blame in a petty teenage girl drama? He didn't even say manipulative things to make them dislike each other or anything. In the show, Zoya is making moves on him and he outwardly plainly tells her that he doesn't have time for hookups because the sun summoner is missing and the country is going to shit.
And these people think they correctly analyzed Aleksander's character? Or Alina's and Zoya's?
Sorry for ranting, I just can't keep it in anymore. I need to hear somebody else's thoughts on this.
Ah yes... That post.
I talked about it here as well.
But look. It's funny how his antis make up brand new scenarios about how he manipulated everyone in that book because they somehow need to make him seem as "evil" as possible. It's as if his canon self isn't enough for them to hate him. They must make him worse themselves!
Seriously, does anyone believe the Darkling had even some spare time to do that?
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Aside from the fact that he had to:
1) Lead an army
2) Attend councils
3) Travel from Ravka's one side to the other
4) Make sure the Grisha were stationed at their appropriated posts
5) Sign papers
He also needed to make room for his "special manipulative plan" taking place at 20:00 just before supper.
Guys, even Alina, when she took over his position, found herself exhausted from all the responsibilities that were placed on her shoulders.
Also, as far as I can remember Zoya attacked Alina just one day after the former arrived at the Little Palace from her own duties. And Alina didn't like her because she suspected of her little one night stand with Mal.
But what do I say??
According to our antis' claims this is what the Darkling actually does:
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The antis preach how knowledgeable they are about the book material and the next minute they start talking about the most unrelated shit that has ever unrelated.
I have never seen an anti make a meta about the Darkling and these kind of accusations with excerpts from the book. Just saying :)
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