#everyone saying Carlos will get married……isa get ready
leclercskiesahead · 2 years
So much to be analysed here
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masonjarsmoments · 5 years
So I'm back with my dts episode guide (and I am aware that still none if you want it but it's for me okay? Fine. )
-the title of this episode is dogfight? I am expecting a lot of barking from Dan
- oh it's Carlos I thought this would be Dan's episode.. WAIT THERE IS ISA LOVE OF MY LIVE PLEASE MARRY ME
-netfllix out there trying to kill everyone with a nearly naked Carlos.. not a smooth move if you doesn't want to lose viewers
-so there is lando in it and they didn't cut him out completely.. this old liAr
-"I am not ready.. my heart is beating really fast" oh boy.. oh my precious Lando.. little do you know what is coming for you.. you will fall and you will fall hard and so will all of us watching this modern love story
- well done Baku
- is it just me wincing every time they say Renault and brakes in the same moment ?
-the other Carlos saying "ah is not a good lap" and "aaargh..so fucking frustrating" is mood
- tbh not feeling this episode so far think I will take a break to finish up cleaning
-so I am back and yeah I still really like the relationship Dan and Michael have
- Carlos getting dressed in a foreign supermarket because he can't find the ingredients he needs is 100 % me because same it's horrible.
- this "rIvArlY" between Dan and Carlos? If Netflix wants drama they just have to post something controversial on Tumblr but making up this isn't gonna to work.
- it's so nice to finally get some amazing on track Carlos action. Imagine we would have get that during the season already.
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