#who did their interviews in the Vegas fits and who didnt
leclercskiesahead · 2 years
So much to be analysed here
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Hey there, it’s me again (your first anon🥰). Thanks for replying my ask. Did you hear Tae’s song (Maybe) that he played on his live? I don’t wanna be delulu but it sounded like a “Vmin” song. If you get time, can you please do a Vminhopekook analysis in Las Vegas, I feel like it had a lot of beautiful Vmin moments. Please keep posting. Have a wonderful day.
Hello again anon <3 and right after you asked me about vmin silence we did have that commercial shooting with our boys being all smiling and laughing I am resurfacing from my tomb. That moment really was so needed I'm going to buy xylitol gums or whatever that was I didnt pay much attention sorry but I will finance that stuff for this.
Oh sweet anon, I'm completely delulu about everything for vmin, I am Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
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all the time, mostly to myself and sometimes to my friend who and I quote "get that they are really close and they are beautiful but I don't see anything romantic going on, they just have a beautiful friendship" and my second friend who I also quote told me that "it's time for them to marry and have a family". I live in a very harsh world.
But I digress. How much I love Taehyung's "Maybe" song? Yes. It's so like him, the jazzy soul atmosphere, his deep amazing voice that fits that genre so nicely, god bless his parents. And the lyrics. Okay so I spent an hour at work reading about soulmates and twin flames (didn't have much to do tbh) and I get that they are not the same thing but it's another way to describe a very very intense and intimate relationship with another person. This is what I found in an article online "Have you ever met somebody who completely changed the course of your life? (me reading this "omg bts") it might have been your twin flame. They might not be your usual type but you do fall for them hard. This is a person with whom you have such an intense connection it feels nothing short of a catalyst of spiritual growth". And from the lyrics someone said this to Taehyung so unless this is a song who takes inspiration from a movie or someone else story I don't see Tae having another person who can tell him that apart from Jimin. so that's my delulu opinion.
I will absolutely make a post about that live, that was epic, I got you anon, don't worry <3 I will probably finish the first season of In the Soop and make some analysis of shorter contents like video shooting or interviews and then I will do that for sure
Have a happy weekend anonny <3
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thiswas2long2send · 4 years
levanna was born in 1996 in las vegas, nevada. her mom and dad had been living together for a few years with levanna’s half sister and the one daughter they already had together. it was only about two years until the family of 5 split up, levannas mom taking her two daughters back to northern california where she was from, leaving their dad and half sister in nevada. she had a relatively normal life after that, her mom was always pretty eclectic but aside from her fashion sense, music taste, and beliefs she wasn’t entirely different from other single mothers, or at least the life they had together in their home wasn’t.
levanna graduated from high school and aside from a few birthday cards or letters here and there, she didn’t really know her dad or his side of the family aside from her older half sister who she started steady contact with when she was in high school and became pretty close to despite never being able to see her physically. when she graduated, she decided to take a year break before going to university to pursue what everyone thought would be a talented future as a writer or journalist, to spend some time in nevada getting to know her other family. she knew wanting to get to know her dad and his family would feel like a slight betrayal to her mom, but she also knew that her mom would support her no matter what and understand that she wouldn’t be satisfied if she didn’t know more of her history. she left her mom, sister and grandmother who raised her behind with no idea what she would find or what she was going to get herself into.
