#everyone agree on the bully cichol hours
randomnameless · 1 year
Ok the previous ask wasn't enough so more
Pan stuff:
Pan is actually a nickname, his original name has been lost to history.
He carries two swords with him: one forged by Indech/Macuil in WoH, other Loog's personal sword gifted to him when he left the kingdom to continue his travels.
His hair gradually lost colour over centuries. The once dark green had become a dull grey-green by the rebellion, and dark grey (darker than ashe's hair) by canon era.
He has never shared his crest with anyone, but has thought about giving it to Vestra I (because he's the only competent guy around) many times before dismissing the idea.
He joined Loog'n'Gang 2 years before the War of the Eagle and Lion (WoEaL) officially started. Back then they were gathering soldiers and resources, and testing the waters with small scale assaults.
Lizard hcs:
It's considered rude to not look away when someone is transforming, its the equivalent of watching someone change clothes.
The sacred weapons (assel, begalta, etc.) were named after previous, long dead nabateans, from heroes who fought against agarthans to artisans incredibly skilled in their craft.
Cichol loved humans more than the other nabateans. He loved hanging out in their cities and churches and whatnot. Everyone bullied Cichol when he grew a beard because its considered a human thing. Too bad for them he found a nabatean who shared his oddities and they fell in love.
- Lizard Pan anon
I will reply ask by ask because I don't trust Tumblr lol
Pan is actually a nickname, his original name has been lost to history.
Who gave him that nickname? A nabatean? Humans?
I always felt bad for Nabateans though, Seteth'n'Flayn must abandon their names - maybe the name Cethleann's mom picked for her! - for their safety, idk maybe it's me putting too much thoughts on the concept of identity, but like forgetting or having to hide your own name always makes me kind of sad.
He carries two swords with him: one forged by Indech/Macuil in WoH, other Loog's personal sword gifted to him when he left the kingdom to continue his travels.
Cool idea! One sword from his Nabatean family, and one sword from his human friends! is Pan the reason why Barney knows how to fight with 2 swords
is pan sekritly zoltan
His hair gradually lost colour over centuries. The once dark green had become a dull grey-green by the rebellion, and dark grey (darker than ashe's hair) by canon era.
Was the colour loss something "natural", like he grew old, or was it tied to his crest stone and the period of time when he lost his powers?
but he still has pointy ears, so that'd make him a target for Supreme Leader right?
He has never shared his crest with anyone, but has thought about giving it to Vestra I (because he's the only competent guy around) many times before dismissing the idea.
Poor Vestra 1, having to deal with Willy's stupid ideas (an Empire over all of Fodlan? And then what, you'll tell me Cethleann is actually a fearsome beast?) led him to import coffee (holy crap he was serious about this empire thing) - but maybe seeing Vestra 1 call Willy stupid but not outright dismissing him as an imbecile made Pan reconsider.
He joined Loog'n'Gang 2 years before the War of the Eagle and Lion (WoEaL) officially started. Back then they were gathering soldiers and resources, and testing the waters with small scale assaults
Ah I see!
TBH, I'm really curious about this, because while I understand this Pan doesn't hold children accountable for the sins of their ancestors, idk how he'd feel about the descendants of the Elites - on paper - rebelling against the Empire that was supposed to support Nabateans, are Elites wanting to seize more power again? Are they a threat against Nabateans? But then, if he lived with them and learnt they weren't trying to get new relics but just trying to survive while Lycaon III was chopping Northerners for funsies, it might have led him to reconsider.
Which makes me wonder, what is Pan's opinion on Rhea's plan (if he ever learns about it) ? Does he think only Sothis can save Fodlan, like her, or think she's desperate and wants to find a way out, or something else?
It's considered rude to not look away when someone is transforming, its the equivalent of watching someone change clothes.
I have flashbacks to the many times Rhea transforms in front of everyone, or even in Nopes, when she transformed in the middle of a battlefield. No one taught her basic Nabatean decency? What was Cichol doing?
The sacred weapons (assel, begalta, etc.) were named after previous, long dead nabateans, from heroes who fought against agarthans to artisans incredibly skilled in their craft.
Now I'm picturing Cichol picking his hero's lance, to protect his family and fight against Nemesis, and immediately feel bad because it didn't work as intended.
Cichol loved humans more than the other nabateans. He loved hanging out in their cities and churches and whatnot. Everyone bullied Cichol when he grew a beard because its considered a human thing. Too bad for them he found a nabatean who shared his oddities and they fell in love.
Now I'm picturing Macuil wasting his magic to cleanly shave himself, to be sure, else people would mistake him for a "lowly human".
Then he realised if he kept his transformation, he wouldn't need to shave, and no one would believe he is a "lowly human" and that's totally why old birdie refuses to return to his human form
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