#everyday essek thelyss wakes up
essektheylyss · 1 month
In terms of potential dunamancers for Essek to contact, I do think Uraya is a strong option, and I imagine there are others we aren't aware of since we were a little restricted in access to other dunamancers while in Rosohna (gee, Essek, wonder why that might've been...).
However, I do think it would be fun as a hypothetical to imagine his mother as one of them; she's the head of the den that is suggested to manage if not control the Dynasty's nexus of dunamantic research, the Marble Tomes Conservatory, so it's very possible she is an accomplished dunamancer of the arcane variety herself, especially in light of who she raised. I've previously tended to imagine her as a cleric of the Luxon, given her role as a religious figure, but considering that the Luxon doesn't differentiate much, it could go either way (even to the point of a multiclass, which honestly would be dope).
We have absolutely no basis of understanding her personal willingness to look past her son's transgressions, but given that he seems to think some would, and that the stakes are monumentally high, it's easy to think that his own mother might be among them. I mentioned last week that the information we have would suggest that she did actually live through the Calamity, and potentially was born in the later years of the Age of Arcanun. Even if she was in a position wherein she may have had sympathy for his situation but was not politically able to look past it, that may change if the stakes are, quite literally, apocalyptic.
But also, most importantly, it would be SO funny to me if Essek, epic-level wizard, international political fugitive, estranged from his family and culture at large, has to call in a favor from his mom.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
I know it wouldn't make sense for Essek to show up in the narrative at the moment, but alternatively it would be very funny to have a highly disgruntled Verin in Jrusar commanding a battalion of echo knights because he was recently promoted for "you're in the military, no getting comfortable," reasons, and promptly got voluntold to go help out with whatever's happening in Marquet, as a sign of good will and maybe some religious and political outreach.
And then he runs straight into some punk with a beacon in their head. Imagine. Everyday Verin Thelyss wakes up indeed.
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