she wasn’t surprised that her dad was in a bike gang, having heard stories as a child that honestly felt more like myths about her moms time in nevada. she had also heard rumours that her grandfather on her dads side was the owner of a large chunk of strip clubs all across the country. but it was the things that weren’t told as lighthearted stories that levanna really found her naive intrigue forcing her to fall head first into. when he was young, vanna’s grandfather travelled the country to small towns or cities that didn’t yet have their first strip club, opening a club in each place and staying for as short a period of time to get things running before moving on to the next town. but in each club, a gang of outlaw bikers followed, founding different charters of the bike gang that her dad was in when she ended up in nevada. levanna was more like her dad than either of her sisters, and once he had learned that it wasn’t long before all of the family secrets came to the surface and all of the criminal activity that took place to bring money in were right in front of her. vanna spent most of her time at one of her grandfathers clubs in vegas, watching as her dad and his gang did their “business.” but it wasn’t long before her personality mixed with the way she had thrown herself into this lifestyle made vanna’s dad feel like his dream of one of his daughters marrying someone who would end up taking over and being the next head of the club might actually happen. he tried to push her in the direction of the young man who he thought was most suitable and who he wanted to take over and not wanting to disappoint her new dad or lose this new, crazy life she was learning about, she went along with it and within a year she and the boy were engaged. a year after she had gotten to nevada however, she started university so they were in no rush to get married, just enjoying their time together while vanna got deeper and deeper into his lifestyle.
vanna’s dad was ecstatic about his daughters new place in his life, she was going to school, spending time with her family and extended “family” which consisted of the people that her dad and now fiance worked with, learning more and more about her grandfathers life and his businesses, and she became incredibly close with her half sister who she hadn’t had an opportunity to be around much while growing up. she started working at her grandfathers closest club once she turned 21 but as the years passed, vanna started to realize that this loving, caring image of her father and grandfather that she had wasn’t necessarily what the men in this gang of people were all like or what they were like behind closed doors with their families. she saw the men constantly cheat on their wives with the women they kept around and she noticed it more and more once she started working in the strip clubs. the plan was that she’d work her way from bartender up the ladder, and once she was offered the position as general manager she took it, but was conflicted knowing that the lifestyle of the gang members that were all associated with her grandfather had them coming and going out of the club while expecting the women who worked there to do anything they wanted, exchanging sexual favors just because of who they were, and vanna having to look those mens wives in the face at dinners or parties and act like everything was fine. it wasnt just the older men, but the younger ones participated in this as well. she had never caught her fiance doing it, but she knew that he was raised and continued to live his life in an environment where it was normal for men to be unfaithful and if the wives gave them any trouble they weren’t being good wives. in this world, wives were supposed to put up with anything - if they could deal with their husbands being violent, criminal gang members why couldn’t they deal with any of the other stuff? vanna wasn’t the kind of woman they were used to, she talked back, stood up for herself, and hardly ever did as she was told by them and this made some of the younger ones resent her, and eventually one of her fiances younger colleagues in the gang told her, “you’re not special, you know? you think you’re different from all these other old ladies but you’re the same. you think that when you’re working late and he says he’s doing club business he’s not fucking other women? you’re delusional. he probably fucks more than any of us because he knows he has to go home and deal with you.” vanan knew she was different, her grandfather had founded this club, her dad was the president. but those words stuck out to vanna, the fighting got worse and worse, and eventually she decided that if he wasn’t dedicated to her why should she be dedicated to him? she started sleeping around with a friend at university who she knew he’d never meet, because the double standard was that these men could sleep with anyone they wanted but if vanna did the same, whoever touched her would end up killed.
vanna was different; being raised by a single mother, grandmother, and sister, she wouldn’t put up with being cheated on, treated poorly, or yelled at by any man. her fiance expected compliance and submission and any time she challenged him, they’d end up in screaming matches that sometimes ended in physical altercations; but that was normal for these people. when vanna was 23 she finished university and her grandfather told her that he wanted to sign over some of the clubs to her and wanted her to pick which locations she wanted. he was mostly retired now and the clubs in other parts of the country or other countries were being run by other people and he was simply the owner. vanna and his other grandchildren were all meant to inheret clubs when he passed anyways, but vanna loved the club, she loved the women who worked there and it had become a safe space especially when her live in nevada was mostly surrounded by men. her grandfather saw this love in her and thought she might want to continue working in the clubs, so instead of making her wait to inherit them he decided to let her have them now. she picked the locations she wanted, the rest would be left to her siblings and cousins but vanna didnt plan to spend her life managing strip clubs, she’d own them and oversee them and make income, but her and her half sister were gearing up to start a makeup brand, and vanna had always wanted to be a journalist or a novelist. the clubs were a good source of income however, while she was trying to become a writer, knowing that she’d have to do a lot of unpaid work until she actually established herself. she started working in the clubs more now not only as manager but as owner and she decided that her first book would be about her grandfather, about his life and his time opening up all of his clubs in different parts of the world and she started writing and conducting interviews as research for her book.
