#everyone from coworkers and cashiers mistakes me for 15-17 years old
IF YOU ARE IN NORTH LOUISIANA OR NEAR IT PLEASE READ THIS! I do not like making personal posts on here. This is one, I am sorry about that. It might have some triggers in here, but I am not sure what to tag them as besides being an ableist (discrimination to disable people) because that what it is. Also, a lot of cursing (some from myself) I am sorry about that. The other thing is racism is mention but tbh it has nothing to do with that it is basically playing the blame game. Also a kid threaten to commit suicide. 
I have PTSD and a part of that is being born deaf and misdiagnosed as a baby. I eventually got the surgery I needed to get the ability to hear for the first time properly. Now years later (more than double of when I had surgery) I am a bus aide/para. I LOVE IT! It is one of the BEST things that has ever happened to me. Issue is because I am in North Louisiana, bus aides don’t get paychecks year around.  There is a Circle K on my route, 4 hours long route from bus barn pick kids up then to the schools. In the afternoons me and the bus driver used to stop at Circle K before getting the kids to head home. We also check the gas, clean the windows, etc. Normal bus stuff and things you even do in your car. This day, the driver sent me in to the station to get our drinks instead of her coming with me. Normally bus drivers, truckers, cops, other officials gets free drinks. I got her fountain drink. Then I got my bottle drink.  Heading back to  register, I see the assistant manager giving me the stink eye. She is my sister’s boss. Just barely. My sister was pass over for the position for this woman, Jasmine. I get to the register, put my things down and greet her nicely. She refuses to ring my stuff up. When I finally got her to ring me up she rang up my bus driver’s drink and when I corrected her before paying she refused to fix it. By this time I am running 5 minutes late and like screw it. It was a dollar, it won’t hurt anything. I pay then she refused to give me the little bit of change I had back OR receipt that I asked for.  Fine. Whatever. I have to go.  Half way to the door I heard something weird turned around and clear as day could read the woman’s lips and she called me a “Fucking retard.” When the old man behind me in line started to fuss at her about being so rude to me. I don’t give a damn, I was more pissed that she said that behind my back than to my face.  I storm out and told my bus driver what happened. Bus driver said it happens and tried to pay me back the dollar for the drink. I refused because nice old lady who makes me snacks during breaks.  A few weeks later I went in, it is last week of school, so I am about to be out of the job for 3 months and not get a paycheck for 4 months. My last paycheck was combinde with my previous because sent out dates for aides is weird at this time.  I go into Circle K, my sister is working and my aunt is bringing me home. I go get my drinks for the morning and place them on the counter. My sister is in the back, the assistant manager, Jasmine, is up front checking people out. She reused to check me out. I asked her to four times and no one else was in the store besides an old man drinking coffee.  Finally she checks me out after calling me everything she could under the sun, including racist because I am “demanding servatude” and saying because she is black I am treating her like a slave... 1 I wasn’t rude, just tired. 2 She is the cashier, checking people out is her job. 3 I have had a long day and wanted to go home and snuggle my puppy.  Well then she kept repeatively calling me fucking retard to my face refusing to check me out. Finally my sister came up front finish fixing something in the back and then told me to get in her line so she can check me out. I check out and asked my sister if she wants something to eat before I head home. She said no and then went on her way of what she had to do. I left got food and then head home pissed that the woman was being so arragent calling me racist for asking her to do her job. Stupid people will be stupid is my logic with the whole fucking retard part, at least she said it to my face this time.  My sister who witness all of this went to the manager complaining that Jasmine was calling me a fucking retard. Manager went back on tapes from what my sister said and watched the tapes and saw me standing there listening to Jasmine’s insults and her going on about how I’m  racist for 15 minutes. Finally he said he’ll handle it. Nothing at all happened. Two more times something similar to that happened. We reported to the manager, Jody, nothing happened. Because I was a cashier’s sister.  This last time I went in and haven’t been in since, I walked in with money and pump number to prepay for gas, didn’t think I’d make it to the other station. I went up to Jasmine, she was the only one there, I told her pump number and price then gave her the money. She placed the money in her draw, never put it in the computer. She typed it up like she was going to put it in but never pressed the button that would turn pump on. I had someone outside waiting for the pump to be turned on. 15 minutes and I get a call from the person outside asking why the pump isn’t on. I go the the cashier and ask why my pump isn’t on and she tells me “Keys and license.” ... I prepaid... I pointed that out and she told me that it is mandatory for everyone to give their keys and license before getting pump turned on even when prepaid. If I wasn’t a fucking retard I woud know that. I eventually waited 10 more minutes after I talked her into at least turn the pump on... I thought. The person pumping gas came in and asked why the pump still not on it been almost 30 minutes. The woman then again insisted keys and licenses because she isn’t turning pump on any “other fucking way” so the person called Jody, the manager, and the manager eventually came in and looked at the cameras, got my money back and we left to go to walmart to get gas.  A couple of days later I learned that it wasn’t just me, who she hates, that she was doing this to. She was doing it to a 17 year old kid too. This kid is a sweetheart, I use to watch her when I was still in high school myself 10 years ago. Well that was my last straw. I told my theropist about what was happening and she called corp right before she came to see me because of Jasmine telling the 17 year old to kill herself that she is a fucking retard that is a mistake on this earth. I called corp and then next week when my theropist came to our “lunch date” she told me that her friend at Monroe’s Circle K told her that the corp was pissed because there was around 19 complaints on the assistant manager at the Circle K my sister works at.  I am told by my sister that if I called in she’d be fired. We didn’t have money because I was out of job till school is back and that is her job. So I called in under my step-sister’s other sister’s name, with their Okay. The manager who only talked to me once but mostly avoids me because I’m deaf and have PTSD called my cellphone. He wanted details. So i gave him all the times she called me fucking retard and how many times she has ignored me when I said I want receipt and how many times she has called me racist for asking her to do her job.  At the end of it he said he would handle it and he has to make a report to the big boss. Okay, I think to myself, FINALLY she is going to get straighten out. Worst case of senario in my head is she gets demoted but still there, best she gets fired.  She got neither. She got a write up and told that my sister was jealous she got the assistant manager position (that my sister don’t even want because it is a crap job) not my sister. Because of my sister working there, she is allowed to be an ableist and when someone calls her on her shit she gets to use the whole “I’m black” card and get out of it? No! That’s fucking wrong! I am so fed up with this shit! She made the 17 year old want to commit suicide because of this shit! She has isolated a good part of her COWORKERS who have family members who are disabled and she treat PAYING CUSTOMERS like shit because of something THEY CAN NOT HELP! And gets away with it.  I don’t give a flying fuck if she’s black, I’m Native American and don’t see me using the whole “Well you stole my land” line or “You had caused mass destruction and nearly made us exstinct race.” No, I am a human being and I see others as HUMAN BEINGS so stop being so up your own ass thinking everything about race that you can get away with total bullshit and treat everyone like shit!  I get that this is a very small town, but seriously, you can’t treat people like that.  If you like to make complaints or draw attention to this please do so. I am fed up. The inforamtion of everything is below. If anyone that goes to this Circle K sees anything that needs to be reported PLEASE REPORT IT! This treatment isn’t just!  Circle K, Jonesboro, Louisiana (71251)  store # :: 07773 (I think that is it.) 
Complaint phone # (It is just an answering machine) :: 800 869 5872 Store phone # (please do not harass the workers they are mostly innocent bystanders) :: 318 395 8082 I don’t know their last names only their first names. The Manager: Jody Assistant Manager: Gabby (Jasmine’s roommate)  Assistant Manager: Jasmine
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