not long after finishing university levanna found herself pregnant, but she knew it was likely that the baby wasn’t her fiance’s. there was pressure on them to plan the wedding and get married now that vanna was done with school and the plan was that eventually, her husband would take over at the head of the table when her dad got too old to continue being the leader. by now she wasn’t excited to marry him, but she knew that it was expected of her. this was what was always hoped for since her dad didnt have any sons to replace him - one of his daughters would marry a man who would. she told her fiance that she was pregnant, but it wasnt until he came home drunk and aggressive and in the middle of a fight it slipped out that she didnt know if the baby was even his. this made him furious, he started throwing threats at her, telling her that he’d tell her dad and grandfather that she cheated and got pregnant by somebody else and that they’d either force her to get rid of the baby or ex communicate her which would mean she wouldnt be able to be apart of this life in nevada anymore but more importantly she’d lose everything her grandfather had given her and everything she had worked for with him, she’d lose the clubs, and she’d lose all of the work she was doing on her book about him. none of this was true, levanana was the daughter and granddaughter of these men and they’d be on her side, she was more important to them than her fiance was, but at the time and in this fit of rage she didn’t realize that, and was always so convinced that the comment the friend had made before about her just being no different from any of the wives they disrespected was true, she thought she was just another throwaway woman to the entire club. while her fiance screamed at him, not knowing how she could stop him from telling everyone about the baby and all his threats coming true, she shoved him and he fell over the banister on the second story of their home, falling to the first floor and cracking his head open when he hit the ground. she called the police immediately and told them that he had drunkenly fell over the side, and when they did an autopsy and his blood alcohol level checked out that he had been intoxicated and had drugs in his system, the police assumed she was telling the truth.
some people in the motorcycle club thought that maybe vanna had killed him, but no one would say that too loudly or spread the thought too far because they were afraid of how her dad and grandfather would react; knowing they’d likely hurt or kick out anyone who spread those rumours about her. but vanna knew that people were saying it. vanna ended up losing her baby and thought it was because of the stress of everything that happened, but because of her combined grief her dad and grandfather became extra protective.
after what happened she felt like she needed to get away for awhile, away from the people watching her who she knew were wondering if she had really killed him, and away from the reminders. she didnt know how her life had spiralled so out of control but decided it was a good time to go back home and try to fix it. her half sister had moved to orange county and they were running a makeup brand together, so she decided to move back to california. meanwhile, her family in california were incredibly worried about her and angry that when she went to be close to her dad, he and his family let her life turn into what it had and let things get so out of control. she knew that they all wanted her to come back home. so she did.
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theofficialcunt · 7 years
If you're down a would LOVE a little something with Adore winning AS3 (yes I know she's not on it LET ME DREAM) and Ru being like "so what are you gonna do with the money?" and Adore responds with "well I'm gonna spend it on the best fucking honeymoon EVER" and everyone's like ?!?!?! and she's like "oh yeah I forgot to mention I totally got married right before going on the show" *cue smug smirk* and Ru's all "OMG what??? anyone we know???" and BAM! cue Bianca.
I really hope I did this prompt justice. It was actually really fun to write! Enjoy ✨💕
The tv blared loudly throughout the club, the top 3 queens gripping each other’s hands in anticipation. It was hot, Adore was sweating profusely - partly from nerves but mostly from the amount of people watching them.
The crowning was in New York, and it was always a star studded event. Alaska would be crowning the winner, whose picture would then be hung next to hers in the imaginary All Star hall of fame.
Katya, Bob The Drag Queen, Kim Chi, and some of the local new york queens watched in anticipation as the reunion echoed throughout the building. Ru Paul himself was also there, standing next to Alaska with a microphone making comments here and there. Fans would scream and shout every now and then when something entertained them. Courtney Act and Bianca Del Rio were also there for support for their season 6 sister. This is Adore’s 3rd time on the show, and second time in the top 3.
“You ready for this mawma?” Trixie asked playfully, elbowing Adore.
“I mean, I guess.” Adore laughed uncomfortably.
She was not ready. Honestly, losing to Bianca the first time was hard. Yes, the win was well deserved - she dominated the fuck out of the competition. But Adore had to put on a smile for hours after the crowning and pretend to be okay with losing. When in reality she was under the impression she was going to be sharing the grand prize with her.
She was so sure of the win, she had already made plans for her prize money.
So, to say she was crushed when she lost was an understatement.
She did well on All Stars 3, won 3 challenges in fact. She never had to lip sync, and she didnt have to send anybody home either. It was a good situation overall.
But she wasn’t confident in who was going to win. It could be her crown. It could be Trixies crown. It could even be Chi Chi’s crown.
“Y’all, I just want some gumbo.” Chi Chi groaned, adjusting her false eyelash.
The three of them were an odd trio, but somehow their chemistry worked well on All Stars. Adore laughed, always finding it fascinating that Chi Chi and Bianca came from the same state but acted so different. Adore guessed it was because Bianca had too much New York in her now.
“And the winner of All Stars 3 is…”
Chi Chi and Trixie gripped Adore’s hands tightly, each digging their fake nails into her palms as they awaited their fate.
Her and Bianca made eye contact, and Adore noticed for the first time Bianca looked nervous. Her eyes kept darting around the room, she had one hand gripped on the side of her modest boat neck black velvet dress. She had Courtney’s hand in a vice grip, holding it so tight she was probably losing circulation in it.
Bianca smiled at Adore encouragingly, letting her eyes scan over the seafoam green sequin dress that hugged her body. She was wearing a blonde wig tonight, with some extra pieces woven in to add more volume. wanted Adore to win so bad. She thought she had deserved it the first time around, especially with the way that they edited it. Adore had stepped her game up for All Stars 3, investing in gowns and nicer hair pieces then usual. She did her best to show versatility on the show, and it worked - landing her a spot in the top 3. She worked very hard for this, and literally put herself out there all over again which had been hard on her after her departure on All Stars 2. She didn’t know how she would react if she would lose a second time.
“Adore Delano!”
The room erupted in screams, and Adore blinked rapidly with shock. She felt dizzy, her ears ringing from all of the excitement. Trixie screamed, pulling her in for a tight hug. Adore let her head rest into her chest as she let out a few tears. She had won drag race. She had won $100,000. She would be able to buy a house, make another album…
She was completely overwhelmed
This was what winning felt like.
Adore pulled away softly, wiping the tears from her eyes so that her makeup didn’t get ruined. She turned and embraced Chi Chi - giving her a longer hug. She had been a big fan of Chi Chi’s on season 8, and was sad that she didn’t win. They had grown close on the show, mostly becauseAdore was the only one familiar with Louisiana cuisine.
Because of Bianca.
Adore searched the crowd for B, and smiled when she saw her. Bianca was ecstatically jumping up and down, holding Courtney’s hand and…was she crying?!
Bianca’s cheeks were shiny from the tears of joy. She never cried in public, but she couldn’t help herself. Courtney grabbed a tissue from her purse and blotted her face gently, trying to move the elaborate makeup back into place.
“God, you’re a mess!” Courtney exclaimed, laughing as she wiped the runny mascara off of her cheeks.
“Shut up bitch, I have every right to be.” Bianca laughed through her tears, her voice still thick with emotion.
Adore walked across the stage to Alaska and Ru, where they stood with the crown and sceptre. Detox stood by with the check, beaming at her as she was handed a mic.
“I guess I’m expected to make a speech now huh?” Adore laughed nervously, eyeing Ru and Alaska.
The crowd laughed, then fell silent in anticipation.
Adore was nervous now, mostly because she just spoke from the heart when she talked to her fans.Now that she was a winner, was she expected to deliver articulate speeches?
“I want to start off by saying I’m so grateful for this oppurtunity man. Thank you Ru.” Adore smiled at Ru, who in return bowed to her.
“Winning drag race doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop keeping it real with you guys. You deserve to know the truth about shit, and you deserve to be called out if you start acting crazy. I’m talking to you Val.” Adore laughed, catching Valentina’s eyes in the far corner of the club.
“Honestly, you motherfuckers can do anything you set your mind to and I just love you all so much.” Adore exclaimed. “Thank you.”
Alaska smiled, bringing the crown over and gesturing for Adore to kneel down. She placed the crown on top of her blonde locks, smiling with pride as she stood up. The crowd went crazy, shouting and cheering as Adore smiled at them and waved.
Ru handed her the sceptre, whispering congratulations in her ear and ushering her over to Detox to receive the check.
“Presenting your new queen, and winner of $100,000 Adore Delano!” Alaska yelled.
Adore grabbed the check and posed for pictures for what felt like forever. First with Alaska and Detox, then with Alaska, Detox, and Ru. Then with Chi Chi and Trixie, and then finally Courtney and Bianca were pulled on stage.
“I thought it would be fitting to have your originalsisters pose with you.” Ru announced,
Adore smiled as Courtney tackled her in a crushing hug.
“I’m so happy for you Adorm!” Courtney exclaimed, pecking Adore on the cheek playfully.
“Okay that’s enough,” Bianca snapped, pulling Courtney off of her. “Congratulations. I knew it was going to be you.” Bianca held her for a solid minute before letting her go.
They took a few pictures together, and then they were ushered back to the front row while Ru began his interview with her on stage.
“So Adore, I have to ask.”  Ru started, as they sat down on two stools that had seemingly materialized out of nowhere.  “What are you going to do with the money?”
Adore bit her lip and made brief eye contact with Bianca before she nodded in agreement.
“Well, I’m gonna spend some of it on the best fucking honeymoon ever!” Adore exclaimed.
The crowd grew louder with confusion and excitement. Ru’s jaw dropped, along with all of the other queen’s on stage.
“Y-you’re married? When did that happen?” Ru asked curiously.
“Well, I got the call for All Stars and that was when we were just getting serious and I was like fuck, we could either do this now or do it when I get back - and he was like let’s just do it now!” Adore exclaimed animatedly, talking vividly with her hands. “So I was like, fuck yeah I’m down we’ll get a tax break if I win. So we jetted off to Vegas and did something super low key. We got married at 3 am so no fans would see, it was wild.”
Trixie was shrieking from backstage, along with the audience who had grown much louder during the course of the conversation. Adore had worked very hard to keep her marriage a secret, and it had definitely paid off.
“Bitch,  why didn’t you tell me?” Alaska shrieked. “I would have brought you guys a pizza.”
“I’m sorry Lasky! My husband isn’t really big on pizza so it’s better that you didn’t.” Adore laughed.
“Oh my god, this is just so shocking Adore.” Ru finally said, as the audience calmed down. “Now I have to ask, is your husband anyone we know?”
Adore smiled coyly, trying not to look in her husband’s general direction.
“Well, he’s here tonight…” Adore teased, smiling wide.
“Can we meet him?” Ru asked excitedly, scanning the crowd looking for the potential partner.
“Sure man!” Adore exclaimed, smiling smugly.
“Mr. Delano, if you are still in the building come on down!” Ru called, looking around the building.
Just then, Bianca stood up from the front row and sauntered up the steps to the stage. Ru’s jaw dropped, and Alaska screamed as the audience roared in approval. Bianca grinned, pecking Adore on the lips softly before grabbing her microphone.
“It’s Mrs. Del Rio thank you very much.” Bianca smiled, before dipping Adore in a passionate embrace.
Adore knew the fans were going to lose their minds, but she really had no clue how crazy they would get until it was all out in the open. The screaming and shrieking hadn’t died down since it was announced she was married, and had only gotten progressively worse as the night went on.
But Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even
Bachelor Nations favorite villain is no longer a single villain, ladies.
Yup, Chad Johnson is officially off the market. I can feel your bleeding heart through my laptop.
According to Entertainment Tonight, Chad Johnson and model Zoe Baron realise their relationship official two weeks ago after dating off and on for about three months.
‘Bachelorette’ Bad Boy Chad Johnson Dating Gorgeous Model Zoe Baron https :// t.co/ yNL3EKQFsZ #celebrity #gossip
100% Celeb News 24/7 (@ celebnews1 456) June 7, 2017
How did they meet, you ask? Well, Baron apparently emailed Johnson for fitness advice, andJohnson expected her out shortly afterwards. They apparently had their first time at a seafood restaurant.
Johnson, 28, divulged the relationship in a Facebook Live interview withEntertainment Tonight.He said, On a scale from one to happy, Im absolutely happy.
So, who is Zoe Baron? Well, shes a representation living in Las Vegas who calls herself a self-proclaimed hound whisperer on her Instagram.
Johnson revealsthe couple hasnt said I love you to each other hitherto, but hesaid theyre just about ready to drop that L bomb.
In case youre wondering what Chads been up to lately, dont fret, hes still building sure his bad boybrand is accommodating strong.
The luxury real estate agent( like the rest of us) apparently saw the whaboom guy aka Lucas Yancey from the current season of was completely ridiculous, sohe had whaboom trademarked just to be an a ** hole.Honestly, thats pretty funny.
He said,
I watched to see if Lucas, the Whaboom guy, got kicked off, and when he didnt get knocked off, I marked his Whaboom. Then I realized that by the time the logo actually knocked in, it was like three or four months, hed likely be off the present by then and no one would care.
LMAO. Unfortunately, Johnson canceled the pending trademark because of this disclosure. But I please I could have envisioned Lucas reaction when he found out his treasured whaboom potentially legally belonged to someone else.
Johnson might be in a real affair with Zoe Baron, but that doesnt aim hes changed his opinion on whether JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers relationship is the real deal or not.
In typical Chad fashion, after JoJo and Jordan got engaged at the end of her season of, he spoke out in an interview withExtrasaying he belief such relationships is entirely fake.
He said, Well see how long that lasts. It will last until the money dies off, then it will fizzle out.
He sustained,
Even his ex-girlfriend said he was just looking for reputation. Everything out of the guys mouth was just what he believed would clang good on camera.
But gives not act like Chad didnt keepcausing troubles onandto keep his bad boy likenes relevant on social media.
Im surerelationship is real though !!
The post Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AElBIW via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even
Bachelor Nations favorite villain is no longer a single villain, ladies.
Yup, Chad Johnson is officially off the market. I can feel your bleeding heart through my laptop.
According to Entertainment Tonight, Chad Johnson and model Zoe Baron realise their relationship official two weeks ago after dating off and on for about three months.
‘Bachelorette’ Bad Boy Chad Johnson Dating Gorgeous Model Zoe Baron https :// t.co/ yNL3EKQFsZ #celebrity #gossip
100% Celeb News 24/7 (@ celebnews1 456) June 7, 2017
How did they meet, you ask? Well, Baron apparently emailed Johnson for fitness advice, andJohnson expected her out shortly afterwards. They apparently had their first time at a seafood restaurant.
Johnson, 28, divulged the relationship in a Facebook Live interview withEntertainment Tonight.He said, On a scale from one to happy, Im absolutely happy.
So, who is Zoe Baron? Well, shes a representation living in Las Vegas who calls herself a self-proclaimed hound whisperer on her Instagram.
Johnson revealsthe couple hasnt said I love you to each other hitherto, but hesaid theyre just about ready to drop that L bomb.
In case youre wondering what Chads been up to lately, dont fret, hes still building sure his bad boybrand is accommodating strong.
The luxury real estate agent( like the rest of us) apparently saw the whaboom guy aka Lucas Yancey from the current season of was completely ridiculous, sohe had whaboom trademarked just to be an a ** hole.Honestly, thats pretty funny.
He said,
I watched to see if Lucas, the Whaboom guy, got kicked off, and when he didnt get knocked off, I marked his Whaboom. Then I realized that by the time the logo actually knocked in, it was like three or four months, hed likely be off the present by then and no one would care.
LMAO. Unfortunately, Johnson canceled the pending trademark because of this disclosure. But I please I could have envisioned Lucas reaction when he found out his treasured whaboom potentially legally belonged to someone else.
Johnson might be in a real affair with Zoe Baron, but that doesnt aim hes changed his opinion on whether JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers relationship is the real deal or not.
In typical Chad fashion, after JoJo and Jordan got engaged at the end of her season of, he spoke out in an interview withExtrasaying he belief such relationships is entirely fake.
He said, Well see how long that lasts. It will last until the money dies off, then it will fizzle out.
He sustained,
Even his ex-girlfriend said he was just looking for reputation. Everything out of the guys mouth was just what he believed would clang good on camera.
But gives not act like Chad didnt keepcausing troubles onandto keep his bad boy likenes relevant on social media.
Im surerelationship is real though !!
The post Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AElBIW via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even
Bachelor Nations favorite villain is no longer a single villain, ladies.
Yup, Chad Johnson is officially off the market. I can feel your bleeding heart through my laptop.
According to Entertainment Tonight, Chad Johnson and model Zoe Baron realise their relationship official two weeks ago after dating off and on for about three months.
‘Bachelorette’ Bad Boy Chad Johnson Dating Gorgeous Model Zoe Baron https :// t.co/ yNL3EKQFsZ #celebrity #gossip
100% Celeb News 24/7 (@ celebnews1 456) June 7, 2017
How did they meet, you ask? Well, Baron apparently emailed Johnson for fitness advice, andJohnson expected her out shortly afterwards. They apparently had their first time at a seafood restaurant.
Johnson, 28, divulged the relationship in a Facebook Live interview withEntertainment Tonight.He said, On a scale from one to happy, Im absolutely happy.
So, who is Zoe Baron? Well, shes a representation living in Las Vegas who calls herself a self-proclaimed hound whisperer on her Instagram.
Johnson revealsthe couple hasnt said I love you to each other hitherto, but hesaid theyre just about ready to drop that L bomb.
In case youre wondering what Chads been up to lately, dont fret, hes still building sure his bad boybrand is accommodating strong.
The luxury real estate agent( like the rest of us) apparently saw the whaboom guy aka Lucas Yancey from the current season of was completely ridiculous, sohe had whaboom trademarked just to be an a ** hole.Honestly, thats pretty funny.
He said,
I watched to see if Lucas, the Whaboom guy, got kicked off, and when he didnt get knocked off, I marked his Whaboom. Then I realized that by the time the logo actually knocked in, it was like three or four months, hed likely be off the present by then and no one would care.
LMAO. Unfortunately, Johnson canceled the pending trademark because of this disclosure. But I please I could have envisioned Lucas reaction when he found out his treasured whaboom potentially legally belonged to someone else.
Johnson might be in a real affair with Zoe Baron, but that doesnt aim hes changed his opinion on whether JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers relationship is the real deal or not.
In typical Chad fashion, after JoJo and Jordan got engaged at the end of her season of, he spoke out in an interview withExtrasaying he belief such relationships is entirely fake.
He said, Well see how long that lasts. It will last until the money dies off, then it will fizzle out.
He sustained,
Even his ex-girlfriend said he was just looking for reputation. Everything out of the guys mouth was just what he believed would clang good on camera.
But gives not act like Chad didnt keepcausing troubles onandto keep his bad boy likenes relevant on social media.
Im surerelationship is real though !!
The post Chad Johnson From ‘The Bachelorette’ Apparently Has A Girlfriend And We Can’t Even appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AElBIW via IFTTT
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